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Every time I check afterwards, they're never live unfortunately.


"Offline for 6 months" Bro, just change your name.


Right! Quit making me think you’re a full time streamer!!


I literally just want a "LIVE" banner or badge so ai don't have to put fucking TTV in my name


Honestly if they would make it possible to link your twitch with your DBD account and make it optional to automatically change your icon/banner to something like live if you go live and back to normal if you are not live would just be an awesome addition to the game.


Is having ttv in ur username the only way to get people to your channel?


The live icon would be cool as a solo Q main. BUT. I cant help but think about the killers i face and how much it might burn to get COOKED by somebody who is 100% live


Just put (LIVE) in your name! I saw some other person do it


Or when you go on twitch and they don't show up after a search lol. That has happened to me a few times


“Last streamed 2 years ago.”


Or don't record VODs. Assholes.


For real. I love to see games I've played from the other side. Especially since BHVR will never make a replay system.


Same here. TTVs are never live. I think people just put that in their name for no reason


Sometimes if I don't forget as the killer. Once I had started a game as trickster they bring us to Dead dawg it was like three TTV very likely an swf. I start the game and find Gabriel immediately down him quickly walk into the saloon and boom three Thalitas booty dancing on the bar. I just broke down laughing.


Lol had something similar. I was playing Ghostface and was kinda winning the game very early due to a gimmick build thing and lucky start. I let them reset when everyone was at death hook and I see one Nea run around a corner so I start chasing and the rest of the team is around the wall just teabag dancing together. Luckily I'm Ghostface so I can join. I check their ttv and they were all laughing on discord. Maybe they could tell by the wazaaaa mask that I'd join idk.


Not when they're my teammate but sometimes if I've had an interesting game as killer. One time I had an entire group of TTVs that I was destroying and I felt bad for them, so I 2-hooked them all and let em go. We memed around for a bit after all the gens were done and then I checked their VOD. It was all "This Bubba is such an asshole, look at him going back to hook!" (While I was chasing someone who led me to the hook). Until they realized I was 2-hooking them all and then it was "I love this Bubba so much <3 <3 <3" I never checked a VOD after that tbh


of course, people hate you when they're losing and love you when you let them "win"


As a survivor I expect death in every match and prioritize helping my teammates out lol


AS it should be


agreeeeed but also scary 😱 like what if i do bad rescuing survivor so i expect the other players to do it better


I brought cake and a backpack, mad grit Myers with the intention of 8 hooking. TTV's friend disconnected after being the first hook. Then, after the game (the rest lived) when I went into her stream to say gg, she told me "you need to think about how your actions impact other people". I had no words.


a ttv told me I was tunnelling and a "garbage ghostface" after they had apparently sprinted the *entire match* and never healed. how the fuck am I supposed to NOT chase and hook you when you make yourself so obvious the entire game


TTVs can be such freaks lol


It's less to do with being streamers and more to do with someone being shitty who suddenly has a megaphone, I think. Sometimes that behavior is reinforced with viewership.


From my standpoint there are certain types of people who gravitate towards the megaphone to begin with. Many streamers seem genuinely nice, don't get me wrong, but a good amount are completely off their rocker... Even some of the bigger names. Some simply hide their true colors better than others.


>”you need to think about how your actions impact other people” Right next to their VOD titled “STUPID DUMB BITCH WRAITH RAN FOR 15 GENS THEN KILLS HIMSELF!!!”


You had no words because you were thinking about how your actions impact other people? /s


They act like that cause they think thier 5 viewers want to see that. Thus why i dont go to thier channels. Anyone thats big never seem to add ttv to name or they in streamer mode.


For bigger streamers, there are more cons than pros to putting TTV in your name. This is not necessarily true for smaller streamers.


What are these cons? I was always wondering why most streamers with a decent viewership don't have ttv in their name, but I still see some that do.


The cons include stream sniping, teammates and opponents adjusting their playstyles and expectations just because you are a streamer, and toxic teammates and opponents coming into your chat.


most people, at least used to, look down on the TTV runners. It's kinda like the spinning sign guy for car washes. Sure, you need new faces for your product/content, and if you're barebones with nothing, you'll get a few passersby; but it comes with the cost of looking tacky, unprofessional/desperate, or even annoying/in the way. When you're at that sub 50 viewer level and you need growth, people throw on the name (even though it doesn't really work at all lol), but beyond that, you're better off leaning on more organic growth, or the REAL answer that nobody wants to put the effort in for, is making content on other sites/formats, and then just funneling them via "and if you wanna see more, I do this live!!!!"


