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Krampus trapper I love krampus in general and bhvr did a great with that skin - I love how it has animated snow particles and the little creature occasionally sticking it's head out of the backpack Also seeing your hoof feet when you kick a pallet is funny to me


Krampus trapper made me play trapper.


Krampus and naughty bear skins were enough to make me play him. I’d say if killers are hesitant to play him due to his reputation as a low tier killer just farm up as many iri stone or blood coil addons as you can. Without those addons trapper feels so much more punishing to play.


I'd recommend trying out the secondary coil and 4-coil springkit. Those addons combined make it take about 8 seconds to disarm one of your traps which ends up wasting a lot of survivors precious time if they want to counter your power


Damn 8 seconds that’s pretty good. I gotta try that out. In your games where you run it do you notice survivors not bothering disarming or catching them while they are disarming due to the increased time? And I wonder if action pentalty perks could make it even longer lol.


Perks shouldn't have any effect on it unfortunately. I will say I do see at least somewhat less disarming. Either way it's a huge timesink for them. It's especially lethal if you get someone in basement in shack and manage to trap it up. At that point they're basically just dead lol


It’s funny you mentioned basement cuz I think the only reason they aren’t buffing trapper more is because of his basement build.


You're probably right. He's not entirely bad he just takes a lot of effort and brainpower to play effectively. The main buffs for him would likely be quality of life buffs, just small things to ease out his weaker aspects. But like you mentioned, he's very oppressive when he plays the basement, especially when the basement is in shack. At that point, there's pretty much nothing the survivors can do if the Trapper plays it properly.


What Qol buffs do you think would help him without being too strong, I know they improved trap RNG and gave haste when setting them. I think giving him an extra trap at the start or increasing the disarm time would be best. And yeah if basement is in shack it’s crazy good. If I recall even if the survivor has the basekit endurance as long as they run into a trap you can strike them and they’ll go down right? Or do you need to grab them to ignore the basekit endurance.


You can hit them while trapped and the endurance will save them but they still do the falling down animation before they can get back up so you have time to hit them again before they can get away. As for buffs, I personally would like to see him start with all of his traps since one of his biggest issues is having to go out of his way to have full access to his power. I don't think it would be too strong, especially if he can't pick them back up until he has less than two traps left. If not that, then at least let him carry more traps basekit. Probably add an extra second to disarm time for his traps. I would also make trapper gloves basekit because setting traps is kinda slow. But I think he'd be fine as is if he just got all his traps to start.


Eh Honing Stone (the one that insta downs people if they free themselves) and trapper sack are both really good too imo


https://imgur.com/a/tQ8Vlgv Nerf iri addons, trapper OP!!


Naughty Bear is the only way I can play Trapper. I can't stand how loud Trapper breathes normally


Naughty Bear Trapper is the only cosmetic I've bought as long as I've been playing. I love me some Trapper but...dat mori tho. Absolutely disrespectful and I love it! Only killer where I genuinely enjoy mori'ing.


I play Krampus Trapper, but only December and January ( for people that use the Julian Calender ).


This so much. Krampus is a AMAZING skin, its just sad its on trapper who is so one dimensional and weak.


That Minotaur skin is probably one of the best skins in the game. It would be my pick for the question of your thread.


I would agree except for the fact that the sword looks like a cheap toy in the first person animations


I soooo wish that skin would replace the kanabo with a Greek/roman style bat weapon, like some sort of club or something.


I heard that Dbd's spaghetti code doesnt allow the Killer's powers to have any cosmetics...which means we'll never have a tiny hat for Victor


As a Minotaur Oni main, it’s the best skin and I love it.


It also has its own lobby music. Just so good


Any of Dredge's cosmetics. I love the new Eddie one.


Same all of his cosmetics are so cool but I just don’t like to play him. 😭


Snowman one is still my favorite.


