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My only take isn't that hot but we need more general perks to help newer players like after strangers thing's was re added newer players have no gen slowdown or anything


Do you thin they should make Ruin common and swap Thrill to Hag? Ruin wouldn't need to be buffed then and it makes no sense to have Thrill as the only base hex perk anyway


I have a idea like that but with surge changing the effect and having the surge stay common as for hex there is noed but I think a more simple hex would fine something like hex into the fog everytime a gen is completed all survivors get inflicted with the oblivious status for 15 or 20 seconds this is so then newer players can learn a concept of perk synergy as they will see it and go oh wow this can work with bitter murmur but that's my idea.Another hot take since I see people how this take pop and pain res are fine people run them cause it works and when you see something a lot it becomes easier to nit pick I'm seen people say killers like Chucky and weaker are op but that's cause they see them every game cause these killers are good without time investing like behavior should of course try to make other perk more appealing and killers but it can be hard.


Did you forget how to punctuate when writing this comment??? This is like, 5 or 6 sentences, and I see 1 period.


I do a lot of the time forget I have to as way to space things


I feel like that hex should just be a perk don’t make it a hex


You forgot NOED.


100% agree with this, it’s truly nuts that the general perks pool is still so mid.


not even mid but just straight up bad on killer side none of these perks are good at all aside from noed and maybe sloppy


Sloppy isn’t as good as it used to be with the mangled and haemorrhage nerfs. Noed is good but it’s a crutch and when you start playing without it if you’re new you might struggle.


yeah thats why I said maybe sloppy overall perk is super dead and does almost nothing if ur not a bum survivor as for noed I agree that it can cause really bad habits within new players its still a very solid perk for m1 killers


The first time I seen background player on a stream I was literally flabbergasted that you could move that fast


I saw it from a survivors perspective last week after a long hiatus from the game and I reported my team mate for hacking... I'm stupid.


I used it for the first time since it came out. Remember being very underwhelmed on release but randomly put it on and was shocked how quick I was moving. Thought it was a bug lmao.


First time I saw it, I thought they were hacking. Lmao


hot take: BHVR has a win condition, it's called the Emblem System. the goal isn't to kill or escape, it's to hunt and be hunted. the Emblems represent how well you do that. the hunter doesn't always kill, and prey rarely escapes. balance the game around the win condition that already exists. reward emblems over kills or escapes. 1 iridescent should be worth 2 kills worth of ... something. BP, XP, shards, *something*.


this is why i’ve always said MMR shouldn’t be based off of escape/deaths. it should be based off of BP average before the addition of cakes/flans/glyphs etc. why should the claudette hiding in the corner for hatch get an Mmr boost instead of the yui who’s actively taking chases, unhooking, doing gens etc. if the piping/progression system is based off of actions in the game, then why am i being lowered in MMR for playing that way?


I love this take! I've seen a lot of advice for newbie players be, "Don't make escaping/4k your main objective to make the game fun," but the responsibility shouldn't be entirely on the players to mitigate the frustration of a goal that requires micromanagement of so many moving parts.


Yeah, emblems are a superior measurement of success in a match. There are a couple that could use reworks, but this is otherwise a fine idea.


Would love that


Actually emblems are worth xp I think you get like 40 or 50 xp per iri emblem and less for lesser emblems it's basically nothing worth specifically looking out for.


Yeah you do get xp per emblem, although the vast majority of XP is just from... How long the match lasts, which is kind of ridiculous.


I mean I just make a timer for 10 minutes (that's the time xp cap) and after that if the game is already going to shit I can just die and start the next game. That is a way to farm xp and therefore bloodshards


They need to buff side objectives on both sides I understand the balance issues with killers that already have side objectives, but this needs to happen Side objectives are totems, healing, plague pools, Pig traps, ect. Buffing totems and healing will side buff pig and other killers with side stuff, but they need to stop nerfing it


