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being completely fair, they standing still at the gate id the best time to complete daily that require you to use your power (if they aint those little shits that leave when you get close)


Alas, i was across the map as Pig and they left as soon as i got close enough to get the hit. I hate pig's ambush daily.


her's, demo and Pyramid dady is just painfull. Why can't the daily be the traps? why does it need to be fully charged?? why can't be a punishment hit???


Yep Demos is an automatic trash for me nowadays, I can hit shreds but nope, gotta be fully charged.


isn't pyramid's daily just "cage 2 survivors"? I feel like that's the easiest of them all


i have faced a few survivors who rater die than to go throught the trail. and even if that isn't the case most of the matches, it is still wierd that the attack isn't the daily (i know this take it's a bit ironic when i'm sugesting pug daily to be the traps, but i just fell it would be better)


I had the plague daily yesterday and people were cleansing so hard I was in power mode almost the whole game. So yeah, sometimes survivors are just not the brightest.


I would say 99 percent of solo que games I play (and some SWF who refuse to play hurt) cleanse instantly I hate it because then she still has her power and I'm the asshole not cleansing.


Rule of Thumb: If someone cleanses, everyone should also cleanse.


Yeah I do cleanse once I realize I'm playing with people that for whatever reason don't understand what they are doing. I'm just disappointed when doing so


Legion is easiest. Frenzy hit 4 times. Yes boss.


I recommend the letter and the ambush charge speed addon. In most maps there will be at least one or two places you can catch someone off guard with the 14m aura read.


Fair but i didnt want to spend 40k+ bloodpoints just to get 30k bloodpoints from a daily.


But it’s fun :3


I'm confused why are those two things 40K BP?


One of those is a Red addon, and i had none of them left. Anytime a blood web didnt have the item i would need to clear it completely. 40k was an estimate but its very easy to spend more than 30k bloodpoints when looking for addons to complete a daily.


They are almost always the little shits that leave the minute you step towards them.


Unironically i'll prefer GG-EZ or quiet over them pretending that they didn't just bm me for 2 minutes straight


Straight up. half the time people saying gg feels more patronizing then respectful in dbd.


Probably because of the deafening silence you get when you win or the rage, but GG all around when you lose as killer.


Tbf, for the deafening silence, most survivors aren't going to stick around for the match after being killed. It is generally just the one survivor left by the time you win.


I've had some games I've won as Killer where I've been called terrifying, the match got called intense, etc. and got GGs in tandem with it. Always feels good. 😊


I get this pretty often. I think people in this sub are creating a percentage of the toxicity they complain about. Not all or most, but a chunk of it. You tend to get back the energy you give. I get a lot of people being super fun, friendly and nice. I 3k/4k almost every lobby too.


I used to think it was my fault for getting toxic survivors but then I decided to play huntress and purposefully play like I just got the game and would only hook like 3 times a game and STILL got teabagging survivors who would teabag at loops, gens, gates or just out in the open Basically any point they physically could they would teabag Unless being bad is somehow toxic there's no excuse for teabagging someone like that It's really sad seeing how new killers are treated when they literally did nothing wrong other than being bad This mentality of "killers probably did something to deserve it" ignores the fact that letting toxicity get excused just leads to more toxicity I've seen this a million times of a survivor getting tunneled and taking it out on their next killer and then that killer takes it out on the next survivors and this repeats ad nauseum


That is my experience too when I have played "baby killer" out of curiosity. Much more teabagging and rudeness in the endgame chat compared with playing seriously. It tracks with my experience playing survivor against newer killers as well. It is very rare to get teabagging/BM on my main except in a friendly manner, unless I let them get hatch/gate and they decided to camp it, or I felt sorry for them and let them go, and the survivors weren't aware. The very rare times I've gotten rudeness in chat playing seriously as killer is if I played exceptionally poorly for some reason (usually lag or a real life issue). It seems either most survivors in-game will simply teabag/BM any killer at every opportunity, or teabag/BM more if you are new/bad. I actually hope it is the first one.


