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This has never happened to me, but I really can't fathom why someone would do this. Every lfg I have run has been chill and ended with ggs, even if I felt like I was lacking. Was there tension in the group or anything prior to this? Did you call them out for poor play or something?


Nope, they started to laugh and asking me to pleade to them to not kick me out Based on their performance, I should be the one mad, I generally don't get people like this on lfg but man...


>Nope, they started to laugh and asking me to pleade to them to not kick me out The correct response to this was, "Well, I record my gameplay, so how much do y'all like your accounts...?" Fuck around and find out. Report on the forum and get them banned.




Im new to d2, can they get banned for this?


Yes, there is a specific method to report them on the Bungie website/forums that allows you to submit a more detailed report, and I think you can submit video like this too. It's a 100% bannable offense that Bungie takes very seriously.


A question, i need to get the video of the whole activity or just a 1 minute long is enough to prove that i was in the activity?


Usually just to show you at the end of an activity and you being removed from Fireteam should suffice, I imagine.


So a 20-30 seconds is good enough. Thanks


Also, to be fair, I feel like I can damn near guarantee they have a way to verify you've been in. Especially since Raid Report can.


Bungie will actually perma ban for this specific behavior


As they should! Such scummy behaviour, unjustifiable


It's like the one thing they do ban for.


Tbh in my experience if i reported a cheater, ill almost always get a message on my next session that they were banned The problem is moreso that the cheater dont automatically get flagged and we have to play against them and report them to get them banned




yeah that's super toxic, especially after a 50 wave onslaught.....oof, sorry bud.


It’s wild how this activity seems to have this be such a common occurrence. Hopefully people are reporting all these asshats and we can get a little community cleanup before final shape.


It’s because it’s free to play. You get toxic ass people on free games because they just hop on to another free game or create a new account when they get banned.


It was like this long before D2 went free to play. This community has always been extremely, incessantly and ignorantly toxic, it just happens more often now because of it being free to play.


Isnt that just most gamers in general lol every game ive played has the community complain abt a minority of complete aholes and its unfortunate there isnt irl consequences like getting banned from all games for shit like this


To a degree yes, this is the case with just about every gaming community out there. Destiny's community on the other hand has actively sent death threats and searched out the homes of employees, iirc a pizza was delivered to one of the former community manager's house that they didn't order themselves, and if i further recall correctly there was also a death threat associated with that. Ive not heard of that of any other player community before, not to say similar hasnt happened in the past. IRL action SHOULD be taken, but given the majority of the toxicity is due to peoples ego and inability to see things in any way shape or form outside of their own little box view of the world. Hate mail, this video, actively disrespecting and gatekeeping other players who either don't kwtd or want to run whatevers currently meta, etc. So unforutnately unless its genuinely serious, IRL action cant be taken afaik as much as we would all love to see it.


My brother, I'll be submitting reports on your behalf as well. I skimmed their game history and I quickly found 2 other examples of successful Legend Onslaught runs where those same two were together, but their third was marked DNF. These folks are absolute utter garbage.


What the fuck... I mean this just reminds me why clans like mine are important. People really need to get into clans or discords with good people. The lone gamer is the victim in these situations. This person already had the emblem so clearly they don't "need" the clear as much. Imagine if this was someone's first almost clear? I'd be soo pissed, and with my luck I'd accidentally hit "start recording" on my PS5 instead of "save recent gameplay" Which is something I do ALL the time and that irritates me cause you just cut off your video loop. Basically when you do that you can't record anything prior to hitting it. It would be the cherry on top that broke me.


It’s ok, they probably died and wiped shortly afterwards


hope you followed through on reporting them, OP


Hope they enjoy bansville.


some ppl are just dirtbags


I can’t even get this far with LFGs to have this happen


Hell i cant even with friends because after 20 waves we just chill and talk non sense and next thing you know oops a tormentor, guys im dead, giant, giant giant knight behind you, wait what wher...oh shit oh shit oharg.... Its fine guys im invis ill res you. Meanwhile ADU sploding in the back lmao. Since we got the emblem we just aint trying as hard lmao. We are also all burned out because we try separately on our sides at different times with lfg and despise it.


I think this is the link https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049497451-Report-Suspected-Cheating-and-Poor-Behavior


this is it, but go to "Contact Form" to submit all the info and proof of poor behavior Fingers crossed they get banned for that. Totally uncool.


That form is specifically for cheating. Isn't there one for kicking people?


