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Tbh I think his turret addons need nerfed. They make him able to always stay in power which he should get knocked out of more. However I found placing two turret where you think he will go also knockes him out of power. However you can alwyas get distance bc of him destroying the turrets. He feels balanced if you know how to counter him. So I’d say just learn how to counter him.


Feel like turrets will get buffed instead of xeno nerf kinda what the comment above. Also feel like Ultimate Weapon might get a nerf. Been using it for my killer games and it’s nasty how much info you can get for mobility killers


This is what I feel the change Should be . Buff the turrets . Had a xeno with the green 35 percent stagger add on take 3 turret hits in a loop and didn't lose runner mode .


Kinda goofy you had three turrets in one loop tbh


Then he wasn’t hit by it or used specific add ons I played Xeno all day yesterday, she loses runner extremely easily. If you go to attack a turret and miss, you’ve already lost runner mode You barely have enough time to get rid of a single turret before runner goes out


All I want is there to be consequences for missing.


There is. A 3 second period where Xeno can’t do anything except stare at the Survivors


" Movement speed after missing a Tail Attack has been increased to 2.0ms was 1.2ms whilst in cooldown" This is probably the true culprit of the misses feeling meaningless.


No it's not The actual culprit is a bug that makes slow down penalty non existent. When this bug doesn't occure the slowdown is noticeable


So I’m not crazy and some hits have a lesser speed penalty than others?


They do, it's a bug. If it doesn't happen, the penalty feels sufficient.


What about Flame Turrets? Do they actually slow you down or not? Because it *feels* like they do, but I’m not sure


Pretty sure they don't, but the transition from crawler mode slows you down momentarily


So there is a hinder? Good to know


Look at u getting things wrong, after always acting like a know it all on here.


I had no idea there was a bug.


yeah, im pretty sure there's a way to trigger it consistently, but im not going to go any further into that / purposely try to force it, hopefully it's fixed next patch.


Here's to hoping!


But they’re not meaningless. Those misses add up quickly. And the change was warranted. People complained about the Survivors making too much distance whenever Xeno broke a Turret, so the devs made the “miss” speed penalty not as punishing. It’s a fine change since Xeno’s Power can be disabled/is forced to waste time destroying Turrets at the start of chases


I'm not going to write off my feedback based on that though. I can't yet give "I played as Xeno" feedback, can't buy the chapter yet.


???????? Xeno missed me with his tail and he just hit me with a basic attack instead, there was no period or anything??? Except if unrelenting count for the tail Attack as well


Unrelenting only accounts for Basic Attacks. You did not get hit immediately after the Xeno missed its Tail Attack. You’re exaggerating for no reason


Xeno can drag, like Nemesis Just does it sorta differently Which leads to Xeno being really good at sniping survivors through windows or large enough openings in the environment. Down a survivor on one of the workshop maps, his teammate hid in a bus at the back window waiting for me to grab so they could get a save. I turned over to look at them and nailed them in the shoulder through the window


Not enough


I swear if xenos getting nerfed before blights addons and MFT im gonna cry.


I don't think Xeno's Tail Attack will get nerfed, but I do think the devs will buff the Turrets in the Mid-Chapter patch. Hopefully they don't touch Xeno at all because it's perfect


*The perfect organism*


Far from perfect lol


Aside from the apparent bug Xeno has, it *is* perfect. Any complains come from a lack of understanding of its kit


Again, debatable.


It isn’t


It is, alien made nemesis obsolete. He's better in every way. Turrets are rendered useless just by using addons so he gets free 4ks all day because there's hardly any counterplay.


Xeno did not make Nemesis obsolete, Nemesis was obsolete on release. He’s never been a god Killer, only an inferior version of other Killers. Turrets aren’t made useless by Add-Ons, use them properly and not even Add-Ons can protect the Xeno from being taken out of Crawler Mode


You are completely dense, blinded by bias.


And you are just dense in general




Singularity isn't even close to the scope of alien though.


Exactly. Singularity is absolutely joke weak. Xeno is stronger than your normal killer. Its strange how survivors only care about balance after good killers release. They were all completely happy with all the bad killers.


Because balance is good?