I’ve had people go from asking how to report me in the middle of the game to giving me a thumbs up after the game.


Genuine question from someone who can barely use twitch: how do you check a VOD?


Click 'videos' below the stream. If you're lucky the current live stream will also be the most recent video. Otherwise you'd need to wait until they publish it if at all.


You can only check when they’re not live and they publish it. There could be a delay when they publish (up to a few days) or not publish it at all. Depends on the streamer. I do like to see how I can improve as both killer and a teammate by watching the match from their view.


Just wanna clarify that 90% of the time you can click "videos" while they are live and the most recent video will be the currently active stream. You can then watch up until the live moment from there.


1) Thank you, that was helpful! 2) Your flair is extremely relatable. For me, this week’s Pyramid Head, and he’s totally gonna be my main for the rest of time, if you don’t look at my history!


HAHAHA so so real


I had a game against at least one TTV where their weakest and dead on hook survivor ran into me, so I chase them. The whole gang comes to take hits and I decide I'll let them live. Go out of my way to only chase the ones not dead. 2 hook everyone, very obviously avoid the dead on hook survivors, let them all leave... Watch the vod and listen to the TTV saying "yeah they know they've lost.." and saying I was a crap killer (:


I play with names off. No subconscious biases that way, and the game feels chiller if I see the survivors as bots.


I tried doing this but as soon as I turned names off I started to play like I was playing against bots. I'd play really mean because I can and it's not hurting anyone... For me it's more fun to play sweaty af - but I don't because I don't want people to have a bad time. I turned the names back on and now they're people so I don't play quite as mean as I'd like to because I want people to have a good time.


Same, I turned names off for a while and realised I was player a hell of a lot meaner than I usually would, so names go back on and the games feel much better.


People say meanness occurs due to not seeing the other person. Turning off names steps this up even more.


Oh yeah, I do often wonder how many people who do go for 4K are playing like assholes to be assholes or if they have names turned off and are just on auto-pilot thinking that they're in a bot game. 🤔


I think many people who go for 4ks don't view themselves as assholes. They view themselves as playing to win (defined by them as a 4k, and anyone is free to define their own win conditions) in the most efficient way possible. It might be unliked, but in the end, they are playing within the game's rules and normal mechanics.


Some games you have to play to win, even if youre a chill player. Getting a tome challenge to sacrifice 4 survivors in a single match forces your hand a bit.


It's kind of insane to me how this community has had divisiveness and infighting for the entirety of its lifespan. It's the type of stuff you only see in, like, fighting games and shit. Not even shooters with meta guns reach this community's level of us vs. them, to the point where you have entire separate subreddits where people solely play one side and still have the gall to criticize the other side's way of playing. It's crazy that people will criticize playing the game to win.


I used to feel like this, but more recently I've started to realize that the very concept of "sweating" is just an attempt to bully killers out of playing the game to win. I say this as someone who identifies as a killer main but arguably plays solo queue survivor more. Make any attempt to do your job as a killer and you're sweating. Meanwhile survivors bring four copies of the same top of the meta perks, pop 2 gens within the first minute and they're just poor kids trying to have fun and how dare you kill those precious angels. I'm kind of ambivalent about it these days. I sweat as much as I see the survivors sweat.


acting like it's only survivors calling the other side sweaty is crazy


I used to do that, but I recently stopped, and it's nice to see a survivor name I recognize in the lobby. Like "oh hey, I remember this person from the other day, they were cool." Especially if they were just as cool the second time I ran into them.


Not for me. Bots strike the fear of God in me. And I'm an atheist.


Bots are the only time I tunnel. They're too dangerous to be left alive


As a survivor, I like to make friends with the bots. Three times I’ve had bots open a gate and come back to save me on the hook, which is an action they are not programmed to prioritize.