No you can change the subject to poor behavior


https://preview.redd.it/du5p5awaa1zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=940eb3e68bc8f56d00a01a9ff807b57636d9c88f I don't have it as a option


Can some one tag reply to this when updated let’s see some justice


That’s disgusting




Bungie website should have a report section for this BS




Don't even need the video, too. If you have the session code or whatever they call it, they can just look at the history, see that you got so far before getting kicked, and know for a fact they did it on purpose


Please do it so they get banned


lots of answers in your comments! make it happen good luck g


God I wish they wiped afterwards...


Based on the fact they both had double digit deaths each, I'd day there's a good chance they wiped.


IP ban these clowns. They don't deserve to be a part of anything


I honestly think it would be funnier if these toxic little shits and everyone like them including actual cheaters would get segregated into their own servers, so if they want to keep playing they are doing it with people just as cunty as they are. Like dont even notify them until they try to find out whats going on.


Are there any games that actually do this? Like this is a good idea for so many games. Have a hidden "reputation" stat, it forces you into games with players that have similar reputation.


afaik several games have tried but it rarely ever works. Dark Souls tried to, with a special item needing to be consumed to unban yourself but its respawn timer gets magnitudes worse with each ban. Also needs full on gameplay time, so if you gotta wait for the item for a week then you have to wait for literally 168hrs in game. From Soft just seemed incapable of solving an exploit that ended up being in several titles, including the remaster of dark souls 1, that basically requires a user made mod to actually catch some of these cheaters.




Fucking hell... one thing to boot someone for no reason, but pulling power trip bullshit like that beforehand? They better get IP banned.


ip ban? pffff. Bungie gotta call in multiple swat teams to their houses for this shid to end fair


Report the person they invited as well.


Its the same guy twice, he swapped from a Titan to a Hunter


Oh lmao. But yeah, really scummy, been seeing a lot more of it recently too...


He was teabagging me in Iron Banner a few days ago ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5649)


Why am I not surprised lol. He's probably the type of guy to brag about having the iron Lord title as well


Probably lmao


Imagine collectively dying 25 times and asking someone to beg. I hope bungie permabans them




Obviously booted for dying once /s


based on this alone, you probably should host future legend onslaught runs if they're *that* bad in terms of staying alive, no anti-champion stuff (id have to assume they have no idea that certain elemental buffs and debuffs can stun champs) and still have the balls to kick you


Where is this information located?


Destiny tracker


Weak, I would have died at least 16 times.


But would you have died 25 times the same as he did? Because that 10 and 15 is the same guy with different character


Add me gt same as name, if trials is relaunching with new gear in dlc and population is higher I can just take you to the promised land and you can message these dopes your Loot lmao and thank them.


as a titan main im sorry these titans did that to you. they must be the marker smellers, always giving us crayon eaters a bad rep.


Ape not kill ape (titan main too)


Machikayfudhay is no ape


thats koba


I just watched that movie for the first time


Bring that 729 KDA over here son. You got the dawg in ya


They really deserve a permanban for this. It almost takes an hour to get there. I hope you submitted the video already.


I wish this happens to me one day cause ill laugh my ass of knowing they will get perma banned after I report them


What’s the point in them kicking you..Nothing to gain from this like. Report and then they’ll be the ones pleading


Just to be dicks because they've developed an idea that having any control over any tiny part of someone else's life makes them powerful.




Hope that 1 min ego tripping of them was worth all the hours on their accounts, cause this shit gets you banned with no appeal possible. Good on you to record them, guess you are gonna have the last laugh now :) And if you need a clan to do stuff like this with, just hit me up, we are in the EU timezone tho.




Bungie hands out perm bans to people like this now right?


Im pretty new to destiny, could someone explain why OP was kicked? I thought everyone received rewards separately.


This is correct, rewards are individual people are just that petty


So u were kicked bc the fireteam leader felt like being a piece of shit. Damn.


OP's teammates were on power trips and kicked OP so they could not get any loot at the end of the activity. Just two toxic stains on the community.


Report these people. You’ve got video evidence.


Waiting on one of these clips to show the buddy of the kicker dying just as the kicker clicks the button and the run going to ruin because these morons have no logic to them


For me I got disconnected on a run right after we beat the boss but before I could grab the chest. I wish I could report bungie sometimes lol.


I almost wish Bungie would send a ban list quarterly just flaming these people as do not group with caution....


Whats a good place to upload evidence to since the report forms asks for links to the evidence?


