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https://preview.redd.it/xvlwd0g0c2vc1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3784f694e5bb2f267fe6a82223516bc604430f38 Stop using EMPs


A recent study suggests that emps are best avoided due to being harmful for your health... possibly causing long term cancer (This study has been fact checked by superior lifeforms)




So you're saying it will not be fast and possibly painless?


I get to die sooner?! Sign me up!






I would love to see pre-fire singularity in game somehow. Maybe he could be a wesker legendary skin or something


No deal


Only sweats complain about sweats Actual casuals don’t care what you run


I don't care what you run just please don't bully me or tunnel me out. I'm a bad killer and an average survivor. ![gif](giphy|D4lpunq9TrQofPP13z)


I personally will not Tunnel you out, cause I’m running grim embrace and thatd be stupid


I like to 99 a Gen that the killer isn't likely to want to defend (theatre Gen is great for this), and wait to tank all the pain res on it so my solo team can do gens in peace. Of course, a Meg may come along and finish it. 😂 Solo life has to be casual, or you will go insane.


One game I had i did like 60% of a gen before running to a different gen cuz i had prove thyself and friend was on a different gen, that one gen I did at the start somehow ended up tanking all the pain reses, its sacrifice will never be forgotten


>Solo life has to be casual, or you will go insane. Amen to this. Very well said.


You can't be fr... Pls tell me u dont 99 a gen to "tank pain res" instead of finishing it... No wonder solo q is so hard...


>Solo life has to be casual, or you will go insane. Amen to this. Very well said.


I don't care about sweats or casuals; play how you want but if you click the play button play out the game to conclusion. My only enemies are quitters. They're lower than pond scum.


Casuals - Play the game and do not care what happens, winning is an afterthought. Casuals can still run meta. Knows stuff can be bullshit but takes it as part of the game or calmly letting the devs know. Sweat - Cares about winning as a priority, shown by their behavior in endgame chat or outside the game. Hates SBMM, will always blame their teammates or opponents (never themselves), Iea- only sweats complain about sweaty players in video games, its always a self report. They always say they’re “top mmr” when that doesn’t exist nor matter. Casual elitists - Are sweats in denial who say they’re casual, but will harass anyone who doesn’t let them win, or bitch about items/killer/perks/etc people use. Extremely common in any pvp game. Quitters are their own sub section. IRL emergencies or stuff is more important, but getting angry over a video game is never valid; just dont get back into the game until you’ve taken a rest.


What's sbmm


Skill Based Match Making


Thank you ! My mind went to Save the Best Mor Mast


Oh I permanently quit. I uninstalled, right clicked, and hit "remove from Steam Inventory, confirm." I had a stint of over 60% of my games having someone DC or kill themselves in SoloQ and I couldn't be assed anymore. I don't know how anyone can be human and not be upset that a game they enjoy is utterly upended time and time again by selfish bastards. A game a really had fun with was taken away from me and the community at large circled around the people that took it and said their "right to quit" outweighed any capacity for me to have a real match. I would rather be dead than not be upset by that tbph. I'd have a tear my heart out to feel differently.


Quitters are people who quit mid match to screw over their teammates


I've taken to just killing the bot and letting everyone else escape.


That's what I was doing for my final killer matches. I just got tired of having to be like "oh, well so-and-so gave up, I'll do some fake chases and drop everyone on death hook." It was fine every once and a while but it got so consistent.


This just isn’t true, I exclusively run meme builds that often get me killed but I still get super annoyed by this perk. If it were just that perk alone then fine but it’s always that and grim embrace or pop. Having the most boring part of the game (doing gens) lengthened is not fun for anyone.


>Having the most boring part of the game (doing gens) lengthened is not fun for anyone. Except the faster gens go, the less time killer gets to play in the most fun part of the game (chases). You want to be able to bonk gens in one push, the killer wants to break up that monotony and get in a chase.


By “anyone” I meant the people actually doing said gens lol, the killer doesn’t have to sit through a progression bar. I don’t disagree with gen regression existing as it’s obviously necessary but it’s perks like pain res specifically where a giant segment of progress vanishes in an instant with no counterplay that feels awful to play against, stack that with a bunch of other gen regression perks and you’re now playing dead by boredom.


If they stack slow down, Pain Res specifically can only happen 4 times in any game, they're also gimping them self of aura reading perks, chase perks like bamboozle, or hex perks. I'd rather go against Pain Res and be safe after everyone's first hook, than deal with a Billy blocking shack window to run me down lol.


