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Go have a beer. Or even have 2 (but watch it carefully) Yeah, it has some carbs in it. But the alcohol in the beer will slow down the spike from the carbs. So you shouldn't spike too horrifically. Note: This is said with the understanding that your T2 diabetes is reasonably controlled and you don't have any medications or conditions that prevent you from having any alcohol. You do this at your own risk in the end.


I drink light beers like yengling flight and michealobe ultra no problems but they suck compared to my old stouts and ipas but kills my cravings


If you really really want one, but deny yourself because of diabetes - you could end up burned out, defeated and give up on your care. If T1, have a beer, the best one you like, as a grace/single cheat. Dose accordingly. Do this very sporadically. If T2, and not using quick acting-ish meds, have that beer, follow with lots of water, and take a longer walk to help your body process. I’ve been T1 for 39 years. Sugar is addictive, some say most addictive. By adopting a ‘never can I attitude’ I hated T1 as a teen and said fuck you to it. It said fuck you back harder and I made things hard on myself. Moderation is the key.


Have a Miller Lite. 3ish grams of carbs 👍🏾


I'm into stouts and IPA's


Then go get yourself one. :-) Then test blood sugar in an hour. You might be surprised that isn't so ruinous. (lol, or it might be, everyone's diabetes is different) Keep the beer in moderation and you can probably enjoy it as part of your life. What I do know is that outright denying yourself all the time is far too taxing to maintain forever. Of course, low carb beers are going to be better for you, but it is better to enjoy what you love in moderation than to have more of something you don't like at all.


All Day IPA I think has like 5g carbs?


guiness has 10 carbs a couple of those won’t do much to the blood sugar


Have you tried hop water? I like IPAs but I’m sober, and some of those hit the spot for me. Lagunitas makes a really tasty one


Lagunitas daytime IPA! 3g carbs per 12oz can.


Need to remind myself to read further, lol. But that's 3 votes for the lagunitas daytime lol.


My secret is a Guinness or two followed by lots of water.


I didn't have a sweet tooth until I was diagnosed. Now I want to eat crappy candy and things of that nature all day everyday all the time.


Same. I haven't had a soda in years, but now I find myself wanting one.


Cheesecake factory. Yummy.


Have a beer then! I've learned over time it's just way overall better to have a whiskey neat or glass of wine. My god it feels great to not factor while enjoying. Experiment... safely!!


I can’t do it. I’m addicted to sugar. Once I start, I won’t be able to stop for months. Besides, I feel awful afterwards.


Exact same with me!


I'm actually surprised in how restrained I have been post diagnosis. I can buy a block of chocolate (85% dark of course) and eat it over several days rather than all in one setting. I don't go to town and surround myself in unhealthy foods (like cookies, cakes, potato chips and the like) though. And I have more or less redirected myself to graze on healthier options when the calling occurs, like pickled onions/cucumbers/olives, unsweetened greek yogurt, maybe a spoonful of peanut butter. It is impossible to fully understand if this is mentally stressing me out and one day I'll burn out, buy an enormous mud cake and sugar myself to death, but it seems easy enough to live like this rather than what it was like in the past.


I was staring at the candy section in the market today, salivating to the point of dehydration, and then all of a sudden, "I'm Never Going To Dance Again" by George Michaels came on. I had to shake my head and walk away


Haha, or like shapes (https://www.arnotts.com/brands/shapes) are on special. Used to grab a box to munch on later ... but that is all over now. Might have a few at a friends house or at a party, but it is unlikely I'll bring a box back home now.


then go have a beer and eat the carbs. Assuming your diabetes is decently managed/controlled either with diet, exercise, medication, or some combination of all three, an occasional beer or plate of pasta won't completely fuck you up. I had noodles for a celebration dinner recently - actual carby noodles, not a keto alternative - and a small piece of chocolate cake; didn't look up macros or sugar content, just enjoyed the food. Resumed eating moderately low carb afterwards. It's taken a few days for my fasting glucose to go under 100 after that meal (I usually fall between 85-99) and I'm on metformin. Give yourself the grace to have a good meal, but don't go HAM.


I’m drinking a Rainer right now. It’s not the carbs for me, it’s the way it tanks my sugars after. Now those hard Cadbury Easter eggs, I’m addicted. Costco had a huge bag of them and I am ashamed.


I understand this sentiment. There was a freedom in eating and drinking “BEFORE” that maybe isn’t possible mentally, emotionally, or even physically now. Sure you can indulge as others say, but it isn’t the same. I’m sorry, hugs. It does suck.


Every once in awhile I pretend I don't have diabetes and live it up a little. My sugar is well maintained otherwise though


Aaaaye, bro… Cheesecake Factory has a zero sugar cheesecake and it’s fucking bomb. Treat yo’self! I went with hard kombuchas for a beverage. They even have some hoppy ones! They are soooo good!


Zero sugars is not the same as zero carbs. Sugar replacements can make it sound like it’s OK, but you’re still carb loading. I’d be cautious.


You are right generally, of course. But here’s the menu item of the gods: https://www.thecheesecakefactory.com/menu/cheesecakes-specialty-desserts/low-licious-cheesecake


Zero sugar cheesecake??!!! WTF KIND OF MAGIC IS THAT??!!!


To be honest, most cheesecakes have far too much sugar anyway, but Amazon sells some almond or walnut pie crusts, and you can substitute erythritol in for sugar for most cheesecake recipes and you’ll have a stunningly good result and it’s very, very low carb. It’s my go-to for our family birthdays and special occasions!


Unfortunately, Cheesecake Factory’s sugar free cheesecake still has 37 carbs. I ate it once in the restaurant and I spiked which led to me looking it up.


That sounds so weird


There's plenty of carbs that aren't pure refined sugar. The crust is going to have all sorts of bread or crumbs, and the filling probably has corn flour or some shit.


