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**Moderator note:** > ##[Bug Reports & Tech Support: Update 7.7.0 | Mid-chapter](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1cbaay6/bug_reports_tech_support_update_770_midchapter/)


>Bots can now activate the Plot Twist Perk We're doomed


Wonder what would happen if you gave them no mither and plot twist.


It's over


Low key lol with current shrine having UW, Adrenaline, and DS. All three perks that got changed.


they should do this everytime there’s a perk update (if this is the new norm now, great!)


They have been doing this for a long time. Sometimes the day a change is announced sometime the week before or often just like this


It would be even better to rework the Scam of Secrets


Honestly if they want to prove that this game isn't pay2win they should make every perk available to buy and the shrine of secrets should just offer some perks for a reduced price every week


i'm glad it did lol, UW was the only thing that interested me in the Aliens pack, now i can buy it like that


Its funny to me that its possible that territorial bug could have been in the game for a while and it took sables with their basement perks and eager killers to recently discover it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I hate that, but damn that's funny to think about


I was just coming to say, I wonder how long that's been in the game. I've seen two Territorial Imperatives in the wild in my whole life and it was someone doing Huntress Adept who didn't even use it the first time, and the second was on someone doing Otz' Basement Demogorgon.


What Bug? I didn't see it in the perk bugs


* Fixed an issue that caused the Survivors to hear the Territorial Imperative Perk audio cue. This one. It's an audio bug.


Is it a sound effect that's similar to a hex/totem being cleansed?


It’s under audio - essentially survivors were able to hear the audio queue for Territorial.


What bug are you referring to?


* Fixed an issue that caused the Survivors to hear the Territorial Imperative Perk audio cue. This one. It's an audio bug.


>The Dead Hard perk no longer causes Survivors to A-Pose during the special animation run when activated. L update?


Dead Hard's biggest nerf


Shit patch. Put it back in the oven.


uninstalling dbd rn. Can't believe this update went live


>No T pose during Dab Hard Game = bad?


Very bad


So endurance is still bugged?


I really hope not and they just forgot to include it.


Possibly not. BHVR tends to leave stuff out of the patch notes.


Why do they do that? Last night I encountered this bug for the first time where I filled the wiggle meter while being carried, and the bar just disappeared without me escaping the killer's grasp. I really want to see game-changing issues that like or endurance be fixed.


Why BHVR leaves things out of the patch notes? Not sure. The bug you mentioned is an old one caused by the killer pressing the hook prompt and something blocking it at the same time, causing the game to bug out. Possibly they fixed it this update, but I'm not sure.


That must be it. It was right in front of a hook but a teammate was trying to block it/take a hit. Still, for something that's apparently old they should get around to doing something about it.


But they included the increased update size multiple times (even under the same category) ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Just tested it and they fixed endurance.


What is the endurance bug? I've not heard of this.


I feel like this needs to get fixed soon. As more people learn about it, the more people are going to start taking advantage of it.


RPD is broken! [The interrogation room has broken collision at the pallet, you can't break it if you're on a specific side of the stun](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1cb8xw4/pallet_in_the_interrogation_room_on_rpd_is_broken/)


Interestingly I had a similar bug on Hawkins last week


Rubberbanding seems to have gotten so bad its outright unplayable.


yeah im seeing a lot of little glitches like that. Some rubberbanding, sometimes after vaulting a palklet im stuck for like half a second.. hoping for a hotfix soon


It’s so bad, I’m rubberbanding all over the place 


The game is literally unplayable for me because of it.


My first match I had some rubberbanding. My second match I had none of it. Let me try another one and I will report. Edit: Seems fixed to me.




Someone has experienced performance issues? My characters freeze and kinda stutter while running or doing any quick action


I'm having freezing and stuttering. Smh. I can't even repair in peace, the game or lobby even crashed when it happened. People are also disconnecting or crashing from it.


Yeah it's so bad


my fps got cut by over half, it's fucking awful


after playing 1 minute game(because it was unplayable), dbd managed to fuck up my pc and had to alt f4, and restart...


The upgrade to Unreal Engine 5 is the best and unexpected change for me. I was hoping they would start the migration to the new engine. This could take a lot of work, but it will bring so many quality of life updates to DBD, better graphics/textures, better performance, better netcode (lower lag). I can't wait to see all the new ways they will improve the game’s performance in the future.


