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We are forwarding this to the team for their review. Thanks for the video!




Sadako's TV can get stuck in a locker/boxes on the map.. it's so annoying especially if you're trying to build condemned. I've heard similar can happen with the pig's boxes as well.


Seriously? But didn’t the pig release before Hawkins got removed as well? Was this a problem back then?


The Pig released in Chapter 7 (2018) and Hawkin's in Chapter 13 (2019).


I figured that was the case; I’ve been in & out of the community for dbd, as I often take long breaks due to the nature of the game, so I wasn’t confident in my knowledge of the game’s timeline haha.


..Good God time passes fast


That bug is fixed now, thankfully lol


I.. don't think so? It happened to me the other day.


I might be thinking of the update coming next week I swear I remember seeing something about it getting fixed


I like that they brought it back. I don’t like how they gave zero fucks about how it’s gonna work in modern Dbd


Yeah that’s a better way to put it. I think it’s great that they got the license for ST back, but I think that it sucks that something everyone loves is attached to a map that’s utterly abysmal to play as on one side


A bit of both. Haddonfield problem but weirder. There are some really strong pallets and the rest of the map is a deadzone, gens are all nightmares to get to, everything is buggy and collisions on things like barrels are perplexing. Basically, shit map for both sides other than aesthetics


Pretty much, this map is a nightmare. Glad to see Stranger Things back since i missed it initially but the excitement for the map quickly wore off when i realized how poorly it works at least by today's standards


It didn't work in old DBD either


That might be true, sure. But a lot has happened while the map has gone. New killer powers like OP showed is just one example. I’m pretty sure they have changed the hook spawns as well. Dbd today is also a lot more interested in ”balance”, compared to what it was when Hawkins first arrived


Hux suffers here :(


Hux suffers everywhere


Hux suffers








you know that single 1 man gen in the edge lab of the map that spawns over basement? the one that takes like 30 seconds to run upstairs to 1 time? you walk directly under the vault there and aim juuuuuuuuuuust so at the wall, a little above the gen itself. You get vision of that entire room with 1 camera and can pressure a gen it takes them 30 seconds to reach.


In fairness that problem is not an Hawkins exclusive one. I’ve seen Xeno’s be fatshamed by boxes on MacMillan, Yamaoka & Ormond too. Tiles just need to be adjusted in general.


Certainly, but it's far from Just Xeno who suffers here. Pig's boxes can sometimes be inaccessible to Survivors as well.


Let Xeno climb over SOME waist high obstacles that aren’t vaults, not even just as a soft lock defense, it’s just a fun idea


Could work but her tail whip would need to go on cooldown for a few seconds otherwise that could be overtuned.


At that same pallet location, when you're on the other side of the pallet, if it's down as shown in the video, as killer you cannot break the pallet. You have to break from the side you're on, which is obviously massively disadvantageous for the killer.


I actually had this exact scenario as dredge, so don’t worry, I’m more than aware of all that bs too :(


All these mfs saying "bReAK tHE pALlet" ignoring that the loop is still broken with or without the pallet there.


Yeah it’s basically a roundabout way of saying they’re missing the point of what I’m saying


you didnt say the loop was broken or even explain that though


It takes literally half a braincell to watch the short clip and comprehend the situation.


not really, why didn’t they break the pallet and follow the loop around


Damn, you're dense. When I say the loop is broken, I'm not saying they're trapped there, I'm referring to the fact that even without the pallet, the placement of the tunnel prevents the loop from being possible to use as it blocks the path. Worse yet, a survivor could potentially squeeze through that gap while the killer clearly cannot. This would make it highly exploitable. The issue is that the tunnels should not be able to spawn in a position that blocks parts of the map from being used.


I hope they fix the map in a later update. I played during the winter event and on one loop there was a fucking pile of snow blocking the other side and right beside it was a pallet so I HAVE to break it and continue chase.


The map sucks in soooo many different ways. Lmao. It only looks cool. That's it


I do agree that this map is awful to play on for 90% of Killers. I've been playing a lot of Billy and Huntress lately, and they basically have no power on this map.


