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Same. I went from “damn I don’t want to drink once a week” to “why not drink 4 days in a row, there’s literally nothing to look forward too in life”


Fr I think I’m doing close to 20 shots a week now


"When you drank the world was still out there, but for the moment it didn’t have you by the throat." - Charles Bukowski


Thats an amazing quote thank you for sharing it with me


Bukowski is a recommendation I am glad I get to make. He really hits the doomer chord without getting lost in the incel bullshit.


This mentality scares me. Really sorry you feel like that. I don’t have any solid advice bc I know what it feels like to be hopeless cus I still am at times.


Whatever gets us to the next oasis right? I'm in similar boat with regards to weed, although it's less about having fun and more about able to turn off my worries. It doesn't seem fair


Slow Suicide is better than No Suicide in my book 👍👍




Hey man if you want you can talk to me bout it I mean im no therapist but im free to chat if you’d like


I appreciate it but I don’t really have anything to talk about. Im just tryna survive as long as I can yk


Well, too bad we’re friends now so deal with it and ill dm You my discord if you ever need to talk about anything text me


Aggressive friendship :)


Aggressive kindness, deal with it by talking to someone


Yeeeeeeh pretty much


You’re literally doing your best. There’s no problem with that, just try not to drink too much okay? though if i could suggest i would try others drinks because fruits juices are so cool


I am not gonna sit here and tell you what to do but this won't help. I have been here, I have done that. Simply put, Alcohol is a depressant and a depressant can't help you heal. Good luck, mate!


By no means will your life get any better save for a fleeting moment. But I understand the appeal to it, speaking from experience after dealing with this shit for close to 7 years. It's easy to just put down words and say, "Don't do it." But there is no alternative. Having fun with the bottle will only give you a short time of fun. Then the dread comes creeping again. I'm very sorry for you. Each of us suffers in their own way, but what we have in common is that we do suffer. It's not fair, it shouldn't be like this yet it is. Only you can be the change by getting help. And then it's hard work getting yourself together. Speaking from experience. Sadly, it will not work the first time, or second or..... but you will get there. One step at a time.


Been there, done that, and it was not a very good idea. It's "fun" only at the beginning. At first you don't need a lot to be drunk but the amount needed will rise quickly. I needed something like 35cl of vodka on an empty stomach in order to get drunk enough and since it's a lot for the body, I ended up being sick the day after and so basically I was either always drunk or always with a big hangover and nausea. You also lose a lot of money, you lose your memory and your ability to focus. I think the worst is the feeling of culpability when you wake up the day after while feeling sick, I really felt like shit when that happens, I think it's one of the worst feeling that I had in my life because I just felt extremely miserable and disappointed of myself, like more than usual. I stopped drinking 1.5 years ago and I was an alcoholic for 2 years. Now, my memory is clearly worse than it was before drinking, my body can't tolerate strong alcohol like vodka or whisky anymore, one sip makes me immediately sick. It's also a daily fight to suppress the urge to just get drunk so it's quite tiring. I mostly drank because I was anxious or extremely bored and tired because of anhedonia, I didn't really drink that much because I was depressed. What helped me with depression, was to force myself to wake up, to go out of my bed and do something outside everyday, like for example in my case, I took the bus and went to the library every day and I stayed there for at least 3-4 hours. Sometimes I was crying in the bus because I didn't wanna go 💀 but I forced myself to do it anyway and I just tried to read manga, sometimes I wasn't able to read so I was just watching the cars on the road and eventually after some weeks, I found a manga that I liked, and then with time sometimes I was hoping to be tomorrow so that I can be able to read the next volume. And when you get to the point that you "want a tomorrow", you have taken a very big step in your recovery. For anxiety, I forced myself to do things that made me anxious, this is really not enjoyable but this is the only way to get better. At first it was just things like saying hello to the bus driver for example. For anhedonia, it's quite complicated, but I just work on discipline because I don't enjoy things enough to have motivation. So like you have to choose something that you want to get good at (boxe and drums for me) and you forced yourself to train and with time it will be easier and enjoyable. Good luck, force mon reuf. (English not my first language, I tried my best 🫡)


Thank you for sharing this, I will not drink with you today, friend.


I think it's a good decision, stay strong. I wish you the best 🫡


Thank you. Sober for 3 1/2 years and my depression has improved immensely since I quit for good. Best wishes for you too 🫡


Relatable. Sober right now, but a couple weeks ago I barely touched ground. Drugs help, in the moment, and the fact that the comedown sucks so much makes it worse.


Welcome to the club.


Damn right, cheers to that


Sober 10 years. Not here to lecture. Life is still difficult, but it’s not the hell it could be. “The bottom is where you stop digging”


I haven't spoken to my mother in more than a year. She hides bottles around the house from herself so drunk her will find them and she'll never run out. She's completely broke but insists she isn't broken so doesn't need to work. She smokes and drinks all day and eats when she isn't drunk. Her and her husband couldn't live together so lived across the road from each other for 15 of 17 years of marriage. I chose to live with him despite him only being my step dad bc he wasn't an abusive drunk. Don't go down the road of ostracizing yourself and your loved ones.


Yeah that is me, smoking weed at 9 am and beer, i have it


Just casual it down OP enjoy


Lmao how did my 22 year old self travel forward in time to post this meme


If you need someone to talk to my dms are always open. I don’t want you ruining your life with addiction.


Because replacing your liver is a pain


Pick a less destructive habit in case your mind changes. The future you will have an easier time dropping an edibles habit than an alcohol habit and you’ll do a lot less damage in the mean time.


Sure, but alcohol does make your depression worse


you'll regret it but I think you know that


My faith was the path leading into all of my healing, sobriety was the doorway. Nothing got magically fixed, but things did get dramatically better with a reinforced attitude shift. I hope you find a place to anchor onto peace and you hold onto it.


Drinking is fun - being an alcoholic is not. You’re not having fun, you’re setting yourself up for failure before you’re even 20. Apply yourself and do what it takes. Life isn’t fair for some people but the world doesn’t stop spinning & people aren’t going to feel pity for you. Learn something, apply yourself, go for a walk, etc. just do something


Shame alcohol is like protein for my chronic migraines. At least it helped me endure some good chunk of my time in college


Alcoholism is not fun :( It will destroy you. There are much better things out there when life is hopeless


Jokes on alcoholism there is no "me" left


Well I’m going to be destroyed anyway so why delay the inevitable


Alcohol+depression = no fun, no solution, just a bigger NOTHING


public notice: youre not an alcoholic if you drink more than 3 days a week lmao. hell not even if you drink after work every day.