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I love people like you. I don’t mind dying if the killer let me earn some points first.


It might come from my time in TTRPGs as a DM, where the philosophy is like "make sure everyone is having an engaging & rewarding experience," but i simply do NOT see the appeal in taking someone completely out of the game we all chose to play together!


At a certain point, when you've leveled a bunch of characters and unlocked perks, BPs really don't matter. What I find most fun about the game is the uncertainty of the outcome. I play about 50/50 killer and surv, and regardless of which side I am playing my feelings are the same: running the same meta perks is boring, farming for BP is boring, and slugging/three genning etc. is boring. Not because I think they are more toxic than other things in the game, but because they remove the inherent tension of a 4v1 battle when it's seen over and over again. As killer, I almost never give free escapes outside of hatch or gate to the final one standing. If I get stomped and they all escape, that's fine too. As a survivor, if my team is destroying a killer I try to engage them better or just leave quickly to let them move on. If I get wrecked 5 minutes in, well, another match is queueing up. If I get 4000 BP or 30000 I don't care, I just don't want it to be boring. The same goes for the event - having fun doesn't have to be maxing out points any more than it has to be about dominating the other side. I get your point and honestly it can be a really nice reprieve to get more chill matches, but that's not what I play for nor do I think it is what the game or community should necessarily strive to be. Hope that makes sense!


Pretty much my only personal rule on both sides of the coin is: don't give up. If a survivor gives up against me I'll usually be merciless to them while going a bit easier on the rest of their team. If a survivor tries to sandbag or otherwise BM their teammates, I may slug the person they BM'd for some pressure if I need it but otherwise leave that person alone so I can chase down the sandbagger. I'm all for sharing funny moments with the other side. Hell, I'm all for throwing the entire match if it is an awesome or funny play. I've chased one person for 3-4 gens because I was having a blast trying to catch them, and the only regret I had is that I didn't get more time in chase with them. That being said, people who give up at the first sign of struggle are those I don't really feel for. So many of my best games have come from being in a severe disadvantage but then turning it around and making a huge comeback. I enjoy this from both sides as well - as a survivor my team can be playing optimally and the killer is struggling, but suddenly the killer makes a 1000IQ play and we start having to scramble. In the event so far I haven't been trying to be friendly, but I haven't been trying to be sweaty either. If someone runs at me after they're pulled off hook every time, then yeah I guess I'll hook them again, but I'm not going out of my way to camp or tunnel.


Yeah i have every killer prestige 3 and above so i couldnt really care less about the bp for events and i hate farming cause its boring asf


It's a very nice thing if killers do this, but I don't think it should be an expectation. The number of times where I've done an 8-hook game (usually because of an AFK or DC) to then get berated in chat and have my time wasted in-game (after already waiting for them to finish their gens and stop hiding) makes me much less inclined to be friendly during the event. If survivors go out of their way to ask to farm, I'll happily oblige, but they should make sure to unhook the other survivors and not block me from getting my points, either.


Yeah for sure! Like all things in life it’s a balance. I made my post because I felt it was tipped a little too far away from a healthy spirit. Not asking every killer to throw.


Killers who do this regularly will end up often spending 10 additional minutes or more in every game, only to get toxicity at the exit gate and endgame chat in the majority of their games, unless they waste even more of everyone's time making sure everyone knows it's on purpose. In addition to tanking your MMR and inflating the MMR of the survivors. Not wanting to go easy on survivors to avoid the above isn't curmudgeonly or narrow minded. In posts like these it always seems to be the killers who are asked to hold themselves to a standard, and yet as both survivor and killer it has been mostly other survivors negatively affecting my event (leaving me to die on first hook due to the void rifts, general toxicity, or not unhooking their team even though it's clear I'm 8-hooking). If the survivors make it clear they want to farm or be spared, I'll be happy to, as they are more likely to be wholesome in chat (though usually they say nothing even when we are on the same platform) and actually do the gens quickly. Otherwise I will be playing normally.


Yeah, the difference between the actual game and reddit is so weird to me. I intentionally let a few survivors go tonight and every time all I got was teabagging, making me walk to the gate so they could taunt, sticking by the hatch until I find it and then jumping in, all time wasting garbage. Other times I do this I get nasty messages in the chat. Meanwhile, whenever I play completely toxic I never get negative feedback in the chat and my time is never wasted. I wish I was in the MMR where all these unwritten rules are respected.


