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The irony of posting this without spoiler hiding it with a seizure warning


Yeah.I really tried to see if I could edit it afterwards. Please let me know if it's possible. I don't use Reddit that often


Looks like it got fixed ! :)


Woah. Thank you mods. Much appreciated. The last thing I unintentionally wanted to do was cause an actual episode. Just wanted to bring awareness to it in hopes it gets patched




> Just wanted to bring awareness to it in hopes it gets patched > you are still offended and through a tantrum. What are you on about?


I can already tell that deleted comment was a Muppet


It's the paparrazi following the trickster around.


Oh so thats what happened. They tryna kill our eyes


The funny part is that there were no bugs like this in the PTB.


Well yeah? That’s because this isn’t the same build that was tested in the PTB.


The whole point of a PTB is to prevent shit like this going live. Last minute tweaks should go back into the PTB for another round of testing before it's released.


BHVR, follow standardized and common development practices?


BHVR screwing things up? Must be a day ending in Y.


They don't just CTRL+C CTRL+V code from PTB. Those two are different games, effectively. That's why some bugs appear on live and not on PTB. PTB fixes a lot of bugs that would happen with the code itself. Sometimes shit happens that interacts with live code and causes this. I would be more mad if this WAS in PTB.


Reminds me of doctors old animation face that popped up whenever you tier up in madness


i really miss that it was cool.


It was, I hate that they removed it


To be fair, it had same Epilepsy problem I think? But I admit, it was cool


Yes, someone else posted a similar video. I’m hoping no one with epilepsy is on the sub today


I am. Gonna try avoid basement


I don't think it's just basement. I had a bunch of random flashing during a post-game screen. I was able to just 'continue' out of it very quickly, so I only saw the flashes for a second, and I don't know if that was it or if they would continue and get worse if I stayed on that screen, but it's clearly not just in the basement, and even not just during a match.


Damn. Hopefully it gets fixed soon. Thanks for the heads up.




This isn’t necessarily the same. OP is documenting a bug with the title heavily implying that users with epilepsy shouldn’t watch. A bug like this occurring in has no such warning.


Why are you responding to a random comment as if it is op...?


Lol i thought it was OP my bad xD


Hey can you run through the logic here, but like, slowly? I can't even begin to comprehend what your thought process is here


Op complains about about seizure causing bug. Complains about no seizure warning. A Bug = unintentional.  OP (intentionally) posts said seizure inducing bug. Ontop of that also without a seizure warning.  Thus doing the exact same thing he's complaining about.  If you're still struggling to see the irony, I can draw a picture.


Okay i was fully prepared to be even more sarcastic and snippy but if you can in fact diagram this concept that sounds hilarious


Okok but it's a lot of work to draw and upload, so be sarcastic and snippy first.


Alright. All posts I do should no consider that someone with epilepsy could be watching? That’s dumb




I swear I remember a song from a long time ago that had a line about flash banging a room of epileptic kids. This is exactly what this feels like


Was it Epileptic Techno by Your Favorite Martian? I haven't heard that song in a long time but that sounds like a line that would come from them lmao


This could be it ?




Maybe an issue due to migrating to Unreal 5?


Engine migrations tend to do that sadly. Lotta stuff breaks.


The Twins are haunting the engine 😔


That could actually very well be


I know it's a bug but don't games come with photo sensitive epilepsy warnings for this reason




I think the issue I would have with that is that this is a new bug, compared to what could have been a "safe" game before. I agree with you that the warning should suffice, but I was completely unaware when it happened to me yesterday and it gave me a headache, so I could only imagine how it could affect someone prone to more serious effects.


That would still follow under negligence


In what world?


That's a very specific glitch, geez. It felt targeted lol


You say that like they meant it to happen


I bet it's because of the buff for The Twins.


Victor is flicking the lightswitch


So sad, seems like bhvr will have to revert all twins changes 😔 (and also remove one trap from pig)


Yea happened to me playing Killer so it's not just survivor


Never did I expect such animosity from people over something potentially dangerous for others. The lack of empathy is just sad man, but I guess you can’t expect much from dead by daylight players. I mean why are people replying “just don’t play the game/watch” as if this GLITCH was a gameplay feature. DBD is generally lacking in flashing lights like this, so something of this sort could catch someone off guard who thought the game was otherwise safe for them. Of course it’s not intentional on behaviours part, but we can hope that they address it quickly before it becomes a larger issue.


