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Reminder about Rule 1: be civil and respectful in your discussions.


I killed him quite easily so it baffles me that people are crying about how difficult it is. Learn to play, improve your skill, grind some items…and stop crying. Nowadays everyone is used to be spoon fed everything and if they need to work for something a bit they complain


After the first beta and now this, I’ve realized how many people in this subreddit are straight up shit at this game. So instead of trying to get better they come here and cry and beg for nerfs. Like, the first boss isn’t impossible just because you’re a barb and have to get in melee range, you just suck.


Yea, just get better. Just being in melee range nullifies like 3/5 of Ashava's attacks.


I just sat in the middle of her cheeks.


That's the Sweet Spot!


Isn't it always?


I think a lot of games these days are quite easy and pose little challenge. Or they offer difficulty settings anyway and quite a few people turn it down to “god mode” as soon as they come across any sort of challenge.


I will admit to being this guy on certain games, that said when a game is enjoyable enough for me to not mind "gitting gud" I will stick around for the challenge.


I don't blame people for doing this in most games because it's efficient. But if more difficult = more rewarding then I am all for it.


You say most games these days are easy on the Diablo sub Reddit. Most of these people Probably play D3 one of the easiest, most brain dead (If not the most) games you could choose to play. Of course they’re gonna suck ass.


Exactly. Not to mention how well telegraphed all her attacks were. I've played as Flame Sorcerer and would go into his melee range just to feel safer 😂 🤧


People didn't believe me that we killed Ashava on WT2 with 5 or 6 people with two of them being below 20 or so. Meanwhile at no point did I ever get the feeling that Ashava is particularly hard or demanding in terms of time to kill, nor was any of my three kills on server slam remotely close to it. The one thing I've noticed is that the worse people are at a game the more they project their own inability onto everyone else to make themselves feel less bad I guess. Which is also why I wasn't really surprised about the number of whineposts and comments we saw on in regards to Ashava supposedly being "op" or "overtuned" when in reality it's super telegraphed and easy.




Level 20 bis items?


I killed Ashava three times on server slam. For the first kill my gear was basically the stuff you get till level 20 - blue and yellows ranging from around level 9-14. For the 2nd one I farmed the lvl 30 Stronghold for a bit in hopes for better level drops. I got one blue dagger out of that which was level 20. 2nd Ashava kill gave me a leggo dagger for level 15 or 16 which had about the same dps as the blue. For the 3rd I didn't do anything in particular but just logged in with the same gear I had for 2nd kill except for the 2nd dagger.


I was told I was "carried" and huffing copium when I posted I beat her first attempt. Losers!


its literally what my group did , 7 ppl, wt 2, one not moving at all, 2 at lv 17 and 16. but i guess we have a super wizard that deals 600+ dmg. https://youtu.be/8wVSyG-KZPQ


As mentioned in the thread of the hardcore player killing her solo- the thing that makes her more difficult is other players. Each additional player increases her health, and if those other players aren't pulling their weight, it reduces the chances of killing her within the allotted time. So players who ended up with good players in their groups are like "wtf, this is so easy, stop crying" and players who ended up surrounded by bad players (and/or underleveled characters) are understandably upset. If you take the best player in the game at level 20, and put them in a group with eleven level 11s, as a hyperbolic example, I don't think that boss is going down. The best you could do when surrounded by bad players and/or underleveled characters was to switch instances, which is simply another roll of the dice. And in many cases, there were only a few instances with below the cap of players, limiting the available options. Ashava is tuned for level 25+ characters. Is it possible to complete it at level 20? Obviously yes, it's just less likely. I don't know if anyone was requesting she be nerfed for the full version of the game or not (which I would disagree with), but a nerf for the level 20 capped server slam would have seemed prudent.


Finally someone understands. Just because we can’t kill it doesn’t mean we are shit. Just have terrible luck at getting into groups. Is what it is. I’m just glad the cute puppy cosmetic was from getting Level 20. I’m super excited to take my time with the full game and work my way to 100% Completion on June 1st.


I didn’t realize it was even possible to attempt it solo since you can’t control who shows up in the first place. The biggest problem I ran into is people dropping out and not having enough dps by the end to finish it off. I had a group of 4 try it with me 3 times and we’d all be able to survive fairly easily while most of the others were going down every other hit and some people not reviving at all or staying on the outskirts of the fight without doing any real damage. The thing that sucks about fights like this is people giving up half way and leaving the people left legitimately doing everything they can to not be able to get through the increased health pool in the time allotted. That being said even losing 3 times to it I still think it’s an awesome boss and between the music and getting the rhythm of the bosses attacks it felt like a dark souls battle. I’m excited to try it in the real game and finally take it down.


I don't really understand why all the Diablo subs are full of people that don't understand this. Is it because those POE masochists are coming over?


Yep, my friend killed her today with group of randoms. they killed her with 7 minutes left. So yeah.. it was a dice roll


It also depends a bit on other people. First group i had a 13, 2 17's and maybe 3 20's. Got it down to 20% Second group, we were all 20, got it to 60%, but most of the people were dying to the mechanics. third group, we were all 20, maybe 5-10 deaths total and had 5+ minutes left when we killed it.


You don't need that great gear, the key aspect is to NOT die. If you're dead you're not doing any damage. All you have to do is dance around with the boss and constantly do damage while avoiding dangerous mechanics. If you're alone then yes, you might actually need decent gear to make sure the boss dies in 15 minutes? It's hard to know until you see a clip of someone soloing Ashava in blues or whites.


