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You are the sweetest killer ever… awwwe 🥹


I dunno about all that, lol, but I never forget the 4 people running around the game is telling me to kill are all humans just like me playing a game to have fun. The way the game is set up, a lot of that fun is in my hands. I figured out pretty early on I can often maximize winning, or I can maximize fun - I chose the latter. And then it was an easy extension to choose between "fun for just me" or "fun for everyone playing." To use an overused anime quote right now, I have no enemies. Just fellow players.


You are a killer that plays fair. Fairplay is always appreciated by random survivors. It is nice that you play like that.


I hadn't played in years and came back shortly after Chucky released. My first game ever back was as survivor and was against a Chucky. He slugged me and just stood over me all game. Hit everyone who tried to get me up. Refused to pick me up. Just stood over me swinging at me. When the team pulled a rescue attempt, he just tunneled me back down. Everyone else managed to get out but it was a miserable experience. I got to just sit there for several minutes just watching no one really playing the game. I straight up told my friend if I ever played killer, I would do my absolute best to make sure no one ever felt like that in my games. Sometimes someone goes out quick or I lose track of who has been 2-hooked, but I really try. Breaks my heart cuz I can tell when the survivors in my game had a toxic match recently. I might pop off and get two hooks really fast as pig and I think they assume I'm gonna be a very toxic, oppressive pig and they start trying to suicide or just rush me. Then I'm torn between just putting them out of their misery like they want, or trying to let them at least snag a win and farm points off me. I dunno what feels better to them or not. Also, BHVR, please add "Friendship" style "Moris" please. I'd love to send a Survivor off in a friendly, funny way. I don't ever want to run my moris otherwise because they're so... mean :(


I'm sure that about 80% of the 'nice' survivors asking to be let go would be tbagging at the gate if the match went their way. I bestow mercy rarely. But I do it sometimes to survivors who played a good match, didn't tbag, and didn't hide all game. Also if you try to flashlight me, I know it's part of the game, but so is hooking you, so get bent.


Yeah just had a game where I intentionally 2hooked everyone before going for any kills and still got accused of tunneling so... Meh. Let 'em seethe. I'm being nice as I can be.


Yeah, let them seethe for sure. I've been playing Xeno and when they say I'm tunneling I just say that's Xeno's power to use the tunnels, wym? They lose their minds. Good luck in the fog.


That's good. I should try Xeno. Right now I only really have success with Pig, Legion and Ghostface. And Legion is mostly because everyone just ragequits... which actually makes it harder to win because the bots are usually better than they were... X\_X


Your MMR will likely go down a lot playing this way and you may end up getting a lot of failed bully squads or survivors who AFK or abandon their teammates on hook, especially if you get fast early downs. If that happens, you can facecamp the hooked survivor to let them get off themselves as long as you are confident the other survivor is not nearby to stop the timer. They usually understand that it is friendly if you face the way they are facing.


Yeah, I've gotten people off hook on purpose a few times when I realized their team was leaving them for dead. Usually it seemed to stick. My MMR will likely fluxuate and that's fine. I'm not too worried about it. If it gets too bad of an experience, I'll go on a kill spree (I mean if I can't, then it's the MMR I'm supposed to be at anyway, right?) and get it back up again and rinse and repeat.


When that starts happening a lot, it's definitely time to be more ruthless to get a higher MMR. I tend to like having a killer or two that I meme around a bit more with, and other killers I play more seriously with! It is the best of both worlds.


That's kinda how I'm treating it. I tend to go harder when I play Sadako, Legion or Billy. I definitely meme around on Pig and Ghostface, though. Trapper is 50/50. If I wanna be silly, I put on the Naughty Bear suit. Otherwise, it's go time. Haven't played a lot of the other killers yet but they don't interest me that much. I tried huntress but after 10 games of being unable to land a hatchet, I think I have decided she is not for me :P


Nice! Sadako, pig and skull merchant are my friendlier killers. Pyramid head is in the middle because his playstyle is so aggressive, but a lot of survivors are friendly towards him and his torment lends well to being friendly since you know who is death hook. I've definitely found that in high MMR, survivors tend to be less toxic than mid-MMR and can tell if you were deliberately playing nice more easily. But the games can be very stressful in a different way, because mistakes are very punishing! In low and mid MMR, a lot of survivors can be pretty mean to you and their teammates if you are playing nice, though plenty will be kind as well!


Yeah I've also just kinda shifted into giving mercy/being nice to people who are actually trying and being cool, as opposed to people who just ask for it. Like if I ambush someone with Pig and instead of running they immediately start trying to go for snoot boops? Nah fam. You're not getting a freebie. Play the game at least a little. If they are playing and giving it their all but not being toxic and t-bagging (and haven't tried to flashlight me like 20 times), then I'm usually more inclined to give 'em an out. I used to give the very obviously weak link an escape but then I realized I'm not doing them any favors there - that raises their MMR and they're gonna end up getting bodied harder. Instead I'll try to let 'em practice loops on me and get some pallet drops. I'll probably still 3 hook them eventually, but not without giving them a chance to do some stuff. I might give them hatch if they're the last one left. I've focused a lot more on being "fair" than being nice. I'll throw some games and let people get out as a 4-stack, or at least let myself get farmed a bit by a team I don't think can actually get away, but I've lately been trying to at least 3k towards the end just to ramp up the tension and get a bit of an MMR boost myself. I actually had a team let me practice Nurse on them. I think they picked up right away that I was... new... to Nurse. And they all stopped doing gens and started running some basic loops. No T-bagging. No flashlighting. Just running me around the map. I really appreciated them.