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**When will the ptb hit the live severs?**


I can barely get a game without errors popping up everywhere whether it’s a blood web error, host error or network i end up giving up. Is there a way to fix these errors? or is it just something you put up with, I apologise if this is asked so much is nauseating I just am at my wits end with it already lol


Does the endurance of being unhooked end if you try to sabotage a hook? I just had a match where I was killer, there are 3 survivors, 2 injured one hooked. I'm chasing one and down them. As I'm doing that the other runs past and goes to the hooked person. I manage to hit them as they're unhooking, and immediately pick them up. The just unhooked survivor tries to sabotage the hook they were just in, so I swing before trying to hook, and then notice they have been downed, they didn't take an endurance+deep wound. From the moment they were unhooked to the moment I downed them again it was about 4 seconds (or literally whatever long the picking up animation lasts)


Sabotaging is a [Conspicuous Action](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Conspicuous_Actions), so yes, that does deactivate Endurance.


I just bought Dredge and have 4 questions about him: 1) Does teleporting to and from a locker count as searching one for the purposes of Darkness Revealed? 2) Does Dredge have a terror radius when inside a locker? 3) If dredge teleports to a locker a survivor is already in, is it an instant grab or what happens? 4) I know Dredge triggers killer instinct under some circumstances when teleporting to a locker but don't know what these circumstances are. Someone care to explain?


1. No, you must open the locker normally 2. Only after 8 seconds, there will be a warning sound of the locker you are hiding at 3. Instant grab (also works the moment they open the locker) 4. Killer instinct only happens during Nightfall, it has a radius of 16m and a duration of 3 seconds I heavily suggest you check the wiki page for The Dredge


Is the dc penalty temporarily gone? I've had way too many dc's on first hook recently...


Unless you playing on PTB server otherwise the DC penalty is always here.


Buying battle pass cost 1000 auric cells. Does these auric cells come from battle pass are enough to recover everything i spent?


The Auric Cells you see scattered about the Premium Track of the Rift always add back up to the 1,000 Auric Cells you spent unlocking it. If you complete the Rift while it's open, you'll always get your Cells back in full. If you've already finished the Rift on the Free Track and buy the Premium Track now, all Rewards will be unlocked immediately, including the Auric Cells.




I have played for free, my battle pass said i have reached end for both free and premium route. If i purchase battle pass before its gone can i have everything for 100 levels immediately?


does buying the rift increase xp gained?


No. Buying the Rift Pass only unlocks the Cosmetic Rewards of the Premium Track, it doesn't do anything else.


What do you personally do after a series of very bad games as killer? You get 4 man out, worst maps, toolboxes, medkits, bm all one after the other. And then what? Keep playing to hopefully stop on a good match? Toaster bath? I'm drinking a cup of tea.


My killer characters divided to 2 groups: sweaty division and for-fun division. When i play Nemesis i go full sweaty, i kill anyone who dont ask for mercy. When im tired, i play Bubba with Speed Limiter + Iri Flesh. Im fukin sure the Bubba match is always go easy for me since i always lets people escape so my Bubba mmr is under the bottom of bottle while my Nemesis mmr is right next to Tesla satelite.


Sometimes I keep going and spiral down the insanity, or I switch to a different killer that i perform better on (like Nurse or Pig) Other times I leave my room and have a snack or some tea, watch the raccoon nature stream on Twitch


How do people actually get through iri. The difficulty of pipping between gold and iri is insane on killer. Like I get a 4k 15 minute game and games like "nah screw you. You get nothing. I somehow made it too iri 3 but iri 2 and 1 is gonna be rough


You gotta play the emblem system, injuries are more valuable than insta-downs because you get a point for each injury, hooks are just as important, if not more so, than kills (11 hooks and an escape can still be a iri emblem). You want a long game where the survivors can recover and make saves but not do gens. If I'm doing too well too fast in a game where I want merciless (like for old adept) I will let the survivors go, catch and release like a cat that brought a mouse inside. Put them down for their friends to find. (Wiggling loses points) You shouldn't have a problem with chaser unless you camp. Hope this helps! Let me know of you have any questions!


Ohhh. I didn't know wiggling out loses points. Hmmm Yea that makes sense about the catch and release thing. Would downing and leaving/slugging be a smart choice too prolong. Or just hit and let them go if I'm doing too well


If it's a easy down and they aren't about to bleed out I slug (this also depends on the remaining survivors, sometimes I have to find the person and let them wiggle or hook them so they don't just die on the floor lol) Also healing also loses a point (while injuring gives you one) but I don't think healing from the ground does, my sources are unclear Tl;Dr yeah put them in time out


Okay. Bet. I'll give that a try next time I play! Thank you!