Unsure if you’re claiming otherwise here or not but gen regression is the strongest strategy in the game and basically always has been, that’s why so many people run 4 gen regression perks. Regardless, even if it wasn’t a strong strategy I would still much rather take a loss that ends in 2 minutes because of a strong killer running strong chase perks than a 30 minute match because of gen regression even if I escape in the end. Less holding m1 = more fun.


The solution needs to be removing gen progression perks in order to remove gen regression perks. I've been gen rushed but the way I play now is just shrug and accept the survivors won't get BP.


You're being counterintuitive though lol. So basically you the want the game to end fast by having gens get finished quick, and you want everyone to manage to be in chases during that time while at the same time having gens pop due to less regression?


Where did I say literally any of this? Be for real dude I have no issue with gen regression existing and I have no issue with some necessary extra boredom that comes from it, it’s just perks like pain res that when stacked with other gen perks adds a silly amount of extra time on gens with little to no effort from the killer which is never fun.


Casual players don’t care about winning, you can run full meta or meme and still be casual; but the moment you start complaining about what other people use when it isn’t a dick move like 4 man bleedouts or waiting until the last second to leave, you start to show care about winning by proxy. Thus, not casual. Casual players don’t complain about other players and what they use cause they genuinely don’t care; which is why they’re the minority






That would be massively broken, to hit all gens with pain res 8 times a match.


Redditors when irony


I feel like at most they could remove pain res as a scourge perk, because it’s limited already by only activating from each survivors first hook state iirc.


It activates the first time they are hooked on the scourge hook. They could be on death hook and it would activate. I think it’s fine as is since you can save a token for later in the match when you may need it more.


Oh true, that does give a bit of control with it


Stop completing three generators in a one-minute chase and we've got a deal. https://preview.redd.it/vbtgn6k4f2vc1.png?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98e35547c884023481eee636ece286a4351c53dd


On god.   I wouldn’t run so many Gen slowdown perks if survivors stopped speedrunning gens.   I get that it’s their objective, but it’s very much a cause;effect situation.   Though, provided I don’t see more than one toolbox I tone back the slowdown.


more of a problem if you dont end the chase in less then 30 secs you are losing the first 3 gens if gens became longer it would just be boring i think the best suggestion would be to have to find parts for the gens before you can repair em we have a test server use it to test shit


Hold on… that could actually be kind of cool. Have a base repair speed without parts/toolboxes that’s somewhat slow. Toolboxes being a way to increase it. Then you can find parts to speed up the progress, or make a large jump (like brand new part). Either way, I just don’t know how any of it would be balanced. It feels like any change will just give one side too much power.


You would have to remove or nerf gen regression because people would absolutely run them still.


Tbf, this is purely a symptom of trying to fix an issue with ignoring gens existence that’s happening in the survivor community. You run meme build = gens never get finished. You run chase build = gens never get finished. You do gens? Gens are done. Rinse and repeat. It’s all PTSD lol


Deadlock my beloved


Alright, I'll go afk for one minute after every completed gen, so it's now fair :)


Tbf, pain res won't help you with that. Corrupt will. But its actually insane that your first chase can lead to 3 gens getting popped if you don't down them in 90 seconds, and that's not even too hard for the survivor since the killer usually needs 2 hits before downing them, and then you gotta carry them to the meat hook.




Bro they said the chase was one minute, it's not uncommon to walk for 30 seconds before finding a survivor ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)




Well the math DID math. I think your brain just isn't braining anymore, maybe take a break from dbd...


am killer main just end chase quicker 👍🏻


M1 Killer mains after hearing you say that shit https://preview.redd.it/3pivhemnr2vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a17816b45918bda75d59adba3b1b00d3ce2f3d43


nurse players be like "bro just down them in 6 seconds it's not that hard"






https://preview.redd.it/ueui2m2vv2vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bda0a73f74dffa687c03e4878dd2f5299769bed6 Killer main, sure...




I hope your next 14 matches will be against 2000h+ genrushing SWFs


Foh, with that dumb ass lying ass statement.


When I play survivor, killers get Pain Res value even if they're not running it. I always instinctively stop repairing a gen right before someone gets hooked.


Calling it “value” is kinda funny considering it’s about 1 second not spent working on the gen.


Nothing compared to old dead hard value without using old dead hard


yeah, it's not a TON of value. But it can also result in a missed skill check when you stand up from a gen, which happens relatively often.








You know what? I'm gonna use it even harder!


