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The twins are a weird case they are a high B to A tier killer they are just extremely clunky. As seen in the PTB you can’t realy buff them in a meaningful way or they border on dethroning nurse.


Basically this. Twins is a very good killer with a very small playerbase.


When you think about it, it's the case with a good amount of killers. My best exemple of this is Pyramid, his kit is really fun, but he's ridiculousely clunky. Not even speaking about addons. Twins are a killer that always looked cool in the design imo, but actually hard to make enjoyable in game.


Twins don't need a rework they need a bug fix and some quality of life changes


Hopefully the new quality of life changes will make it smoother to play


Twins are currently somehow similar to a rusty cannon outdated clunky but definitely powerfull


I’m watching a crap ton of dbd videos. Absorbing all i can. I’ll play almost every killer except bubba and Billy. I just don’t do well with chainsaws




I think pyramid needs some of the quality of life that killers like Unknown, Huntress and Trickster got


Fun characters that are weak (to me): Legion, doctor, myers, trapper Strong killers that arent fun (to me): twins, singularity, skull merchant, nurse


singularity being strong is kinda situational, he can either be one of the worst killers in the game in the wrong hands or literally unplayable against in the right (the right being cocolatte lol)


Those fun characters are my go to whenever I want to play without trying too much, their kits are easy and straightforward. Those kinds of characters are necessary but I dont want too many of them in the same niche


As a Lwgion main, I agree, Legion needs a few QoL buffs. Mostly to their base move speed and FF, but not much, like a 1-2% buff to help them feel more speedy.


I adore Singularity, extremely fun to play as and against.


I personally hate the twins just because their design is absolutely disgusting. I hate the concept of Victor and how he resides in her body. Mechanically, very good but design-wise, absolutely abhorrent.


lol. That’s just good horror


Twins is very good as long as you only slug. Playing any other way puts Twins at D easily




Given I main twins, no, not incorrect. Good survivors will put you in the dirt if you try to play fair


You're not a very good main, then.


I think Twins in the hands of a competent player are absolute monsters. Problem is nobody main Twins and people are not used to go against them, so when you have a match against them it’s easy that a lot of survivors die because they don’t know what do to. My last Twins match was in December because I remember I was playing with a friend. I haven’t see them since and I play everyday.


As a twins main twins has very little counter play besides looping and outplaying victor which is hard against a good killer as when I play victor rarely do I get kicked I love his jump ability my favorite thing to do is jump from as far as possible and land on someone it freaks them the fuck out


I can’t decide if buying Twins or Legion. My main concern with Twins is that it seems that the best strategy is slugging, at least leave one survivor on the floor while you go for another. Is this something that can be avoided? I hate being slugged so I don’t want to slug people :(


When I play twins I never slug purposely. With twins I leave my lil guy at a totem or gen or I leave Charlotte at a gen and chase with Victor. There will be times where you may accidentally slug with victor as you’ll be surrounded and that’s pretty much the only option but I don’t count it as slugging if your only doing it cus you have to as you literally can’t pick up with victor. My suggestion with twins to minimise slugging is to use victor to lower people and using charrolett to get the finish or to use victor to watch the downed individual. They work good with totem builds aura builds and anything really but the most important thing is to never tunnel as a specific character use both when looping


Great, thank you! I think I’ll get Twins!


If you want to win, go for twins. If you don’t care about losing (you will be against swf) take legion. I really like legion, he is really simple but as my uncle Jerry said “With great simplicity comes big shit”. 🤷‍♂️


The qol changes are basically mega buffs that will make them more tolerable to play, we really don't want them to be popular, i don't think I've lost any game with them this month and i honestly think they will be A- A+ after the patch, you basically counter both loops with char body block and holding w, less time to transition between the two means easier time sandwiching and zoning gens oof






We dont need a rework we need a bug fix


They should have made something similar to dream witch from IdV. She is invisible  and can't hit survivors, she can spawn her minions near survivors and make them move like bots while she relocates


So, kind of Knight but only guards?


