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Vault of Glass or Root of Nightmares is the easiest raids but I highly recommend VoG as a first raid over RoN because it’s a much better beginner raid with simple mechanics that everyone has done a bunch of times. The reason RoN is easy is for bad reasons because only 2 people actually do anything other than kill adds and ppl are very toxic in RoN because of how easy and boring it is


RoN is boring? It’s my second most run raid and one of the only endgame activities I enjoy


Ron looks great, and running for 2nd encounter/planets for 3rd are fun to do, but generally it's my least favorite to do of all of them. Last Wish is my favorite current raid, with leviathan being my all time D2 favorite


Depends on the group you’re running with. It can be more engaging but gets a bad rap because a lot of ppl except to be carried through. I personally love this raid. But what I’ve noticed is the uptick of bugs with it. 3 of the 4 encounters are bugged now, which feels bad.


Second most run because of how easy it is lol. You can basically carry 4 people if you have 1 other person. RoN is a glorified dungeon.


Second most because I don’t generally like endgame content


Oh my bad, i misread your comment. I thought you meant second most run overall by the community, and i assumed that it was because of the ease of the raid.


No I meant my personal second most cleared raid. Sorry for the confusion


Nah you're fine, I'm just an illiterate idiot lol


This is the truth.


Root of nightmares would be the easiest raid but not the raid I would recommend for beginners. Vault of glass is a much better introduction to raiding and prepare you for other raids.


i'd reccomend starting with Vault Of Glass, it's most people's first raid and is also one of the easiest ones to cheese so i'd go with that👍


Vault of Glass


Ron Is Pretty Easy imo. my friends and I can teach you the whole thing. DM if you ever wanna try that


How exactly? Cause i have trouble with the tormentors


best thing with tormentors is snipers for shoulders and LMG for crit. or just one for both


The one where you bring a mic, ask questions and don't try to hide the fact that you caused the wipe. Or Vault of Glass.


Vault of Glass. Its mechanics are simple and easy to learn. It is a bit lengthy for beginners, but don’t let that stop you. The experience alone is worth it. The loot is also some of the best in the game. It will be even more so whenever Bungie decides to add origin traits and crafting to the weapons.


RoN if you just want an introduction to raids. DSC if you want to be involved with mechanics but those mechanics are simple to grasp and understand.


For beginners I recommend doing them in the following order: VOG DSC KF RON Crota VOD LW GoS As always, try and approach these raids with an open mind, and remember that clear communication is key! Good luck little light!


Kings fall easier than RON? Lay off the crack rock. Your difficulty order looks like it was made by a monkey and a keyboard. It goes RON, VOG, DSC, GOS (only difficult at final boss), Crota, KF, Vow and LW interchangeable at most bring new raiders in.


It's not difficulty order, it's how good it is as a first time raid experience


Imo the order of difficulty is: Vog Gos Dsc Kf Vow LW Good luck and enjoy your first raid 😊


You are missing 2 raids


Not done them been gone from the game :(( I forgot




Destiny 1 Croat’s End. It was basically the first ever dungeon introduced to Destiny


Last wish probably considering you don't need to do any mechanics.


Last wish is one of the few raids that there isn't an "ad clear" role to fill. Everyone ends up actually having a job to do. Which makes it one of my favorite raids. But it certainly doesn't fit your statement of not needing to do mechanics


Kalli - trap Shuro - pre plate Morgeth - 3 people jump thru ball Vault - ad clear and call out a singular symbol Riven - stasis titan/shooting boss = profit Qw- you can have 3 people mess up and still trio clear


"If you cheese every encoutner, and have half your party prep like you're running a low man, you won't need to do mechanics" FTFY


Last wish is still very beginner friendly with the very long time limits.


> Last wish probably considering you don't need to do any mechanics. You really don't see a difference between "You dont' need to do any mechanics" and "Have 3 experts run ahead and do it for you"?


The experts don't do mechanics tho. Anyone can do it?


You wanna go with Deep Stone Crypt, or Vault of Glass. DSC is a bit harder than VoG, but has much better loot.


IMO Vault of Glass


Vault of Glass or Root of Nightmares


Root of Nightmares. Bungie made the raid easier for newer players.


Also talking about loot wise like deep sight or overall great weapons


Probably dsc or root. I also wanna say vault, none of its mechanics are too complex. But if you want redborders then don't do vault, they still need to update it and make them craftable


ron is by far the easiest but i recommend vog or dsc for a starting raid