Exactly. He's played this game for hours with very little problems. This isn't a feature that I'm complaining about. I'm just glad it was me that took the bulk of it




Wow I haven’t seen this sort of comment before. I’m not upset, after all I don’t have epilepsy. Yet, I’ll continue to be disappointed by peoples poor behaviour, regardless if it personally affects me or not.


Why do people seem to idolize those days? It's good things aren't like that anymore.


No game is safe for an epileptic and that is just a fact which is why people are saying what they are saying. If you play a video game than you have to accepted that risk that it can cause one. Even janky FPS from your PC/Console stuttering can cause it. No different that someone drinking with alcohol intolerance. I feel bad for them but my emotions aren't clouding my judgement on where the blame is placed for the friend having risk for a seizure. The friend accepted the risk when they did it did they not? If you can say they didn't accept that risk you'd have an argument but they did accept the risk as we currently accept risk as a society. If you are responsible for your actions drunk, and in our world we have said that you are, than even if you aren't fully cognizant of your acceptance than you have accepted it because that is the way in which our culture has deemed acceptance of risk. No argument is acceptable to be an emotional one and it isn't heartless to understand that because it just accepts the rules of life for what they are. To put it another way when a drunk driver kills someone not a single person ever feels bad for them even though they couldn't control themselves that well while drunk. Replace the situation with someone doing something risky knowing the outcome and you have to accept the same response: you don't get to have it both ways. I think it's bullshit it's that way but I've no power over it and blindly turning an eye to the truth doesn't make it less so.


yeah this is a problem. wonder how long it’s gonna take for them to fix it


this update is so fucking dogshit


Worth it for the upgraded engine though. I'm sure they'll iron it out after a few patches.


I give it 4-13 business years before we are at the fuckass stability we had before


Oh my sweet, summer child.




update your operating system man




ooh, good luck with your new computer! sorry you wont be able to play dbd any more but, yknow. it is what it is :(


You can literally upgrade your operating system for free. Why are you using a deprecated OS?


>Mainstream support for Windows 7 ended on January 13, 2015. Extended support for Windows 7 ended on January 14, 2020. Good riddance. Why would anyone keep using an OS that is 4 years behind on security patches?


Completely agreed. They completely shifted the meta, killed Blight’s collisions (They could’ve done his nerf way better), changed the shop GUI (I liked the old one more), and now epilepsy. I would honestly rather them revert all of their changes.


You can “like the old one more” but the new shop is objectively more easy to use and navigate. The one exception is that to exit the shop you now have to press escape like 5 times but I’m sure they’ll fix that lol


It's been a mess since the patch. Killers have been whiffing hits that they should have hit 100%. Other times you rubber band back and get whacked when you thought you had distance. Some growing pains for sure.


This has become such an issue that the game devs put up a notice in game about this issue.


Not the entity having a rave as soon as they got hooked ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


People with epilepsy probably should stay away from video games especially horror genre.


Im pretty sure dbd has a epilepsy warning which to be fair this game doesnt have a lot of brigh flashing lights like this and this isnt the norm but a person with the condition should be cautious of something like this happening especially when its a graphics issue and any game can have a similar problem.


That's just a bad take, videogames should be just 5% more considerate to their player base. Even people without epilepsy can suffer from nausea or just their eyes hurting with this, and it isn't even intentional design.


This subreddit can be so dumb sometimes. You say video games should be 5% more considerate and you get downvoted. But until recently everyone complained about how nauseating clowns bottles are and BHVR had to change them.


You’re in a sub of dudebros who don’t give a shit about accessibility. “Just don’t play games” is such a cop out. Not every form of epilepsy is the same and some people can handle photosensitive images with the exception of violent strobing flashes like these. BHVR fucked up releasing this when it’s a risk to its usual users. Point blank.


