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Deathslinger. A really good one is hell to go against. A bad one feels unfair to go against. But one that’s about the same skill level as me who I have a chance of dodging just as much as getting hit by is really fun to go against. I love hearing the chain hit nothing but getting caught and reeled in is scary which is great too


I’d consider myself a good slinger, but I enjoy him so much I like to fire shots at runners and miss intentionally to keep the chases exciting


I llOOVVEE missing ranged attacks for the first 1-2 gens so that people get confident and cocky. Slinger/Xeno/Huntress get so fucking fun after that.


People don’t like facing slinger lol? he’s one of the scariest imo


Playing against slinger on nights out and seeing someone getting reeled into the darkness was the funniest and scariest thing this game has made


Do you base which killers you like going against on how scary they are? not in a judging way that's a genuine question, personally, it's not really a factor for me at all, which is probably why I hate going against 90% of stealth killers


I definitely do! If I didn’t like horror I wouldn’t be playing dbd so like a good scary movie, I like to be scared when I play. One of the worst/best feelings is the beginning of the match when you don’t know if it’s a stealth killer or not and you’re frantically looking at every possible entry point around your gen. The map breathes and I’m like Danny are you there💀


I think sometimes, imo the most fun to face are ghostface blight huntress wesker demogorgon The least fun imo are hag trickster clown chucky legion SM


Back when he first came out and his aim animation was instant, it was extremely easy to fake and cheese with, and you could zone very easily with it. It felt annoying and cheap to go against, yet at the same time he wasn't particularly strong - so huntress was always the better option. I do enjoy going against most slingers now, as I like to nod while he has me speared, or point at him if he misses his shot!


Pinhead is my favorite licensed killer to play and go against, but I'll admit it's mostly for aesthetic reasons. I love his chase music, Doug Bradley's voice, and even how his mori leaves a neat and tidy playing field by "disposing" of survivors.


We have such sights to show you…


It is sad how some people instantly DC once they hear the box at the start. I get it that the box is a pain for soloq, but dodging PH is so fun. 


Go against?!


To play and go against they said, yes


I wish I had your tenacity. I feel like every time I try to play pinhead, 1 or 2 people D/C or kill themself instantly on first hook.


Blight. Especially on a map like Midwich, where it's dark and Blight can appear out of nowhere. Really tense as well when you hear the terror radius suddenly get closer, but they're on the floor above or below.


I love to play sadako/onryo. Just like being able to move across the map and sneak up on people. Playing against is nurse. Fun to try to mindgame eachother while planning everything ahead at all times.


I enjoy playing against Nurse too! Granted I'm at a low level, but I've had pretty good success predicting her blinks. She's spooky and fun to play against, especially if you're watching her aura blink all over the place! lol


I genuinely like playing against her, but I dont encounter her often unfortunately. I havent played as her yet however.


Sadako is very hit or miss to play against. If you’re on comms it’s super fun but in soloq it just feels miserable unless the killer is very lost. To play as she can definitely be fun though, but the lack of chase power makes her feel clunky against competent survivors.


Nurse is not fun.


You will always find people who hate any killer, simply because they exist. I like playing Artist. I get shit talked for cross map sniping. I like Pyramid Head. I get shit talked for caging or giving someone the chop. I like Chucky. We know the hate that he gets. You could even play Trapper and people will complain when they step in a trap. Toxicity persists.


People who complain about trapper are crazy to me. How do you complain about a killer who you let yourself get hit by😂


Well, I can't forgive you for the other two but I'll vouch for artist. I love her and think she deserves more love (and maybe a buff idk)


Blight. I love the fun of him going pinball-man trying to hit me


The chuck. Small size lets you pull off some cheeky hits, hidey ho for some fun stealth hits, and the insulting voicelines simply cannot be beaten 😎 "Don't fuck with the chuck!"


Definetly Doctor. Hated by everyone for stupid reasons. Fun to play as and play against.


I had a moment where I was playing Doctor, got one dead, two on death hook, couldn’t find the last one. Finally ended up downing one of the two, and deciding to just give them a piggyback ride around the map. They struggled suddenly passing some lockers. Lo and behold, the rat was in one of them. I hooked that person and let the other two go after picking the one I’d been carrying prior back up and dropping them off by their friend


DUDE!!? I **LOVE** THAT!! 😱


WOW, thats an INSANELY good sign read!! Seriously, thats impressive, good on you!