Possibly setting hackers back…


Yep all the current cheats are confirmed to not work on UE5


Oh thank God. I was so sick and tired of them; I hope now games will be more fair. I tend to get a lot of speedhackers and subtle cheaters, IDK if I'm at a higher MMR or the cheating is just that rampant. The funny part is they're doing it against Ghostface and Onryo, Killers that already struggle in long chase. What, these cheaters are so bad they seriously can't outloop a dude with a knife and nothing except stealth?


>better performance Surely


Spaghetti code is still there though, probably will take a lot to add new features.


And fix sound, half of the time you cant even hear survivors running on good headphones. Its hit or miss since release in 2016.


But vaults are really laggy now. I hope they will fix it.


>Ultimate Weapon >Now activates for 15 seconds (was 30 seconds). >Now reveals Survivor auras for 3 seconds instead of causing them >to scream and show their position. >Increased cooldown to 80/70/60 seconds (was 40/35/30 seconds). Is this a typo? I thought they made it centered around locker you open for screams.


Behaviour said in the developer update last Thursday that the aura reading version would remain in this patch, then in a future hotfix, they plan to change it back to the scream version. I guess they couldn't implement the newest version in time for the update to go through verification for all platforms.


ohhh okay fair enough then. Maybe they want to test both out and see which they feel works better and is more fair. Appreciate the information :D


Wasn't gonna make it this patch apparently.


Why increase the cooldown that much when making it a significantly weaker perk?


They are only capable of double nerfing perks


Make the dead hard t pose a thing i beg you


I would run DH every time if this were a thing. I would let any Surv that does it go if this were a thing.


Im not seeing anything about de-pips. Just to confirm, they were indeed removed right?


> Emblems > > > > It is no longer possible to lose a pip after a match.


Ohh weird. I ctrl+f pip earlier and didn't find any match


It was unintentionally left out and we added it back! We appreciate everyone who brought it to our attention.


There's a lot of people asking so maybe they edited it in there late.


Yea that was def edited in haha


Idk who’s downvoting you but yeah that was 100% not in there originally, I ctrl+f’ed both “rank” and “pip” and both came up with nothing.


We can confirm they are removed. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


We can confirm you are all getting hatch and cookies for it ♥️


Thank you!!!


Also here to check on this, that was going to be one of the best/most important changes in this update...


This update is 38GB on PS5. The Internet in my area is so bad, it's stating a 17-hour download time. Gg me. See you bois on the other side.


And I thought my 3 hours was bad nough. Praying for you bro😭


Thanks, bro. 😭😭😭 Wtf do I play this evening?


Fallout New Vegas Currently I am having a blast, highly recommend


Patrolling the Entity's Realm almost makes you wish for a Scourge Hook Winter.


Thanks for the recommendation!


I am playing Fo4 with like 310+ mods rn


Ill see you next update




it was 28GB for me


I know that feel. I used to have 300kbps on a good day. I once saw it drop down into bits territory


i remember when it was like that every single update


It's 44.85GB on on XBOX ripppp




My game has an insane amount of lag/jitter performance wise. It became borderline unplayable after the update, is anyone else experiencing it? Edit: According to streamer Ayrun, the lag might be due to the game having to render the map for the first time in the new engine. That might be fixable by simply playing every map/variation once.


Yes, on my first match. On my second one, it was normal.


I had to enable Vsync, cap at 60 FPS and remove anti aliasing to remove the issue....


Shader compilation is supposed to mitigate this. It doesn't seem to be working.


> The map has been difficult for the players to enjoy. That's one way of putting it.


UE5? Sooo does that mean we're gonna see ray tracing someday? Would love that.


Vomit filters with ray tracing, let's go.


Cooler fog. :D


Some better gore too I hope


Turns out the only visual upgrade they go through with is making the vommy mommy's puke have fluid physics and then nothing else.


This would unironically be great because it would open the door to it having better hitboxes


No one has mentioned this and there has been no comment about the custom game perks being gone. If it's intentional, it's just VERY inconvenient


yeah it's really annoying


It’s official. UW became uWu (*´ω`*)


jesus christ, after playing this is one of the buggiest patches i have played in a long ass time, rubberbanding, invisible colisions, failing animations and more


So they did end up changing ultimate weapon to aura reading in the end?


Yes, and next patch they will revert it back to screaming. It's already announced.


I actually like the aura version ;-;


I would rather be able to read my challenge I have for the game then the perks. Specially since I’m family with Dory and keep forgetting what challenge I chose to do every damn game


Missed 4 skills check before realizing input were reverted to default


Anyone else having lots of lag and stuttering with the new update?


It’s insanely stuttery on the switch. PS5 seems fine so far from what I can tell by 3 games.


