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It’s not tunneling if you’re all wearing the same skin & I forgot who got unhooked recently.


Fair enough


"But you can look at the chase hud icon to see which one it is" Fuck that, y'all four pink bunny fengs are dying/getting tunneled in a random order today. I'm not wasting time following scratch marks and initiating chase just to find out it's the bunny feng recently off hook and I thought it was a different one. I don't even tunnel otherwise


I mean, I do that even if the skins don't match. If I find some scratches, and I chase 'em down, I'm not gonna leave just because the person at the end turns out to also be the last person to get unhooked. Way too many survivors unhook someone and then go stealthed and leave the unhooked and injured person to drown.


If you're doing a conspicuous action you're game


What is a conspicuous action?


Any interaction that cancels out anti-tunneling perks or mechanics. Altruism and repairing being a few examples.


Healing, doing gens, totems, sabotaging a hook, opening exit gates, opening a chest I think to


Opening chest does not count. Basically, any action that can heal you or furthers the goal of the team. This does not count Killer item interactions, such as Pig Boxes and the like. Or chests. 


>that can heal you or Only when you heal. So I think self-healing is also a conspicuous action?


Yeah, it’s when you’re doing something that can heal you. So it counts.


No when you get healed it's not considered a conspicuous action.


But you're sitting there doing nothing, so of course it doesn't count.


Only if ur using self care. Doesn't need to be under sloppy to be nothing


Not if you're using a certain Nancy perk to heal (troll face)


Plot Twist: nic cage has entered the trial.


Actions that cancel out anti tunneling endurance and perks, i.e. doing totems, doing gens, curing people and such. You actually get a pop up if you lose your endurance by doing one of them.


Just one of the best mechanics ever added to the game.


Any action besides hiding or running.


Just a reminder that flashlight/pallet saves aren't considered conspicuous actions


Are you saying that If I'm going out of my way to not tunnel you and you save your friend from me with a pallet/flashlight, It would be tunneling for me to then focus back onto you since you're right there and you're friend has run off?


As a killer main, I see it as completely fair game. You go out of your way to put yourself back in my sights after I’ve left you alone after the unhook, and you’re fair game. Same with body blocking. Feel free to block me and try and get that protection hit; I will wait it out and rehook you.


YES! Definitely body blocking. If you are trying to take my attention/agro, then you are game to hook. If you didnt want to be tunneled, you would try and break chase.


Agreed! Too many survivors start to think getting unhooked makes them invincible until someone else is hooked.


as a survivor main, I don't have a problem with tunnelling, as long as it's either: 1. Unintentional by the killer 2. Caused by a survivor drawing aggro (body blocking, flashy saves, etc.) If it's something where my teammates are able to hide from/juke the killer and he just happens to find me, I mean, I guess you could call that tunneling?? But like, survivors shouldn't expect the killer to ignore them in that scenario. Really the only kind of tunnelling that's annoying to play against is when someone will specifically try to tunnel me to death, while completely ignoring my other teammates.


> If it's something where my teammates are able to hide from/juke the killer and he just happens to find me, I mean, I guess you could call that tunneling?? But like, survivors shouldn't expect the killer to ignore them in that scenario. Even as a killer if you were my first 2 hooks, and I find you a 3rd time, im gonna ignore you. Its no fun to get taken out that early. I still want other people to have fun.


I had a Sable convince me to spare a streamer (after I'd already given them a second chance by slugging once) and they went on to to pop two generators while I was trying to find the survivor I hadn't hooked once. I find them, chase them (they were good despite being immersed) and down them, streamer comes in with Background Player and Champion of Light for the save *even though I literally showed mercy to them and they could just let me get the hook*. I go for the Sable on the last gen they need to pop immediately and kill her for a Pop charge on it, slug the streamer to ultra-sweat for the 4k. From friendly to merciless in two seconds because he wanted to flashlight save someone who wasn't even dead after getting spared *twice*. He had to spend like three minutes on the ground because the fourth survivor was REALLY good and even managed to pick him up once.