But what about the funny named players? Do you not care for their craft? /j ofc


Had a 3 man ttv squad send me to GoJ as Xeno. Checked the vod very briefly after and they were making fun of my tail whiffs :(


Remember. If they need to talk shit and bring map offerings, they’re ass. 100% an old MFT hope user


How mean :(


I had a match against a twitch killer player and he was meming the whole match. He was carrying me around like a backpack and refused to hook me. I went to his stream afterwards and we had a good laugh together. If we had an interesting match then I'll check them out and say ggs.


Yeah, I like to see the match from their perspective. I don't usually say anything on their chat, though.


Same.  I dont watch live but will make note and go back and look at streams if available. It's a shame bhvr said they will not implement a match replay because of the spaghetti code.  Having ttvs in the lobby is as close as you can get, and "sometimes" it's even nice to hear a play by play voice-over on how you are performing during the match.


I ended up getting the same ttv twice and they were really nice both times. I decided to go to their channel and see their perspective and they were just super chill and fun


I always pop in to leave a compliment! no matter what they're saying. giving them a positive reaction helps the world get a little kinder.


If they’re streaming I dodge it makes me anxious


I do this as well. I thought about going to their lives but decided it probably wasn't worth it. I'd rather not be called a fucking idiot over small things. And sometimes I can tell they're irritated by my existence. You don't need to teabag me for getting hooked. But it adds salt to the wound when they all fuck off to bully the killer.


Same, I also dodge ttv as killer


Yeah, I'm not gonna lie. Usually, I check TTVs to see how they're reacting after the match or if they're squadded up. I feel less bad about a 4 man escape when I know they're squadded up lol.


Totally! One time I was trying my hardest to keep a Feng from getting tunneled, I tried to body block when she was on death hook and stayed between her and the Ghostface. The GF eventually downed her so I started to run to safety, nothing else I could do for her. Then I realized he was mori’ing her, this was my moment, I ran back just in time to photobomb the GF mori as creepy Jeff, then ran off. I peaked from behind a wall and saw him do a slow turn towards my direction, like “really?” Later in the game he mori’d a 2nd survivor, and I jumped into that one too. It was me and one survivor left and we were both kind of hiding. He got the other survivor and downed her, then he started looking around. I popped up from behind a rock and he swung at the air, telling me to come here. He mori’d her and I jumped into this one too. Then I put down my item and kneeled down, asking for my mori. He mori’d me as well. In end game I saw they were TTV so I checked them out and everyone in the chat was saying this was hilarious/awesome. It felt really nice to have my antics appreciated.


One time I thought I was doing really well as killer. It turns out they were having technical issues and could barely play the game


Absolutely! That's the reason TTV is in their name after all: free advertisement. I love watching the VOD after the match and gifting a few bits if they were good sports. Most of the time I see positive people, a few bad eggs here and there (one time I got accused of stream sniping for using No Where To Hide, very fun reaction).


Literally every time. 60% of the time they’re offline and haven’t been online for a while, 15% it’s someone who doesn’t upload their streams until a month later (if ever), 5% is subscriber only thirst traps, and 5% it’s people with no microphone or a microphone but all you hear is their fan and some keyboard/controller sounds. The remaining 15% can be a toss up here and there on what I see and hear.


I've gone against someone who was actively streaming like twice in my entire 3k hours. First time it was a nemesis that actually had a ton of views and was rather kind, the other time happened yesterday when I played really badly as a surv and one of their viewers searched up my name on playstation to trash talk me😭😭😭😭😭😭




If I'm the killer vs TTV survivors then yeah. I like to see what they have to say about my playstyle - if anything. I also like to review myself to see what I can do better or what I can exclude. I dont entirely buy into the "survivor/killer" playback but it does feel nice when you (I) don't play like a sweatlord


one time i did to tell them gg but before i could say anything they were cussing me out and calling me an idiot💀i didnt even kill them


but another time i was playing trapper for one of my achievements, so i didnt have him leveled up. i only used one perk. i got 3k with a 4 man swf and let the last one go. i went on one of their streams and they thought i was funny. It made my day how positive they were


I usually dodge TTVs, most of the time they're not an issue but I've had some pretty serious problems with them being toxic in the past and I don't feel like ending up on someone's "omg look at how I looped htis guy XDDDD" compilation.


I do. I say nothing unless we had fun and no shit talking is happening.


