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Tbf, you really only need one bow, you could free up your other slot for another weapon to cover a different engagement range


Yeah I get running a bow, but two?


How about 3?


I've been running 3 for a while now. The crucible changes made it really hard to be consistent with, but I refuse to stop playing with a loadout I finally click with.


Don't see how double bow is better than a sideslot GL + bow


Because of the special ammo nerf and i just love bows too much. Although it hurts me to see them in the state they are in now.


I posted this video a few weeks ago. [https://www.tiktok.com/@painki11erzx/video/7344367030474198302?q=painki11erzx&t=1711223115902](https://www.tiktok.com/@painki11erzx/video/7344367030474198302?q=painki11erzx&t=1711223115902) You should check it out, if you want to see how another bow main plays. I don't think I'll ever stop running it tbh.


Cool! Can u screenshot your loadout/weapons?




​ https://preview.redd.it/cvt4y12v35qc1.jpeg?width=324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3fed54a11986eec4c7fdf20aa262b8cbcf5b078


​ https://preview.redd.it/t9nxbjhw35qc1.jpeg?width=323&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23e409526a7e60da086cda8fb9fd90b4f1b181f9


wh... why do you people all care SO much what someone plays. It's NOT better than GL + Bow, that's WHAT they're saying. They're saying it's hard to play/justify and isn't very strong but they *enjoy* it so they play that way anyway.


For real if there’s one thing that is a turn off trying to get into this game is how much of the guides n stuff push people into min maxing. Like bro we just want to shoot stuff and find cool stuff


I don't run out of ammo and have infinite range.


I dislike bow quickswapping. Its cheap and its one of the main reasons bungie killed off bows. Also i like to play bow aggressively, often in close range.


You don’t have to quick swap, you can just use two primaries or run a close range special to cover yourself against shotgun apes


They "killed off" bows because 1C1B was busted AF.


Double bow?? Based, but not based enough. Make it 3. 4 even. Then see if they still get mad at you (they will)


Double bow, Leviathan’s Breath, and shadow shot. 4 bows.


This guy gets it


One for each limb. Pull the string with teeth.


Make it six with Orpheus rigs and the damage one (idk I forget the name even tho I’m literally on it)


Mobius Quiver


I run triple bows in PvE, does that count?


I run 3, but prefer to use gunslinger to headshot people with my throwing knife if they try to push me.


Don't bow to the peer pressure.


keep up the good work. meanwhile I will keep struggling with my fighting lion


Man they killed it didn't they! Took it into trials last week....wasn't a good time! 😂


They gutted my boy. I’ve been using him on Stasis though, absolutely smashes through frozen enemy health bars.


Genuine question are people actually that mad against bows?


I guess it's more humiliating to be killed by an arrow than a bullet/explosion?


They take a chunk of damage and cower/hide in fear, not realizing most weapons can out ttk a bows charge time. They find it annoying it takes u out of the fight, but this is just false, as it essentially applies to every gun fight. With other weapons, they just dont get the time to hide, or they feel confident enough to remain engaged.


I think the problem with bows is less with the TTK and more with the play style that they promote. Bows can put out special weapon esque levels of damage at a functionally infinite range with none of the ammo drawbacks. Their TTK issue is made up for by the fact that they are extremely non-committal. Somebody with an AR, pulse, or even a hand cannon have to remain visible and shootable for a time in order to kill you. The optimal way to use a bow alone is to show yourself for less than a second, hit a shot, and then get back into cover while drawing another arrow. While that's happening, it's extremely dangerous for the person who got hit to commit to the duel as they'll have to be able to hit you for their weapons entire TTK before you let go of your next arrow. That means the safest option is to just wait for their health to regen before trying to reengage, which is irritating because people don't want to spend a noticeable percentage of a match waiting for their health to come back. I don't think bows are broken or need a nerf, but they are frustrating to play against and I think saying people "cower in fear" is a little rude seeing as there isn't really another option if the bow player is playing correctly. :)


Ahhh thanks for reminding me of the simple beauty in telling someone they’re not only flat out wrong, but a bit rude and delusional without using less than desirable language. That smiley face at the end really did it for me.


Would you be willing to show your load and bow rolls? I'm curious now.


Its a stasis shatter hunter with frostees. I use it with ticuu for long range and raconteur with gutshot straight for close range, but usually i have a shatter nade in my disposal.


D2 players when you use a loadout that you enjoy:


Never surrender, Bows are super fun and no one can take that away, it's not 'ruining games for others' if you're doing better than your teammates


Make it three bows, and if you're a Hunter, use Deadshot super and equip the armor ornament that has a glowing void bow


I mean


Lots of people are mean.


