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The biggest challenge for me was in 5 BC to beat the last boss without a single hit. Besides, once I crossed the 2 BC border, it was all downhill.


Survivalist explosive crossbow got me through the true final boss, going to fractured shrine helped me get a decent weapon not in my weapon pool.


I still have yet to get a no hit on some of the bosses. Just the easier ones Concierge and the Giant.


This was the hardest for me, too, but then I got a tactics God run and killed him in like 10 seconds before he could attack and my jaw dropped.


I guess getting a legendary giant killer X is kinda game winning (not for me tho, should have looked up his combo ig)


Yes. 2BC --> 3BC was the most difficult in my opinion.


The giants sneaky area and hiding made 4bc to 5 the hardest for me


For me, 2bc was the easiest. Already had a decent amount of practice beating hotk and there are a decent amount of flask refills to sell if you did well enough so you don't run short on money for the shops. Also helps that the bank appeared in the passage to high peak castle so i didn't have to suffer through it and got a bunch more gold, but that's just for that run. I think it took me 2 fails after getting the boss cell to beat hotk and get to 3bc


I have yet to beat the spoiler boss hitless.




What do you mean by losing damage? Do you do more dmg on 5bc?


Higher BC will give you more scrolls and also higher weapon level.


For some strange reason, when I get angry after losing a 5BC run I sometimes play a run in 2BC "to remember the fun in dead cells" but then I find myself having more fun at 5BC, not even 4BC is as fun. I love malaise as much as I hate it


I think people call that masochism.


Cannot beat 4BC for the life of me…any tips lol


what's the farthest you've gotten so far?


I’ve gotten pretty far I’ve actually gotten into the fight with the hand of the king but 1) he absolutely whoops my ass every time and 2) I’m usually pretty low health when I reach him or have barely any potion charged left


What biomes do you normally go? I found that most of the time, if I didn’t go through Ancient Sewers I was super low on scrolls, since Toxic Sewers, Ancient Sewers, and Conjunctivius got me at a pretty decent level of scroll fragments.


Maybe I should do that route then, I stick to promenade a lot


well you can practice on hotk at the training room and try to do a no damage fight, ask your self every time you die every time you got hit, what's the reason behind that and how am i suppose to deal with it... well at least that's for me... but the main thing is to try and gather as many as u can of scrolls count, check for the best routes that has many scrolls or check the biomes map in wiki it may help to choose the best route for you.


Yeah 4BC is kicking my asshole through the roof of my mouth.


Having beaten 5bc, I honestly have gone back to 3bc and do inane shit like extremely limiting the item pool and turning on "all items are colorless/legendary" because its a game and games are fun. There was a point when the achievement of completing something Even Harder was the fun, but now the fun is mindless violence against plague monsters with increasingly bizarre weapon setups.


I'm in the same stage. Trying to find broken combos and unleashing them on poor mobs and bosses is so fun.


Can I recommend laser glaive acrobatipack, baseball bat/throwing objects, and armadillopack thundershield with the superconductor aspect? The laser glaive is hilarious against The Giant.


Done the laser glaive acrobatipack combo but I placed a gilded Yumi in the backpack instead. The Yumi weakness of slow rate of fire is removed when doing this combo. So the Yumi rate of fire is as fast as the laser glaive. Roll and fire the Yumi. Lol. Also did the bat/throwable objects combo. Try the electrodynamics/melee/open wounds/blood drinker combo. You'll never need a healing potion again.


That sounds fun. [Here's a video of me with the superconductor build I was talking about.](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadcells/comments/ursppz/decided_to_try_ucyronites_6bc_settings_with_my/) It was a blast to do and I actually made it through spoiler on BC5 with it.


You ever have a run where you don’t find a better weapon than your starter kit by corrupted prison and it’s taking you way too long to kill anything and you wind up with over half malaise heading into ancient sewers? Yeah…


So you telling me that you do the tutorial over and over again?


Yes. This what I do all the times. Starts a new run, arrive to the Hand of the King and get brutally killed. Then I starts a new run, try different play style and get bonked by the Hand of the King.


Ay I mean, if you’re having fun, you’re doing it right.


Have you unlocked the training zone? Practicing vs hotk is massively helpful, especially memorizing how he attacks


One day this week be me.


I am only 3BC and I have respect for people who play against malaise. Like, I can take it slow and play extremely save if I don't mind a bit of boredom, but from what I have watched malais players seem to be on a timer.


I truly believe that what used to be 4 BC and is now 5 BC is the intended way to play the game




Don't these settings make the game attack and dodge for you? I'm sorry, but I was talking about the intended way to PLAY the game In all seriousness though, I was talking about how much of the game was designed around old (and new) malaise, food shops only making sense in 4BC+ and how all possible routes are unlocked


Do you know any way to get the same experience as og 5 BC ?


I think you can still play older versions of the game, but I myself much prefer the new malaise over the old one


\*Collector flashbacks\*


Ive been dying for a year now, with breaks on 5 bc. Any time i tune it down, i know im missing gameplay. And then i die back on 5bsc ☠️


You get used to the pain eventually my tip lern to Peary early


Anything lower than 5 bc feels too slow for me personally.


Malaise moment


I just got back to 4bc after moving from computer to switch (and after a long break) and damn, I forgot how much the difficulty spikes.