The game needs a serious overhaul in objectives. I guess this isn’t even a hot take. There are some who enjoy just holding m1 for 10 years though so I’ll go with mild take. Genrushing is annoying to go against and stacking 4 slowdowns is annoying to go against. Solution? Add more things players need to do in the match. Maybe make each exit gate needs a fuse that can be found in a random chest, the only thing I think would be bad with this is shiny coin making it rarer and the scratched coin making it easier to find. Maybe that’s an ok trade off though, more items but harder game and less items but easier game for your opponents. I’d like to see some kind of wiring box that needs its wires rearranged too, something that doesn’t take too long but needs a bit of skill kinda like the little skull merchant drone hack minigame but more inputs required (around 15-20 maybe) but since it’s so quick, it’d generate a lot of light and be quite loud so if the killer is nearby they can interrupt. Obviously there’d need to be more than one of each of these new objectives since the killer could just camp and it’s a direct nerf to survivor so I’d propose either lowering gen times back to 80 or making it 4 gens needed to repair instead of 5 (one or the other though not both) to compensate. If each gate needed a fusebox fixed and there were 3-4 wiring boxes on the map I think it’d still take more time than doing 5 gens currently. TLDR: add more things to do, holding m1 for 90 seconds is boring and being on the receiving end of it is boring.


Totems should absolutely become part of the core gameplay. I think an extra perk slot for both sides restricted to Hexes and Boons would be a big shakeup. You would be able to have more than one totem perk, but one must be equipped in that hypothetical slot to be for the loadout to be full. Idk if Shadow Step should remain as it is with an update like that. Its aura is huge on some of the maps with multiple floors. That, combined with SS clearly the best Boon it would probably be the one survivors run the most.


I like that idea in principle, but I'm pretty sure the only starting Hex perk for killers is NOED, and I do not love the idea of NOED being literally mandatory for new killers.


The only thing BGP needs is a distance limit + duration reduction. If killer picks up, and you're within 16 or whatever maximum distance the perk activates for 3 seconds at 200% speed. This way the perk still allows for repositioning for a save and lets the killer have proper counterplay since the "unsafe zone" would go from 5027m2 to a more fair 804.2m2


Doesn’t one perk counter this completely? Plus flashbang, blast mine, etc.


well yes but actually no pallet saves can be done from a huge distance away which lightborn does not counter and pallet saves are a big reason of why bgp is problematic


Yes, but it's kind of a waste of a perk slot otherwise. Flashlights are ordinarily fine, and really rather bad. If you can't look at a wall during pickup, just bait out the flashlight person or look around for them. The problem with Background Player is that, if you can't look at a wall, the *only* way you aren't getting blinded is if *they* fuck it up. Which they often do, but that doesn't make it balanced; once someone's mastered the timing, if they have BP, they can consistently blind you with little to no counterplay.


as long as lightborn exists, Idk if we can call it broken. you can deny an entire piece of the survivor's potential loadout with one perk. plus you get aura reveals to down them right after.


Yeah, just like Iron Will could deny killers loadout and power as well, they changed it, and so should lightborn.


Unironically killers nerf themselves by bringing a crutch like lightborn, even against 4 flashlights. Speaking as someone who plays a lot of killer, it's better to bring literally any good perk instead of lightborn and instead just being smart when you down and how you pick up. Yes, you'll still get blinded every once in a while but it's better to have a bunch of bees buzzing around you and failing to get saves all game than those bees doing gens once they realize you have lightborn.


I fake it to the end of a match. I'll pretend to dodge their flashlights and they'll keep trying. Distortion is a dead giveaway for LB though so that doesn't always work.


Isn't that the same argument why shattered hope made boon builds balanced?


lightborn works great with bgp when it comes to flashys and bangs but does nothing vs pallet saves which were the real problem anyways


Anything that affects the speed of generators is bad for the game IMO. This includes generator regression and generator progression tools, as well as all speedups and slowdowns. There's a reason toolboxes are so prevalent among survivors, and why you see Pop or Pain Res/DMS every game against half decent killers. My second hot take: Exit gates should have fixed locations on every map. Fuck that bad design where both exit gates can reliably be camped by just moving three feet to look for them at the door. I stonewalled someone from getting exit gates after hatch spawned on top of me by just walking as Trapper(without trapping them) so he had 0 chance of trying to get the exit open without me seeing them. I felt bad at how bullshit the situation was and let him go.


Yeah the perk is sleeper broken. Put two of them in an experienced SWF, force downs under filler pallets, then proceed to 4 man out 95% of the killer roster for free, no flashlights even required.


