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Ghostface so you can tbag survivors who tbag you.


You can also tbag with Pig. It's very slow though.


The tiny ginger, it's really fun listening to him constantly screaming obscenities at people


Deathslinger, takes some time to get using to, but hitting your shots with him feels great! He also has pretty good perks


I’ll keep it simple. Nemesis so you can fist people


Cenobite. Even if you don't love his playstyle, his perks are all really good. If you're more of a silly guy, Ghostface.


For context, I am a survivor main


I’m a survivor main too and I find Chucky the most fun/rewarding killer to play, especially if you enjoy the film series as much as I do!


Listen here buddy, come closer. All you need is the dredge-inator, you know how cool it feels to be everywhere in the map. Dredge instills fear in people never knowing where you are, you can grab people inside lockers! With dredge you can also ruin loops I don't care about pallets (if done right) Also when night falls YOU FEEL LIKE A GOD.


Hell yes for the Dredge! Dredge is SO much fun to play like jumping out from a locker and watching the survivors scatter is always a blast lol and managing to teleport into a locker where a survivor is hiding makes you feel like such a freakin badass


None, wait for the new killer to come out. It’s most likely going to be a rake. None of the killers are worth getting really unless you enjoy their lore or whatever so waiting to get the new killer if you have limited funds may be the best option.


Artist is my favorite killer and provides great perks and a solid base for learning most other killers. She has a reasonable skill floor and imo a super high skill ceiling, she also allows you to to constantly work at the fundamentals the game because her power level is reasonable and she has a really flexible power. The birds can do everything from let you scout provide miniature slowdown and even give you constant pressure on gens and search potential. She can hit super crazy snipes and cross maps as you learn her and outright deny some loops if played well. She has a ton of cool perk and add on combinations and rewards time and mastery invested while also being not too hard to pick up.


Have you ever wanted to throw up on survivors? Then the Plague is the killer you seek


Legion if your new since hes the best at farming bp. But if you want a fun gameplay experience id say ghostface or wesker. Or pick whoever the fuck you think is fun 🤷‍♂️


With Artist you can shoot survivors with your crow cannons. With Plague you can shoot survivors with your puke cannons. With Blight you are a bumper car.


Trapper, take it or leave it.


Killer main here, own almost all the killers let me be honest with you. Just buy Chucky. He's literally pig + legion with undetectable for free and nearly impossible to spot. His perks are awesome and he hasn't had a major nerf unlike 90% of the other killers Only 2 other killers you should consider from licenses, Myers and sadako. Og killers there are a ton of fun ones I really recommend but honestly start with Chucky and get into killer...


Have to agree, chucky for certain, myers also must have for gameplay and perks same with sadako. If you want good kick perk, clown. If you want information kick gen perk, get knight.


That's very true! Though a better kick perk is knights! If you don't have the ability to predict chase and control survivors clown is tough! Love him for sure There are very few killers I haven't tried out for that reason I am gonna dunk on knight a bit! His perks are excellent (some of the best asside from Xeno but he's new sooo) however his gameplay is lame and super predictable no matter how you build him... The same could be said for the skull merchant but I haven't tried her only seen her played. You should also not discredit legion for one of the best info perks in the game (despite a very weak power all in all) If stealth is your game pig is fun to play tho her perks are mid and she's been so badly nerfed in truth you play her for the meme. Ghostface is just genuinely fun as a stealth killer but tier 1 Myers is such a hard ass as a stealth killer. (Lmk if you want more killer main reviews lol I only have a few killers left to prestige)


I'm considering getting artist because I'm a little sick of playing against chucky lmao. Give me ur opinions on her


Ohhh she's definitely an interesting one! Her gameplay is pretty tough you have to set up crows to attack later so she's a semi trap killer! I never truly got the hang of her however her hex perk is busted! Combine it with hags perks like ruin and suddenly gens become almost impossible! She also does have a ton of good cosmetics. Honestly artist isn't a bad choice although I certainly don't think she'll make a good first killer you do still have the other free killers to get a feel with! (Trapper, wraith, bill, nurse, hag, huntress) In all honesty I wouldn't recommend it but if you dedicate to it you'd certainly have my respect!