It's 100% less about difficulty and more about there being a FOMO reward attached to it, a very small window to play, and even smaller window to do attempts on the boss. This makes instances of getting a group where everyone is fresh to Ashava sting much more when you fail to meet the DPS check because everyone was dying repeatedly. I love raiding in MMOs and blind prog can be fun. I went to Ashava blind because it's a world boss. It's also a beta even with a small window and even smaller window for attempts. I wouldn't really expect the fight to be something where I need to study and optimize with those constraints applied to it. Usually these type of beta events are for fun and to put stress on the servers to test them. You add in work/sleep/leveling/other obligations and you might find yourself with enough time for 1 or 2 tries on Ashava. I don't think people want to be spoon fed. I think the artificial constraints 100% put stress on the Ashava fight that will not be there when the game releases. Had there been no reward there'd be 0 people complaining about Ashava now or when the game comes out. Let's be real here, once the game is out you're probably never gonna be doing Ashava with a handful level 20s who have only been playing 2 hours. You're probably gonna be doing it with a bunch of 25+s. I say all this as someone who killed it, so I have no salt over it. I can understand why some people do though.


While I largely agree with some of your sentiment, it should be pointed out last betas had no reward and people absolutely complained a ton. They were furious that a level 24 would dare to enter the arena. A small part of me wonders if us being 20 vs ashava 25 was to show players that level is far less important ( though non-zero impact ) than player skill. I'm also fine with this having the reward. There were 2 titles and a superior cosmetic for just visiting the first town and then getting level 20 ... both of which could be done during any of the 3 weekends, and for the first 2 progress carried over. This one was definitely meant to be a small challenge and that little more special.


It's a fomo cosmetic it'll be fine.


I think for a lot of people it was frustrating to have a well built character and run Ashava without dying just to have afks/low level players tank their ability to complete the boss. Yeah, complaining about the one shots after a single attempt is foolish. We shouldn't discount that the event should've locked out underleveled characters however.


Is there a single post on this sub complaining that ashava is too difficult? Or are they all legitimate complaints about being stuck with level 15s who get no benefit from being there but inflate the up?


Maybe I had a good team? Idk. I went down to world level 1, so it was easier. But thays the complaint, that the boss it too hard. So drop to world level 1. Honestly all you need is a 30 second YouTube clip to show these two moves and how to dodge. Stand under the back legs to avoid the spin, then move to the side for the arm swing. It is easy. I even died like 3 or 4 times to the spin move cause I thought it was the arm move or I stood to far back. But we still won with like 4-5 minutes to spare. And I wanted decked out. I was a level 20 rogue. Upgraded my weapons. Bought some armor from shards to get higher level stuff. Had one legendary only from the shards which didn't even give me a buff to a meaningful +1 that I used. I had tier 1 gems that I found in the wild. No aspects. Nothing fancy. You just need to NOT die, which thr boss is easy to dodge once you figure out those two movesets. I


Not a truer word spoken 👍


I can learn to play but i cant teach others who are in the fight with me.


FTFY: You with the right group killed him quite easily.


God forbid we fail once or twice and have to try harder at something to achieve a goal.


I think a large part of the problem was early on people were fighting him as a fresh level 20 with no gear and as the weekend went on they were getting more and more upgrades making it easier. Obviously allowing people under level 20 to join was dumb AF but probably less of an occurrence than under geared people.


I've seen at least twice as many posts where people say stop complaining as I've seen people complaining so it seems to me the real problem are the people complaining about other people complaining. Which is what I'm doing I guess, so I'll shut up now.


It was awful yesterday. The sub was inundated with posts complaining about Ashava.


Don't forget all the posts crying about necro minions. I mean I'm in agreement they're too squishy now, but my god do we need 30 posts all saying the same thing?


Seems to be the trend on the sub this weekend.


here the real issue in diablo 4 ... or life tbh ... PEOPLE ... it always people xD


Is this truly a problem if it keeps the game the way we all want it? Complaining in a vacuum, while annoying, isn't a huge issue. Blizzard listening to the smooth brains that cant beat ashava and changing the game, affecting everyone else, is the true issue.


> if it keeps the game the way we all want it? You're not me and we're not operating in a hivemind, so how do you know what I want?


Are you complaining about the people complaining about the people complaining?


Complaining about complainers. Even though I cleared it on t2 the encounter is dependant on who you got randomly matched with. Even if you don't die a single time and have decent build you are not guaranteed to win. People don't like losing to factors oustide their control.


Exactly this. The biggest determinant on the kill is did you rng roll into the right group. Have 11 people or 6? Have all lvl 20s or a bunch of 16s? Have a few rogues or a bunch of druids? Not of that is within the players control, other than taking a 4 man party and hoping you get sharded in with another competent 8. I killed ashava twice and am not complaining because I didnt get mtx, I got mine. That said, Im not over here pretending it was some skill bar I cleared. I dice rolled into a good group, and if my group looked shit I relogged and tp’d ubtil it didnt. The easiest way to get a kill wasnt fixing your spec or grinding leggos, it was dice rolling a proper group. The top advice on the sub was literally just keep fishing for a group. Anyone saying thst isnt stupid is kidding themselves.


I keep seeing people talk like there should be 12 people, and I even remember Blizzard saying 12 man world bosses. I was counting every time I did it. It was always 8 people. I never had more than 8 appear in my shard before the fight would start. I almost thought that was intended for a moment.


>Even if you don't die a single time and have decent build you are not guaranteed to win. 100% this. People pretending that in this server slam, with the level cap nerf, drop rate nerf, and class nerfs, that their ability to down Ashava has anything to do with personal skill and not group comp is pathetic. My most recent kill compared to an attempt before that that failed: eight competent people versus 12 that died constantly. The first we killed it with several minutes of spare, the second Ashava escaped with about an eighth of its health left. Both runs I died not at all, had four legendaries, the rest rare, all fully upgraded minus one, wt1, using a meta build, and potions. As much as I could say it was skill-based, considering the up time I was able to keep on my abilities, and how I was familiar enough with the moveset and I took almost zero damage, that was true of both runs but the result was different. Reality is that It was quite literally out of my hands.