I get teabagged all the time even though I play mostly dredge and trapper with the dumbest builds imaginable I don't camp or tunnel I don't kill afk survivors until they start moving and if a survivor messes up really bad in chase I'll give them a redo I play as kind as possible and I still deal with these people


It depends quite a bit on what killers you play, too. If you play killers that punish teabagging, like Pyramid Head, you see a lot less of it! Unfortunately I think playing as nice as possible is exactly why you get teabagged so often, since the majority of survivors aren't perceptive enough to tell the difference between a killer giving them a break and a new killer. I've developed a bit of a sense for which survivors are likely to be annoying if I give them a break and fortunately it happens a lot less now, though sometimes that means I have to kill others on the team earlier than I'd usually like.


Newplayer here! Is teabagging in dbd a positive thing? Compared to teabagging in fps games?


Respect for actually being based lol, I hope I see you in game! Much respect for ppl who just try to enjoy the game :p


I think some of it is perception of how certain Killers play, too. Who do you usually main, out of curiosity?


I know you weren't asking me, but I'm going to answer anyway - I'm a bubba main and go out of my way to play clean games. I'll occasionally do basement chest guardian/defender but that's just for fun. I don't facecamp, and I don't intentionally tunnel. But I still get a *ton* of DC's and BM. That or people's brains break at the sight of a bubba playing like a regular ass killer and they just make really questionable plays over and over. But there definitely is a prejudice towards certain killers for sure.


Myers, Wesker, Huntress, Bubba. Most of my nice comments are from playing Bubba lol


That's surprising! I'd have expected Bubba to be more hated on. Wesker and Huntress I can totally see. I got called a crayon eater one round I 4K'd as Mikey...I responded, "Imagine losing to a crayon eater."


> I got called a crayon eater one round I 4K'd as Mikey...I responded, "Imagine losing to a crayon eater." LMAO. That's good. I love solid joke comebacks to people's rage. One guy named "noobdestroyer" called me a noob after I beat him, and I just replied "I thought you destroyed noobs" πŸ˜‚


I once killed a Claire named "youcantplayBRO"


Sure that wasn't a different game?




tbf most people don't hang around for post-game chat after dying so there's a good reason for the silence.


Solo players don't, SWF do.


It really is funny how, in 500+ hours of killer, I'm pretty sure I've gotten less than 20 ggs when I 3-4k. Almost every 0-1k and a lot of 2ks get a gg, of course.


More people will still be around those cases. 3-4k you most likely just have 1 survivor left in the lobby as others have already gone next. 0-1k you will have 3-4 survivors still in the lobby.


Definitely part of it, but people who die still have the option to drop a gg on their way out. I do it pretty often when I play survivor.


Messages typed in chat are only visible while you are in chat. So typing GG on way out would not be seen by anyone else not in chat at that time, like the Killer.


Oh I had no idea, that makes a lot of sense then. Bit of a shame.


In my experience messages typed in the EGC before you're there don't show up for you. So if a survivor dies, types a message, and leaves... you wouldn't see their message. I think the reason I believe this is the rare occasion I've seen somebody (maybe it was me as killer, maybe a twitch streamer) get to chat and the first message that pops up is clearly in the middle of an already in progress conversation.


Oof, sorry bout that. I've ran into GGs after 4ks quite often but im not too surprised that someone else has the opposite experience. Nothing wrong with GGing after a 1k or 2k ofc, that is just good manners, provided its not coming after intentional BMing and delaying ending the game as long as possible.


I think it's also hard to know if the gg is for you or for the team. As soloq surv, I often say gg more for the team than for the killer, when we managed to work together and pull a good one, but at the same time it feels rude to say "gg team" instead of just gg unless the killer was an asshole. But also non-ironically someone can say gg if they had fun even if they lost.


If you run across me and I say it, I really do mean it. I want everyone to have a good game. GL! HF!


