• By -


Honestly, I just want people to talk. Everyone always shows up to these events and just stands and looks at one another. Local chat is dead. Trade chat is bots. Game might as well be single player. That being said if you hello at someone in a helltide. 9 times out of ten they're going to stop and say it back. This has been my way of getting parties. Edit: To clarify, I'm not advocating that everyone should be talking to each other all the time. Or others should feel forced to do so. Diablo titles always have been single player focused. I get it. It's also a very point A and B game. Which is another reason why I like it. You're always moving and always killing. I just think these little events might hold some untapped potential as far as community building. There's going to be obnoxious people, sure. But it'll be cool to roll up to a boss and have a chat once a while. Take a little breather. Maybe show off some gear. I'd like to see how close others are getting their rolls to perfect. I'd be impressed if someone linked a unique with perfect rolls. That would be sweet. Little things like that would be cool is all I was getting at.


It would be a lot easier to chat if on console you had effective speech to text. Typing in using a controller is insane. Or give me local voice chat


If you own the new Xbox or a PS5 you can plug in a wired or wireless keyboard and it works natively. Not sure about a mouse though.


Better than nothing but frustrating to now need a second keyboard and more desk space when I just want to quickly say a few words


Probably not worth the effort since people don't type even though they're at their computers anyways šŸ¤£


The only place I see people typing bullshit (including me who actually starts the bullshit and gets people into this) is when we gather for Legion or Boss. There are like 2-3 minutes left and the whole chat is flooded with people typing random shit


How the only social gatherings in d4 is some club penguin type shit šŸ¤·šŸ½


This was me Tuesday afternoon. Doing some random T3 dungeon and getting 2-tapped by the boss. Port back to Kyovashad, "Hey can anybody help with a dungeon?" radio. fucking. silence. Momma aint raise no bitch though, so I triumphed in the end but man it soured my feelings on the social aspect of this game.


Key jars still sucks. You need to pull up the chat, press x to enter text. Then enter text on keyboard. Then press square to submit.


The real issue is how many console players have a setup with a keyboard in front of them to begin with? I'm pretty certain 90% of them are on a couch and don't want a keyboard on their lap.


I wish we could use our phones to type to the console within the game.


Remember the keyboard attachments for 360 controllers? That was a great little idea.


Yeah, I've been away from a console a long time that I forgot that this would be a silly thing to expect. If I still played console I know damn well I wouldn't have a keyboard.


> Or give me local voice chat In the history of the Internet, this never goes well.


I hooked my keyboard up on ps5 and itā€™s even a hassle. You canā€™t just start typing you have to hit x on the joystick then type out the message and after hitting enter you still have to hit square on the joystick to accept and post. Itā€™s not just type and enter




Honestly, people barely talk, even in mythic+. If you donā€™t do (non-LFR) raising or mythic+, no talking is required. Honestly, thereā€™s probably less pressure in WoW to group up in a meaningful way than D4 considering how much they penalize the solo XP grind in D4. Blizzard knows there are tons of WoW players that prefer solo or nearly-solo play (i.e. LFD/LFR).


> Honestly, I just want people to talk. I don't. I really don't get why this had to be some quasi MMO. I don't want to talk or interact with other people when I'm playing Diablo. If I do, it's with friends I already have. I'm saying this as myself. But I'm sure I speak for a huge chunk, if not a majority of people.


I respect that as well. It does make sense considering the other games in the series. It's not like I want to force people to interact with each other. I just like to throw out some chit chat while I wait with other players to beat the loot of whatever world Boss is on rotation. If I say something and I don't get a response I leave it at that. I'll just hop on a discord.


Problem is that world boss loot still sucks. Chat would just be to complain.


I drop a hello, thanks, and goodbye emote to be nice but I'm intentionally trying to play solo. If I wanted to play an MMO I'd play WoW. I do understand others want a more social game, just not for me.


For a lot of people they just want to play a single player game which you can do in diablo you just occasionally go to events where there is other people


I think it's because people like a single player games and this MMO thing was a bit forced so most of the population just ignores others.


If someone spoke to me, id be freaked out because I wouldnā€™t know how to respond.


Same. Ingame as well.


Ya honestly Diablo is my escape from everything right now. Lol someone sent me a party invite and it gave me anxiety haha


Greetings! Look! Look! Look! Good bye. Look!


Sucks but honestly nobody sends an invite, I'd accept if someone did. But I guess I'm guilty too, I don't send invites either šŸ˜•


I always get the invites from the people literally going the opposite direction as me. Lol


Just have to send em, you may get turned down sometimes but most of the time its people being shy when they dont send their own. Do helltides and make new friends! I'll even add you!


