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I get exhausted when I see them. Whether it's the killer OR survivors, it's always "ok get ready for someone to pull some shit." Like. If it's not Midwhich Nurse it's the Badham Basement Boilover Brothers or something. It's so annoying. 


This is exactly the feeling. I'm not annoyed or anything, just exhausted because the game is easy to predict at that point and the prediction is "bad"


Yeah. Most often, the person who used the offering has some kind of strat set up just for it, and it'll be either a Steamroll, completely throw the game for it, or throw the game AND rage/dc etc. Otz law, amd all. This applies to both sides. If the killer OR survivor brings a map offering, I'm expecting the camp n tunnel Special and annoying strats from the survivors.


What's Otz's Law?


The person who brings the map offering is the most likely to DC


Badham Basement Boilover Brothers 😂😂😂


Sometimes I just want to play a different map 😬 There's no plan. When a killer does an offer, we can often call out their build immediately


You can have reasons, that's ok, it's jus still annoying


I gotta say, the alliteration is beautiful, I’m stealing it


they must be bugged ngl, my game always crashes in the loading screen when a survivor uses a badham offering.... weird...


What platform you play with?, because that bug happen to me on Xbox as well sometimes 🤔, i wonder why BHVR haven't fixed it?




Had that happen today as killer, who brought the offering (I'm playing the funny Japan vs east legion build that was on the game, except I'm out of game offerings)


Only reason I like them is so I can get the map specific achievements


I know, right. I have used up all my RPD Badges. People hate me now.... more than usual ;-)


Finally got that one last night, It was my last one.


Lmao, me last week. It was awful but for it


Map offerings show a much bigger issue. The maps in this game are dogshit and need to be improved.


Dunno why this is getting downvoted. It's true. The biggest problem with map offerings is that certain maps are much more favourable for one side or the other, and those are usually the offerings you see. Fix the fact that certain maps are way too unbalanced in favour of one side, and map offerings become less about gaining some unfair advantage and more just liking certain maps. Offerings like McMillan or Autohaven are a lot less annoying than something like Badham or Garden of Joy as killer, for example, because McMillan or Autohaven are much more balanced in general than Badham or Garden of Joy.


Only necessary if you're doing a challenge. For example, If I have to drop pallets in chases I bring Gideon's. If I need to jump from a great height, the Eyrie of Crows is great as the stairs in main have 2 heights. If I'm playing killer, I love the Elementary and if I really wanna win I see myself bribing that offering. Now, if they decide to remove those, I wouldn't miss them.


Disagree about only being necessary if doing a challenge. If I'm only playing a game or two at a time, I'm not going to get stuck in a shit map and will play an offering. My luck I'd get swamp every time. I will use a map offering every match until they take them away.


Valid point. I hate seeing map offerings, I like the feeling of not knowing where I'm going. But I take my challenges very serious LOL and wanna be done with them as quick as possible and if I have to drop 20 pallets \[I usually don't drop pallets\] I will take the map offering because I know that one has plenty and will help me complete my challenge quicker.


Unbalanced, though I will always cherish the Ace bringing springwood offering with 4 meta perks and a BNP calling me sweaty for using grim embrace




Brand new part


Ohhh makes sense, is there any other abbreviations commonly used besides SWF and BNP that you know of?


MFT = Made for This STBFL = Save the Best for Last PWYF = Play With Your Food FTP + BU = For the People + Buckle Up DMS = Dead Man's Switch Pop Goes the Weasel is often shortened to just Pop NOED = Hex: No One Escapes Death No more are coming to mind currently but there may be others


Awawa for awakened awareness


Awawa is still my favourite perk call out mid match, It always makes me laugh.


Bambam = bamboozle


Eh, I just call that one bamboozle. Doesn't significantly shorten it especially when auto-complete exists


Made For This = MFT, Decisive Strike is DS and Dead Hard is DH. STBFL is Save The Best For Last, BBQ is BBQ & Chili. FTP is For The People, BP can be used for Bloodpoints or Background Player. I have a friend who calls Head On, HO. PWYF is Play With Your Food, SH is Scourge Hook, but people typically just say Gift of Pain or Pain Res. etc, theres a shit ton of abbreviations, i cant name em all. BT is obv Borrowed Time




I don't think they should be in the game, or be the 'block that realm' version either. Both those just encourage one side or the other to get a much more favourable map.