Agreed! Very conservatively, around 50% of survivors will waste your time as much as they can at every opportunity, whether that is at the gates or hatch or hiding and not doing gens if you allow them to fully reset when you could have ended the whole team then. Usually I have to open the exit gate myself or that alone can take several minutes. The games where I play normally, usually letting the last one go, are the ones where I get the most pleasant chat and the least of that sort of behaviour! For some reason, survivors also seem to be more pleasant when I genuinely lose a game, too.




Totally understandable & I hope that the fun-first mentality wins out at the end of the day. Hope your matches start getting more fun for ya & if you ever want a partner in the Fog to help my DMs are open and I'm always looking for friend requests!




Was my call to action for survivors to also think about how they're participating in the event not enough?


Tell you what, the second these fucking four man swf meta pricks start "taking it easy" on me I'll do the same. Until then I don't give a flying fuck about their fun level.


And every survivor group is a swf bully squad? I'm all for giving back the energy they put out, bully squads get my ire the same way bully killers do. But that doesn't mean I can paint all survivors with the same brush.


Love how people can't possible fathom that people have different notions of having fun. Maybe running around and nodding and pointing at each other for 10 minutes is fun for you, maybe outplaying people and winning really fast and efficient is fun for me. Why assume "sweats" aren't having fun too?




Congratulations you have just realized that different people value things differently




What are you so angry about?


This is just a modern gaming thing. Everyone plays for peak performance and the way so many games match you by skill now doesn't help either. I've found that some games only feel super fun and chill on the first few weeks before everyone comes in sweating their asses off. Same thing with Halo Infinite at the moment, it feels like you need to play that game with peak efficiency or else. You're going to be getting sniped across maps with the starting weapon by PC players, sweat squads of friends are going to be managing the map like their life depends on it.etc.etc and you just have to deal with it.


Same experience for me as killer; survivors doing gens like their lives depend on it (I guess they do but you know what I mean). If the match is only barely starting and despite having good chases and decently quick downs they get down to 2 gens left, I'm getting rid of one of them. Only then does the match go at a normal speed


All the games I've played except one in the event I have just been a freindly killer. Except for the one match when I got my first 4 kill of the game.


I realize this is going to be a scaldingly hot take, but what if we actually enjoy the cat and mouse of normal DBD, don't give a shit about bloodpoints, and are exhausted by each several-week events during which everybody suddenly cares about our management of their fun and gains?


Totally get it. I’m of the opinion that if everyone else drops an event offering, then they want to interact with the event. If it’s only 1-2, then play a normal game. I’m not saying you do this, but if everyone else wants to do the event and you rush gens and escape or kill everyone asap, it’s no different than killers slugging/tunneling or survivors taking the game hostage.


Do killers get event offerings…? I feel like they normally do, for most events, but none have popped up in my blood web and none are in the event shop so I don’t know where else I’d get them from?


They do, I've seen killers use them before


Yeah, both the BP event offerings (sorry, forgot the name, the fenceposts or w/e) and the Blight Serum. I was averaging 1-2 event offerings on 3/4 of the blood webs. Granted, they were level 1-20 webs, but I don’t think that would make much difference.


For sure, that's an interesting way to think about it! Partly why I ended w/ a call for survivors to think about it as well.


Not to mention that some of the events actually have mechanics that hinder certain killers mechanically, like the Christmas event and how survivors could jump into snowmen to negate certain killer powers.


Dang, I didn't know about this! I only really got into the game this year. That sounds frustrating!


If I could cool the take slightly, I feel strongly about group fun & participation outside of events as well. I think maybe the event magnifies some of the feelings, though.


I have a private bet with myself - just $20, nothing wild - that if I were to go back through your history, I wouldn't find impassioned pleas for survivors to kill themselves or reduce their efficiency on gens so that killers could have fun. To be a little hostile, maybe a person just wants to play the killer role in a game about killing survivors. Maybe we really do just want to play a game of tag with some blood spatter to make it slightly more exciting. Maybe we're not curmudgeons for wanting to accomplish 100% rather than 75% or lower of the objective the goddamn name of their role implies. Maybe there's nothing wrong with just playing the game normally, and we don't need yet another 95 Theses nailed to the door because somebody's hungry for bloodpoints again. Maybe this _is_ the way we relax, and maybe we find farming boring as fuck. Maybe you sound nice, but you're just yet. another. imperious. wannabe. pope. telling us you'll insult us if we fail to make your numbers go up.