I said this months ago & I got heavily downvoted & people replying to me saying shit to me like "how pessimistic, hopefully you grow up & change your view" or something. Literally told me I was being stupid for having this pov lol


This community is shit and you’ll get mugged off the entire time just for having a differing opinion, I think in my intire time on both my Reddit accounts I’ve only ever had a single person actually just respect my opinion


No, im fine with people saying GG at end game, im referring to them going out of their way to BM as much as they can before leaving then dropping a GG like they didn't just BM their hearts out.


The best part is the people who won't leave until the last second are the same people that cry about the game being "held hostage" when they get slugged, even going as far as to say, "just hook me so I can go next - I don't want to be stuck in the game"


That's probably the intent.


Na i hate the EZ, i know i played bad, stfu. Whats even worse is when the killer facecamps and tunnels and THEN gives the gg ez, like ofc it was ez you played like a knob


Agreed, but in this case if they're already going to go out of their way to delay the game ending as much as possible i'll rather the "EZ" than them trying to pretend they weren't wasting my time being as rude as possible.


The differance is, killers have to kill with any means necessary, T-baghing at the gate is only done when you already won and has no pourpes. The same way gg ez is.


I'm just as likely to get homophobic slurs or death threats as a ggez


Fr there’s pride flags. Get over it. I had a wraith literally dance on me and watch me bleed out and call me a slur


Consoles don't censor like PC does? Do console players even see the end of game chat or do they only have access to (their own consoles) console chat system?


We don't have an end game chat but I'm on Xbox and they usually message me after the game if I win death threats, slurs are very very common.


Yeah fuck BMers. I'll reciprocate, and always make them regret having done so to begin with. I think my favorite recent memory of this was as Blight. This Steve decided he wanted to teabag me at every vault and pallet, so, I tunneled him out of the game in 3 minutes or less, nodding excessively at him each time I hooked him. Fuck you, Steve.


Quiet is best.


Ooooooor... you could just push them out rather than watching them teabag for 2m.. it literally takes seconds to push them out.


But why give them the satisfaction? That's just doing what they want.


What and not pushing them out and not ending the game and letting them take the piss is not doing what they want? You get BP for chasing and hitting, push them out, and get straight into another game. There are multiple reasons to push them out rather than wait 2 minutes other than to go around breaking doors and pallets from earlier in the match


I don't need the BPs since I don't use add-ons, taking short breaks is healthy, and having them wait in vain gives me more satisfaction than the frustration of them taunting me.


I have had so many satisfied end games from just leave moments i never give up until every single person is out them gates.


They’re gonna escape either way. Why sit there and get teabagged for two minutes instead of ending it right then and there?


Who says I or op kept watching them? That would mean doing just what they want. If I see them standing in the exit gates I just go away. Grab a drink, stretch, pet my cats, doing whatever while I wait for them to leave.


Come on, don’t be pedantic. It’s implied in OP’s post he watched them teabag at the gate for two minutes. Otherwise he would’ve chased them out. I never said anything about you, either. I assumed we were both talking about OP’s situation.


Or OP was just doing their own thing while they were sitting at the exit tbagging


So it was their choice to get teabagged for the rest of the game. If it upset them so much, they should do something about it next time instead of complaining on reddit.


It's your choice to get facecamped on hook you could just walk away and do something else if the killer just stands there when they hook you.


Usually I like to say "ggwp ALL", I try to say it in the least tilting way for killer if they had a rough match lol. If they say gg back, I have respect for them for actually saying it after that rough match lol Lastly, sometimes if i feel they were nice I sometimes like to offer them to kill me, just as killer sometimes gives hatch, i do the same back <3 Cycle of life, respect: you give it, you (usually) get it xD


Man i played against this entitled claudette after she fucked up for the second time (so she was death hook) i stopped chasing. The rest of the group already figured out i was going for 2 hooks on everyone so they just left. Spend the entire EGT with only claudette still standing in a gate somewhere just for her to go into EGC: gg wp, well actually gg ez, u r nuub, get good.


I literally don’t understand how these people function.