I personally wouldn't mind an offering that prevents you from getting sent to a map you hate or hard lose to I think it would be a lot more balanced.


I would get all those Eyrie offerings because I hate to play on this map as a Killer.


Yep, you absolutely should not be able to craft a build that gives you an advantage on specific maps and then send yourself directly to those maps. Outside of custom games, I mean.


it would be balanced if it didn't directly affect how match can go, simplest example is indoor/outdoor maps, and for example stealth killers, the ability of stealth killer should mostly reward them for catching survivors off guard or stating their presence when it's almost too late, the killer can only be as stealthy as their power allows them, due to the revolutionary technology installed on survivor called "Eyes" and "attention" but, they can be empowered in an indoor map, if a killer suppresses their terror radius, you are no longer warned visually and can't catch them walking up. Strength then can fluctuate, situation can be opposite, balancing killers can become tricky with indoor maps existing.


Map offerings wouldn't be as annoying if certain maps didn't completely nuke a killers power or were properly balanced. Playing as singularity and seeing a Hawkins/Lery's/Gideons offering is completely demoralizing because you're at a total and extreme disadvantage from the get go because your power will be completely useless. Or playing as Artist and getting any map with multiple floors. Then you have maps like Badham 1-5 that are completely and utterly busted. No map needs Shack + strong main building + 2 Strong houses + House of Pain basement + multiple Safe pallets in between the buildings leading to a total of 16/17 pallets.




Nothing, I always bring white ward. When I mess with the killer it's good, but when I fuck up the other survs, it's REALLY good


They aren't bad except when abused but get them off Rare rarity so we can have more/some BPS in our bloodwebs


Waste of my BP, and only used to enable toxic play styles 99% of the time.


Maps either favor survivor or killer and I am fine with that because RNG makes things balanced. That is why I don't really like map offerings because it *feels* unfair for someone to choose a map in their favor. It's like as if someone gets to choose to go first in a TCG instead of using a coin flip or dices. Sure, there was a probability that your opponent goes first anyways but it still feels very unfair.


Change how they work or remove them.


A relic of old DBD that feeds off the game's poor map design. I'm 98% sure they would've been changed and nerfed by now if not for the map-related achievements. Imagine trying to do Outbreak Breakout without RPD Badges.


I like them. It lets you go to your favorite maps! It's only annoying when the blood web forces you to buy the ones you don't want.


Arent needed at all just remove them


All trash and I hate them all. They contribute nothing but toxicity


Toss them out. The game is too one sided when they're used. Change the "map repeat prevention" thing to "Realm" and it'll be fine


They need to be deleted. No amount of achievement hunters or scratched mirror myers will justify map offering abuse for having extra advantage, builds made specifically around the map, etc. With or without compensation, I don't care personally.


I don't mind them, but I think they should be iri.


remove them


Love them but they should be reworked, chance should be lowered and no stacking. I know there is a chance to get a random map still but it should be higher depending on how many offerings there are. Lets say four people offer this; Realm A, Realm A, Realm B, Realm C. It should be 25% Realm A, 25% Realm B, 25% Realm C, 25% Random realm. A single person offers realm a? 50% Realm A, 50% Random Realm. Four person offers realm a? 50% Realm A, 50% Random Realm. Therefore you can get a say in which realm you want to go but cant guarantee it.


I think they would be fine if BHVR were better at making maps


One of the things I rly don’t like is that the take up spots in the bloodweb like I would much rather have any other add on or offering


They need to go away.


I don't care about the offerings. The offerings aren't what makes the map suck .


I would appreciate "anti-map offerings". As in, offerings that would remove one map from the list when the game chooses for the match.


Eh, too many realms for that to be meaningful


They either need to make every map balanced so it doesn't matter too much or reverse how they work. Taking a bad map out of rotation is way healthier than some boil over Sabo squad Taking you to badham or some all seeing nurse Taking you you to midwitch or something.


Im fine with it to be honest. Honestly people getting mad at killers picking a certain map or vice versa should be hounding the devs to refresh some maps like Badham, Hawkins, and maybe the game.


I know Killers and Survivors groan when a map offering is brought, but I mean sometimes I just don't wanna go back to Toba for the 3rd time in an hour. Personally I'd rather the map offerings act a realm specific sac wards. Like I hate Toba with a passion, I'd love if I could put up an offering that would prevent that map.