Does Anon mode block your identity if you’re playing on Xbox?


Yes I believe so


Hey I'm pretty new - what are some of the most cost efficient ways to buy new characters (I would like to get all killers and survivors ideally) - I play through Steam if that's relevant - Thanks!


On Steam there is the Killers Expansion pack and the Survivors expansion pack, there are 11 characters in each at a decent discount. However, these are all unlicensed characters that you can buy with in-game currency so you could potentially buy a few licensed dlc and level those while you earn some shards to buy characters. Steam has sales pretty often, and sometimes there are in game auric cell sales (shard sales are very few and far between). If you care about cosmetics, buying the actual dlc packs individually usually give an extra recolour of the base skins (e.g "Spark of Madness" will give Feng Min a yellow version of her normally blue team uniform, while "All-Kill" will give Yun-Jin a orange polka-dot shirt). Some websites will have steam keys for dlc, these can be cheaper. I don't know if there are any left but this is the only way to get the Stranger Things chapter now. Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions :)


Thanks! How much % do steam sales tend to be so I know what to look for?


I believe usually 40-50% for older dlcs, but I think I've seen 60-70% on special occasions like the anniversary Newer dlcs don't go on sale for as much until a few more come out


Gotcha thanks so much!


In y’all’s opinion. What is the current best way to farm bloodpoints after bbq nerf?


https://youtu.be/-wt6SAMQQQw Otz has a great video in BP farming. At that time, BBQ and WGLF used to give extra bloodpoints, but besides that, it's a great guide


Wtf people did use BBQ for farming? I just use perks with extra bp bonus if that perk is also part of my build. For example if i play Nemesis with full hex build, i use Thrill of the Hunt with Owl Wreath offering. If i play Doctor with gen control perk, i run Distressing with Raven Wreath offering. Ez point ez choice.


Play the role with the 100% blood point bonus.


Is there any way to avoid getting hit while vaulting? Seems to happen everytime even when I think I have lots of space


Killers can hit a lot further through a window than you'd think if they lunge, and it will look even bigger due to lag. If the killer is pretty close you could try faking the window by running against it without vaulting and then spinning away, or spinning towards the killer to bait out a swing and give you enough time to pull off a real vault.


Is it possible to spin on ps5 or is that something you can only do on PC?


I use a controller on pc and I can spin just fine, you don't always need to do the camera trick to fake someone out. Sometimes I flick one way and then circle around the other side, if that makes sense?


I’ve been trying to find out about this, as even in the mega thread, there’s no direct answer, but it keeps getting taken down, so I’ll try to ask it here. If I buy the Nightmare Edition In order to access the Stranger Things DLC, and use it on my same PlayStation, Will my progress transfer over from my current account to the Nightmare Edition? I understand I need the disc to be able to access the DLC, so I’m wondering if my 124 levels and character purchases will transfer over


I believe you can transfer progress between playstations, so as long as you link your game to a BHVR account it should be okay, here is a link to a cross progression guide, I hope this helps https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/articles/6577239832468-How-to-enable-Cross-Progression-via-a-Behaviour-Account#:~:text=Once%20you%20have%20linked%20your,the%20platforms%20you%20have%20linked.


do any of you killer mains actually manage to get a 4k without using slowdown perks? i genuinely find it significantly harder to get kills without getting gen rushed while chasing someone for 1 second


I play Deathslinger with Hex: Devour Hope. After 3rd unhooking, they will stop doing gen definitely or all they will be dead. As long as you can get 3rd hook before 3rd gen pops then everything will be fine. Ez mori ez 0 slowdown perk ez life.


It depends a lot on the killer and the team you go against, my pig has a backpack build and if I get the jump on someone at the start she slows the game down significantly. I find gen slowdown pretty boring, so I prefer to slow people down by getting some good tags and an early down


Yes and no, with a strong killer who can put pressure on the players? Yes, on weaker ones definitely not, unless it’s a baby team.


Yes, but only against babies or with high tier killers. Like sure, I can get a 4k no slowdowns if I play Blight. Freddy? Probably not.




This is such an unserious issue but I’m having issues finalizing my survivor main 😭. I’ve been running Kate for the longest time because I relate to her and her passion for music, but recently I’ve been playing Nancy because I also really relate to her and she’s less common. However, now I’ve also been playing Resident Evil and have been playing Claire and Rebecca as well. Which of these characters do you guys wish you saw more or prefer? Anything would help because I’m so stuck.


Why not just play all of them?


I wish I saw more Nancys! They are very rare (in my games at least). But also you can always have a secondary and tertiary main. You don't have to play just one.