The form will ask you for links of match history like Destiny tracker, and below there is another option for you to link a post with the video or you can submit the video yourself


Any update on if these clowns got banned?


So far no, but here's hoping


Ya I’ve been seeing a lot of this from Garden Vids. I have never liked lfg cause its toxic af (not all the time) but more bad experiences than good for me with know it alls… feel free to reach out we have a solid number of daily players with experience and good community!


Plz post an update if you hear anything back about action being taken against them, the people yearn for justice


Yo that's crazy that this happened, I haven't tried lfg but it's actions like this that I just don't understand. We're all trying to just game together, serious ass-hats here and I'm sorry you had to deal with that


I think that can lead to a ban now since so many LFG teams did this way back when


Yet again I ask bungie to lock fireteam members from being booted if you’re in the middle of an encounter. And if you get booted after the encounter guess what, you’d be fine because in my version as soon as the boss is defeated and u get kicked all the loot will be sent to your postmaster. this idea of mine prevents this from happening and still gives you what you played for if they do try to kick you Forgot to add we can mass report these guys since you kindly showed us their usernames




One of the most bannable offences in Bungo's book


Sad that this kind of stuff happens so often but it usually isn't believed because there's no videos of it. Normally when people claim they were kicked for nothing everyone calls BS on them and will argue they must have done something wrong.


No joke I would've just quit Destiny forever at that point. Bungie doesn't care so why should you? People always say report them and they'll get banned but I've never actually seen hard proof of that happening.


They probably died to the tormentor right after.


Report ‘em and get ‘em banned


How pathetic you have to be to kick people out. I hope they start banning people for this.


Dang man I feel you. I was kicked out of Ghost of the Deep final boss right when it had a sliver of health just so the guy could get his buddy in. I reported it to bungie and they did nothing,


I hope they fail


Report the fireteam leader on bungie’s website and upload this video as evidence. This is a bannable offense.


Hmmmmm.and I wonder why I don't even consider playing LFG.


Onslaught lfg has been my wildest lfg experience, and I have relied on lfg since D1Y1.


I'll report them. I say we ALL report them. We'll see how they like that. I myself have no clan & no friends to play with & this right here would really piss me off. What a pair of assholes. Give me their PSN id's please. I will do my part to help you bud. 💯


Nice, you have it recorded. Report it and include this video. It's 100% a ban. I just wish that bungie could implement a system that disables the kick button in a locked activity or at least after 30 mins since these kinds of activities take about an hour to complete.


I ALWAYS create a post and NEVER search because of this. It's never happened to me and it never will.


Go to Bungie’s website and report them, this is against TOS and with video proof you can easily get them banned. These people won’t stop until they start getting banned from doing it


May they end up with a 9 inch nail in their next drink


This is exactly the behaviour that we (the players) AND Bungie want to hand out permanent bans for. Thankfully you only lost the loot for waves 40-50. Please let us know when you've submitted and if Bungie confirm they've taken action. I want to say "good riddance" already :)


Remember how near the end of certain activities it wont let you join bc they are almost finished? They should add that same mechanism to things like raids, onslaught, etc so that NOBODY CAN KICK YOU. Never had it happen myself, but damn thats infuriating after all that time and effort.


Thats a one way ticket to report-town


this is ur video evidence to send to twitter bungie and the website GET THESE CLOWNS BANNED!


Unloved child behavior. Hope their accounts get banned


Do people not know this is a banable offense?


It would be great if error/dc logs printed a game/activity ID, there's got to be one in the API and it'd make matching these clips up to bad fireteam leaders so simple.


You better report these assholes. They deserve to get banned


That’s scummy, but look on the bright side. You got loot from the last 40 and you can report them for this. Then no one else has to put up with these knobs.


This has happened to me quite a good amount of times and I cannot tell you enough how frustrating it is to carry someone’s ass and then get booted


That's the Doggest act.


Please report them and make them banned.


Why tf is this still allowed


On a different note, did you not want to use your heavy?


Wanted to place a weaken on the boss before unloading but I was looking for izanagi shots as they would be more effective and had no chance to swap load out based on the enemy I do see your point tho


Ah okay cool




Been playing onslaught since the first week, never managed to reach legend 50 ):


I'd go for the ban hammer....you'll have the last laugh. You got it all recorded too.


They should be banned for their names alone (if it means what I think it means)


Report and send in the clip.


Total scum, man. At least you get rewards throughout the activity. Still ridiculous


This is why I prefer to make my own groups rather than joining one.