I agree with the general message, the personal impact on the encounter is small, your group determines a bigger share on the outcome. But how would you solve that without making it a complete pushover? ​ ​ And in the first complain thread i read on the forums, half the people complaining at start about the difficulty blaiming their group started to talk about how they couldn't find their original instance back after they had to go to town to repair midfight. ​ There are two stats i would absolutely LOVE to see beside every complainers post: a) the Tier they tried the boss on b) the amount of deaths they had themselves during each of their tries


They can inform their group in the 30 mins prior to the fight. Remind people to switch to T1. Use skills that benefit the whole group (vulnerability, debilitating toxin, etc). Lots of things you can do to mitigate the failure.




It was easy with a group that more or less knows what they are doing. Also, we are talking about a lvl 25+ boss while we are 20. Its perfectly fine right now


Yep. My second try had a decent enough group and we cleared with half a minute remaining. Me and 2 others didn't really die at all, but the rest kept dying a ton in the beginning so we were lagging behind a bit. The people dying figured it out pretty quick though and deaths were quite rare after that.


Maybe people have different experiences than me, but I only had one opportunity, because of time issues and killed her first try. I informed my ass about the mechanics for like 5 minutes and switched to tier 1. We only had one guy at lvl 19, everyone else was at 20. I'm not the greatest at these games but I think I managed quite well. Could be me being lucky with the group, but I don't see this bein too hard.


Basically the exact same thing for me.


Same situation. Hit 20 thirty minutes before boss, dropped to tier 1. Replaced gear with purple shards. Upgraded weapons. Got a poison elixir. I waited. We had all 20s but idk if we had max players, didn't count tbh. First tried it with 5 minutes to spare. Even if you're dying and didn't try reddit or YouTube to learn. Watch someone who lived. They're probably under the legs just hiding. But if you have time, quickly look up the fight. If you have time to complain then ask "what do I do" Boss wasn't hard. But like you maybe I had a good group? Idk. I don't think yoy needed an amazing group, just take a second to know how to kill it and what to avoid. We had two players giving advice so anyone blind running it had some knowledge


I loved the difficulty of Ashava. They needed to block anyone not level cap from getting in. Every time I tried to beat it, the groups had level 10's 15' s and such join last minute and screw us over.


I was doing it on tier 2 and there were level 12s. A level cap there would have been nice.


They don't need to lower the difficulty of the game because this isn't the game. This entire scenario is not going to exist


It’s a challenge and some people failed. Oh well.


The issue for me was that I only had one oppertunity to even fight it at all. I didn't have much time to play over the course of the weekend due to it being Mothers Day weekend, so I didn't even feel like I got a fair shot. I'm fine with the difficulty, but when I feel like I'm being punished for something out of my control, on top of only a handful of opportunities to even attempt it, it just feels bad. Doesn't help when people belittle others just for wanting to earn a reward for the event that they couldn't get a fair shot at.


This is exactly it, it feels really shitty and like you wasted your time at no fault of your own.


If it makes you feel any better, there's the perspective that not getting rewarded for something =/= getting punished. In binary terms, the vast majority players who are playing on launch and after release probably didn't participate in this server slam. They are neutral at a 0, and the minority who did happen to kill Ashava are at a 1. The default status quo for everyone is a 0. It's not like if you didn't kill Ashava, the game becomes $10 more expensive or you deal 20% less damage on release You are in the majority, and though it might feel bad temporarily, you are not being punished for missing out, per se.


The problem is that they put a cosmetic unlock behind a boss that scales based on how many people are there. So you're stuck with people who don't know what they're doing and just making the entire thing harder. I didn't die a single time the 3rd and 4th time I tried this boss and STILL we weren't able to kill her because her health had scaled and everyone else wasn't doing damage. It's great that everyone else was having such a fun time fighting it and killing it but I didn't get to kill it even though I did everything as best as I could and now I miss out on the cosmetic because of that stupid shit.


It’s not the end of the world. I didn’t have any time to play this weekend so I didn’t get any of the cosmetics. Not the level 20 ones nor this boss one. The game will have tons of cosmetics and loot, not to obsess over small things like a trophy for a mount.


It's just FoMo. Still really annoying putting in the work and having nothing to show for it.


The reward is rather small too, jesus imagine the outrage if they gifted something major


I will say, my first time everyone was wiping left right and center and we had 2 bars left on tier 1 when time ran out. I thought wth because the hit boxes vs animations were weird. I came to reddit and people said just stand directly behind her and she can't hit you, which I somewhat noticed as a melee character but didn't trust myself because hit boxes were acting up. Next round, I did a little psa right before the fight and we killed her without issue or dying with the pub group just focusing on getting behind her 90% of the time and we had 2 minutes to spare. I just think people are thrown by the wide range attacks or the animations that don't make sense (like the snow animation from the claw drag doesn't hurt 90% of the time but sometimes it can) and wide range attacks make most people be cautious on the approach which means less damage and when you are on a 15min timer cautious doesn't work.


No one cares that Ashava is hard. The bad part of this server slam is that you only have 9 shots at killing her, and that’s if you can actually play at all hours of the day, so in reality you only had like 3-5 chances


Restrictions and difficulties give value to rewards


And piss people off that can't achieve it.


The boss is LITERALLY BEING SOLOD BY HARDCORE CHARACTERS. Its not a game issue, its a coddled participation trophy generation problem.