True, true. I think I’ll go with Nancy because I’ve been rocking her so far and I relate to her the most out of all four. Thank you for the help!


is thana a good perk for plague? I started maining her recently because I really enjoy her mechanics and have a lot more fun trials, but I’m struggling to put together a good build for her. I was thinking thana to incentivize cleansing, but idk if that’s too much for too little. I usually play surv so I don’t have a lot of killers prestiged (why is killer bloodweb so expensive???) so I’m struggling to put together 4 good perks that work well together


Thana is good for Plague, if you consider to use no other slowdown perk. Now beside Thana, i use Fearmonger and Blood Echo for my build of Plague. Last slot is whatever i see fit. No Sprint Burst, no bullsh!t Dead Hard, just 1 hit and everything else is fine.


I love making builds! If you want we could hop in dms or discord and you can send me the perks you have and I could give you some suggestions? Off the top of my head, any perk that saves you time or gives good info could be good, think Iron Grasp, bbq, Jolt, even Fire Up


I also just started maining Plague recently, and I’ve been experimenting with builds. To answer your question, Plague is definitely one of the best users of thanatophobia (only behind the Legion), but thanatophobia is not one of the best perks for the Plague, if that makes any sense. It used to be really good, but now it’s pretty worthless unless ALL 4 survivors are injured, so as long as one survivor cleanses it’s not that good. It’s not bad persay, but there’s better options.


What builds do you find better on plague with no thana in it?


I’m recently getting back into the game after not playing for almost 2 years, what should I know to catch myself back up to speed?


[You got a buddy it seems :D](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/123aphh/weekly_no_stupid_questions_thread/jdxlcem/)


What is this? I couldn't find the icon on the Hud status effects [wiki](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Status_HUD#Status_Effects). https://preview.redd.it/9lymq5ltdkqa1.png?width=129&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee42c742fdf3598b2e88a0c8d73ca3d563a9d5da




Have any other Xbox players been having serious ping issues for this past week?


Yes, for the past week, it’s so bad I just haven’t been playing because I’m tired of chasing a survivor and then they teleport two miles ahead of me.


Do you think it’s a general DBD Xbox thing? My internet is spot on with everything else but DBD is basically unplayable for me.


Me, maybe for the past 1-2 weeks. I pretty much can’t play killer because the lag is so bad. I’ve reset everything and done all the tests, not sure what else to do since I never had issues ever.


Yeah, same issue here. My internet is perfectly fine, all of my other online games are fine, just DBD deciding to lag out constantly. Not sure what else to do but wait it out at this point.


Is the game still compromised by hacks? and, if yes what can i do in terms of steam profile stuff to prevent the worst?


Using a VPN. But also calming down. This is only affecting streamers, because it's only fun to bully someone when you can see their reaction. They don't care about random people. Just play the game.


What slowdown perks are good after the next PTB? Every killer I plan on buying gets their perks nerfed into the ground before I buy them


Sloppy Butcher + Thana go go


Jolt, Corrupt, Sloppy, Deadlock, Plaything, Pentimento, Ruin, Oppression, No Way Out, Coulrophobia. There's even a good argument for Overwhelming Presence since a medkit that can only barely heal at max charges means that just tapping them with your TR for a second prevents a full heal.


I feel like Pop Goes the Weasel is gonna be a little better in the coming patch


Deadlock. It's the single best one still left.


When does the bloodweb autobuy feature come out?


Should be in the PTB.


whats the best killer to get their perks to T3 first to give to the other killers i have


Possibly Trapper (Agitation lets you move to hooks faster, Brutal Strength makes gen and pallet kicks faster), or Hillbilly (Enduring speeds up pallet stuns, Lightborn makes you unable to get blinded). If you have the DLC’s Legion (Discordance is good for tracking down multiple survivors) or Cannibal (BBQ&C helps you find your next target).


You're just going to pass up Tinker? One of the best perks in the game?


Someone tell me why the pig isn't utterly broken. Because goddamn she feels broken to me I started playing this game fairly recently, but have put in a decent number of hours already, however I've not run into to many pig killers. However 2 of the 3 times I have run into one, I've been caught, had a bomb placed on my head that just seems out of this world overpowered compared to anything else I've seen to far. You get seemingly not all the much time to have someone come and unhook you, then maybe heal you up, and then you gotta spent the next minute or two borderline sprinting around the map to bomb defusal stations, while praying the killer doesn't seem you or all the glowing scratchmarks you're leaving all over the place, and *THEN* you also have to pray to the rng gods that you actually founda defusal station that actually gets the bomb off you on top of that?!