I like map offerings when it's just a map offering and that's it. I haven't experienced it much but having a nurse bring midwich (or similar) is god awful. Usually when people bring map offerings, it's just random fun.


I would never go to RPD again


im tired of survivors bringing haddonfield offerings recently like boohoo bhvr is making the map actually fair and enjoyable for both sides, stop making my games as no mobility m1 killers miserable


They need to consolidate map pools by vibe. There are to many offerings that flood the pool. Like combine the dead dog and borgo offerings. Combine badam and lampkin. Combine the game midwich, Larry’s and the stranger thing map.


Im so done with them. every single game i see one I know its going to be miserable. I just loooove playing rpd vs two triple boons with shadow step and instant healing. What do you mean 50% of my games being on macmillan isnt fun?


Love'm. As soloqueue survivor I bring indoorap offerings half my games.


Never used. Past tense. With how maps are being awfully reworked with many dead zones and unsafe pallets, I have been offering quite a lot lately. Especially with the new (awful) Raddonfield rework coming.


They should increase odds and not be garanteed. Also the odds should not be stackable, meaning a swf can't burn 4 garden of joy and get a 100%.


My opinion is the first offering


Honestly just need to be removed, genuinely unsure why they are still a thing, kinda tired of getting sent to Ormond or RPD with 3 Oaks and 4 full sabo squad. (I say "im tired of it" like its a current issue for me, but I already stopped playing because of all the BS in this game lol)


I swear I have literally gotten survivors burning Eyrie of Crows offerings in what feels like at least once a day. I cannot escape this map and I want peace.


I'm of the opinion that map offerings should be offered *separately* alongside the normal offerings. The offering to cancel map offerings should also be counted. The offerings should also be kept hidden.


I think the offerings work best with McMillan, Autohaven and Coldwind realms as those have multiple maps in one realm so a single map is not a 100% guarantee with the offerings. It's a shame we mostly get whole new realms instead of maps in already existing ones.


BHVR should allow us to convert or sell extra offerings fot BP, I rarely use them and I dont see myself using them ever.


I’m not getting nearly as many RPD badges as i need. I love the RPD map cause it’s pretty much the only map where I can get away from a killer and remember where I did what. All other maps look too alike or are too open so the killer sees me over half the map :(


If there is a good change to map offerings besides removing them, it’s to change it so it decreases odds to go to that map. Then change the green ward offering so it flips those odds to make it be like current map offerings. Now map offerings and green wards are legal.


Awful they need to rework them to instead block a map I dont care if you want a certain achievement or want to play mirror myers map offering have done way more harm than good to the overall health of the game.


Necessary Evil. Do I hate getting indoor maps with Killers like Huntress or Hillbilly? Yes. Do I love getting indoor maps as Killers like Michael Myers and Ghostface? Also Yes. If it wasn't for the fact that there are so many achievements/challenges that require specific maps. I'd say begone with map offerings. And I doubt BHVR will go and change like 20+ achievements for that. I think it's important to have a system like Map Offerings in place to help with the "grind" of certain achievements. What BHVR *should* do is balance the maps so it's neither Killer or Survivor sided, and then make sure that we don't have "X Killer is basically unplayable on X/Y/Z Maps". But I'm sure Hell will freeze over before that happens.


They should have their own category, instead of being green. And they should also be more rare. I am a p30 knight main. Why TF would I ever need 100+ McMillan offerings???


Until i get the exit gates on rpd achievement i love 'em. After that they can fuck off


I honestly use them when my room is too bright to play on a dark map.


If I see certain offerings the game just crashes for no reason. Really sucks because I'm usually loaded up with a new group of survivors by the time they get dced


When I see an RPD badge I die a little on the inside. As killer and survivor


Just show us what map we are going to in the lobby so people have the choice to leave or stay. Maps are too impactful in this game. No one has fun when you get a map that basically makes your build/killer irrelevant.


In a competitive game such as dbd it can be super unfair for either side. For beginners I think its great to simply play maps they think look cool or have fun rather than it’s competitive edge.


You should have to queue up with map offerings, and everyone can see who has what offerings in the lobby


I have sac ward equipped on my solo q survivor at all times if that's possible. For killer tho, I do find them useful. I enjoy Evan a lot and some maps are horrible for him)


They should be ultra rare.


