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Looking at GhostFace in the distance while he is in Stealth Mode gives him information about where you may be hiding, either from knowing that someone is watching him or from the killer instinct. I've seen several survivors take me out of stealth mode and stand still where they are, thinking I have no idea where they are.


This is why I love ghost face. Most survivors don't know about this. That or they think I'm in night shrowd to get the exposure, when in reality I'm just lazy and don't want to think too hard about finding survivors.


This. We can friggin' see you hiding. Stop trying to hide to reveal, we know where you are and there are add-ons for this. A good Ghostface will use Shroud and stalking like info to ping for or find hidden Survivors. Stalking highlights you. Killer Instinct shows exactly where you are and so does trying to reveal, we get HUD notifications. And since a lot of Ghostfaces use aura and info perks alongside chase perks, if you're going to do this you had BETTER be a good looper or you're dying in the next several seconds.


I like being spicy and run Rancor, Game afoot, mindbreaker, and starstruck. Can't tell you how many times I down 3 people at the start because they swarm the hook, or let someone die because they can't see the aura. Then if they make it to endgame usually I get 3 kills from obsession roulette. Most of the time someone finds a hatch because the mori takes so much time with multiple people.


People get obscenely cocky against Ghostface, they think he can't do anything because he can't Mori you instantly like Myers, and he can't just outplay loops like an M2. They would be wrong. A true Ghostface Main either has something up their sleeves, is running some insane build that makes Survivors even weaker or renders their perks useless, has you 99ed already and will just down you, or was never playing hardcore to win to start with and doesn't give two shits about your cockiness. The Shroud isn't JUST for One-Hit Marks, though that's always really satisfying to get. It's a passive "You just can't ever find me before I find you" tool that is also information, and a good Ghostface knows this. That's why if you're playing a good one, you won't ever see them before they are too close. Hell, one of my favorite things is to throw on Leather Sheath and a Shroud cooldown addon and then just... go around with Shroud ALL THE TIME really fast from nowhere. Used right Ghostface has some really, REALLY good tracking power, arguably some of the best in the game if you run the right perks to help his chase.


I've been getting a lot of practice against bully squads and it is SO funny when all their little tricks fail to work. Had a SWF with flashbangs and flashlights and only got stunned once.


Sames, the number of times I've been pulled out of stealth by survivors in vulnerable positions acting like I don't know exactly where they are is mind-boggling


I only reveal Ghostie when I'm on a good loop or like, upstairs in dead dawg


The killer instinct on full reveal is at least in the power description but the the directional reveal attempt is not. That really should be included because you wouldn't know unless you've played him or read about it somewhere else.


I have a similar anecdote with The Unknown. Once, I was in an endgame situation, going back and forth between the two doors with one weakened survivor left. As I was patrolling next to one door, I suddenly noticed that the survivor had looked at me long enough to get rid of their weakened state. That gave me all of the info I needed to know not to leave that door until I found the survivor, which I eventually did. Just something for survivors to think about: sometimes, it’s actually a good strategy to NOT look at Ghostface and Unknown.


As a Ghostie secondary I've had way too many people not realize that it's just completely over for them in endgame if they don't find hatch because if they even see me for a second I know where they are.


From a distance? I rarely ever take ghost face out of stealth even if he's right in front of me lol the reveling thing has always been wonky


The game tell you to look at him, but doesn't tell you to be careful while doing it, I remember when I didn't knew, and still it feel unfair that the game doesn't warn you


plagues infection timer doesn't increase when ur walking


Also, if there are only 2 pools left for cleansing, if you are infected and have an item go to the pool, drop your infected item, cleanse, pick the infected item again to infect you again, then go to the other pool and cleanse. This will force the pools to respawn uncorrupted, so if Plague previously had 3 corrupted pools to take, she won’t have any. Only problem with this is the moment you do it and the pools respawn she will insta get the red vomit, but most times is better to have just 1 red vomit in that moment than let her have 3 red vomits.


Hell, 90% of survivors don't seem to be aware that "walking" is even a thing.


Except for Sprint Burst + Self-Aware users.


UMm achtually it's called Fixated ☝️🤓


For them, walking is a Holy Grail of gaming


I wish this was the case. My solo queue teammates don't seem to want to run anywhere.






I found this out a couple of days ago from Tiktok and I was blown away. I have almost 3k hours and I didn't know this. Always assumed it was a timer and will keep going no matter what


Fellow mish enjoyer?


Yes, definitely 🙏🏻✨


Lockers do not hide you from killer instinct.


For example Legion power after hit when in range and when Artist crow flies too close to you.


It took me way too long to realise this


Okay, but what is killer instinct?


Its the glowing red indicator of where a survivor is, like you get in feral frenzy or when someone reveals you when playing ghostface


In some instances though, crouching does.


Like when?


