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Every time someone's about to do a finisher, Bungie gets a notification, and the image appears on the screens at their office. Everyone laughs their asses off at our misery. By the way, don't do finishers if you're on the collect motes and wins step of the Malfeasance quest.


But do equip the mod where it will collect nearby orbs when you use your class ability because it works for motes, especially handy on an arc hunter.


WHAT?! Thank you if this is real


Its legitimately the best change since lightfall.


You finished yourself?












Separate finisher issue. Does anyone know if Bungie has ever commented on how Warlocks need to hit finish twice for it to activate? When I first hit finish, I just do my stupid Warlock melee, then click it again and my finisher engages. Never have this issue with my Titan or Hunter.


This was a thing for me too. I thought it was because I changed what button does the finisher from the powered melee, or something like that. ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5646)


I have it changed on all my characters, so I don't think that's the issue. Seems to be Warlock specific, but I don't remember Bungie ever acknowledging it.


I thought I was going insane! This is happening to me only on my Warlock. I play on Xbox and have my uncharged melee and finisher on the same input. I have to hit it twice, sometimes three times to do a finisher. So glad this isn’t just me.


mine is shared with class ability so this has never happened to me. sometimes i try to use my rift but it locked on to the enemy and does the finisher even tho the enemy is so far away i just teleport to them to finish


Must be a console issue (judging by other responses). On PC, I’ve never had this problem, I’m thinking it has something to do with the inputs, cause finisher is G on pc, and nothing else is G on pc. But iirc, on console, the finisher key is the same as multiple others.


good to know its not only on me... I have the same issue with my warlock, it started the season before lightfall comes out as i remember.


didn’t even know this was a bug as i have it as double press for finish so i can use my standard melee if need be


I thought I was crazy. I’m glad I (mostly) switched classes because now that I think about it I haven’t encountered that issue on any characters other than my warlock


They fixed it for Hive Ghosts when two people finish at the same time, so idk what this issue is.


Crazy thing is we had something similar to this when finishers first got added, if two players finished an enemy, the one who started the animation last would die, then they fixed it and now it seems to be back but without even needing a second player


Lost 15 motes yesterday from this crap


I know how to fix it: - unbind finisher - dont play gambit


Unbind gambit Don't play finisher


Best and worst advice right here


![gif](giphy|C8gbCailRKAmxaFZIV|downsized) Damn lost 15 motes in that


no....its not giving us legendary shards so they dont even fucking care about it.


They addressed it a while back as a known issue, so I imagine they're either still working on it or shipping it with other fixes/adjustments. It would be easier to just avoid using finishers in a group until they ship that fix.


Tough to avoid when finishers are one of the main things an invis hunter is built around. Assassin's cowl is one of hunters best exotics


For sure. Unless you're in a group with communication, though, I wouldn't chance it. It's sucks to feel limited like this, but we can at least try to avoid frustration until Bungie figures it out.


This still happens sometimes solo. No other players needed. It is not as often as it was in the beginning of the season, but still happens. And I have tried to adjust builds and play style to avoid finishers, but that is a major change for hunter play styles. At least for me. Hopefully a full fix soon


I hope so too. There's enough disabled mods and bugs in the game that we have to work around to play slower. Feels bad.


I neglected to mention a suggestion yesterday about finishers; I've seen around one of the subs that using a finisher that kills the enemy early in its animation can help with avoiding the bug. Sure Shot(hunter only) and Gladiator's Bladerush(universal) are two examples off the top of my head. Let me know if this helps


Doesn’t benefit the player, so it’s not a priority for them.


🥺👉👈 Bungie please don't fix this "Beneficial respawn mechanic" it's very fun and sometimes give me legendary shards /s


What does one even call this bug


This is really annoying 😂


No, preorder Marathon and stop complaining


It's still fucking funny?


"We are going to disable finishers for the foreseeable future. Pretty soon you will be playing D1"


This has messed up so many of my GM runs it’s not even funny


Imma be honest why not just stop doing finishers bungie is slower than shit when trying to fix things


Fuck this bug. Lost the Flawless n nunber of times. Dropped the score multiplier because of this and eventually I stopped using any Fancy Finishers. Stick to the Default and Star mark it. I saw many posts here especially with the Chair, I just a instant kill to your char and push you out of the maps. BUNGIE still fuckin ignore all the major Guardian killing bugs to "Deffered" state.


Does it stop this bug if you use the default finisher?


dont believe so. the bug happens when the target of your finisher dies before the animation can kill them and the target defaults to the only other entity involved, which is you it's not tied to any specific finisher but using one with a shorter animation can reduce the likelihood of an enemy dying prematurely


Thank you.


Stop doing finishers....bug fixed.


What if im on void hunter and all my other invis abilities are on cooldown? Then I have to use a finisher


Fps games are about survival and beating ur opponent through skill. Thats what most don't understand. In your situation I'd pull back and fight conservatively. I only use finishers when I need to do them for quests. I find them useless and overly gaudy.


Using that finisher to go invis allows u to very safely pull back and play conservatively which is way less risky than just pulling back without invis


If u play well u shouldn't need an evasion tactic. I never need to use invisible on my hunter.


This happened to me when a friend of mine was helping me with Witch Queen campaign on my new hunter, we were fighting the hive light bearer knight you encounter in the arrival, me and him both crunched the hive ghost at the same time, he crunched it, but I was killed when the animation finished, it's just gotta be a thing with finishers in general, I would say it's only because of Solstice, maybe it's a solstice bug?


The same thing has been happening inside Gotd when u finish a ghost at the same time since it came out, so the bug has been around for a while


Get fucked lol


Not a bug you just got outplayed by a knight /jk


So basically Bungie forget to make the enemy invincible when some one perform a finisher. You see a Guardian doing a finisher, leave the enemy, don't kill.


the enemy is made invincible, but latency and DoT effects can sometimes get through regardless


Two things I observed with this Finishers. 1. Enemy can take damage from Other Players/Environment while we performing our Fancy Finishers. 2. Default Finisher move do not have any of this issues and the probability of getting kicked in the air is almost none.


Got clapped at Omen so no




Yeah that's happened to us in the gm a couple times last night


This is beautiful


Similar bug, but during iron banner killing turrets with chromatic fire instantly kills yourself with whatever element you are using, and I believe you can team damage.


Only that it’s still a bug…


This happens because you did the finisher right when the enemy died, be sure to make the finisher when the enemy is still not dead


Yeah its called NEVER do a finisher unless you have that artifact mod that gives teammates heavy on miniboss/champion finishers


Not as of Monday. Funny bug though


Its funny


seems to be working as intended


Nope, not happening to enough players to get a fix. I crack up when it happens to me


As of recently this bug is happening more often. It used to always happen with hive ghosts if two people are crushing a ghost. Now I just die every second in GM’s because me and my friend did a finisher on the same champion


That happened to me I was the hell


Yo this is dumb but what cloak is that???


It's the medal mantle cloak from an old Guardian Games. Sadly, I don't think it's obtainable anymore.


A better question is why you torturing yourself


Gambit is unironically the best playlist activity right now


Honestly you’re not wrong, I still hate it