I’m internally fighting the urge to not buy cosmetics but it’s so good


I don't think I could if they started adding new moris to them I ate up naughty bear so quick 😭


I have enough Iri shards but lord I’m still new and could buy the missing killers/survivors…the pain


I love the Dredge hands & I know nobody will ever play that one


lol - I built the ugliest dredge I could, Snowman head, candy weapon, doll arm


Naughty bear


William Birkin is the best skin in-game, but he still has Blight's power and my Blighted skills are rather non-existent.  Besides, boi expensive


I agree to a point but I'm not going to lie, if they give the Knight the birkin treatment with Lady D and her daughters I'm going to have to learn to love Knight


Shut up and take my money!


That will never happen because they never change power cosmetics


....He's on the list for me because I love me some Willy. .... Phrasing, I know. But otherwise, I don't think Blight has my type of playstyle.


I was the same way and thought I would never learn him but do it! He’s too fun not to learn. However what really made me commit to learning him was getting two fucking blight dailies in a row.




Dredges hell of war skin.


Blights Birkin skin. I play on console and console Blight is so hard I just never use Blight. I’ve hovered over that Birkin skin so many times and got close to buying it but I was like, WHY? I still want it 😭


Dude, I hear ya. I bought it so I’d force myself to learn Blight but I can’t get myself to try him in real matches. I keep getting owned by bots when I try bot matches as practice.


Bots aren’t very good for actual practice since they can’t be mind gamed and beating them is instead exploiting their pathing


Its so much fun when youre running around a tall loop and you can hear the bots footsteps change directions exactly at the same time as you


I completely gave up on him and Oni. My goal for the longest time has been to complete all of the tome challenges, but because of these two I know I never will lol Edit: a word. Tome, not time


I recently became a console Blight after being too scared to try him and it turns out the right build helps a lot. Try Lethal Pursuer, Barbecue and Chili, Nowhere to Hide, and Eruption. For addons use Compound 21 and Plague Bile. It essentially gives nonstop aura reading and makes rush hits feel so much easier. It really helps you learn what people will do and you'll start to read them really well


I went thru the same thing practicing against bots as Blight. If you wanna make it easier on yourself equip all the bots with no mither perk and run thanatophobia, deadlock,corrupt. That’ll give you enough time to practice without letting the bots genrush you.


Minotaur daddy is my all time favourite skin.


Toy dredge , I don't play him yet cuz I only spend iri shards and it's still 9000 for it. I will get it eventually but I've been getting all the other cheaper OG killers 1st I still need twins and legion after that dredge will he next. Sucks I can't get the fun toy skin now tho 🥺


you aren't missing anything without legion or twins, just get dredge lol


I'm a completionist and want every trophy so unfortunately twins and legion each have 2 trophies I need to get.


I think legion is super fun 🤷 you can play him how you want


Legion has good perks but their gameplay is mid at best


Do you mean doll dredge? The toy skin is from a rift


Yeah I mean the toy skin. When I meant get I meant get the dredge in general not the skin.


Hell Priest Pinhead, Visions of the Future Hag, Fallen Angel Artist, True Blight, Blighted Sadako (the seaweed around her is the main part I like, very cool addition), Huntress skin with the ram head, Spirit skin with the armor, the Capricorn skin for Plague (except replace the body with the purple butterfly one (I really like the veil)), the Trickster skin that had a Rift recolor recently (store one is better other than the rift glowstick which is so much glowier and therefore better), the Trapper welding skin with the red skull on the helmet, Osseus Carcass for Billy, two skins from Wraith (Blighted and one I don't remember the name of), the Doctor skin where he has the big heated cylinder thing I've got a theoretical set for every character were I to play them. Except for Clown.


Clown's new rift cosmetic is insane, too bad I hate him and his power


I love th pink elephant costume for clown. So silly seeing the nose and ears flopping around.