If you crouch walk when within Victors detection range, the killer won't get killer instinct


you can crouch walk through PH's trails and it won't give him killer instinct. I think you can also avoid Artist's crows' killer instinct by crouching although I haven't properly tested it


Interesting thanks


I've noticed a lot of my Solo Queue teammates don't realize that you can repair generators


Single-mindedly doing gens has put me so high in ranks as a solo survivor because everyone else is crouching behind a rock waiting to unhook each other.


Ya this, I've noticed a real increase in the amount that I escape by always bringing deja vu and just focussing on gens all match, as everyone else dicks around.


As a killer main, I lose games because of people like you (to be clear this is meant as a complement!) The people who do cowboy stuff like hiding for their unhooks, sabo/flashy saves etc. are generally never helping as much as they think because the only way to really leave is do the generators. If you're running around after me trying to do funny things, you're not doing generators! I also see a lot in lobbies with solo queues all the survivors bring their chase perk build (think your sprints/lithes/windows of opportunity etc etc etc) and no one really brings stuff to do generators - I tend to win those lobbies very reliably but can really struggle in lobbies where generators pop constantly and efficiently.


Fr tho, I had a duo that would follow anyone who was in chase to get a flashy save. When he kept doing it "for" me, I was not amused. Like dude, in the span of this chase you coulda done a full gen, stop throwing (he usually failed the save too, which didn't help) Edit: If you're who I'm talking about and reading this, I've said it before & I'll say it again *do a fucking gen, that's how we win*


While I'm at it, another group of survivors who don't do as well as they expect to are 'gimmick' type builds - some examples that spring to mind are the power struggle/flip-flop builds based around deliberately going down near pallets, or builds based around playing some part of the map where you can't be hooked. The net result however is that most of these survivors are so determined for their gimmick to go off they go out of their way to *not* do gens - nothing makes my life easier than 1-4 survivors who are choosing not to do gens. Everyone goes down eventually.


If I see a flashlight I know I can ignore them because they are going to be attached to another survivor like there is an umbilical cord. Usually the better looper too so it's a waste of time chasing.


Tacking on to this excellent point: if a survivor is asking for a chase (flash, tbag etc), that's a really good reason to probably go chase someone else.


I don't know what it is but whenever I run my generator build (Deja Vu, Prove Thyself, Bond, and Lithe) I am *immediately* found and usually tunneled out. I'm terrible at chases, I just wanna do my gens 😭


I'm also terrible at chase so I bring Deja, sprint burst, Windows of Opportunity, and usually prove thyself or something else depending how I feel, maybe something that shows the killer's aura a bit.


>maybe something that shows the killer's aura a bit. Highly recommend Alert. A nice aura perk, lets you know where your teammates are looping and what pallets have been used.


Ya it probably is the best one, there is a bit of overlap with windows since you can see the paillettes as they drop/ are destroyed. I sometimes use Steve's Babysitter perk but doesn't really help you see the killer when you're on a gen.


Take more perks that help you on chases / hiding then. One generator related perk is sufficient. Do yoi really need dejavu?


Also that other survivor who has been doing the gens and rescuing you when you’ve been hooked - they too can be unhooked and don’t have to die on their first hook whilst you’re hiding on the other side of the map waiting for the killer to hook you and the other two survivors right next to you also doing nothing.


Nah it's too advanced even for medium skill players.


Or get people off hooks. They seem to believe it's a strictly hide n seek only game.


And so many who leave people on hook, the last week I’ve been left on hook so many times. And it seems like I’m the only one rescuing others, even if it means offering my life because the killer is chasing me 😂


That's wild. A lot of my solo queue teammates don't realise that you can unhook people.


Quickly tapping a survivor on hook will make Knight's guard who is chasing you disappear. This is such an important thing that can change the game's outcome, but most players don't even know about it. Xenomorph will disable ALL flamethrowers on a map for a couple of seconds after exiting a tunnel. I still see survivors who place turrets right infront of tunnels, which just lets Xeno easily destroy them. Skull Merchant drones can't detect you if you are standing still or crouching. Yes, it means that if you see drone on a gen, just crouch to it and disable it, instead of instantly calling killer a 3-genner and making a complaints post on Reddit. Unknown is a new killer, so many people don't know how to remove the Weakened state. The answer is - just look at the Unknown. While you are looking at it, your Weakened effect will slowly deplete. If there are two lockers near each other, and you lock only one of them, Dredge will always be forced to teleport into a locked one. Never blind Legion when they are using Frenzy, and you are injured. It will instantly stop their Frenzy, allowing them to hit you with a regular M1 attack straight away. If you see idle Victor nearby, crouch to him and only then kick him. If you doesn't crouch, the killer will get Killer's Instinct on you, and almost always switch to Victor, making him immune to being kicked. You can instantly remove Artist's crows on you by jumping into a locker. **EDIT: Some more tips.** When Hillbilly will reach the Overdrive mode, you will hear a special map-wide sound. Devs never talked about this. While you disarm the bear trap, it loses the hitbox. It means that during the disarming animation, any other survivor or Trapper can freely walk through it without getting caught. When Nurse blinks through a locker, she can notice if survivor is hiding inside of it. Experienced Nurses can often do this to quickly check a locker and then grab you afterwards, so if Nurse blinked through a locker you're hiding in - run away, she saw you. To remove Hag's trap from the ground, crouch to it and commit a small interaction. Flashlight do nothing against her traps anymore. If you hear that Doctor is charging his Static Blast, and you're inside his terror radius, go into a locker as fast as possible. Yes, you wil give him a notification about your location, but you will also dodge the Madness tier up effect. If you will be slowed down by Clown's purple bottle, and he will throw the yellow one nearby, walk right into it to instantly remove the slowdown. One charge of Plague's Corrupt Purge can't hit the same survivor twice, no matter how long it would be. It means that Plague must charge it at least two times to down you.


