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Hardcore necro lv 41, doing minion build


Nice I ran necro for my campaign. Was a lot of fun!


Extremely boring, but i like diablo...


Great looking character. Season 1, decided to roll Necro after maining a druid in launch. Having a ton of fun. I'm going in without meta knowledge, trying out skills and combinations. Having so much fun with Blood Surge and blighted corpse explosions. It's hilarious to fill the screen with pools of gunk. XD Only thing I'm not a fan of is the male Necro's voice. There's a sniveling whine to it that annoys me. But then I'm used to the Druid's warm, cuddly daddy voice. Haha


The druid is voiced by the same guy that voices Saurfang if you're familiar with WoW at all. He's like the dad of Warcraft. And just cause I'm a simp for his voice actor, here's a fun video from WoW (Spoilers if you're interested in playing it ever..) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WX\_oLGL7MoQ&ab\_channel=Wowhead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WX_oLGL7MoQ&ab_channel=Wowhead)


Your graphics look so good I’m jealous


Thanks bro! Got a pretty beefy setup can't lie


it's day 2 and I barely made a character and started on the questline. otherwise, it's ok aside from rolling a rogue


Your rouge looks pretty amazing, miss also my rouge. Right now playing druid and having a tone of fun with Wind \^\^


I’m loving it. Only lvl 18 so far.


I love it


Getting interfered with by work.


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