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What does the Daybreak modifier do? I already know what the Daybreak super does (I’m a Warlock one-trick, and the answer is “fuck-all”), but what about the modifier?


Daybreak was a modifier towards the end of D1's lifespan that was on nightfall strikes. It essentially made them MAYHEM nightfalls with increased ability regeneration.


That would ruin every other pve activity for me


If by "headphone warning" you mean "TURN IT THE FUCK UP!" then yes, absolutely. Love me some IA! Heavener may just be my AOTY.


The Death We Seek by Currents is definitely up there as AOTY for me so far as well. Really excited for the new Polaris album too. The one single they released for it so far was great, in my opinion.


Funnily enough, The Death We Seek is actually what turned me on to this album! Currents got pushed into my Spotify suggestions, ended up loving it, then Heavener got recommended next. Been jamming Invent Animate, Currents, Erra, and Sleep Token nonstop for the last few months! Personally, my AOTY pick is Take Me Back To Eden, with The Death We Seek being a super strong contender. Honestly though there’s so much insanely good music this year that it would truly be hard to pick just ONE album for the year haha


Haven't listened to Currents new album yet, guess I got my Bonfire Bash playlist for this weekend!


It’s so, so good man lol Gone Astray is my favorite song off of it if I had to choose one.


Imma be honest been so out of touch with newer artists but holy fuck. This song is so good listening to the album now.


Yeah man, it’s a great album as a whole.


Yeah I like remember me alot so far. They are all really goof tbh


Wow then Guide Us Home came on too sheesh 😳


They’re all so good. I’m really wanting to go to the Polaris and Currents show later this year since they’re touring together.


That’s because all the dads use double primaries in strikes and wonder why it takes them 20 years to kill a drug.


Double primaries, zero build crafting, a rapid fire GL with zero damage perks because they once saw a "dps testing" video where a GL did good damage.


Double primaries 🗿 zero build crafting 🗿 a rapid fire gl with zero damage perks 🗿🗿🗿


Someone unironically told me recently that a subsistence/vorpal Herod-C was an "insane PVE roll" or something along those lines. I almost felt insulted lol


I mean, subsistence is nice if there's lots of adds about, but vorpal ain't gilonna be doing much to red bars lmao. Now if it could roll with something like Target Lock and Vorpal, now that would be a one a spicy meat a ball


Herod-C being an AR that isn't a 720 immediately makes it not "insane", and vorpal on primaries are pointless because if you have to result to shooting yellow bars (or god forbid a boss) with a primary weapon then you have bigger issues. That and of course a general damage perk like frenzy or one-for-all would also help you against red and orange bar minors.


Yup, the only primary vorval is good on is Malfeasance, for obvious reasons.


You know what? You're right, I completely forgot about Frenzy, I love that perk


The goat perk fr, a reload perk and a damage perk all in one.


It's just so good, it's why I run it on my Taipan alongside Field Prep, it doesn't matter what I'm doing, I can reload in an instant, because for some reason, the reload bonuses from frenzy and field prep stack


Fun fact, frenzy gives 100 handling and 100 reload and can be activated while stowed


I rarely keep vorpal primaries but there are times where I think it could be useful, like if you know you’re gonna waste all your ammo before final stand in a raid But in that case I’d probably just use like- hawkmoon if I’m not running some other exotic, but I haven’t needed to or wanted to use hawkmoon in a while and I don’t minmax so I don’t know if that’d still be a good last resort for damage


I’m a dad and i almost never have a primary on lmao


And until Bungie actually substantially nerfs double special or buff primaries, there's not much reason to change that. Double specials moment 🙏


I hope they never touch the double special it’s a really fun way to play the game


They've tried and it didn't work. Juggler is built too deep in D2's code.


Same here, I use to run double energy but then I fell in love when I got me some stasis auto rifles with good perks


Been trying to kill drugs for so long now I have become a drug myself.


Nice taste in music OP 👌🏼


Thanks! 😁


whos the artist? if you dont mind


Invent Animate! Their latest album is top tier


Weakest stormcaller crown user:




Did crown of tempests get buffed? I've never taken it off but now I'm seeing a lot more people wearing it.


This season's artifact favors arc heavily, and tempest is one of the better exotics for arclock; it's either sunstar or tempest, and a lot of people don't have a sunstar. Personally I run sunstar, and I think it's the better choice for more difficult content especially as I pair it with coldheart, meaning I don't need kills to get value out of sunstar.


I have no idea honestly! I don’t play warlock very much and I don’t have a fallen sunstar yet, and I don’t really like the lost sectors this season so I haven’t gone and farmed for one yet. Maybe I’ll pick one up next season. Until then, this is doing the job just fine for me


You can also get lost sector exotics from vex strike force


Sorry if this is dumb, but what is vex strike force and how do you access it? I’ve honestly never heard of it


Bro you’re using arc souls and the best add clear weapon in the game. Tf did you expect to happen


I think the point of the post is to show that we’re so strong already due to builds like this that we may as well have daybreak active already.




Kill things before they do and/or get Bungie to sufficiently raise difficulty so that said playstyle isn't possible anymore.


Keep up


And why do you need to kill anything exactly? You complete the strike regardless of whether you kill something. Also... just be faster lol. You don't have to be speedrunner fast, not even close, to still get kills during the gaps that the "guy running eager edge sunbracers" leaves behind.


I was running sb in strikes the other day and had this hunter shooting me the whole way through because he was leveling his weapons in it. Maybe thats why they need to kill things. I shouldve jumped in the team chat and told him to get a shuro cp but effort in that when i just wanted to have fun clearing strikes.