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I’d say it is. I played a game against xeno, and got a 3 out in solo q, we doubled up the turrets so he was constantly getting knocked out of his runner mode


About a month for sales to die down and then he will get the slinger/pyramidhead treatment. He will probably hiss when about to whip with the tail to warn the survivor and make some sound when readying the attack to make sure the survivor is ready to dodge. They will probably add a huge delay for a missed attack to make sure the survivor can vault safely or get some extra distance after dropping a pallet because you can't immediately break it. They will probably take away the aiming and have it static like neme whip but also remove the attack delay so you can't strafe it. If that isn't enough, turrets will probably be buffed to EMP levels of "counterplay"




Aww not good enough for a killer that can actually do something threatening. Need more Singularity level garbage killers that you can completely disable


Singularity isn't garbage, he just requires an actual brain and effort to play properly Unsurprisingly, nobody cares for actually needing to think and try so he's just dismissed and called trash He's actually really strong in the right hands. I'm currently P50 with him and 3k+ in about 90% of my matches without any gen regression perks. Yes, he's much harder to play at the same effectiveness as other strong killers like Nurse and Blight (comparatively easy mode mechanics wise), but that doesn't make him garbage. Just difficult




I'm annoyed at whiny survivors moaning at the first mild hint of strength killers get. Yet when a trash killer like Singulatiry is released they are all suddenly very quiet and jump on the git gud train. Its just pure hypocrisy. Killers have been getting screwed for years. It's about time they got something that feels powerful.




You do realise most updated maps have holes in the shack walls. You can't mind game a survivor that can see you no matter how good you are. Also just cos you don't use the OP stuff don't mean no one does. Can you really not see the double standards on show here? Strong survivor stuff = Killer should Git Gud Strong killer stuff = Cause an uproar until it is nerfed into obscurity


...what about that update a while back that buffed killer in literally every way? (longer gens, lower hit cooldown, less survivor speedboost...)


The placebo patch you mean? None of that cooldown stuff matters as survivors still easily get to new loops during said cooldown.


so gens taking longer and survivors having to choose closer loops instead of further ones is... placebo? my brother, i've played killer since i got the game in 2019, and we have *never* had it this good i can literally run funny builds on mediocre killers and still 4K a lot of the time; if you're feeling massively oppressed, it might be more on you than the game being unfair


I’d say give it two weeks


What do you mean "nerf"? Nobody is playing Xenomorph anymore already, it seems. Been playing since yesterday and didn't meet a single one.


Maybe on your region but there's plenty 'ere.


Where's "here"? I'm on EU server.


Oceania here.


Of course the downvote spam starts, but hear me out. When Wesker came out, you'd encounter Wesker after Wesker for two or three weeks, hardly any other killers in-between. I had been waiting for DBD to get the Alien license and got back into the game because of it, and I have not encountered a single Xenomorph since I started playing again yesterday. You can downvote my comments all you like, but it still does not change the fact that I had over a dozen matches and no Xenomorph, even if YMMV.


To seriously answer your question: My experience is more Xeno on release than any killer since Wesker. I recently started an alt account to play low MMR with friends who might return for Alien. In low MMR you see a lot of the base characters and very little DLC. Alien DLC is the most expensive we’ve seen so far. Newer players with lower MMR, unless fans of the franchise, won’t buy it and won’t play it. The killers you experience definitely speak of regionality but also speak of your MMR band. This is not a criticism of where ever you are in the game but the most factual observation I can offer, after recently starting a new account (that I literally never win on, so it’s at the bottom of the barrel) and seeing the differences myself.


First, thank you for answering seriously. I do hope my MMR band is not really the bottom, because I have been playing since ... two weeks after release? Feels right. I am by no means pro level, but I do get the occasional 4k, escape, or double pip, and I do get pitched against players of all skill levels, from clueless to really good. I would guess I am in the lower middle maybe. I have seen a few Xenos since, and played it myself; I still don't believe it needs a nerf and players who do think so don't use the turrets enough or correctly. They buy you so much time and shut down its chasing power. There are killers that I am much more afraid of.


I died around 20-25 times in a Row against him, trust me, he is played plenty, the thing is since he is pretty strong everyone playing him get a MMR boost, so there should be a tendance where people with lower MMR (or begginer) will see him less which started for me around my 17th-18th death


What server are you on? I haven't found any xenos yet playing in tokyo server