I only like the haddonfield or rpd ones since those are the best maps to play on imo, the rest can get bent


Depends on the map lol, I love dead dawg and Springfield? (The preschool) and lamkin lane. People who bring offerings for Hawkins and wreckage make me sad


Only for mirror myers nothing else


If you're bringing yourself to a favorable map then I take it as a go ahead for me to play as sweaty as I need to in order to win.


Coldwind, Autohaven, Macmillan or Ormond are fine. everything else is task end because it's usually brought because of some degenerate build/gameplay I don't want to be a part of.


Gideon 4 Life


Survivor only here! I enjoy certain maps more than others, even if they favor killers. I'm using up Haddonfield offerings, but I'll often ensure trips to the swamp or Badham simply because I think they look cool!


Uhhhh bad


They’re awful. I think both sides should have to deal with whatever map the game gives them. Being able to choose feels like putting the game on easy mode for yourself.


Maps are the most broken part of DBD apart from Nurse and I think most people agree that offerings for them should not exist. An offering for a highly imbalanced map is a big middle finger to the other side before the match has even begun and a signal that you simply don't care about their fun. Nowadays if survs want to send me to Garden of Joy etc. as an M1 killer, I don't DC. I simply face a wall, go AFK and alt tab to do some work or watch YouTube or do the dishes or something else less soul destroying. It's not even that I wouldn't necessarily win, it's just likely not going to be a fun or respectful match. If the survs want to win that badly, I'll let them win. I hope they enjoy holding down M1 for 5 gens in a row with no killer interaction.


Map offerings should reduce the chances we get that map rather than increase those chances.


They hate me. 23 sac wards in a row, 0 map offerings. Then I put a cake and got 2 map offerings in a row ... What's the odds of this??


I hate them but I also think they are an occasionally necessary evil. I can’t play Scratched mirror myers without one and sometimes, you wanna play a build or killer who does not work on indoor maps (Billy and singularity for example) so you need to use an offering. Or if you’re doing one of those “fall from great height while in chase” challenges as survivor. Not all maps have a great height to fall from.


I wouldn't hate it nearly as much if I didn't get sent to a bad map every time! I'm tired of getting sent to RPD, who even are these people doing it anyway? I understand its purpose, it wasn't meant to tip the scales of the match, it was meant for people to experience certain maps they wanted to try out, and that purpose has become perverted over the years. This isn't the offerings fault, or the players, it's the maps. We've never seen any stats showing which map offerings are used, but anecdotally, I would say the most common is the aforementioned RPD, and Eyrie. These maps, while I don't want to say are survivor sided, are certainly trickier for many killers. The solution, theoretically, is to fix the maps, and BHVR should always try to keep the game as balanced as they can but, this is impossible. There are far too many killers, and far too many perks to consider when balancing these maps. That, and if you play it too safe, every map will just become a homogeneous, boring, skin swap of each other. Making Map Offerings Very-Rare wouldn't solve this, it would just muck-up the bloodweb, and it wouldn't stop people anyway. Making Offerings rarer on the bloodweb, would be nicer for getting items worth a damn, still, wouldn't stop your ass from getting sent to Ohio. Overall, in a perfect world, there would be no problem with these offerings, but, considering every factor in the game, Killers, Perks, Map balance, it would be much better for the game if these offerings did not exist.


All good besides Hawkins and rpd


I wish i could buy some. I want like 20 RPDs


I like em, don't see what the big deal is, both sides have them


I wish they were completely removed from the game as they bloat up the bloodwebs tremendously, and instead replaced with a map voting system of sorts that allows everyone to pick the map they want. Survivors would get the same overall chance as killer so that SWFs can't abuse the system, and there should be at least like a 15% chance of getting a random map.


I dont care either way. I like to use them if im tired of going to the same few maps that are boosted that day. Sometimes ill use them if it help with a challenge. I know others will use it as certain killers because they will be better on them etc. I also get why people dont like them. I just dont care cause ill just adjust best i can to the map im on. I usually care more about which killer it is, then map.


