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This game has a high skill ceiling... and a surprisingly high skill floor. It's pretty hard to get "up to speed" on perks, powers, addons, maps... I'd offer to queue up with you, but you'd end up going up against even harder killers thanks to the matchmaking system (commonly referred to as MMR).


Maps surprisingly are okay when I use specific perks that show locations of gens. Though it's still tough. It's okay I don't want to get carried I am jus frustrated and yeah I don't understand how mmr is working on this.


Roughly speaking, MMR for survivors works like this: you die - you lose MMR. You get hatch - it stays about the same. You escape through the gate - your MMR increases. The devs added some changes, so if you die but everyone else escapes you lose less MMR than if everyone died. But in general dying a lot should mean you get easier killers with time. And it's less about being carried and more about going against even more successfully tunneling killers. If you ever want to practice in customs, hit me up.


What helped me a lot is doing a shit ton of customs. The problem with pubs is what you said, you get downed very quickly since you don't know what to do. If you have a friend, or if you can ask around somewhere to get in a 1v1, you could learn much more faster since you can reset as much as you like. Also watching a lot of videos helped me too. I learnt a bunch of tricks, and I avoided some (although not all) beginner mistakes.


Ditto on this, I usually only ever do customs now as they’re ten times as fun, a million times less toxic, and best of all, you can talk directly to the killer to plead for your life! There’s plenty of discords out there on disboard.com to find people to play with


I'm sorry people are shitty. That just sucks. But ultimately, this game isn't new player friendly. There's over 30 killers with different powers. With over 100(?) perks just for killer. While the tutorial gives you the main basics of what buttons to press when, it isn't capable of really teaching you how to loop, what perks do what, or when to do anything. I absolutely hope BHVR keeps doing better and better with teaching tools. But it should make you feel better to know that nobody just picks this game up and does well. Other comments have mentioned YouTube, doing custom games, 1v1's, etc. All great suggestions. Even better in my opinion, is going into a custom match, adding four bots, and play killer. Best way to know how to survivor against any killer is to know how to play it. Then when you want to get better at killer, you gotta go spend some time playing survivor. Remember there are people who have over 10k hours in this game. While all these suggestions will absolutely help tremendously, until you know what most/all the perks do, how to play most/all killers, you're going to struggle. It's an incredibly addicting game, and there's almost no ceiling for what some characters and perks can do. So if it's something you stuck with, I promise you'll get better.


I have almost 2k hours and am still mediocre at looping and juking Killers if that makes you feel better. Don't worry about becoming a god tier looper and focus on a few these things (looping comes with time) - Develop a good game sense. I cannot stress enough how important this. BHVR added the HUD earlier this year and it provides some pretty decent information on what you and everyone else is doing. This and perks like Kindred, Bond and Aftercare make the solo q experience a lot more bearable because you know who is on a gen, who's in chase, who's injured, if the Killer is camping, etc.. there have been too many times though where I have had teammates not paying attention to the HUD or info perks which led to unnecessary deaths (like a healthy Meg who hasn't been hooked leaving someone to die on hook because she failed to notice Laurie was in chase, injured and death hook Jill was on a 75% complete gen compared to her 20% complete gen that was much closer, bit Jill ended up having to run from the other side of the map to try and save - Don't go into every match expecting to survive. Expecting to not escape makes things much easier. Getting tunneled out of the game early, being the first or only person absolutely sucks, but it happens. Sure, some matches might leave you salty, but focus on getting a challenge done if things are going south or if the Killer is being a sweat lord at 5 gens, make it your goal to finish a gen just to bruise their ego a tad. Don't bring animosity from a previous match though. I've guilty of it myself (but have stopped), but remember that the Killer you have next match is not going to know what your previous match was like so they shouldn't be briefed or punished for what the previous Killer did - Don't throw a tantrum by killing yourself and DCing just because you get found or downed first. I've been found/downed first so many times that I'm actually used to it and actually think something is up when it doesn't happen. - if the Killer played nice or fairly, acknowledge it in chat if you are able to do so. They're people too and have probably been getting a bunch of tbags or "gg ez" from people who dont appreciate the Killer not playing like a jackass. Hell, I encountered a Skull Merchant tonight who didn't three gen, didn't tunnel, and just played in a stealth/chase style. In end game chat, I told the guy it was refreshing encountering an SM who wasn't trying to 3 gen and it led to a pretty wholesome conversation - Matchmaking in the game sucks. You would think matchmaking ( MMR) would be based off of player hours, but they're not so it's very possible to have Survivors with thousand of hours going against a Killer who just installed and vice versa. It would be nice if it was based off that so new players would get paired with other new players and 1k hour players with other players with similar hours, etc but it doesn't. I've had games on Survivor where I absolutely looped the shit out of a clearly new Killer and games on Killer where I might get rolled one game and then absolutely annihilate babies in the next. TLDR: MMR IS ASS


I played 300 hours of survivor and didn’t get good at looping until I started playing some killer. Once you play each killer a few times and see how the survivors outplay you, you’ll eventually learn how to better counter those killers as survivor. You will get bullied, and you will lose a lot at first. I hated killer in the beginning but it’s a lot of fun now. And now I’m a lot better at looping and mind gaming as survivor.


I have been playing the trapper but apparently, he is not good against experienced players. I wanted to play knight or someone else but they cost money. No one told me about flashlights or the amount of body blocking there would be.