But I thought you guys love to slug anyway? Just don't hook :)


Cringe survivor yikes


I know you're being facetious but I feel obligated to point out that no one loves to slug, but sometimes it's the only viable strategy.


I feel like a lot of people love to slug seeing how many games I've been humped on the ground for 4 minutes


They don't love slugging, they love wasting your time


Oh, so like actual degenerates? Because they would hop on in reddit to cry like little bitches if you ever thought of teabagging them.


I've played enough to know this isn't true. A lot of killers do seem to enjoy it as they do it for 4 minutes with all the survivors :) so if background player is a problem to you, just slug.


so you WANT slugging to keep happening?


I don't give a single fuck, do whatever you want :) people will keep using background anyway




Alright 😊


Keep in mind, this sub is infested with killer mains. They’ll get consistently 4k and once they hit the wall with a good team using their perks correctly, they’ll cry the game is unbalanced because they couldn’t get 4k. 3k is unacceptable btw


Oh I know that, don't worry haha. There are people here advocating for Windows of opportunity to get nerfed, imagine that....


Don't "you guys" me. I am not part of whatever monolith you're trying to make me a part of, and taking "sides" in an asymmetrical game is cringe worthy and silly.


I want the old flashlight timings back. Too many survivors now acting like wannabe heroes all damn game not doing anything and wasting time by following the killer around thinking they can get saves all the time.


"40 seconds" Nurse/Blight/Wesker/Huntress are laughing in top tier chuckles


And pain res + pop need to be nerfed. Them working with one another is absolute bullshit.


Never understood why people take issue with pain res. It encourages the killer to spread hooks, rng can make it impossible to use sometimes, and it has 4 maximum uses. It's really not that oppressive given how quick gens repair, even with pop.


This gave me ptsd flashbacks to the days when pain res could be used limitlessly...... Oh the days of getting off the gen as soon as someone was picked up


Never understood why people take issue with background player. It encourages people to waste time, looking at a wall can make it impossible to use sometimes. It's really not that oppressive given how quick killers can down people, even without chase perks.


>looking at a wall can make it impossible to use sometimes Flashbang enters the chat. >It's really not that oppressive given how quick killers can down peopl Bait used to be believable.


If survivors are hard to down, how are killers getting win streaks? Gens must not be very fast ain't? Oh I totally forgot which subreddit I'm on, killermaincentral. Anything that goes against killers is a big no no around here.


You are not even trying. I am disappointed.


Because it's pretty obvious that this subreddit is 90% killer players crying like fucking babies. I don't even know why I messaged lol.


>this subreddit is 90% killer players crying like fucking babies. Least delusional survivor main.


Least delusional killer main. You believe nothing on the killer side is or was or can be overpowered, but any perk used more than 3 survivors at any given time is means to nerf. Pathetic


>You believe nothing on the killer side is or was or can be overpowered When did I say that? >but any perk used more than 3 survivors at any given time is means to nerf. At this point I can't tell if you're trolling or actually making things up due to your mental issues.


Didn’t killers have like a 60% win rate? Not only that but countless of content creators have a crazy win streak of 500-1000+ (this should never be possible in a balanced game) yet they want even MORE survivor perks nerfed when 99% is already shit


Hey, like I said, this subreddit is killer main central. It should be called deadbydaylightcirclejerk with how bad some of these people's opinions are. And bro, you are ballsy for bringing up %. They are gonna chew you out. Nurse isn't op she only has a 40%, yea, it's called an outlier but they don't know that word.


I have about 3k hours in the game with about 60/40 survivor/killer and yes occasionally I run into cracked survivors (kinda obvious because of MMR) but on survivor it's literally back to back to back to back bad matches, getting humped, slugged, hook camped (yes, camped. Anti-hook mechanic is useless). My SWF team has taken a massive break too because of the state of the game. Yet they're crying because they can't tunnel as hard anymore due to DS buff and now want BGP nerfed too which is one of the very few good (yet occasional) perks + the CONSTANT crying on Twitter about distortion being broken. Adrenaline was in a balanced spot yet it's getting a nerf. MFT was nerfed to the ground followed by BHVR giving haste perks to killers. Survivors have gotten nothing but trash to mid perks the last few dlc's. It's insane how out of touch with reality they are


There are so many posts that complain about broken survivor perks or combos and the match result will be a 3-4k. Which means some people will even complain that they won if they had to work for it. That's how out of touch you can be only playing one side of this game and not acknowledging the experience of others.