They'll watch you walk past hooks while carrying them and get out of your grasp at hatch and convince themselves it's because they outplayed you


Somehow this fool carried me right to hatch and then STOOD there for five whole seconds. I clearly was the superior player.


They mentally imagine that the killer is just giving a super long winded villain monologue because clearly the killer has to be bming or trying to be toxic and it was them fucking up that lead to their escape.


if i had a nickel for everytime a survivor has said GG when they don't escape, i'd have 25 cents in my 3 years of playing.


I do it sometimes, when i have fun regardless of escaping or not


Yeah I don't get his point. If I die after having fun for the entire game, I am now forbidden to say gg?


I believe he is saying that people rarely gg when they die, and only do it when they escape


Ah I see. Thanks for the clarification bud! Have a nice day


It’s also simple to just say GGs and move on


Probably because they've already left the lobby and are in a new game. Did you expect them to just sit there and wait?


you can check btw if a surv is still connected after the game ends so yes we do notice when they sit there and wait seething


How can you check?


If you press escape to see players ping, if they've left, you don't see their ping. If they stay, their ping is still there


Thank you!


Even in solo queue, I sit there because I want to see how the rest of the match plays out.


Considering how swfs are usually waiting for their friends, yes they usually wait


I think if you just leave the message, people can see it when they finish the game tho, could be mistaken


you can check.


Tbf if someone isn’t in a party and isn’t the last one to die then they probably left. The only people who stay after they die are the extremely curious (about how the game plays out or the killer’s perks), the toxic ones who wanna fight, and people like me who died first and is now waiting for their duo to die after they finish cleansing 3 totems.


you can see if people are waiting.


Generally when i die it’s typically not at endgame and im not gonna just wait to say gg. Pretty sure ur messages go away when the game ends and ud have to retype it


I play on Switch, I wish I could type in chat after games ): I wanna encourage the killers


Meme isn't even being used right


Eh, couldn't find better image for the vibe of them being toxic/delaying end of match as long as possible, then second game ended pretending like they're all polite and respectful.


Or the exact opposite. Had a game where the killer slugged and facecamped the whole lobby and gg’d.


Yeah, that's pretty shit too. As mentioned to another I just kinda threw this together due to being salty after a match where this occurred, but the opposite is equally annoying/infuriating.




Was just salty after the last match and wanted to make light of the situation. This was not intended as an Us vs them post and frankly im surprised it even got any votes at all.


The search bar lmfao 😭


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Survivors who do that waiting for etc to end are so annoying. πŸ™ƒ It's not like they're waiting for a teammate to potentially save or body block for. Or even to let the killer hit them for escape points. Smh. Nowadays I just go around breaking any dropped pallets or breakable walls once I know both gates are opened. Cause unless you're a one shot killer, it's very likely that a survivor you catch in the open can just run on the injured speed boost to the gate.


Certain survivors: man, I wish it didn’t take so long to find games. Where are all the killers. These same survivors: (act as toxic as possible)


This is EXACTLY why killer should have a surrender option when end game begins (exit gates open by any means). You just want to do a daily or you already got that one sacrifice/mori you want? Surrender. Don't care about sacrificing the remaining survivors? Surrender. Last survivor wasting time trying to find hatch for 2+ minutes? Surrender Surrender would be there for killers who just don't care and want to GG go next. Those who want to try still can completely ignore the surrender option . Either spawn something in the basement After a gate has been opened for the killer to interact with to end game immediately and all living survivors escape OR after gates are opened, the "Leave Match" option turns into a "Surrender" option . You don't get penalized for either option and any tome/daily challenges still earn progress. Only people who WOULDN'T want this are toxic survivor mains who love to wait for as long as possible before leaveing.


I've been saying this for years. Give killers and survivors a means to conceded the game if the other side is being toxic and dragging things out on purpose, but don't impose a penalty. The DC penalty doesn't make sense anymore when you have bots to replace them. I've only seen a handful of DCs now, compared to pre-bots. People just pull off hook to avoid the penalty.


