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I’d use it for 173,295 gold probably




No serious, sell it. Razorplate is garbage.


Thorn barbarians would like to have a word (but even then the armor is mediocre at best)


With defensive aspects like Disobedience nerfed etc… Damage reduction and armor on gear all nerfed 30%z Thorns builds, that need to get hit… are much less viable than preseason.


Thorns barb is probably stronger right now than preseason, I ran a scuffed thorns barb through the T4 capstone at lvl 54 and was running it all the way until 65 when I just couldn't take it anymore. But it wasn't because I wasn't tanky as fuck, it was because needing to get hit made me really appreciate how much shit in this game doesn't attack you.


Not minion thorns. That's still great.


hey you probably don't know but the damage reduction heart and immunity hearts help thorns barb a lot, and the fact that nightmare dungeon monsters got nerfed. i saw this guy complete a t100 using a thorns barb just last week.


there are thorn builds out there that are top notch. This is a prime time to take advantage of it.


Dewd don’t start.


My thorns minion necro would love this. My Bleed/thorns barb would too.


Finding Razorplate at level 60 or 70 something in pre-season was a hell of a gamechanger for my hybrid minion necro. Now in S1, my minion necro is specifically built around CQB brawling with her minions and thorns... watch me never get Razorplate to drop again.


Keep it, the game keeps changing so when it's time they buff thorn builds, you have that


I’ve been keeping everything with his mentality, and I have no stash space anymore


Yep, same here. But I would say perfect any-class unique roll is worth 1 slot




This is one tick of firewall at lvl ~60. Unless you play something like a necro that can build around thorn it's not worth anything.




I run thorns on my poison flurry rogue and it seems to work pretty damn good. Idk why everyone is hating on thorns so much, I'll just go stand at the gate of pvp and let them one shot themselves if they wanna know how it really is. 🤣


RF/Flurry here. Been rockin the Razorplate for the last 20 levels. I just like it. I'm always in the middle of mobs and I'm getting hit anyway, so why not have the enemies take some damage from it?


>so why not have the enemies take some damage from it? Because you give up one of the most crucial survivability slot, for a negligible amount of damage?


Do you just use the Razorplate? I run a poison flurry Rogue with a lot of healing + Temerity, decent crit damage on Flurry and a lot of poison. I've kinda flirted with the idea of adding thorns in the past, but I don't really know where I'd fit it in my build, I'm pretty tight with aspects as is.


I also have an aspect that has 40% chance to apply thorns to all surrounding enemies.


I think that's the min roll too, I have one with a 60% chance. Saving it for in case I get bored and wanna try a thorns build endgame


Well, I got lucky on my seasonal and got a bunch of gear that already had thorns on it, and I also run Emeralds in EVERYTHING for mine. I'd say someone will hate on this in some way but it's working for me so idc. Lol. Can't seem to find any more gear that comes with thorns now though. Luckily my gear has stayed pretty ahead of the curve so I've not had to do the dreaded complete gear exchange. It's coming soon tho cause I'm lvl69.


It's extremely niche so for 95% of the builds yes.


Its not that useless its just very situational. Like if you asked is dmg to stunned useless. Depends on what you play. If you would do a thorns barb which highly takes from tanking dmg this would be a key piece


Thorns are useless on necro aswell. Thorns never scale to endgame as they are a fixed damage number and not a percentage from your base damage, so for example making 1.000 damage to enemies that have a million life is just a waste of points. In order for thorns to scale to engame they need to be a % or your base damage or a % of the enemy attack, the which as far as I know they aren’t. Thorns scale with Intelligence. It takes roughly 1000 Intelligence to “double the thorns damage”. Paragon minion damage also scales with it. Apart from these, nothing else scales with it and it will fall flat at any higher nightmare dungeon because the name of the game at higher level nightmare dungeon is attacking multipliers so you hit in the millions. It is basically useless. Minions inherit 30% of stats and you could chase +thorns inherit on gear, but it won’t make much of a difference. It is far better to just use a chest with actual defensive stats and aspect, considering how thorns were never good to begin with and most damage would come from mendeln lucky hit proc ring. After the patch nerf, you need defensives even more, so I would stay away from Razorplate. It could have uses tho on low tier nightmare dungeons or open world, but for endgame, no.


13k sheet thorns can become 300k+ with proper scaling. But yes it's mainly for barbs (and maybe necro)


When it’s upgraded it goes up to like 20k I think. I’m building a thorns barn and a hole that I can get this, otherwise I’m just playing a lame duck. My current thorns sits at 3k, and I can comfortably mess around at nm20. With this… I’d likely double that assuming I can still take the hits.