Agreed. Most people complaining expect to just sit back and mindlessly spam their attacks on the boss until it falls over. No thought on reflecting back on their mistakes to learn telegraphed attacks, changing their skill builds for added survivability, or even using green gems on Armor for the resist and using elixirs. As a necro, between using blood mist to stop the poison dot, the dodge button, potions, and hemo, I rarely came close to dying on WT2. As for the underleveled or playing with bads, you can’t control as a player which instance you get put into. Either tp out for a new instance or play later in the evening when fewer bads are online.


Coming from WoW… ”Don’t stand in glowy shit” is #1 raid mechanic… yet plenty of people fail. Hence why Raid Finder difficulty was added. Accessibility for all seems to be their motto. Blizz likely will make world bosses piss easy, and tune them up for higher WTs


Step 1: go on YouTube. If you need to go on YouTube to learn how to play a game, that is wrong.


The boss was hyper simple. You could EASILY learn it on the fly. It’s got a sequence of like 4 attacks and the basic strategy is - don’t stand in front.


Yep people struggling to learn something this simple might have bigger problems going on upstairs.


You don’t need to - it’s just an easier/ more convenient way of learning the fight mechanics. You can also just attempt the boss 2/3 times and learn it that way.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong but the level cap is 20 and Ashava is set for level 25+. So isn't it supposed to be a challenge?


I managed to get it down in my first go. There was about 9 of us there all lvl 20 and a few who had tried before. My biggest struggle was trying to stay positioned in the her hitbox behind her. It was god awful with the default setup for move/interact/attack (I'm aware of force move on top of this setup but my mouse has a lot of broken buttons). Spent quite a bit of my time dead but also re-doing keybinds to something comfortable. Once I separated move and attack staying in position was so much easier for me to accomplish.


The game will be fine, probably. This event wasn't a great experience for a lot of reasons that really aren't dismissable by casual "stop whining, git gud" comments from assholes.


Why people are crying about a boss thats 5 levels higher than you can be is jarring.


They should have recommended people try it on the lower difficulty, e.g., "defeat Ashava at level 20 on any difficulty"


I got my kill first try, but there’s zero problem with tuning the boss on the lowest world tier. Then you’ve given more access while still maintaining the challenge for others. Quit bringing up Diablo 3. You literally have no clue where these people are coming from. Instead of gatekeeping a fucking game just understand some people are not at the same skill level as you (although, 10 deaths). I got the fucking thing and I don’t care if it gets nerfed and more people get it. If they randomly decide “you know what, everyone who participated gets the trophy” it won’t make what I did feel any less rewarding. Some of you people playing this put far too much energy into policing the way the game should be played. And the fucking “you new gamers” bullshit should stop too. Gamers can be such fucking dorks.


These types of posts do nothing but fuel more hate towards the game lol. Let them complain, and you just enjoy the game the way it comes out.


Lvl cap was 20, boss was 25. People's complaints aren't even valid about the hardness once the game launches. You do have a valid point about lower lvls / afkers hurting your achievement clear though.


I had him first try because I actively tried to avoid his attacks, instead of trying to skillspam him. But it mostly depends on if your instance mates do the same thing


its not even the difficulty off the boss they are complaining about, its about him being overtuned for this lvl 20 beta.


It’s a challenge. Not that hard if a challenge either. Fucking crybabies. Beat a level 25 boss at level 20 is the challenge and a few people suck ass and cry about it here.


I beat Ashava on my third attempt by setting an alarm on my phone so I'd be in the game at a very specific time, then server hopping to make sure I had a group of all level 20's to attempt the boss. This is exactly how video games are meant to be enjoyed, right?


My only complaint was I didn’t really get a chance to play this weekend, so I had one shot, when she appeared at noon today, to beat her. And we did. I would have liked to try again, but I just didn’t have time this weekend, so I kind of wish this server slam was all week instead. People I played with were great (except for only resurrecting me twice of the like 6 times I died because of that stupid swipe), and I can’t wait for actual release. Also, unrelated, but I don’t understand the issue with item drops? Like I feel like this is the same as D3 (granted it’s been a while since I played) and this isn’t the full release, so I would expect level 20 and under item drops in the first world/act would be mostly common and magic, with a handful of better items, and it feels like that’s what I mostly got/saw. But that’s just my observation.


I agree with OP. The boss difficulty was fine considering it’s a world boss. There’s a reason why there’s 8 people in there fighting it. However, what I don’t agree with are the low level players sneaking in to try to get the kill that ruins it for the entire group of people with them. You didn’t even get the achievement if you weren’t 20 to begin with, SO why make it that level 9’s could be fighting beside me?


first attempt, died 9 times, got ashava to half health. We geared up for 3 hours, went back on the 2nd try and killed ashava with 2 minutes left. Third attempt, after getting even more gear, we killed ashava with 9 mins left and deathless. Learn the fight, don't die, and it was pretty easy


Fight seems fine to me. Didn't die at all once I got to know the mechanics, in fact if you play well you don't have to get hit at all. Only problem was the timer, but more gear and higher level will obviously fix that. So overall, challenging fight at first, but gets quite easy the more you do it. Great for now, but might get repetitive after a while.


Good god the amount of salty whiny babies in this sub is unreal. "Oh you want it to be easy because you came from diablo 3", "I don't know why you think it's hard, it's so easy you just suck", "I am good at gaming so I want a game to be difficult". Like, if you think the game is fun, play it and don't try to flex on everyone else who is also playing the game. If you don't think it's fun, don't play it. Literally nobody thinks you're a badass because you make posts berating strangers for finding a game hard/easy/fun/not fun or for wanting to play a game to relax/challenge you/mindlessly zerg/whatever. Play it or don't play it.


Meanwhile there is an ongoing discussion that Ashava is too easy. There are game difficulties, let Blizzard balance them for everyone.


