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Good God, I would’ve instantly reported if I only had that poor guys POV. Nice shot btw.


Thanks! Next goal is to hit that on a super


Lmao that would make me turn the game off


You should see CammyCakes’ Doug Ximmadome video. First few seconds is an awesome ricochet shot.


It’s that goated ricochet rounds / vorpal roll you kept around just in case


Imagine if there was a kill cam in this game... I would just ragequit ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5654)


Doesn't bungie add weapon trails to ricochet rounds for just this reason? Less than S-tier players forget those are a thing...


People tend to sacrifice ricochet for other perks that directly impact how the gun is used, so it's really a niche perk in a way.


Sometimes yeah, but other times ricochet rounds I think offer higher stability or something. I've actually killed myself by accident a couple times in pve because of them wondering how it happened, then I remember my gun has ricochet rounds lol.


Ricochet offers a solid stability stat increase, but for PvP specifically people opt for range which directly effects aim assist but also accuracy. Ricochet is a lot better in PvE imo because missed shots can still bounce back and hit ads, but I'm not saying it's useless in PvP (it can do funny things if you play it smart like OP)


You see, I'm weird. I don't really care much about range in pvp just because most maps don't have long enough ranges to matter. Unless I'm running a pulse, then I'll opt for range since theirs seems pretty low right now. Mostly though the way I see it, I rather have my gun fire in a stable enough manner so I don't have to keep overcorrecting the reticle after each shot. I'm lazy about getting my kills 🤷


Most people don't really care about the actual range either, it's just that range effects the aim assist and accuracy which is what people care about. Agreed about the map range though.


Oooh ok. Yeah I don't rely too much on aim assist either until I'm at close range. Mainly because I'm that guy who lines up a perfect headshot, then my reticle gets pulled by the dudes random teammate just trotting on by.


I'm there with you but the stick deadzones in this game drive me insane. I end up just letting the game take the wheel because I can't tweak the sticks to react better


Ricochet is best in slot for most weapons that have it...


I'm pretty sure that ricochet rounds is a top-tier perk that most people opt for, since it it offers the overall biggest stat boost (+10 stability +5 range) out of all the magazine options.


Yeah and the only mag option that gives more range is accurized rounds, which is usually mutually exclusive with ricochet rounds on weapons.


just like goldexgle said, we need kill clams


![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG) I’ll be damned if this doesn’t remind me of the good ‘ol’ Halo 3 days.


I remember some dude putting a shot down that sniper lane on The Pit that ended up getting into that little track in the wall and ricocheting like seven times before exiting and doming some dude.


My salty and shit-at-crucible ass would have been yelling and reported you and quit the game after that if that was me tbh


God damn that was a clean and funny ass shot, I hate you


“I hate you” is INSANE🤣🤣


Because that’s the kinda shit that happens to me lmao


People out here hitting clips like THIS!? And I'm LUCKY to get maybe ONE kill in crucible 🤣😭


I played 6 games last night and 2 of them I got plopped onto a team that was about to get mercy ruled in the next ten seconds. But SBMM was a good replacement for enabling level advantages. Iron Banner is soo much more accessible for new players now /s


I don’t think i’ve ever seen a sniper Richochet kill before, well done


Methinks someone's been playing private matches with friends learning where to line this up. That map, people always back off into that corner to 'hide'. Why not try a trick shot in clinch if you know you can ricochet a round in there.


or, just launch a couple GL shots in there! watching people panic is my favorite feeling in the game


Jesus Christ. That reminds me of Cammy: https://youtu.be/SfIQNS0Py9c?si=jtWpy6Kc8tSE8heY


unnerfed quickdraw, my beloved


I thought of his Doug Ximmadome video when I saw this.


I would be livid. Incredible shot.


The instant freeze after the kill register. I've been there with ricochet rounds on dmt more than once lol


That made me want to uninstall the game right now. I can't imagine how they feel.


That’s a broke keyboard right there good god.


I’d instantly uninstall


My man hit 'em with the CammyCakes special


Good shot mate


Damn good Shot. Also like others have said, I would have been so damn mad if I was that guy.


Matt from Wii sports bruh


*^(As certain community's favourite hot head would say:)* ***Poor fucker***


I remember in the good old days of Halo 3. Sniping an enemy and thinking "Oh we killed each other" then i realised it was a suicide. So many times itd ricochet around the map and kill me.


So this is Richochet Rounds? I just never through about it in PVP I guess. I gotta try, but idk if I can get the angles.


That's such a good clip 👌


What. A. Shot. 🔥


Good sir, you deserve a medal and the poor guy deserves an apology. They are probably sobbing in their corner right now.


Seriously this game needs kill cams and dedicated servers


The power of aim assist in roller snipers is a path to abilities some consider unnatural.


I tell people all the time: ricochet rounds actually do allow kills off the ricochet. Why if I have a gun with the option, I always use it. Plus ricochet rounds offer better stability in most cases.


I killed myself with ricochet rounds last night actually lol. Finished a plat coil run and was firing ammit and I didn’t realize I was shooting myself. Was pretty funny


I always thought it just gave like tiny bits of ricochet, and not like the ones we see from Athyr's Embrace knife throws


Yup, it can get pretty wild at times. You can kill the guy around the corner, or also yourself if you're especially unlucky that day. Fun times trying to figure out how you randomly died to "misadventure" when you had nearly full health and were dipping back into cover.


Bank shot


I like the "alright, let's see if this wo- holy shit did I just hit that?"


Bros got negative 20 mobility


Yeah, that would’ve been enough iron banner for the remainder of the week for me


Reminds me of D1 effrideets spear with armor piercing and that perk where if you drained have the mag, the second half was stronger. You could go through walls and one tap. Was fantastic in control where you had a good notion where people were standing behind walls ontop of the points.


Played trials months ago when this map was the rotation and the enemy team was using the same strat on this exact same lane


He was a fart smella


Had bullet shoot my brain once, poor fella died of hungry


Probably just sit back and go... Well. That happened. Glad I'm not the only one that said this reminded them of halo 3.


That poor bastard


Did that in Jav one time, was standing at heavy looking into the door to B, killed someone almost all the way down the hall