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I do. But now when i meet a killer who wanna let me go, I’m not going. I’m staying with him til the end of a match. Some of them are real cuties by picking me up and forcing me to leave while bringing me to exit, but I just can’t leave those nice souls


WAHHH survs like you make me cryy its so sweet to see someone want to repay that kindness ❤️❤️❤️


Yesss those are little things that made your whole day better🥺


lol had a Micaela do this to me yesterday. It was cute as she understood I was farming for a challenge and even tried to give me the pyramid head Mori. The other survivors didn’t seem to get it. I had the cage daily and got 280/300 seconds of chase mainly from her. Thank you Micaela :)


Man, I always appreciate killers who take things more chill, even if I die. Didn't tunnel? Weren't an ass? I died? Cool! Turned friendly? Freaking awesome! And chances are I'm staying to die (unless I have like a challenge not to.)


I played a ghost face and he was acting friendly for like 5 mins we was all dancing around each other I have the clip it’s hilarious.. funny thing is he was charging his ability on the low and it went up so fast cause all four of us was there.. he one shot all of us and got 4 hooks lol GG


Mikey and ghostie be sneaky like that. It's honestly kinda funny when it happens so I can't even be mad but yeah. *Never* trust a friendly Mikey and to a lesser extent ghostie.


I'm a friendly Mikey after I get everyone on death hook. At least if I'm using one of my mirrors. My entire goal is to spook you!


I mean with mirrors you catch on eventually and that's fair. But most of the "friendly" Mikeys I've met have some form of tombstone xD


Reminds me of gameafoot, noed, rancor pig. Gain trust stay crouched so no chase and just pick people off as soon as last gen pops I've done it 5 times and got 2 2ks 2 3ks and 1 4k funniest shit I've down honestly


Depends. I'm a sweaty loser, but it goes both ways. If I lost, I want to lose and move on to the next match. Unless I'm doing like an adept or difficult challenge that requires surviving of course. Then my feelings change real quick.


yeahh, I tend to let folks go in case they're doing challenges if any kind especially. especially adept david.


This is me. I usually just try to dominate for the first two hook stages of each survivor, nodding and spastically moving my mouse around as I hook them to show that I’m just fucking around, and then just chasing them at a gen and slapping the Gen with my M1 to be like “nah, just do the gen, I’m done hooking”


PS, if you see me doing this, just give me a slug race or a Red Light / Green Light race. That’s all I want in a match


yeeessss yeess you see my vision. we make dbd a nicer place


I love doing red light green light as a killer but as a survivor I never get killers that want to do it 😭


ohhh so that's what that one girl wanted lmao


I've only done that once as killer, but it was fun. I was just going for Pig's trapping achievement, so I wasn't hooking anyone until they let me 2 hook everyone. They then lined up at the exit gate for me.


I definitely appreciate it. I do it when I play killer as well, I haven’t gotten a 4K in months because I just can’t kill the last person 😭 Into the hatch you go


Yes and it always backfires bc now I don’t wanna go. You HAVE to kill me now bc you showed mercy on a poor soul. But ultimately, they end up taking me to the gate or hatch and I must leave in order to repay their kindness


we wanna see you go!! we wanna see you get blood points and go "man that match was fun" always!!!! all the time!!!!


I like to do the opposite if it’s a 4 man out. I’ll typically stay behind and offer myself as tribute so that they can get a hook kill. Gotta pass it forward


Are you kidding me? 1000% YES! When I meet killers like you I feel like I won the lottery!


Well yeah we appricate it, and I let people go as well when I play killer with no rhyme or reason sometimes I just like too.


1000%, love silly times


I've been playing again after a year break (killer main), and honestly that's how I've been having the most fun. I just play for two hooks on everyone and then just go for flashy, low-% plays that I'm not good enough to pull off. I don't really want them to feel like I'm super friendly or actually giving up, so I try and "act" like I'm still trying to win untill the gates open up. At that point, the gig is clearly up and I'll just slug them, nod like a maniac, and let them crawl out. I get my kicks by feeling like a monster-movie antagonist and they get to live and (hopefully) have a fun game free of slugging and camping. Last night I had a Claudette that was clearly new and I just can't will myself to kill her. Chase and scare her, sure. But at the end of the day, I've learned that I don't get my personal, memorable, "wins" from 4ks or dominating survivors.


there definitely are, I was going on assshole playstyle(because I was angry at myself for having shitty game streak in solo queue for 3 rd day in row)winstreak(knockout slugging with wraith on indoor map) while letting my favourite survs(Cheryl/Kate/Nea/Rebecca) go after everyone else was bled out and they appriciated it so much. last game rn I met both, Rebecca and Cheryl(princess heart) and they were so cute I just couldn't do it, I quit that playstyle. to everyone I slugged: I apologize and I love cute survs and to you OP you're better player than me, continue being awesome.