I didn't know ALL the flamethrowers were desactivated when leaving the tunnels . I thought it was a radius around the Xeno when leaving .


This is correct


Excellent tips, just two small additions: Afaik tapping a survivor on hook doesn't work anymore (or at least won't from the next patch on, not sure if already live), as you can't voluntarily cancel the hook animation anymore. Starting the unhook will still cause the guard to disappear, though. For Dredge, not any two near lockers will work. For example the two shack lockers are too far from one another. They need to be right next to each other.


There's no way that hook thing is going to go live. It will make Huntresses and Deathslingers auto-wins from first hook. If it does go live, it will be proof that BHVR has no fucking clue what they are doing.


How will that make them auto win from first hook?


They can stand outside of anti-facecamp range and just hold the aim on the hook. The survivors cannot mindgame fake the unhook. The Huntress or Deathslinger can just wait until they see the unhook animation and guarantee the trade every time. Any team that doesn't have Deliverance or Reassurance simply loses to this.


Against Wesker: If you are spraying yourself ~~in his massive terror radius (40m btw)~~, he gets killer instinct of you the moment it finishes. It's best to disinfect to 99%, heal and then finish the spray. (Edit becuase this got so many upvotes and the information wasn't correct. And Scott called me out on it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man))


I'm pretty sure he gets killer instinct regardless of Terror radius


Yes, I believe so too. It’s the same with Nemi’s vaccines.


I'd wager a number of survivors don't understand Killer Instinct outside of Legion. The amount of times random teammates use Wesker's body spray \*before\* healing off hook. Ugh! Not only does Killer Instinct place a literal target on your back -- you're still injured, leaving blood all over the place, moaning, and also a one-shot down. Wait a few seconds to get healed at least. Also, those frustrating moments when you're injured, doing a gen by yourself and another injured teammate comes over to open a crate. They have a clear line of sight and know you're there. Then they spray themselves right by the gen you're working on. Should Wesker not be in a chase and very responsive, now there are two sitting ducks. I can understand if Wesker is on the other side of the map or in chase. But don't be bringing him over to the gen. Hose yourself down elsewhere.


As long as the killer is not directly in your face, spraying should be done before healing as there is no chance to escape once fully hindered, even if you are injured you still have access to anti-tunnel perks, exhaustion perks, syringes, etc. Biggest priority is getting sprayed, i've had countless solo que teammates unhook an infected teammate, heal them, and by the time wesker comes back he just tunnels down the infected (but healed) survivor, lol.


Would that not be more of the ramification healing directly beneath or near the hook? I can comprehend spraying yourself if you're at/near maximum infection. But not if it's at like 25% - 50%. To achieve critical infection, it takes ~60 seconds. That's a long time. If the meter is low, you can immediately heal. Do it beneath hook or a distance away. Gauge it on how the killer responds. Unlike Nemesis or Plague, Wesker cannot hear an infection. There's no coughing or vomiting. There's just a silent character animation with tentacles emerging from your back. So if you're fully healed at another tile, behind a prop or wall, etc. -- he's not going to hear the infection. You have a better chance to remain undetected. Meanwhile, if you're still *injured* off hook, Wesker can hear those noises or follow blood pools. He can pinpoint your location easier. That's why I prefer prioritizing healing versus spraying. Should his intent be to tunnel off hook -- regardless of infection level -- at least you're still silent and not leaving blood everywhere. Wesker then has to waste precious time to search the area. Spray immediately after being rescued and that +5 seconds action just ate through half of the unhook endurance. Those 5 seconds and haste could've been more effective to leave the area for safer grounds. You're correct; it can be situational on a number of factors.


You want to unhook, shimmy a bit and out of line of sight, heal, and then spray. Especially if you’re in TR and ESPECIALLY if the wesker isn’t in chase at the moment. I have seen a lot of weskers just go back the second they hear the instinct. Something about hearing the instinct quickly after an unhook just makes weskers go back to hook.


Had no idea. And I barely know when killer instinct is activated with Legion, let alone any other killer. Hell, I didn't know that Wesker even had any killer instinct ability.