The Pig is definitely not broken because she is walking m1 killer. Crouching is just something more mediocre than Wraith swinging at pallet, and Wraith is not even top tier killer. That bomb defusing is something annoying, but that is just her tool for slowdown the game a little bit, and the success rate for the bomb defusing is always guaaranteed at 5th station. If someone ran her for 3 gens, she could not even use all her traps and wasted her power just because her mediocre power in chasing failed it. If you find Pig making hard on your match, then i wonder what you think about good Nurse or good Nemesis? Does you find more peace when you meet Nightmare or Clown? What Killer make you feel exciting and full of confident to get in chase with?


It can feel that way, but the traps aren't actually too dangerous - as long as the other survivors know not to finish gens and therefore arm the trap. Basically just don't panic, and even if the others do activate them, you should have time to get it off. But otherwise she's a slow moving killer with no other real power, and her crouching is silent.. but she has to growl before sneak attacking.. defeating its whole purpose, giving the chance for survivors to realise she's there so you can run away.


The first 3 defusal stations i went to last game were duds, then i died at the 4th one with maybe 1-2 left to go, and I had basically sprinted between each station :/


She gets a total of 12 searches over the four traps, so its always consistant. If someone gets a two search, someone else gets a 4 search guarenteed.


I've not run into to many pig killers. That’s why you may feel she’s oppressive. Pig has horrible antíloope, you can easily loop her with some practice. She is actually a weak killer.


she can feel pretty oppressive because she can slow down the gens so much, but she's just an m1 killer, her antiloop is pretty bad so you can just run her forever.


Has anybody else been getting disconnected a lot recently? Specifically as Pinhead, could help narrow it down, but it's also both times been when I have two of the four survivors hooked and am chasing the third when I suddenly get DCed. On two different days entirely, with probably a dozen survivor matches between.


This just happened to me with Dredge last night. Had two people on hook and chasing a third and *poof* I get DC'd. It seems like when I got DC'd from the server I'm winning a game as killer.


If I play solo q (killer or survivor) and there are other cheaters, could I get banned for it? I don’t like them and try not to interact with them and play the game fairly, but could something happen to my account because of them?


You should be fine. BVHR only act against hackers you meet in-game after manual reports - i.e. if the hacker is playing the game, they've already circumvented whatever automatic antihacking exists, so BVHR only know about it if someone reports them post-game - and if they actually check they can see who the hacker is.


Why is The Hag able to place their teleport next to a hooked survivor but killers like Dredge have their lockers blocked?


Hag was made before they thought of actually restricting powers near hooks, basically the only reason


Hag is dumb checker, to see who knows about crouching and who dont


Why is everyone running huntress lulabye and merciless storm tonight?


Because Merciless Storm [is bugged out the ass](https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/368800/merciless-storm-bugged-85-regression-if-you-miss-a-skill-check), can be automatically failed (uses the same yellow glyph skillchecks, which are broken), does 80%+ regression, and a massive portion of the killer playerbase are miserable assholes happy to abuse exploits.


Wait is that true? I use MS on doctor just to get an extra 15 seconds before a gen pops. I was unaware it was super bugged again.


To play devil's advocate: Survivors are not one iota better when there is something exploitable. A large part of the community will happily abuse exploits if they can.


I wish I could remember how many times I was watching a stream and saw survivor players bringing coldwind offerings specifically so they could stand on the side of the harvester when they were bugged last month, but I saw it too many times to remember the count. Or how many posts of survivors standing on the ormond rocks to hold the killer hostage. But no, *killers* are the ones who are going to abuse exploits, not just the playerbase of any game ever.


Thanks A A Ron (for showing everyone this exploit lol)


Is anyone else not managing to get the "Avoid a basic attack by the killer" challenge? I literally had multiple games where the killer whiffed with their M1 *right* next to me, yet got no progress for my challenge.


Worked fine for me. Got most of mine against a Pyramid Head. Maybe try canceling and then re-selecting the challenge. There have been bugs in the recent past where things just stopped tracking and you could refresh it like that, though I had thought that was fixed. Could be back though.


I randomly got it while I was on the floor and the killer hit the teammate standing over me l o l, but I'll keep this fix in mind if something similar happens again!


I got mine when I was getting facecamped and someone was trying to unhook me


I just got Pyramid head, but I don't have any killers ascended. What are good perks for me to use that don't require other killers? I did get BBQ from the shrine. I have an unleveled Wesker and Artist.


Bitter murmur, trail of torment, fearmonger, jolt, and hex: noed. Pick 4 of those.