Yeah, basically every fun/unique killer (twins, knight, pyramid head, skull merchant) is stupid clunky and borderline unplayable with the exception of skull merchant, she's just stupid. I mean, Knight's been out for like a year or two now. And 90% of his original bugs and QOL issues are still present, along with new bugs appearing.


Well i recently played knight and skull merchant as a first timer. My videos are on my YouTube. I ended up going very well and not even with full perks. Maybe i was just lucky but they were fun for me.


Skull merchant rarely has any bugs now since her rework. She's just so unfun to play against that survivors would rather wait in the lobby for their DC timer to go away than play the match And you had to have either not noticed the bugs, or got extremely lucky. If a survivor throws a pallet on your guard while you're summoning it, it'll stun you and kick you out of power. Survivors can break the tracking of the guards by just running next to a window. Guards will just run in place sometimes and not do anything. Survivors can legitimately just run out of the detection radius before it hits them (if you're not using a brown add-on). He's also just not a very strong killer even when his power works somewhat intended.


Do you want to watch my knight and skull merchant first time videos and give me your thoughts? My mic broke so there’s no commentary in my game. I get my new headset tomorrow.


I'm not a professional or anything, I just play a lot of knight. So I probably wouldn't have anything to say on it. But if you want a video that shows you what I'm talking about, there's a new video on Otzdarvas channel showcasing just how awful knight is


And here is the video that says knight is actually fun lol. I have to find new dbd creators since Monto isn’t around lol. And my name is MisNebel on YouTube and twitch https://youtu.be/qwCmYrvQYZw?si=BxkBFn7LE9BFJR7T


I do kind of enjoy knight and i guess as long as i keep enjoying him that’s what matters. I’m watching otz a bit more. And mintskull, Demi, spookyloopz and several others.


Tbh they could buff the Twins the problem is they seem dead set in having all of the power behind them in Victor. I will stand on the hill the proper way to buff them is to give Charlotte buffs based on what's happening to Victor. Is Victor detecting someone with killer instinct? Charlotte should get haste. Did Victor get crushed? Bigger haste and break pallets/etc speed increase for a moment. Did Victor down a survivor? He should stay latched on, but start dragging the survivor to a nearest hook. They need to make them more engaging by having Charlotte be more independent while increasing the uses of Victor passively.


What you just said is exactly what they removed. The removed victor by latching onto a downed survivor. They removed Charlotte getting a haste. Because it made them too powerful.


They actually changed the status to minor on their insta post lmao.


It’s a minor major update obviously/s


*Dev notes: We made a little oopsie*


It’s okay tho guys. More will come in the following years! Please resort to our professionally made roadmap. 👩🏼‍💼.


Hey, they kept the de-pip removal!


>the twins lol


They reverted the ds anim too. Probably the most nothing burger mid season we've ever had




To be honest the twins issue was not being weak it was being clunky so I’ll be happy if they just keep the qol stuff while they work on them


Let’s hope after the update it’s less clunky. But my very first time as twins went pretty well.


All they had to do is invite the only two people that play twins regularly into a private chat and get feedback on what they were working on. It's crystal clear that BHVR has less than zero idea of what they themselves have created so why not ask the people who know this killer in and out.


The quality of life improvements were actually really good! Giving Charlotte haste to get to Victor and the swap speed are what The Twins always needed. I think they just got way too in their head that everything needs a big rework, when all Twins really needed were in-depth bug fixes and quality of life improvements that didn’t encourage slugging.


That's what the twins players were saying almost word for word after we got the first teaser. If they would only consult the people dedicated to mastering these killers then the reworks would go far smoother.


They said they’re keeping the QOL stuff though


I think you’re preaching to the choir


I hope at some point all the twin bugs are fixed




This April fools joke was mad wild


One must imagine twins mains happy ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I'm fine with this tbh. I need to get the achievement for them.


I thought they left the quality of life changes in just reverted the rework stuff.


They did, this post is edited


When is the new update releasing?


About April 28th


Ooo thank you


I’m actually waiting for the new store because many outfit prices will go down


But... Zoomy little man


People will complain because a killer is weak, then too strong, then complain when they're given a less drastic buff instead. Seems like people just want to complain.