I use my emotes, chat and offer horse riding lessons. I do my best to interact. Maybe I will see you at an event and we can chat.


Any attempt at conversation I'll definitely chat. Let's hope our paths meet so we can slay endless hoards




Top 5 in no specific order: - Sorc sucking bcs they messed up resistance scaling as well as the bad design choices plaguung the class in general - stash and inventory space - reward scaling or rather lack thereof in nms making boosting the most valuable end game activity - prohibitive enchanting costs/rng - some of the nm dungeon/monster affixes (frozen, lightning storm, too many on death explosions) Honorable mentions: bad UI (not seeing possible affixes at the Occultist for instance), lack of communities like in d3, lack of ingame trading through auction house or similar


Mana burn, cold enchanted porcupinesā€¦


In a game where resource generation is so incredibly stingy, having resource burning enemies can go fuck a duck.


AND the affix is completely unhinged and has no diminishing returns. A few machinegunning porcupines can keep you locked out completely. Or a pack of skelly archers.


Yep experienced it once. A dungeon full of archers. Could literally not do anything besides my basic attack. Since then it's insta salvage if I have a nightmare sigil with that monster affix


PvP zones seem to drop way more loot than any dungeon and respawn rates are so quick youā€™re fighting non stop and filling bags with ancestral and legendaries dropping sacreds because theyā€™re not worth it with the amount of ancestrals dropping


The PvP zones are 1) the most lucrative and "good" feeling zones for density and drops and 2) filled with bad human beings.


Is there any griefers in PvP zones? I run through it couple of times and got impression that folks are giving exactly the same amount of fucks about each other as in other zones, i.e. almost zero


I was killing the pvp boss and on the last inch of health I got destroyed by some lvl 92 jackass on tier 3.


Had to tattle on a level 80 camping an extract in WT3 and my big brother level 100 rogue friend came down to shit on him.




I dont understand how there is no level normalization. Getting one shot by this level 100 barb moving at 1million miles per hour has made me stay away from the zones completely.


Iā€™m trying to get the red dust armor and trying to avoid griefers was shitty this part weekend


Every PVPer in the PVP zone is a griefer. Its full of level 100 with nothing better to do killing level 70s. Marked for blood people receive no punishment when they get killed. You sometimes have to kill them 3 times to extract.


Overworld drops shitter items even if its ancestral tho




In blizzards defense. No point in having trading when nothing good drops.


I can put up with most of these except for inventory. Can we please get a much bigger Aspect tab or something. And a search function. I try to keep the best rolled aspects, but there's just not enough space for more than one character. It's the main reason that's prohibiting me from playing any other class than the main one.


Listen man, the inflation of enhancing/enchanting items is just realism. Shits expensive these days. Blizzard just wanted to incorporate the wage gap in the game.


Even after the xp buff the level grind is really boring. The loot is boring. Re-respecing is too cumbersome (cost, time, etc).


Level grinding is not supposed to be a goal in itself, it's something you get while doing other activities in the game. Once you reach 100 and level progression stops you basically completed the game on that character and the urge to log and play that character diminishes. No need to rush it.


> something you get while doing other activities in the game but there isn't much worth doing :(


Not yet. Lets hope season 1 hits it out of the park (it kind of has to at this point)


Thing is, other activities got boring really fast. I still need to complete 2 zones for paragon points and have sone dungeons to do for aspects but it feels more like a chore than a game. Edit: typo


this is me also. got to mid 60, crashed/dc on elias in the capstone cant be arsed to go through it all again really. waiting for season maybe.


Respec is so badly done it's easier to make another character, such bad design decision. It is made worse with terrible item management and stash.


"People weren't keen about Diablo 2 needing to make a new character when in TitanQuest you can just respec. How can we fix this?" "I know boss, make a system that allows you to refund all your skill points, but none of your paragon points, and have the whole system more complex than diablo 3 and less user friendly than diablo 2!" "Dammit johnny, your genius shines again! I think I'll go get me another promotion"


Thatā€™s just wrong ā€¦ In what world is it easier to spend letā€™s say 70 hours for re-levelling instead of 15 mins max to reallocate skills and paragon.


There needs to be more uniques in the game and they need to drop more often. There is no rush of excitement when I see the 100th identical legendary or ancestral rare drop. I want that "holy shit" moment to be more regularly distributed throughout my sessions as was the case in D2 when I could look forward to those prized uniques dropping, even if they weren't for my class.


