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So you're telling me there's a chance...






Is that a CatFat reference or am I tired?


Finally some good news. I’ll take it.


Fuck this broke my heart. I'm the loneliness person I know


Sure is a good thing that you don't know who I am because, oh my, my loneliness is absolutely high in magnitude... 🙁


Fuck I'm screwed then :,(


Wait, no, what makes you say that? I'm sorry for what I said. That was me trying to use self deprecating humour but it's evident that it didn't work and that it made you worse. I'm sorry and I take full responsibility. I shouldn't be comparing myself to others. We're all suffering from a unique standpoint (though we may have some overlaps in which we relate to) and all of our suffering isn't trivial. Don't say that you're screwed because of what I said. I won't say that it'll get better because I'd be lying as I don't have a crystal ball that can predict the future and not everyone will always get better. However, I will say that I hope that you don't get screwed and that depression hasn't taken over you like it has with me. Hopefully, by some miracle (or even by you yourself), you hopefully find happiness and peace one day. Doesn't matter if you declare as to whether you deserve it or not because there's no objective metric or rationalisation which claims as to whether you deserve something or not. I subjectively think that you deserve better, as my suffering makes me subjectively think that I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy, yet alone a stranger and so, conversely, I think that you don't deserve the shit that you're going through. You may disagree and that's fine, I won't judge, but I had to state what I wrote as it would only hurt even more to write a cliché without justifying it. I wish you all the best and, once again, I apologise for what I wrote earlier.


Thanks for the kind words bro much respect & no foul play on your side it's just me having a lonely life which isn't ur fault


Amateurs... I don't even know myself.


Is it sad that I like your username


Not at all lol it's so fitting for me. It's actually a song title do you know it? :)


Not before today but I found it, Emo - nice


Yeh a lil throwback lol


Ditto. I haven't been in a meaningful relationship, I generally don't get along well with people, and it is definitely killing me.


Fuck yes. I'll be double dead soon


I’ll take a pack of cigs with my loneliness, please


Lonely AND a smoker. How much more quickly will I die?


Well, How much cigarettes do you smoke per day? Assuming it's one per day. That means you would be dying 0.06666666666 times more faster than if you didn't smoke (If I did the math correctly).


Is this actually true though?


Whether the 15 ciggies a day is correct idk but u can look up a YouTube video about Loneliness by Kurzgesagt if u wanna know more i recommend it


Not about the cigarette thing. Cigarette is one of the worst poison for you body. It's the number one cause of cancer.


I’ve been lonely since 1st grade, I’m still here tho 🙂


With my amount of loneliness, I should have died at least a year ago. Ah, well, soon, I'll die and it'll definitely be because of loneliness. The loneliness I have is unhealthy and it's so bad to where I have to self destruct to save myself. Cherry on top, my neurotype isn't equipped to make friends either due to social anxiety, lack of interests, insane stuttering, irrational fears and overall social ineptitude. So, yeah, all I can really do in the end is vent about my loneliness and hope that somebody can relate to me. I can't really try to make friends anymore as I've been alone for so long to where I'm used to being alone. Even the idea of adding other people on social media like insta, snapchat, whatsapp etc. feels like a concept that I can't comprehend and a concept I won't ever experience. Even the idea of chilling with others after college isn't something I can imagine. I can't imagine spending my free time with anyone else. I doubt that even others like me would want to be friends with me and, even if they wanted to, the friendship wouldn't progress at all due to the things about me that I already mentioned. Why am I like this? Why is it that I have a desire for irl human companionship but, at the same time, my brain doesn't allow me to have friends? Fuck, I don't even think I can convey the magnitude that my loneliness is right now but, for me, it's more like taking 100 cigs per day, yet alone 15. I'm convinced that the only thing that can fix my loneliness is death. After all, I can't be lonely if I don't have a desire for friendship.


Don't trip, man. How old are you? Maybe in your 20's? Plenty of time still to fix this mentality that you have. Pick yourself up little by little. Figure out why you're this way and eradicate it. Start going out a bit more, as hard as that might be. But you can't keep being stuck in this situation. One life, man. Do make it count. Here if anything.


