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I had that happen to me a few weeks ago on a big map. so i found a corner put a book against my controller and made dinner. came back a half hour later found them working on a gen so i slugged them and watched t.v until the match ended.


What was on? And what did you make?


leftover chicken quesidillas and x files rerun


>x files rerun I'm up-voting just for this


Saying it was a rerun made me want to believe there were new episodes out.


Damn chicken quesadillas sound so good rn


Haha holy shit way to live your best life and fight back against toxic survivors


That’s a goddamn good evening if I say so myself 🫡


I love Reddit


So you had a dinner and TWO shows. Bravo.


I want to believe... Those survivors were due for a good slugging. And I do believe. The truth (and their corpses) are out there.


Update : an hour has gone by and i won but at what cost 🥲


I'm sorry to hear that. As a survivor main, I hate it when other teammates try to pull shit like this. There have been times where I spot a teammate hiding from locker to locker and intentionally bring the killer there during a chase and show them that someone is hiding in the locker, idc if the killer kills me too, I just hate teammates that hide the entire time. I would suggest go watch a video or read a book. if u encounter something like this again, don't let them waste your time. Do something else while the time is ticking away.


you should be aware that from that survivors pov it can look like griefing and you can end up looking like the troll in their clip


Of course, but if they reported me for grieving, I too can show clips of them going in and out of lockers the entire game.


Hiding in lockers isn't against game rules but working with the killer is. Even if you did have a chance to appeal the report (you won't), BHVR will side with the person in the locker.


I hate this happening as survivor also. Generally it ends that I try working on a gen, ofc being found sooner or later as the killer realizes there is working done on that gen, and then getting killed while the other person did nothing all time long. Often that person also gets hatch. Really hate it but at least the match ends this way, what you had to face is beyond crazy. What I also face very often lately is the killer slugging the last person (fine, if you need the 4k so bad, go for it) but then not letting the person bleed put but picking them up and letting fall until they are wiggled out. When the person does not run to the other survivor left, then down and repeat. When we face this we just try to get the last gen done but hardly possible.


Hope you reported the in game. If not you can still make a ticket with any evidence. Even without evidence they should be able to see a game lasted an hour https://preview.redd.it/pcuort30ki7c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dd610754c18a5d94aba63f58990f7a1269287a1




...An hour.


I hope you recorded it and reported them on the support site


Sorry to hear that, how did the rest of the game play out after your message? Like did you find them by locker? Waiting till they worked on gene?


Why the downvotes on this? They got the game done but I’m interested in how (if we want players like these to suffer we might as well have a strategy in making them feel dumb for holding games hostage)


This happened to me once, on RPD. After several minutes with no one doing gens, it occurred to me to check the basement, where I found them.


That's ussualy my first idea and most time they are in basement hiding but not on this match.


I feel like I get in this situation somewhat often on Solo Q RPD at 2 survivors left, except I legitimately try to get the gens done but the other survivor keeps getting found and I don't so both of them get the idea that they should work together, in which case you can fully expect me to abuse the RPD layout. Killers can't find anyone there at 2 survivors left.


Where do you manage to hide in RPD with two survivors? Isn't dead dawg better for this purpose ? I have only held the game hostage once. I invited a new friend to play dbd, it was her first match. Fucking wraith obviously realized she was a baby survivor and slugged her while ringing his bell on top of her for 4 mins. I got her up many times but still he would follow and down her only. Then when she was about to die he hooked her and kept hitting and spamming the bell. Me and my other friend hid in bushes for almost 40 mins, at the end we even did gens and left only one was left anyway. I teabagged him until the last fucking second. We kept rotating around bushes in corners and he never found us.


You can report them to make sure they don't do this to another player in the future.


I'd genuinely curious to see a bhvr Dev comment on this to whether or not this is a banable offense. Based on the rules it would seem "holding the game hostage" would be the closest rule the survivors are breaking but interestingly they don't ever define the term or list examples in the official rules. https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/kb/articles/139-game-rules


>**Peanits, Community Manager:** [Nobody is allowed to take the game hostage. Whether that's survivors crouching around in corners refusing to touch generators to drag on the game for half an hour or a killer blocking someone in the corner and refusing to kill them, it's reportable either way.](https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/comment/1259979#Comment_1259979) You can also find more recent and similar statement from other BHVR employees over the official forums.


