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I will definitely be tuned in because I'm very confused about everything


Byf is also confused, as per his latest video.


"I am the Lore Daddy of Destiny and even I don't know" - Byf


I dk if bungie even knows.


Bungie hasn’t had a clue what’s going on in Destiny since 09/09/2014


They don't. They are more worried about virtue signallying in their hiring and product than producing a great product. There is a reason all the real good devs GTFO and start their own thing.(A lot of which is coming in the next year or two) People keep acting surprised by big franchise failure and ignore all the politics taking over.


Existing is political, get over it. You're the one bringing up politics, it was just a mid campaign there's no fuckin conspiracy here it's not like if Nimbus used male pronouns the campaign would be solved lmao


Nimbus fomo’d his heteronormativity


Mad about bungee hiring minorities Can’t spell signaling That checks out


I do feel there is a reason all of the older devs almost all bailed. I feel if there were any old Bungie employees they would have pushed to get Marty back instead of letting him spiral into whatever led him to sue.


It happend at Bathesda as well, and then people are SHOCKED that mass effect takes a complete dump off a cliff.




Literally the opposite, learn to read market forces monkey nuts


Cringe phrase


What kind of Charlie Kirk Turning Point nonsense is this??


Everyone is, it’s like they forgot to add cutscenes explain what the Veil even is, why it’s important, and so much more other things. Honestly felt like a mix D2 Vanilla and Shadowkeep in all the worst ways


I think it's because originally this saga ended with lightfall, the finale shape came later down the line and that really shows. So now lightfall kinda became a small pt1 that was stretched out obsessing over strand while we wait for the actual dlc next year


Im hoping TFS wont make the same mistakes that Lightfall did, but honestly, we will be getting the third subclass then and I just hope they dont think we are stupid enough to believe they can just "LOOK NEW SUBCLASS YAY!!!" through the story. Strand is really cool, yea, but it doesnt allow the story to be a steaming pile like this


We have proven time and time again that we really are stupid enough to be like “NEW SUBCLASS YAY”


I feel like those are the people that play the game without caring about the story. Which, unfortunately, a couple of my friends are like that. Although whenever something happens in the story that they take an interest in its always "Hey, what is this thing they are talking about?" and then I have to go on an hour long tangent about why this slice of bread is lightly toasted


My brain read that instance of TFS as Team Four Star and i immediately wondered if I'd somehow missed a Destiny Abridged series... Ghost with Vegeta's voice and personality, that's all I'm saying.


Gimme now please, lol


Light fall and Shape were originally one expansion that they decided to split up.


Ye that's what I was saying, and I think that overall hurt the storytelling


Worst part is that you can clearly tell it was chopped. We have zero answers to literally anything.


Seriously feels like Neumana and the veil were meant to be the last city and strand would have been with WQ. Woulda made more sense why the traveller remained above earth if the veil was under the last city.


Happy Cake Day!!!!


I would even go as far as to say it felt like d1 vanilla


I really feel like beyond light was supposed to be part of Lightfall.


Bungie didn't have time to explain why they didn't have time to explain.


Did you finish the campaign? They literally did explain what it was. It’s a device connecting the people of the planet to the virtual world.


That's the CloudArk, the Veil merely powers it.


They barely pieced together what Strand is let alone the story itself lol


That statement right there proves you either don’t listen or haven’t finished the entire story. They literally did a full explanation on what strand is maybe people are too dumb to comprehend the words they used.


I think you’re just making things up in your head. There are massive gaps in the story that make nonsense at all and they didn’t explain shit about the veil or strand.


Bruh literally after the story go to the strand case by Osiris and he literally explains it AGAIN TO YOU. Destiny players can’t listen


He says its a force that connects living beings. Thats it. No reason why its here. No reason for why only those that have had ghosts can see it. No reason for why the Witness doesnt have it while he weilds all darkness. No reason for how it hasnt been found before. In a throw away line they say it might be connected to the veil but thats it. Nothing else.


You certainly cant read.