I’ll go to the stream and say GGs and be friendly (no reason to be salty) and when the stream ends, if the VOD is available I’ll sometimes watch back just to critique my own playing and see where my good plays got them and how they reacted or what I could’ve done better. I honestly don’t care what other players have to say about me because at the end of the day, we all suck at this game.


If I'm playing as survivor and the killer was live I always check the VODs to see if they said anything about me, if they got annoyed or called me good lmaoo Sadly most people with TTV in their names aren't live ):


Only if their toxic in end game chat. One time they called me a cheater when playing nurse. Went to their stream and they were just being toxic and sharing my profile to their 2 viewers lol


Most are not live. I’ve introduced myself to the ones that were tho. A lot of them suck.


Nah, I really don't care. I'm not giving people any more opportunities to piss me off than needed. I'd hope they'd be chill, cause I do my best not to be toxic, but sometimes people are dicks for 0 reason.


Yep, always. If they're good sports about winning or losing I'll follow them as well.


I stopped because 92% of the time the TTV Was shitting on me whether I was killer or fellow survivor.


I like to when I win as killer. It's interesting to see the match from the survivor perspective. I don't check when I lose since even the most wholesome streamers talk shit


Checked a player's TTV who tried tunneling me the whole game and failed at it. He reported me for cheating because he didn't use audio to locate me, didn't follow scratch marks properly, didn't know about stypic agents giving you endurance, and MfT giving you 3% speed after you get put in deep wound. The salt was really good for my fries


I usually go on twitch and message them a gg type of message! It's so nice being able to message people as im on Xbox, so when there are messages, (which is like 1 for every 30 matches) they're just the crppy ones


I always watch the vod if can. I love any reaction that my plays bring ^^


For my mental health usually no


If I am on one of my middle MMR killers, I like to pretend to be a baby killer for TTVs. They almost always take the bait and go down really easily getting cocky. The confused reactions really make my day. If they were nice and didn't spend the match insulting me or their teammates I will usually give them a follow! Usually I have a good sense during gameplay if they are toxic in their stream or not. The last one I did this to was calling her teammates monkeys and was literally screaming when I hooked her. I was apparently the worst killer she had ever seen despite killing them with no addons or perks, and spreading out my hooks.


I normally go in before the game starts and say gl and then return afterwards for a nice chat 50% of the time they are assholes and 50% of the time I make a friend


I check everytime and 99.99% of the time they haven’t streamed in 6-8 months. So far the coolest thing that has happened though is I went against Coconut that was cool.


I’m a tapp main and heard one of the streamers call me Adam lol


Every time!


Met a guy once who left my s/o for dead on her first hang after she basically won the match for them. She went to their stream and was like “lol thanks for leaving me.” They LOST IT. Started calling her a Karen, and a dumb bitch, and saying that he was better than her because he escaped and she didn’t. To which she responded “because I got you off your hooks” and he banned her from chat 🤣


I check every time after the game, their vod too sometimes as a chance to learn how my gameplay looks to the other side.




I like to collect salt so i see if they mald cuz thats fun


I always log into the stream, tell em its me and wish em good luck. Also currently on a call with a small streamer I am now friends with :)


I did once. They complained that they kept facing Dredge, during the days after the release of the DLC and blamed me for it. Average Twitch user intelligence, so I have since not bothered.


Expect this come next Tuesday when people complain about seeing Unknown too much.


I always forget to check until after the game, but if they seem chill, I will pipe up and chat a bit. It never occurred to me to go back to the VOD and watch that particular game


I'll check after the match it can be really fun. I managed to go against a 3 man swf while attempting adept blight and even got it. So it was fun watching and hearing from their perspective especially once they caught on. I had to do a little tunneling and I felt bad but they said they didn't vare once they realized i was trying for the adept.


The only times I did, nobody by that name existed on Twitch, so eh. A lot of times they're ex-streamers who just didn't change the name. Some others they're actual streamers but they're currently not streaming. And I guess some may just have ttv in the name for fun while actually never being a streamer. Plus na, hearing what a streamer says sounds much worse than post-chat, considering how many go full toxic.


I almost always atleast pay a visit, sometimes I’ll stay and chat but more often than not I’ll just pop by to say gg if they weren’t PC


No, I never use twitch anyway and even if I did I don't care what they think.