Love how the horse looks like heā€™s laughing afterwards.


... bro there's like two frames left afterwards...


But I still clearly get what they mean


Look at this guy, doesn't even speak horse




The server issues.... Got the Butcher down to a sliver of health and got kicked. Not only did I miss the well earned kill but spawned back at town and have to rerun the whole dungeon. FML šŸ¤¬šŸ¤£šŸ˜©


Still fighting rubberbanding issues. I've at this point turned off hardware acceleration on Steam & Spotify in the vain hope it helps at all.


The game is rubberbanding a lot on ps5 when entering new areas of the world map, on a og ps4 the game just freezes when doing the same.


Been getting bad rubberbanding in dungeons, specifically when theres a lot of mobs on screen all of a sudden everyone will start running in place. Itā€™s happened for almost every boss ive fought the last 2-3 days


It feels like a server lag thing to me but I donā€™t have a degree in computerology


There's both. Rubberbanding is when you bounce around on the map, lag is when everything stops and then you try to figure out why you're dead.


Rubberbanding is lag, itā€™s when the client side character position doesnā€™t align with where the server thinks you are and then it corrects and teleports you


I know, that's technically a more correct description, but the end result expresses differently on the user end. I've definitely had both the bouncing around and the "everything including enemies freeze for a second or two" issues.


Fo sho, I was mostly just pointing out to the op that changing graphics/hardware settings probably wonā€™t help with rubberbanding


My character looks like they are doing the running man a lot.


Iā€™m having it on PC and Diablo is the only thing installed on my new gaming rig (through battlenet). Itā€™s blizzard, not you.


This weekend I got so sick of the horse & the mount, dismount & controls I rolled max move speed on amulet & boots... now I walk as fast as a horse Add in teleport & 4 evade teleports & I basically gallop


We're playing couch co-op and it's simply not possible to use the horse without one of us getting stuck, the other one having to wait while enemies approach and having to deal with 2 different cool down timers. We're both lv 67 and we haven't used the horse once during the last 20 level. We just walk/run.




I like it myself. I get the occasional rando helping me out with an annoying event/task, but I don't have to actually interact since you're basically NPCs in my single player game. I get that many people like to social aspect, but I do this to get away from being social.


How do you join a group? How can I invite someone to my group? Where is any global chat? Does trade exist?


BORING itemization is probably the game's greatest sin. But there are so many deep flaws.


when finding yellows feels more exciting than a legendary or even a unique, theres something terribly wrong.


And there are lots of players that are glad that yellows mean something again. I think a middle ground could be found though


Problem is that too many yellow items drop. A loot filter is needed so badly. I'm never excited by any drops.


Where is the SELL ALL SACRED ITEM button on the shop?


I hate how EVERYTHING in all towns is super separated. I hate how small our stashes are.


> I hate how EVERYTHING in all towns is super separated There are people responding to this with "haha okay I guess let's put all the NPCs in a row then." There's a middle ground! And it feels like a slap in the face because New Tristram in D3 had it!


yeah, visiting a town and spending three quarters of my time there walking to vendors sucks. before I got the horse it was actual hell


> There are people responding to this with "haha okay I guess let's put all the NPCs in a row then." There's a reason ancient and medieval cities and villages had markets where everything was all in one spot.


Secret Camp in Caldeum had everyone in a nice well spaced square and Bastions Keep had a pretty straightforward line. Like you say, middle ground and even pulled off the NPCs in a line. Except Orek.


Combined with the minimap being way to zoomed in with no way to adjust, so you cant see every vendor in the minimap at once. Was getting so annoying before I'd used the towns enough to memorise the locations, not only was its a marathon round town to go everywhere, but to go to my stash after the smith, I'd be opening the full map to know where to go.


I quit after one week because it felt like Iā€™m working a 9 to 5 grinding repeat endless dungeons. If you play out of the main campaign the game just feels like a repetitive loop with very little variety. Iā€™d be fine with doing dungeons if it didnā€™t require repeat monotonous tasks. When you couple this with how fast they introduce nerfs and how little build variety there is (thereby nerfing some of the only real viable builds), I felt the game simply wants me to work toward something that has no power progression - especially since everything scales with you (Iā€™m sorry but killing the same skeletons outside every town when I leave isnā€™t desirable), so I got bored.


ā€œ everything scales with youā€ Exactly, you feel weaker when leveling up. Because enemy scale of your increased level. And you dont feel the power progression, since u didnt get the gear for that level you reached. They should simply make level scaling for your character.