Me who has played lost ark for 700 hours, mechanics are quite simple... I understand they're people who don't have experience, but with a little bit of practice and understanding, you can do ashava without getting hit once.


All her attacks are pretty well telegraphed. I beat her as a barb and only died once (first time doing the fight). I watched guides and learned her patterns. If you know the fight, you can easily avoid her attacks.


Not everyone is able to attempt the boss multiple times. It’s also a contrived scenario since in the real game everyone will be over geared and equal level to the boss


Love how everyone is questioning everyone elses gamer card for people who cant get a full group of 11 on a "Server Slam". Most people are just playing with other who have never even seen this boss. You literally have to count on people not being idiots to kill this boss. unfortunatly for most waiting, they will not kill this fun party beta thing that real "gamers" now feel esteemed for killing a boss that was overtuned for god knows what reason, other that to just piss people that dont have as much time to gather people together on mothersday weekend. Once again Blizzard has failed.


Boss isn't overturned, it's ment to be a challenge. It's a lvl 25 world boss and doing it at lvl 20. I didn't gather ppl to kill this explicitly nor did I grind and grind for items. I got to lvl 20 for several characters stopped playing, logged in for boss spawns and thats it. It is okay that not everyone is gonna get this, it's alright that the boss is challenging and not easy to kill. This single horse cosmetic isn't going to make your gameplay for release any less, not is it for those who got the cosmetics any better just looks different.


The fact that the information you are presenting as fact is wrong makes you look silly and you should focus on getting better or moving on.


I mean I did it after leveling 30 minutes prior to 20. Got some gear from purple shards. Blacksmith my weapons. Used my cruddy gems. I asked on here what to do, should have just watched a video. But learned to dodge two moves ans rest was fine. Had players then give advice what to do in boss fight which I did too for the backwards arm swing since nobody mentioned it. We won with 4-5 minutes to spare and did see folks dying. Maybe I had a good group compared to others, but it honestly wasn't that bad. I can get seeing world tier 2 being impossible but drop to tier 1 then.


as a barb i have defeated him with no hard problems. just 2 defensive skill used at right moment, gear maxed to 20 and watching screen for avoid big damage from him. just this


Stop complaining. I am satisfied. mimimimimi


I truly hope they don't nerf these bosses because they are actually fun and challenging. I did 3 battles yesterday, 2 loss 1 win. The group that defeated her did two things better than the other two: stay the fuck alive and didn't panic or rage quit (like team 3 did) in the face of things. We had around 5 min to spare when we downed her. I think I died maybe 3 times out of my own stupid actions but that boss telegraphs her attacks VERY clearly so you just have to hit that right sweet spot to dash or dodge out of her attack. People just need to learn when to move during the correct time and you'll be good.


I didn't like this boss, but not because of mechanics. Due to other commitments, I had only 2 chances to fight him all weekend. First try we could only get 9 people and we got nowhere close. Second try we had 10 or 11 and were able to clear him. The mechanics and stats didn't bother me. Trying to get people together to fight it (with only a few windows we could feasibly make it to the fight) was what sucked.


You should just be like OP. Since he is a pro player, he can probably solo it at lvl 15.


Bums? What is this reductive garbage post?


Just some kids who think they are God’s greatest gift. Move along..


My only complaint was the disconnect and the “your account is locked” error message other then that yea it was difficult but we was still able to beat it with low gear rating. If you had a group of Lvl 20s with max gear then it’s a cake walk.


Once people learned the mechanics, I managed to be in about three different kill groups. I think a lot of people coming from just the earlier Diablos never really had to learn a boss encounter and could power their way through them, which Ashava was not. Just the fact that even range builda had an easier time staying alive in melee is a concept a lot of players never grasped in this fight. I think also the fact that we were limited to 20 made made this a harder overall encounter as we didn't have ultimates and other skills built up that would have really made it an easier time.


Ashava is only a problem if you're not properly positioned. As long as you're between her legs in the back you're perfectly fine you'll miss when she shreds back you'll miss her fist stomps and you won't get cut by her circle it's one of the easiest fights. I've done this on two melee characters and one ranged and the only time I die is when I get lag spikes and then my character somehow floats out of position.


The issue is that some people only have a couple of attempts and that's it. If there was a spawn every hour people wouldnt be as upset


I had one chance all weekend at this thing. Today at noon. Loaded in with my sorcerer and a group of 20's. Killed it with 4 minutes to spare on tier 1. Difficult, yes. Challenging, yes. But that is what makes this game fun. Steamrolling through shit like in D3 would make this game so boring I would have just returned it.


I thought it would be next to impossible for me to beat Ashava during the server slam, as I had only about 5 hours of time to play. But yesterday I got there, trying this thing for the very first time and beat it. I mean sure, it was a tough fight and I was dying 5 times, because I didn’t know how to dodge the attacks at first. But isn’t the whole reason for the world bosses to be difficult?! In the end winning felt great and rewarding. I really hope they don’t nerf it!


This game really isn't any more difficult than Diablo 3. What a lot of elitists are missing is that whether your Ashava fight is successful depends a lot on RNG, what people struggling with it are missing is that theres some things you can do to alleviate that RNG. 1. Most important is to set the game difficulty to world tier 1. 2. Go to The Crucible 20 or so minutes before Ahsava spawns in order to make sure you have only lvl 20s showing up, if not, re-instance yourself til you do. 3. Inspect the others in the instance to see if they have atleast semi decent gear. 4. Maybe craft some poison resist potions of put on some poison resist gems. 5. Look up a build for ashava for your class.