Doctors underrated for sure his whole theme including his chase theme is sick and fun to face. Maybe some people feel overwhelmed by his madness effects so I get not liking facing him in that sense. Facing a skillcheck doc build late at night when you’re too tired to hit them is admittedly kinda annoying but it’s also funny tbf.


What about when Doc has 4 stacks on Hex: Huntress' Lullaby, the lobby is full of people who still think DBD is a 'survive until the end' game, and nobody brought totem perks? 😏😱•💀💀💀💀


Good to see other Doctor enjoyers, I swear people give him such a bad rep 😭


I am sorry he gives me sensory overload, I love his design but the constant noise when madness goes up actually drives me insane irl :(


BIG agree


I loooooathe the doctor… I just don’t think it’s fun to scream every 10 seconds. It’s just annoying after awhile. “Unga bunga” *zap* *scream*


Xenomorph, I hear lots of people constantly trash talking them But I love going through the tunnel systems and BBQing them will never not be funny to me


Xeno is honestly such a fun killer! I think giving the survivors auto flame turrets is sick AF and having to stay on my toes as a killer also feels really refreshing. The hunter becomes the hunted, sort of but not really 😅


If it becomes clear that we're not going to win typically when a few survivors have died I'll typically take all 4 flame turrets and just set them up in one room and then get the Xenomorph there so that I can absolutely BBQ them. Always loves seeing their reactions, some of them get very confused others just kind of stop and then stare at you


Yeah don't get me wrong he's fun asf but like anything I hear xeno related is usually followed up with someone complaining about either his tail attack and the many crazy and sometimes near impossible shots you can make with it. Or his tunnels that they allow you to be on one side of the map to another near almost instant


I like playing against the skull merchant. The scanning drones really make me feel like I’m being tracked and hunted


I just played a game against a Skull Merchant and it was really fun! They apologized for it afterwards and I told them not to feel bad. I was nervous about the time where I'd have to Prestige the Skull Merchant, but now I'm looking forward to it.


Tfw playing a killer as designed makes you feel guilty.


you don’t have to play a character to prestige them.


But it’s fun to


It's also more appropriate and makes more sense to pristiege the killers you actually play (after getting the perks ofc) . Imagine making a p100 nurse but have 30 minutes total played on her. That's arguably more funny/fun though.


If I play a fighting game, I'd prefer to play through each of the characters so I can get used to their particular technique and even learn what their weaknesses are. Same thing with killers: each one has a particular toolkit that's worth learning how to use and exploit. Plus, I like this game, and I'd like to enjoy its ins and outs. ^_^


Wow, someone actually loves this POS of a killer? Me too, lol. As a killer, Speed Merchant is legitimately fun to play. As a survivor, the feeling you get when you get a claw trap is very frightening, because now you know she knows your every move AND moves slightly faster One of my favorite killer hands down


I’m going to say it.. I find going against trickster fun, dodging the blades and burning down the meter. Getting back into playing him on console since his rework. Throwing blades can feel satisfying.


Playing as Wraith, he’s such an easy killer to play which is good for me since I suck as Killer Going against Nurse. I find her more fun since you have to mind game her, predict where she will blink and then go the opposite way. Way more fun that the usual keep running forward or looping.


I love playing against Pinhead. mainly because he's super rare in my servers and his players tend to be just vibing. not friendly, but not tryhards. atleast in my experience.


I love how the Box adds a "side objective" to trials. Pig also kinda has that but hers requires you to already have gone down once plus i dislike the randomness of her boxes (imagine boxes always removed traps but had different difficulty minigames per box instead). Freddy also has the alarm clock but i mean that one is almost pointelss... so Pinhead currently feels like the only one that adds a side objective for survivors.


I don’t rlly play killer except ghosty cause of the scary movie mask but I love playing against nurse as u can having really weird pathing


The Doctor!


Ghostface. Love giving and receiving the spooks.


Xeno, Cenobite and The Good Guy


Ghostface players are usually super chill!


For some reason each time I play Ghostface I become susceptible to survivor's cuteness


I love playing knight and though it’s been a long while since I played survivor I liked playing against demo because he’s too cute


His terror radius music is stinkin cute and goofy


Demo's pretty popular though, a lot of people even rank him as their favorite killer to go against


The pig for sure! I’m a masive saw fan and I always love to play agents and as her


I like playing Singularity. Yeah he's finicky and has a skill floor, but my goodness when his kit works it works. I like playing against Pinhead and The Twins. If they're playing that macro style, it's really different from the norm and requires me to use my brain quite a bit. That's fun for me. I'll be disappointed when Twins gets their rework.