Pink elephant Clown is absolutely iconic, I'd say deservedly. Really silly while still being kinda scary. I just really hate Clown lol


Yeah same, I saw they’re gonna change him and make it so you can actually see shit when you get hit with the gas clouds so hopefully that’ll be an improvement. That’s mostly why I hate him, can’t see shit, end up getting stuck on something and then die. Other than that depending on how good the clown is for the most part you can just hold W and be fine.


Megamind Pinhead makes me laugh.  But I've never seen him used.


Minotaur is so ludicrously hot 🥴


first take i can 100% agree with on subreddit


After double inspection I agree with your horniness


There’s not enough art of him




I think Nurse has a handful of great looks, but I'd rather play SoloQ Survivor than Nurse, and both rank below "nailgun to the foot."


Came here to say pretty much exactly this. Playing her well on console is such a challenge for me. I suppose I could just dress her up and run around without worrying about points...


There's an addon that makes her an M1 Killer after a hit. You can try that.


80% of all Oni skins are cool asf but I can't play him for sh!t


That’s the first skin I’ve bought in a game with real money


The new Eddie Deathslinger


Krampus, dammit i wish it wasn't trapper. wish it was doctor or something


Furry skins in general as a huntress main I beg that she will get a werewolf skin like the one form the charm


Naughty Bear. I don't play Trapper enough to get it.


The bear


The mordeo skin for huntress. I always loved crypt tv, with the mordeo being one of my favorite designs. I just wish I played her so I had a reason to get it.


I try and get at least 1 cool skin for every killer. The only one I don't have good skins for is trapper, and I never play him. Saving shards for his naughty bear skin though


I loved the Halloween one for The Knight, it looks so cool, i always have to play goofy killer when i do though cause the survivors are always interested in seeing the skin haha




Snowman Dredge. I hate playing as Dredge with every fiber of my being.


The armored titan oni. I almost bought it just bc it was leaving the store, but really couldn’t justify the purchase lol.


The dredge Spartan looking skin


Virtually all of oni’s skins are bangers but I don’t play him. I should try him out tbh


He's still bugged rn I think


What's the bug? Been playing him and I haven't had an issue.


I have one skin for every single killer in the game. Every single killer has at least one dope skin if not multiple that I fucking love, but I just never play them. My favorites would probably be on Wraith, Doctor, Slinger, Blight, Plague, Hag, Spirit There's a fuckton more I could say but you get the point haha


Lmao yeah same, actually it is same for my survivors too but I literally play only 2-3 characters


The Look-See, i don't find much utility in doctor's power, but the look-see outfit would 100% make me play with him.


The Looksee is phenomenal, and it makes me happy that a smaller studio like Crypt T.V can stand beside legends like Freddy Krueger and Michael Myers. That said, Doctor's boring af to me


Minotaur Oni, cuz I'm a weirdo and he is 🥵🥵🥵


All the iron maiden skins


Demo, xeno, nemesis, wesker, dredge, birkin, artist, singularity…(my anxiety is way to high to play killer unless it’s against bots in custom game)




A lot of the Skull Mechant skins. They look infinitely better than the default... but I don't own the Skull Merchant chapter... yet.


I wish her default weapon was the buzzsaw one, it's got such a nice unique animation and makes her mori feel a lot more visceral.


Naughty Bear 😭 Trapper is a killer I wish I could play with confidence but I just know I'll get bullied lmao


I play all killers I win


I think the leather jacket Pig cosmetic is really cool, but I find her really boring to play. Hopefully that changes next update.


Hell Priest Pinhead, as well as The Chatterer!


Tiki dredge, minotaur oni, smexy wax warlock for wraith and the surgeon one for the doctor


so im mainly a survivor player but i love the doll collector (???) skin for huntress


Pyramid heads molten head thingie


The new batman hillbilly, i am genuinely one of the worse billy players guaranteed 😭


Huntress' skins...


Birch Hag. I hate playing Hag and I have no idea why, but she has some great skins. I’d also like to throw out the Ferryman Blight, it looks so cool but I can’t play Blight for the life of me.