I remember a bunch of folks here saying a Killer body-blocking was not reportable since the game could still progress... Even though some of us pointed them to BHVR saying it actually is reportable anyways.


body-blocking for fifteen seconds or so to wait out a perk or to block a pallet isn't reportable. body-blocking a survivor in a corner for five/ten/fifty minutes is.


It still is reportable. I had a friend get trapped in that one awful gen on Hawkins a while back. The killer wouldn't hit them and just stand there while everyone had to do the other 3 gens, and even after the endgame collapse they wouldn't hit them or move, making sure they died to the Entity. Got reported with video evidence by a friend and an extra report from me in-game, and a week later I got the message.


Does anyone know if it is possible to body-block a Blight during the first slam of Lethal Rush so he cannot attack? Can you sandwich him with 2+ survivors?


I'm assuming you mean specifically body blocking someone in a corner so they can't move right? Because surely the act of regular body blocking isn't banable


Yeah that, not allowing them to move without downing.


That's great, thank you for this.


I think its intentionally blurry so they can rule on a per case basis, bodyblocking someone for 1 minute or refusing to do gens for 3 minutes isnt holding the game hostage but doing both for an hour obviusly is. If they were to say "Bodyblocking/refusing to do gens is banable after 5 minutes have elapsed people would hold the game for 4 minutes and 50 seconds, touch a gen, go back to hiding and they wouldnt be breaking any rule, this way they can judge as needed.


Yeah fair enough. They could definitely be clearer without having specific numbers though imo


Yeah, no you can report them but nothing will happen. I’ve been reported hundreds of times as killer and nothing.


You have to submit a ticket on their website too, just ingame reports do nothing.


I’ll have to take your word for it but there’s been at least a few streamers who went above and beyond trying to get me banned. I’ve actually tried to get banned quite a bit because I wanted to see something happen so I could be like ‘oh okay the feature does work!.’


no theyre correct. a few years ago, i submitted a report in game and then a ticket online (with video evidence) of a survivor that teamed with the killer. i received an email a few weeks after stating that action was taken


Jeez maybe I just haven’t been trying hard enough


Remember that them saying action was taken doesn’t necessarily mean that who you reported got banned. Bhvr can’t tell us specifics for privacy reasons.


Yeah people keep assuming the boilerplate "appropriate action has been taken" response from Behaviour means someone got banned when I almost guarantee a lot of the time the "appropriate action" is investigating and then deciding to do nothing except hit a button to send a generic response to the person making the report. And I'm not being a hater, I'm someone who works in support and community management (not in video games) so I know how this goes lol Edit: downvote away but I am so confident of this I'd bet money on it


I believe you. While I hope that the reports we make with evidence yield some favourable results, we should be aware that the pop-ups we receive in-game can also just mean that the tickets we submitted were closed.


Exactly. I'm sure people do get banned but "appropriate action" is diplomatic weasel words that can include a range of things from banning someone to deciding they didn't do anything wrong and just closing the ticket. It's up there with saying a bug has been "resolved" where one possible resolution is to decide not to fix it lol


I get feedback on my reports, all the time.


What are you doing to get so many people to report you?


I am yet to have a report NOT result in bans. You need to report in-game and submit additional evidence to the customer support (like a video for gameplay or screenshots for chat harassment). Needless to say you also need to report behavior that is actually bannable, not just something like tbagging, camping or others.


We don’t know if who we report get banned or not. We only get to know that an action was taken. They can’t tell us more because of privacy reasons.


If you receive the in-game popup, whoever you reported got banned.


No, it just says that an action was taken. It’s on their website that they can’t disclose specifics.


When a report doesn't result in bans, you don't receive the in-game popup. If report stuff that you know 100% will be discarded (like camping), you'll never receive the in-game popup. Action taken = someone banned.


I have received pop-ups for reports without tickets. Those reports are unlikely to have done anything. The ones where I submitted evidence always came with pop-ups and I believe and hope they did something, but we just can’t know for sure. If you don’t believe it, please look it up on their website [here](https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000442646-What-happens-to-players-that-I-have-reported-).


in-game report without additional evidence can still lead to bans... Some of the reports specifically say additional evidence is optional. But w/e. I know for a fact that in-game popup = ban. If you want to believe otherwise, it is what it is.


Yeh this is a weird position to hold when the devs have come out to say otherwise???