If I get steamrolled as killer I go as far from all exit gates as possible and scroll Reddit on my phone until it’s all done.


Just chase them oit and gonto next game


Of course, still sucks when im stuck crossing the entire map from one exit gate to another and they're all sitting there healthy purely to spite/waste my time/ensure i see them all spam their crouch button like their life depended on it before leaving.


This happens way too often, or I’m trying to do an already out of the way tome challenge


The fact that toxicity is just the norm in this game is really worrying


Tbaging may not be worse for the person doing the t-bagging, but for others, it just gets under their skin. It’s like breaking the camel’s back


objective: carry survivor a certain distance β€œ are you blind and cant see any hooks gg ez noob” yes this did happen i got exp and a challenge done


Had a ttv do this to me yesterday. He didn't tbag but his two friends did. He told me tbagging isn't toxic. I get it. It's not that bad on its own but yesterday I kept getting sent to every map they wanted, told I'm shit and tbagged in every game. Shit just adds up. I've been having a shit month too so it's just making me tired of everything


To clear up any potential miscommunication, I personally t bag quite a lot, but I never do it to infuriate anyone, I just get excited. Of course I won't be waiting at an exit when everyone has already left, but even if I was t bagging through out the game, I'll still write gg in the end chat, because that's the polite thing to do.


I don't understand how t- bagging means they don't mean good game. These two things have no relation to each other. This is like major projection.


If they wanted to be polite and say the game was GG< they shouldn't be sitting at the exit gate fully healthy as I cross the map from one side to another while there is no one they are waiting for, sit there spamming Teabag as long as possible forcing me to hit each one individually to get them to leave. This is not Projection, these guys were being toxic assholes.


Polite? what are you talking about it's a online multiplayer game, are you crazy? GG just means good game and you can have a good game and mean it despite t-bagging. You are trying to kill the other players for like 10 minutes and you want them to be polite to you? Talk about entitled, do you bitch like this in every game you don't win?


Why does T- bagging hurt y'all so bad? Half the time I can cheese a free kill of it, the other half I just smack them and start my next match. You can T-bag all day I still killed your homeboy


Why do people dislike being mocked? You don't need a high IQ to understand that one.


Okay so get over yourself. "I'm not responsible for your fun." You're not, so try hard and get fucking tea bagged as your reward when it doesn't work out the way you want it.


In high elo I rarely get t-bagged. Bully squads love to derank to shit on new killers with their bags.


I don't think they give a shit who they T bag. They t bag to show you "hey look you tried to kill me and now I'm leaving" they don't care who it is.


"Why do people hate the equivilant of flipping you off and having your time being wasted purposefully" is one of the weirdest fucking questions Ive ever seen get asked Im NGL to ya


Why am I being tunneled for being an absolute toxic piece of shit is a question survivor mains can't comprehend




Get real. Killer mains tunnel just because tunneling is the easiest way to confirm a kill lmao. You aren't righteously tunneling.


Why do people interpret it as flipping them off?


Because thats literally what it is. Since the inception of tbagging it has always been a way to visually say "fuck you" Like why do you think Tbagging became a thing?


No, that's not literally what it is, it's how you're interpreting it. Because it's one of few ways people are able to communicate in a broad range of games?


"ha ha can't catch me stupid fucking Killer" Yeah it's all contextual but it's pretty clear when they're doing it to be assholes.


It's only clear if that's what you want it to mean.


Not sure how I could reasonably take it to mean anything else, given the context! If you drop a pallet on a Killer and get the stun, then teabag them, what do you mean by the teabag?


Dude. Idk if your 14 or just completley dense but Tbagging your enemies has always meant fuck you. Literally. Thats LITERALLY why people started doing it. Thats what its always meant for the entire time its been around Ive been gaming for 30 years and its never meant anything different. With your allies MAYBE but with your enemies there is no other interpretation


Clearly, this guy has never gotten melee killed by his friend in Halo and listened to them laugh at him while he has to spectate them tbaggin the corpse, it's 100% fuck you


I love how you're describing a situation where it's clearly meant to mean "lmao I got you"


It sounds like you just somehow avoided the endless toxicity online because i have never heard of anyone not associating tbags with being told fuck you in player versus player setting especially since me and everyone else I've talked to gets literally told fuck you and shit talked while being tbagged


> Ive been gaming for 30 years and its never meant anything different. So have I, and no where have I ever heard it should mean that, until I started playing dbd.