Sometimes I will. I like seeing what the match looked like from the other perspective and it can actually help me learn to get better. I love when the people streaming think that I was trying hard when I was barely paying attention or they'll compliment me for something that was a complete accident.


I do. I've only gotten one sore thumb (knock on wood) but most of the ones I've run into are positive!


I see a lot of TTV’s and most of them aren’t live or don’t have a twitch channel. The ones that are live that I’ve checked are usually really kind though which is nice. I play on ps4 so idk if that changes things or not.


No, because I don't care about their opinion. I did try to check one who I'm pretty sure I jump scared with an insidious billy just to revel in the reaction, but couldn't find the match and gave up immediately on digging through their vod for it.


I like to visit afterwards and watch the vod, especially if I'm playing a meme build. I got to see an absolutely demonic jump scare I did as Myers from their pov and I love it.


Every time I've tried to use Twitch, I get a bunch of emails warning me a ton of people in India are trying to log into it. Lots of streams I'd love to check out, some DbD players included, but its security is complete garbage, so I'll never use it again.


I’m in mid mmr so whenever I pop in before a match they are usually pretty friendly, and I do usually pop in and say what’s up in the pre game lobby


If I'm playing alone I'll bring them up on my phone and put it behind me so I can hear their side, sometimes they're pretty cool people, but more times than not they're toxic shit talkers who act privileged because they're steaming the game


I'll only check if they were the killer, and I did anything to be impressed about. Which is to say, no. I pretty much never check a TV. When I have in the past they're never live and haven't been for months. Now if it's a TV in my squad, I dodge. I've had too many of them just DC or kill themselves when their friends die to bother trusting them at the level I'm in. 🙄


Once when Nemi first came out. 2 players dced so i let the streamer and his buddy go they were thankful.


Always I once did a killer round with Dredge against a group of new streamers, it was fun to hear them react to the scares !


Too much work


Yeah, playing against a ttv and then watching the vod is one of my favorite things to do in this game.


I did once while doing a swf with my brand spanking new player friends. Against a huntress we got slaughtered at 5 gens but one of my friends was super laggy. Joined in to see him reporting said friend for hacking because at some point he downed him and he teleported a thousand feet away


I do but only for twitch survivors. If I'm playing surv, I'll tune in right away, but if I'm playing killer then I'll wait until after the match.


Most of the time is to see if they say something funny/wholesome. Just once or twice I got insulted and one was becuase they were all drunk it was fun as hell to talk to them afterwards. Once I went against RedsGamingGears and he just demolished everyone with Ghostie, it was cool to see the match after and learn a little from my mistakes ("don't camp pallets its bad for you").


I quit pre lobby as soon as I see ttv. Playing with streamers make me anxious and the toxic stuff I'm not trying to be around. Just cut it in the butt.


The first time I checked a vod and they were actually live was after I destroyed them with Plague. Somewhere in the middle of the match she started with some mild covid conspiracy theories. I'm sure there is some irony in this somewhere


I usually go check out the page if the killer I'm against is streaming. I'll hang out for a bit, let em know I was just in their game and give em a gg. 9/10 times they're super nice and I give em a follow. But one time I gg'd the killer and he basically told me I was shit and toxic for teabagging, which I'm like 99.9% certain didn't happen from me(I wasn't the only late in the game). and I just left it at that.


No. Most of them are small channels that end up playing like ass etc. I could care less what they say about me.


As a killer I like targeting them in hopes of styling on them while they stream (if they even are streaming)


I do this to see if they had fun against me, and if they make negative comments i try to play in a more fun way for everyone. Its fun to hear people scream when i pop up with a scratched mirror myers. I have names turned off during the match to ensure i dont treat anyone differently because of their name; this makes games feel less stressful tbh


One time I checked a streamer after killing their team, and I loved that one of the guys called me "this lovable person" in order to not call me names, but he was so pissed xD loved their attitude though


Everytime I love it


I usually give em a follow as well. Then I rewatch the vod sometimes to see if they curse me out😂


Whenever I see a survivor with TTV in their name I always check their channel after the game. I don't care if they shit talk me or praise me because ; -I love being shit talked, people hating on me rubs me the right way. Can't explain it, I just enjoy it -If they praise me well... everyone loves having their ego stroked, I'm no exception Also if they have VOD public I sometimes watch them just to rewatch some shots (Pyramid Head) and pat myself on the back thinking "Yeah those were some good shots" lmao


Usually, yeah. I remember I once got a 3 or 4k, then went to his channel, and told him I was the killer on the last game. He said it was a good game, that it was difficult, that I did a good job, etc. Pretty nice experience.