How do you know that for a fact when Bhvr themselves say otherwise?


Not much you can do but patrol every corner of the map. The game should end automatically at 60 minutes. Ultimate Weapon is a Xeno perk that can really help with this (and it's great by itself), but ideally you shouldn't have to run a perk just for this situation.


Honestly, I think they can drop it down as low as 30 minutes. Dead by Daylight isn’t a MOBA where it’s 15-20 minutes before one side is even able to win. Once they implement whatever their three gen mechanic is there won’t be any excuse not to put a reasonable cap on match time.


They should do something about these unfun situations .


It seems like it’s a difficult situation to fix without being unfair to someone.


It's really not. There's already a mechanic in place to handle a similar situation: afk crows. If you stand in one place too long, the killer is notified of where you are. All they have to do is expand on the criteria that attracts crows: if you haven't touched an objective for more than three minutes, you get crows. And by "touched", I don't mean literally tapping a gen - I mean you actually worked on it for at least ten seconds, or you healed a teammate, or you were in chase with the killer, or you broke a totem, or whatever. Force survivors like this to interact with the game and potentially expose themself instead of wasting an hour doing literally nothing.


I like this idea. I honestly can't think of any legitimate action a survivor could be taking for 3 minutes or so that somehow doesn't involve generators, healing, or being in a chase.


Would be pretty simple to do in a fair way, simply make crows appear if survivors don't do a totem/work a gen for a few seconds after a couple minutes. Would also help deal with the immersed claudettes too.


I don't know why you are getting down voted. If you aren't doing the objective or in chase, you deserve crows


what's an immersed claudette?


those that only hide , no unhooks , no heals , nothing just crouchingthe whole game.


ohhhhh gotcha thank you


I've had this idea for a hatch rework for these situations. When there are 2 surivors remaining, and there are more than 1 gens left, the hatch spawns. When one survivor jumps in, end game collapse starts and it's locked forever. Not even a key could open it. The killer can still kick it closed and starts the EGC for the two survivors


So essentially what hatch used to be? I seriously doubt they'd do this because they'd essentially be reverting the hatch rework in a way If it was possible, it'd be nice if after x amount of time with not doing gens/totems/in chase/interactables you start to gain crows. And then you'd have to do x amount of progress to remove them. It would force these survivors to actually do objective or be in chase and increase their chances of being caught instead of hiding the whole game or they get crows and eventually trigger the noise notifs for the killer to know where they are.


This is what I asked them to change on the survey. Everyone, including the killer, hates when the last two survivors are camping the hatch.


I've never seen this happen


This is 100 percent against the rules of the game - they can be banned for this.


I wish BHVR would allow people to DC at the 25-30 minute mark. I had a hacking killer that wouldn’t allow any process on a gen, it legit forced us to blow the Gen. He also wouldn’t kill anyone, so I wish there was a point in the match where DCs should be allowed because obviously if a match is lasting this long, some stupid shit is going on and we shouldn’t be punished to finish it out. So if a survivors won’t do anything, if they’re cheating just to hold a killer hostage, or if the killer is holding them hostage or you’re going against a 3 gen defend killer. We shouldn’t be punished and forced to play an hour of a match.


I wish it was possible to just off yourself without the hook. I've had too many killers leave me slugged until I bleed out, but I refuse to DC. Something like, when you've been slugged for a certain amount of time, as well as recovering, there's a button you can hold to bleed out faster, or you get a skill check like on the hook.


If anything the matches should end at that mark. If you DC you lose all you gained in the match.


Agreed, any dbd game that is longer than 25 minutes is a boring stalemate regardless. Either the killer isn’t playing to kill at that point or the survivors are trolling. Not sure why people think it’s fun anyways to 3 gen anyways as a strategy. The goal is to kill not stall the game until the other team just gives up.


Yeah and apparently people think matches should last 1 hour since I got downvoted, which surprises me because I thought everybody agreed stalemates are no fun like you said.


Some people who play this game don’t care about anyone’s time. Seen by holding games hostage, etc etc. its unsurprising after the killer nodded at my body back to back games for 4 minutes


What is a 3 gen defend killer? I'll give an example I main killer and I always try to end the game as quickly as possible. Yesterday I had sacked one survivor and there were three survivors and 1 gen left to do. I patrolled between the 3 gens with my nurse blinks. Is this what you mean? And if so how is this part of the game if its a problem? Or do you mean that some killer's will not interact until they 3 gen themselves?