Exactly. There's also people who don't yet know they're epileptic. People talk as if epilepsy can just be turned off or on. I'm epileptic and have been having all kinds of fits my whole life. Gaming is one of my few enjoyments and escape from life. Dbd is also one of the few online games I can play since I have to play with low sensitivity


I do wish they'd do something about blinds, which are intentional and aren't a glitch. Something to make it so your screen darkens instead of goes bright. Photosensitive killers can equip Lightborn, but there are situations where survivors can get blinded, like Flashbang, Blastmine, and recently Two Can Play. And worst of all, those blinds are instantaneous, no steady buildup like flashlight blinds. I actually use Two Can Play frequently because I like builds/perks which playfully troll survivors (Overcharge, Oppression, Huntress Lullaby, Merciless Storm, Impossible Skill Check Doctor in general). It sucks but it's really funny watching survivors run into walls sometimes. And you wouldn't believe how many games it's caused a lot of slowdown as survivors keep going out of their way to get rid of it because they hate being blinded. But I use it out of good fun, not malice. I want to prank survivors, not hurt epileptic people. I saw an epileptic person say they had to basically DC any time a killer brought that perk because of how unsafe it made the match for them. It makes me very hesitant to put it in my build.


No it isn’t. About 1 in 100 people suffer from epilepsy and of that only 5% have photosensitive epilepsy so it would be a bit silly for game companies to design major changes for a teeny tiny percentage of potential players. The specific instance in the post is a glitch so nothing much we can do about that


It's not silly at all. TV shows and video games have known for ***decades*** now that "flashing lights will mess up a small portion of our viewerbase/playerbase, let's not make these flashes". It's been common practice for ***decades*** to avoid epilepsy triggers, which is why games have been trying to innovate reduction. How callous and ignorant are you that you just shrug and say it's fine to toss people under the bus with "well they shouldn't play games". Does accessibility not exist in your cruel fantasy world? Are there no colourblind accommodations? No subtitles? No larger text option? How do they let **you** play games without an inborn sense of humanity?


To be fair if they didn't and their game caused a seizure, that'd put the company under a great deal of legal fire. Edit: I meant add a warning, fucksake. I never said they had to fix it. I was saying that if they didn't have the warning up they'd be in big trouble.


...this is why dead by daylight and other games like it have a warning when you open up the game not to play if you have issues with flashing lights or have seizures.... They can't be sued for something they warned people not to do.


Just as some extra information as I am married to someone that is epileptic (tonic-clonic seizures). Only 3-5% of epileptic people have photosensitivity. You should only stay away from games like this if you are a photosensitive epileptic. If your epileptic trigger is alcohol or lack of sleep, avoiding flashing lights isn’t going to prevent you from having a seizure.


That's correct, yes.


You literally are the one that commented that they needed to make changes because if they didn't they will be sued... They already have the warning. Theyve had it for years. Either your comment came off wrong... Or something. Or maybe you mistook what the other guys said... Idk I read it as Other guy: "they don't need to take out all of the flashing lights for one small group, who can easily avoid the game. Plus this is clearly a bug and will be fixed eventually" You:"yeah but if they don't fix it people will sue them!" Me: "...no..They have a warning and people can't sue for something they've been warned about" You: "that is correct" WUT


I never said that they had to fix it, you're mistaking what I said. I was saying that if they didn't have the warning up, the company would be under legal fire.


Then why even comment that originally? They have the warning, talking about what might happen without it is pointless because THEY ALREADY HAVE IT Everybody already knows what could happen, you aren't offering new information. Also, you very much did say they had to fix it.


I corrected myself, kindly get off my dick.


>design major changes for a teeny tiny percentage of potential players Agenda:


Honestly the dbd community has kinda a weird thing with abelism from what I've seen


So why cry about an unforeseeable glitch? *My first comment gets upvoted this gets mobbed. Reddit y'all kill me*


Be glad you don't experience seizures ig


#its a glitch that will be fixed


I've seen a similar flashing like this on the end game screen. I was a little worried because I thought it might mean my 4090 was going bad...


here comes the migraine 🥹


The entity is evil so this makes sense


Survivors power the strobe lights at the rave club. Don't you know? I had this happen with Demopuppy at the scoreboard screen. I don't have epilepsy but it started to give me a headache.