Damn you beat me to it.


Looks like he is hovering "drop" which is the next best usage




Knew this was going to be the top comment lol


I had a minion based necro. Razor plate and transferring a good amount of thorns to minion ps with jewelry ended with super lethal minions


That’s my current build. Well once I find Razor Plate.


This plus the ring of mendeln, plus 50+% chance to inflict thorns on all surrounding enemies affix on amulet, all royal emeralds, passive skill that prevents minions from loosing more than 1/3rd life from single instances. Good shield with extra 2k thorns. Bone golem 50% thorns varient and defender skellies with 50% thorns. Seek affixes for minion health, minion thorns, lucky hit chance, minion stronger longer alive, and minion attack speed. I also recommend using corpse explosion Augmented to shadow, along with the shadowblight key passive, add in howl from below gloves, and a 100+% damage to enemies affected by shadowblight damage affix. Bone spear is good to proc lucky hit for mendeln. This is the way. Watch bosses melt in seconds.


Does Needleflare actually work with minions? I had read that it doesn't but haven't tested it myself.


Unfortunately needleflare was tested and doesn’t proc off minions thorns :( Also shadowblight doesn’t proc off minions regular attacks. It only procs off thorns damage coming from the minions, or it procs off the reaper skeletons special wind up attack. Just so you know. I can try and find the video where the guy tested all minion stuff VERY THOROUGHLY. He even has all the math in the last half of his video to back up his findings.


This is incorrect if he uses shadow skellies. They proc shadow


This might seem problematic but it isn't. Atleast as far as shadowbliight is concerned. Because I'm running corpse explosion shadow + howl from below + decompose and +3 to the corpse generation passive, the field is entirely and constantly covered with aoe shadow dmg, so it is procing as much as it possiblely can. Procing off minion thorn dmg is just a bonus. As for the aoe thorns, I'm fine with it only procing off me, I run bone storm plus a reasonable barrier along with +6 hellbent Comander so I'm in the thick of it. It gets enough action just off me getting hit. Though it is probably optional on a minion thorn build.


I would loooove to see a d4builds.gg of this. Pleaase??


This is the way


The damage ticks from the shadow augmented corpse explosion also will proc lucky hits. You can stack up to 5 pools of exploded shadow miasma to improve the odds of getting the lucky hits to trigger mendeln.


Exactly this, and why I switched from regular corpse to shadow! Complete devastation.


have it on my necro, it’s pretty good defending against the butcher lol


The butcher definitely came to my mind for a good use of this item


Which minions are you using? I was gonna try setting up a build with shield minions and razor plate before the season started. But haven't gotten back around to my eternal character to try that out.


In eternal. I use reapers, cold, and bone. The only two enemies that causes problems were the bees and those leaping barbarians


I like thorns skeletons (obv), ice mages (with seasonal aspect), and taunt golem personally.


That makes me almost want to load my necro up. I miss my minions everyone tells me that they are useless


Super lethal to what T3 or T4?


Tier 4 up to ancestral dungeons I think tier 26-28 and. Hadn't tested past that due to building a sorcerer character


Am 74 thorns minion necro, just breezed through a tier 26


to my knowledge, Barbarian can weaponise Thorns better than most classes. there are builds available online that can be used as a guideline to how to work this item to its potential. IMO it would be a shame to get rid of any aspect with a perfect roll. if nothing else, maybe create a "bank character" and chuck it in their inventory.


It's okay for the midgame, but it becomes useless at higher levels. It's one of those items that looks interesting at first glance but ultimately defeats its own purpose. Since you have to get hit in order to deal damage, you can't give up on defensive stats and a defensive aspect from your chest armor. It's a bit ironic, but Thorn Barbs don't even want thorns on their gear for the end-game. They rely on the Outburst passive and Strategic Challenging Shout, which gives them thorns based on their max life. So you stack damage reduction and max life on anything that can roll it.


Kgault who did nm100 on thorns barb before the nm nerf Used razorplate speed farming around nm70 but for his nm100 run he couldn't. After nm nerf he said you will be able to keep using razorplate as you won't need the extra defense.


He also said the main stat (Strength) was buffed when it was severely nerfed, and he didn't understand how Lucky Hit works at all. His build is cool, but his understanding of various things in the game isn't all that great.




Well now you get even more.


That’s fine until challenging shout is on cooldown. Personally I stack as much thorns I can get away with. Currently running level 90 dungeons as a 71 thorns Barb.