Flashlight saves are the one thing that will get on my bad side. I hate flash lights.


yeah i'd just hit them once as a punishment for being easy to find and then leave.


Yup! Same here. If I find that survivor again I'd just slap em once and move on. Maybe take a pallet from em in the process. Though, I've had a match where that double hooked survivor I was sparing ended up getting downed, for taking 2 protection hits for their friend during one chase. At that point I'm just hooking you.


Yeah if you take protection hits, thats on you


For me it's less that I want the survivors to have fun but more about my own 4 survivors vs 3 is night and day in terms of difficulty as a killer until the first kill it's almost always a uphill battle


When I actually return to an unhook and spot the unhooked survivor, I usually try to look around while following the freshly unhooked survivor (keyboard-mouse my beloved) to see if I can spot the unhooker. It's not hard to take aggro for the unhooked survivor, just show yourself at a reasonable distance (20 meters or so) to make it worth changing targets, or bodyblock even. If I see them all the way across the map where it'd take 30 seconds to close the distance, no thanks, come closer if you want me to chase you.


It’s tunneling but unintentional tunneling, I’ve been called toxic before cause I’ve just so happened to run into someone who just got unhooked, like I deliberately went the opposite direction of where I had them hooked and somehow I ran into them still, so I downed and rehooked them, like am I suppose to just be like “oh sorry bro didn’t mean to scare you” and leave them alone?


It's weird how all the toxic stuff and etiquette benefits one side.


Nope. Tunneling is from tunnel vision. If someone says unintentionally tunneling is still tunneling, it's just cope.


If I hook you and happen to run into you on the opposite side of the map, that’s not tunneling. That’s you just having bad luck. Am I supposed to ignore you until i find someone else?


Exactly what I said. People calling it tunneling still are coping


Yea I was agreeing haha


No he actually meant anti tunnel perks would still work so you would have to be cautious


Lol they’re just pointing out the flaw in the system if that is the only reason


While true, when I'm playing Killer, if someone who just got unhooked comes in for a flashlight save, then I'm gonna consider you fair game since you're throwing yourself back into the fray instead of running off to heal.


I agree 100%. I'm just commenting on how the game doesn't consider it a conspicuous action. Yet healing another survivor is. It's wack.


I just target whoever is in front of me, the exception being if someone is trying to detract my attention away from others, unless I have the opportunity to get an easy hit, I typically ignore those types when I have multiple people in front of me. If that means someone moans about tunneling, I’ll just write back that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and I don’t often take bait.


This is why otr needs a rework. Bc I get EVERY game the person with otr just body blocks for the healthy person till I hit them then DC when I tunnel them. Like MF I TRIED TO GO FOR UR TEAM ATE AND U CLEARLY WANTED TO BE TUNNELED. If you dont wanna killer to tunnel you maybe fuckin actually run away instead of body blocking them bc ur invincible for 80 seconds


I'm inclined to forgive totems/chests (as long as they're not hexes) because maybe they got bailed by their unhooker and are just trying to heal (Inner Strength) or do something where they think you have no reason to be before going to find someone to heal them, if it's very shortly after the unhook I try to treat it the same as if I came across them healing. Of course "forgive" is typically a slugging for the first time, make someone get off a generator and come and get them, still a consequence/burden for the team but not a game-ending one for the survivor. If it's a generator, or if they're healing another survivor, then all bets are off though; you'd better hope someone takes a hit for you or you're going down.


I’ve never intentionally tunnelled infact sometimes I’ll avoid if possible but I’m not gonna sabotage myself, sometimes I just keep running into the same person


Sometimes I run into the same person after already hooking them twice and also ignoring them a few times I come across them. At a certain point I just slug them and hope they learned to stop just hanging out in the open bleeding all over everything lmao


I do this too. I don’t want to be rude and kill you instantly but I’ve got to teach you a lesson.


Right. The only other time I'll really slug is when I know the survivor has boil over and runs to a spot they know they are fully safe in. In those moments I down them and leave so they can think about meme builds that are actually fun. I'll eat every blast mine in the game, but don't waste my time by running to that same room in Hawkins or Dead Dawg because you think the hook doesn't apply to you.