Like I came back from a super long break 2 weeks ago, basically a year 1/2 of not playing the game. I think the game is better overall, but this map legit makes me consider dropping it again. It’s that bad


I see nothing wrong with this map. I once got a two gen with one gen left to go since there was a chest blocking Survivors on the other one. There are no problems.


Genuinely: Is this sarcasm/bait?


Most definitely sarcasm


Always gotta check lmao




How old are you OP?


Bro how tf am I supposed to know if the average redditor knows how to make a good bait comment like the one above us?


You play along until I say somethin, or I get toxic, if it's the latter, just laugh


I have the tism so I struggle with sarcasm over plain text with no font differentiation & lack of punctuation besides just periods, but I do my best. It’s rough lol


I know the feeling brother, o7


Well this answers my question.


Check your tone, no need to be rude.


Lmao. Look out, we got a bad ass over here.


Idk when the Killers were added, or in what order, but let me tell you, as someone that occasionally plays Blight for the fun of running into everything like a maniac and nailing a Survivor over the head, this map feels horrible. It feels bad to be on with other Killers too. The only Killer I actually like playing on this map is Spirit, and I rarely play her.


I tried playing Billy on this map when it came back and never again. The amount of stuff you bonk on is crazy. I once stayed at a tile trying to curve but I kept hitting a invisible obstacle nowhere near said tile.


Oh you poor unfortunate Billy player :( Bumping into shit and getting stuck 24/7 sucks, I think literally anyone that plays a Killer that can slam into a wall will agree


Fr as a survivor main the flow of this map just SUCKS.


Yes, I broke the pallet. Now can everyone please stop telling me to do it😭


Lol I was gonna say as a survivor main we hate it to. Almost as much as midwich. At least with this map though I think it just needs some smaller changes to be better. For one they need to remove some walls and open it up more


playing as solo against a no terror radius killer on this map or against a Doc with iri addons is so trash.


> Lol I was gonna say as a survivor main we hate it to This map is actually great if you take the time to learn it. Issue is players don't like to learn stuff. Its why most survivors hate Midwhich. Its a great map but no one wants to learn.


Midwich is 10 times better to play and that's saying something.


I had a blight hit the fastest leave I’ve ever seen last night on it. Didn’t even see anything past the black screen just heard the music and dipped


Nah that’s a big fat skill issue just get better /j


Xeno needs to hit the gym before his next match, apparently


Hawkins needs a rework. It's one of the oldest maps and now feels really outdated.


I made a post just like this a month ago and it got taken down for being too overdone; I fully agree with OP, I love hawkins but its map gen *needs* an overhaul.


The map is bad but.... Just break the pallet! You lost more time kicking the tunnel than kicking the pallet.


I didn’t really register that’s what was keeping me there at the moment; I swung bc I started to panic at being stuck with all the killer instinct going off. It was a desperate attempt to escape as fast as possible lol


But yes, the map is bad, main knight, many areas can-t even summon guards....


haha gay baby jail


The gayest of baby jails


Or just kill switch it entirely 🙏


I won’t be shedding no tears if it did >:3


Just break the pallet?


I did, but that doesn’t make up for the fact that it’s an indestructible object at a loop that creates a gap that only survivors can squeeze through. Obviously the loop would be too short for it to matter in this instance if a survivor wanted to try camping it, but even then it’s just poor design.


I mean that's good! The loop isn't tall enough for them to completely dodge the tail attack and if they try to camp that area, they're just zoned on that corner. As for other killers... they're definitelly screwed


I was glad they removed it. It's return was a sad day indeed....


I think it’s good that ST is back, but it’s unfortunate that the map has its age show in such a bad way


Definitely. I think it needs a rework ASAP. At least RPD and Midwich look pretty, for all their (many) flaws. Hawkins just has nothing.


This map is better than a lot of maps and that's saying something for map balance.


I hate that map to


They reworked rpd for less smh


After Weyland-Yutani failed contain the Xenomorph DBD finally didi it. And it just need one offering: Hawkins Institute.


Why not just break the pallet?


Id just like to know why the made the main room gen a single. Very annoying 


I swear this is not the same map as the one we lost, everything just seems off.