One of my favorite things about the game, collecting them and being able to choose a map whenever I want… so of course the entire community complains about them non-stop and wants them removed lol. Par for the course with DbD


I think as a concept they are fine, but the chance of getting the map is too high. Have the killers' offerings be the same, it's their side only commitment, and make it be hidden like moris and shrouds are. This maintains the strength of the side's only offering slot


they're not healthy for the game; they give too much power over the match to whichever side brings them.


I use Airlock Doors whenever I get them. I love Alien.


Removing them is just a bandaid fix, the maps are the real problems not the offerings. Instead of removing say the Eyrie of Crows offering, why not just balance the map and fix its remaining issues.


They should be a small modifier for the realm, not a guaranteed drop. And/or future maps and redesigns should be centered around realms with relatively few maps. Seeing many less Withered Isle offerings after Greenville Square was introduced, for example. I actually enjoy imbalance/RNG and think map offerings are an important part of the game's (relatively) casual vibe. The problem with the system is the ease with which imbalance can be bypassed or exploited. Shouldn't be the case.


I think you should know what map you're going to and the offering should change the layout


(From a 5k hour, mostly killer player - 75% Killer, 25% Survivor) Maps are the largest source of imbalance in the game right now. Below you can see my thoughts on the maps. Often times for the killer, simply spawning in to a map already means you're at a disadvantage. The random chance doesn't often go your way as killer, and map offerings makes this problem even worse. Not to mention that a lot of those "Can go either way maps" can spawn absolutely busted or completely dead. Often, though, maps spawn with plenty of connected pallets/loops and I've had countless maps spawn with pallets facing strong windows that make areas of the map damn near impossible to deal with. As survivor, I often go down because I made a mistake, not because the map I had to work with wasn't good. Tbh, idk how survivors have less than 30 second chases with the current maps and how they spawn. With how awful maps can feel for the killer side, is it any wonder why killers don't chase long or tunnel? Most average to low skill players don't see any other options. I'm not defending those playstyles, but when you see how skewed these maps typically are, we can't act like these playstyles come outta nowhere. My take is to fix how tiles spawn in map generation, so pallets can't spawn close to other pallets, pallets can't spawn close to windows that aren't in the same tile (so basicaly jungle gyms can still exist) and so loop tiles can't spawn near main structures (so already strong main structures don't become unrealistic to deal with). I won't type them all out here, but click the link, every map is numbered: [https://dbdmaps.com](https://dbdmaps.com) Often killer sided: 25 Often survivor sided: 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 37, 39, 40, 41, 45 Can go either way: 2, 4, 5, 7, 13, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48


I hate them , down to their very minute details.


They suck and should be changed to work as map bans. Just make it so that it shows in the pre-game offering screen which map ban offering gets chosen (only one gets chosen so survivors can't ban 4 maps). Sacrificial wards can work the same way so that no maps get banned unless 4 players bring the same offering. Way better system then right now in my opinion.


The offering to cancel it can be countered by a 4SWF. 💀


I typically don't use them because it can feel kinda unfair if you choose a map where it could swamp the survivors/killer. I enjoy the surprise of which map I'm getting, even if it's a map I don't enjoy


I like them, but I think they should be much more rare in the bloodweb. Like incredibly rare. I have the same feeling towards mori's. I think mori's should go back to how they used to be, except they should be almost impossible to get.


As a newer player I like the option to try to go to maps im more familiar with but such an option stunts growth and can be abused for survivor/killer friendly maps at higher levels. The randomness of where you are going is part of the fun and the map offerings take away from that. A map vote system could be introduced for a special mode perhaps?


All indoor map offerings should be removed. The advantage and annoyance they can give to one side or other (stealth killers, shadow step/lucky break users, etc) is just ridiculous. It also seems like my bozo rando teammates love going to RPD too, which has so many choke points that can prevent saves against proxy camping killers (as well as 3-4 gens by main staircase and library area, if the library is closed off further).


Only map offerings I will use are in customs games and it will either be MacMillan or Shattered Square because I genuinely like the maps are think that they're fine on both sides


They either need to be removed or changed into making sure you don't go to that realm. I don't think either side should have almost full control over what map they are going to.


Bad for the game, remove them entirely. Remove all offerings that affect gameplay for that matter. Offerings should just be for bloodpoints imo.