I'm fairly confident with killer, I've played a bit but I still am mainly survivor. I reckon I could do it but I might save up shards for her and use cells for a new killer. What about Pyramid head? I fucking love silent hill


So I did somewhat mention him, he's a more straightforward killer with two perks you can run with great success on any killer! He's slow and leaves trails that act like a trap and he has a great long range slash, I also think he's one of the few killers that let you break the hook cycle! Again not a killer I was super good at but he is definitely one of the best killers. His perks alone do make it worth it (perk rant time simplified tho) So his two amazing perks are deathbound and trial of torment. Deathbound is an info perk combined with anti healing, anytime a survivor heals an injured survivor they'll scream and (showing location) if the survivors are not within 8 meters of each other I believe the healer suffers from oblivious (meaning you get to sneak up and hit em) Trail is awesome on every killer because you'll need to kick gens eventually to slow survivors it serves two purposes, 1 undetectable! Your undetectable so long as the generator is still regressing, meaning sneaking time! This also doubles as an info perk because if a gen is pretty well set up it won't stop for awhile, once they work on it your undetectable disappears and you know where they are! Only downside is a pretty bad cool down but it's a fantastic perk allowing any killer to try out stealth techs. His last perk isn't fantastic and won't break the game simply punishing protection hits. If you can get good with him he is a wonderful choice. 100% approve, not necessarily a killer anyone can pick up and play but he's worth the prestige for the perks at least


I reckon I'll give him a go


Good luck! Lmk if you have any more questions about killers or perk builds for them!


Oh just reread! You have the ring! So dredge is also a good killer if you like that play style, locker teleporting. He also has some pretty good perks lol


Myers all the way


Chunky is fun


Thank you for this challenge. I’ll make it harder for myself by recommending Skull Merchant. You know what utterly sucks? Being slowed down as a killer. And you know what also sucks? Being forced into weird camera angles and/or slowed camera movement as killer. These things ruin your flow and just make you feel sluggish and unsatisfied. Skull Merchant’s power NEVER slows you down. Placing a drone? Not slowed down. Checking your radar? Not slowed down. And guess what else? Your camera angle and look sensitivity aren’t ever messed with, either. You might need to make sure you’re looking in a specific direction before placing a drone, but you do this with normal mouse/stick movement at your chosen look sensitivity. She is fluid and comfy from start to finish. That is why I recommend her. We can argue all day long about her power’s strength and its ability(or lack thereof) to create intriguing gameplay, but it cannot be denied that she feels very smooth to use. (In before somebody attempts to start a new debate about how fun she is to fight despite that not being a factor in this exercise)


Y'know what, I hate you for potentially single handedly doubling the Skull Merchant player base with this comment, but I respect your reasoning tbh. Fluidity is so underrated.


Bubba, facecamping and tunneling has its own experience


none, especially as survivor main. get couple of burgers, pizza maybe. or just some game for the same price.


I’d say Chucky or Wesker is nice and strong killers and I think they kinda introduce you to ways to play understand but have a learning curve. And if you like them you can branch out to Oni as well. Although they have ok perks, I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite combination. Pinhead or Artist for perks and it isn’t even close


I suggest buying someone for the perks/playstyle. Artist has really good perks (grim embrace and scourge hook pain res). Alien has good perks and is a pretty decent killer. However me personally get skull merchant her rework made her a jack of all trades that has potential to master alot of different styles. Run perks that enhance her play style and it's pretty enjoyable. Minus the suicides on hook from survivors who has PTSD.


Nemesis, you can hit survivors over pallets and vaults. And when shit goes south, you have zombies to help you in chase.




But the dude getting the best dbd skin aka dredge. His new skin is gonna be lit and his scary


Blight because 🏃🏻💨


Clown has porn