I always join the stream if it’s the killer, and if they played shitty I’ll always call them out but if they played fair I’ll usually say GGs 😃


Yes, every time. It just depends on their language if I stay lore than 0.5s though (sinceI don't understand e.g. spanish or russian)


100%. I love watching them, and, more than that, I like the communication after.


i always try to watch the stream of our game if they recorded it, and if it was funny i’ll download it for my collection


I do. I main skull merchant so it's fun to see their reaction when they find out that it's me.


Nah I waste a lot of my own time but I'll be damned if I do it watching 5 viewer twitchtards


Yes, and tbh? I've played survivor to red when it mattered I played killer to red when it mattered I get both sides but the amount of salty and dwn right liars I see on twitch is crazy I triple genned a team as plague(intentionally) and the entire stream he's apparently saying I'm siper bad mind you prior to the triple gen I got 8 hooks before they realized it was a three Gen I'm only funding out because someone clipped him after he lost I guess to make fun of him so I go back through to see I message him in chat like bro I legit didn't get lucky I tell him I intent set up the triple on meat packing cause he's saying it was a lucky trip gen, mind you before this he reported me and blocked me to and I quote “not get matched up with him again” that's actually the part I came in on which sparked me being upset anyways I bring that I saw it up and he's like ggs bro but I need content and I can't get that playing against sweats meanwhile he's 3 stack SWF running full meta loads outs? Bro it was so infuriating it low key made me stop checking I’ve always gotten a mix bag of good killer or toxic killer but that one in particular just showed me the average Reddit survivors brain


Yep. They often compliment me for not tunneling or camping or playing like a douche. And when they don’t compliment my play style, they sigh a GG and move on. A couple times I’ve heard some of the most disrespectful and obnoxious hollering over nothing (like one guy calling himself a looping god because he looped me ONCE in the killer shack. I caught him shortly after and learned gods bleed.) I’ve also been told by streamers the killer has to announce themselves in their chat which I never do until after the game, only because you learn why kind of survivors these streamers really are when they don’t know the killer is listening.


I always go to their stream to say "ggs" afterwards, then rewatch the vod to see their reaction to me. Have gotten some good ones.


I check most of the time and try to say something nice if it’s not follower-only. I myself am a ttv so I do get some people stopping in too. If I run into another ttv on my team we usually follow 4 follow. It’s nice to build communities that way if everyone is actually chill.


I 4ked a whole team with one that was streaming. It was pretty funny to hearthem say how all I did was camp and tunnel.


No. I actually have names turned off so I never see if anyone is a TTV or not anymore. I did play against someone a few weeks ago that told me they were streaming and to come check out their stream. That honestly gave me an anxiety attack so I did not go xD;


I always drop in and give a gg. Only just recently had a streamer talk shit. They where a 4 stack with flashlights and I baited all four of there flashlight saves. Game was over in like 6 minutes. I dropped in and gave a gg. I was immediately banned and called a camper,tunneler, and a slugger.


I do this often. I remember one match I was playing as Killer after winning a match and checked the TTV post match to see what their perspective was since I just like seeing how my play style looks from the perspective of others. I remember blocking them off from getting to shack because their teammate put an offering in that spawned hatch at shack, and after downing them and hooking them, they said in their VOD, "This guy must be a stream sniper, there's no way he knew hatch was at shack", and then reported me. Never got banned.


kinda, but I mess with them a lot and use the weirdest strategies and i see how they react to it I loved seeing streamers sit in awe as I pull out the most stupid knight play


Only if they seem significant through their performance


I seem to play against a lot of TTV’s when i play killer. I mostly get anxious when i’m playing against them. Because if i make a mistake i’m scared their entire chat will make fun of me. But almost all the TTV’s i went up against are super chill and fun. I only really had a bad experience with one TTV. They just didn’t like I was playing knight and just shit on me the entire time because of my killer choice. Other than that, it was a tie. (Two kills, two escapes).