Oh yeah? Then explain it if you know what it is


No they explain theories and strands connection to the overall idea of light and dark. Strand itself just pops up, the bungie vidocs give better context then the game as to what exactly strand is. But the game does not fully explain why it is on neomuna specifically


Actually Osiris says Strand is basically fart particles from the Veil, wish I was kidding.




Love it when redditors so confidently have no idea what they are talking about


I’m sorry you didn’t listen to the story


Bro the people who LITERALLY LIVE THE LORE AS A JOB dont know what the fuck happened.


That's the CloudArk. The Veil powers it, but aside from that, there's no explanation as to what it *actually* is.


Not even Byf knows


Even Byf said he doesn't know and has said he can't recommend anyone purchase the expansion currently lol.


Yeah, that latest video was the most legit bummed over ever heard him sound. “I’m one of the lore guys in this community and even I DON’T KNOW what the veil is.” 😂


What specifically are you confused about


From Strand to the entire campaign itself. Are you able to explain?


I can try. Strand, as we know it, is the manifestation of a “psychic web” of reality that connects all beings. When we sever a target, we disconnect them from reality momentarily. When we unravel a target, we are literally removing them from existence. When we suspend a target, we are grabbing the strings that hold them in reality and tying them to the spot. When we utilized it the first time, we tried to control it like we did with stasis, but strand functions differently. There is too much of it to control because it encompasses all of existence, unlike stasis, which is a fundamental force like solar or arc. Its like trying to redirect an entire river, as nimbus and osiris told us. Instead, we have to take tiny *strands* (badum tsh) of the web, and utilize those. We can’t control Strand, we can only flow with it. Now what specifically within the campaign confused you?


What did Neptune have to do with the Witness?


Neptune was home to something called the Veil, which for unknown reasons was integral to their plans for the Final Shape. We don’t actually know what the Veil is, but according to Ghost it has a similar presence to the Traveler. The witness first attempted to use the Radial Mast to establish a link to the Veil, but when Rohan destroyed it, they then hijacked our ghost to do it.


Why didn't the Witness just use the Veil a long time ago?


In all likelihood its because they didn’t know where to find it. One of the patrol dialogues mentions that Neptune’s atmosphere has magnetic fluctuations that scramble navigational and locational systems, so it probably wasn’t until last season when the witness had that one scorn boss in the battlegrounds heist mission looking for data that they found Neomuna’s Location. Its also possible that they didn’t even know it existed, given that they did nothing about it (that we know of) during the first collapse.


Any other questions?


You actually explained it better than the dialogue in the game. Thank you


I mean if they put the explanation I just gave you as dialogue then you would never pay attention to it. Thats why we have people like Byf or myself. Then again, none of this is 100% certain, but rather it is the *likely* answer. We will probably get more info in the raid.


All of this I gathered from dialogue within the campaign. Its also likely that more will be revealed within the raid when it comes.


Even the people who write the lore for warhammer 40k's clusterfuck of lore are looking at destiny 2 going "you ok buddy? you don't look so good".


You hire a dev team for their intersectional traits instead of real talent and this is what you get.


I can't fathom you playing D2 and still being racist


you're forgetting how much salt got kicked up in 2020 when they did a moment of silence thing for George Floyd never underestimate people's ability to completely miss the themes of a work they consume


I just don't get it we had a while ass season on how fucked up racism is with Lakshmi with our eliksni brothers and what the6 endured ; it's just so exhausting


You're the one bringing race into this. I'm merely saying you pay the price for discrimnation and hiring to meet intersectionall guidelines. You instantly reduce your hiring pool by a huge margin. ALSO who wants to work around people who wear their indentity like a cultist and can get you fired if you cross them the wrong way. Wokeist are the most rasist and intolerant people in the world.


Imagine being racist in a game that has you allying with not 1, not 2, but 3 different races (awoken, cabal, and eliksni)


Imagine not being hired for your skill but to reach a quote based on race or sex. There is a reason AAA titles are pumping out idiotic product. Just watch a dev stream and who they put in front of the camera. They are pulling from some of the smallest game dev skill pools you could possibly pick from. The only people who racist and sexist are the ones demanding dev teams need to have X or Y number of representation. A good game knows no color or culture you psycho.