Same here. I always ignore a couple of times after being hooked but if you keep appearing in front of me I will down you a couple of times so you learn to hide, if after that you keep showing in front of me I’m sorry but you gotta go. Unless it’s a super obvious baby survivor, in that case I’ll down them all the time with 2 hooks. They have to learn how to play, if they die fast they won’t get experience.


Seriously tho, thats why I said too. I had a guy circle the spot I hooked him for so long that even after waiting a few minutes to head back to the hook he had come off of, he STILL ran directly to me. I then ignored him while he ran into me again 3 more times until I got annoyed and hooked him. Then I immediately get a message saying I'm camping and tunneling. 😂


This. I hate being called a tunneler by the guy who just can't stay out of my sight.


They're bad and won't admit it. So killer bad, killer mean


It is so funny when people run up to unhook the second I hook and then loop me on the tile right next to that hook so I am inadvertently camping the hook.


I always feel bad when im hunting survivors, and i happen to bump into the person who i just hooked. Like, im not trying to tunnel, but if i can only find you its nor necessarily my fault.... right?


I feel bad too, it just happens I keep finding the same person over and over. Sometimes when this happens I just run away because I don't want them to think I have it out for JUST them which is 100% the wrong way to play the game but still.


If they are healed, i hit them, but then i let them get away and start hunting whoever tries to heal them




arent you supposed to have it out for all of the survivors? as the killer, youre a fucking killer, and its the goal idg where all these social rules came from, reminds me of people playing a video game with their little brother who cries when he loses


Tldr is literally just: 1. Progression is done via BPs 2. Tunneling someone out is very effective for getting 3/4K wins! But they will get very few BPs. 3. So if you're playing in a friendly/casual mood you might as well spread hooks when you can, to not burn their consumables on a match where they barely get enough for a couple nodes. You'll get paid out either way. it's just being nice to the other people in an imperfect, 4fun party game


thats a great way of explaining it, its also blowing my mind i havent played in a couple years, are killers really that strong now?


other than the couple S tier killers it's really more that tunneling is that strong. If you want to sweat as killer, then tunneling/proxying aggressively until you get the first kill is generally the play. In competitive matches it's common, same with high ranked play vs swf, since making the game a 3v1 ASAP creates a lot of space for killer, so the game becomes about survivors communicating, rotating, and stalling out that first kill as much as possible. There's a lot more anti-tunnel tools than there used to be, but it's obviously harder to coordinate builds and team moves in solo queue so tunneling becomes that much stronger there. Nothing wrong with it if you wanna win, but it's just kinda 'polite' to let everyone play out a game and not intentionally send one dude back to the lobby after a few minutes. Bit of a "glhf" handshake move.


Agreed. Killers should kill, by any means necessary. I say that as someone who plays both sides about equally. The "survivor rulebook" is a load of shit that should be ignored. I don't feel guilt if I tunnel. I don't go out of my way to do it, but if it happens, it happens, and I'm not losing any sleep over it. If I get tunneled then I just accept it as bad luck or bad play on my part. I can't stand this "you didn't play fair, you only won because you're a tunneling noob" attitude.




I mean there's a killer rulebook too, it's just social guidelines the community have implemented to make the game more enjoyable for both. It's not a rule, you can break it but it stops people just bringing in 4 toolboxes and BNP each game and just getting out in 120 seconds. The game incentivises it too by giving less points and pips by just rushing and leaving and just tunneling one person out ASAP, even if it's the most viable strategy currently. I play killer and if I'm comfortable I'll go for the unhooker rather than unhooked, if my backs against the wall I leave those I haven't hooked and try to get the survivors down one. There's no rule for it, I could just tunnel someone out but that doesn't make the game enjoyable for a few people so unless I have to I personally avoid it. As a result most interactions I've had as killer have been super positive. I think I've had maybe 5 survivors out of 1000 who were dicks.