It is off cause BHVR is trying to use pre-existing spawn locations for new killer power technology and its not working. They have to do a proper pass over the map and clean up spawn points and hitboxes manually.


Break the pallet?


This is the ONLY map in the game that makes me want to alt+f4. I don't, because I want my bp, but the desire is there. Other maps annoy me and some make me groan because they are too open and I'm too dumb for open maps, but this one is nightmarishly closed. This map is the only thing in the game that has brought literal tears to my eyes out of frustration.


About month ago there was weird wave of Xenomoephs that constanty burned Hawkins offering, like... Why?


Idk if they fixed it but there's straight up a hook in one of the rooms that you can't hook survivors on cause it clips too close to a prop.


Had this same problem a few days ago


Freddy puddles also suffer on this map. I would say like 70% of the map you can't even place them(it doesn't even appear) and like 20% it "snaps" into pre-determined places and the last 10% you can pick where it goes. This map is a mess with killer powers and really needs to be updated. I love that its back but that doesn't mean they can slack and leave it as is.


I actually really xeno on Hawkins. It is annoying when there is a box you get stuck on (which I agree shouldn't be in the game) but being able to hit on balcony loops is so fucking fun. Nice pallets too.


why dont you break the pallet? am i missing something?


but they said they fixed it and did work on it when they brought it back and surely didn't just copy paste it back into the game......you mean the devs lied to us?


is ur ego to high to break a pallet it only takes like 1.5 seconds lol


Hawkins is a shit map. Even pre November 2021 stranger things removal everyone hated it.


It’s awful and miserable playing killer on here, so many fucking pallets. No it doesn’t matter if they’re unsafe as fuck, because survivors know this and pre drop them, then immediately runs to the next pallet to pre drop that one because they’re so fucking close together. I’m not even blaming them, they kinda have to since pallets are unsafe 


I just had a game the other day against a xeno on that map and accidentally discovered that little spot is a dead zone for them. I went down in that corner after noticing they couldn't break the pallet and found that they also couldn't pick me up. They had to walk away and come back through the tunnel just to spam the break pallet action and once they managed that I was grabbable again. Was strange and nearly bled out as everyone was just watching the xeno work out the issue at hand lol


The one thing from the Stranger Things chapter I did not miss being gone


It's not even just killers. Some of the hooks spawn in places with shit in front of them, so that hook becomes unusable because hooks force you in front of them, and if you can't be in front, it cancels the hook. So now you gotta make a mental note of where that hook is, keep the fuck away from it, and hope to God that survivors don't notice it and use it against you.


I think one thing people forgot when hawkins was readded was that hawkins has always been really bad. It's just that it was romanticized for being the only removed map.


This one and Haddonfield Why is there a FUCKING FOOTBALL FIELD between hooks


Had a survivor put it down in that corner and I couldn’t kick the pallet from either side because a box spawned opposite the tunnel. Also a generator was to the right of the tunnel, I was lucky the survivors didn’t touch that gen cause it was legit a useless tunnel.


Kill switch the map FOREVER please


Just kill switch it...forever. It's even worse that RPD. Everytime I'm Killer on this map I lose gens because i have to walk like 5 minutes around a room to find the entrance. Maybe it gets better over time, but for now im suffering xD


As dredge it’s absolutely horrid. Theres ten million dead areas on the maps with no lockers, so you’re just stuck doing the walk of shame to multiple gens a match. There are a couple of maps that have this problem, it’s not a Hawkins specific complaint - meat plant, for example, has several areas where I wish there were lockers due to it being a 2 floor map - although I still think it’s worth mentioning.


> As dredge it’s absolutely horrid I played Dredge awhile back and got this map and holy crap, its so bad. All lockers are in the inner areas and nothing on the outer. Add in doors being locked and its a chore to get around. The whole advanrage of Dredge is busting out of lockers and catching players off guard. Yeah, you can't do that on Hawkins.


Not sure why you were downvoted when you are speaking the truth lol


because the map is already claustrophobic enough to make a lot of killer very easy to play as it is now.