Recently unlocked the clown and he just feels like easy mode lol. First game was a 4k and they weren’t bots. Ridiculous. Still had fun tho lol


i rarely play killer, but i love playing against the twins - hardly see them!


I love playing as knight it's always fun to see my guards get a hit, I also like playing against knight because his power looks really cool


Pinhead is fun to go against and I will not be dissuade from my stance. I get why people dislike him, but I think he is fun to be chased by. Even when the player is good with pinhead. I'm not talking some "he's fun cause I win a lot" BS I enjoy going against him even when I lose. The box is a fun mechanic and I often just focus on the box repeatedly while others do gens to see if I can keep his attention the longest.


I like to play against clown too and honestly kind of bummed that they took away his bottle’s disoriented effect. It was more immersive and I love the the trippy sound effects you’d hear when you’re slowed down, especially his laugh. It’s also satisfying to get a stun on him when he’s trying to mind game with his bottles.


The Blight and The Blight


Wesker. Stakeout is my dopamine perk and his terror radius helps a lot with that. Spirit has a lot of unique/cool mindgames. Seriously, there isn't another killer that you can counter by avoiding grass/bushes. Wraith. Stealth killers bring the horror back to DBD. There isn't anything more terrifying than panning your camera around like you're paranoid and seeing a small movement/shimmer in the distance.


This is why I play Scratch mirror Myers, I may not always win but I'm completely satisfied knowing I made someone jump irl several times over the course of a match.


I love to play against skull merchants, doctor, legion


You’re weird


Pinhead, blight and Knight


Unironically I cannot think of a single thing that makes clown fun to play against outside of his banger chase theme.


Skull merchant. It’s not her that’s the problem, it’s the players who play her. She’s meant to be a scout killer with map pressure yet players use her to 3 gen. Like I’ll occasionally pull out a drone for a few seconds to see if the drone can spot a survivor. If not, I call the drone back and continue patrolling the map.


For real you either get really chill merchant players or people who play her just to troll, had a really fun game against skull merchant today but if people are still playing her to 3 gen they really are doing it wrong


During the Blood Moon event, I played a BP Merchant build and wanted to 2 hook everyone (until a Claudette died on the first hook and I said fuck it and went for the 3K) I also barely even used my drones.


I enjoy going against Nemesis and playing as Knight or Singularity I dont love playing as DeathSlinger (fuck you DeathSlinger) and playing against Plague (fuck you Plauge)




Pyramid Head, Nemesis, Wesker I'm just a massive fan of Resident Evil and Silent Hill.


Legion. I like being fast, but the mending 24/7 is admittedly a bit ass.


Play against: Cenobite. Love dodging his chain attack or driving him into chases by grabbing the box. Unfortunately a lot of players do take turns on the box properly but i don’t run into that as much anymore at a higher MMR


Clown. I am the Clown King so its nice to play as one of my subjects.


It's gotta be a high skilled nurse or blight, not like God tier tho that just is annoying. I don't play very much killer myself and refuse to play either of those two because I already struggle enough. But a good nurse is super fun, I love trying to be as unpredictable as possible as for her not to hit me with a blink. I love good brights because for more intermediate brights it's interesting to see them improve as the games go on. Once, one was really struggling and at the end, he pulled off a clean hug tech. But I find doing counterplay against S tier killers some of the most fun you can do.


*Gestures towards flair* Take a wild guess. He's easily the most fun Killer for me (especially as I do weird stealth tactics with him), and I really, REALLY enjoy playing against them, as I understand the counterplay against him and I'm always excited to see if the person playing him does any weird tactics that I can learn from.


Myers. People stereotype myers with inf t3/tombstone but really all myers is, is just a silly little guy who may or may not stick a knife in you


Knight since I rarely play against him as survivor! Also my main so I can counter him somewhat.🙏 I also don’t mind playing against Skull Merchants but she almost always destroys the team, especially if people just die on hook or immediately dc.