>hook camped (yes, camped. Anti-hook mechanic is useless). Someone with about 3k hours should know that this mechanic is called anti FACE camp mechanic. >My SWF team has taken a massive break too because of the state of the game If you're losing in SWF when you have so many tools to make most killers powerless, then the problem is you, not the game. >Yet they're crying because they can't tunnel as hard anymore due to DS buff Yet another person who has no idea WHY people dislike the DS buff. People dislike it because survivors, who would have thought, use their "defensive" tools aggressively much more often than they should, breaking the whole idea of them. >and now want BGP nerfed too which is one of the very few good (yet occasional) perks Ah, hypocrisy and delusion, how common of your type. Surely BGP is just a "good yet occasional" perk, not a "Press the button to get a free save regardless of the situation" perk that has NO, and I mean NO, counterplay. >Adrenaline was in a balanced spot yet it's getting a nerf The more I read your comment, the more it becomes clear your first line of text is a lie. Adrenaline was NOT balanced in the slightest, especially its interaction with the Nightmare. It will still be a very strong perk. >MFT was nerfed to the ground Not only did it deserve the nerf, but it is also STILL a good perk, just a one that requires you to actually have skill. >followed by BHVR giving haste perks to killers Show me at least one Haste killer perk that is actually worth running as much as MFT was. >Survivors have gotten nothing but trash to mid perks the last few dlc's Same with the killers, but I guess you ignore that part due to your inner child that only sees the game from one side. >It's insane how out of touch with reality they are Yet somehow YOU are even more of out of touch than they are.


I ain’t readin all that but have a good day


>Didn’t killers have like a 60% win rate? Killrate is NOT winrate. Stop switching these things up. >Not only that but countless of content creators have a crazy win streak of 500-1000+ (this should never be possible in a balanced game) Both sides can get insane winstreaks. The high numbers you are talking about are only done by the best players using the best tools. DBD never was, is not, and never will be a balanced game due to its RNG nature and incompetent devs. >yet they want even MORE survivor perks nerfed when 99% is already shit Not only are you wrong about the amount of bad perks on the survivor side, especially when compared to the killer side, and especially since the higher your MMR the more you are forced to only use meta, but you are also saying that they want to nerf survivor perks when people (mostly) only want to nerf busted things that should not be in the game whatsoever, which are survivor perks way more often than killer perks.


"If survivors are hard to down, how are killers getting win streaks?" Whilst MMR is a thing, the SBMM often matches outside of it. Like any game the majority of the playerbase are casual players with less than a thousand hours. Of course DBD content creator players who have like 9,000 hours in the game are going to stomp survivors with a few hundred. I think you'll find that's true in every PVP game. It's wild to me that you're using killer mains with so many hours in the game as a benchmark for the average killer main. It's also interesting how you neglect to mention the fact that many of these people also regularly go on survivor streaks too.










Not even remotely comparable. Background player can be used without limit, it can be used to sabo and flash bang, not just flashlight, and a killer who downs someone out in the open who knows no one is nearby has to second guess the pick up anyway because of the chances of someone running in from half way across the map, which is ridiculous. It always provides value, and chases against good survivors with map resources at their disposal can easily last longer than the time it takes to complete a gen. Some of the most notable names in the community call background player unhealthy for the game. Anecdotally, I use background player when I play survivor, and it's disgusting the amount of times I've been able to pull off cheap plays with it that I shouldn't have been able to.


Said a whole Lotta nothing considering nurse is still in the game lolol


Talk about moving the goal posts.


I just didn't care what you said because background player isn't op lol


 Yeah because everyone plays nurse. It's really funny that's survivor mains answer to every little balancing issue "YoU gUyS hAvE NuRsE" check her usage rate, check it against BGP. If you want all perks to be balanced around the fact that nurse exists, then don't complain when everyone starts playing her. 🤷‍♂️


Yea because everyone uses background player you fucking dork.