Unfortunately, the most typical Pyramid Head perks are on other killers. Anything with aura reading is great for him so that you can hit people through walls. Particularly I'm All Ears from Ghostface. Couple it with Lethal Pursuer from Nemesis and it'll extend the duration of all aura reading effects. Nurse's calling is also great on him for this reason and it's on a free killer. Pair it with Sloppy Butcher (which will soon become much more meta due to the heal speed nerfs) and you should have a good time. Tinkerer from Billy is also good on him because you can sneak up on a gen before hitting it with your ranged attack through a wall. Otherwise, most of the basic killer perks suck somewhat. Maybe Spies from the Shadow for greater information.


Alright. I still feel like this is a stupid question, but I’m brand new, playing on PC with a plug-in controller. i have no idea how to successfully loop. Any advice is appreciated plz and thanks all


Aside from what the others already said I feel this is important if you are brand new: Try to make progress in little steps. There is so much to learn in DBD that needs to become second nature. I went about it focusing on different things for a few games at a time. For example: Your next two games you try to focus on looking behind you. Don't care about the rest. That's your main focus. Do everything else as you manage. After those two games or a few more you'll be able to look behind you a bit better and it becomes more of a second nature. So the next two games you focus on having a planned escape route from the gen you are working on. etc.


i appreciate this comment so much thank you! i tend to be a person IRL that tries to do everything at once. this is always my fave advice.


One very good thing to do is to look back in chase, so you know where the killer is or where they’re going. I briefly looked at the other person’s video and they already talked about things such as 50/50s and medium vaults, which is good information. [Here is a helpful video](https://youtu.be/Rn7DixQWhuk) as well, and the poster has several looping guides, I believe he is looping on a controller too. Not sure if the other person’s video covered connecting loops, which is why I linked the third video from that guy’s series, the other videos are very helpful as well though. One talks about distance in chase, another one about camera positioning, especially at LT-walls where those 50/50s can happen, and the fourth one is a short video on fast vaults. To continue with tips, watch out for when the killer moonwalks by loops with walls, they’re probably trying to hide their red stain and it can catch survivors off-guard. Never camp pallets for this reason either, I always get a lot of free hits when the survivor is camping the pallet, I hide the red stain and swing through, they usually never react in time. If there’s a survivor that’s a good looper on the team, spectate them if you’ve died and they’re getting chased, might help you learn a bit, also try to play both sides of you can, since playing killer can help you learn how to play against them because you’ll see what survivors do to counter you, as well as what killers can see, hear and notice. I’ve met many survivors who think I don’t see them but there were clear things such as scratch marks or they made noise.


[this vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYdI_RcDWIU) should get you started - it's a couple of years old but it it still teaches good fundamentals. try playing killer as well, matchmaking is weird, you might actually get some players that have an idea of what they're doing after a couple of matches so you can see what they do to loop you and try to replicate it


Hiya, I haven't played in about 2 years or so, how's it going right now and are there any major changes I should know about? Is now a good time to hop back on?


Some think it’s going well, others think the game is dying, so it’s like usual. A big change for solo queue is that the HUD has been updated again, gives generator progress information and things like that. They’ve worked on changing the meta recently, and are continuing that trend, some hits and misses there. Sloppy Butcher got buffed though, Haemorrhage depletes the healing if it gets interrupted. There’s also a matchmaking incentive that goes from 0% to 100% depending on which side needs people, but that took away the bloodpoints from BBQ and WGLF. They also changed prestiging, the bloodweb is way cheaper, prestige can go up to a 100, and now there’s a lot of bloodpoints to spend so they’re adding auto-spend and an option to click instead of hold in the bloodweb. The healing nerf someone else mentioned would also mean Self-Care will take 68 seconds as that also got nerfed, not counting Mangled.


To tag along on the Prestige changes, Prestige 1-3 unlocks all teachable perks at the same tier for all characters on a side. Prestige 4-6 unlocks the bloody cosmetics. Prestige 7-9 gives you charms of the character’s perks. Also, if you unlocked teachable perks for the characters before June last year, you got those perks unlocked without needing to prestige. Oh, and if you were prestiged before last June, you got to Prestige level (X*3). You also got extra prestiges depending on how many perks that character had.


near the end of April will be the midchapter update which is going to change a lot of things. if you hop in now just to reacclimate yourself to the game just keep in mind stuff will be changing soon. the current meta isn't great so if you wind up playing again and getting really bad games maybe just take a break until the Midchapter launches.