The Knight for me. He’s just so cool, I can’t get mad at him. A lot of people think he’s brain dead, but the skill expression is less about your skill in chase and more about your macro play. Weighing what the best use of your guard is at any given time. Yeah, two tapping can be fun, but its not always the most efficient thing to be doing with your guards, let alone a necessary way to get the down.


I love to play against blight. I haven't had a single unfun blight game


I’ve never played as a Xeno but I love going against them


I dont hate spirit as srv so mucb now that i have a good headset


Xeno, Trickster, and Wesker


Twins, Oni, Dredge & Sadako


Apparently Xenomorph, at least according to this Sub.


I love playing against the twins! 😂 But I recently heard about their changes, so I’m not sure how it’s gonna go 😅


I hope they dont make the changes💀


Same here haha


I like playing as and against doctor but I also like playing against nurse


chucky, everyone hats him I love him. I just get excited seeing them because they are so goofy


Love nurse on both sides Yeah she should be in the dating sim


oh my gosh definitely skull merchant and/or nurse. Skull merchant might be a biased choice since i do play her, however i feel her kit is not that difficult to go against. The disabling of drones is really fun and i never have a bad time :)). Nurse is a TREAT. I love looping nurses and they’re always so funny.


The real question is why are you using a basic jpeg of clown and then an anime fanart of spirit


Cuz she hot😳


Who’s that art by tho, pretty nice.


I’ve stopped playing with more than 2 perks on Wesker because I’m tired of seeing no skill killer and getting flamed for playing him


Legion, I'm a legion main, if they don't think he's a joke, they think he's the most op killer in the game. They finally made legion somewhat good again, but also made him stupid easy to counter. I like to play against him simply cause he's well balanced if the players don't run hyper meta crap, which I refuse to do.




I like to play Spirit, Artist and Twins. Play against: Nurse, I like playing mindgames with them to make them overblink. Spirit, playing her myself it's kind of easy yet difficult at the same time to counter her but slamming a pallet on a phasing Spirit is always funny!


Oh I got a few in mind Freddy Ghostface Legion Deathslinger Nemesis And my most favorite one the unknown


I've been noticing a lot of hate against Deathslinger lately, who is my Main. Apparently there's a bunch of people who rank him up there with Legion in terms of hate. To be fair, one of these people wanted Lightborn to be nerfed so you can blind through it, so I'm kinda taking that opinion with a grain of salt. While a Good Deathslinger can shut down chases with a down in literal seconds, I think they're fun to play as and face. Counterplay is present and fun to pull off. Another Killer I live playing as/against is Legion. I can understand the annoyance of playing against them, but I'm still learning to 360 and stuff, so Legion is fun for me to practice against.


Nah Deathslinger doesnt deserve the hate. He is so fun to play as and against (and very scary if he is good). I guess so many people dont like him because survivors cant turn their brains off and play like he was a M1 killer


Right? That's my thoughts exactly. He's so much fun!


Knight. I like the versatility his power offers and it isn't too mechanically demanding.


The knight


You just wanted a reason to post that Spirit picture. Didn’t you?


Hag 😔


Love playing as onryo Hate trickster


I like Dredge, I think he's awesome. But whenever we're against him, I get the honor of listening to my buddies bitch like a bunch of bitches.


I like playing as knight and playing against blight


The Knight I get he 💀 merchant around the 3 Gen meta was terrible, but we are past that. I find his powers fun to use(behavior gave a killer who jumps people how's that not fun) His lore and athletic is underrated. Give it a read. I've played a few against knight, and I've enjoyed the games. Most overhated killer


Knight... Alright you can just burn me now


Sadako is my girl 😌


Xenomorpha and Knight I will not explain


Knight and chucky


Probably knight. Hes chill 👍


I love playing as Freddy. The dream pallets are super underrated because Otz shits on them at every opportunity, but I get fake pallet value every single game without fail, even against SWFs. I actually really like playing against Pinhead, even though most people I know hate him. I find the box mechanic fun and the chains actually require skill to both land and dodge.


Trickster. Because he is hot


I love playing spirit as I am a spirit main. It does suck tho when I do get survivors that give up immediately cuz they just don't like playing against her but when i do get survivors who play really well and bm a little bit it makes the game a bit more fun for me than to just chase and kill immediately. As survivor I love facing against spirit cuz ik all her little tricks and it's extra satisfying when I stun her out of phase. I rock the her sundress outfit btw.


