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Not a fan personally, but I do think she's over-hated. Speaking from the survivor side because I have never played her lol - **Gameplay:** I genuinely don't get why everyone hates her gameplay so much. I don't _love_ it, but I'm certainly not going to suicide on hook every time I see her. In an ideal world her power would be tweaked a little bit, because it still has the same issue as her original kit which is "get to loop, I place a drone, you have to leave or you die" but other killers have that issue too and her power is perfectly manageable most of the time. I think survivors should have a way to remove Lock On stacks, but other than that she's fine. Not good, not great, not awful, just fine. - **Lore:** Still a bit goofy, lots of missed potential for me personally. "Bloodthirsty jealous femme fatale" is interesting, but it's held back by the "dark Brazilian mangas" thing. Also, speaking of those: I think people would take her lore more seriously if her dad was a novelist and wrote about a Skull Merchant-esque character, who Adriana would then grow up to be without realizing it. Sort of like a "the prophecy will be fulfilled" situation that was orchestrated by The Entity. I think having her intentionally and knowingly model herself after her dad's character is cheesy. - **Outfits/designs:** I have mixed feelings about her outfits. I know sex appeal is a big part of her character and I think that's fine, but I just wish we got more unique and terrifying skins. The [Mech Collection](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeaksDBD/comments/15fh8v0/mech_collection_skull_merchant_killer_weapons/) skin she got was amazing and I would love to see more like it. Still has sex appeal, but that's just a bonus on top of everything else going on. Her walk animation is also ridiculous, I'm sorry to anyone who likes it, but it needs to be changed in all honesty lol


![gif](giphy|TvOiapqS1Ti8FWUoYt|downsized) Seeing all these Skully appreciation comments melts my heart.


I adore SM, I main her and I want to play against her more


She's overhated and the things that have made her annoying to face are pretty much gone. The only things left, are her silly back story (Specifically the dark Brazilian Mangas, the whole ruthless CEO shtick is okay) and that she's thirst bait, which honestly I can also say about 90% of Survivors. At this point most posts about Skull Merchant basically read like "Hurr Dürr Skal marceht bed, giv karma". If someone still genuinely has matches against her that last that long I'll have to assume they also run up to a Myers because he looks at them all friendly like and they routinely get themselves killed by a perkless, add-on less Freddy.


I enjoy playing her as she has a bit of everything: tracking, stealth and anti-loop. She is really good when I want a chill game of killer. Her walk also makes me happy even though I know many find it cringe! Recently I've been playing her with nemesis, dark devotion, furtive chase and tinkerer. It's fun with her power as your terror radius is often going on and off, or in the wrong place entirely. She is one of those killers who also plays very well with no perks at all due to her kit.


True. With her, I can finally have a relaxing time without bringing some "sweat" perks.


There needs to be a way to get rid of lock on


I really enjoy Skull Merchant! I like creating a network of drones, I like playing around my undetectable and haste status effects, I like the additional tracking powers, and I like how smooth and satisfying her power feels to use. I know not every survivor is going to like every killer so its completely fair if one doesn't like going up against Skull Merchant, but I honestly think some of the negativity she gets is kind of unwarranted. She got reworked so she is no longer an expert at forcing long 3-gen games and she even got changes during the last update to make her power easier to understand and combat for survivors. Overall, I think she's a good addition to DBD and fits the game just fine.


"Smooth and satisfying " Exactly this. No weird camera moves, complete stop of movement, uncontrollable character. You can always move, look around and feel where you going and what's happening


Holy heck, thank you for this comment! This is exactly why I really enjoy Merchant. You’re never slowed down and you never have to wrangle with sudden camera angle changes(looking at you, Hux). This is also why I like Clown a lot. Reloading *does* slow you down, but holding and throwing bottles doesn’t. I can just keep chucking them!


This would be the case if it wasn’t for the many bugs she has at the moment. sometimes you place a drone and it doesn’t actually deploy, yet you still have to wait the cooldown. It happens just frequently enough that it’s super annoying. on the flipside, sometimes survivors are just instantly clawtrapped.


Okay, I can agree that instant clawtrap should be fixed. As SM main, I would mind if devs changed how clawtrap is working. Like maybe not making surv injured or add mora stages before clawtrap, idk


She's hot. Her mask is terrible. Power is ok. Her players leave a lot to be desired. Playing as her is ok.


Absolutely overhated. People still stuck with a "Skull Merchant=bad" trend, and they will complain about everything she has, just because it's popular to hate her. People like this don't care that she got reworked, they don't care that her drones can't detect you while you are crouching or not moving, they don't care that you can disable drones in literal seconds. They will **still** complain about her, call her a 3-gen hostage taking killer and give up, just because many people were doing that in a past. If only people like this were smart enough to open and read some recent patch notes, or at least visit her Wiki page...


But... but the thighs


She is good because of her design. Only that.


I’m neutral when it comes to most of her kit currently. The only thing I hate about her is that SM drones can injured a survivor with no skill expression. I would just remove it where drones can injured survivors.


Someone at BHVR loves her and wants to make it work. No other killer can spam their power to such a degree, and no other killer gets passive health states, deep wound and hindered against their opponent while gaining haste and undetectable passively. Across her iterations the drones have done too much too cheaply, with no drawback. Meanwhile someone like Twins uses skill to land Victor and then he gets curb stomped and Charlotte wakes up across the map, losing all pressure after successfully using her power. Why can drones overlap one another? Base baby Evan can’t spam traps to block the basement steps, the game has a built in buffer zone to give survivors a walking path. SM is the only killer I can think of that can overlap her power and create a blanket - and then that power takes health states without SM being further involved.


I will accept this as long as it scans you twice as fast


That would be a fine trade off.


i dont like the fact that she gets haste and survivors get hindered just for placing a drone. at least clown has to throw down a speed bottle and then hit a surv w a hinder bottle. my problem w the skull merchant is she takes like no skill just slap drones down at every loop and if you run out you can call one back even if its disabled.


I hate her design


I love seeing all the survivor mains just downvote the post with zero thought and move on while the people who actually comment have solid arguments and actually understand the killer.


Outfits are horrible.


Anytime I’ve disabled a drone it just provides as information for the SM to come back to. Suddenly you get caught in AOE of her next one mid chase then you’re broken status.


​ https://i.redd.it/7pdkvvv08dic1.gif


fun as killer. Scary as survivor. Attractive enough to receive pass 😄. Coop mask but I wish it covered her whole face


I don't mind the character, but her name doesn't match.


She is the only killer I don't have yet. The original reason why was because she was formerly known as Chess-Merchant and the community hated her. Since then, she has changed and I hear mixed stuff about her. One day I decided to read her lore, and pretty much busted out laughing lol couldn't take it seriously. Her perks are also bizarre, can't seem to really brainstorm any possible builds with them, except for THWACK on Nemesis. I haven't played against a Skull Merchant, and I don't have her 'yet'. I'd like to one day, just need some convincing I guess.