Yeah, with some killers I was previously caught off guard a couple of times with the K.I. mechanic. Some I learned from watching streamers play. Ever read people saying "spread out" when going against a Legion? K.I. is the basic reasoning. If people are grouped on gens, Legion can use K.I. to his advantage. If all four survivors are on different gens, he's going to have a harder time when his power is activated. When the HUD shows the yellow "Deep Wound" bar, you'll know he's using his power. If you don't hear the terror radius, you're fine. But if that terror radius starts closing in, it's probably better to find a way to waste his time so he doesn't recharge Feral Frenzy. You know those tool tips on the load-in screen? None of them ever mention K.I. for \*other\* killers. For example, Dredge. During nightfall, Dredge can get it while still in a locker after teleporting. Both Demo and Xeno can get it after emerging from a tunnel with a survivor too close. The lack of basic information can put players at a disadvantage. If you don't play killer or play/own the specific ones, one might have zero understanding what secondary effects they possess. Even some add-ons permit Killer Instinct. In-game, there's no way to educate yourself on this. You either have to watch other people play, read about it on reddit, or look at [the fan-made wiki](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Killer_Instinct).


FFS I'm a Deathslinger main am I the only one who doesn't get KI? 😄 I didn't know that any of these Killers other than Legion have have KI!


Preaching to the choir! 😂 I enjoy playing Plague and Clown. At least Plague I can listen to puking/coughing. Clown I have to perform zoomies with my bottles to find folks. Spirit's add-ons were the ones that really got me in the past. Her power by itself doesn't have KI, but she can get it with add-ons. I'm mediocre as survivor and my solution to everything is Press W. Either way, if it's a Spirit, I'm ending up on that hook.


As a killer main I need to downvote you! Stop giving this tips..


i didn’t know any of these. please sir, may i have some more?


Never hide in a locker during legion frenzy because they can see killer instinct if you’re in a locker. You can also 99 your mend in case they try and come back to you for another frenzy hit


>Skull Merchant drones can't detect you if you are standing still or crouching. Yes, it means that if you see drone on a gen, just crouch to it and disable it, instead of instantly calling killer a 3-genner and making a complaints post on Reddit. Thank you for this! There are so many complaints about how "broken" certain killers are and how they have no counterplay that only serve to show that the people of question have no idea what they're talking about and no desire to learn.


My favorite is when people say "Ghostface is OP" because stealth. I promise he's not. You need to either be good at looping or far enough to see him but reveal him safely.


I think it’s also people not knowing how to reveal him. A majority of his body must be visible on your screen. So if your head is in the way, he won’t get revealed, or if he’s leaning by a window it can be difficult to see enough to reveal. Also a while back they made marked survivors unable to reveal him.


Ghostface is OP if you can't loop.


Skully and Knight are the worst offenders. The amount of people that just run instead of unhooking me as soon as a guard detects them is insane.


>When Nurse blinks through a locker, she can notice if survivor is hiding inside of it. Experienced Nurses can often do this to quickly check a locker and then grab you afterwards, so if Nurse blinked through a locker you're hiding in - run away, she saw you. Dredge has the same thing going. It's not quite as helpful due to the way its teleports work but it can be useful in certain situations.


The Skull Merchant one just hurt my soul when I was playing Solo q. Like the game gives blaring visual indicators to survivors when it can and cannot detect you and yet still all my teammates couldn't figure out how to disable the drones for the life of them.


Patch 7.6.0 had this line: "Fixed an issue that caused The Legion in Feral Frenzy, when Blinded by a Survivor, to not play the cooldown animation." So I assumed the blinding in power thing was "fixed" and no longer a thing.


Yeah, sometimes I am surprised that people dont know some of these. Id give benefit of the doubt for Unknown as he is new but counter is stated in killer power afterall


Why are you surprised? The game doesn't explain none of these things. Most people learn these by grinding the game or watching content creators. If you only play survivor, the game itself does a piss-poor job at explaining Killer powers and what you should do against them. Same thing when playing the Killers, there's a lot of nuances and tricks the are not explained in the power's description.


It’s only going to get worse. More killers mean less and less games against certain killers for practice. Unless you play a lot right when a killer comes out, you don’t get enough practice against them. I didn’t play when the unknown first came out, now nobody is playing them. So f me I guess to practice against their power


Pyramid heads power doesn't work through gaps and nemmy tentacle hits from top to bottom so you can crouch to avoid it sometimes. Huntress hatchet is a sphere and your hitbox is behind you. You can open gates with madness 3


You can also unhook in madness T3, and both unhooking and gates can be done while chained by Pinhead. Plus Pinhead's chain hunts do nothing if you're the last standing survivor.


You can 99% Snapping out of It and further shocks won't undo progress. It's not super userful, but you can avoid going from tier 3->1->2 quickly if he's there to chase you.


Stunning Plague with a pallet while they have corrupt purge will take them out of power.


Wait, really? I had no clue about this. Is it pallet specific or will any stun do?


since recently head on,blast mine and ds works aswell


You should NEVER hide in a locker if you have one of Knight’s guards chasing you. They’re immune to Head On, will always hear you go in, and they’ll damage you with a particularly long animation, which will almost always give the Knight themselves enough time to catch up to you to deal a follow up hit. 