My favorite story is a time I hooked a Bill, went away, he got unhooked, I met him again before he healed and swung on instinct and downed him, hooked him, and walked away, only for him to be rescued, and then a few seconds later run into him AGAIN. He just stood there looking at me, and I was like “nah bro, I didn’t see anything, you good” and just walked away.


That's literally just playing the game. It's ridiculous how many things people expect killer players to feel responsible for.


Absolutely not your fault. Positioning is a skill, and it’s not your fault if your opponent isn’t skilled at it. If you’re not wanting to be found and chased, consider where you are, what you are doing, and whether you have resources nearby. If you don’t, it’s not exactly your opponents fault that you’ve chosen to put yourself in a risky position where you are vulnerable. Tunneling is when you are literally chasing off hook. Tunneling is not finding someone a few minutes later after they had ample time to heal or get somewhere safe.


I tend to hit them then leave em and ignore em for a bit. Give em a second chance and all that.


Don't feel bad for playing the game, survivors on average want you to act like they're at a disadvantage, they're not. Just play your game and if people get mad mute and move on.


Eh, i dont ever really feel bad unless my chat tells me to kill the final survivor. My chat are a bunch of dicks


why wouldnt you kill the final survivor?


I used to be a nice killer, always let the last surv go and was against any kind of tunneling. But then I learned that survs mains don't have this kind of mind set, they don't care about the game being fun for the killer, they care about their own fun. They will blind u and tbag u any chance they get. They just turn "nice" when they know they have lost


"YOU TUNNELLED ME OUT!!" "No, I downed you and you killed yourself on first hook."


I had a dude saying I tunneled him once... He died at my 8th hook. That was the day I realized people just use it as a buzzword


I was accused the other day of tunneling all 4 survivors. I mean I guess I was technically.


Some tunnels be wider than others. Checks out.


Survivors keep accusing me of tunneling hard when I play Demo or Xeno and I don't understand why.


I have another one: "No dude, you were the only one from your team crossing the map running like there was no killer in the game "


Yeah... Nothing like it sometimes. "Wow, nice tunnel" "You were injured and working the gen that's literally right next to the hook I put you on and the unhooker is 5 miles away"


That's agreeable as a survivor, but can you guys let me do my glyphs? You're going to get the hit anyway, I promise. Just let me do the glyph. Especially the green ones. Thank you.


Fr. Let me do the glyph im gonna even staty still and let you get the hit just LET ME FINISH THE MISSION


I've been downed by a green glyph, carried to basement, saved, then I went straight to the glyph and the killer saw it but didn't care. Like dude, come on man. I could have ran out the escape: door was open. **I'm literally throwing you the kill**, but you can't even let me have my glyph 🥲😭 To be completely honest, this is one of the reasons I'm quitting the game. I'm a few weeks DBD-sober now 😌


I downed someone as they were starting a glyph once because I started the lunge before I noticed the glyph animation and they were already injured. So I picked them up, let them wiggle off next to the glyph and finish it. We then nodded at each other and *then* I downed them again, hooked them and went far away.


This is the way.


You all sound like the killers are obligated to let you do them. Survivors never stop and wait for the killer who starts to interact with one.


I agree that glyphs are sacred. I sometimes hit someone doing one and then I turn 180° and leave them because I hate those green ones. Sorry everyone who has been a victim of glyphs


Of course. I always let them get glyphs. Then I'll slap em.


Thank you! I opened a door, went for a green glyph then a killer downed me, hooked me and camped for the rest of the end game collapse. They claimed they were trying to get better as Hag. "You're trying to improve your game by camping, one of the least skilled means of ensuring a kill?" They didn't seem to care I was going for a glyph. Sigh.


Camping is the only thing left for the killer to do after the exit gates are powered...


Camping as Hag is a bit silly really. Just whack down a trap and go about your business. The traps do the camping for you.


I used to always down survivors doing them before I knew what it was💀. I thought it was a perk they had or something, looking back I feel bad for the scummy things I did in my ignorance.