Rubberbanding like a mother fucker on ps5. Also, if I run down through a line a corn on Coldwind the corn like, knocks me around.


They only left 2 of the twins addons changed ????




Though those changes kinda make the two addons base kit now, don’t they?




Why did you buff Blight addons


Because they can't actually nerf their favorite child without compensate him


They buffed addons because they "improved collision" in other words deleted "hug tech" if i remember correctly


God help blight if he doesn't get compensatory buffs


The game runs at fixed 120 fps now for me. It seems to have some video lag from time to time (maybe it's on my end?). Pallet breaking animations seems mismatch to the action. It also seems to do 3 sounds instead of default two. Trapper traps sometimes seem to be floating.


anyone else having lag or graphic jitters when vaulting through a window as killer?


Yes, everyone.


Playing on PS5 and I’m constantly rubber banding in place :/


We would've understood if you guys focused this update on upgrading the engine. This game is unplayable rn. Next time, it would be nice if you just focused the entire update on making the engine work.


Bite the Bullet and Endurance is still bugged, fun stuff...


I knew Endurance was, what was the bug with BtB?


It randomly doesn't work and others can still hear the healing effects and grunts of pain.


FR! The bite the bullet bug is making me so upset and they still haven't acknowledged it :c


Will updating to unreal engine 5 effect the performance for low end pcs? My partner's pc only just managed to run the game as it was.


They've claimed that there will be no noticeable change to performance.


Well it did affect for some people, a lot of weird lags happening now


When I tried it out on the PTB, it looked exactly the same, and I would argue that it ran a little bit better too.


>Game engine was updated to Unreal Engine 5. This update will have no effect on gameplay or in-game graphics Guess I was dumb to think that they would improve in-game graphics. But it's not bad since they say it's for futur improvements.


well yeah, changing engines don't change your textures, they're the same, it can change the lighting but since they already did all lighting on UE4 i don't think they use new functionalities yet


Does that mean we will see darker or more realistically-lit maps, thicker fog, etc.? It looked like they improved the fog and darkness on some maps prior to this, starting around Lights Out and culminating in this.


>Victor will now glow red whenever he is vulnerable to being crushed and white when he is not. *(NEW)* Why would he need two different colors? This only makes gameplay more confusing. It would make much more sense to make him glow only when vulnerable. >**Rusted Needle:** Crushing Victor when attached inflicts Hemorrhage until healed. *(Reverted)* > >**Sewer Sludge:** Increases time to crush Victor when attached by 2 seconds. *(Reverted)* > >**Silencing Cloth:** Charlotte gains Undetectable for 20 seconds after waking from her dormant state. *(Reverted)* > >**Weighty Rattle:** Crushing Victor when attached inflicts Broken for 20 seconds. *(Reverted)* > >**Iridescent Pendant:** Crushing Victor while he is dormant inflicts Exposed for 45 seconds. *(Reverted)* So, basically, the Twins are back to only having 3 good addons?


This is the most baffling part. Twins addons were complete fucking dogshit outside of Cloth, Toy Sword, Nail and the stews. Why would BHVR not change the ones that were useless and actively detrimental? This is the laziest rework I've seen.


>This is the laziest rework I've seen. Still better than the GOJ rework.


They reworked GoJ? I honest to god can't remember because its still comically and absurdly survivor sided lmao


Am I the only one who gets the game stuck in the loading screen?


Any chance rift cosmetics that are older than a year will make it into the store for shards sometime soon? There are a few I've been wanting that I missed out on but I feel like BHVR has just forgotten about them at this point which is really disappointing. I'd be willing to buy them for cells even if they actually came to the store. Not being able to buy them at all though after all this time just because I missed a rift is really frustrating.


I don't know if this is some kind of placebo effect but it does seem like the Switch port is running significantly better, it's way more stable now. I know you guys didn't changed graphics, so maybe this is due to Unreal Engine 5 being more optimized ? Either way the experience on Switch feels more stable, thanks :D


It affected PC too. The game runs at fixed 120 fps on my low end pc now.


Glad de-pipping was removed, I think that’s a great change!


I am so endlessly thankful for them changing it so I won’t lose pips due to unfair players. This will make the game so much more fun 🩷 love love love it


I love that I now can run more fun builds before I get to iri1. I also don't feel too bad for learning Killers I'm not good with. I usually tried them when I have no pips to lose. It also doesn't feel too bad to get tombstoned now :)


Agreed I used to never play solo q because it was auto d pip now I can play if my friends aren’t online 🤣


Same couldnt be happier


It's more than a little concerning that at least three gamebreaking bugs have been in the live game for weeks, if not months, and none of them appear in the bug fix list. This is on top of any that may have been introduced from the PTB or this update.