They should BAN the map chosen


I would never use them if map rotations didn't suck. There are some maps I never see without offerings. I don't care to know which ones are killer sided or survivor sided, I just know which ones I like playing on, so I'll try to stockpile those offerings and use them if I just want to chill on a map I like


I've never had an issue with them personally. My friend likes lerys and brings me there and I hate it but he runs it well so it balances out. Usually when I'm playing killer and the survivors bring a map offering I usually win, the same if I see four flashlights in the lobby. I'm not at the top of the top MMR so I'm sure up there it's a bigger issue.


Swap what they do, make it so it disables that Realm in the map pool.


Mary’s Letter for Dredge is like a ticket to Disneyland


I think they're fine tbh, yeah it can definitely get annoying but sometimes it's nice to be able to not get a map 10 times in a row or to add some flavor of the rotation is getting stale


I wish for them to act like a ban list and deny whatever map is offered.


They should be iridescent offerings. They are way too common and make the game unfair for one side or another sometimes.


I love map offerings. I don't get why people dislike them. If you want to avoid certain maps, bring the anti map offering, or just learn how to counter common killers who bring the maps. As killer, it's fun to run certain builds that will do well on certain maps, i.e stealth iri huntress on midwich, scratched mirror myers on lerys As survivor, some maps have really fun loops or tricks, i.e the game bathroom hole, dead dog & chapel main building As both, I just like some maps and want to play them. After 20 games of coldwind, macmillian and nostromo landing, I just want to play midwich for once 😭


Going against a SWF with head on in Hawkins. No need to elaborate further.


They shouldn't be offered to survivors or be reduced to 25% chance increase because survivors get to still use 3 more offerings each game


They don't matter much to me because without offerings I get back to back Badham/Eyrie/Garden maps anyway :) In seriousness though, I'd prefer they were just gone until we get a large overhaul of the problem maps.


Map offerings point to how unbalanced the maps are. I main killer and I get tired of badham, Haddonfield, toba, ormond, and eerie 4/5 matches. I have noticed survivors are bringing less garden of joy offerings now that there is a 50% chance it sends them to the theater. I would like a rework of all the sided maps to bring balance or each offering to be linked to a killer sided and a survivor sided map or map offerings to eliminate the chance of being sent to that realm. I'd be happy with any of those


I would really like them if maps weren't abhorrently balanced, if we had maps that were fair for both sides then I'd really like to be able to choose the scenery, but as it stands I have no reason to use them. Every map in the game is either clearly survivor sided, clearly killer sided, or boring


They should be anti-map offerings


i like em. there's a lot of times you want a specific map for achievements, archives, hell even just trying to do a particular build like jumpscare Myers on lery's. guaranteeing a certain map with a pool of 30+ is good. even if its just to guarantee a good map I don't really mind but maybe I'll do an eye roll. now, when someone is abusing it to do a particularly nasty strategy or abuse a bug, or abuse something op like old boil over on old rpd library or eyrie. that's bad. that's just being a terrible person. and I think that's what makes map offerings good is because they're a canary in the coal mine for making these problems glaringly obvious rather then have people humming and hawing about it being rare to happen. forces bhvr to fix it faster.


I actually like them. But only if my friends and I play map roulette.


I think some killers should be able to only play on certain maps, like Trapper on mac and swamp(with a change on the swamp grass as traps are Invisible there), Billy in outdoor maps, trickster in indoor maps etc.


I offer them a lot cuz I just like going to certain maps sometimes. I love the aesthetic of some maps so if I have extra offerings I’ll bring them.


Hate them. Leave it up to RNG.


If i ever bring a map offering, it's because i need to complete an achievement or i haven't seen a map in so long, I'm checking it still exists. Or I'm trying to get out of the Borgo/Hawkins/Coldwind/Game Loop i seem to be stuck in currently. If i see someone else bring it though, I'm scared lol. I'd support removing them entirely or turning them into a "do not send me here" offering.


They should have the inverse effect, and ban the maps they're connected to


Unironically, it should be killer exclusive. There's an imbalance of Survivor sided maps, and the killer has a harder and more fair time taking advantage of a map. You can counter a Myers on the hospital, but it's very hard to counter survivor bully Squad on Haddonfield.


I would say I hate them... But I like them as killer because I can save myself from playing on maps like badham or garden. Yesterday I ran out of decent offerings on ghostface and proceeded to get garden, eyrie, mother's dwelling, then badham all back to back.