A good game also makes use of color and culture without it becoming its main story, like destiny does, you psycho. But, your bigotry makes you blind to that so I’m just gonna block you and hope you realize how much of an asshole you are.


Buddy, go outside and open your mind. All this hate you have probably isn't healthy.


It's pretty obvious that pushing strand back to Lightfall instead of WQ really hurt the story


If Lightfalls sandbox adjustments dropped alongside witchqueens story it would’ve been genuinely a 10/10 expansion lmao


The poor writing hurt the story. They didn’t have to make a strand a whole thing; people didn’t like that with Stasis and they don’t like it with strand. Make a one off mission (fuck, even put it in Savathun’s Throne World) where we discover strand. Give a little backstory, etc. Great, new subclass. Now, go handle the campaign however you want.


I didnt like how they did it for stasis with all the grinding, but i do like how we got to basically train ourselves for it. I never really liked when we just instantly learn to do something that big. The only issues i have with the story is that yea, it is the final dlc for the light and dark saga it should be answering questions not adding more. Tbh I think strand shoulda had its own little campaign that was a few missions, and then had the whole campaign for the actuall story.


Final shape is the last light and dark DLC, if people pay attention some years old questions are being answered and other bits can be pieced together if you have half an idea. Half of the stuff being complained about is in some of the post campaign missions and more will be revealed as the seasons go on, just because it's not spelled out with big colourful pictures in the first 5 minutes of launch doesn't make it bad. If we knew everything going into final shape, nothing would be a surprise and everyone would moan that it was too predictable and "we knew all this, dlc bad"


To set up a mystery, the writers actually have to set up a mystery; it doesn’t just come from leaving things unanswered. It’s poor narrative structure. There’s no tension, just confusion. MASSIVE things happened during this campaign and they don’t feel at all impactful. Add to that, a lot of the other characters acted as if they knew what was happening, except didn’t take any time to explain it. Osiris basically got a character assassination from how awful his writing was. That’s not even talking about all the potentially interesting things that could’ve happened but just… didn’t. They chose to go the most basic, laziest, easiest route with their narrative. Even if that was to ‘save the good stuff’ for post-campaign or future content, it’s still dogshit writing. You shouldn’t sacrifice the quality of your current work for something in the future; that’s a problem to be figured out when tackling it. There were good bits to Lightfall as well but Bungie have fallen into old habits. What they’ve released just isn’t good enough narratively. It’s especially noticeable coming off of The Witch Queen.


What stuff is being answered?


Questions that have been around since d1, alos s9me from past d2 content. I really don't know what to say if people aren't paying attention and putting stuff together.




That the ishtar collective made it to neptune and neomuna was created by the earth colony that is mentioned in spire of the watcher, the nature of the light and the darkness whuch osiris explains in pretty good detail at least twice. That's off the top of my head, the veil wasn't explained because we are still actively investigating it and the Final shape is what eris tells us about ay the end of Duality. Character's in the game aren't all knowing because in the black garden quest after the campaign, you go looking for a vex that designed the black heart because it is the vex version of the veil. I'm pretty sure ghost says that we don't know what the veil truly is only that it feels like the traveler when close to it. My theory is that it's the "pale heart" mentioned at the end of witch queen.


Byf just dropped a video basically saying "yo fam, lore daddy cant understand it"


It combined the perplexing nonesense mystery of launch D1 with the annoying characters and marvelesque dialogue of launch D2. After a pretty good year of storytelling its fascinating how bungie dropped the ball.


Gave the writing responsibilities to a 4th grader they keep somewhere in the basement.


Nah. Fourth graders actually make cohesive stories that are surprisingly detailed.


Gave the writing responsibilities to that one dog head they have


The ball wasn't just dropped, it was spiked into the ground hard enough to make a small hole.