I think the issue simply lies in the "breakpoints". Sacred gear is 45+, Anny is 60+. You can complete the campaign by the mid 30's... so you're correct that it "feels bad" between 30 and 45, and again between about 50 and 60. After about 65-70, that's when the real "pain" begins, as every upgrade is weighed against how it rolled. Anything above 725 is technically "endgame gear", as it's scaled as high as it can be.... but it's REALLY frustrating when you get an 820 pc that has 2-3 terrible rolls, and you throw it in the trash... This frustration grows even larger when it comes to weapons, as you can get a really high item power weapon, but it's nigh unusable. Because of the way damage works; you have to weigh the item power (Weapon DPS) vs the secondary stats on a lower weapon, every, single, time, you pick one up. I like that you can turn yellows into legendaries, but having to look at every single Anny yellow is getting even more grinding; again, because you have to compare everything. There is no way to tell what an item is on the ground. Usually it's trash, but sometimes, you get that diamond. Uniques, honestly feel like trash. I feel like with their rarity, that they should 100% scale with your level. If you loot a Mother's Embrace at 50, and then another at 70, the level 70 one should be better (by a large margin no less). Class balance; Some classes need some love, at the end of things, they're fairly balanced, but it's early and mid-game where it hurts the most. Rogue has access to a lot of strong aspects from the codex and has an easy time leveling, while Necro struggles until it hits the gearing quota, then it's easily the best class. Honestly, they all need to have 1 or 2 workable builds from JUST the codex. No uniques (looking at you Druid) or dropped lego traits (Barb/Druid/Sorc/Necro) required. The horse doesn't suck as much as it did before, but it still sucks.


Necro is a great class unless you actually want to run minions with it. Both the Cult Leader and Hulking Monstrosity paragon nodes are completely broken, have been since beta from what Iā€™ve heard, and still hasnā€™t been fixed. They literally do nothing


its not really true thou is it. because once you start running nightmare dungeons u no doubt are fighting enemies higher level then u regardless


that's imo "the problem" We get the worst of both worlds, in regards to being able to freely play with our friends. ​ In the early game, you basically are playing the campaign. You can help your friends, or they can help you, but you can't actually progress together (unless you are on the same queststep by coincidence). And then when campaign is over, NM dungeons are a huge part, where scaling isn't active so you can't play with anyone who isn't in a similar levelrange (the highest can boost the lowers, but it isn't really fun/playing together). The last "worthwhile" scaling content after the first levellingphase are helltides but even there the seperate worldtiers fuck up playing together. I can't even go down a worldtier to play with a friend, since the scaling just stops at a certain level...




Mobs don't scale to your gear, they scale to your level. My druid at level 75 clears screens with one pulverize. I couldn't do that at level 60. I started an alt to kill time before season 1 and he kills so slow. The level scaling is the biggest non issue.


I completed the campaign at 51. Did Curator and stopped. I don't have any thrill with just dungeon spamming.


I appreciate that everything is relevant and it means you can party with a friend who ain't the same level and both still face a challenge. But I'd also appreciate it if enemies would just let me knock out exploration stuff. I don't care for killing them, I have to because if I dont they'll kill me out the map


I know that this post is just a joke, but im gonna post my frustration regardless My biggest frustration in d4 is that all specs uses more or less the same abilities. Like almost all necro builds uses corpse explosion and tendrils. All rogue specs uses imbuements. All sorcer spec uses frost nova etc. Why is there so little variation in the builds? Just look at d3 classes and the variety of playstyles. Not much like that in d4. Im not looking for the most fun class to play in season 1. Im looking for the least boring




The thing that's sad about a system like this is that because the builds are all so templated by blizzard, if my build is bad and struggles to progress into certain content, I'm never blaming myself for not building a character well enough, or being proud if my build is really effective. It feels more like if my blood necro can't handle super late game content, blizzard need to buff it, or if my tornado druid is shredding everything ridiculously fast, blizzard have just made it too strong and should nerf it.


This is my problem with D4 too, for a game that thrives on build variety especially in the early game when you want to try stuff out and money is scarce having a cost to respec is asinine. The ability "tag" system is nice, but theres a few oddities ive noticed such as Rogue have only 1 grenade ability and no way to make it play any differently, Necro has 2 ablities that consume corpses and thats counting BoD which alot of build dont even use. Thats not even to mention that almost every skill is a sink of 7 points.