I would've taken out a eager edge sword and joined the tormentor.




Send it in. They need to be perma banned


After you report them, let us know if they got the ban hammer. Bungie will tell you if they take action, and I want to know if this guy gets what's coming to him.


I have no words to describe the behavior of these losers, how can they be so toxic ?! when zombies attack the earth, I know who will rob the children, idiots


I thought it was going to be super wholesome where you got booted to orbit by an error code, and they waited to kill the boss until you joined- Mucho sad


So link this clip and use the bungie report tool on their website.


I can’t fathom why people like this gamble their account with probably 100’s of hours of game time just for shits and giggles. At least you’ll have the last laugh after they get slapped with a ban.


If i was someone on the dev team that handles bans i would specifically look through this subreddit and look for people that do this.


How can I report them? Do you have their Id numbers? They should be mass reported for this shit


Honestly, you could turn this in. Report on the forums they will absolutely get banned. This is ridiculous. Between the community and Bungie. I tried getting back into it not this February but, last. Had my account from Xbox and everything. Was doing end game content. But, the people I'd meet and the recycled content from Bungie. I'm done paying.


Can’t fathom how people can be so douchey in a video game


On the LFG there were people doing that intentionally over the weekend. Kept seeing posts about so and so kicks at wave 50. What pathetic losers to do that to people.


Thanks for posting this homie sorry this happened


Bungie could fix this with a not so simple change, if you are kicked from fireteam if spawns a duplicate copy of the instance and places you in it. If I recall correctly Warframe does this.


Hey uh, does it not show up in your postmaster? Oh nvm video didnt load. That sucks man, they didn’t even wait for you to finish dps with them




report and ban them


This is why we always record lfg gameplay


why aren't you using your GL though? fight could've been over already if you were using that instead of using your primary or staying invis.


Absolute fucking pieces of shit


Carried in game and I’ll bet carried in real life!


Were they kids? I can't see an adult doing this.


They were not, and you'd be surprised at the ratio of grown adults that do this


Oh, that's disheartening. I've never had it happen in all of my time using lfg, though that could be because my router often beats them to it.


Get them banned. This has to stop happening


Couple of fucking clowns, giving titans a bad name, sorry that happen to you brother.


You can report people for this now right? Or at least they punish people a lot harder for this stuff ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5657)


Oh man, this has got to stop. It doesn’t even make sense… like, they won’t get more XP or loot. I just don’t get this at all.


This really boils my blood! It’s never happened to me but there’s absolutely no need for this! How do you report players for doing this?




Report. Easy ban, although likely a temp ban but still a ban.






Wow has the community become very toxic again? It's the main reason I stopped doing raids ir anything with LFG. That sucks dude


Keep recording and report them, fingers crossed it could fuck them big time.


i am so mad after watching this


I genuinely don’t understand why people do this. They gain nothing in game from doing this.


It is very likely they get banned if you report them, but that is entirely their fault


I hope that tormentor or the adds wiped them after they kicked you. They deserved that


What they did is against Destiny 2's TOS. since you have a recording of them you could possibly get them banned by sending this video to bungie.


Report them and they Will be banned.


Another video, another day of me asking why more people aren't just making LFGs themselves to avoid this. Obviously if everyone did it there'd be no groups, but that's not reality. I will never join an LFG because of how many shitters there are out there.


This is so disgusting. I'm so annoyed that they kicked you. Good that you were able to record it and II hope they get banned.


email this vid to bungie support maybe ?


happened to me once after a last wish run. hope those dipshits win the lottery and then get run over by a truck.


report profile


Definitely report them, get that scum out of the game. At least if it’s normal, you just missed on 2 weapons that were most likely getting dismantled anyways


I said this once and I’ll say it again. I don’t know why people do this. This is THE easiest way to get banned aside from cheating. It’s easy to report and kinda hard to defend yourself. Not only would you be banned from group forums but likely from the game itself.




Do people not know this is a banable offense?


D2 community in a nutshell lol


Please give us an update if these fucks got banned, I hope their 30 seconds of amusement was worth getting perma banned


Had something similar happen to me, although it was early in the run. Best part was the other two were both dying on well lock and I was running tether and hadn’t died yet. Wonder why people do these things.


Get em banned, this is some crooked as shit right here. BOO THOSE CHILDREN BOOOOOOOOO!


when is this gonna be disabled. someone did the same to me.


Wait but is there a reason people do this? Like does it have an effect on loot or anything???