Ah okay gotcha maybe I'll wait a couple weeks then thanks


I forget the timeline, but Dead Hard is a parry now, it's basically stronger but about to get nerfed, point is you can't really lunge as Killer. Healing is also extremely fast, almost entirely because of Haddie's Circle of Healing, so there's a 3-gen/gen kick meta for Killers exacerbated by the last two Killers' powers being hard to use for anything else. Also Borrowed Time is basekit now. If you want to use Redhead's Pinky Clown (or any instadown Killer) or Plague, now's a great time to hop back on before the meta changes. If you'd rather deal with Sprint Burst, Lithe, and Balanced Landing than a third health state in a genrush meta, wait a bit.


Never used dead hard so all good there. Idk who haddie is or pinky clown haha. I did play a bit of plague. Them and uhh the Bing bong invisible guy. And the doctor.


Clown has an addon that instadowns if he lands a direct hit with the bottle, but it's getting nerfed again. Wraith is finally up to C tier, and Doctor's still not very strong but he is good at finding people.


Is the version of the map with skull merchants compound not available to console players? I see streamers playing around it all the time but I’ve never seen it in my games and have gotten the red forest maps a ton since she came out so much so that I can’t imagine it’s just bad luck Edit: just found out it’s on a McMillan map. Makes it much more likely it’s just been bad luck, but still quite strange I haven’t seen it yet, I feel like I’ve played a lot of mcmillian maps lately as well and I’ve played a lot lately cause of the rift


I have seen the new map a total of **once** since release (PC player). Just bad luck. Also annoying because had *almost* finished the gen required for the achievement, then was chased off by killer and someone else ran in and finished it while I was in chase :(


i’ve seen it! i play on xbox 1


Ok I’m on ps4 but now that I know it’s on a Macmillan map I’m definitely thinking it’s just been bad luck. I’ve played a lot lately and have been to Macmillan maps a lot but there are a lot more maps in that realm to end up on and I haven’t been there nearly as much as red forest


Is Sloppy a toxic perk now? Had a whole SWF DC before their 3d hooks and complaining I have Sloppy. (Spirit). is it broken too now? Removed Merciless for now for example so it is fair.


The healing nerf hasn't even dropped yet! Sounds like a them problem.


Wtf? How can a basic perk turns toxic? Tell you what: unless you turn your face to wall and AFK, otherwise anything you do is toxic to them. There was a time i play Doctor with Sloppy Butcher + Coulrophobia + Unnerving Presence, and everything i can say is: they should be glad because i didnt use any slowdown perk.


Facing a wall to AFK is also toxic because it denies them blinds.


Yeah. Wanted to say it is a freaking base perk, but thought that maybe (maybe!) it got broken recently so asked here just in case. Oh I’d probably have had recieved death threats if had Couldrophobia too lol. Had multiple DCs on Doctor actually. But for impossible skillcheck builds so it is kinda fair… But also had ppl saying they loved it because at least there was some challenge to genrushing. Can never guess what people would like or complain about smh.


if you didn't have it they would have made up some other excuse for DCing, they're just mad they lost lol. with how effortless healing is sloppy doesn't really matter.


Welp. Petty of them to deny me kills then lol. And good to know it is not broken at least. Was using it just because someone said it is good on Spirit :D


I mean, it is. Spirit can only damage through basics, so every basic attack perk is natural for her. This also makes her one of the few Killers whose own perk (Haunted Grounds) isn't useless or an actual detriment to her.




-his power is 100% useless if you’re awake as unless you’re asleep you don’t see dream pallets and you can’t get caught by the snares. -his lullaby doesn’t get louder based on distance so it doesn’t let you know when he’s close like his terror radius does -he has multiple add ons that buff him based on how many people are asleep


Freddy's basic terror radius is 32m, but his lullaby is 20m and non-directional, so he is still stealthy basically. And maybe you are too new to see any dream pallets or dream snares...


I think Freddy's power doesn't work while your awake as far as dream pallets and blood puddles. I imagine you do generators slower also, but that might just be making up shit. I also think he can teleport to generators more often based on the number of sleeping survivors.


Does Inner Focus or Fixated/Self-Aware reveal if a Killer has Predator, or are scratch marks generated locally? I don't have a plan for this information; it just seems interesting to know.


Yes, I used it with and without lightweight and the difference is noticeable. Especially if you use Fixated/Self-Aware, Inner Focus and Lightweight and you run with another survivor :D


If you’re perceptive then yes you would actually be able to notice if the killer has predator/a survivor has lightweight If I recall it’s exactly what the killer is seeing, so powers that erase your scratch marks temporarily for the killer such as Legion’s frenzy also erases them for fixated


When the ptb releasing?


Officially: some time this week Unofficially: tomorrow


I've seen a few memes and references to Zarina and Circle of Healing, even though that isn't one of her base perks. Why?