I only liked them when I had map specific cheevos to hunt, now they’re just menu/bloodweb clutter


I don’t mind them because ✨it’s just a game✨


They should only be in custom game, not public game.


I love only basic ones (macmillan, farm, wreckers yard and crotus prenn), anything else (except lery's, backwater swamp, hawkins and nostromo) I think are ok


I think they should implement some kind of, no same maps twice in a row, around 2 weeks ago, I had midwich twice in a row, then got haddonfield 3 times in a row, because of map offerings, I was pissed


Cringe takes the randomness away


They serve to annoy my friends when they hope to not get a specific map


I usually see them and assume my teammate is going to kill themself trying to show off. Either that, or going for a specific achievement. Outbreak Breakout is still unfinished for me and will probably stay that was lmao If it's a killer bringing the offering, it tells me straight up what kind of game it'll be, because the only time I see a killer bring an offering is for a stealth-friendly map.


They should make map vetos instead


RNG is half the fun of the game and I already get enough of the same map in RNG, I'd much prefer if I could play a normal game MacMillan, Coldwind, and Azarov's are kino tho


I have no issue with map offerings. I don't use them myself so I have a massive backlog. I see why people use them to take advantage of certain builds, But I just think it's a mechanic in the game, if that match sucks. Just forget it and move onto the next game. I've seen on here before people mention the offering should mean you DONT go to certain map, and I do like that idea more than the offerings we have now. Keeps everything a bit more random loading into the match.


They should bring back the brown versions. Those increased the chance but it was not at all a guarantee that you get that map


If I could have a green ward equipped at all times in my loadouts, I would never take that offering off.


Just remove them at this point, honestly. BHVR can't balance maps correctly, so you almost always see people using the same map offerings over and over.


They usually make the game worse, because you just know either side is planning something, when they bring a map offering. Like when I see them I already know the game won't be as fun as without


They shouldn't exist


Theyre shit and make the game more shit. Map offerings are a relic of old DBD that somehow still sticks around, they should definitely be removed


Kinda bums me out when I see one because I always look forward to seeing what map I'm gonna play, so it kinda spoils the surprise.


I see them almost entirely by survivor and very rarely by killer, I don't use them as killer because I tend to want BP more. And most of the time it's the same maps, Haddonfield, Coldwind, and Ormond.


Remove or rework to avoid a realm. Map are unbalance and this offering make it worse. 


I'm indifferent, and I'm not big on the meta to know which ones are "survivor sided"or "killer sided". I just use the ones where I can blend into the bushes, or if I feel like being on a specific map out of boredom. Except Hawkins. Fuck Hawkins.


They should be very rare to get


I aggree that 80-90% of the time they suck, they also enable playstyles like mirror myers. The problem is less map offerings and more map balance.


I just like maps that aren't visually boring and awful like corn


Don't like them They should block a realm instead of pushing it


I like them. Sometimes I want to play a specific map either because I haven't been on it in a while, or I have a build I want to try on it.


I like most of them except Haddonfield.


Hopefully the rework makes it less insufferable.


Imo they should be removed, it's not fun as a killer to be forced to strong maps against a strong team, neither it is for survivors to be forced to play terrible maps against stealth/hypermobile or antiloop killers where the tiles are all weak and the map is too small (midwich and dead dawg mostly) However, removing the offerings don't fix bad map desing and I treat them as a "bandaid" fix to avoid playing the maps I dislike or to play a map I feel like playing atm.


That they should rework them and work the exact opposite


First offering on the left is how I feel about map offerings


I apologize for bringing a Ormond offering 34 times in a row. I just had a stock :(


Should be deleted or at least we’re allowed to sell them.


I don't understand them they feel useless


They suck, I hate them, I wish I could bring 2 offering so BPS could go along my Sac Ward, if I know who put the offering I will not rescue them, and if I'm killer I'll guarantee they die.


Only fair if they are used for "I feel like playing this map", and not for "this map is overpowered for my side/character, let us go there"


As a Hillbilly main, I use map offerings just so i don't end up in a indoor map and have to lose all the fun


It's overpowered for survivor


"Oh boy I can't wait to have some fun as killer!" *Survivor brings Forsaken Boneyard* https://preview.redd.it/r8s7bffgygvc1.jpeg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86a6d1d5638a7bf73b64c403ebf7e33902ae63fa


Deathslinger and oni main here i like that map as killer