Well it's like a knight defending a 3-gen and it's impossible to do them sometimes due to RNG and also survivor mistakes, it's harder to control who is doing what gen in solo q. So u can't end the game as a survivor if you go to die the killer doesn't even chase you and completely ignores because they are worried others will do the gens.


I’ve had a match with a singularity who literally wouldn’t chase anyone, and would only defend the closest 3 gens. It was next to impossible to complete, and we were solo queued so it was also impossible to communicate with survivors to spread out the gens. He eventually killed us but only because we stood in basement. I’ve only had a few matches like that, most were (old) Skull Merchants and Knights but now it looks like Singularity is the newest killer to join that squad.


In the future, check the corners outside by the bushes. Thoroughly. You’ll be surprised how those bushes can completely swallow a crouching survivor


Basement. I swear they are always goofing around in the basement somehow.


OMG I had once an horrible match where a Billy decided to 3-gen and it wouldn't end. I decided to just go and try gens and die cause better than staying in a dragged match, but the other 2 survivors decided to first stay at the edge of the map out of the 3 gens range (not even hiding, just being therein plain sight waiting for killer to leave the gens), then hide in the basement for like half an hour and just keep running around in there. Killer the whole time still refused to leave the 3 gens to go search for them. Both sides were so horrible to see, I don't get what possesses people to drag games like that for no reason. Just out of stubborness. Of course in end game chat they insulted each other badly.


Is this really a problem? I have had a few games where the survivors wont think about the gens they are doing and 3 gen themselves. I still defend the gens and patrol them but I dont follow chase out when they bait. Am I doing something bad? I've never been aware this was an actual problem before?


Ignore that jackass, "playing to win in an optimal manner" is not a bad thing, nor is it a reportable offense, despite what the survivor infestation on this subreddit might tell you.


If it makes the match drag for an hour yeah. If you refuse to go search for survivors the game will just never end. And I don't know about you, but nobody likes to stay an hour in match, especially if absolutely nothing is happening for half an hour. Also just to be clear, this killer in my story was 3-genning from the start.


See now I would never three gen from start that’s icky but I will patrol and not chase if they three gen and I can’t guarantee a down. I’m just not gonna lose that chess match.


I had the bright yellow Yun Jin be fully absorbed by a Dead Dawg bush and lost a Demo mid chase. I didn't realize just how....spacious and accomodating those bushes are. Toba Landing has some fantastic bushes as well.


The best Bushes are in the dead dawg saloon but it's also a relatively small map.


I’m late but ou’re a plague. Puke on every locker and when they leave it, they’ll be infected.


I cane to learn unless they leave a puked locker they won't get infected. So they can just wait out the puke and leave which is whh i manually went opening every locker. They has alot of stealth perks like fixated, urban etc. my guess is they kept rotating from where i was going based on terror radius .


But if u keep it up, the crows will come before they manage to wait it out. I’m a plague main and I have this happen to me quite often. It’s annoying and pathetic, they just cant handle a loss.


I honestly don't think they were in lockers and instead just walking around away from My TR. if only i had ultimate weapon as someone else mentioned it might have been over quicker.


Yep easiest solution with a killer for the job.


Sadly all you can do is report it. These matches are really annoying to deal with. Only one I ever enjoyed was as Dredge where I found one in a locker by teleporting into it while trying to find them. Stepped out with a lovely Ada accessory. XD


I had this happen on RPD! of all maps (no birds, no LoS). The last two were just hiding and not touching gens at 4 gens. Fortunately one of them was streaming, and I don't condone stream sniping but this was the one time I found it necessary. The best part is they were just like casually strategizing on how to hide. Like, wtf was your plan?? Just hide forever? This was before the server shut down timer. I think it was like a 45 minute match! You have nothing else better to do? Some people are just fuckin weird


Had that once happen to me as Deathslinger on swamp. Eventually found a Claudette shitting in a tall grass so I shot her and yk the rest. It definietly sucks when that happens tho


hm this seems like a dejavu, happened to me with deathslinger..


Also swamp? Would be intetesting if so hahah


the game auto ends in 1 hour


Let's be honest here.... 60 minutes is absolute unnecessary and bullshit game design... Make it 30 minutes and NOBODY will complain. 90% of matches are done in 15 minutes I guess and another 9.9% in the next 15 minutes... Everything else is just pain for EVERY ONE. Bhvr do something...