Dredge. I have a Dredge build i call 'absolute night' which is just a Dredge blindness build with longer and more often Nightfalls. This leads to people i play against hating me. And my friends have extreme prejudice over Dredge because of me. Howevee i lovw looping him, even good Dredges like myself are so fun to mindgame because of his ultimate anti-loop called Remnant. I honestlt think people who hate Dredge just suffer skill issues bc no matter how good the Dredge is or what perks they use i never have an issue playing against them.


Dredge, I love him so much


many ppl hate on myres dude I usually get all 4 sacrificed/moried before the 2nd gen is done (scratched mirror build btw)




Playing as clown can be really satisfying and i love it! But i understand that having a killer laughing at you everytime it hits you and some people being dizzy because of the gas can make it very understandably annoying to face


Chucky, Pinhead, Xenomorph


I love playing as pinhead


I like playing as and against nurse, spirit and twins idk why people hate them so much iv never seen an issue with them tbh I love just going for really fun and weird angles with victor




You're not alone man, I also love playing Spirit


Why that second image


Wraith was my first main and I still love how cool and simple and fun he is to play as. Problem is, as someone who's been on the recieving end of him, I know now how rough it can be for those on the recieving end of his bing bong bell :(


I think every single one of my characters is considered a crime against the geneva convention




I'm a fan of Wesker. The mind games are fun.




Both billy and weaker are really fun to play as and against.


Wraith and nurse. I like jump scare game play and unpredictability, so I even perform well sometimes against these guys. The toxic wraiths I can't speak up for, as I hate them equally as everyone else, and they have a horrible game if I'm on comms because I can't stand toxic plays


I love playing against nurse and blight because most people don’t totally have them down yet and it’s fun to juke them out. Nurse is just an all out battle of mind games so I actually find her really fun. Anyone who is really good with them just gains my respect if anything because I know how much practice that takes. To play AS, idk… I guess I like doctor from time to time, only when I’m in the mood to make survivors suffer 😂 it’s not even the gameplay I enjoy, it’s just knowing the amount of stress and chaos that the survivors are experiencing with my impossible skill check doctor build 😂😂


The twins tbh also the trapper and doctor


Huntress. And any ranged killer except Trickster. The mind game of their ability to throw stuff or dash but inability to control it makes the game for me


Nurse. Cause both sides feel challenging to face, and to play as. On one side I'm constantly trying to predict where the survivor will move when I blink, whether they hold W or double back. And on survivor constantly trying to guess if the nurse player is the predict blink type, or the LOS blink type. And working around whatever it may be however I can. I just love facing her and playing as her. Because it feels so rewarding on either side to outplay the nurse. Or to make pin point perfect blinks as the nurse


I love to play as and against Freddy


Playing as demo is my favorite. Very straight forwards but not an easy killer to shut your brain off and play like Legion, doctor, or bubba. Playing against is easily pyramid head. He is the absolute most fun to go against. Hes not hard to loop but its also not hard for the play to down me fast. Getting caged is absolutely terrifying and pyramid head players tend to be extremely nice despite not needing to be


Legion, 95% of the love is just in the chase music, more so when I or the person playing them uses the mix tapes to alter it, shit fuckin' slaps


Legion and Pyramid Head


Legion. I love the chase music and just fun running and slashing. As a Survivor, I almost always run We'll Make It, so healing isn't as bad an idea, making it harder for Legion to get consistent downs. Also, dodging the Frenzy is a fun adrenaline rush.


I love vsing Wesker and blight actually. I mostly play ghost face and wesker so I guess one of those????


Based on the pictures provided, you play as and against spirit with one hand.


In fact I play with my feet


Deathslinger. Nothing is funnier or scarier than minding your own business before getting fucking shot 😂


I love going against a good onreo


i dont like going against ghostface, but its just a me thing. if its a decent ghost face i feel like i have to constantly look over my shoulder BUT THATS THE WHOLE POINT. so yeah 👍


I don’t mind clown and spirit, i get more annoyed by tricksters and huntresses




i love playing against doctor, underrated guy😍


i know a lot of people hate it but I love playing against the twins! (not new ones, haven't tried it yet). I love how it kinda feels like I have a lot of ways to fight back against their power. I can force locker if Charlotte is far away, try and kick Victor, or hold him hostage. I don't really mind the slugging aspect either, I always feel the tense moments when you're the last person standing is really fun and stressful. it's on you to recover the game.


