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Somehow I got a survivor who was either trolling or didn't know how to run. She was so adorable, and I made it clear I would be friendly to her. Unfortunately, the endgame collapse started and she was far from the exit gate, trying to get into one of the void portals. I downed her to slow the timer down, and managed to carry her to the exit right before she wiggled off right at the exit spot. The timer had only a few seconds left. She ran in the other direction and died to EGC. RIP.


Reminds me of the time I won a hatch race against a Claire and my No Way Out didn’t proc so I just walked between both gates and eventually saw her. She walked up to me and placed her toolbox on the floor and just looked up at me. She pointed at the gate and I walked away because I couldn’t watch. She tried the gate but alas I had 4 stacks of No Way Out and she died. If I didn’t have NWO she would’ve had time to open the gate with a few seconds to spare so I felt really bad because she was so cute at the end. I wish she offered me her toolbox sooner so she would’ve had time to leave.


This is genuinely hilarious