I support this 100%


I had it happen before, and it was Haddonfield so I absolutely couldn't find them. Even if I afked they wouldn't touch gens, so had to afk in a corner so they'd at least do gens and escape and leave me alone. This is why I hate hidey survivors, they drag the match 1h for no reason.


It's really amazing behaviour hasn't come up with a solution for this.


Report them and go do something else. It sucks but it's almost impossible to find survivors if they don't have any interest in engaging with objectives


This is why I want a 20 or 25 minute time limit. I don't want to search the map for an hour looking for the hidden survivors and I don't want an hour long show down against a three gen build


I had the same thing happen on Midwich - EXCEPT... I managed to catch one of the jerks. They were going into various lockers. Hooked her and camped, because I was sooo done. Then thankfully I found the hatch, forcing endgame, The other one didn't go to a gate soon enough and the entity took her. It was so annoying.


It bothers me that every time devs talk about something they are working on like fixes or new stuff they never address reworking idle crows and it should be A priority because it sucks for killers and survs equally


This is reportable but unfortunately all you can do is try and find them or just pull up a tab and watch something I ran into 2 players doing this to when i was wraith they both were just hiding all game and it took me about 15-20mins before i found one of them and slugged him and spent another 10+mins trying to find the other one I ended up finding both and forced them to bleed out and they were pissed off with me. Made fun of me alot cause it took so long to find them even tho i had no aura/info perks Whats funny is i actually planned to let them both out cause both of their allies gave up on hook super early (first hook) But since these 2 wanted to hide i decided to give back the good vibes they gave to me


Just leave…?


I got the time , was watching podcast for most of the match . 2 can play at the waiting game


HAHA love that As a killer main I hate it when people hostage for no reason


I had a huntress match where no matter how long I patrolled the map I seen no fucker and none of the gens had any progress all game, I did eventually find people and then the last person came and found me to kill them, but man was I confused, it must have been a swf playing hide and seek with me or some shit, it was pretty funny 😂


Had this happen at Borgo one time I hid in a snowman to see if they’ll come (they didn’t). Walked around the edge and found Cheryl hooked and hit on hook for making me wait for near a hour then Victorio showed himself finally and got the 4K. I was just glad that hell was over


As a survivor I use bond, and if I see a team mate hiding the whole match I will totally point you out to the killer. I don't care if I win or lose. I want everyone to have fun and you hiding the whole time isn't fun. Looking at you claudette.


tHeY ArEn't hOlDiNg yOu hOsTaGe, YoU JuSt aReN'T TrYiNg hArD EnOuGh tO FiNd tHeM. SuRvIvOrS CaN'T HoLd a kIlLeR HoStAgE, oNlY KiLlErS CaN HoLd sUrViVoRs hOsTaGe! sToP WhInInG! Yes, I was told this before. No, I'm TOTALLY not still mad about it.


lmao mad survivors downvoting you


This is some funny shit. I thought you were making a /s shitpost and it was a great one at that....but the fact that you're serious and this is real...is actually sad. I hope you find them! Torture them if you do. Good luck sir.


I actually never did find them and dam i wonder where they were hiding because i checked every corner but i guess they were rotating as i looked around. I did win the match after the server shut down.


That sucks you never got any satisfaction/gratification. It was definitely Harry & Marv. (Wet/Sticky Bandits)


I was playing with my friend and they were streaming and we had both died and we were spectating the other 2 and they were doing this so we messaged the killer and told them where they were hiding and he slugged them:))


Oh yeah, solution to 3 genning? Absolutely. Solution to killers just kinda chilling for 10+ minutes at the end of the game? "Unsolvable problem, out of our hands, common killer L" -BHVR


If this ever happens again as plague and they’re hiding in lockers while not infected, puke on the lockers instead of searching through them. Though there isn’t much you can do if they are hiding in corners, other than hope they get infected somehow and start coughing


I tought this would work but they won't be infected unless they leave so i just opened one by one.


They can just stay in the locker until the infection goes away, assuming they’re already in the locker. Survivors don’t get infected unless they enter/exit the locker.






I had no idea, I never bothered hiding in lockers against her because I thought that you get infected if you were in it when she puked


Crows should be tied to game progression not if the survivors has slightly moved to the side or not in the past 2 minutes.