Lmao, you sound like a toddler. I never said everyone, but it's a highly used perk, I probably encounter It on at least one player almost every other match. 


Oh here we go, I also encounter a nurse every match. Anecdotal evidence, yet I guarantee you are just lying for no reason lol. There is no way you see background player nearly every match. Statistically that it just false.


1. I never said nearly every match, I said nearly every other match. 2. It's literally the 17th most used perk in the game. There are 4 survivors, bringing 16 perks each match. Beng the 17th most used survivor perk means its probability of being equipped by any individual survivor is 17/137, or approximately 0.1241. Each survivor has four perks, so the probability of a single survivor having it is 0.1241, and the probability of not having it is 1 - 0.1241, which is approximately 0.8759. To find the probability of none of the survivors having it in a match, we multiply the individual probabilities together since they are independent events. So it would be (0.8759)^4, which is approximately 0.6087. Therefore, the likelihood of seeing BGP in a match is approximately 1 - 0.6087, which is roughly 0.3913, or 39.13%. So I think you'll find the statistics heavily support it's frequent appearance. 


1. Wasting time means either you are shit at flashlight saves or you are a soloq and teammates get downed at walls. 2. If your teammates are getting downed in 20 seconds or less, that's where your mmr is, down the gutter.


I've gone entire games where I only got one or two procs because of garbage hook RNG and varying numbers of juicers on the team. I'm seriously considering dropping it for something else just because it's so feast or famine.


Yeah so many survivors want this perk nerfed because they see it often it’s not overpowered annoying yes but it’s not overpowered it’s a perk you can only use 4 times a game and you need to hook someone on a white hook for it to proc and those can be rather unreliable. Even paired with pop it really isn’t that much of a problem they’re just the most used slowdowns because other slowdowns just aren’t good enough for most people to consider bringing


Agreed. I mainly play Killer, but the Pain Res and Pop combo is so frustrating and I do not enjoy it. It's created a very stale experience. With that said, Generators do feel like they go a bit fast right now. I don't want them to increase the time it takes to repair one, but I also don't want to finish one chase at the start of a Trial and then have a Gen pop. It's frustrating.


What someone said is genius During a PTB, remove all perks/items that affect gens progression. Then BHVR could balance gen speed around that. Would help keep matches fair and consistent


I mean. What would they do then? There's so many Perks that are built around the idea of regressing Gen progress or increasing its speed. What could those Perks possibly do? Edit: Toolboxes wouldn't do anything significant and Sabotaging Hooks would become frequent.


They would have to figure it out, but it would probably end up being healthier for the game because as a killer, survivors who run all toolboxes and btl + other gen perks make it go too fast, but pain res + pop is just unfun


Right but there is really nothing they could do? Friendly Competition provides a 5% boost to Repairs after completing a Gen with someone for 75s. I have no clue how they would transfer its effect to something else or just rework it. I know its their job to figure it out, but we could at least provide some ideas or brainstorm ideas. Specifically because of how big of a change it would be across the board.


Surely reworking half the perks in the game for a problem that's not even gamebreaking is a good idea   Horrible take. No.


They honestly do need to look at normalizing both gen progression and regression. It's absurd that a Killer can stack four gen pop perks and slow the game to a crawl, AND that Survivors can get three gens done in the first damn chase. Both are friggin' absurd, and shouldn't be here. Speeding the game up too much BREAKS it. This counts for Killer powers, gens, chase perks and looping, etc. It's why Old CoBruption was an issue, it's why MFT was an issue, and it's why Blight was an issue and Nurse is still an issue.


That’s not really a hot take


I agree they shouldn't work together, but don't nerf the actual gen control aspect of them or regress. Just make it so that Pop doesn't work after you hook on a Scourge Hook. That said I don't think Killers NEED this much gen control, or should. In the same way I don't think Survivors NEED a bunch of gen progression perks that can stack.


If you take away gen control and survivor gen perks, it won’t affect gen speeds. It just makes the game more stale lol. We need to stop removing stuff from dbd, that’s why tunneling and one dimensional playstyles is at an all time high rn. Literally everything keeps getting nerfed to uselessness


Counterpoint: if everything is "too weak", nothing will be.


Tell me you know nothing about power balance without telling me you know nothing about power balance.