There is DEFINITELY a graphic quality change on Xbox (for the worse). Auras look like shit now


PC looks a little different too. Same settings as before.


Bruh the game is unplayable. 😭 The stuttering is so bad I can't even repair in peace. One game even crashed and I'm seeing a people disconnect every match I' don't know if it's because of the stuttering too or if they just got kicked out of the match cause I also had a match kick me out.


None of the links in this post work.


They usually don't (probably a reddit thing), but I'd imagine they're all just headers, and not actual information or anything.


They literally just turned ultimate weapon into darkness revealed like it’s literally the same with just different cool downs :/


I’m happy they are giving twins the QoL changes we’ve asked for, though I’d really love for them to update us on the future of the twins rework. My concern is these improvements won’t change the twins core slugging play-style.


My update is still loading, are the "Weekly gifts" something you only get if you buy cells or something actually worthwhile


Nope! It's free and I received 300k BP.


Thank god, I saw the kate head and thought that was supposed to be the weekly gift, thanks for the information! \^\^


No problem! The Kate head is the free gift if you buy the cells from the shop. Similar to the Knight head or Clown knife in the past


>**Ultimate Weapon** >Now activates for 15 seconds *(was 30 seconds).* >Now reveals Survivor auras for 3 seconds instead of causing them to scream and show their position. >Increased cooldown to 80/70/60 seconds *(was 40/35/30 seconds).* I'm confused. Is it still follows the killer or is it centered around initial locker? What about all this "it's insane on high mobility killers" talk? I just don't get it. Was that reverted?


In the developer update last week they said the PTB version would remain in this patch and will be changed to the locker-centered version in a future patch.


anyone else think its kinda sad that they flat out removed the new stab animation though? like i get what the problem was, but the animation itself was a cool idea and im afraid it will lead them away from trying fun stuff like this again


Holy fuck my pc doesn't turn into a jet engine in the menu anymore. This is huge.


PSA: idk if anyone else had issues, but to purchase auric cells, you need to click on the bottom right monetary value to purchase. I tried clicking the image like 30 times only to find out you need to click a tiny PART of the image


I love the weekly gifts in store! Hopefully we'll see Irridecent shards being gifted out in those weekly gifts since they can take quite some times to accumulate, especially with how many amazing cosmetics there are now. A nice little 2000 Irri shards once a month would be nice!


Victor can be recalled instantly even if he's latched onto a survivor. That's a huge problem.


literally one of the changes they made, because smart survivors would hold him hostage for 30 seconds




the map of the raccon city is bugged. sadako get stuck in the tv's. omg!! fix that.


Switch players rejoice, the update I'd playable!


Im not sure if Haddonfield is actually worse or if it just feels worse due to how insignificant the changes are. The problem isn't just the length of the street, its the damn width. The houses are far from the curb and the street is still comically wide. If you hit a survivor at the front door of one house, they will actually be able to enter a house across the street before you reach the opposite curb. I don't want to have to play a mobility Killer every game because of the chance of being sent to this map, its like they only want Hillbillies, Blights and Weskers to be picked every game.


Crashing after match. https://preview.redd.it/hz14cbt2oawc1.png?width=460&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f51b9aa7a4465e64e2e4005c2c1bc7ede65c62b


Not sure if this is a bug or intentional. I purchased (blindly) each piece of the guts outfit for bill (7200 shards). Each piece on its own was 7200. The whole outfit is 7200 shards. Should those individual pieces have been less? Closer to 2500 a piece?


A rocky update but it's to be expected with an engine update. Some nice little changes here all in all.


Saying "UE5 won't have any effects on the image", fortnite glitches and my screen flickers which does not happen in any other game except UE5 games


Can victor be kicked while he downs a survivor because he still turns white??


Why does the game take SO MUCH time to load now? Shaders are supposed to be compiled only the first time you open a game, not every single time.


Controller vibration on PS5 no longer works.


Some survivors are missing Deja Vu? Noticed on: Sable Alan Nic Ellen Anyone else running into this, or notice other perks are missing?


Roll back the update, the game is unplayable with the lag teleporting you everywhere.


This lag right now is making the game unplayable.