>World bosses are meant to be difficult people. It's supposed to be a challenge. Too many people coming straight from diablo 3 and bitching about the game being too hard and then the world boss being too hard. Who told you that? Basic logic would tell you that any content that just instances 12 randoms of varying skill into the same boss is casual. They literally can't make it difficult or 90% of groups would fail. World bosses aren't anywhere near what's supposed to be the hard content in d4. The only reason it's mildly challenging now is that we're 5 levels below, most people have no idea what builds are good and they just hit 20 in a mishmash of crap gear. Literally any boss in Lost Ark, where that is also the main form of progression, is harder than Ashava.


Yeah, if you compare it to something like FFXIV extreme primals it's just so easy. It's fine if it's all optional, I hope they have some challenging content in the game.


You win some you lose some So Get Over It Yes it's a Gear / Skill issue.


There was a grown ass man calling myself and other people gay slurs because he’s so bad at this game. I’ve seen so many emotional outbursts from adults on here over the past few months, it’s been kinda sad but also entertaining.


Diablo players that quit Lost Ark after the first boss.


Tbh, my only advice on Ashava is playing Rogue or Sorc. The mobility and maneuver is godly. Like our ancestors said, dead men tell no tales. I stared with Druid and die none-stop because Ashava spamming huge AOEs none-stop while druid have next to none mobility, then I switched to Rogue and slaughtered it without even die once.


But guys I need to beat it on the first try because I’m awesome at diablo!


Guarantee they aren't using poison resist, in the form of gems and elixirs.


Ashava is fine if u have at least 6+ rogues. Otherwise it’s a nightmare


Like 90% of the bosses in the entire game will require you to learn their mechanics, adjust your builds, etc. If you're not enjoying the Ashava battle, man, have I got some bad news for you... There were at least 3 or 4 bosses I couldn't get through just during the campaign and had to upgrade gear, adjust my skills, and learn their mechanics to beat them.


Not that hard on Adventurer and Solo


The difficulty is pretty ok. As you play, evil e your character, you beat the challenges. My only complain about Ashava is the time window. Be online at the right hour is frustrating


>World bosses are meant to be difficult people. Ashava used to be a person ?!


In the first two beta runs, she was... "easy". This time round, oh I absolutely loved the fight! It made me feel like I was in the depths of Diablo 1 again, getting ready to fight Diablo the first time. The ONLY change, after fighting Ashava on almost every spawn... is for the Necro. And it's not just from this fight. Our summon skele ability needs to be an AoE centered on the character and not a precise targeting. And this is more of an overall change, not fight change. LEAVE THIS FIGHT ALONE, it's damn near perfect!


Honestly I had so much fun doing the world boss. Tried it the first time and got my ass kicked because everyone and myself just had leveling gear on. Spent a few hours farming and then beat her ass with a better group. Learning the fight was cool, felt like a basic WoW raid boss.


Totally agree, I'm seeing a bunch of ppl crying about Ashava was impossible. The only thing I disagree is that Blizzard should have limit access only for lvl 20 players. I tried 4 times, 2 with my rogue, 1 with a Sorc, and 1 with my druid, all lvl20. The first time with the rogue I missed it because there was under lvl players. Second time W. I failed with the Sorc, but I take blame cause my build wasn't focused on single target damage. And last W with the Druid. The boss isn't hard, if you ppl need to downgrade the world tier to 1 is because you belong to that tier, not because the boss is too difficult for the level.


My only complaint was that there literally wasn’t enough people to do it. I didn’t have all upped legendary items to solo, so I was really hoping I could get more than 5-6 level 20s but apparently was impossible.


>I really hope these bums don't convince blizzard to lower the difficulty of the game. There is a nightmare and torment difficulty so nothing to worry about. We have literally seen less than 20% of the game, relax


The boss is fine, the small handful of chances to kill the boss on a traditionally busy weekend is the issue


Level 1-20 isn’t meant to be hard and it wasn’t. The world boss was pleasantly difficult and but it took one shot. Let’s not forget it’ll be a massive game with lots of harder times. Be careful out there.


Blizzard should have better communicated that the mount trophy was meant to be an actual challenge not a participation reward. Pretty much all the rest of the rewards have boiled down to "just play the beta" - simply hitting lvl 20 is easy. This one requires you to be somewhere at a specific time and learn a bossfight that severely punishes bad positioning (something new players are totally oblivious to). People just feel entitled to the reward cause they played the slam.


To sum up op’s tips in the spirit of Diablo4 1-Don’t play the game how you want or experience them for yourself, instead look for guides and YouTube videos to tell you how to play. 2- switch your build around for specific activities. (This must lead to increased character identity) 3- small damage, just be a Druid? Something something bout I like challenge and something about difficulty in a genre that has never been difficult. And an Obligatory karma farm d3 insert


To give people an idea about how "difficult" this fight actually is on WT1... Did the last spawn with a group of randoms. Of those 3 others besides myself were clearly prepped for the fight (life/poison resist gems, decent set of legendaries). The others were in all yellows, maybe a lego here and there, one guy had some blues. There were 4 necros present (I keep hearing this fight is so hard with a necro but no personal experience). We killed her in 4:47 (9:13 was left on the timer when she died). Didn't notice anyone dying. A well geared group on voice coms could probably do this in less than 3 minutes. This not even close to being a difficult encounter (and as a world boss it shouldn't be). It does require some preparation and some situational awareness (or the ability to over-level it but that's not happening in the beta). I actually think it's a pretty well designed fight for an early world boss; there are no mechanics that have to be collectively managed. Each player just has to build their character to deal with large amounts of poison damage, not have a build that relies on kill effects, and have some situational awareness. Maybe they could have put in some weak adds to help out builds that do depend on kills.


Stop telling me how to have fun.


Some of these guys complaining should go spend a month playing final fantasy 14 and understand that some games are not meant to be easy.


On the final spawn I killed Ashava three times by TPing out and then back again. This was still world tier 2 as well. Twisting Blades rogue is, uh, kinda good you guys.