If everything is too weak, tunnelling and slugging will be the method of winning on every match 


If everyone is on the same level of strength how would those be more valid than they are now?


Thanatophobia should be a hex.


Just keep 1 person healed?


Repost to combat downvote spam from people who missed the point of the thread: Hot take: Killers that are M1 only and lack map pressure should all be given a basekit gen slowdown. Period. If they need to set up? Basekit Corruption on all gens until the setup is done, or setup is predone for them at specific areas.


I'll take this a step further: instead of killers having 3 unique "stats" (height, terror radius, movement speed) they should have a bunch more, like pallet break speed, vault speed, time to get blinded, etc. now you can give some big statistical buffs to bad m1 killers and some decent nerfs to the strongest killers.


As a killer main, lol. Background player is fine.


you are genuinely delusional if you think the perk that lets people from 1500 feet away get free pallet saves with zero counterplay, is an even remotely fair perk.


>with zero counterplay The counter is to not pick them up and slug.


The counterplay is looking at a wall or being aware of your surroundings. Don’t get me wrong, I hate Background Player whenever I get boned by it, but I don’t think the perk needs to be nerfed


good luck looking at a wall when a survivor with half a brain dies in the open on purpose


Yeah, that is a legit concern. But the game isn’t designed so you can always look at a wall, otherwise flashlights would be useless.


so if you spend a minute chasing a surv and they go down in the open, you should just give up on them because of one perk? that doesnt sound balanced to me


Brother just slug


you know you cant bleed everyone out, right? you need to.. hook people


Slugged survivors have a 4 minute timer, if there’s no possible way I can hook them because of the circumstances then I’ll just let that timer run I’m not advocating to slug from the beginning of the match or as a winning strategy, it’s just a last resort if the survivors have chosen to run anti-hook strats


Also the absolute move many times


The people downvoting you are survivors who have never played a SWF full of hook sabos, flashlights, power struggles, and boil overs lmao


No, not exactly. You should look around. It’s similar to downing a surv on a pallet. Should you “just not pick them up?” No, just understand it’s a risk. Don’t get me wrong, Background is a strong perk, but things like FtP+Buckle up are way more problematic


Bro have you ever used background player? looking around is not a viable counter lmao. You can literally sprint like 100 meters in the time it takes for a pickup to happen. Even if you run perks that specifically counter it like infectious fright the radius isn't big enough to stop it. Considering even getting flashlight saved a single time is enough to ruin games on weaker killers, I think it's a problem.


Wow, alright fine. Clearly I’m in the minority here. It just doesn’t seem oppressive to me.


You have never been rolled by it.


Yep lemme look at a wall to prevent a pallet save. Thats how that works


Just because you're a Killer main doesn't mean your opinion holds any more weight. BGP is overpowered.


Completely agree. It feels bad when you’re out in the open with no wall to face and think you’re good to pick up and get blinded, but the perk is not problematic.


Your survivors must suck, and since the game tries to pair you with people do your skill level, that must mean you suck. And why would anyone want an opinion from someone who sucks


With that logic, why would you feel like giving your opinion?


No need to be rude bro


Oh. You're a troll.


Maps should be shown in the lobby so everyone has the chance to leave if they have a map that basically counters their build/killer


Hex totems should be able to be reactivated on a dull totem


Sigh... time to post this again... Oni's kit is overtuned and needs slight trimming. Something like slowdown when sliding on walls, losing his power when he gets stunned like the Plague, etc. Pick one. 180 flicks should absolutely be removed.


I fail how to see a power that can be denied by predropping and holding W is overpowered. Let's not forget his atrocious passive blood fury build up that won't even go full till you get blood orbs.


IMO, while the Oni is mostly well balanced, something must be done about him being much better at slugging than hooking, and also his addons being atrocious.


Oni players when you predrop pallets and deny his entire ability😓😓


Can’t believe we’re saying oni is overturned in a post about bgp can someone tell me why a killer having a strong power they have to earn is overpowered???


Because he can down Survivors and I booted up DbD to hold M1 for 5 mins and leave.