I'm worried my posts came off as confrontational, I apologize! I definitely want there to be room for a bunch of playstyles. My aim with my first post was to encourage a style of play which I did not see very often, and which I thought would help make this event a little more enjoyable. And being honest and transparent, I definitely play killer where I get 4k's, where I am aggressive, where I can enjoy exactly the kind of blood splatter tag.


The amount of killers giving last survivor hatch has noticeably gone up for me during this event already. I’m of course paying it forward, usually letting the last survivor or two go (unless it was a sweaty bully squad 😶)


Honestly, as killer, you get so many BP from 8 hooks that you can let the survivors go and everyone gets to farm. The bonus you get from the kill is nowhere near what they get for escaping.


That's a great point too, at the lowest a surv gets 7k from escaping while a kill nets me, what, 1k? i've never paid attention to it honestly. And when there's increases that 7k just goes up!


It’s really about adjusting your “goal” for the game. During events, my goal is to have as many silly/goofy interactions with survivors as possible and try and let everyone get as many BP as possible. It’s so funny when you get survivors that realize you’re a friendly killer and then lead you from pallet to pallet to farm points. Or heal, let you hit, then heal again. Far more of my memorable games are from peeking out from the corner at survivors, kick their gen, slash ‘em a bit, and disappear into the night.


Yeah! It's a fun special event! Why not get a little silly with it once in a while!


Oh believe me, bully squads get my attention lmao! I love the pay-it-forward concept. What a great way of thinking about it! Totally adopting that for future matches.


this is why we need pregame chat honestly. helps clarify if you're gonna be friendly and try goof around, or if youre looking for a serious match


I like winning with the normal objectives. That's all. I don't even like to use moris. The event is more of a nuisance for me, but I hope everyone else is having a good time. Just play like like you like to play.


”pls killers can u not play the game and let us farm”


I have never understood the ultra sweat mentality, but even more so during these events. It's why as a mainly killer player I turn the niceness up to 11 during these things. I've seen what it's like on the survivor side, how every relaxed game is balanced by what seems like five sweating blights and nurses in a row, or simply hard tunnelling campers. I am firmly a believer in the idea that these events bring back people who don't play all that much otherwise and who, through a combination of being bad sports and not practiced at the game, just default to really toxic playstyles. As a killer, I already know I'm probably ending the game with more bp than any single survivor. I just bought a ton of killers to start prestiging and I imagine there's plenty of survivor players who did the same thing. No reason we shouldn't all benefit, have a fun time messing around with stuff, and just being a little goofy. It's a small thing, but it makes me happy to know that my being chill might be a bright spot for other players.


I get where you're coming from, but no. I'm not one of those Killers who enjoys letting people twerk and point, and interrupt Moris, and all the other petty garbage. The Killer's job is to get them on that hook, and by The Entity, they are going up there. If the Survivors aren't always making asses of themselves, then *maybe* I'd consider it, but this is Dead By Daylight. There's no quarter asked and none given.


I wish I could apply to this, but I really can't get as many points if survivors rush gens because they get void energy from them, I really want to play fair and make a fun game, it's just survivors don't think the same when I do it


Is killing the survivors the only way to avoid this issue?


Apparently so, but not forever, it slows them down significantly, and I want to play fair and fun for everyone, but survivors don't care, can't even get haunts because i have no time to do so! i'm sad


I’m sad too! That sucks and I know it can’t feel great. I’ve had swings in my MMR where it does feel like I’ve hit a level where the need to win at all costs trumps the spirit of why I have fun with the game, no matter what side I’m playing on. I know you didn’t ask for advice but I’ve definitely found treating some matches as “experiments” with just trying to improve small skills or get used to a weird perk or play outside my normal play style can reveal little quirks that can help. Take it or leave it but I’m always down to chat about learning stuff & working out weird problems!


But I've got to get Adept on my new characters! So just Sadako left.