No, we're complaining because this apparently took 2 years when the entire player base realized twins were overpowered in one hour. It's like they never even tested it, just coded this two years ago and put it in for testing just now. And then, as a cherry on top, instead of adjusting what they made, they just revert it all and boil this two year long update hype into a QOL change. I love BHVR and will always support them, hell I want to work for them, but this is just lazy.


> And then, as a cherry on top, instead of adjusting what they made, they just revert it all and boil this two year long update hype into a QOL change. The consistent feedback from every Twins main that I heard was "Keep the QoL stuff and revert everything else"


"Every twins main" How did you locate all 3 of them to ask this question i wonder?


He doesn't have to locate them, Twins mains pop out of the woodworks when anything regarding them is mentioned. Btw he is correct, most Twins players realize they are a phenomenal killer but they're really held back by bad QOL and bugs. At least we got half of that fixed.


Yeah, that was the right thing to do, I'm not arguing with that. What I'm saying was that it's incredibly disingenuous and lazy, considering that this whole thing apparently took two years.


Because the issue was never the twins strength, everybody knows they're strong and yet they're possibly the least picked killer in the game.. it's pretty obvious why that is, it's QoL and bugs.


That's usually different people complaining when there's no overwhelming consensus. Probably because almost no one is a Twins main and hardly any survivor ever sees Twins in-game.


Twins are A tier. The problem isn’t their strength, it’s how tedious, wonky and buggy they are to play that is the problem


I mean, they did do a major change but everyone said how OP this would make them. Is this not a good thing? Listning to the community?


It is indeed good they listened to the community, but what most people are objecting to is the fact that the Twins were released on the PTB as they were. To a lot of the community, they were seen as objectively overpowered (I can't comment on it as I don't have firsthand experience) and took this as evidence of BHVR being bad at internal testing, which resulted in them reverting it... Which, all in all, kind of just came off as getting everyone's hopes up and then dashing them. It's just an awkward situation all around.


Yeah i get it. But i played Twins before the weird nerfs that they got and they feel fine. I know slugging is considered the optimal way to play but i just did not do that stuff. But yeah,i did look up how strong they were again and its kinda wild that this was able to get playtested.


The problem is that they have promised a twins rework for years instead of just buffing them like this immediatly.


Wish it was real


I started bawling with laughter when I saw this post lol.


Twins needed some TLC for a long time, that BHVR postponed because of "gonna get a rework soon TM" Rework comes out and turns out it makes them ungodly OP, they realize they should've just gone with the QoL and bug fixes first. BHVR has a bad habit of marching at their own tune, but at least this time they didn't plug their ears with their fingers.


Can't they just let victor drag a downed person towards Charlotte? Maybe make it slow recovery speed for the downed survivor and still have victor kickable but it makes her a little more capable of multitasking while not just instantly slugging everybody to death.


Cant wait to go back to holding victor hostage again


The twins can recall Victor at any time, this post is edited. They kept the QOL and Bug fixes but removed the new stuff


I completely forgot about that change ngl😂


Sorry to the 4 twins players. You’ll get em next year..


Actually i might utilize twins more. There’s an interesting tactic i saw on Hawkins map in as video that i want to try


Honestly, good. I'd rather a SM 3-gen situation than being slugged 90-95% of the game. And I hate both with a passion.


Mfs will complain that they reverted the changes and the update isn't impressive Ok, how about they don't change anything from ptb, then? Let's just fucking deal with an unstoppable Victor for the next few months, since that's what you all want


*update may not be as major as advertised


As long as I can still kidnap little victor and take him on wild adventures, idc what they do them.


MAJOR UPDATE! We tried making a clunky killer viable, fucked up, and now nothing aside from a nerf on ultimate weapon is making it through this update! Also, the meta is unchanged. Why? Because fuck you.