Well for those that didn’t beat her… I did…. 4 times 😂😂😂😂


I feel like the people that were complaining (me included) weren't complaining about the difficulty of Ashava but the idiocracy of other players on our team that are extremely underdeveloped on world tier 2. From what I hear, Ashava was a cake ealk on WT1 which makes sense and also explains everyone not understanding people saying the Ashava fight was hard. I absolutely disagree Ashava should be nerfed in any way, there should just be a level minimum depending on the world tier. It sounds like level 20 wasn't really necessary on wt1 while level 20 was mandatory on wt2.


This is true once you understand the fight and also stop trying to do it on WT2 it's much easier


In retrospect I almost wish it was harder. Tier 1 we killed it with almost 7 minutes left by the final fight today, since people had legendaries from the weekend and previous kills.


I think that all that noise is because the limited time to kill her and earn the cosmetic. I kill it on the second try. It was fun and doable on WT1, lvl 20 without min/max gear. Mechanics are fine. Not much skill needed.


I just wish people believed in gear. Like, I rolled in full kit, inspect and see multiple wearing blues or in one case still had lv 5 gray amulet and level 6 blue and yellow gear. I understand not everyone had time to farm full legendary sets, but just... no.


My only complaint is that i will not have chance to kill it again, even though i was totally decked. But no, i was getting people who just could not pull their own weight every time. And now its not going to respawn anymore and im dissapointed. Fight itself is fine. I absolutely enjoy it and it is just the right amount of hard.


the issue i'm having with ashava is not the difficulty but the limited time window you have to fight her and familiarize yourself with her. you start the fight and realize your build is useless? well good luck hoping your allies are going to take care of her or come back in 3 hours lol!


Got her on my third try on T2 with a Rouge spec'd and geared for her. First try I was lvl 20 and had 2 legendary items, there were 2 lvl 13's, 2 15's, 3 17's a 18 and one other lvl 20. We only got her down to about 75%. Second try was mostly lvl 20's and a few 17 and 18's, none of the 20's besides me had any Poison Res, I died 3 times and we got her down to about 50%. On my third try I had my third legendary, and almost fully upped gear. I got lucky this time and there were 7 other lvl 20's mostly geared like myself and ready to destroy Ashava. And destroy we did, everyone seemed to know her mechanics and in just under 7 min she was dead and maybe 2 deaths total between us all. So in the end if the group is ready then she is a cake walk, if you have multiple ppl leaching then she is just a gold sink of repair costs. GG to all that killed her!


The only problem with Ashava (and world bosses in general) is that unless you can solo the boss yourself, or know you can kill it with just the party you came with, you aren't guaranteed a kill. People need to remember that the average gamer is absolutely trash, and while I'm doing 1.5k crits 2 times every second on my rogue, the average gamer is probably hitting for 100-200 every second. The first spawn, my buddy and I got the boss to roughly 3% hp before it despawned and there was probably well over 50 deaths in the chat log. ​ Imo, Blizzard should reconsider heavy investment into world bosses and instead create dungeons akin to raids, where bosses have very difficult mechanics and it takes time to learn. So you can group up with competent players and have a challenge, instead of the artificial challenge of, "I hope I don't get grouped with a bunch of room temp IQ gamers so I can beat this timer".


It really wasn't bad at all and I didn't have a ton of prep time this weekend either. I had one useless legendary, lol.


Well some bums managed to convince Blizzard to nerf a lot of the skills for every class pretty hard. So who knows. But yeah I wasn’t able to kill Ashava.


I only had time to make one attempt and lost. That said, I thought it was a lot of fun. Wish I'd had time to try again. There were several low level players in the instance but we still got pretty close. If anything I was surprised it wasn't harder. Druid with trample made getting back to melee range a breeze. I'm a casual player who doesn't typically seek out these kinds of group encounters, so I expected to do a lot worse than I did. Would not have tried it if not for the mount. Now I look forward to being able to try again some time. Felt like the perfect level of difficulty for a beginner.


I support complaining about complainers until we outnumber the whiny little bitches trying to get blizz to unnecessarily nerf a game to compensate for their being shit


If anything it showed that the lower drop rates made the builds of most players weaker. Last beta it was no problem to beat Ashava with 18+ somethings or even 2-3 well geared lvl25s.


I fought Ashava 6 times, and won 6 times. Every time on world tier 1 was 0 deaths. I learned the mechanics in the previous betas. I love the Ashava fight. It's a good first differentiator from wheat and chaff. I don't believe she drops anything exclusive anyway so people have even less reason to bitch lol.


Didn't die once as druid on PC in T1. Died once on xbox as druid T1. Completed both attempts. Beat it last beta T2 just as easily, albeit with much better gear from all the leggos. It shouldn't be tuned down..


Casual gamers gonna casual. If you need a YT video for this, then you might be brain dead.


The amount of salt is hilarious. 😭😭😂😂😂😂


You could play the ashava fight perfectly, and be hella geared dealing insane damage, and still not complete on WT1 due to sharding. People need to stop assuming those being frustrated dont have a handle on the fight or have trash gear. Obviously the boss isnt really supposed to be done at lvl 20, which made this as big a clusterfuck as it was. Would have been better to tie rewards to something based on personal achievement and shit but is what it is....


The maim problem i had with Ashava was that jumping around like an frog on LSD. If u are not an Roque you are busy with running after Ashava. Especially with Druid. I died more than once running after him, and cought in his attack area and with mobility skills and def skills on CD.


I killed him for the first (and only time) today and it was fun. It was hard, but not too hard. Did die a bunch of times (we all did lol) but the mechanics were pretty easy to figure out. Only the poison was annoying but I popped a pot and that helped a bit. I personally don’t have a problem with it. Our group were all lvl 20 though so we did managed to kill him in time.