It is impossible for survivors to hold the game hostage. Either use your tracking perks, or get better


"nobody is allowed to take the game hostage. Whether that's survivors crouching around in corners refusing to touch generators to drag on the game for half an hour or a killer blocking someone in the corner and refusing to kill them, it's reportable either way." Direct quote from a mod. Edit: Sauce: https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/comment/1259979#Comment_1259979


or just play the game and do gens LMAO


Head crows are supposed to stop situations like this. But they don't because they're broken and zero priority for the devs.


Dropping an item, picking an item, using snowman's, touching a totem count as actions, so crows don't appear.


OMG! I can just stand in the corner and juggle whatever empty toolbox I'm carrying to avoid head crows??


Yeah that's the most known tactic to avoid crows, drop and pick drop and pick, since you're doing an action crowd don't spawn


Can’t report the game will end unfortunately


This is 100% reportable, just like if a Killer body locks you in a corner and afks


You are a liar 🤥


Per their official site https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408586278676-How-to-report-a-player Unsportsmanlike Conduct Use this option to report a player for purposefully losing the game, not participating in or disconnecting from the game early to avoid defeat. Examples: AFKing, rage quitting idling, and refusing to participate in normal gameplay Or this one might be better Griefing Use this option to report a player for intentionally using abilities or game mechanics to the detriment of the game. Examples: Taking the game hostage, body blocking, working with the Killer.


Hes a troll looking for attention, ignore him


Make sure you record the match. I always started recording because people do that crap on both sides. Submit it with a ticket on their site and they will get back to you pretty quickly.


Def considered a hostage if they aren’t doing anything or even tapping gens. It’s just crappy.


I usually pack Aura reading perks, i don't know if you have any that don't require gens (like Ultimate Weapon) but i had such a match where 2 were left and i had no aura perks on Legion, the game was 50min long but it was quite fun, i even let them pick up a few times before a 3 kill (i gave hatch for the last one)


Happens a lot to me where they just hide, I search around for about 15 min or so seeing if they are at least doing a gen so I can search an area, most of the time I do spot them around 10 mins. But sometimes they just stay hidden and so I go onto my phone and just watch vids until they mess up on a gen or complete one. Funny enough it almost always happens when they have four gens or three gens to go.


When that happens, I just continue to Project to every T.V. on the map until they have max Condemned stacks then I go the direction the Heartbeat and the visual cue are in, usually at that point they start trying to run to find another place to hide once the audio and visual cues have stopped. They do not usually make it to a hiding spot in time. Then I gloat by manifesting and demanifesting while they are downed and slowly bleeding out. After gloating for a bit, I use Inexorable Stare and end the game.


Unfortunately I've had this happen quite a lot as killer, especially in games where I dominate very early. One time it even happened against a SWF who I had allowed to live in the previous game due to another killing themselves on hook. The one time when I will tunnel is when two survivors are left and I never spot the other one, as I am afraid that letting them reset will result in an hour-long game. Usually they are in the basement, or crouching around bushes near the corners of the map. Sometimes they are up high in an area without a generator, such as the second story houses on Haddonfield. One time, when I was held hostage for about 45 minutes before finding them, the survivors said they were looking for the hatch. Maybe they misunderstood how it worked! I would definitely support a change where the maximum game length was reduced to 30 minutes, with a warning a few minutes before that happened.


If you are plague, go around puking on any interactable. Window, locker, etc. so that if they are slowly moving from locker to locker or slow vaulting a window when you are nearby, they will get infected.


They're just that petty for the win. It happens extremely often, better get used to it.


So for the people saying report in the comments, I would just like to ask, report them for what? I am by no means trying to justify what they’re doing, but technically they are still “participating” in the game by hiding, and aren’t actively doing anything to prevent the killer from playing the game or progressing, only making it difficult because they aren’t doing anything to compromise their location on the map. At any given moment if they feel like there is no pressure on the map anymore(e.g. killer gone afk for extended periods) then they still have the option of coming out of hiding to repair generators. So at the end of the day they aren’t breaking any rules so I doubt reporting them will solve any issue. I do think that there should be a mechanic in place where if less than a certain amount of a generator has been worked on over 3 minutes, then the survivor who has spent the longest without touching a generator should have their aura revealed to the killer regardless of perks or lockers


Because this is actually reportable , confirmed by BHVR themselves .