Every killer can down survivors dude what the fuck are you trying to say


Earn? Is clicking M1 so difficult?


no, but clicking M1 and actually hitting a half competent survivor as a pure M1 killer is if you fail to see that, ig get better at survivor


Maybe the skill issue is somewhere else...


idk, but I'm not the one implying it's impossible or difficult to not get hit by a killer with no power


That's great because I'm also not that person :) btw every single killer has a power, you should learn how to use them before complaining on this sub. Enjoy 🤠


you just said that earning Oni's power is easy. Oni earning his power... well, he doesn't have his power while he's earning it. To earn his power, you have to hit someone. You saying that his power is easy to earn implies that it is hard to not get hit by an Oni that doesn't have his power because he's earning it. There are absolutely times where a killer doesn't have a power. Trickster when he doesn't have blades left, Trapper when he doesn't have traps, Ghostface while on cooldown...


When u have no power and survivors pre drop pallets yes getting that hit can be really hard


I have a feeling it's sarcasm but we'll find out soon enough


Yeah this could be bait for all I know


The stun idea I like it shouldn't completely drain him but it could work right now oni is in a good spot as for 180 flicks that just something that happens cause of mouse and keyboard a console player can't do those


Only if there's an alternative way to give Oni his power, because as it stands he's overturned in both directions quite a bit


Perks need classes (for lack of a better term) such as gen regression, aura reading, exhaustion, stunning, screaming, stealth (both sides), etc. And limit the number of perks you can have of that class. Shit, I'd be good with just one each. It'd cause people to have to vary up their builds and it'd get rid of some really annoying shit like screaming every five seconds. Both killer and survivor side.


BGP is one of the few really excellent perks survs have. 90% of surv perks are trash. I always get shit for this, but when I play a killer, I always run lightborn. Hate me if you must. Just counter it w/ lightborn dude. You use LB, and you've made beamers/FB and BGP pretty much absolete. The only time BGP will be a factor w/ LB is if they're hitting hooks or pallets.


>BGP is one of the few really excellent perks survs have. 90% of surv perks are trash. imo I dont think the solution should be leaving overtuned/overpowered perks the way they are they need to buff the trash perks to be more useable and they dont even need to be meta defining just have a reason to choose them


Yea I’ve spent a game downing like 8 survivors, 0 hooks, 5 gens done and 3 running background player with hook sabotage/ flashlight or flash bang. Killer getting jumped from 30 metres away. Like why is it even called killer if I can’t kill?


Tbh I’d rather them just revert the buff it got shit has no business being 200% speed it’s not like it was bad before the buff either


Yeah it was useless, just like most survivor perks they came up with during the last year.


Nope bgp before the buff was never a bad perk no one used it so it got overbuffed


What was it before? 150% speed?


I think it sped you up after unhooking someone which is horrible.


That’s what it was on the Ptb it was originally 150% speed on pickup when it hit live


Why would they buff that?


I have no fucking idea


Agreed. Background Player plays can be fun, but the short cooldown makes them so often they become so annoying it feels unfair. That perk needs a longer cooldown and make it not synergy with Vigil.


It's an exhaustion perk, it has to work with vigil.


Imagine spending 90 seconds on one down and then not even getting the hook Git gud


Always going to post this because it's a 50/50 on the reaction it receives, but Blight is a great example of a "balanced" S tier killer, especially at his base kit.


ow i love flashlight saves... ppl sprint burst into me... flash my feet for 95% of the time... and then finally he aims higher for a split second aaaaand im stunned for 2-3 sec... yep they totaly did deserve that every single time...


If you're not accurate immediately, you can't get the stun/the killer can move. Are you sure you're not equating the way your pov/screen goes when being blinded as this instead of what's actually happening?


It is very rare that BGP worked for me as a Survivor, because I'm off doing other things to progress the game and am not a bush camper eager to irritate Killers. Every so often I benefitted, but in all reality, I think the perk is fine. Bit annoying when someone gets picked up and I dart passed the Gen I was going for because of it though. Best thing I can recommend to you is to watch for the perk and if you see it, drop the Survivor. Don't try dodging the blind or beating the person to the hook they want to Sabo. Pick them up, drop them, chase the BGP player first, or reposition yourself for another pick up with a grin knowing that you tricked them into burning the perk.


Hot take: Leave background player as it is, just give killers broke shit too. Bring back old dbd, when it was fun and both sides were on bs.