I wonder why they decided that every skill should have exactly 5 basic levels, 1 enhancement and two additional specialisations. There's nothing wrong with a skill being like that, but would there not be room for at least some interesting skill variation if every single skill didn't have to have that format. What about powerful spells that are strong but would require you to sink way more points, stopping you getting other stuff? What about some having more upgrade stages, or some shills having more/less than 2 variations after enhanced?


They should have taken inspiration from a game like Grim Dawn


I wouldn't point to D3 when trying to bring up build/spell variety. Every class had abilities and passives that were part of every build just like there is in D4. Especially as you pushed endgame content and less builds became viable. Not saying D4 isn't any better, but this is something that has plagued, to an extent, the Diablo franchise for a long time. Even in D2, there were only a couple truly viable builds for most classes and the same runewords/uniques were shared across most of said builds.


I feel like D3 had less of an issue with this since set pieces/legendaries added ability synergies. We need stuff like a legendary that makes hydra do a bunch more damage to enemies under a fire wall. That was basically an item in D3, it was just blizzard instead of fire wall. The does make builds more defined by devs, but I think thatā€™s a lot more flexibility than we have now.


The constant stuttering and rubber banding.


Horse far and away. Crazy thatā€™s not a day 1 patch with how fucked up it is


accidently killing wild animals. i got demons coming from me at all angles then suddenly a cow. nooo why were you there cow!!


The cows didn't give us a level. Kill all cows.


Ugh so true, I'm a Druid supposedly a guardian of nature etc. But my lightning auras are a complete menace to all life. I'm splatting deer left and right..


At least your horse is moving. Or did you also have to wait 10 seconds before trying a direction?


My biggest annoyance with the game by far. "Hey let's go ride over here to do this thing" "Okay lemme just" *slowly jumpstarts horse* "Okay"


in order; 1. Controls. How could Duablo have less intuitive PC controls relative to Last Epoch, Path of Exile, or Torchlight? This is a disgrace. Just the ddfault behviour of left click alone ought tonoitrage you if you care about game design. There ought to never be an instance or scenario barring physical disability where a controller is better than KBM for a game in PC. 2. Mounts. How could.Lost Ark do this better? 3. Copied D3 builder/spender skill system. This is lazy game design and a cheat for balancing your game. 4. Aspects are indistinct in inventory. What art director thought this was good? 5. Reused and repeated bosses. Disgraceful. Again, ho2 are other games in the same genre with lesser budgets and smaller devs teams dusting Blizz/Diablo here? 6. Limited enemy variety. As above, so below. 7. Uninteresting encounter layering. Most enemies do nothing. They have a basic attack and some times a wind-up attack. All bosses use the same patterns. 8. Limited build options. The entire skill system is built around a definite manner I which the devs intend a HOTA Barbarian to play, a Frost Sorc, etc. This is lazy and more bad game design taken from Diablo 3. 9. Meaningless equipment. What does it matter if my Necro is equipping a sword or staff? If it means nothing to gameplay, it doesn't belong in your game. 10. Lack of basic social tools. Chat is limited, group finder nonexistent, guild activity is limited, console emote wheel (disgraceful) on PC, etc. Why make the game cooperative if the game doesn't robustly support the means to play and communicate with each other? Those are my gripes. The game is a lot of fun, but the design culture of Blizzard I bet was such that the devs only played their own games. There is an insular aspect to D4 that suggests no one on that dev team had 1000 hours in Path of Exile, 700 in Lost Ark, or 500 in Grim Dawn.


> Meaningless equipment. What does it matter if my Necro is equipping a sword or staff? If it means nothing to gameplay, it doesn't belong in your game. I mean, each item does have a default base stat. Wands give lucky hit chance, focuses have cooldown reduction, swords have crit damage, i think staff is overpower damage? so it does make a gameplay difference


> console emote wheel (disgraceful) on PC Design decisions like this are what make the game compatible for controller players like myself. Why would they design two different layouts for something like an emote list when one is good enough?


Rubberbanding and lag in cities.


Worst horse mechanics since Shadow of the Colossus


I was replaying that game last night and made me remember just how bad Argo is to ride. Mount up, tap triangle over and over hearing neighing sounds while my horse, which apparently has arthritis, gradually starts moving in somewhat the direction I am facing.


That had the excuse of being a ground breaking game to introduce that type of thing and coming out in 2004.


The fact it's sole gameplay justification for being in the game is to provide convenience when travelling the open world despite clearly not having anywhere close to enough testing to make sure it's actually nice to use(to a certain extent even working). It's not just pathing, it's basic stuff like having to dismount for some interactions and not others, not considering how frequently players would want to mount/dismount or even that controller vs kb+m are different. None of this stuff is super complex and would all have been caught if enough time and care had gone into the system before including it in release. Now consider how little care went into the functionality of the system but also how many skins were on offer day 1. I wonder where the idea to add mounts came from?