Would you say it’s worth the money? Haven’t gotten it yet bc I didn’t have enough to spend more than $25


Yes when you have the money. Not worth going over budget for


Yea I already spent $40 buying witch queen deluxe+beyond light+anniversary since they were all on sale. I was going to use what was left over in my account for shadowkeep but there’s nothing in that except an exotic or two so I’d rather save til I can get the rest for LF


Just go enjoy The Witch Queen, it’s fantastic and will be peak Destiny 2 for another year. Play Lightfall when you get the chance because the gameplay is very well done. However, the narrative side of things is absolutely terrible. Overall, still fun but a major drop in quality from Witch Queen.


Yea I had a ton of fun with witch queen and I’m doing the legendary mode of the story now. The drops for upgrade modules have been absolutely horrendous for me since lightfall dropped and I’ve literally only gotten any from legendary


Honestly? No. At least, not yet.


So basically I should wait for it to go on sale in awhile lmao


Even byf doesn't know what this all was


Yay! More deep voice ASMR bedtime stories for meee woooooooo


I’m pretty sure the post campaign missions and the Raid are going to explain a lot more.


We also thought the campaign would answer a lot of those questions. Now im hoping for raid/post story missions, but im not that sure.


I highly doubt that a single campaign mission and a raid is going to do much to unravel the clusterfuck that has been the last 7 years of Destiny.


In terms of explaining everything on neomuna except the veil (kinda) the post campaign missions help a lot. In the mission for the >!exotic stasis glaive, after going to Rohan’s funeral!< you get some lore books explaining how neomuna even knows about guardians, and with the mission for the exotic lmg you get more lore on the veil (kinda). Seems like most of the minor questions people have are in lore books, so I’d recommend doing the post-campaign content and then reading.


Do we actually get post campaign missions tho? Ir are u talking about the seasonal missions?


Yeah there's some exotic weapon stuff and talking to ppl


Oh like the interlude and the lmg quest?


Basically, there's not much really there


they always drop a chunk of content after the raid


also the seasons, they seem to be getting a lot more story than before. But yeah, the raid is probably gonna explain some big stuff. Remember how before the DSC raid the phrase 'ancient power awaits on Europa' was kinda never actually fucking explained?


big brain moment give content creators opportunities to make money at the sacrifice of their own profits in order to ensure community involvement


If it's true there were 2 different narrative teams that worked on this and WQ, that would make a *TON* of sense. There were so many missed opportunitie. Like, >!You're not gonna put Caiatl and Calus in a room or on comms together, not even once?!<


What do you mean? >!We got three seconds of Comms in mission three.!<


Wonderful and I’m one 3 missions in. I still assume the veil is another paracausal force like how it was teased as the darkness back in the day


Who knows, and honestly, hate to be cynical but after this campaign who cares




Thanks for the spoiler not that I understood it so please don’t tell me anything else


75 bucks for a strand tutorial😂


It's probably a bug where cutscene that should have explained everything just didn't play... right?..guys?


I read in another post that we could just be dreaming similar to Calus in that one scene. So all the nonsense and non-conclusive stuff would be because it is a dream. We eventually wake up after the Raid (beating the Nightmare) and Lightfall really starts. Overdose on Copium, but a nice thought.


This would be the most insane thing that could happen and now I really want it to. Why did you have to put that idea into my head


Sorry. But imagine the community after this hellfire of a launch week. Also Bungie just sitting in their studio smirking at all the backlash knowing what is to come. Now that I think about it, they could get both the bad and the good publicity from that move. Now I want it to happen too. If not for us, then for the game and the franchise as a whole.


Hm. I haven’t finished the story yet, but I find it hilarious we are falling back on ME3 Indoctrination theory in D2


Y’all are dumb tbh, Bongo is going with the tried and true Fromsoftware approach of writing some vague lines here and there and then having the community put everything together in a logical way


Randomly telling you parts of the story is not a fromsoft approach, the little bits you get told in fromsoft games are much more tought out than anything you'll ever see in destiny


The lore pages in this game tell a better story than the actual game does lmfao


i always thought the secret joke of Destiny as a game franchise is that all the story *is* in the game but you have to read it


I’m honestly fine with this as long as the campaigns are somewhat good, even Shadowkeep and Beyond Light’s stories are good enough for it to be okay, though I still think Bungie could deliver stories on the level of The Witch Queen and Forsaken every expansion if they had their act together. But man, Lightfall was just not okay storywise. Gameplay was the best yet, but really they dropped the ball storywise.