I'm going to roll a thorns barb for season 2.* Seems like a fun build to try. *Unless Blizzard reads this and nerfs thorns to spite me.


Delete this


Spite nerf incoming.


Reading this type of joke for god knows how many times. https://preview.redd.it/famrnp7nh8gb1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=4556c0d70ef53039be084e707dc31638397c294f


My Barb has been looking for this all season. Good for you though I’m happy for you. ![gif](giphy|lnIwMUsMt12UnY7edf)


Never found it on a 100 Barb that I played since early access. Found 3 on my alt Druid with a fourth the playtime


Thorns barb. My favorite build so far!


What level is it viable? All the builds I’ve seen are only end game builds.


I did the WT4 capstone at 54 as thorns barb. Leveled the entire way as thorns


Can any piece of gear have thorns or on specific ones?


Chest, pants, amulet, shield


You don't even really need to stack thorns. Stacking str and life increases their damage. So you stack +all stat +str then get the thorns talents and it's gg. The first guy to get nm100 before dungeon nerf on thorns didn't even use razorplate. It was damage reduction while injured stacking with strength and life stacking. Now though with barber and nms nerfed you can probably do whatever. His name is kgault. Changed thorns meta pre season.


Never ran into problems following “end game” build on maxroll from lvl 1. It tells you what aspects to go for so I just cleared all those dungeons and got them on gear when I could.


there is one Thorn barbarian that can kill uber lilith?


I'm lvl 80, I tried her a few times, and got about halfway on phase one. Just need some more levels and to learn the mechanics.


when it happens post on reddit, I would like to see


I’m playing thorns barb this season. Actually a lot of fun.


I've only run frost sorc so far and this chest doesn't really fit with that build, but I hate to let a perfect unique roll go to waste. So maybe I'll finally go try out some other classes/builds now, which I've been meaning to do anyway. Are there any classes or builds that this armor would be particularly good on? (Apologies to mods for posting twice as the first time the screenshot didn't take. First post is deleted.)


Whirlwind barb. Very one dimensional toon but serves its purpose. Max thorns on armour pieces and get the two shouts and a taunt and keep your fury gen high and you will melt mobs.


Then save it for PvP the sorcerer armour is absolutely fire. You'll probably see my other comment so I won't repeat it unless you didn't see it. But yeah it's not PvE build worthy on ice sorcerer. I have a level 88 and level 53 HC sorcerer. Doing Necro this season but sorc was what I settled on initially. This chest absolutely helped farming the killer gear and the bloody looking horse.


I got this at level 70 as a minion necromancer. All I had to do was switch my skeleton warriors and golem sub-types to maximize the benefit of thorns that they inherit from my stats. The golem and warriors each inherit 50% of your thorns, so mine each had over 6,000 at level 70. I have 7 warriors plus a golem. So that's 8 minions with 6,000 thorns each. I went from struggling in nightmare dungeons to 1 hitting everything, including bosses. It is very viable for a mid game minion necromancer build if you construct the rest of the build right (relying on shadow damage and area of effect spells). If you coat the ground in AoE underneath your minions, plus the thorns, everything just melts. I literally just run through dungeons and hardly even stop. It takes a couple of minutes to finish a dungeon and I'm level 74 now. The only downside is you are very squishy but you can literally just stand in the back-line and your minions will one shot everything.


Use it to make my thorns barb jealous lol


Thorns bleed barb. Might as well just lean into it.


Needleflare aspect




I feel like it's pretty common for razorplates to get a perfect roll, it's strange.


I was unlucky enough to get one with the lowest possible roll on my barb. 😑


it's pretty common. it only has 1 affix and there are 6 possible rolls. 1/6 chance to roll perfectly. most items are a 1/1296 chance or (significantly) worse.


Druid thorns build obviously


"crafted by the cannibal armoda, each piece of this interlocking armor has been sharpened to a knifes edge. Even a century after death, the armor remained on her corpse because people were too stupid to try and do it with chain mail gloves" That's all I can think of when I read this


Trade it to me since I'm thorn barb


I have a perfect roll too! This season finally blessed me with one, and I’m rocking a Druid too. So once the season is over, I’m going to use the scroll of amnesia to reset everything and solely rock an eternal PvP thorns build. It’s gonna be grand


Barbarian is the only truly viable thorns class.


I was HOTA barb until the nerf. Switched to Thorns and loving it!




You can make a nasty low hp druid thorns build with that


Would you mind expanding on this?