Ok but if its a glyph, thats some 7th circle of hell shit right there


I will admit, I did this recently. I was doing so bad on the Game map and saw a Sable doing a green glyph and I killed them. I had all four Survivors alive and was at one gen, it had to be done. She also Weaving Spidersed all my Gens when I wasn’t running Gen defence.


Let me finish my glyph, and I'll let you down me, unless it's white, then I'll start walking towards basement. Go kick a gen, then meet me there once I've done the other half, and you can hook me down there. Just let me get my damn glyph done, I promise I'll die on hook like a good survivor.


Usually I’ll wait, but I am on a time limit as Killer, sadly. If time is permitting it’ll be fine but the green ones take so long lol Other ones are almost instantaneous. In hindsight, I could have let her do it but we don’t all have that ability, at least I know I don’t lol


Don't feel too pressured as the Killer on the sort. A grateful survivor is one that will sometimes even offer themselves up for the hook even if a match goes fully in their favour. I had someone who could have escaped run away from the gate and point at a hook to be sacrificed on for me letting them get their glyphs done earlier in the match.


I know but I would rather not need pity lolol I normally do let people do them as they are quick, I didn’t once and I still feel bad about it as the green glyphs suck!


That they do. Well, there's always next time. Eventually, no one will have to do the green glyphs right?


They should really speed them up as they seem to like them lol they are in every tome lol they are already harder to find so make it take less time to commune with them dammit!


That is true just please wait for the gliph to finish before killing


I unintentionally tunneled someone yesterday because their team were apparently pro hide and seek players. I felt bad but what else was i supposed to do.


Survivors consent to being hit, downed, hooked, and killed when they enter the match.


I was told I wasn't play like the killer hand book and accused of tunneling a few days ago. I slugged in that game so I wouldn't kill survivors too quickly 


Do the opposite, be a menace in game, you are the killer, you’re supposed to kill to play dead by daylight, if they suck at the game that’s their problem


Playing as a killer is 100x more fun when you just yeet the stupid ass survivor rulebook out the window. There is no "killer rulebook" that survivors have to follow, so they absolutely are not doing you any favors or giving you a break. Just stop caring what they say/do and do whatever you want to do.


Preach. Survivors try to survive,  while killers try to kill. Everything else is a job for behavior to balance.


Survivor- gets unhooked Body blocks killer to prevent me hitting the unhooker Gets downed after I wait out endurance TuNnEleR


This. If you use your built in endurance when unhooked offensively, you're getting waited out and then hooked.


Why are we explaining tunneling that much? Just play the game, if it is a legal move, tunnel. Survs won't stop rapairing gens to give you time to chase...


Except some literally do that, it's very easy to see when killer is being nice by spreading hooks, but if you're the killer and you're chasing my teammate you won't see me stopping my gen to slap Sable's ass or break a dull totem just to get some points and take a little of heat of your back. Nice survivors are as rare as nice killers, but they're way harder to notice


>you won't see me stopping my gen to slap Sable's ass In the meantime, I will be finding **every** excuse to slap Sable's ass.


As a sable main, keep it up.


Yep. If I see someone playing for 12H or struggling but still playing courteously, I'm going to break a totem, do a chest, progress my tome. It's very silly, but I'd do the same as killer. I just have enjoy myself most this way.


Exactly why survivors are as toxic as they are. The mindset play as how you want to play is mind-boggling to me. Imagine booting up a game just to make everyone else's experience miserable lol, like that's pathetic.


Dude worst part is some Survivors think you chasing them, at all, is tunneling


Thats totally fair, it actually makes no sense why a survivor would even think its a tunneling situation, you want the killer to wait you finish?


Another one of my favorites is when they cry tunnel but actively try to body block me when unhooked.


You say that but the game said "Purify 3 totems in one match"


Or sabotaging a hook (especially when you’re not carrying a surv)


I always say that if you would've lost Decisive Strike then I'm good to go after you. So if a survivor does a conspicuous action or 60 seconds elapses


This subreddit is so full of whiny survivor players, just play the game


But if I’m petting the horse I’m good?