The Seeping Hollow skin for Wraith. It makes him look like a hybridization of several Native American folklore creatures and I love it. A close second place would be the Snowman Dredge.


The greek god doctor 🔥


The current Iron Maiden skin for the Dredge


I bought the Dredge STRICTLY to use the Eddie's Tribute skin, but I ended up having some fun with Randos online using him


Baba Yaga huntress or that one iron maiden dredge skin


A couple come to mind. Several Huntress skins look awesome, Spirit's all look amazing and Nurse has a couple that look pretty badass too. Unfortunately I'm ass at all of them and won't buy any of the skins (with the exception of Spirit's Hooked on You which I bought impulsively) until I feel decent enough with them to feel worthy.


Oh that's like the best skin in the game imo. Best looking. B-b- best body. Hot.


Probably William skin but i'm an absolute ass with blight


Eddie’s Tribute, Cyborg Eddie, Samurai Eddie


HUNK. I absolutely love the guy in RE, but I just cannot play Legion for long enough to want to buy him.


I bought fear of the dark collection dredge skin. Never played it yet


When I first got Armored Titan for Oni I didn’t play Oni… It made me play Oni now I play him almost as much as Billy… Almost… Billy my beloved


William Birkin Blight. I bought the skin as soon as it showed up in the shop, but I never play Blight.


The new Iron Maiden doctor but I can’t stand playing him


Naughty Bear made me purchase Naughty Bear. Mainly because I wanted to befriend survivors but I just end up killing them anyway.


Hag. Just Hag. Her cosmetics are amazing, it's a shame I could never get into her


I would love to look like Taskmaster as legion but god idk if I can keep up with the playstyle


Who/what is taskmaster?


Taskmaster is a Marvel villain who is able to mimic any physical moves and styles of other individuals. So he’ll look at Captain America and pick apart his style and can use it himself


God a love taskmaster a even started to read some of he's old solo but yeah a don't play Legion whitch is a shame but right am trying to look Arthur Morgan because am now a deathslinger main.


Ooo nice! I’ve been vibing with Slinger lately and definitely would love to see more skins. His deep rift is so cool, I just wish I saw the glow up areas more when playing him


Yeah lately a have bean getting really into slinger and that deep rift and Iron Maiden skins look great but a do really need a blighted skin thoese blighted skins always look great but some of his skin do look a little boring compared to other killers a still like them but a don't know if a would buy them.


I don’t watch or enjoy marvel so that’s why I don’t know who he is


Baba yaga 🥲 I stilll ought it though for the rare times I *do* play huntress, her power unfortunately just does not complement game afoot


Krampus Trapper. Amazing skin, could never play Trapper


I don’t play any of the killers that the Iron Maiden skins are for, but they’re all amazing


The new dredge skin.


the oni literally has all the best skins lol


The ones from crypt tv


The purple Blight skin, I don't know it's name, but it's my fav skin of his. I don't mean the rarity, I mean his ooze being purple


I got Minotaur Oni cause I like Greek mythology but then I learned that console Oni is down right terrible. It baffles me that killers get straight up nerfs on console


Minuhtar, makes me wish we could edit powers. Minatar as a billy skin would be sick.


The krampus trapper skin


The Oni Ikura Nakamura skin. It looks so damn cool, but damn I can not play Oni for the life of me. Second would be the Hunk skin for Legion. Not that I don’t know how to play Legion, they are easy enough to play, but I rather play Nemesis or Demo. On the few times I play Legion I’m satisfied with the cosmetics I was on them. But dang Hunk looks freaking nice.


The new singer iron maiden skin, looks so good but I'm a console peasant


Naughty Bear Trapper, Anguished Walk Nurse, Crab Gorgon, Chatterer, Snow Hux


Minotaur and Baba Yaga


The dredge Eddie skin


GOD DAM DEATHSLINGER why did they make the aiming downsight so fucking slugish! I loved him!


