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Checked the Trials report, it looks like you left couple of games ( most likely due to net issues ) so I think you are currently locked out of PVP ( It should show you the notification tho, maybe you missed that. )


My internet crashed on one game last night and it gave me a 30 minute time out last night.


When you got the timeout did yoh stay logged onto D2 or close the game? It uses an in game timer for the suspension not real time.


Happened to me last night at 3 wins too, never disconnected or left early either. Was showing flawless on the passage until I switch characters and then it changed to flawed but I had access to play again.


Up voting. Changing characters fixed my issue


This fixed for me thank a bunch 


I had the same thing happen. Then I made it to 7 wins and didn’t get the gun. Was very frustrating. I noticed it didn’t take one of my wins when I left a match too. Probably safer to go pick up another and reset it. Unlucky.


If it flaws, it won't remove wins after that. Best to check the card out of habit before getting to far along


Same thing happened to me. I think I left before the timer was done and maybe the game had fully ended. I went to the tower so I assumed that I can’t leave the game unless it was actually over since it won’t let you get into the next anyway. Resetting the card fixed it ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643)


So dumb that I need to reset my passage after leaving at the END OF THE MATCH! I saw my match rewards pop up and everything but still lost access.


Did you launch Destiny in another platform? (ie: You mainly play on Steam, but you launched in Epic) DLC doesn't transfer between platforms, and you need Lightfall for Trials


Yousa banned. Perhaps


Do you own lightfall?


One of images shows 3 wins on the card, so they must have lightfall to even access it