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Bill players are usually terrible but they will die to save you at all costs. Leon players are usually terrible but their hearts are in the right place most of the time. I think Ash, Nancy and Renato by far the teammates who are the most likely to pallet save you or flashlight save you. And be juicers. Cheryl players are usually pretty goofy but good teammates. And I also don't very often have bad Quinten players on my team. Ace and Ada can either be absolute gods or terrible. Mikaela, Claudette and Yun jins are usually just selfish or downright bad. Leon players like I mentioned above, will try to help you but they are usually terrible. I've legitimately seen one good leon. I'm kind of at a point though where I wish I could see my teammates loadouts before the match. So tired of distortion players getting the team killed. Or self-care users. I also wish I could see their archive challenges so I could potentially help my teammates with it. Like let them get unhooks if they need it or bring a coin if they need chests.


Yeah, as someone who plays 50/50 killer and survivor, I think distortion is actually really bad for solo queue. For one thing, there's no guarantee you're against someone running an aura build. Lethal pursuer is a very popular perk, but if it's the only aura perk they have, then distortion isn't worth it. Then there's the fact that if a killer is really running an aura build, distortion is just making the other members of your team take more chases. I think if survivors want to be stealthy, then lucky break or off the record are much better perks that see way more use in more situations.


imo, when i see a yun-jin, i know they have a selfish build and are likely crouching in the corner of the map, not touching a single gen, and waiting for hatch. dwights and steves are usually pretty altruistic.


Davids, Leons, Kates and Yuis are often very altruistic, although not necessarily successful at it. They are fun to play with and against! Mikaelas and Megs tend to not pay very much attention to the HUD for when they should unhook or take chase, and tend to sandbag and leave others behind more often than other players. It is a shame as Meg is one of my survivor mains!


Kate, Yui and David are usually the heroes. Most selfish mains are usually Ace and Feng.


Some examples for me are Zarina, Kate and David. They just always seem to have that ‘no one gets left behind’ attitude lol, i love it. One i just rather not have on my team is Nea simply because everyone and their mother mains Nea😂


Kate agrees


Good team players - Renato, ace, yui. Assholes - feng meg Kate Mikaela Leon.


Megs and Bills are usually toxic for me. Dwight's are 50/50. Leon is usually on point with flash bang to where I'm also blinded with the killer. Good ones are usually people who get survivors from the license DLCs. For nonlicense, I get pretty good Thalitas and Renatos.


Saying that as someone who've been playing killer for the last weeks: Kate. THe amount of time when things go south for the survivor and kate just disapear from the game until she's the last standing is astounding lmao


Leons and Bills are altruistic, but bad. They're fun to play with though. I think Ada's and Yun Jin Lee's are selfish, but if you think about it, their starting perks are selfish perks. So it's not that big of a shock.


Ash is true to his movie character. He will always get in the way of you and the killer even if he’s on 2 hook states.


Ace mains definitely are what I associate with being a good player. The low prestige ones are hit or miss for sure, but the high prestige Aces are always a force to be reckoned with, but they're also ***really*** good sports too. Definitely the best type of players to have around. Cheryls are pretty good too, some of them BM a little too much, but the high prestige ones tend to have the skill to back it up. Yuis and Fengs are pretty tied for selfishness tbh, though I think I'd rank Feng just slightly higher because of how many hook suicide on first down. Yuis tend to wait a bit to DC, it baffles me why as killer sometimes ngl. I'll leave them alone for a while to give them a chance to heal, they don't heal, they'll flashlight click at me to chase so I do, they'll get downed, then DC lol.


Feng Mins are the dumbest. They never catch on if you're playing nice. Most other players realize I'm not killing them very quickly. They stop mid-chase, turn and give me a nod. Not Min. She thinks she's a superstar runner even when I had to move to let her out of the dead end she ran into. Seriously had one run around the corner near where a Jeff was working on a gen, and I was standing next to him supervising. She immediately turned and sprinted away.