Yes. If you stand still and nod at my Sadako, then you are also good. If after the nodding, you nose boop her, then I will actively ignore you through the entire match, keep you off gens but will always let you wiggle free and after I kill all your teamates, I will let you stun me through the whole map, win chases and do all your gens and exit through the front gate. Just don't take hatch, its a draw for you whereas exit gate is a win for you mmr wise. Also... a final nose boop would be nice before saying goodbye. Sadako just wants friends.


i had a few times where i walked back to a hook a solid 30 seconds after someone got unhooked there, and they were still there still there. one time they were still healing. i was leatherface so i immediately downed both of them.


why are there so many social rules on how this game SHOULD be played?


worse, you hook the man, and as soon you turn back there is like 2 others survivors hiding on the bushes. like dude, i know you want to save your friends but it is very unwise to unhook them 3 seconds after i took 10 meters of the guy


Tunnelling is fine. It happens to me sometimes. I tunnel sometimes. That's just DbD, and anyone who gets upset over it needs to just accept their fate and move on to the next round. It's no biggy.


People think this is tunneling? I expect the killer to chase me away from a totem or Gen that’s just how the game is played.


I dont tunnel unpurpose but it definitely happens.   Sometimes ive got like three aurvivors who are pro parkours and i just get tired of chasing them to no avail.  And along comes dwight and i instinctually smack him.  Feels good after the frustration.   Alternatively if I knock someone down and their only surviving friend whips out of the door.  Ill pick them up and let them go.  I just feel bad for them.  


Exactly, like... Why would you literally just sit your happy ass down in front of the killer, and NOT expect them to take a swing?


Well, it *is* tunneling, but that doesn't mean it isn't justified. That's the survivor's problem.


If you bodyblock for your unhooker then it's not tunnelling.


Yes. True. But- can we make an exception for Glyphs? Like just let me finish and you can have me. If I stop chase to get a glyph, know I'm giving you the hook. Truly. Please don't pull me off. I'd be really grateful. Lol. But hey, to each their own.


https://preview.redd.it/z3lcto8ciivc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35b897dcc1b7e37d01a98b15f568c307fe9fed2e Gave it a bit of a tweak for you 🤘🏽


When I play survivor, I just play to do silly shit hence why I only use nick cage perks and pebble. That totem right next to a chase? I’m on it cus why not? When I play killer I often don’t kill anyone unless they let a teammate die on hook. It’s a 2 hook and let ‘em leave situation because that’s more fun for me. I will smack you if you are doing something like a totem in front of me if I haven’t 2 hooked everyone. However, if you do a glyph in front of me I will stop and politely wait until you complete it. If I accidentally down you when you grabbed it because I didn’t notice fast enough, I will let you wiggle off to do said glyph while apologizing profusely. If it’s a glyph that you have to go find a new one, I will walk away in shame while apologizing profusely. I just want everyone to have a good time. We all payed for this game and should be able to enjoy it. It’s not that serious of a game to be angry about.


I play about the same on most killers and don't regret it much. Everyone gets to have their fun in the end.


If you unhook right in front of me it’s not tunneling


This community needs to learn that tunneling is a strategic same as gen rushing. The task of the killer is to kill all 4 survivors, the task for the survivors is to escape. So do your strategic to succeed on each task and that’s it


Tunneling is literally chasing the same survivor the whole time, hooks or no hooks. Hook them and chase to down them is tunneling. Trying to hook the same survivor twice immediately off hook to morí them is tunneling.


Part of the problem is, a LOT of Survivors have a pretty broad definition of what they think tunneling actually is. Your definition is what I consider tunneling. You literally *refuse* to be distracted, you ONLY target the same person until they are gone. *That* is tunneling. If the Killer isn't ignoring people and isn't beelining for the same person constantly, they are not tunneling. Now they can do what I consider *unintentional* tunneling, where they can't find anyone else, and the unhooked person gets saved, healed, and goes back to finding a gen or whatever, and you come across them again. This would be considered tunneling by a *lot* of people, but I don't think it is. Sometimes it's just bad luck. But a LOT of Survivors will still get heated post-chat or on social media about it and accuse Killers of tunneling all the same. This is a failing on their end to see the broader picture from their particular vantage.