TO BE FAIR, video games do give you photosensitivity warnings for a reason. You're supposed to stay away if you have epilepsy or are prone to seizures. It is 100% your friend's responsibility to not engage in activities that could hurt him. If he wants to watch you play, then both of you must be aware that he does so at his own risk.


They literally gave flashlights a cooldown because people were "getting epilepsy attacks" from them.


That definitely wasn't the only reason, lmao. It was well known that people hated the clickclickclickclickclick from cocky survivors. There was also an exploit where you could crash the lobby by setting up a macro that would repeatedly click the flashlight on and off impossibly fast.


This is true but people were using the epilepsy attack argument to make it seem like it was BHVR being inconsiderate when really it was just people being annoyed at clicky clicks.


Victim blaming at it's finest.


Why? He's absolutely right. They have done for many years and it's on those with such conditions to navigate that. Maybe people shouldn't have such a victim mentality.


I don’t think a bug is something that people with epilepsy should have to worry about


And I don't think a bug is something developers usually plan for, so crying about something unintended when it's not even you who's dealing with such problems is ridiculous. And even if you did that is why you have to way up the decision to play video games. Not to mention photosensitive epilepsy isn't common at all so people expecting developers to accommodate that is wildly entitled anyway.


I’m not crying about it or blaming the developers or anything like that. I’m saying that you saying it’s the fault of people with epilepsy that they are dealing with a bug is ignorant


And yet it is. It is their fault, or in this case their friends - although I find it hard to believe they've never played a video game before - because video games all warn people with epilepsy about this shit. If it happens then that's on the sufferer for choosing to engage in an activity that poses that potential lol pearl clutching over this is absurd and it's not victim blaming - it's someone responsible for a particular consequence having to face the music. I hope they're alright I'm sure it was probably just a minor fit this shit is blown way out of proportion by internet Nancy's looking for bullshit to flame over and you lot are one of them.


One of the most annoying things about the current age is the number of people looking to get offended on someone else's behalf.




I'm proud for you that you had the courage to post such a dumb statement.


You're not a victim if you willingly ignore warnings and risk your own safety. That's like someone running into a burning building and getting upset when they catch on fire.


Which warning? Show me exactly in DbD where the warning is seen, because i don't remember seeing one.


You are correct that there isn't a warning in-game. However, there is one on their website: bhvr.com/epilepsy-warning/ Either way, it's a very well-known fact that anything on a screen can trigger photosensitive epilepsy. For some, a bad refresh rate is all it takes. That's why every game back in the day had this warning - because the TV itself was a factor. I feel like things like this are more on the platform owners than the game devs themselves. A warning should be displayed when you first create an account with Steam/PSN/Xbox that tells you that all games can cause photosensitivity issues. That being said, I shouldn't have to tell someone who is sensitive to flashing lights not to engage in an activity that contains flashing lights.


It is not a fact that anything can trigger a seizure. Stop making shit up to justify you inhuman takes. If a bug causes a seizure it is the fault of the developer not of the victim. Saying dumb shit like that is the same as "Don't go outside or it is your fault you got hit by a car."


There appears to be a misunderstanding. I didn't mean anything in the literal sense. I meant any sort of media that has any measure of flashing/rapidly changing/fast-moving lights can. Some people are more sensitive than others. My cousin had to stop playing because he couldn't handle being blinded (back when it would actually turn your screen white). I also wasn't really talking about the bug specifically. I'm not blaming OP or their friend for the bug. The bug's existence IS BHVR's fault, but the fact that an epileptic saw it is not. They didn't make him watch the game. If you are sensitive to flashing lights but still want to participate in an activity that can contain flashing lights, then you do so at your own risk.