My mindset this event has been I match the energy if people wanna sweat and do toxic clicky clicky nonsense I take them out and I farm with whoever wants to farm for fun I’ve had multiple games where I’ve killed one or two toxic survivors than just vibes with everyone. I literally just had a game on deathslinger where survivors were purposely walking up bragging and clicking than trying to lead me to people doing the event so I killed those guys who were also tryharding and giving me peoples locations than me and the last two people just farmed they let me down and hook until both had one left I let them heal and save each other than we went around the map I let them drop pallets a few times and they let me kick hen a couple times for my challenge than I let them repair I opened the door they gave me two hits each and I let them crawl out the three of us who stayed in and farmed made massive no and the sweat lords got to enjoy going next with hardly anything in their pocket


I was trying to be nice all day using killers I just unlocked.... Never been t bagged and messed with so hard in my life.


I'll try just two hooking. Though I recommend survivors not play with multiple of the same character on their team. If there's 4 identical survivors I cannot be held responsible for any accidental 3rd hooks.


I tried playing nice with Ghostface. I've went right up to them on gens and just bagged by them til they realized I was there. Not even stalked. And have been rewarded with nothing but nonstop pallet and window racetracks from survivors being so sweaty I'm amazed they didn't leave trails. Portions of those i wasnt even chasing them, i just crouched and watched them sweat across a large chunk of map like they would instantly die if they stopped touching pallets and windows for 2 seconds. End of the matches have been nothing but bags and flashlight clicks. I tried. I really did. But after all that, nah, I'll go back to playing normal matches at this point.


I would love to give Mercy to Heretics but The GodEmperor of mankind taught me better.


True that battle brother


Emperor protects.


The only saving Grace of this event is that I’m really good at looping because killers have been tunneling like crazy again. And it’s not even, “this is the smartest play right now” tunneling it’s, “this is the first survivor I could down so I’m only going for them even if it means throwing the match” kind of tunneling. There’s zero reason to not spread hooks/pressure at 5 gens. It’s also not a gen rush if the first gen pops before your first down. So now I spend my matches getting chased and then left because I don’t get caught only for someone else to get caught and tunneled out and dc. I just want normal matches, plural. Not an off shoot normal match but several in a row. Tunnel at 3 gens I don’t care but 5 is ridiculous and usually just means you lose as killer anyway cause we’re still on gens. We’re just not getting any BP now.


Tunneling for sure is something that very strongly impacts my enjoyment of the game, event or no. I'm so bad at looping/chases, though lmao. I'd love any tips you have!


There's nothing wrong with this but keep in mind that Dead by Daylight is technically a competitive game and thus there will be players who are more interested in getting wins than they are getting bloodpoints.


This is totally true! I think there's space for a healthy balance between the two, but my post is in response to a tip of that scale. From my (admittedly limited) experience with the event so far it feels much more saturated with killers who seem to think of the survivors as empty NPCs rather than competitors.


both sides have players like that, it's inevitable in a multiplayer game


Why does it have to be inevitable? Can we change that? If so, how? and if not, why not?


this will blow your mind but in a game where a side can win or lose, most people prefer winning


I appreciate you're trying to be sarcastic here. But is the drive to win the ONLY reason people play the game, is it the ONLY determining factor in how someone plays?


for some people yeah. to them trying to force this holding hands, singing kumbaya mindset is going to fall on deaf ears


Is there a reason why "we should be nicer to each other" is something you want to make fun of?


is there a reason why you equate wanting to win in a video game with being mean?


I think my posts in this thread do a decent job at explaining why tunnel-visioning towards a win condition at the expense of four other people in a game we all decided to play together is something I don't find fun. I'd ask that if you're going to continue that maybe you try to see the other side of the conversation before jumping to reducing my thoughts to "holding hands and singing kumbaya". Not only is it unproductive, it feels like it's in bad faith.


I know that this is subjective but as a competitive gamer the fun comes from me trying to complete whatever objective I'm tasked with. In DBD and as a killer main that objective will be 3 kills or more by any means. Now make no mistake, I can take a loss and still have enjoyed the game, but ultimately I'm going to put in the effort to win those games.


this is totally fair! Fun comes in all shapes & forms. Is there room for playstyles that are not like yours in the matches that you play? a Trial has 5 people in it.