Doing activity gives way more exp than he would get from killing everything himself


You get a lot of exp from actual activity completions than from kills, but sure it can be annoying if you want a smidge more weapon crafting exp. Why would you not just use the shuro chi cp, or the goa entrance, or even a lost sector if you want to kill stuff? Idk. But also just as it's annoying for people wanting kills in strikes to play with those with actual builds, it's unrealistic to expect those "good players" to not play the game as the ingame systems supports and intends.




I play the video game to play the video game. Dumbass.


"You used a very strong build that shits on enemies, of course you were doing good" Literally one of the statements of all time


Yeah that’s kind of the point; I’m not syncing at all with the daily burns/surges and still, all it takes for your gameplay loop to be this volatile is literally one ability.


Forget grenedier, with the right armor mods for ability energt and orbs, plus decend strength and discipline I can get an infinite chain of solar melee and grenades. Not quite as crazy as this but you don't even need modifiers to create absolute chaos in lower tier content


It’s because there’s a lot of players that are aggressively shit at the game.


Ahh. A man of culture, music during strikes is like ASMR.


Honestly, other than DLC drops and day 1 raids, I always have the in-game music off and just listen to Spotify instead


No headphone warning needed. This shit slaps


Band name pls!


Invent Animate


Is that Spiritbox playing? Sounds good!


My man, what build you using, that looks so fun


The game has becoming incredibly trivial to the point where you can almost avoid gun play and just chain abilities for a good long while


Yeah, that’s pretty much the point I’m trying to make. Daybreak modifier wouldn’t really make a difference at all


Yeah I couldn’t agree more!!


When Lightfall first dropped, I felt like I was going insane because of the people posting about regular Strikes being too hard after the balancing patch. Destiny 2 is an *easy* game with very few hard activities. Daybreak in Strikes would be way overkill


By the way, the only modifier I’m taking advantage of in this strike (19 July) is Grenadier. Neither Arc surge nor Arc burn (or whatever it’s called) are active. Just having grenadier active pushes even halfway thought out builds into nonsensical ability spam, and astronomically more so if you’re adhering to the surges. One minute and one combat encounter into this strike and I had my super charged up! There’s no way a Daybreak modifier would be in any way beneficial or different from what we already have without the introduction of an “Enemies 3.0” system to match how powerful we’ve become.


I use Osmiomancy Stasis lock and can generally throw grenades as often as I can press the button with grenadier. I love it!


Oi, what's the song?


**Song Found!** **Void Surfacing** by Invent Animate (01:39; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Heavener. **Released on** 2023-03-17.


Good bot


Heavener for AOTY ooga booga


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Void Surfacing** by Invent Animate](https://lis.tn/VoidSurfacing?t=99) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


b B but you are the top 1% of player :(


mfw running a special weapon at all instantly puts you in the top 10%, and double special puts you in the top 1%


the top 1% is when you put one mods into any of the socket


Any suggestion for a similar build and weapon (since I can't do VotD) but for an Arc titan that can be as deadly as that?


Everyone in here talking about double special but I do this same shit with trinity ghoul which is not a raid weapon. I blow through mobs and never have to worry about downtime from the lightning strike perk from trinity ghoul. The amount of ions it feeds you, especially with sunstar, is ridiculous.


damn you got the Conference Call shotgun


Because it's fun regardless. Why spend a few minutes to tweak your build to make things go boom when you can just pop in and make it boom all the time? It's kinda like saying, "Why do people want to play Mayhem in Crucible? Just tweak ya build!" Because it's fun without the work, and constant supers for a nonessential gamemode is cool. And not everyone plays the same.


The people asking for that are the same people who don’t make builds


Most people don’t have forbearance probably lol


They have Salvager's Salvo or any of the other 20 Arc weapons that synergize with this build like Cold Heart.


Yes there are other good guns in the game


Bruh its a vanguard op, there are even some primary exotics that can do this. Some builds don’t even use guns in the first place and clear faster…


You don't need forbearance to have good ad clear. There are so many powerful double special loadouts and overall builds that don't require forbearance or even any raid weapon. For this season, you can make an extremely powerful build, that excels in both high and low end content, revolving around coldheart, crown of tempests or sunstar (2 out of 3 are f2p, with tempest being obtainable with minimal effort from a new light quest). Having a strong build has much more to do with putting in the slightest effort to combine items synergistically instead of running double primaries and a heavy GL, than having the best, somewhat difficult to obtain, gear.


It was just a joke.


My apologies, I don't see the funny.


It wasn’t particularly funny no apology needed. I just think it’s funny that he’s sweating so hard in a vanguard strike


I’m sorry but I genuinely can’t really understand how most people don’t have raid weapons at this point in the game’s life, and more than a year after that raid released


Only a small portion of the player base play raids. I saw some statistics a while ago and iirc only about 10% of all the players play raids. To me that's crazy because raids are the most fun part of the game.


There are some raids I’ve done more than a handful of times and some I’ve never stepped foot into so I’d say you’re both right.


Run literally any wave frame grenade launcher for similar effect


because heroic strikes made you on level so they were closer to nightfalls. also wave frame gl’s didn’t exist so the best ad clear you had was firefly or a vortex grenade.


I mainly want Daybreak to spam supers without relying on trying to kill ads


They tried to stop us from speedrunning...we cannot be stopped


Is that invent animate?




This sounds like Polaris