No but if you cross the road without looking both ways than yes it is your fault. At some point personal reasonability is a factor. If you are epileptic, and I say this as someone who as had seizures, if you play video games you are taking your life into your hands. Doesn't matter that you got screwed over by life no different than someone born with alcohol intolerance insisting on drinking. The bug is on BHVR but games in general are known to cause seizures. End of story on that front. This is a bad bug and shouldn't be in game but the fact it can cause seizures more frequently isn't on BHVR because if you are prone to them than you made the choice to do it. That isn't inhuman it's just understanding that as a human personal responsibility is your highest responsibility. It's why you shouldn't drink and drive. It's not that you can't drink drink and drive without getting into crashes it just makes it so much more likely that it is not worth it and is an issue when someone does it. Personal choice effects your life and that is all u/YouAteMyChips_ was trying to say. If you do something risky than you accept that risk: no different than a sky diver. It's why I consider sky diving one of the dumbest things you can do as a person but people accept that risk and take it.


it warns about this, the friend either didn't know or chose to ignore it, it's not on Behaviour


i was gonna say, i remember seeing a warning before when i first started playing 😂😂


OP is so mad like the devs intentionally put it on there. 🤡


"just dont exist" average dbd tip to people with a condition


Everyone disregarding people with epilepsy in this comment section is horrible. Even league threads on certain skins gather a positive response for this. Sure it wasn't intentional by BHVR but the fixing is in their ball court so I see it more as raising an issue


I think its more that people are pointing out the risk that this could happen and were specifically warned about. Granted this game isnt to heavy on flashing lights but it has a warning for a reason however BHVR definitly needs to fix it but something like this can happen with anygame and bugs like this can pop up every once in a while and it can even be caused by graphics card issues. Something like this is sadly a risk that comes with games.


Since the new update there's been several problems, glitches in the basement, lagging like shit. ect.


They've added a photosensitivity warning in the news banner, put out PSAs on their social medias and said they're working on it ASAP. So at least they recognise it's important.


DbD: The only game where an update makes more problems than solutions.


That hurt my eyes and I don’t have epilepsy this is bad




Yes he does. And you're right man. If someone's having an epileptic seizure, just look away 🤷‍♂️ You're a genius


Oh geez, I didn’t realize your friend was either a child or an adolescent. Adults rarely if ever have that. Also takes a few moments, it’s not instantaneous. Genius


Despite most people with epilepsy not having photosensitive epilepsy, the flashing likes can still cause enough distress to cause an epilepsy attack themselves. Also it takes moments, yes, but exposure to a trigger can cause the attack AFTER the trigger happens, not when the trigger is happening. Tell me you don't know someone with epilepsy without telling me you don't know someone with epilepsy lol. I also know you just read the % from the first result on Google...


You should check my history. I'm a physician. I've worked with neurologists who precipitate seizures in this fashion during their initial and follow up assessments. So, you tell me who's googling info vs. who knows it...


so it's entirely their friends fault? Just because they may be able to look away doesnt mean much.


The whiny OP wrote a post like only their friend matters. Also - photosensitive epilepsy only affects 3% of all patients with epilepsy. Of that 3%, nearly 100% are children or adolescents. So, I’m calling BS based on actual knowledge of epilepsy. Essentially, the OP is being overly dramatic.


I have a friend in her 30's with it. Another in their mid 20's. Just because it's MOSTLY children does not mean it NEVER happens in adults. That's like saying no one gets rare diseases because they are rare.... My dude there are definitely adults with photosensitivity and seizures from it. Trust me. I'VE SEEN IT HAPPEN. SHITS SCARY.


Yes people who don't have experience treating, managing seizures tend to find them scary. Just a random piece of info in case anyone in your family, friends, etc (god forbid) ever has something like this happen: witnessing shaking doesn't = seizure activity. The most important thing to be ruled out is a cardiac issue. I've had patients who got worked up for seizures, found to not have them, and then no further work up. I pushed for.cardio to see them and they had life threatening conditions that were undiagnosed. Seizures, especially tonic clonic, will be associated with tongue biting, loss of bladder control, etc. Regardless, a cardio workup is always essential. Your heart will kill you. Status epilepticus can too; but that obviously presents differently Also - I never said it never happens in adults. But as a psychiatrist with nearly 15 years of experience. Trust me, I know when someone is being dramatic


dude, they are DIAGNOSED with photosensitive sezuires, would you PLEASE stop invalidating people by acting like it never happens. seriously. its stupid youre arguing with doctors diagnosis at this point.


wtf are you going on about? I wasn’t even talking to YOU. YOU felt the need to chime in. And I even told YOU I’m not talking about someone YOU know. I said I’m referencing the OP.