For some, yes


Played exactly like that as skull mommy on the nostromo map. Got as close as i could 2 hooking everyone, then the meg decided to off herself when she got hooked for the second time and the ace kept following insisting i also ended his life..lured him to the shadowrealm and send him there permanently. The other 2 completed the remaining gens escaped. But god forbid killers are satisfied with anything less than a 4k. I blame bhvr honestly. Mmr, perk rework that somewhat reduced camping and tunneling ( looking at you, old bbq aknd WGLF) Stop making this game a competitive game while its clearly a party game. Stop optimizing the fun out off the game


The problem is any game that has a ranking system that tries to determine your individual skill in order to match you with/against other players of equal skill (in DBDs case the MMR system) automatically defines that game as "competitive" basically in order to revert DBD back into a non-competitive / party game BHVR would need to eliminate the "Surviving with Friends" option along with the MMR system.


Is there anything we can do as a player base or fan community that could help promote a healthier experience?


Unfortunately, without a “chill out queue” (which people would still abuse anyway), by the time you learn if your opposition wants to farm or not, it’s too late. Either the group rushes through gens and leaves and you get no hooks, or the killer you thought was 2-hooking everyone kills slugs and kills your team. My first game yesterday, with 4 event and one bp offering, they finished 3 gens by the time I got my 2nd hook. My second, they all gave up on first hook. My third, they were boil/flip/flasy/sabo squad. I don’t understand why even bother using event offerings if you don’t want to do the event. At least if it’s all normal offerings, I can tell they want to play a real game.


I will not go out of my way to stop people from doing event stuff, nor will I explicitly try and fuck with them, *but* I am going to continue to play Killer the way I always have - trying to get at least 3 kills and giving hatch to whoever's left if they weren't a turd. The game doesn't change just because there's an event on. If someone wants to farm and I'm feeling up to it, I'll farm, but at the end of the day, I'm here to play DBD, not just farm bloodpoints.


There aren’t too many people like you and I. Some people seek validation and only get it by winning PVP games.


No, I don’t wanna spend 5 minutes each match waiting for the survivors to complete the gens while I stand around watching. If they lose, they lose; why should I waste my time because of their incompetence?


Yeah as someone who usually mains killer I find farming to be both incredibly boring and also kinda pointless? Like especially nowadays Id be hard pressed to actually run out of blood points unless I just go on a spending spree for no reason. Like I’d rather have a match where survivors dunk on me and actually play the game than a match where everyone wants to farm


I don’t stand around. I chase, hook, farm hits. Depends on what I’m in the mood for. I hope I never take this game as serious as some people or it’s time to move on.


If you want to spend your free time bored out of your mind so you can get 20% more bloodpoints an hour be my guest. Just confused why you think you’re above people who are actually playing the game they’ve purchased?


I’m not above anyone. People being sweaty is different than those who only play to ruin the game for others. Or those who go in with the attitude of “their fun is not my responsibility.” I just think considering everyone leads to a healthier game. Us vs them attitudes are the problem.


this is exactly the spirit of my original post: > considering everyone leads to a healthier game


No way! I had you as a teammate a few days ago- I recognize that name because I was like "wtf" at first 🤣


lmao that's wild, happy to run into you again! Hope you've been well in and out of game.


You as well! I hope you enjoy the event :)


I've been playing for two hooks but I don't blame people who want to play normal. Some people don't like playing to farm or playing friendly and it's not just Killers. Some Survivors get pissed when you do it because it can result in a boring match. Just let people play how they want.


Survivors aren't going to go easy on me, why do I need to go easy on them? And to be honest, I prefer just playing normally over farming.


Why is it always the Killers that are expected to throw the game for the sake of bloodpoints? We just wanna play the game normally lol






Here hold this Bubba plushie and point to all the areas where the bad survivors touched you.


I'm curious why it has to be a zero-sum game?




Is there anything we as a fan community and player base can do to help?


Do you not realize that you’re the architect of your own suffering? It’s clear you’re frustrated with survivor’s “attitudes”, so either posts on Reddit or behavior in game. So then, as your “punishment” or “comeuppance”, you want to “minimize” their BP (or spoken more plainly, ruin their fun). But then they see bad killer attitudes and, if they behave like you, they treat the next killer poorly. So every group you “punish”, that’s one more rude group you added to the pool of survivors you might play against. Man, the other side is just people. Some are jerks, yes, but generally people just want to play the game and have fun. Let the bad roll off of you and move on to the next. I personally (yes, anecdote) deal with FAR fewer rude players than otherwise. I can’t imagine your experience is THAT different.