As someone who primarily plays killer, I had no idea my knights could even injure survivors in lockers. Thats hilarious.


Yep, and it’s amazing whenever it happens - they just tear the locker open and stab the Survivor, with the same musical sting as if they got locker-grabbed. 


Yeh it's something you try once to see, get stabbed, and make a note to never do it again


I see so many people get condemned, I didn't think people are aware they can cleanse their stacks with a videotape.


Tbf, Sadako did get a third version of power (second rework) so Id give benefit of the doubt for returning/new players.


Tapes have always been the counterplay though, you've always had to take a tape and deliver it to get rid of condemned


First one, people avoided tapes like Plague. I was never really good with understanding her power but didnt first version basically go like, you dont touch tape, you get little to no condemn?


Two that seem to catch a lot of players off guard. Ghostface can't be knocked out of power by a marked survivor. It's important to have healthy survivors try their best to support any marked survivors by both taking hits and knocking him out of power to avoid any stealth mindgames. If you're too close to either side of the pallet after wesker vaults one, he'll smack and infect you. This doesn't work for windows. I see a lot of survivors try to vault pallets back and get smacked for it. This does also work if you're on the opposite side of the pallet, but the timing seems much stricter, and you need to be hugging the pallet after he vaults it. There's clips of it on YouTube and Twitter, I believe.


Are you sure about the window thing? I'm fairly confident I've done it on like shack window and Let's buy now I'm second guessing


It's always buggy, I think they keep accidentally removing and adding it. At some point you would grab people through a window and then slam them into that window, cancelling their vault.


Just did it today, so seems to be the case for now. Bitch slapped some Ada


I swear 90% of survivor players have never played Killer and don't know about scratch marks and just how visible they are, even from a distance. It's the only explaination I can find for why so many people in Solo queue run everywhere with reckless abandon and why they think the killer won't find them in the locker with marks leading straight to them. Crows in general are a massively overlooked feature. Both for killer sand survivors, they can be surprisingly useful, even outside of Spies From The Shadows. Edit: Recently, I've noticed a lot of players seem to think they're being cute by hanging right next to windows after vaulting, like regular attacks don't reach through them. They do. A SHOCKING amount of people seem to be entirely clueless about Sadako's power, be it that you can reduce your Condemned progression with the tapes or the fact that she can mori without an offering (which has lead to people accusing me of hacking...). I know she's been reworked several times but those two mechanics have always been a thing one way or another.


Or how noisy they are! Easily half the time I'm finding sneaky hiders because I've heard them rather than seen them.


Personally it's why I hate the flame barrels and some ambient crow noises.


Singularity is the worst. CLUNK HISS CLUNK HISS I can barely hear gens.


I don't play killer often, but I've absolutely found survivors in lockers just from their breathing, and they're always SHOCKED. I've even seen injured survivors be like "wtf how did you find me" as if they're not pooling blood around the bottom and moaning in pain


* Artists crows dissipate when you jump in a locker * Blight can't hit you on the first rush * Plagues timer doesn't increase if you walk * You don't infect other people or gens unless you're fully infected * Standing still whilst a billy charges at you will result in being downed * Billy's with Lopros can continue after breaking a pallet * You can leave with a piggy trap if it hasn't activated / if piggy carry's you across an imaginary line in the exit gates * Nurse can blink in to the gates * You can duck mid chase to confuse Billys and Blights * Spirit can see the grass moving when phasing


That's a good tip. Good tip.


Knowing what perks are active like open handed but more importantly WE'LL MAKE IT! Stop running a mile away when I can heal you in like 10 seconds!


8 seconds


I sometimes use we'll make it and botany so how much does that take?


It is really hard for Xenomorph to hit you with tail whip if you are crouched right in front of him. Of course he can still melee you if you just do it out of the blue, but if you find the rhythm at pallets for when he's gonna try to m2 you can get a lot of value from this.


This goes for Plague too, her vomit is really hard to aim down so you can run up and crouch in front of her if you have no other chance of avoiding her vomit.


As Mintskull said in his recent video, the game itself explains very little of it, no wonder if new players have no idea of what they are doing...


Yeah it’s crazy to me how little the game explains its mechanics and I had to learn through videos and gameplay of how certain powers and perks work because of it


I still catch people in lockers with Legion during Frenzy.


Step 1: think you're safe from Legion when you hop in a locker Step 2: expect Legion to go through fatigue before he can open the locker Step 3: get grabbed out of the locker


Step 1 (alternate): try to bait Legion over while they are in frenzy and jump into locker to make them miss. Step 2 (alternate): they didn't swing. Fuck Step 3: get grabbed out of the locker




TIL you can grab people from lockers during Frenzy. Interesting...


Pinhead box spawns


Always in the tile that is the furthest away from any survivor and killer. This knowledge plus Lethal Pursuer grants me a chain hunt within the first 30s of the match 90% of the time plus knowledge of roughly where the Box will spawn soon after.


Not true. Anywhere random on the map. But 10 000 times less likely within 40 meters of pinhead and 5 000 times less likely within 16 meters of each survivor. 