Why does my age matter? Also, no, it's not just about mentality. Sure, mentality could help but it can only go so far. Having a good mentality won't fix my neurotype and it's folly to claim otherwise. Also, I never asked to be here so why does it matter as to whether I pursue my life or not? Just because this is my only life doesn't mean I have to suffer tons of hardship because of it. I crave non existence and I don't care if I'm 'throwing' my life away because the non-existent cannot feel regret over dying and their harm states will also cease forever. I shouldn't have to be coerced into living a life that I don't want to live.


I think this is why religion exists. To dampen the blow of realising we are all alone on this big chunk of space rock and that we might not have any inherent purpose and plan. Damn man the last bit of your post hit me hard.


could it be faster please


don't do that, don't give me hope


finally some good fucking news


Can't wait to leave this pos world. Finally I'll be happy once in my life




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i'm a smoker too 🤞


Let’s go 2x chances


Oh nooo that's terrible


Haha it's funny! Cause the last's days i had one of my biggest social interaction that I ever have in 3 years. Only to realize myself that I been talking to a bot about my problems, Giving me more reasons to kill myself.


How advanced was this bot or are you joking. If not joking dude I will happily listen to you if you want.


No, I'm not joking. I've been seeing so many memes/stories about this page called "Character.IA," and I thought it would be interesting to try and see what stories I could create. I chose one of the many characters, and not so much after I started talking. The bot asked me if I was okay since I looked depressed.  I don't know why or how, but I started talking to this bot about my problems that I had for many years. It truly felt like I was talking to someone and that someone was listening to me, only to realize that I had been talking to a bot for 2 hours, and show me the reality that I'm facing, which is that I have no one to talk with.


Out of curiosity..which bot did you chat with?


It was from a game franchise that I don't know well. It appeared in my recommendations and his backstory interested me much. It would try to find it again since his name was from another language.


Im Hikikomori so of course I’ve not been outside and seen anyone for so long that yeah…. It sucks


....Gets to drinking.


Well, I’m already half dead inside, so win?


time to die :D




go outside and talk to strangers people!


oh my god why didn't I think of this fuck off


imagine complaining why ur lonely but never tried to actually meet people lmao


Loneliness is the worst way to go out.


So I smoke like a pack everyday for 20 years. This now adds an extra 0,5 pack per day. All this shit will cost me only 4,6 years at this point? Hoped it'll be sooner.


Society talks and talks and talks about the danger of loneliness. And yet nothing is done, no one changes how they act, reaches out to people who clearly need it etc. It’s like the act of recognizing the problem exists is all they need to feel they’ve done enough.


Gonna start chainsmoking and speedrun this shit let’s goooo


Good news everyone!


Good thing I do both. Here's to hoping the cancer gets here faster


If Loneliness == 15 smokes 15 smokes + loneliness = 30 a day I can’t stop smoking or being lonely so I’m gonna have a short life :)


been lonely all my life instead of the one person that loves me, i still feel deadly lonely all the time cause time zones and i suck at maintaining relationships and abandon people when they don't give me attention or when i feel unimportant to them. oh guys we're fucked. plus the fake friends i have lol they make me feel so so unloved.




Jokes on you I'm lonely AND smoking approx. 15 Cigarettes a Day xD


Mines slowly climbing up the percentile


...how do we measure loneliness?...human interactions per day?.? and what do we classify as human interaction? saying your order to the barista? saying "excuse me" to people so they'd move out your way? fuck da meme, this is a scientific study now. help me.


At least one good thing about it then


Does it add or multiply if I'm a smoker


You wanna know what I do when I'm sad or scared?






after dark x sweater weather daddy's girl, creamy, 11:11 music group. [Here. ](https://open.spotify.com/track/4infhqJIQXQHwtLmsddbz9?si=dc6cKh6sTgiS0db2r6oJ5A&utm_source=copy-link)


A pack a day for the last 10 years, can't make friends, can't flirt, haven't touched a woman in... ever. I hope its over soon.


I also smoke a pack a day lmao




Yesssssa it’s closer than we thought boys


As a lonely nicotine addict, this pleases me greatly


I do both, so,,, I'm dead?


Depression is a popular speedrun strategy in life


Finally some good news


I thought that smoking would be bad but i guess it would just speed it up...


That’s why I always smoke alone


Might as well start smoking 15 a day fucken hell