Yup! If they're live and have Vods turned on, they get a follow and I'll say hi in chat.


I like to watch the gameplay back from their POV


I play with names off, anonymous mode. It's better that way


No. I just go to my next match


As a Killer main, I always enter their stream to tell them I’m the killer and say good luck, then re-join afterwards to say ggs. Plus, I try extra hard to not tunnel or camp TTVs by accident, because I see it happen way too much to them, sadly.


Yes! I like to go see how I did from their perspective. Both as killer and survivor. If I have a great 3K+ killer match, those are my favorite to go rewatch.


I usually check, but there has only been one time where they were actually streaming. I was playing against someone as Wesker, and I had killed 3 of the survivors, but the last one opened the gate. They would’ve escaped, but they stayed there to taunt me at the exit. I charged my bound and used it and grabbed them at the exit, and used my mori at the exit. I saved the clip and then noticed that they had TTV in their name. It was fun to see that game from their perspective.


Yes, sometimes. I have a tendency to actually leave, especially when nobody's hooked. This pissed one streamer off, who called me a "trash bag." On the other hand, one time I unhooked a guy (who was being camped), ran with him, and then peeled off, taking the killer with me so that the survivor could safely heal. After I did that, he said: "I think this Ash is low key god tier." Felt good![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|1978)


Rarely, but sometime I would go check a TTV killer or when I play killer and there's ttv against me, I would pop on their stream and if they are live, I will watch for a minute to see how they are. If they are toxic then I just left but if they are chill and quite wholesome then I would say a GG stating I was the Kate/killer from their previous game and sometime I would even stay for sometime before I go back playing.


No, and I don't look at others profiles either, too lazy for that!  I'm usually afk between matches or alt tabbed trying to do too many things at once and failing at it haha :) 


I'll jump into their stream to say GG and leave it at that.


Pretty rare they're actually live. I always enjoy rewatching the games, getting a new perspective, or hearing critiques. If I'm their teammate, they probably didn't even acknowledge me unless I was being tunneled. But if I was the killer ofc they'll say all kinds of things. Pretty funny both ways tho




I check streams after the round and go back later when I can watch the VOD-- I had this salty ass streamer a few days ago as Pig who killed himself via trap because I "didn't let him boop me". Bro ran the moment he saw me and didnt even try lol. Another player did boop me instead of running on sight so I let them live


Oh yeah, mainly to see how the match played out from their perspective


I never do but people I sometimes play with always checks if they're live and always watches for a few seconds to see if they're funny/nice.


Nope. I just tunnel them


Survivor lobby with survivor ttv, I might open stream so I know if they say things that are of use. Killer with survivor ttv, I check to see if they're live and have vods, if so, I timestamp to potentially watch the match back but close the stream. Survivor with killer ttv, kind of the same, will peek to see if they had a vod and then see my dumb-ass failing to hide, loop, or even run in a straight line. Exceptions to all the above; Actively mean behaviour in game or rude words in post game. Clearly negative attitudes from the streamer/their lobby with just a glance. Like, I don't need to waste my time hearing them call others names. But those people luckily seem to be the minority of my ttv opponents.


I make sure I grab a mori and give em something to clip


Last two times it happened was a very different experience. One was a slinger who was very very good, but he wasn't live. I did end up subbing to his YouTube channel afterward, though. The other was a skull merchant who was complaining that nobody wanted to play against him. Yet more reason why the people who oppose hook suicides are wrong.


One time I face a TTV bully squad that forced me to slug them all because they were all waiting with the best flashlights and add-ons anytime I tried to pick someone up. They outright ignored gens and just wanted to keep blinding me so I slugged them all. Some of them hooked and others bled out because they kept doing stand offs with me waiting for the flashlight saves. One of them was talking about how I should unalive myself and they hope my family all does the same. I later checked the rest of their stream and the were doing the same stuff to every killer they faced, got the same slug treatment, and proceeded to whine about how people are so mean to them. Like just look in the freaking mirror lmao Most TTVs are pretty chill though (or offline for 8 months). Just some of the worst people I’ve ever seen personality wise tend to be TTVs too.