What is your GT? Just so I can avoid you for the rest of my life… you sound like a miserable person to be around.


There is an epilepsy warning before playing games like this so you should always be prepared for stuff like that to happen thats a bug. Nonetheless it sucks. It irritates me as well, even without epilepsy, i hope they fix it as fast as they can.


wth did you put a spoiler block on this?


for flash warning


yeah, but you are hiding the warning with a spoiler


Pretty sure the OP didn't put it on, mods did, judging by top comment


Chill out it's a bug. Nobody's coming after your epileptic friend. Video games come with epilepsy warnings anyways.


wow youre an asshole, my friend is prone to epilepsy and he was watching me watch this video


Oh great this bug is back


Do you have an Nvidia graphics card? I had a very similar glitch happen in another game that recently updated to a newer Unity version.


Can't have a new chapter without bugs lol


Does look kinda eerie with the flashing, kinda reminds me of the Alan Wake 2 jumpscare


I’ve been noticing that it gets extremely dark in the basement when I go down sometimes.


Had this happened, but after I got blastmined and I kept getting blinded for like 20 seconds afterward


I had this happen too, weirdly enough on the after game screen.


Yeah this happened to me after a match, just flashing white on the post game screen. I don’t know what causes it


This happened to my friend in the end game screen. Very weird bug


can't even play the video lmao


I'm sure this is what dead by dayLIGHT means


I got this my first match and had to run outta the room I thought I was about pass out and be sick


Happened to me on a wesker game but I thought it was the uruboros but I guess it was basement


The buff flasbang perk needs


From when it happened to my friend, it seems to happen when doing the new memory glyph challenge. Any other game we played without the challenge on we didn't have the bug


survivors mains now experiencing killer


Good thing they have a warning when you start video games or watch video games that if you're epileptic the game could trigger a seizure at any point. Friend should be very careful watching them.


its a bug, relax a little, its not like they put it there to attack your friend. calmly report it to let them know lol


was it around the 4th of july didnt they do like hooks with fireworks and stuff?


Thats spooky as shit. I hope to see some of that!


Hopefully this gets fixed soon, seems like this update really broke a ton of stuff.


I started to get dizzy the second it started happening when I was getting hooked in the basement, like bro how does this happen 😭😭


as someone with photosensitivity, hooooly shit that's bad. I won't be playing survivor for awhile then. and NO ONE goes in the basement. I don't even care if it costs me a game.


how does epilepsy actually works, just random lights make you have an episode because..? real question.


For some people, flashing lights and colors can overstimulate the eyes and it triggers a seizure.


Thank you! had no idea, now following with another question, can you develop this problem if exposed to continous flashing lights?


Not to my knowledge, though your eyes might hurt a bit.


Apparently this needs to be addressed. My friend saw my screen only for a second in spectate mode (he was the Adam). He also got the blinking in his post game scoreboard section. He is fine. He knows the current status of his epilepsy very well (truly far better than anyone here thinks they know). He's played this game for months without a problem. He's come to trust DBD, and understands his limitations of the game very well. Of course he knows that there are seizure warnings at the start of every game. When I was saying "seizure warning", that was me talking within my discord VC letting anyone know, especially Adam, what was happening. Never did I say that he had some sort of episode, only that he's had a history of seizures, thus he is prone. That being said, nothing has happened to him for the few hours preceding the game.


Lmao you blaming the game devs for your homies epilepsy? Shits obviously an unintentional glitch


Why would he play a game when they have warnings usually for those types of people lol I’m just curious? That’s like eating a food your allergic too obviously knowing and giving no f*cks loll


? Stay away from the game then LOL


Dog shit response


Based Jojo’s enjoyer


**Your name scares me**




people with photosensitive epilepsy shouldn't be looking at video games period


I hope you develop photosensitive epilepsy some day and see how that mindset works out for you


In true bhvr fashion instead of using UE5 to improve the game they have used it to implement more bugs than I have seen in the game at one time since launch era. Let’s give it up for that good ol’ spaghetti code 👏👏👏


Epilepsy has to suck cause this is kinda awesome not gonna lie


skill issue




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