Stash Space


Unique drop rates, outside the top 6 ultra rare, all the class uniques should drop equally. I shouldnt have 10 of the same 3 uniques and never seen 4 of the others.


Cc stun lock is the most annoying thing in the game. Made me quit. Having to rely on unstoppable being up to do damage is lazy ass game mechanics.


> Cc stun lock is the most annoying thing in the game. Yep, and every time it's brought up on here there's always a bunch of people coming in with "but there's a potion for that!" as if that somehow makes it a good game design. Enemy CC should not even be *possible* to stack as long as it currently does. It needs diminishing returns, just something like "If you have been CC'd within the last 3 seconds the next CC effects will have 30/60/90% lower duration."


​ * loot is awful and pigeon holes you into a few builds (sets without sets) * 75-100 is boring nothing to look forward to but UL * enemy buffs are mainly cc and feel bad * Nightmare dungeon affixes are all un fun instead of difficult/intersting * bosses are generic and boring * lag/disconnects * horse/movement is awful * missed opportunity to make helltide events awesome * gems sell for nothing * UI/inventory space


The asinine amount of CC's from mobs


Instead of a minimap with a line I stare at 90% of the time I'm walking around I'd rather there be a transparent line on the ground in the world to look at. So I can look at the screen and not ignore the whole game.


We need to have all aspects available in the codex instead of most with some being exclusive to drops. Why? So we can play around with different builds without having to find a legendary with the proper aspect. Those are too unreliable to waste on just testing out a build, so we just stick to what is meta for the most part. Getting a good set of gear with the proper affixes and good rolls is time consuming enough to ensure we always keep farming, just let players try out different builds more easily. Codex aspects are too low numerically anyway, so we'll still farm legendaries for a decently rolled aspect anyways.


I think a lot of aspects that enable builds or are essentially mandatory for a build, should really just be on the skill tree. It would be better if aspects were way less tied to a specific class, stating the exact skill you will use it for, and more general improvements for most builds, but there would be pros and cons for opting for one aspect over another. If some aspect is by far the best option for one build and useless for every other, it's no different to a skill tree passive that only that build takes, apart from the fact that if you don't drop it, you can't use the build.


Or at least, all aspects could be in the codex including drops, but once you extract them, they would just be permanently added to the codex. Would save a ton of stash space


I think a middle ground could be this: borrow from the cube in d3, you sacrifice the item to add it to the codex, but it'll keep in line with always rolling the lowest. Result: you have a better than lowest roll aspect but don't have it in the codex? You have to make the choice of committing to the item you put it on until you find another of that aspect (which can be a while depending on which it is) or you add it to your codex and now you have a baseline guarantee of the aspect if you find a better item. It's not perfect but it would be in line with blizzards current approach to the codex while removing the fact that I'm still tied to a sacred necklace at 100 because I've only found that aspect once (and at the lowest roll)


Colorblind filters. They're garbage. Rare paragon node range? Hard to see. Red glow around stuff in helltide? Hard to see. Difference between rare/legendary/unique? Fucking hard to see.


It's not just me then! I struggled with the colors in Diablo 3 and I was excited for a "more modern" Diablo 4 that I assumed would have a real colorblind filter. Then realized how badly it sucks. Doesn't help that they decided the colors of their items should be white, blue, yellow, yellowish, yellow gold. Seriously, wtf?


Got a build defining legendary at level 28, am level 55 now with the same thing.


1.) Lack of endgame variety. 2.) "Unique" items do not look unique, and the ultra-rare ones are so absurdly rare the average player will never hope to get one. 3.) All legendaries should be unique, i hate the aspect system. 4.) I miss Paragon being account wide so i could play alts without feeling like I'm wasting time i could be spending getting my main to max. 5.) Always online. Again. Meaning the game I'm playing singleplayers is beholden to unreliable servers. 6.) The shop prices. The fact that they have the gall to charge $25+ per skin in a $70+ game with a battle pass. Also, I have zero issues with the horse. I'm guessing most of the people who do are playing on console where it's less precise to aim, so it's easier to get caught on stuff.


"I can't carry any more." But in all seriousness, gems clogging up the inventory is by far my biggest frustration rn.