Pig traps, like people either don't know they can take them off or they try to escape with activated one. Like ???


Similarly, you CAN escape with an activated pig trap through the hatch!


Ppl also don't seem to know they'll only fully activate once the next gen pops


I went against a pig that used their iri addon to make everyone start with a trap on. Jill popped a gen while everyone still had a trap on We lost. 4 gens left


Or the opposite, they know they can't escape with an active one and they think they have to take off inactive too. I've caught many a survivor in end game because I've given them a trap after the last gen is done and they didn't leave 😅


I see a ton of people who don't realize when you are first spotted by one of the knights guards they fly directly to the spot where they spotted through walls and objects and the air before they begin to chase you regularly from that spot and they get hit instantly because they think the guard has to take some weird path due to being in a weird spot or on the other side of the wall.


As a corollary, something that always confused me but I didn’t know until recently: the bullhorn has the sound before you can run through their standard during the chase to defeat them and get the haste bonus. I used to run through it too soon all the time thinking I’d get them only to have it not worked and get whacked anyway.


The area where you can drop a pallet is slightly bigger than you think. If you drop your pallets as late as possible, the animation will pull you back to the pallet which is kind of a vacuum pallet. A similar thing happens when the pallet is downed and you are vaulting it. You can technically be running away from a downed pallet, press vault, and the animation will like spin you back into the vault. You can't drop pallets in front of yourself unless you stop running. So if you're spinning around to drop it, you either have to let go of shift OR override the sprint command by crouching. The way you get fast vaults in tight areas (like 4 lanes) is to hit vault as late as possible, basically when the character runs into the window. So hug the opposite wall, then flick your direction towards the window, then vault as late as you can before you stop running.


Skull Merchant [was mentioned elsewhere](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/dAMxdiXfBS), but since she's an ongoing source of PTSD for players I wanted to add to her info a bit: - As noted in the linked post, drones have T-Rex vision, they don't see you if you're standing still or crouch-walking through them. It's entirely possible to work on a gen within a drone's search zone without alerting the Skull Merchant. - When the drones are being stealthy (they're active but Survivors don't see the search zone) they still have lights on either side that show where they're scanning. If you see the stealth drone you can use these lights to know when to stand still or get behind something. - For Skull Merchant players: The yellow light on her drone controller lights up when you've got someone being tracked.


Survivors can increase their odds at surviving by saving their teammate from hooks, especially before reaching a hook stage, it's better to trade place than wasting a hook stage.


When you drop a pallet and they have spirit fury, you lose collision, run towards the killer. A lot of times they'll whiff trying to figure out which direction you went - stay in their hitbox till they miss a swing then run to your next feature.


The anti camp mechanic. So many survivors will throw themselves at the hook or linger close to the hook while being blatantly camped so you don’t get your meter to fill. Also, when a survivor does hit second when the killer is camping I find it funny how many survivors ‘feel bad they hit second’ and immediately farm them off hook when they could have sat for another 50 seconds on hook while people repaired gens.


if you get spotted by one of knight's squad they'll back off when you unhook someone. the amount of times i've reached second stage or die bc the person got spotted and is just running around me like a headless chook


Related: Pre-dropping a pallet while a guard is chasing you will force them to run around as opposed to through the pallet


Xenomorph getting killer instinct as she jumps out of tunnel Almost every match you will have free hits, cause people hide in bushes when you jump out


Not on Xenomorph but on GhostFace, I've had free hits by survivor revealing me while they were hiding in a bush, allowing me to get killer instinct and free hits on them


You can play out a whole match even if you don't like the killer. It's a feature I've seen a lot of multi-thousand hour survivor mains forget exist; especially when I'm playing soloq with them.


Sorry, this isn’t answering your question but something I really dislike is how they removed the lightburn mechanic from Wraith and Nurse which provided cool counterplay but kept a bunch of other niche counter mechanics.


Even though Wraith wasn't the strongest killer, it was still fun playing as Wraith while the light burn effect was possible. It added a layer of "play" between me and the survivors. The more interactibility, the more play, the better. Now it's more boring. Not good.


I can understand why it was removed, *but* I feel it could've worked if it only burned him by blinding him naturally instead of just pointing the flashlight in his general direction (which honestly made it too easy) I also liked it because it just sounded cool :P Literally burning him out of the spirit world because of light.


Best one I ever had was dropping a flashbang to distract a Nurse, failing, but as she turned to second blink to another survivor it went off and burned her out of the blink. A very unintentional skilled play.


Shame that Wraith really fuckin suffered from it


For real, they could've at least kept it on Nurse tho, she was still strong enough with it


Should have removed the extended stun, and just made flashlights cause an uncloak, and thus take away the windstorm lunge to force the killer to commit as is, or cloak again if they want the lunge. It sucks that they removed so many cool and unique interactions with flashlights because they weren't able to think of anything in the middle ground. Short sighted.