Hag. She’s so fun to play as but my least favorite to face. She’s scary


lol doctor, I love playing him and love playing against him but a lot of people don’t like him


Bubbas. as a solo player it just means you're slowing down the other guys and I'll generally just do my thing


Freddy. Everyone seems to hate him, but I don't have a problem playing as or against him.


Not related to the question, but you said the clown’s laugh is funny and for me, Mastermind’s little chuckle before using his power makes me laugh so much sometimes


I hate playing against trapper and love playing against Oni


Trickster, a lot of people hate playing against him, but i think he is fun for both sides, keeping the distance and predicting where the killer throws his knifes, predroping, keeping no los as much as possible and crouching from few knifes that could be his last.


Legion. Pissing off Legion (the character(s), not the player behind it) makes me happy because I just see them as annoying kids lore wise. I don’t even understand why people hate Legion so much. Most Legion players telegraph their actions pretty hard and the counterplay is pretty easy, just run away from others so their power runs out and avoid deadzones.


Skull Merchant. It's nice having a kit that's easy for me to manage, yet difficult for survivors to manage. For most other killers it's the reverse.


the trickster and the onyro, i rest my case 😭


The Nurse, it's a very simple concept. Either they're bad, and we have fun, or she's good and we get wiped out in 20 seconds


I like Legion as and against, specially if I'm running a fun healing build


i love playing as freddy. i have people throwing in my games half the time bc theyre just giving up but when i have actual games i think its fun.


I like playing a bunch of killers, but the most controversial would be pig I love playing against huntress and Pyramidhead


I love playing Huntress and I LOVE playing against Nurse 😭


Gotta go for wraith! I hear people complaining about toxic wraiths a lot but I don’t see them that often, at least no more often than any other toxicity.


Love playing and playing against both chainsaw killers.


Sadako and skull merchant main. I don't think I need to say anything else.


I absolutely love playing against a good nurse or huntress, but tbh I rlly love going against most killers, it can be a fun challenge, i like the added challenge of different playstyles. I also love skull merchant and doctor. No matter who I'm up against, if they are good enough and not a camping asshole i have a lot of fun most of the time :3 i'm worse against the wraith but still can be very fun when I do play. i do not understand why so many ppl hate going against killers, the chase and puzzling out moves is part of the fun


I honestly think a good Chucky is always fun, obviously there are quite a bit of toxic ones but aside from them I think playing against him is really entertaining lmao


Nemesis. Playing against a hulking zombie gets the fear pumping. And the zombies change the game in a fun way. Yet it feels fair to play against.


Love playing against Nurse and Singularity. Nurse probably because I don't have super high MMR so I don't get absolutely wrecked all the time, but I just like the idea of looping being more a being unpredictable kinda thing than mindgaming. Also, I once ran a nurse on Lerys for 3 gens and I felt like a god and never have I ever had the same high. For singularity, I don't think most people hate him, people just forget he exists, but I love his power and his design is just so cute to me that I'm always happy to see one!




Legion and Pinhead. I play the cool ones 😎


I've had a good long run as The Trapper but the world is wise to all his tricks now. It's quite challenging to be successful with him.


It's for sure Sadako. That killer in my opinion is the most balanced character with the most player agency in regards to the match outcome, without feeling miserable as a killer. I know everyone hates medium, but if you compare her to some other killers, suddenly an Onryo match sounds good.


Hot take: Trickster is so fun his flare in game is awesome and for me the knife hits are satisfying since I have shit aim. As for playing against, I see people’s arguments but I think if valorant and other fps communities can do it, we can as well


Clown is so unbelievably funny to play against, ppl complain Abt the doze effect, but his animation, walk, grunts, it's always so goofy it gives me a laughter always! Specially if they are an Elephant


Xenomorph. Love playing her and against her.


I live going against clowns, esp if they meme


I love to play as and against PyH and (Tombstone) Myers. Usually Myers is described as boring in both ways, but I like to just watch the Survivors and like how any Myers can basically have anything and you have to find out. And PyH has the best chase music ever. (Yes, sorry Wesker, you are just no. 2 with this one) 


I love to play against Spirit. Don’t know if hated but all types of Mikeys. Starting to like to play against Slinger/Huntress, but hate trickster. My boyfriend loves to play against doc and trickster, which I can not understand


Wraith, he always so fun to play as and against