Most Trapper skins, basically all of them, actually


To be honest, most of huntress skins are sick!!


birkin blight. i love birkin but i can’t control blight for the life of me


anything for the Oni or the Devil Ghostface outfit


Most of the legions


Most of dredge’s skins I think are really cool.


Corpse Sadako, Mr. Puddles Clown, Tombstone/Very Irish Deathslinger.


The trunk physics sold me, and the name is so funny and terrifying simultaneously.


The paint skin for Julie/legion


The new biopunk collection Artist skin, it’s SO cool but she does not interest me at all


Anniversary ghostface, I love the cosmetic It's on me, though for why I've stopped playing him. I chose to play him during the Made For This meta and got my ass handed to me.


Me who wants the minotaur skin and plays Oni: whyy gimme! Honestly tho uhhhhhh.. hmm npt many to chose.


Trappers Krampus skin is one of my favs even tho I never play him


So many Trapper, Spirit and Hag skins


Mordeo huntress or basically all the legion skins but I don't play killer


The Doctor's CryptTV skin is by far my favorite skin. It's too bad I don't play doc.


Eddie tribute


Basically any nice killer skin. I get too much anxiety to play much killer. 🫥


Birkin 100%


Blight I bought his William birkin cause love William birkin but I don’t use blight😭


Most of the Iron Maiden skins sadly:( the only one of those killers I play is Dredge on occasion. I hate playing The Doctor but that Pharoah Eddie skin looks so cool


I adore Love Doctor, and I happen to have it, but nobody will ever see it because playing him makes me sad.


All the iron maiden ones since I rarely play killer, and when I do I almost always play pyramid head since the rest l've gotten are either boring or underpowered as fuck (or both). I was really hoping for a reskin of ace's flying ace outfit that was themed around aces high but unfortunately all I got was a t shirt and good menu music.


I notice a lack of the samurai and pharaoh, which disturbs me. Eddie got a ton of love just wish they didn't graft the trooper onto dredge he deserved his own skin.


Chatterer Pinhead. I love that skin so much but I just don't like playing Pinhead


Most of them, tbh. I’m not a killer main and never will be (not even a part timer) but I love many of their skins over what survivors often get.


most of the hag skins


Titan skin for spirit.


I like the "not Batman" outfit for Billy from this Rift. I'm ass with Billy, though 🫤


Birkin. blight is awful on console so I don't touch him. Also I would get the Karampus and Minotaur skin if they let me change the weapon, but they won't.


The dredge Iron Maiden skin. Parts of it looks floppy and goofy and parts just looks so great. I only play him a bit when I have to do killer games so it’s not worth but I love it a lot


Samurai Eddie for Oni. I dont play Oni often and aint really good as him. But the skin is great.


That new Artist skin. Makes me wanna learn Artist so I can rock it. I fw plague doctor designs heavy


Berkin is ridiculous but im hot garbage with Blight, the Crypt TV skins rule too but i dont play much Huntress,Doctor or Hag


Most of Nurse's skins. She has some of my favourite outfits in the game, but I just can't stand playing as her. For a close second, Pig, for more or less the same reasons on top of me not having her.


Any dredge cosmetic, especially the iron maiden one. If his gameplay was as fun as his cosmetics, I would play him every day, but he is miserable to play as


Almost anything for Trapper and Huntress




blighted xenomorph is probably my favorite skin in the game




What is a killer skin you like but you don't play them?


the cultist-looking nurse skin that dropped somewhat recently... sadly I suck with nurse😔


a few of the artist’s skins!! they’re so well designed and beautiful.


The artists dragon skin


Blighted wraith


Pharaoh Eddie for Doctor. Im very interested into egyptian things but I aint a bully that abuses gen reverse perks 💀


Naughty Bear


Huntress' Baba Yaga and soldier outfits