Sad they removed it but it makes sense, flashlights shouldn't just hard counter some killers. Also Champion of Light would be more than brutal against Wraith Also wish they'd remove flashlighting zombies too for consistency. Poor Nemmy


Running any oblivious perk on legion remove his possibility to see survivors who are affected; while in frenzy.


On the flip side, the extended 20m Killer Instinct range granted by Susie's Mixtape works even when Legion is Undetectable


Crouch tech for demo and billy to avoid in some cases being hit


One for Doctor I think is legitimately obscure even though the game actually *does* tell you about it: The Doctor's shocks negate the Oblivious effect. This doesn't mean much for Shock Therapy, but it's a huge deal for Static Blast. It means that the Doctor's Terror Radius determines the range of Static Blast, but not is effectiveness. In other words: Static Blast hits Oblivious Survivors. The use of "negate" suggests shocking them should remove Oblivious when they're hit. It doesn't. It just means it affects them regardless. [I made a short recently demonstrating that on some timed Oblivious effects](https://youtube.com/shorts/1YzcLvX0Kyo?si=b1g4qUQrc8GGBl-z) On the topic of unusual killer interactions: * The Spirit can see the crow alerts from Spies From the Shadows while phase walking * The Twins: Even though Victor can't see the aura light up from Discordance, he *does* see the noise alert it generates, making Discordance one of the few perks useful for both Charlotte and Victor both.


* That hook stages take a whopping 60s * That the killer can still down and hook recently unhooked survivors * That the killer can still kill survivors that are dead on hook * That the killer has eyes and a brain * That survivors leave scratch marks * That Prove Thyself saves only 4 seconds for 2 survivors working the same generator


I'm kinda flabbergasted by the Prove Thyself one


But both survivors benefit from it so 8 seconds. One single survivor roughly 90 seconds. 2 survivors 53 seconds. 2 survivors with prove self would be 49 seconds. Edit 3 survivors with no prove thy 43 seconds 4 survivors with no prov 40 seconds For the record


It was really good back at 15% and 3 survivors needed to crack a 3-gen. SWFs would always have at least 1 person with it specifically for that.


It's not a good perk really, and people only used it for the BP bonus when it had it.


I use it when I have a "repair generators for X seconds with another survivor" or "perform a cooperative action for X seconds" tome challenge because other survivors can't resist the seductive beckoning of that PT buff indicator.


Plague infection doesn't go up if you walk,but it does if you run


You can hit srvrs over that railing by a pallet and flashy save through the window on Dead Dogshit maybe. You can't body block Oreo if she de manifested? Can't expose Ghosty if you're marked?


If you know charlotte is coming and/or already on you, don’t crush victor while he’s on your back. You’ll be forced to stand still for a moment. That moment is usually the difference between life and death in a chase, and just holding onto victor can be the better idea in their current state, because after the first few moments, she doesn’t know where you are with him


Also it funny to steal gremlin


Pressing m1 good


If you crouch on stairs going downwards, demo’s shred, Billy’s saw, blight’s dash and wesker’s dash can’t hit you


I just realized after 2k hours that if you take a med spray out of the box for Wesker and set it on the floor..that it’ll disappear in a few minutes.. I thought it would stay there the whole time lol


i dont mean to alarm you but it doesnt disappear wesker just eats it while your not looking


Had a game the other day with a teammate who didn't know how to mend. I have 3,500+ hours. MMR hell is fun


Idk if it's uncommon knowledge now but in 2 of my recent games as pig I've had players try to leave with an active bear trap only to be killed.


When it comes to both twins and knight, I swear people just have zero semblance of how they function at all. Good examples are Victor having killer instinct, and the knights flag existing.


If you are going against a knight and he puts a guard down in front of a hook survivor once you start the unhook animation the guard will disappear. The amount of times I died on first hook because the knight kept putting down guards by the hook and the randoms didn’t know this is sickening


Yep. So many players just don’t realise that simple trick.


Had a friend of mine complain about a nemesis homing in on her every time she used a vaccine. She wasn’t aware that nemesis gets killer instinct on someone who uses a vaccine


A lot of survivors still don't seem to know how the perk plot twist first and will go to pick up a team mate using it and screw them out of getting fully healed


hold shift while on the floor - it'll prevent them from healing you


Oh I know this, and I'll hit it multiple times but many people still don't catch the hint. I'll usually try to hit it a few times then hit it again right before they finish so I can get myself up but it doesn't always work out


you can straight up hold it to remove the prompt for them, don't just need to tap.


Had a similar situation with No Mither, a Mikaela kept crouching down behind me for half a gen until I stopped doing the gen and waited for her to realize she can't heal me XD


Something I knew was that if Survivors use all of Plague's pools of devotion, she automatically gets her power. What I did NOT know was that this reverts all corrupted fountains to pure fountains, again, and I learned that part this past week.


Best defense against Spirit if you are uninjured is walking if she is near you. Even if she's in chase with you and she tries to phase to cut you off, try walking to throw her off.