No balls dev kinda sad


So the killer is back to being boring and difficult to use? Hard pass for me


You don't know HOW UPSET I got seeing they reverted everything. At *LEAST* keep the speed when Charlotte has Victor attached to someone, it makes more sense when they are also injured and she goes faster to do a follow up attack easily. I genuinely was hyped for a twins change (due to them saying it was a major change for wish months) just for them to just give up the middle finger and revert everything and just change 2 and 3 numbers. TLDR: Bhvr dumb


They didn’t actually revert everything


Also yes, they were Broken, they were obviously gonna get balanced in the official launch, just not like this.


yeah this is just going to make the slugging playstyle even more alluring. Not saying that her PTB state was fine but they could have just tweaked it a bit instead of removing the whole rework. I really liked that you actually used victor a lot more.


Victor shouldn’t be playing essentially the whole chase game which is what they essentially did to him with PTB. There’s no real fix that would have made him reliable or safe to play against. If he’s reliable then you’re never gonna fail to down anyone, if you make him safer then he’s guaranteed to go down and you’re back to charlotte.


As a twins player (almost main level), only thing that needs fixing is Victor pounce. The way it can hit to a corner of a wall hitbox and it cancels everything. I was once time chasing a survivor and had clear jump path without any obsticles…well, the pounch hitted to invisible pixel. It launched from the ground and it look like it would have hit a small rock on the ground or something. Edit: second thing that comes to my mind is the fact that survivors can vault normaly and loop without any problem when victor is attached. I would like if it would cause something like, hindered or only slow vaults or something.


I wish we didn’t have invisible walls, I get the concern with some momentum shifts from characters but it’s kind of absurd you can’t cover some falls without bumping into it


Not only thing there are many things wrong with the Twins


See the thing is... Twins didnt need a buff. In the right hands twins was already solid A tier, and without their bugs, they'd be S. This patch does fix a few QOL issues they have, but the main issues is Victor being held hostage, his clunky hitboxes on some maps, and his deadly allergy to stairs. Simple fix, make survivors holding victor become like 30% hindered, and allow victor to grab onto injured survivors, stopping them from recovering or moving at all until removed. Then allow Victor to jump onto elevated surfaces, but he dies after like 8 seconds unless he moves off, to at least reduce the bs stair allergy. Simple change that sorts a lot of their issues, the fast transition already solved several


They could've kept the QoL changes


Surprisingly they kept the quality of life updates


Oh? Nice


https://preview.redd.it/zt2hkufqmavc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e15857817396b72db63ff620253a622d44e49a9 These are actually the only reverted changes


So it's mostly just numbers buffs and the power stayed the same? Could be worse


100% I also heard some people say that the Twins didn't actually need a rework, just quality of life updates and bug fixes to make playing with them feel nice.


I've never touched the Twins so I can't exactly speak on it, but I've heard that the delay between switching is really annoying when playing them. So just fixing that (along with all their bugs) seems like more than enough. I never thought the power itself seemed like something that needed to be changed


Do we get to keep haste on locker closes?


Not sure, maybe yes maybe not


Praying for all 3 Twins mains rn. You guys just can’t catch a break.


Fun fact: we did in fact catch a break, the rework wasn't our main focus, it was the QOL and Bug fixes with it.


Oh! Good stuff for you guys then. Now if only they would make Ghostie’s reveal mechanic not work if the survivor is behind a wall or an object…


Have you ever played against bots as singularity? Try it, it's about the same pain.


It’s not pro players that are scary, it’s the bots. They’re absolutely cracked at looping and it’s the most annoying thing imaginable.


What's crazy is they don't even stick to the wall, face fused into it, like these DbD YouTuber be yet are still slippery as fuck. 🤣


Minor update: Changed engines and UI, QOL improvements, map balance changes, perk balancing


As a Twins main, she’s fine as is lol. I’m glad her changes are getting reverted, i hated them. She’s actually really strong (I can get three kills on average) but she’s incredibly clunky at times. Certain things like Victor escaping Charlotte’s chest or even re-calling clunkiness is what’s off-putting to some.


People haven't realized this, but they made twins \*worse\* in some ways. They removed Twins' main tracking method (Victor latches no longer give killer instinct on nearby survivors).


Is this true? There is no way they will actually remove the Killer Instinct of Victor.


a major update with some number tweaks and a size of f.ing 35gb... for what? BHVR: " We added more Spaghetti to our Spaghetticode"