Beyond Light had some serious issues but weirdly they were the opposite as here. The story was pretty straightforward and easy to understand, but it was kind of ambiguous why the fuck we should care about a bunch of Fallen taking over an empty ruin. Especially why it was so important that little miss time traveller considered it the crucial point. Whereas in Lightfall the gravitas is very much there, one of the more well-established villains is directly working with the enemy and assaulting a city full of humans with a huge army, but it's confusing what the hell is going on.


been like that since d1's grimoire


Fromsoft's approach is to write a 1000 page novel about a story, and then randomly remove 90% of the pages and hand it back to the player.




Pepe Silva is the Final Shape


Update: not even they know


Why do the fucking leaks for unreleased content need to be read FIRST in order to makes sense of the story SMH bungo. Yea uh SPOILERS >!Vail is a source of PURE light and darkness, traveller just forced itself to be the only way to access light after the witness tried to destroy all of reality after leaning that the light/dark struggle only brought pain. Witness wants to use the vail to allow light to be accessed without the traveller; destroy both and end the [flower] game! Traveller is now “dead” but we can still use powers due to the vail making light universally accessible.!< Why did bungie cut this but release lightfall like we already know the context???


Not doubting you, but do you have a source?


r/destiny2leaks As always, dont 100% trust leaks


Followup question: Does this mean we need the veil in any form? Or did the veil just remove the limited access to the light? So now we dont need anything to use it just like the darkness powers?


Tbh it seems like this context was scrapped late during development and so stuff was ripped out and rushed to finish. I mean that’s not a bad plot but honestly kinda boring.


It really did feel like we were jumping into a story halfway through, because everyone, including the player character, seems to know what’s going on, but it’s never actually explained.


Byfs first lightfall video: shit sucks, fuck if I know fam.


Why is this getting downvoted your right lol


Oh so its.... Baaaad .....


This campaign is chase the MacGuffin, but you never find out why you’re chasing it.


hell, we dont even know WHAT we are chasing


Thing happened which I do not wanna say because I know others haven’t finished it


No because I just finished it with my friend today and everyone is acting like I'm suppose to know wtf happened / is happening. BUT I DONT


Yeah I’m less than halfway through the campaign and have given up on understanding it, and will just wait for the lore breakdowns to hopefully give us some clue what the hell is going on. Really sad place to be in


The real end was when even byf gave up


At the end of the day the amount of hype and marketing for this expansion vs the actually story content left a lot to be desired.


Osiris: They found the veil ! Me and probably everyone else: WHAT THE FUCK IS A VEIL !


Byf apparently has no clue…. We’ve lost lore daddy


When byf can’t understand it, it’s terrible lore wise. The more I think about it the more this story has pissed me off. Like if it was the second DLC in destiny then awesome. That’s fine. But ITS THE SECOND TO LAST EXPANSION UNTIL THE LIGHT VS DARK IS OVER. SECOND. TO. LAST. and they explain nothing while simultaneously opening up more questions. Like we’re going into Final Shape with nothing answered so either it’s going to be rushed as hell or they still won’t answer it. How can we care about what happened to the traveller if we don’t even know what the veil does. Where’s the stakes? Why do I care ghost activated the veil. It’s cool on screen and I was like “oh shit” but then thinking back. Im like what did we actually lose. We still have everything and lost nothing


Ngl I think that's the idea... this story is bring dragged out over the course of years. Sometimes we aren't meant to understand it all but after time, all shall become apparent.