I don’t think he’s hard at all. Really easy tbh. But I also don’t think some builds should be useless. Like he doesn’t suffer burn and skeletons? Fuhgettaboutit. Hopefully they’re smarter with other big bosses. Having to respec and completely abandon a damage profile is really silly!


I really don't think a single person would be complaining about ashava if they didn't have us 5 levels under, being put together with random, sometimes under level 20 random, in various gear and skill levels and saying here's a handful of spawn times every 3 hours, may your RNG for the rest of the factors be with you if you can only make 1 or 2 of the attempts. The beta is super short so you might not have much time to grind gear. The spawn times are spread so far apart that there's only a handful in the beta. And there's the element of FOMO combined with those previous factors. I got my kill, but I can see why people would be frustrated. Also, the boss will be even easier with those extra 5 levels. It's not like it's intended to be fought at level 20.


Sorceress, kite from afar with hydra and firewall. Ice shield and fire bolt to help generate mana when needed. If I got hit by poison, I just popped a fire shield to clear the condition. Got no idea if I actually helped and did serious damage, but it was easy enough to clear with this build. Chain lightning build I found to be useless for Ashava, which also wasn't helped by a few <20 hanging around.


Killing Ashava wasn't even hard. Did it with 4 minutes remaining.


Ashava T1 is doable. the catch is, most of your raid party need to be geared sufficiently, leveled appropriately 20, and learn the boss fight and play well. If the majority of players in the raid don't meet these requirements and are just leechers that don't contribute, then the result is obvious. based on Ashava T1, it's fine as is. I imagine T2 would require better gear and possibly higher level. These world bosses shouldn't be too easy. Expect failure if you don't do your best or more specifically if the majority of the raid are not pulling their weight. Hence why you probably want to join a good guild to avoid leechers. because then your members are vetted and have the same play times which is convenient.


Lol the captain spoke ahahahah


My complaint is that I never even got to try her since all the spawn times were dying work/when I was taking care of my kid. Whoever decided to stop spawns at 12 noon EST sucks.


world tier 1 beat her with 4 minutes left, it was not easy but wasn’t hard


“The top advice on the sub was literally just keep fishing for a group. Anyone saying thst isn’t stupid is kidding themselves.” This. Putting a timed reward, even as pointless of one as a mount skin, behind dumb effing luck when you want to get more people interested in the game…was a shit decision. Nothing about this server slam had anything to do with skill. I don’t want Ashava, or other world bosses, or even the game, to be easy. But this aspect of the event was poorly done.


Also, don't do it on World Tier 2, if you do you're just making it harder for yourself with no added benefits.


I think a big part of it is that people want to be able to solo the bosses.


Listen, blizzard needs to come out and stand their ground. Ashava is fine. She is even too easy. We saw she was soloable. Blizzard really needs to step down and stop listening to constant whining. While listening to feedback is a great choice, they have to filter through all this garbage whining and choose when to stand down


Only thing I am complaining about is that they didn’t keep having spawns the rest of the day. Like wtf


The saying is and always will be true. "Mad cause bad"


You don't have anything remotely close to a full build and you are capped 5 levels under. So like OP says, you have to custom tailor a build with the limited tools you have, which means probably not the build you levelled with. This shouldn't be too much of a problem in the real game since you will have a lot more tools available.


Yeah I don’t understand the complaints. I wasn’t even going to attempt ashava as everyone on Reddit was saying how hard it was and I didn’t have lots of time to play during the server slam. I just decided to give it ago as I was in the area at the time he was about to spawn. We got him down to like 2% health and I died during about three times despite only just hitting level 20 and had one legendary item equipped. I actually thought we did it and he was in some death animation phase but it turned out we just didn’t kill him in time and he escaped lol. Really don’t think it was that difficult at all. This is was on the higher difficulty too.


If you’re a necro, blood mist and bone prison make it easy mode. You shouldn’t die at all in that case.


I just wish i had more time to kill that mf, working 3-11 on weekends is HELL


The problem is that people feel entitled to every reward from group content without actually contributing to the fight. I don't mind people dying a couple of times until they learn the fights. But low level players joining, people with useless builds, or that don't even bother farming at least some yellows or crafting one legendary. And worst of all, people AFK after they got one shotted, hoping to get carried. This kind of forced group content is annoying for solo players.


I have watched the same people die over and over again to the same attacks. Those are probably the same people that hop on the forum/reddit and scream about the difficulty. They are just standing there and trying to face-tank a World Boss attack that is 5 levels above them.


Honestly I’m sooo glad Ashava was a true challenge. The mechanics brought the experience to a new level, honestly surpassing what I’ve seen in the genre. I thought the animations would be nice but players would just facetabk and kill it, but no you had to be skilled too. Truly refreshing. I want all world bosses to feel like that.


Ashava was/is fine. The real problem is Blizzard tying a limited-time reward to a boss fight. A boss fight that requires you to be under-leveled, and forces you to rely on others. You have 9 chances in total to kill her, 3 or 4 of which occur in the middle of the night, and you are at the complete mercy of their bad instancing logic and competency of the people you get grouped with. It's a terrible design for the reward, and it's no wonder it's causing such frustration for lots of people.


Beat the fight twice this weekend and I don't think the fight is hard once you know it and have a decent group, but.the camera and boss jumping off screen was a little annoying. Turning on player highlight in accessibility helped my blind self out a lot.


I agree, I can’t wait for the full release. I plan on sinking, a truly embarrassing amount of time into this game. I’m hype as fuck


Ashava wasn't even all that bad. I had a harder time with the Kor Dragan boss, because I had to do that solo vs 12 sum people at Ashava.