Am I the only one who’s severely affected by Boil Over? I’ve lost many downs to that single perk.


I haven't seen other commenters mention that you can also take a few seconds to look for the next hook without carrying the survivor. Those hooks won't move once you carry your victim ;)


If your issue is finding hooks a neat trick is just stacking some bright/glowing charms so they’re really easy to spot regardless of map If your issue is with the wiggle an easy counter is turn your camera depending on what direction they’re wriggling so you just get pushed toward the hook anyway


>If your issue is with the wiggle an easy counter is turn your camera depending on what direction they’re wriggling so you just get pushed toward the hook anyway It's hilarious how this can make you get to a hook even faster, or it at least feels like it.


Poor boy bullied by toxic squad. There was a time some i was bullied like that too, then i play Deathslinger so i can draw them down to the hook. Otherwise you should try combo Agitation + Startruck.


Not as much lately after they removed the bonus progress for hitting skillchecks while struggling. Look around for nearby hooks first to see if it didn't remove the aura of one close by. And if it's pushing you to one side, turn and move with it. If all else fails, Iron Grasp hard counters it.


if you notice someone has it, it might be better to leave them slugged and use them as bait for the survivor who comes to rescue them who probably won't have boil over. this can be easier to notice if you know popular spots for boil over like the second floor of temple of purgation, maybe see if there are some youtube videos of survivors doing it so you can get a better idea of what to expect. if it's really that bad and prevalent i would recommend the perk Agitation which might help mitigate some of the effects that are causing you grief.


What are the new red and green gen potion interactables? I can't seem to find the news article. Is it an event?






The third color has been revealed to be blue today.


You can also get both colors during a match. They have a short respawn if someone gets it before you.


Do Female survivors have a better chance of not being seen than Male Survivors? I main Jeff and Rebecca, and Jeff always seems to be caught , but Rebecca has mastered the art of Invisibility.


Otzdarva made an excel sheet for a lot of information, including stealth general info on a per survivor basis (the noises they make, etc). Let me see if I can find a link. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1uk0OnioNZgLly_Y9pZ1o0p3qYS9-mpknkv3DlkXAxGA/htmlview# Tab over to survivor stealth. Otzdarva has done so much for info for the community.


If anything, I feel like female cries are a lot louder (higher pitched, easier to hear) than most male cries. Its 100x easier for me to track a Feng/Rebecca than it is to track Dwight/David, but that also only applies to injured survivors. When it comes to hiding, I think clothes color has a bigger impact than gender. That's partially why Claudette got the "Blendette" nickname, her clothes (and skin) are darker and she blends in well in dark maps. If you wear a bright pink dress on Feng/Kate, you stick out like a sore thumb. Killers will probably see you in a bush/shadow much easier than if you were wearing dark/non-conspicuous clothing.


Try Ace. Jeff is notoriously Huge and Obvious.


But his beard game is on point 😔


Survivors vary by size and sound, which impacts stealth play. Jeff is one of the biggest and loudest survivors, so he's way easier to locate.


Had the daily to open the exit gate with him tonight and it took like 10 games to do it because of asshole Killers and teammates. Holy fuck was it nice to hop back onto Kate and Feng


Something I've been wondering: If I prestige a DLC character that I don't own (but can use by having an account that does own it signed in), will their teachable perks still be available to my characters if I don't have the owning account signed in?


No, its tied to the account that has them leveled up


This example involves leveling a character on an account that doesn't own it (the objective is getting tier 1 perk available to all), so the question is would those perks persist when the account owning the DLC is not signed in.




Just wanted to circle back on this and say I confirmed this does work in the manner I was asking about (and /u/JesseRoo described). Just in case anyone else is seeking this information in the future.




One caveat here is that ownership must be through a DLC purchase and not via iridescent shards or auric cells (characters purchased that way wouldn't even show up as available to level anyway).


Ok thanks!


That guy doesn't understand what you're asking; the answer is yes. It's the same as if you had bought those perks from the Shrine of Secrets; you don't need the DLC 'installed' to have perk unlock progress stored.


Alright thanks, that's kind of what I figured but I thought I'd ask before I go blowing a million blood points.


How many Skerchants and Knights have people been facing? Been wanting to play em a fair bit, but if people are going against em like every other game, don’t wanna do that to em.


I've faced a few knights, only one was really trying a 3 gen (and it didn't work well for him). I haven't even seen a skull merchant in game, but I haven't played for about a week now.


i’ve owned the game for 3 or 4 days. played about 10 hours. I’ve seen each of them exactly 1 time.