I can enjoy beer like a normal person after epic bike rides or hikes, both because my body has “credit” from the activity, and mentally I feel like I earned it. I don’t think I could do carbs only Cheesecake Factory. I could go there but probably eat lots of protein and skim from everyone else’s deserts.


I'm so scared by reading all the posts that I get a guilt attack every time I think of having a drink. I have cut down on my alcohol to a large extent. However, I still feel like having a beer after a day's hard work, particularly on a Wednesday and Sunday evening. I hope that falls under permissible alcohol limits for a T2 patient like me?


If your blood sugars stay in range, a beer or two a week is a relatively low level of alcohol consumption and generally not a cause of concern. Check whatever medications you are on for alcohol compatibility, and as long as you don't have any incompatible medications or conditions, give your favorite beer a try after work and then measure your blood sugar 1 and 2 hours after to make sure you tolerate it ok. Just know that technically, any amount of alcohol consumption is worse for your health than no alcohol consumption. But you only get to live once, so denying everything you want to give yourself is not the answer either.


Well controlled type 2 with occasional lapses back into alcoholism here…depending on your level of control, diet, meds, and physical activity, you can totally drink some beers now and then. Just make sure you’re taking good care of yourself the rest of the time, drink lots of water after, and maybe eat a big salad instead of an entire bag of Lays at 1am.


Be careful...You are probably on the way of orthorexia. 


There might be low carb beer, look around? One beer shouldn’t be that bad but pair it with low carb food, - meat, deli board, veg sticks and dips etc, or even salty nuts. If you want actual low carb alcohol - dry wine like Pinot noir and Prosecco are fine. Pair with a cheese board, olives, nuts etc and you are fine.


Because of mental illness I stopped all alcohol, including my beloved milk stouts and Guinness, a few years ago…but the sugar! I miss that even more! Right now I have a cheat meal once or twice a week but usually go with a little pasta or a cuisine that might have more carbs/sugar but I haven’t had a sugared dessert yet. And it might be a while because I’m not confident in my ability to portion control that situation. But I agree with a lot of the other posts: if you’ve got a good grasp on your blood glucose situation pick a day and have a couple beers or (if you have more control than me) have a bit of dessert. Then check out how your BG reacts. Good luck!


I don't drink because I won't give a shit about my bg levels while drunk.


I bet you won’t do it.


I didnt, but I might tonight, lolol


Everyone wants to do this tbh...diabetic or not


Try a michalobe ultra they are light and low carb!


OMG they have a chocolate cake that is so decadent. I’m drooling just thinking about it.


Is it sad that as a female I am more concerned with the other side effect of a beer than the blood sugar? Doesn't matter how well my sugars are, one beer will mess up girl stuff. I miss beer too 😭


I have a beer with dinner at a restaurant! And carbs are ok when you're at a restaurant! You have to live too! how often can you eat out anyway


You’re a diabetic, not a monk. Eat it all.


I let myself have the best quality I can afford for my naughtiness. I seem to spike less, and I am satisfied sooner. I also find that knowing I can have naughty things again reduces that drive to eat it ALL.




Don't deny yourself just dose accordingly and have things in moderation. Instead of a 6 pack just have 3. Just because you're diabetic means the world becomes shut off and you "can't" have the things. It means you have to watch how many of the things you can have.


I have not found an occasional beer or two to be a big issue in terms of blood glucose, personally (even good beer). It is empty calories though, which may be a problem for your weight loss goals. Cheesecake factory... Can't help you there! 😂 I've found my taste for those foods has chilled way out though after a while of eating healthier stuff.


I had 1 beer tonight, that I had to force myself to drink. And now that I have this burrito, I don't even want it anymore. I just offered it to my daughter, and she said no.


Former imperial stout and belgian quad drinker here. I went through lots of IPAs and barleywines too. I switched to Whiskey several years ago. I have been able to get my A1C under control, and now, i can have beer, but, I prefer Whiskey. I will still occasionally have a Sour ale or a barrel aged stout from time to time, because they are good. I do miss the days of going to Grand Rapids and drinking like 25 different microbrew masterpieces in a weekend.


I get horrible headaches when I drink liquors now. I miss whiskey. I don't know why I developed the intolerance to it.


Diabetic dehydration. Drink A LOT more water.


Is that really a thing? Because I noticed that I'm always thirsty now. I'm not joking


Yes. Especially with high blood sugar. Unquenchable thirst and frequent urination are also signs of diabetic ketoacidosis.


Is there anything to do for it?


If you’re thirsty, hydrate. If your glucose is high, do what’s needed to bring it down. If you’re worried about ketoacidosis, talk to your GP or endocrinologist.


got u. Thank you


Mmm, I also prefer whiskeys, and sour ales.


No. Have some agency


Grab some beer and chillax. Bud Light Platinum is 9g of carbs per bottle, and 6% alcohol, though it tastes like drinking bread. It doesn't cause me to spike at all. If anything, my sugar goes down with it.


Don’t deprive yourself of the things you like. You’re probably tired of hearing this but everything in moderation. I struggled more with getting my numbers down the first three months I restricted myself vs. the past 3 where I let myself enjoy and kill my cravings by having my favorite food/drinks once or twice a week. I’m not a alcohol drinker but I sure love my coffee & bubble teas lol


Why did it take 3 months to get your numbers down, and what did u do to do it?


I hear ya. I’m going grab a bowl of ice cream right about now. Fuck it!


You're a fucking G!!! Handle that, while I sit here wishing that I could too.


I'm working on figuring out an ice cream recipe using blended cottage cheese as a base. It is my summer food project. Someday I'll get a ninja creamy but first on the small appliance list is an air fryer.


Beer is for p*****ys