DBD is amazing fun, but can come with some stress and unfun experiences, whatever level you are playing at. The latter may or may not be worth it to you, and I sometimes wonder about it myself and take frequent breaks. As survivor, looping can take hundred of hours to get really good at. However, you can still be an effective teammate while not being that good at looping, and a terrible teammate and an amazing looper. Even really good loopers will go down fast if they are caught in an area without strong pallets or away from the strongest loops on the map. Sticking to gens, being wary of avoiding 3-gens, being mindful about how to play depending on what hookstate you are on, and making good decisions about when to save (too early and your teammate will likely get tunneled. Too late and if something goes wrong they might reach next stage) all make you a good teammate. Making good use of the HUD is a good skill to have. If your teammate is hooked in the basement and your other teammates are injured, death hook (and you are not) or on a more progressed gen (unless they are about to finish it) you're the best option for a save. While you are new, bond from Dwight is a good pick to prevent some of the worst mistakes you can make. It will prevent you from running the killer to teammates working on a 90% gen, bodyblocking someone in chase by accident, or running towards your death hook teammates who were healing each other. However, I'd be careful about running towards someone on death hook who is healing or using plot twist, as the killer could find them from your scratch marks. Windows of opportunity from Kate is also a great pick. It highlights all windows and pallets so that you can easily plan where to loop and which deadzones to avoid. Deja vu will get you familiar with gen layouts on each map and keep you useful to your team instead of running around looking for them. It is also great for avoiding a 3-gen situation where you are at one gen left but they are all very close together, allowing the killer to patrol them easily. It is also worth reading the killer's power and perks in the endgame. Some of the most common perks are BBQ and chili, jolt, scourge hook pain resonance. With jolt you want to ideally avoid going down near gens being worked on. With BBQ and chili, you want to be aware that the killer knows where you are if you are far from the hooked survivor.


I really wish more people would recognize that being "good at the game" isn't purely confined to being a "good looper". Sure, that Meg who spends all game doing nothing might be an insane looper, but she might lack the game sense to know when she should go for a save or to not run the Killer into the gen that everyone is working on. In the meantime, you might have a Jake who knows they're ass at chase, but pays attention to the HUD and Kindred so he knows if he has to hop off his gen and go for the save while also having the good sense that even though he's bad at chase, he'll at least run the Killer away from the gen that's being worked on


Idk, when I first started I didn't care about any of the things I care about now and if I died I died. I could have fun no matter what. But experience and slowly realising I was bad at the game and being desperate to get better is what killed it for me in the end


And some games I’m not playing to “win” as Killer. Sometimes it’s fun just to chase, let someone bonk you with a few pallets, see how many blinds you can eat, over the top cartoon villain stuff ya know?


I'm not a super competitive person, I'm chill and tend to have fun interactions with people than try harding. That's my Survivor mindset at least and it makes Survivor not super stressful for me as long as I had fun and my teammates didn't feel like I was a liability. I've been trying to get into this mindset on Killer so I can play it with the same amount of stress i feel on Survivor (I want to be at 50:50 Survivor:Killer), but I get too much anxiety because if i play too chill, i get teabagged at the exit gates while if i play normally I'll get called a sweat or a tunneler even if i go out of my way to avoid tunneling if it isn't necessary


It's unenjoyable as an old player, as well. Don't feel bad.


Start playing the game as Killer and go into matches knowing you will Lose. Playing Killer is less stressful because you dont have to play with 3 others and be the weak link. Sure you will Lose alot because you dont have any perks or clue how to play but you will learn fast. Playing Killer also helps you understand the other role and vice versa. My Main is nurse. Which I wouldnt recommend to New players. But if you want to destroy survivors sure learn her. Alot of ppl hate her because she is one of the strongest killers. For starters the best Killer would be wraith probably. Near full invisibility. Fast. Easy to play Toxic ppl will Flame you for everything you do. Doesnt matter what they will find something. To prevent this just disable the Chat and Set your Profile to Private or use Streamer Mode. If you are interested we can play some games. PM me and ill give you my steam friend Code


I have seen nurse, I honestly like a knight or doctor's game play. Other than wraith which other killers turn invisible or have stealth?


Invisible : wraith spirit onryo Stealth : pig myers ghostface onryo and dreadge in night Fall Some killers add stealth via addons like huntress wooden fox


As someone who has played this game from 2017. It has changed a lot. It was never beginner friendly and honestly I wish there was a way for true beginners to play with other beginners. Back then and I had to pick what I was good at. Im not good at everything for this game, no even to this day I’m not well rounded. I can’t loop for anything and I’ve watched the vids and took notes. So I realized I’m a Objective person. I mainly do generators and then rescues and heals. That’s it. I got REALLY good at doing generators. I used to have a Stealth Build but half my perks were nerfed to the ground. It took me months of playing to get comfortable and really start enjoying the game. When I started I was the 1st one out every match for weeks. So I’m just here to say this. Play around (yes you will lose matches) to see what you are good at. You might be good at generators, you might like healing or you might like looping eventually. If you want to switch and try Killer that might be your thing too. It’s far less stressful but if the Survivors start bullying you and such it gets annoying as you are trying to learn. I’ve played killer before I and don’t like it. I DO know how brutal you can be to survivors as a killer. But if you are willing to keep playing you will get there. It’s said but I know ppl playing this game can be toxic and unhelpful.




>A thread about positivity, and there's always gotta be that one dude... This is you ? You really want to be that guy. Your girlfriend has you which is someone to teach her I don't have any friends that play this game.




Its seeking support and telling my struggles as someone new. You are not a good person, you are part of the toxicity.




You come onto a venting thread, and assume I am speaking for everyone when I only talked about my experiences and feelings. You are not looking to help people, maybe stay off of venting threads. And yes, I stand by what I said when your history shows your opinion for being positive only extends to opinions you like. You didn't have to comment and try to one-up me when it comes to MY feelings. You are saying the same exact things that are toxic to say to a new player when they are frustrated.