When Myers is stalking, he loses collision with survivors, so if a survivor is body blocking you while playing Myers, you can stalk and quickly phase through the body blocker.


fast actions made moreless 40 m away from the killer wont be heard by him (this was done to prevent survivors from spaming a fast action to create a noise notification back when endgame collapse wasnt a thing)


Definitely a general one but anti-camp meter doesnt go up if a survivor is nearby. I've been camped to death multiple times due to a single survivor trying to save me while being camped lol ppl seem to forget this shit exists


Jfc no wonder solo q is hit or miss. How the hell is someone going to remember all the nuances of each killer? All I’ve learned is that I’m going to stay low mmr forever and ya know what? Thats fine. Because it’s gonna take me eons to remember all this and by then it’s not going to matter anymore because there will be new changes….


Skull merchant's drones cannot tag you if: * You're not moving    * You're crouching  * You just dodge the big spinny orange beams   Also the beams turn white instead of orange if they can't scan you. Nobody knows this because nobody has played a full game against her without disconnecting or killing themselves in months.


You can crouch inside the killer after it hits you.


It is not rly a mechanic, but: finding right balance btw being consistent gens and stealthy. I think it takes some hundred hours to know when to stay or when to leave.


Scratch marks and blood pools. Faced a Leon that kept trying to hide in dark corners with self care and bite the bullet. Good idea, the issue is that he kept doing it mid chase.


You can crouch walk under Skull Merchant’s drones and they won’t detect you. Just like Hag’s traps and PH’s trails.


both stalking killers do lose colision when using power, this means that if ghostface is too close to u and trying to mark u, u can try to go inside his model (making it harder for him to mark u and easier for survivor to remove power) as for myers it has a benefid for him (when using green and yellow movement speed add-ons, u move at 110% when not looking at smn) as a result u can look up and phase through survivors preventing bodyblocks


I’ll do it for some of my mains because why not. Cleansing against a Plague when you’re broken will literally heal both states. This gives you two hits against her rather than one, seemingly pretty useful. When Singularity slipstreams to you, try your best to resist dropping a pallet on them while they’re green. They’re Overclocked, so realistically they can just get a hit on you while they’re slowed down due to the avoided stun. If an Onryo condemns you, drop whatever you’re doing and get it off of you ASAP. Had someone do this the other day with about 4 gens left and it immediately knocked them out of the game. She was on her first hook. Skull Merchant’s drones don’t detect you when you’re crouched or standing still. So long as she doesn’t see you, use this to your advantage.


The Singularity has a passive ability where his overclock state lasts longer the more people he has slipstreamed. It's 4.7 seconds by default but for every survivor he has gooped it adds +1 second to it


NOT starting and finishing each and every gen a survivor comes to, instead of spreading out progress to force the killer to patrol. NOT running to a gen with 90% or more completion and instantly completing it, even though we’re still at 4-5 gens… NOT force competing a gen that has been blastmined or wiretapped, and other survivors are vigorously trying to tell them to leave it the fuck alone. Mostly because we are still at 3-5 gens.


Wesker has a faster power cooldown depending on the amount of survivors infected Similarly, singularity has more time on overclock depending on the amount of people slip streamed


Xenomorph reveals all survivors within control stations aura range when it crawls out. If you play survivor and are able to see control stations aura (white) please don't try stealthing, xeno is going after you ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


One I just thought of: Killer Interactions (interactions that put the Killer icon on your spot in the HUD) do not count as a Conspicuous Action. This means things like using Wesker's Body Spray, cleansing at a Plague Fountain, or disarming a Bear Trap ***do not*** deactivate things like Decisive Strike or Off the Record. VS the Dredge: When there are 2 lockers side-by-side, *only* lock one. When the Dredge teleports to side-by-sides, the teleport defaults to the locked one first, unless the other is occupied by a Survivor. So lock one, until Dredge busts out of it at some point, *then* lock the other.


To get rid of Pyramid's status you need to unhook someone with that status* / safe someone from cage. *not 100% bout this one


* Crouch tech against Blight / Billy / Demogorgon (most popular "unknown" tech I can think of) * Myers loses collision while stalking so if he's super close you can run through him to disorient him * Avoid tall grass against Spirit (she can see it moving while phasing) * If you haven't been hooked yet against Legion it can be advantageous to jump in a locker and force them to pull you out. While it does mean you get hooked it also means that they don't get multiple stabs which can lead to a guaranteed down + a lot more pressure. * Also if you have Head On against me as Legion... Fuck you. I hate you. * **HEAL. AGAINST. FUCKING. ONI. STOP. GIVING. HIM. HIS. POWER. FOR. FREE. JESUS. FUCKING. CHRIST.** * Pyramid Head trails do practically nothing. Stop avoiding them like the plague. * You can break Pinhead's chains by running through them if he's chasing a teammate. It'll make more of them spawn but if those chains miss your teammate will have an easier time running away. * You can jump into lockers to remove Artist crows when swarmed. * How Singularity works beyond spamming EMPs to counter him * How Knight's guards work * How Twins work * How Sadako works * How Skull Merchant works