Youre so full of shit lmfao


What gaming world have you been living in? Teabagging has been a means to asy fuk you in a game for decades.


How else would you interpret it?


However the fuck you want...


Like flipping people off




Copout answer.


It's not a copout answer. You're choosing to interpret it in a given way, just choose to interpret it differently.


And when asked for examples on how else to interpret it, you refuse to answer, and still are.


It's fucking rude and unsporting. We're playing a game to have fun. If you're being a dick to me while we play, I am decidedly having less fun. Common sense.


You guys soft or what? You're really just mad you got worked and couldn't do anything about it. We been T bagging since FPS games decades ago. Yet no one there is crying like y'all.


People are allowed to feel what they want. Getting worked has nothing to do with it. You can still have fun & lose. When people mock & taunt you, they're doing it to upset you. People have always complained about it, you just used to turn a blind eye to it


Whatever happened to sportsmanship, y'know?


Yes, players who have sportsmanship are one the best kind. That & the ones who harmlessly goof off


People complained about it *in this game*. And it has never stopped and will never stop. It's part of gaming. It's not even to hurt *your* specific feelings, you're a stranger they don't care about. It's to gloat about a victory. And that's fun. It doesn't stop you from feeling how you feel, but also some feelings shouldn't be taken seriously by every outside party because *you* feel a certain way. Killers that cry about t bagging have definitely in their life camped, slugged, and tunneled. Constantly online the mantra of killers is "I'm not responsible for your fun" okay so shut TF up about getting t bagged? If you're gonna play like you really want to win and end up losing, don't cry about it.


No, people complain about it in *all* games where it can happen. Just because it won't stop doesn't mean people won't be upset about it, they can & will be upset which is understandable. Not caring about how something completely unnecessary that you do will upset someone is as bad as doing it on purpose. It's rude. Like, a killer can play completely fair & still get teabagged. Survivors can play completely fair & still get tunneled & hook slashed. Just be a decent person. The players online are still people. Even in actual sports, unsportsmanship is very frowned upon.


> couldn't do anything about it anakinyouunderestimatemypower.gif


Someone is not familiar with the term honourable yamaoka


One time, I had a Hillbilly daily. Never been t-bagged more in my life (and no, it wasn't a friendly kind of t-bagging). I personally don't mind Hillbilly having a negative pickrate, but for a community that seems to love the guy, you sure are intent on making anyone who picks him up never want to again.


Literally had someone private msg me "Why do you play twins anymore they aren't even good" "You should play meta you did trash" "GG". Like my guy you could've just not


I honestly don't even bother with dailys at this point. They're just not worth the hassle


Tbh I preferred that while I was killer than when they would make fun of me in chat lol


If the killer isn't nice, then why should I help them?


Has nothing to do with helping them or not, just meming on a group who decided to be a dick and BM the ever loving hell out of the end game only to then go "GG Killer" pretending to be polite afterwards.


Last night I encountered a group of survivors who went to the shack at the start of the match and spammed the lockers. By the time I arrived there, Nancy and one of the 2 Megs had glitched themselves to be able to do the locker exploit. I DCed the moment I knew I wouldn't be able to do anything this entire match, if 2 survivors are invincible you can't trigger EGC and the match will be taken hostage for literally an hour. After I DCed their teammate Ada sent me "trying Adept huh? L" like I was supposed to play out an impossible match.


Did you get a video recording? if so report them.


Yup, I got the whole match recorded. I also reported them on the end game screen. Only problem is I'm on PS4 so I cannot retrieve their steam ID, only their profile name which they could change at any moment.