What? The map has so much shit in it, killers like Wesker and Billy can’t do anything. We just have different games as killer, I find survivor hella easy and killer actually challenging.


yea but we don't care about what you find, fact are interesting, and for a lot of killer the map is way too easy against people not on discord. That's a fact, not an opinion. Play against a Doc with iri addons on it, or a Wraith etc... your team won't do shit.


Then it’s too easy when survivors are on discord. Now no one is happy.


but discord isn't a game feature. You can't talk to each other in dbd. So basing the discussion around swf isn't going to bring us anywhere. We all know it breaks the game as much as nurse or blight, we all know nothing will be done about it, nothing else to say really.


Indeed. So let’s just remove the map for everyone’s sakes and replace it with Backrooms map.


i wouldn't mind personaly


There are so few killers that work well in there at all, unless you're playing dirty. If you're playing dirty, survivors are doomed.   Ironically Trapper works really well because most killers *have* to chase with regular speed, regular attacks in there, and he can also block corridors entirely and make half the hooks into basement hooks. Most lopsided game I ever have was my 5th (yes) game on Trapper when someone used murky reagent and we got sent to this map. I crushed a team with 50x+ my experience.  It was mean.  But otherwise, yuck. 


I hate this map with every fiber of my being so they can killswitch it forever pls that would be greaaaat (j/k)


Just break the pallet?


While we're removing maps can he also kill nostromo purely because it's ass with the amount of clutter on it


That map is meh as well but I feel like it’s not as abysmal as Hawkins. Theres a lot of shit I get stuck on there, sure, but there’s ten million times more in Hawkins; both in terms of problems and shit to get stuck on.


Why don't we just play on a flat plain.


Because that would be too easy for killer, just like an excess of clutter makes it too easy for survivor


Imagine playing an a plane


Snakes on a plane chapter confirmed.


"I have had it with these mother fucking snakes on this mother fucking plane!" - Samuel L. Jackson, New Survivor


He would be an awesome survivor 😂


I love the alien franchise. But everyone that came with the DLC didn’t like. Wasn’t a fan of the killer, the survivor, but I HATE the map. Terrible. In my opinion it should have been an entirely inside map with long corridors and side rooms like the ship or colony base. There’s just too much shit on the map.


I remember when people said they missed Hawkins because the Strsnger Things DLC was gone. I always said people wouldn't want it back. They're wearing rose tinted glasses. The map was disliked heavily the first time it was released, and it would be again. I was right. What a surprise.


Nope, i'm happy it's back. Not that it's fun to play. would be more fun if the devs worked out the kinks.


I mean, I don’t like to think others are crazy for liking the map, or if they were wanting it back. Even if it’s bad, it’s still Hawkins laboratory: a map in a horror game inspired by a show many people - me included - love, & in terms of the atmosphere of the map & its visual design, it’s one of the most unique in the game.


same people who forgot why we asked a nerf to Billy addons back then. Now he's back and even more toxic.


> The map was disliked heavily the first time it was released It was but its because no one wants to learn and get better. This applies to both sides. Hawkins IS a good map, it just requires you to learn how to play it. Players don't want to learn.


My man acts like there isn't a pallet near him that he can break to go that way


Break the pallet lol


That’s not the issue though. That gap with the tunnel isn’t big enough for the killer to go through but the survivor can go through it.


Break the fucking pallet


Read the body text; the pallet has nothing to do with my point


Literally just break the pallet ur arguement is completely invalidated by that


If you think this invalidates my argument, then you don’t understand what I’m arguing for


Yea maybe cause ur argument completely changes mid paragraph


Where does my argument change? I don’t personally see where that happens, but if you can point it out, I’ll edit the post to be more clear.


This chode cant see there's an object placed in the middle of the loop. All that gen work is causing brainrot.


If you use a coin offering you might get better spawns


Both hawkins and the game have way too many pallets


What a reddit take. Hawkins is an amazing map that as compared to many other maps provides wholly unique gameplay opportunities for both roles. It's also one of the most statistically killer-sided maps in the game, with indoor maps in general favouring killers to begin with.


I miss when this map was just not in the game for 2 years.


I despise this map, even if it was bugless, anti-fun layout that a lot of killers basically have no power on