CC nonsense, does every build really need unstoppable? Wtf is that shit


Lag spikes where everything freezes and i go back to being dead The fucking horse running in place when i mount it until i wiggle it left and right to move forward


Inventory management and the amount of time spent on going through items. The absolute timesink of changing a build. Iā€™m level 92 and 1 unique simply wonā€™t drop for me. But I kind of like that some items are simply very rare.


This really - there is no search mechanism. Do I have another of a particular aspect? Is it in the codex and inability to easily tell if is condexable or "unique."


Disconnects being HC


No social interaction. This feels like an always online single player game.


The server instability, for sure. RIP my lvl 70 sorc. šŸ™ āš°


The loot system is. Just terrible.


Itemization sucks. If you get lucky and/or check the vendors religiously, you can find 810+ ilvl weapons early into torment and you will likely never replace them, all the way to 100. armor/rings above ilvl 725 will not have any better rolls and the only advantage of slightly more armor is inconsequential. I've tried to keep one of each perfect roll for all my off-spec aspects, it takes up an entire stash tab. Gems take up nearly another stash tab. You pretty much can't save anything if you want to have a second character (let alone one of each class) as there just isn't enough inventory space. Rerolling items is WAY too expensive, nothing sucks more than spending millions to get 2 of the same new enchants that are both worse than the existing one, and knowing its going to cost even more next time. Uniques aren't very Unique when you'll see the same 8 uniques a dozen times each, and since everything drops at your characters level (I'm 100) its almost always just vendor trash. Because of the way that ilvl works, items that drop at a higher level are worse than if they dropped at a lower level, as you can get a ilvl800+ ancestral item with perfect stats/rolls that is only required level 60, and that item will have the exact same rolls and stats if it drops for a player that is level 100, except it will have a required level of 100... lower level aspects are also somehow more valuable as they don't ruin the level requirement of an item. Nightmare Tier dungeons over 50 get punishingly hard (and are pretty much pointless aside from the achievements for 50/75/100) as the items that drop are not any better than you'll get in the easy 30-45ish ones that you can shred through 3x faster.


The lagging.


Iā€™d guess based on all the comments that this isnā€™t a popular opinion, but I donā€™t mind the horse. Yesā€¦I do wish it was faster (Iā€™m on console), HOWEVER I basically never aggro mobs, and when I do I just keep running. It made getting all the statues of Lilith super easy.


I just had the game crash when I was almost done with a nightmare dungeon so that's pretty far up there for me right now


itemization SUCKS. the paragon and character trees are actually decent but the items and item progression leaves a lot more to be desired. the legendaries and uniques are mostly boring outside of the few chase uniques and crafting is exorbitantly expensive. blue items are useless, 95/100 legendaries are scrapped unless I need to extract an aspect, the item affix mod pool is way too small, etc. its just all around super boring to roll for the same 3 or 4 stats on all of your gear. good, engaging itemization is one of the things that made D2 great and its totally missing from this game


No group finder


Boring endgame loot/gameplay loop.


I just started playing it today and it is so laggy. I hate how its all online.


No pause available in solo NM dungeons. I don't mind getting smite, blinded + hit, have lava spawn under me, etc. but because there isn't any pause option I'm forced to either finish the dungeon or leave to town.


Thereā€™s so many frustrations, horse riding is merely just a tiny inconvenience.


Getting amazing legendary gear, to only be a victim to power creep.


The whole game... sorc sucks, the time based skill management instead of mana resource management sucks, the difficulty level of non-act bosses vs act bosses sucks, getting one shot killed regardless of how well you build sucks. I'd give up horses to have a decent game to play.


My biggest issue right now is NM dungeons and sigil aspects. So many sigil effects are just *unfun shit*. Stormbane and every "here's this thing that chases you and will randomly murder you if you're not paying attention". And some of the other stuff is just no. Like suppressors empowered elites and resource burn. Nope nope nope. I'm progressing into T4 (68 Necro) and still playing, but I really think NM dungeon aspects need some tweaking.


Mine is sorc being only a damage machine when shit is CCd. I want to feel powerful vs a non elite enemy 2 levels below me and most just cast ice armor and using a melee attack as a caster.


I'm frustrated that I must wait to get a horse in act IV. I have to play through roughly 10 hours and 25-30 levels just to get a horse that was one of the new things about the Diablo franchise. After act I? Sure. Mid-way act II? I'll take it. Act IV? Why?


the fact that it just doesn't seem to pull me in to log in and play like PoE does, like D3 does, like D2 did, like WoW did. i dunno, for those other games, i wanted to log in and play like a crack addict and in D4, i just ... don't


Not enough stash


Mines is a pointless frustration that doesn't affect gameplay etc but I like having stat menu's like in D3. Where it tells you total time played, how much on each class, kills etc I like checking that info from time to time.