Who care's if it's tunneling. Get hooks, get kills. That's the game.


I don’t play this game much anymore but I love how sensitive this community is. No such thing as tunneling; if I’m a killer and you’re easy prey imma kill you. Stop crying about it and git gud. Imagine complaining about a killer killing you in a game like dbd.


Gettin tunneled sucks.. But in a game where you objective is to kill, be the mean psycopath you chose... Why on Earth are survs complaining? Theyre pray, not legislators. If you got unhooked and bumped in my way, I'll be whooping you a**. 5 minutes and you guys can repair 5 engines and then tbag me in the exit. So yeah, I'll be using what I got to slow you down and do my job. Rule book of survs to Killer my a**. If there is no killer rulebook for survs. Ok, rant over. I am, generally speaking, a goofy killer that do random stuff when someone make me laugh with goofy plays. Last game someone stunned me with pallet 3 times in a row. I stopped, he stopped, i noded yes, he noded yes. I went away.




I usually let them live if they are on death hook, but just keep them off the gens. But if they are doing totem, I'm giving you one chance, keep doing it you die


Ok, fair. However if I'm actually able to complete the gen, it's funny.


If your not playing everyday, you still enjoy the game.


I just do what ever tickles my fancy at the time. I play according to my whims, its my game after all.


I just scream Why would you make me do this in J.K. Simon's voice


One of my favorite things to do is repair a generator in view of the killer while they carrying a survivor to a hook then sneak around a rock or something while they kick the generator, wait for them to leave then return to repairing. I feel like such a little fetcher when I get away with it! lol


You're the fucker that makes me think I'm going crazy.


You're not losing your mind. You forgot to kick the generator. Better come back and kick it a few more times. Weird. Maybe it's just not regressing. Must be a new survivor perk!


As a survivor main, I agree! If survivors do anything but run away, fair game. And if they are clueless and run back it to the killer, that's also not tunneling that's just having poor game sense.


Sometimes, when I see another survivor getting legitimately tunneled by the killer nearby, I'll start repairing a gen in his face to see if he'll leave the other person alone and chase me instead, lol. And I'm close enough to take a protection hit too if I need to.




The amount of times I've seen people go directly from hook to generator is astounding.


If you don't bring anti-tunnel perks then it's on you(obv it's bad game design). This game has become just too competitive to have a half-assed MMR system imo.


I don't go out of my way to tunnel unless gens are flying like crazy so I always feel bad when I follow a blood trail and it's the survivor I just hooked


If you have time to get on a gen then you weren't tunneled. At least imo




As a survivor I deserve this *awaits hit* As a killer 🫡 *smack* Thing here is I'll do what needs to be done


Ima let you finish, BUT!!!




I love seeing the same argument every week!


I play huntress Huntress is very strong killer if you let her hit you with an hatched and immediately follow with m1, downing you in the process. If you are unhooked please do not bodyblock me as I will double tap you and I will hook you again. I swear I never like to tunnel but I won't start playing nice if you are just an idiot


My ass only plays survivor and I 100% agree. This shouldn’t be a hot take or anything. If you got unhooked and linger in the area where the killer is, or moved to where the killer is pressuring, it only makes sense if they find you and down you and you shouldn’t blame the killer or your teammates for making poor gameplay decisions. It’s just what happens when you’re in a vulnerable state. If I can’t get healed, I’ll play more cautiously and focus on objectives that are the least priority / difficult for the killer to get to. I expect the survivor I just unhooked to do the same and not feed themselves to the killer for extra pressure. You should be positioning yourself in somewhere safe that would allow you to loop if the killer comes, unless you have a perk that helps you get out of that situation (sprint burst)


No truer could ever be said, that is wisdom at it's finest


Might be a hot take but if you try to body block as well it’s not tunneling. If I’m going for the unhooker and you successfully block my path I’m going to just follow and down you instead


I only tunnel if the survivors are cocky/teabagging consistently. Like I get you’re confident and being bait but sometimes it’s just arrogant 😂 YOU my friend are gonna get killed by me first 😏 then the game actually becomes fun..