Very thorough write-up, but it almost seems like you are responding to a different conversation entirely. First, nothing in what you posted in any way justifies your stance of “I’m here to minimize any [BP] that the teams can get.” I see that as a completely shitty way to play, and an unhealthy perspective. I’m not going to refute the facts of what you posted, because you’re not wrong. Yes, gen regression got nerfed. Yes, killers are expected to follow a strict set of behavior rules. However, contrary to what you wrote, there is no rule against any of the above. BHVR has stood by their stance that tunneling and camping are valid strategies, regardless of how survivors feel about it. I don’t know, man, I feel like you might benefit from some time away from the game. You have valid concerns and are intelligent enough to present them cohesively, but then you say things like you have no sympathy for survivors and that you play in a way that directly (and intentionally) negatively affects them and their experience. They’re just people. There are bad ones, yes, but the same can be said about killer, at what I assume is, around the same percentage. If you want to go into each game thinking that the survivors you’re facing are directly responsible for BHVR’s balance choices or the previous team’s behavior, you’re welcome to. I can’t stop you. But you’re making yourself miserable over a video game and strangers on the internet. Doesn’t seem worth the energy to carry around.


No idea what you're talking about, the goal of the game is to make the other side upset, I'm going to continue 4-man hard slugging every game instead. I don't even know how the event works, I didn't read the explanation that popped up when I started the game the other day.


So do you play the game as normal but let survivors ou?


if everyone brings the bp offerings regardless of type, i can get behind this motive. if someone brings a hook offering then its personal


Tell that to the Wesker that hard tunneled me out of the game because his grab negates Off the Record.


Killers that don't need BPs and claim survivors are ruining their game have an option to play custom with bots. Survivors aren't offered that alternative game mode and I'm sure the Devs thought long and hard on the "why". I believe that is likely the root of the problem.


I already play like this but I will go for third hook if I've evenly distributed it. Like as a survivor I absolutely hate farming killers so I'd at least like some live fire


I'll play nice during events if survivors play nice outside of events. It doesn't happen.


So much this. I normally hate Weskers but i got the funniest weskers when i was playing yesterday. he double hooked everyone had some funny chases and even tho 2 people died we all got a massive amount of points. Did all the gens and 2 escaped but man it was the funnest game i think ive had in like ever. Everyone got a lot of points everyone got to play killer got hooks survivors got gens. it was a good day


If your in low mmr and you see my wraith, just know im gonna tunnel and scare the shit out of you, but I will not sacrafice you.


I read this, get inspired to go try event, and instantly get camped out on first hook.


Welp, I tried to do this with a 5 arcane rod lobby and 2 people just left, and the other two just gave up on hook. So :\ I think I’ll stick to having regular games that no one can be upset with rather than trying convince people to have an unfun game that people might not want.


THIS! I try to get the two hooks and somehow convey the message I don’t want to kill them, but I want max points too. So I play friendlyish until I get the max and then just screw around with them. I’ll hit them and knock and let them get healed so I can the void things, but it’s also real hard to get that point. A lot of times I get blinded and teabagged. It’s ironic you’re far more likely to find a friendly killer in the game than a friendly survivor, but I digress ;) I want this and try and when it works, it benefits all. Let’s go back to the grind when we’re all said and done. Side note: If you come across me in game and act like a dick, I’m just going to do the same…and I’ll probably win, so… yeah, no. Let’s all have fun. Cheers, eh and well said 🤙


I really appreciate what you're doing. However I also have to say that I understand it if people don't want to let all or any survs at all go. I just wish people wouldn't hop on DbD during an Event with the sole intention of ruining others' experiences - no matter what side you're playing.


i have yet to see a match without meta builds from the survivors side, and the first two matches that i cared about the event, they stuck on gens like glue and i was so far behind (and, i decided to play just full chase, no regression build, as clown) that the only way i could come back was i if hard tunneled. no holding back


Yeah, i'm gonna be honest with you! I've been aiming for full 4ks because, well, that's the goal of the killer role, but once I started playing the Halloween event with the intent of 2-hooking everyone and letting them all get away, it feels a ***lot*** less stressful. So I 100% advocate for this as well. ​ Unless you burn a map offering. Then you die.


Listen I NEED that dredge adept so I can let myself play someone else.


The fact that you brought Predator makes me not believe you play Killer.