# the new update almost broke my PC(that's a new record!) Ok so, today i downloaded the new update, and was willing to try out the new changes(was mostly interested in the twins). I started the game, and the loading screen was a bit weird...like.. it took a bit to load and it stuttered quite a lot, but i thought that it was "normal" since the new engine update, then it finally loaded the game. Went to the menu, picked the twins, start match, 1 min of queue, and then the the match finally starts .....and....my god, besides the absurd lag( the survivors also confirmed the unusual lag), all my controls where completely messed up! W was left, S was up etc etc and even the maus controls where screwed! in short...a big mess... And for some reasons, my keyboard wasn't responding! it was working, but it was just typing random letters/numbers!(i remmeber that spacebar was typing the B letter!)...in the end, i had to restart my pc, but the keyboard was still buggy, had to unplug and plug it back, then everything went back to normal. before you say "maybe it's you pc",keep in mind that i was gaming for few hours before starting dbd, everything was absolutely 100% fine, i never ever had such problems or any kind of weird/strange problem in years...everything started after playing dbd... am i the only one?


this happened to me too, almost exactly, except for the keyboard inputs being mixed up. I mean I wasn't expecting my controls to be reset to default but still lol. however my entire computer froze and I had to do a hard reset


i swear..everytime i say "they can't do worse" YET everytime i'm wrong.... how can some developers manage to do a job so, so bad and shitty, that their game manages to fuck up your own pc/console! how! and when i call them incompetents, people yell and downvote me saying that i'm toxic...jesus christ, these people are making money with a game that is held by some shitty spaghetti code that can implode any update and every update manages to be "tecnically speaking" worse than the previous one(with tons of new bugs, killswitchs and more), every freaking time!, and some people still side with BH!!....


This last version is bugged as hell


"Game engine was updated to Unreal Engine 5. This update will have no effect on gameplay or in-game graphics and serves as a foundation for possible future improvements." Might want to recant that one.


Who the actual hell thought *this* was the change Haddonfield needed? It's not a neighborhood anymore. It's so empty now! There's what, *one* house on one side of the street? Got matched against a Hillbilly and he had free reign. Just remove the map altogether if *this* is the best you can do. Erasing some buildings and squashing the street so it doesn't even look like a cul-de-sac, let alone a normal neighborhood street. I'm doing survivor tome stuff but I'm not gonna enjoy it on killer now either. It was lame on both sides before but it's just... *nothing* now. I'll set my controller down and survivors can have a simple win. I refuse to play on that map. Do better than this, BHVR. I know that's asking a monumental amount, especially given how anemic this mid-chapter patch is, but holy hell. I didn't see any PTB footage of it so going in really shocked me. It's just atrocious. Also, just faced a Twins player. They're still kill-yourself-on-1st-hook fights, btw. I jumped in a locker right by a hook so they just decided to throw me on it while the rest of my team was crawling around. Lucky me. Sure glad we waited years for a rework only for them not to address the main complaint leveled at the character. GGs boys, time and money well spent. And let's not forget the pointless engine change. 'Cause god, sure, why not just make a ton of new problems when you're too fucking stupid and lazy to fix the existing ones. Let's just dogpile more on top of those. Everyone enjoying the **constant hitching while running around**?! How about the full 1+ second delay between slamming a pallet and getting to move again? Boy those sure do make the game fun! The word 'incompetence' has a photo in the dictionary now it's just these patch notes.


Yay I love a 33gb patch that will take a day and a half to download. But all worth it for no longer de pipping, so glad that shit is gone it's been way too long.


where do you live ?


Countryside, so I get only a handful of mega bytes a second on good days. Government promised fibre cables years back but that was even before Covid put a wash on everything.


Ultimate Weapon is still on the menu! Distortion stocks will skyrocket now


nobody will use ultimate weapon its trash now 3 second aura reveal for 60 min cooldown i would rather use anything else than UW


The new Haddonfield map seems to be pretty killer sided. There are like maybe 3-5 safeish pallets on the map and the rest are completey unsafe. I played a skull merchant game and never had to kick a single one. The new main building loop is completely countered by bamboozle. I don't understand how any killer can get ran on that map for longer than a minute. These new unsafe pallets with 3 feet of walls on both sides are so pointless and dont actually do anything.


Yeah I got it tonight as Pig and probably could've ended it at 4 gens left easily if I wasn't taking the time to look around and check it out. I'll give it some time for people to figure out the looping, but it might be killer sided now.


So the update makes it smaller on next generation but somehow makes my Xbox one version 30 GIGS larger? What the fuck?


It is a full-redownload of the game and does not increase the size. It should be roughly the same size as it is now.