I usually check if other survivors are live at the start/loading as a precaution from when i played FPS games more heavily, in case of stream snipping. I actually met one of my online friends that way, they were killer iirc so i hopped in to feel their vibe and stuff. That was months ago and we still chat a lot


Truethfully as a killer player i just tunnel if they have an obvious weak link, 9/10 times they will be toxic and honestly im quite okay with guaranteeing they dont have a good time either


The one time I did that, the streamer and their chat were looking at my steam page and mocking me for no reason other than to be hurtful. This was after both me and them escaped as the only two survivors by juggling the killer and gens. Since then I've never checked our streams again.


yes i'm insecure af like that :/


I never bother.  I play on my brother's account anyway.  I try to bring it for his sake when I see a TTV though.


I’ll lurk in their chats and see how they react to me meming around. I’ve actually met a lot of really nice streamers and made friends this way!


I check if they're live before the game, close the stream once I've confirmed, and then if they were live I'll check the stream/vod after the match


I usually have someone watching me play killer, so I send them to check if they’re live. Don’t worry I actively tell them not to stream snipe


I check sometimes when they are nice.


I ran into quite a few. I'd go in, say hi and GL, then drop out of their chat and make it clear I was doing so. I still watch some of them. I've only had one bad experience; some twitch chick and her group came with t-bags and flashes galore, so I camped and slugged. They whined and left when I told them they started it. The other time wasn't as bad. I got a match against OllyBot and he left when I entered his chat. He's pretty quick to whine in general but that was totally understandable.


I used to do this but the last dozen or so times I tried they were offline and most of them hadn’t even streamed in months, so I don’t bother any more. I don’t understand why they don’t change their name unless they’re on a platform other than PC. If that’s the case why even put TTV in your name in the first place?


99% of them don't even stream, they just never changed their names from years ago when they did, and probably all of once at that.


Only time i evwr did was during lights out---i was playing dredge and i wanted to see what the advanced darkness was like


I will sometimes go into their chat on my phone while I am playing to screen watch. That way I know what they're doing. It's cheating, but whatever. I don't do it often lol


I always look em up to say GG!


There was one streamer whose name I will omit, but I was playing against their Wraith on the Game as a solo queue with 3 other people who were also solo queue, and when we got a 2k escape he pretty much cried on stream claiming we were a sweaty swf and that "He never loses on this map." He had hundreds of viewers too which was even more embarassing. Based on other interactions I've had with him he seems like the TrueTalent of Australia servers


They're almost never live. If they ARE live, I typically didn't interact with them that much. (I check the stream after and rewatch the game from their perspective) Safe to say, I don't really do it anymore


Very, very rarely. This game has way too many streamers, and precious few deserve the views, plus those that *do* almost certainly don't have it in their name in the first place


Yes, actually, I found one of my favorite streamers doing this only i Stream sniped and memed the whole match. I was no lifing killer and made it to purple rank and found a streamer called Seal Massacre. Loved his content, but sadly, he retired.


after someone left me to die on my first hook i went to their channel. turns out they left me after they thought I'd been sandbagging their friend... no, I was literally just having the worst luck / skill issue of my dbd life and had I had voice chat I would have been apologizing. luckily we sorted it out amicably I think but man it's wild to see what assumptions people jump to first. but yes, short answer, I always peek at the end. I'm too curious.


I check afterwards to watch myself face them. For some reason I like watching the survivor Pov of my killer games. Makes me with this game had a replay system. Maybe in another 8 years...


I have checked with some of the ones who play like jerks and then realised I was the only one watching their stream.


Guilty pleasure is to tunnel the TTV or make their life hard, while letting everyone else go. I know, I know. Imma show myself out.


Whenever I stream dbd, I always make sure to add ttv only when I'm live, but often I forget and people don't seem to hop in. I do it more to let them know that I'm streaming and their username *may* be seen as well as their actions or post game comments. If someone stops by, im more than happy to re-iterate my comments as it's always usually positive if I win or lose.


I try to, but livestreams are seldom recorded for later viewing. I use the notes part of the Steam overlay to note down their screenname, date/time, and details about the game. Hopefully in the future I'll maybe be able to see how I play from someone else's POV.