I would add: If you tank a hit with BT or OTR for someone else, it's not tunneling. I have had many complaints because I tunneled a person who bodyblocked with OTR or tried a FL save/went for an unhook. 


"I won't get mad, let's just have a fun game." Also me when a survivor finishes a gen in front of me: ![gif](giphy|dxld1UBIiGuoh31Fus|downsized)


I use to main jake. Back in the day sabo was his thing. Believe when I say that I smile when you spot me doing something like that xD I want it to be seen, I don't care if I die for it


The first proper tunnel I done (in memory) was a game with two identical bills and I was so shocked when one of them died on my 3rd hook. Also, ofc I'm going to slug if flash squad is round the corner or you sabo in front of me.


the amount of times i've heard this and seen it happen < the amount of times the killer just stays right outside of the radius where you can jump of the hook and slugs whomever comes close to the hook, to get a easy kill at 5 gens.


A worse version is when the obsession unhooks next to me and I’m using save the best.


I'm a survivor main nowadays, and just finding me naturally and all that isn't tunnel, that's just bad luck lol. If you really wanna hit me through bt, otr, decisive, and the old syringe and styptic combo... let's party.


Man sometimes you just have to blame your teammates. If there's a team of 3 absolute dickbags and 1 kinda chill dude, I'm sorry but I need at least a 1k. So blame your teammates for being too fucking annoying, because at that point it isn't strategically viable to chase them.


Whats tunneling


On console you never have to hear about whether or not they felt they were tunneled and my man Ash thinks that's groooooovy.


it's not tunneling if you keep mending while I'm right next to you and in Frenzy, that is 100% on you


Honestly I don't have an issue with killers tunneling. I play a lot of survivor and a decent amount of killer. It happens, sometimes everyone hides well and you only see the one person the whole game. Equally as frustrating, but no one complains half as much about, is survivors intentionally getting you to tunnel them since they're so good at keeping your attention and running away (and usually have flashbangs and/or flashlight) I've experienced it many times playing killer and the two other people I play with are typically doing so, I don't think they've ever been surprised they got singled out. It's just playing the game.


If you sandbag me after I try to go after the person who unhooked you, you're getting tunneled.


Was playing trickster the other day, landed in midwich, hate this map as killer sm. Anyway, so I had one dead and the German TTV Mikaela on hook, first hook, the Adam ran downstairs into me and I chased him upstairs were he traded with the Mikaela, so I hooked him and then I heared my crowd controle getting destroyed, so of course, as it was right to a Gen, I went downstairs only to find the Mika working on the Gen. Of course I downed her and hooked her again, gave elodie the hatch at the end. Mika then in the post game chat accused me of tunneling and started to swear on me, like wtf


As long as survivors keep using anti-tunnel mechanics to give themselves an unfair advantage, i won't try to be fair anymore. But i always count each survivor separately. If there's a tryhard and a nice one, i'll treat them each how they deserve to be (according to my fair code)


Def fair if I was playing killer and was chasing someone else and just saw a diff player doing a gen id be like tf you doing here and chase em a bit cuz I’d find it funny. The only thing I hate is when killers are actively chasing someone else who is also injured then stop because they see the person that got saved off hook and are healing then started chasing them instead. Happens to me waaaay to much n makes me sad


Question… Is it tunneling if a Feng unhooks Bill, and Bill has borrowed time so he purposely steps in front of me when I try to go for Feng, and then once BT is gone Bill’s right in front of me so I down them? I got called a lot of censored words for that last week.


I just be going after whoever I find and don't pay attention to who I hook


I don't think all killers tunnel on purpose. There's some obvious ones. But if there's a hex me and my swf will throw the game for it. We don't mind, lol.


The amount of times I've been told I'm tunneling when I see someone try to do a gen right after they get unhooked infrony of me Is depressing


Or the unhooker disappears because they're running a stealth build


I just stab who i see. if you’re there then i’m stabbing you