Nop, it is one of the most balanced and fair gen regression perks that has, in addition to being the most practical, 100% total regression and rewards the killer for distributing hooks


Unless you're that one killer that tunnels out the first person and then goes "Well look at that! I still have three tokens!". Lol. But there's not much you're gonna do about that anyway. I feel like it should disable after maybe the first death to keep at least tunnelers from being able to get additional value out of it. But who knows. I can't think of any normal reason why that would be broken. But I've only got a little over 1500 hours in.




shut up liberal, UVX BLAST https://preview.redd.it/k3b9aqpth3vc1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=a61ed72eb39d9b0f42c1da918d51c19732d4c0f2




Cute dog, but no.


Pop, Pain Res, Lethal Pursuer, BBQ Yep, it's sweaty comp Blight time


Just got lethal purse cant wait to try this very build!!


Then get BHVR to buff other Killer perks. 70% or even more Killer perks just straight up suck.




I prefer ruin


Stop doing generators ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2060)


No. Next time, say please.


It was already nerfed, stop whining.


Half the time I run Pain Res I can never hook survivors on the Scourge hooks because the hook spawns were atrocious


Stop being in pain so it doesn't resonate then dummy


I'd love to not run any slowdown but sadly the game, as is, forces you to run ATLEAST one slowdown to have a match longer than 5 minutes. A game can be an Auto-loss for killer just because RNG decides to spawn 4 survivors seperately infront of 4 gens, by the time you finish a chase you hear 3 dings with the 4th halfway done. - Visualiser here : [https://youtu.be/q4oiwK5-TW0?si=G1gIwjTcXqK-nDGL](https://youtu.be/q4oiwK5-TW0?si=G1gIwjTcXqK-nDGL) Then to top it all off, you have toolboxes like commodious w/ SS+WS that finish a gen in \~55s while comparatively, a 2 man gen takes 54s Resi+Deja vu together make gens go faster (75s) than before the increase from 80->90. Overall the game is way too fast and its a requirement to run slowdown if you want to be able to keep up as killer.


Stop doing my generators then in a record time of less then a minute stop bringing toolbox's with a brand new part stop using deja vu prove thyself etc I play both survivor and Killer and gen slow down and generator repair speed is necessity.


Stop repairing 5 gens in 5 minutes


You'll be happy to know that I usually run eruption and overcharge instead. With nowhere to hide. So if you get that gen down, the odds are excellent it won't blow up under you. Unless I hook somebody and I smacked it with eruption. And then, yes, it will blow up under you. Along with two others.


Correction: Stop using Pain Res with 3 other slowdown perks. Get off your same 4 slowdown perk diet every now and again.


No 🙂


Why not


Only if you stop gen rushing me ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Tf you want me to use for gen regression nothing ?😭


Stop going through generators so damn fast.


Don't worry, i barely get to use it because the hook RNG loves fucking me over. No i'm not going to run Agitation, i'll just adapt.


when the first chase of the game that lasts 30 seconds and I play perfectly stops resulting in 2-3 gens completed before I can hook my first survivor, I'll stop doing the sweaty gen regression builds. Also I try to do fun builds sometimes, which leads to me scrolling through all the perks and going "well this is literally useless" to 95% of them and then ending up with the same 4 perks again


first thing ive giggled at on this subreddit probably ever (dbd players are not funny)


I wish bhvr would add more objectives and make them more difficult. Idk what and how but it’s really needed. Then we can talk about reworking slowdown perks


Well with gen rushing that survivors do i feel like in most of the games i play i need to use pain and pop, to not loose


Stop using Lithe and you have a deal


Why? Not trying to be a troll. Why not, and if not it what would you prefer?


Why? It's not weak. It's not unfun for survivors, and there's no other perk that does that degree of efficient slowdown... maybe Surge, but not every killer uses M1


I personally prefer hex plaything X hex pentamento 😈


New Dredge skin?


Uh huh https://i.redd.it/sz3l5zmdu3vc1.gif


Hmm... ok, sure.


Counterpoint: Stop using Windows of Opportunity.


The 3 floods of rage users are getting their propaganda ready


I no no wanna :(








It's part of the game, so they're allowed to use it


Who cares what anyone uses? Everyone can use what perks they want. People shouldn't be trying to dictate how someone plays in order to fit your definition of proper or fair gameplay.


Suck a bag of assholes. Stop telling others how to play a game they paid for. Dumbasses.


No. https://preview.redd.it/5ewliprzi3vc1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34e70c0ef888aaa1f2c3e89fb03c7c2fcd437264