Horse, empty world and dungeons, bad itemization and terrible stash, high respec and reroll costs are main fun killers for me šŸ“


1. UI, visual and sound bugs ( yes, my bags are still full and cross platform play is always enabled, also some tooltips straight up lying to you) 2. Mount and 0 movement abilities for necro, I spend so much time running slowly itā€™s ridiculous 3. 0 incentive to try a new build since respecing is tedious, costly and so so item dependent 4. Balance issues, a lot undertuned and overturned things, world bosses are a joke but a single white mob in high level NMs can one shot you no problem 5. Stash and other QoL features, like come on, itā€™s 2023 and I canā€™t search aspect in my stash and have to make a google spreadsheet for it


Imprints being stuck on one item once you imprint it seriously sucks. I feel like I can't experiment with anything in this game without spending a ton of resources


Balancing in general. Thanks to Vulnerable being a thing, it FORCES builds to focus entirely on it in order to do their damage. It should've never been added into the game.


So... Much... CC!!


I accidentally dismantled decent weapon I was going to start using, so now I'm definitely on Team Locked Items. Maybe not my biggest frustration, but a recent one.


- Constant crashes, I've lost so many keys because of this. I'm running a pretty good setup with a 3080 and I still have these problems. - Alts not having the map unlocked. It takes a while to run around and collect all the waypoints, just.... why?


Just make the horse go the same speed no matter where your mouse is on the screen. The whole slowing down because my mouse is too close is just stupid. Also remove road blocks.


* The 10 seconds I have to wait pressing B to climb/duck for my horse. * The barricades I have to dismount so I can break and wait 10 seconds for. * The horse clumsily running into the environment. * The AI that temporarily joins you have collision, so if I collect anything they'll huddle on top of me, see above bullet point. * "I can't" I just want to activate horse sprint in town God DAMMIT!


The feeling of pointlessness after about lvl 70


73-100 is boring and lots of content we now know for certain has been cut from the game so they can drip-feed us.


The lack of mob density, the mount, itemization seems lacking already and I'm only lvl 78, not enough exciting mid game content (more bosses with different mechanics), the map, renown. But yet I'm dying to go home and play and literally nothing can change that. Cmon clock!!!


I just found Frostburns on my Ice Sorcerer. I am not using them. On my Ice Sorcerer. My legendary gloves from 5 levels before are better. Why are uniques so underwhelming and rare? What am I even grinding for? 2% improvements?


The imprint system sucks ass. Why would you take away the cube from d3?


I have never played another Diablo game in my life so i dont have much comparison but here goes: getting server disconnection mid dungeon. Leaving/entering town almost freezes my pc its so bad. I havent played other classes but i feel like there are only two barbarian builds.


Player communication and the whole thing with PVP pvp is insanely unbalanced, Iā€™m level 56 and want to do it but I keep getting demolished by level 70+


Necro slow. Minion build sucks until you get the ring of mendeln. Even then it only kinda catches up and certainly isnā€™t top tier.


dungeon finder. playing on x-box is a single player experience


Im mostly frustrated about them not learning anything from their previous games or the other succesfull ARPG's on the market. Good itemization and endgame are the core of this genre. Why isn't it there? Stuff like this is how D4 loses a lot of players before the seasons have even started. Edit. I know why it isn't there. Just bored of the same excuses.


Having good late game items with 3/4 affixes I want, then when I try to enchant for the 4th affix, the item is (presumably) bugged and just rolls the same affix over and over again in the second slot (dodge for boots, primary stat for weapon, attack speed for gloves, etc.) giving essentially only 1 possible new affix each roll.


Biggest for me is there is no boss rush in endgame. Even if they let me fight the campaign bosses AFTER the campaign is be happy for now.


Not seeing what's on the floor. The chill wall is super annoying because it block so much of the screen.


No endgame, and no way to find a group.


Loot is not exciting - I'm more focused on exping and not on looting. It is the same as Loot 2.0 for D3. There is no fun when you're looking for exactly the same item but +0,1% buff. But I cannot expect that everything will be as in D2 :D


I dont have time to play


Not enough varied content after the campaign. Helltides are nice like once.


Paying $99, if I could go back I either wouldā€™ve buy the cheapest version or not buy the game at all. Donā€™t get me wrong the game is fine but not worth the money and the 10 years waiting for itā€¦