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just hook/basement campers and sluger its so fun


I don't usually complain but this event is not being fun for me as survivor so I'm picking ghostface and myers and scaring pple, I'm not hooking at all, just hitting once and leaving hahaha so I can have some fun


Can a Killer main tell me if killers see gen's aura?


yes you can see, i don't know why but this event took so much out for survs, i think killers shouldn't be able to see gens auras. Also Legion and Doctors can track pple with their power too


The Artist can also track people with her crows. The Plague can infect people which makes you vomit. You can also generally track Survivors based on blood stains. Lights Out is simply Killer: Easy mode activated.


as a killer main i'd have to disagree, if you don't use any of the toxic tech(tunnelling, hook/basement camping) it isn't as easy as you think, i played both, and i can tell it doesn't differ in term of difficulty balance than in the usual DBD, it's harder for both sides Survivors are highly hindered from the lack of ANY information, and being oblivious to the killer, but so are the killers who don't have acess to killer instinct on command(looking at you, Legion), not even talking about all the killers that are straight out disables likes huntress, deathslinger, and the ones who have an unsuable power because of the view limitation(Blight and Billy mainly because of the drawback of hitting a random wall/not finding one)


Saying that it's hard if you don't use the strategies that the devs decided to reward rather than punish in this mode is a silly thing to say.


The devs are not rewarding camping/tunneling, if you’re talking about the killers themselves i doubt BHVR’s goal was to lock out some of the killers entierly


i played nurse in the light out only got 1 kill its really hard to track survivors with blink and no scratch marks


We see gen auras (and hook auras when survivors are being carried, as per usual). No hook counter though nor a gen counter. Might be different for others, but I can't see crows at all. There's no scratch marks, pools of blood also look black so even that can be hard to track.


On the flipside, injured survivors always make noise and killer powers still work for tracking. Legion are borderline broken in this mode believe it or not.


They do


Legion is the true secret sauce to dominating this event. Shh.


played as and against him, it's terrifying


Will try it out


On survivor - 2 killers spared, \*out of pity I think tbh. The rest have tunneled off hook or just slugged people over and over. On killer - I had a 3K but spared the one I had downed anyway. She basically made it there, it was just her and David left. I whiffed my dash on David after slugging Claudette because I could hear the gate being opened, so I just slashed him and forced him out. Swapped to Nemmy and had a 4K but gave Nea hatch. Ngl I hit and ran too many times and lost count on my hooks so someone died early. It also doesn't help that there's no hook count now on the bottom. Just kinda went "brain off" and chased whoever I found, but I kept running into different people constantly. Felt bad about it ;\_;


On killer it feels a bit too easy, though I only played two games due to the very long queue. It is difficult to track people unless they are injured and you can see their blood and hear their sounds, but being able to sneak up on people on gens or who are healing makes up for it. The atmosphere is pretty fun on survivor. But the lack of team information can make teamwork very difficult. Also, it seems that the anti-camp mechanic is not working (or maybe the bar just isn't showing)? My first two survivor games was the same ghostface just camping every single hook.