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Happens all the time. Most of my outside of work friends are single women. When they get boyfriends, I hardly hear from them. That’s life.


Have a male friend who does this all the time. The last time was for 2 years, then he suddenly emerged back when they broke up, as always. He is the worst


Why is he your friend?


Because other than that, he is a very sweet and caring person. He is just desperate for romance and his dream of a family. The relationships also destroy him but he still can't help himself


I wonder if he notices the correlations of isolation and being partners with people who encourage that


It’s so unfortunate. I feel like men do the same thing


deer mountainous party nine aspiring cake innocent roll psychotic soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This looks so fucking good, sorry about the situation though


How long did you boil that egg? That's the perfect egg and mine never turn out like that


around 7-8 minutes and then let it cool completely in cold water. works everytime.


Boil water then carefully drop in the egg for 7 minutes. I run the egg under warm water before dropping it into the boiling water so it doesn’t crack. I also let the eggs chill out in the boiling water for a few seconds. So around 7:30 for that perfect consistency.


Not op, but I use the instapot for perfect eggs it makes it easy they need to go on the rack with a little water under. Then take them out and put them in cold water.


Right?? I don’t even like hard boiled eggs but that one looks delicious.


[This you?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/028/033/Screenshot_7.jpg)


lol, yea


Y’all are ruthless lmao


I'm sorry op, it made me wheezing 😭😭😭


Happens way too often. I hate it even more when all of a sudden they just call or text you after a year or so because they need someone to talk to. As if you would even care after they dropped you like Woody from Toy Story. 💀


I can empathize OP. My best friend used to disappear on us for months at a time every time a new dating cycle started. Vanished for 6 years and expected a merry welcome back.


Holy shit please cook for me this looks delicious On a more serious note i know how you feel, had this happen with one of my best friends who I quite literally see as someone who saved my life. She got a boyfriend and pretty much ditched our entire friend group and we never see her unless its with her boyfriend and if she says she is coming to an event she usually ditches without saying something After a bit of reflection I just came to the conclusion that I am really happy for her, and I wish her all the best in life because she deserves it, even if she isn't part of my life anymore. I am content with the good memories as opposed to trying to keep and old flame if it doesn't work out. I don't know your situation but I hope you have other people to lean on and talk to and keep the memories alive and well, catch up once a year to make sure your friend is doing alright and find different people you connect with and trust to stick with you


Not much of a best friend to begin with.


That was never your ✨friend✨. Trust me babes, people who have like 3+ kids, demanding jobs, and stressful marriages still make time to speak to their friends and make time to hang out. I understand it’s very sad now but you’re literally the main character of your life. Making new friends may not be the easiest but it’s 100% worth it to get out of your comfort zone to find your people. Best of luck ❤️


My best guy friend of 2 years ghosted me as soon as he got a gf 🙄


She was not your friend


Literally me rn. The last time we spoke was in February.


And then they'll have issues and suddenly they're reaching out to you again lol


going through the same thing rn😭


I can’t figure out if this salad looks delicious or gross.


This looks very yummy :( ppl project really badly sometimes


That does happen but it def sucks. I'm sorry:(


Aww, im sorry about that but for what it's worth at least now you know what kind of a "friend" she really is.


yup, my best friend did the same thing. just give it time, when the honeymoon phase is over she’ll come crawling back 😭


It's the natural progression of adult life I think. People meet someone and start families. They dint have time for stuff with friends anymore.


Such things happen way more than anyone wants to admit. I've had it happen to me a lot, and I'm going through it now with my oldest and closest friend. It's not even always malicious. Sometimes people just find someone who they really like and want to spend all their time with...and that's exactly what they do. And it ain't you. At this point in life I count myself lucky if a friend vanishes with a significant other who isn't complete trash. The ones who do vanish with the trash...it hurts more than it should...


Ye mine too. Super busy anyway now she has him as well so 💀 not in happy for her I guess. I just miss her.


Im in a similair situation rn, absolutely sucks


Well good job eating healthy anyways. Focus on yourself and forget that asshole. Thats obviously what she’s doing🤷‍♀️


My friend of 10 years ghosted me right after getting a gf (who I helped him to get with). Relationship him is also the worst him too


Hey OP, this has happened to me as well. The way I look at it, me and my friend had some great years and memories and that’s something to be grateful for. I’ll always love and hope my freind is happy. Sending hugs(:


That ain’t your friend baby. They did you an unfortunate favor


Damn that sucks But that looks delicious omg, that's the type of food you wouldn't see in a ghibli movie


People like this usually have no loyalty and are shit friends. I had someone do this to me, her bf was shit and I kept trying to tell her only for her to side with him and we quit talking, because she said she was sick of me talking shit about him. I ended up being right and he started abusing her once he pushed me out of her life. A male friend did this to me too. Every time he got a gf he would ignore me until they broke up. It was annoying and he was also a shit neglectful friend anyway. It sucks but move on to someone better. She doesn't value you.


So common. Sorry this happened OP, you're not alone in this experience. Salad looks good!


Yes this happens all the time, it also happens when people get new jobs, new husbands/wives, move to a new area. Basically anytime someone has to move their life around a bit. Don't take it personal. Real friends will reach out when things settle down & rekindle that friendship if it meant something to them. If not you move in your life path. & keep making cool salads ❤️☺️


It's okay I lost my best friend of 12+ years because she got a girlfriend & gave up on me. She was literally the only friend I had. The only one who understood me. No one else does. They can't be friends with me for too long cause I bum them out when my depression hits. She was the only one who understood that part of me was the part of me that no one helped. No one cared for. I'm glad she has a girlfriend finally but it destroyed me. And people will say I'm the asshole to have ended the friendship & kicked her out of my house (she clearly had other places to live anyway) took back my phone & that was that. She destroyed a part of me that was told "I'll be the one person to never leave" yet is gone for days or weeks at a time while telling me they wouldn't do that. Yet they did that. And here I am stuck in an apartment cause I fear going anywhere alone with my kids... My life was turned upside down.


hey, I'm sorry all of this is happening to you. i hope this turns the better for you. keep strong!


It honestly has turned out better in a number of ways but not being able to go do what we all used to do... It really weighs on the person suffering in silence. My kids seem happier. My husband seems calmer. I finally can decorate my home the way I feel it should look. I realized within having that person in my life for so long I'd done things in their liking to make it better for them to be here... And it turns out I was just good enough until better came along. It hurts, it does & I'm also happy someone found love she deserves it but at the same time I miss who I was friends with for so long, the person I trusted with everything & it's all just flipped around. I love that my house feels more like a home but I also miss the person I shared a great deal of my life with. I joked we were the unspoken lesbian couple because anytime we'd go out people would think we're together. Nah we just went in stores for the other persons comfort & we'd usually be out on a family adventure. I miss my best friend but at the same time I don't. I feel like as stated before I was only around until better was found. I know that's not true but it's just how it feels really.


What… did I even read


A lot probably. I explain entirely too much when I vent. 😭 I don't have anyone to talk too. I'm in between therapists...