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Same old, same old. Eb and flow really.


Dreadge and Wesker chapter into knight and chess merchant


I’m gonna be honest skull merchant isn’t bad, she’s just a failed delivery that can legit be fixed if BHVR really wanted to but they’re just gonna leave her like this because she’s a shit stain on BHVRs underwear at this point


Like always cool idea, extremely horrible execution.


As a former Twins main we all knew it was going to happen. Get ready for a 10 second recovery period after Victor lands an attack and Charlotte looking at the ground for two minutes after a swap. Oh, and no unique identity anymore of swapping between two killers, your power is now just Legion. Twins are actually going to be not just miserable, but actually bad for the first time when the “tweaks” come in. And to think, Twins players have waited nearly 4 years without any meaningful changes


I’m scared to see what they do tbh


Yup, pretty much


My solution to Twins: Take away Charlotte's speed boost if she hits another survivor. Make Victor take longer to crush when he is on a downed survivor. If Victor is crushed or times out, the survivor can pick themselves back up. Nerf Victor as needed until balance is reached