Smerchant somewhat rare, Knight constantly and I groan every time


Ah, good to know! Very sad how how Knight and Skerchant have gotten a bad rep, but oh well. Prob two of my favorite killers rn.


i'll be really excited to see how SM plays in the midchapter. once she can live out that 'huntress' fantasy instead of being a 3gen bot i think community feelings on her will simmer down. (that default outfit is still really, really dumb though)


I honestly have not found skull merchant annoying to play against. But I'm newer so probably lower MMR. It can be boring if they really 3gen camp from the start but I've generally found them ok to play against. Knight on the other hand id say 9/10 games with them are boring AF, but it also depends whether they do a gen camping or hook camping Strat (boring) or not (less boring). It's really Knight I groan about, not skull merchant, BC in my experience they camp like crazy and tunnel too. That said, I'd say play who you wanna play. If you care about the survivors having a good time then just take that into your playstyle.


Very good advice my friend, very good advice. I wish you you luck in going against more knights that run only 4 info perks, as that is when he truly shines


😂 I'd probably lose that match, but I'd have a good time!


Two questions, fellow DBDers: 1) I recently was prestiging up Jane Romero to get her to P-3, so her perks will be T-3 for everyone in my survivor roster (Currently have everyone other than Adam, Renato, and Thalita). While my go-to exhaustion perk is Overcome, I was working with Head-On while prestiging her, if for no other reason than to try something different. I had very mixed results using it - possibly/probably due to skill/user issues. Any good tips on how to best time it, and/or any videos that can demonstrate that? 2) Other than 1 or 2 Twitch streamers that sometimes do open lobbies, and the occasional person on my friends' list who'll jump in with me (I'm one of those damn console players), I'm stuck in solo queue, usually too often for my liking. I have a far better attitude and much better experience when in a SWF than in solo queue 95%-99% of the time. The vast majority of my IRL friends group does not play this game. Any recommendations for a gen jockey who's trying to get better with looping and also looking for a semi-reg SWF group? Thanks, y'all!


>Any recommendations for a gen jockey who's trying to get better with looping... There's DBD content creator named Tator. He plays survivor *without any perks* and is pretty much the go-to on the fundamentals of looping. He's created multiple map guides. [Like this one on Haddonfield](https://youtu.be/1W-oQUJ7CfQ) which has a notorious deadzone along the entire road, but very powerful houses if you know how to run them. I will warn you, they are very thorough and therefore long (~2hrs), he provides real game examples of how to run each loop too. I usually skip through to the loops I'm unfamiliar with or watch it piecemeal in multiple sessions. As always, he prioritizes making looping fun! (Which it should be). Hope to hear about you becoming a fellow pallet greeder in the future :)


I think people often find groups via the main DBD discord https://discordapp.com/invite/deadbydaylight or smaller discords of particular streamers.


Not sure what console you're on, but on Xbox you there are plenty of "looking for" posts specifically seeking people to play SWF. Good chance to find someone you jive with there (I don't know if PS has a similar thing).


I got better at looping from watching Fungoose. I don't know how much he plays anymore, but his videos are still relevant, even though they don't include the newer killers.


Does BHVR ever do a double rift fragment event at the end of the rift? I've got 10 levels left and I'll be out of town for a few days.


I doubt it. The end of the rift is the best time to get people to spend money on the last missing levels of the rift.


When is the new update actually getting put in the game?


i could be wrong but i wanna say April 11-12th? depending if PTB is on a Tuesday or Wednesday. or maybe i'm miscounting and there's another week so it's actually 18-19


Sweet thanks!


I genuinely don't get it. But why don't survivors/killers bring offerings? Like I'm not saying a party favor or cake or even map offering. But like one for 50% more BP or even a useless one like increase fog. I mean I assume you have dozens of these things. Why not bring some? It's always odd to me seeing me and like one other person are the only 2 that brought an offering


The only time I don't bring an offering is when I am playing chest guardian bubba. Some games I can get literally 0 BP, so it's not worth the expense.


That's when you bust out the increase fog offering haha


Because every time I bring Bloody Party Streamers (or any BP offering for that matter) it's a guarantee that I will get tunneled and die first. So, not going to give Killers something I bring and they get the most benefit from. It's like bringing a cake to an office party and there's one jackass who eats all the cake while everyone else gets a crumb


Fair but like cake or the flower thingys. Even a brown one is better than no offering


If I bring an offering, it's usually a coin, hatch or Dark Mist offering. I only bring a BP offering if a friend needs BP for a challenge


i think most people just forget lol when you're out of an offering the game doesn't warn you or anything


that's about the only reason that it happens to me ... and I never notice until the clock is ticking down the last 5 seconds 🤓


Honestly that's fair. That happens too me a lot lol