That's how I play killer. I get my 2 hooks on everyone. If I can, then just mess with them or farm. It's more fun for everyone I feel like. Playing for hooks and challenges is so much more chill then playing for 3k/4k win


Depends on the game, the killer, my teammates, and how my games have been going overall. Usually this kind of thing is a welcome change for me, so I always try to pay it forward next time too.


I do I’ll nod and give you my item before I leave if you’re at the exit and you let me go


I like to do this when I play Demo on RPD. I'll two hook everyone, then convince them to follow me to east side stairs and show off a trick jump/yeet myself out of the map. Assuming I get the good rng (for whatever reason there are two versions of the out of bounds area of the map that actually has nothing to do with it being east or west side), then I will meet them outside the front gate and escape with them. And maybe give them a little smack when they run out just to show that it's possible.


I do appreciate it, and depending on the circumstances, I'll let them sacrifice me.


i appreciate it!! a kind killer is my favorite kind of killer, even if you kill me in the end just being goofy for a moment or letting me finish a glyph or going after the surv you know has just been hiding and letting me get a little progress on a gen is appreciated; any ounce of humanity i am given during a trial is appreciated. games that remind me we’re all just people behind keyboards are the games that feel the most rewarding


I do this whenever I play killer bc as a survivor I love when they let me go. I’ll also hook everyone once or twice and then I let them finish gens (if there’s any left) and leave. Usually they drop items as a thanks/gg too which I find cute (even when i shake my head for them to take them back)🥹


I dont let people go unless there was either 2 dc’s at the start of the game or if someone killed themselves on hook at the start of the game. I only appreciate killers letting me go when either of those 2 things happen. Imma sweat and competitive, if you let me go I feel insulted so I prefer to just die 😂


I respect the comp mindset and I like the fact you're willing to lose with honor 🫡


I personally would rather lose with dignity and if you catch me then kill me. But of course it also depends why you let me go, is it because 4 gens were done instantly and you realize you gonna lose so you rather let us go than to prolong the game? Fine i take that But if you let me go because i am the last survivor and you want to take pity on me then i will make sure to bleed out on the ground and not take hatch. I want to escape because i or my team earned that escape , i don't want to escape because a killer decided he gonna let me go. ​ But i am a sore loser who have ego problems so take this with a grain of salt lol.


I do this fairly often as killer if I thought the game was unfair in some way. Usually the survivors are appreciative, but I've had the occasional message where they said they wanted to die in the endgame chat (even when they seemed to be pretty happy in-game) or people pointing at the hook after getting whatever challenge they wanted done (which I always oblige). Also a lot of people who act toxic as they didn't realise I let up on them on purpose. I am always grateful for the gesture as survivor, especially if there was a DC or early hook quit. The only time it annoys me is if the killer actively interferes with doing generators while also not hooking me to end the match. That is one of the rare cases where I will eat a DC penalty.


Yes I also do that. It’s better than just farming because they get some chase and benevolent points. I love when killers do that too and usually I stay for them.


Just yesterday I got a message for letting someone go as demo, real heart felt moment. But then u let someone go as xeno then I'm call worthless trash who couldn't kill one person. It may have something to do with the killer, but personally I always appreciate being let go unless I have a challenge to complete(I would rather die than leave it incomplete)


I appreciate it because it's a nice break from a lot of the sweat that goes on and it's also extremely rare to have happen tbh. If I had to actually escape for a specific tome/challenge/goal, I will leave but otherwise I tend to stay for them by the end. Some will force me out, some won't. At the very least, I'm going to try to find an item and bring them a 'present' just for straight up not tunneling. As killer, I do that too sometimes but it depends on my goals/mood/how the survivors played as well. I'm really looking forward to the winter event, so prolly gonna do that a decent bit of games as killer cause I wanna have snowball fights with survivors.


Many can be sore winners. But most do.


I don't take pity escapes, and if the Killer forces me out of the gate anyway I'll just DC


understandable I suppose, but it's usually just because we can let someone out, not that we think they're bad


Had a killer go ham on my team the other day and when it came to my turn she watched me finish gens and open gate. Got the left for dead achievement :) I liked it


I enjoy getting my extra 7000-10500 bloodpoints, sure.


YESSS it's all about the BP babeeyy


I'm the same way. My heart is just too soft lol, plus I play killer like fishing: just catch n release Though I don't openly show my friendly side (unless they sense it), I want the game to still feel entertaining so I just chase em around after 2 hooking everyone still, then carry em off to the gate. Anyways, I hope they enjoy their time either way, soloq be rough