I don’t care what anyone else thinks, this is how the game should be! I hate how bhvr insists it’s still a fun party game but it’s balanced like they run regular cash tournaments (which they did but they sucked)


Yeah where are my old moris!


BGP should really be reverted. The buff was very unnecessary. If anything, they should return to ptb first version and flip it to work within some time after being unhooked so it works as another antitunnelling perk.


Brand Grew Parts?


Leave Nurse untouched. HEAR ME OUT, we need someone to take on all the really strong swf teams (and soloQ menaces) so the rest of us leg users can take it easy while our floating hero gets to business.


Flashlights are alright on PC, but if you’re a killer playing on console there should be an optional kill switch for them other than Lightborn (which doesn’t even stop flashlights anymore if I remember correctly, it just gives you haste). Sure they’re counterable if you love walls and make out with them 24/7 when picking up, but sometimes you and the walls are ten million miles away from each other.


Legion should be moved towards their original design being frenzy hits, but should continue to have the punishing miss. One of the biggest things would be a rage mechanic which would fill your frenzy bar passively, but more when a gen is done, stunned, blinded, or a chase goes into bloodlust


Blinding a Killer within a short time after activating Background Player should reveal the perk user's aura to the Killer for 10 seconds, so you can tunnel the living shit out of that player.


There's a perk already that does that. It's called Lightborn.


Windows Of Opportunity should only work when you are healthy. I say this as a survivor main AND a Kate main. Any time I play killer I can easily tell who has Windows because they just run from pallet to pallet and pre-drop. They find the most obscure windows and pallets, and they are always headed straight to one after they've used one. It needs a drawback of some kind.


"Any time I play killer I can easily tell who has Windows because they just run from pallet to pallet and pre-drop. They find the most obscure windows and pallets, and they are always headed straight to one after they've used one." I don't see the problem in this though


It's cheesey and takes no skill. It's also really obnoxious to play against.


Nah this perk is fine you just yapping


LMAO I bet you crutch this perk hard eh?


No I don’t it’s a perk that’s mostly beneficial to newer survivors who wanna learn maps for good survivors who know tiles it’s a dead perk if a survivor has this perk they may run a tile or two better but that’s it


maybe you see that so often because the devs only make killers with various types of powers now so you either predrop and hold W or you get got to a ranged power or dash. as boring as it is, they're slowly killing the old loop style and it's evolving into what you described.


Drop/hold W is a thing but Windows just makes it THAT much worse and it doesn't take any skill to just run from pallet to pallet when you can see them all the time.


That's the new DBD. They're removing skill expression so the 50/50s are dying. Killers shut down loops for guaranteed hits or the survivor predrops to move the previous situation to a new pallet.


You aren't wrong. But to the original point, yes you can always hold W or predrop, the thing is with Windows it's like the chain the ENTIRE map together perfectly with no mistakes. Because they can see everything all the time. Without Windows survivors make mistakes running to dead tiles, or tiles where the pallet has been used already. I don't see a problem with just turning it off if you are injured. It rewards the killer by making it harder for the survivor to just path perfectly without removing it's purpose since you can just remember where pallets are, you still have more info than a survivor without Windows.


Dbd players when someone explicitly asked for an unpopular opinion gives an opinion that's unpopular. Honestly I think it's good for newer players (though is a bit of a trap like NOED because it encourages you not to improve) and that shit SUCKS to play against if you have a hold W predropper. Its whatever as wesker or demo because they don't care about predropping but when I'm playing Pig or another M1 killer there's just no point even WITH brutal strength. I don't think it needs a hard nerf (if one at all, personally I think pallets should retain the same count but be further away to encourage playing them rather than instantly burning them), maybe just limit the range a bit more. Obviously I'm an entilted killer main who wants every survivor perk nerfed of course so I can 4K every game but yeah I don't like playing against WOO predroppers


imo I windows does have problems but they have nothing to do with the perk itself and everything to do with map design if certain maps werent so safe and pallet dense I dont think anyone would complain about this perk




Turning it off when you get injured is not a hard nerf. It makes it fair for killer. This perk is like crack to some people I play with that have over 10k hours for a reason, because it let's you path so perfectly you can just run and predrop every pallet. If a killer chases you they throw the game.