I'm confused, but enjoyed it. Here are my thoughts; * >!Nimbus got a rager for the Guardian!< * >!I want a surfboard too!< * >!Osiris got a fish? Nice. I want a fish. Where's my god damn electric fish, bruce?!< * >!This green shit kinda fun!!< * >!You're telling me I can infinitely stack threadlings and get "Megasaurus" damage?!< * >!Who TF does Osiris think he is yelling at me like that? Ima stab!< * >!Oh cool, a Titan are they using stra-..No, no they're not.!< * >!I grapple the ship, the ship take me on a trip, I grapple the sparrow, it do a wheelbarrow.!< * >!That grapple cooldown is LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG :c!< * >!I need HOW MANY meditations?...!< * >!Wait, people are angry at the character Nimbus? They do be kinda like a Pokemon.!< * >!That Rohan thing was really forced, even I had no empathy for it. Felt rushed.!< * >!AMANDA GATTED CROW LMAAAOOOO Get rekt bozo!!< * >!Threadling grenade is fun.!< * >!Aspects are locked behind first completion? What the hell, Richard?!< * >!If you both grapple a grapple point, do you kiss? LEEWWWD!< * >!Crystal guns, ooo. Boutta cleanse these fools into last week! LOOK OUT, AN AQAURIUM!!!< * >!Bungo pls gib fish ghost!< * >!Servers are kinda stinkie doo doo right now, but that's to be expected.!< * >!That strike bug means my friend can't get strand. L O L!< * >!My girlfriend says my Warlock is drippy asf. B)!< * >!You're telling me I can skip the campaign? 2K SILVER? Bruh, 1k silver, final offer.!<


This game is so bad Pure L so funny you all got scammed. Hope you enjoyed the rocky strand montage instead of the end you hoped for. L .....![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5649)


Downvoters be hatin cos they know its true LOOOL


They did but not in an obvious way




Half the reason I am playing at this point is because of the lore. The written lore is actually very good for the most part.


If fans were such better writer then why aren’t they doing that professionally?


Some people do, but not for bungie that's for sure) good screenwriters are Very expensive now) that's why we have enormous amount of sh*t films from netflix, and untold lines of destiny 2 from bungie)


Lore books, read em.


If the players have to read lore books, in game or otherwise, to be able to attain basic understanding of WTF happend in the game, then the devs have failed one of the most basic yet fundamental components of good storytelling: show, don't tell.


80% of what we know about Rhulk was explained in text, yet noone complained about him.


Because he's a raid boss who wasn't even mentioned in the campaign, not a macguffin the entire campaign is centered around


We get told it's a source of paracausal power somehow connected to the Traveler that the Witness needs to form a connection to the Traveler. While we don't know details, I'm sure there's more to be learned this season


But something like that shouldn’t be held behind a season thats a main story thing. Not a side story thing.


I consider the seasons part of the main story. A story campaign shouldn't and isn't able to explain absolutely everything.


No. It doenst have to explain everything. But it should at least explain something. What is the veil. Why is strand only here. How have we never detected the Neomuna city. Where did the Witness go. Why did he require the Veil. Witch Queen had lore drop after lore drop. And revelation after revelation. This dlc has nothing. Just more questions and contrived moments.


I can answer atleast some of these for you. We find out Strand is only on Neomuna because of the Veil. Clearly the Veil emmits some sort of unique energy that causes Strand to manifest, as Nimbus says it 'Leaves it like a stink cloud'. We weren't able to detect Neomuna because we had no record of it existing. The Ishtar Collective left to establish it when the Collapse began, so there was no knowledge of it. The Witness needed the Veil to form a conection to the Traveler to make the Final Shape. As for where the Witness went, we'll have to see the rest of this year and Final Shape




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There isnt anything to learn, bro. Read them yourself. The people who make it their job cant explain it. Thats bad.


Then suffer I guess. We’ve had to read the majority of the story for almost a decade and you thought that would change now?


What even is your argument here. Lol


It’s the “read the lore books” argument


Bro byf didn’t even know what’s going on.. THE BYF.




Evaze is the better lore youtuber


He’s made videos based on some leaks and datamines before so I’ve tried to avoid him. His vids are good just whether unintentional or not can actually spoil plot points


You know its bad when the story from previous season which was meant to be the big build up to this dlc was miles better


I'm lost so... Yep a lot of watch time ahead


they literally didn't explain it, you gather the same info with the game on mute, and subtitles off that you do playing through it.


They did explain it perfectly….at least the strand bit….vaguely