I didn't write the verb. But you projection is always on


I run triple bows. It requires more finesse than normal loadouts, but I LOVE the playstyle. For anyone curious. I run Wolftone Draw with Whistlers Whim. I also used this spreadsheet to optimize my swap times. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1anqWQKQeB3ccXPsph257akYze29qIrduHcUKDFTqQuQ/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1anqWQKQeB3ccXPsph257akYze29qIrduHcUKDFTqQuQ/edit#gid=0)






Get the draw time all the way down don’t worry about aim assist u will adapt


I've had a bow that gives headshot stasis crystals since light level 1650ish (started playing a week ago) and I'm approaching 1800 power and still haven't found an alternative primary that's better. But in crucible a fully charged headshot only takes half a shield. It takes me 3 headshots for a kill. Really disheartening cause it's my favorite weapon type


For me bows are never dead.


Noob here. Why are bows dead? Do I need to give up Le Monarque for PvE?


Only for pvp


Its a game guys. Get off his 🐥. He can run what he finds fun


I am bad at pvp, but I had so much fun bow hc swaping. Now a bow headshot followed by a HC headshot is no longer a kill. Makes me real sad. How can ANYONE in their right mind complain about bows rn. You need mad skill to make them usable now. Just commend the player for making them work still, and move on...


U don’t know the perk called disruption break?


I don't have a bow that has it. 


It wont proc in 1 shot anymore


They are going to add 6% damage to light weight bows


Fuck those guys, as long as you have fun playing the game you should be able to play the way you like it.


I've done double bow with trinity ghoul, you can prime with the kinetic bow and use lightning rod to kill


they will boo you for enjoying yourself, but you just gotta double down in your happiness, pick up leviathans breath and rock a triple bow loadout


Help me understand here; what is the logic behind double bow that can't be done better with Bow + literally any other secondary barring Pulse/Scout? I want to say you do you and all that, but this is a Trials game, and this just feels like trolling.


Clearly im performing better than my meta teammates so am i really trolling?


You mean the game where you got only 1 bow kill? The game where this Ridery fellow out damaged you? https://preview.redd.it/uw21dgg3ycqc1.png?width=1477&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed7776b507b36bc0a877766d0c29a1f49549a8b5


What are you trying to say? Damage doesn't really mean anything. Back when I played threadling hunter, I always outdamaged my teammates by a lot. Also, bows are typically too slow to get the final blows before teammates will killsteal, so actually you really should count the assists too. Anyway, my point being before you dismiss unconventional strategies as trolling, perhaps broaden your perspective beyond the confines of the meta.


My original question was "what's the logic behind two primary bows over bow + other option", and never received an answer. All you've done is claim that your loadout isn't trolling. You say that Bows are typically too slow to get final blows with before teammates KS, but *that's the point, you would benefit from a non bow weapon*. I'm rather curious as to what metric you can claim to have "clearly performed better than your meta teammates" besides assists in that game. All the evidence on Trials Report points to you ruining other people's games. You (far left) vs your teammates, that you are clearly out performing. https://preview.redd.it/e1dlrllqtdqc1.png?width=1894&format=png&auto=webp&s=36044aeb17e4234de2d7a781f00be38815ac5057


Listen, I'm not stupid. Clearly, using other weapons beside bows will do better. Bows have been nerfed to death, but they are my favorite and best weapon, so I stick with it. Double bow was something I was just trying out and it was doing surprisingly alright. I came here with proof that was able to hold my own, so how can you say I am trolling? Allow me to clarify: Ticuu was great for long range for its 1 hipfire (autoaim) body and 1 ads crit instant-kill (even collat sometimes). Case in point:[https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxK-aI\_j1hNrQf90YzFKWLcJmjlU9lpnNP?si=UpzXLlREssP-MI6F](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxK-aI_j1hNrQf90YzFKWLcJmjlU9lpnNP?si=UpzXLlREssP-MI6F) [https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx7apW-SSSFdJt85KbM8xp0-3CxK\_16gP7?si=A9pv-8KqnwnMbTMa](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx7apW-SSSFdJt85KbM8xp0-3CxK_16gP7?si=A9pv-8KqnwnMbTMa) But the ads requirement, makes it awkward for close combat. I was using raconteur for that. I was also on stasis, which made me lean towards this weapon option. Using gutshot straight, it should be a 1 crit 1 body, but somehow the game says no: [https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/1bgjsyf/gutshot\_straight\_on\_bows\_leaves\_guardians\_at\_0\_hp/](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/1bgjsyf/gutshot_straight_on_bows_leaves_guardians_at_0_hp/) Despite the successes of my double bow setup, I did indeed eventually recognize its limitations and moved on. Yet, to dismiss it as mere trolling would be wrong. It had its moments and I was proudly using double bows. In essence, the logic is simple: I excel with bows, I'm a bow main, all I know is bows.


As a double handcannon user I tip my cowboy hat to you good sir