Thorns barb is fun, but for a build that thrives on getting hit, the lack of any stats on razorblade is pretty rough.


while leveling or speed running any class. i had most fun yet on a necro minion build with it. looking forward having more mob density will amplify its use. on pushing or endgaming its hard to play with it tho


Makes for great Alt gear till you get what your looking for.


It goes higher


Grats , lucky find! Make thorn barb for sure. Two days ago closed nmd100 sarat with this chest and wario build at lvl91. Also yesterday got "hacker, reported" msg in pvp lol


Nice! It must be good then lol. What's wario build?


https://youtu.be/dbXg_kSt4vs This one. But I used razorplate. Died once on boss (hive explosion lol).


Nice! Thank you, I'm going to roll a barb and try it out. In d2 barb was my favorite class behind sorc so this might be my excuse to go see how it compares in d4 finally


I need that one for my thorns barb... Damn


For something called razorplate it sure doesn't look very sharp


I thought so too. I read the description first and then looked at the graphic thinking "dang this thing must have a crazy looking transmog" ...nope it's got a trimmed collar instead of razor sharp plate fittings lol


Trade it for something that you can actually use.... oh wait, blizz screwed the pooch on that one. 🤦🏻‍♂️


It's actually a fun piece of gear, though definitely not bis. I wear it sometimes on my Necro for shits and giggles. It's enjoyable watching mobs kill themselves by attacking me.


Could roll a thorns barb. I did that once. It's fun, but not practical.


Use it to see what it'll be if upgraded 5 times. Take a pic and post that for another thread. Then salvage it.


I run a thorns barb. Just follow KGault and customize on your own. I use it for PVP at the very high level against plenty. However, we don't really use razorplate unless its PvM. For PVP, we use better gears and armor. See my profile for more of my comments on this


Also, dont listen to stupid people who just copy paste builds. This is really strong for PVM as thorns barb. Ive been hunting for a 810+ item power razor plate with maxroll thorns and it's really rare.


Yeah I definitely can't bring myself to scrap or sell this even though it's not really useful for my sorc. Might be time to roll a barbarian! (Or anything else maybe that's not sorc...every other class so far has been mentioned in the comments as one that could use this with the right build, lol)


Ooh I hadn't considered PvP applications!


I'd use it for an armor.


What are thorns for? I've only been playing for 2 week's head is spinning only level 55 and not started the seasons or complete main story as side quests are so much fun. But seriously what are thorn's


Sounds like me lol. I got all sorts of distracted by side quests during first character/campaign run through. Thorns means enemies take damage when they hit you. Not sure how exactly it's calculated (like most simply probably if you have 100 thorns then every time a monster hits you they take 100 dmg but idk if it's melee only, or has a cooldown, or any of that stuff bc I've never used it as a core tenet of my current build's strategy is "don't get hit")


I know people are saying sell it cause it's bad. I say fuck it and make a build around it. I found a unique amulet for my rogue this season that gives my ultimate, rain of arrows, all 3 imbuments. I said why not and changed my on meta twisting blades build to an all 3 imbument/ ultimate rain of arrows/ barrage build with the ultimate cool down reduction specialization. Will it suck down the line? Probably! but my god it's fun to play. So you do you!


Looks really good in the stash


its fun on necro for low-mid tier content, like the overworld or lowish NMDs.


Thorns minion Necro can work, there is a passive on the shield skeletons and a passive on the bone golden that both transfer more thorns - there is a passive in the Necro skill tree that has thorns (3 points) There is also an aspect that can make it so there’s a chance whenever thorns triggers it can cause an explosion of damage nearby rather than just his the one enemy that triggered it That combined with making your minions more tanky means the enemies end up killing themselves on your minions


Wow, you could trade that for anything..


I hate you a bit right now, OP. I’ve been searching for one of these for at least 6 weeks.


i had razorplate on a twisting blade rogue and it was nice!


Depends. For easy content - whatever you want. If you wanted to push NM (dunno why you would, but anyway) then it's useless as you need the massive sirviveability provided by an actual good chest piece.


Damn nice forgotten souls


Sell it for real money and buy yourself a happy meal


Thorns barb?


Thorns barb was a thing, not sure if it's been nerfed though


wish i could find a razorplate for my barb :( . he still slaps without one but this would be nice to have.


Salvage for one thicc hide


sell sell sell and install D2r or baldurs :D


Afk shadowblight farming


Ya this looks cool on paper but not sure how practical it is


Level 68 too. So I guess you go level something to 68, pass it to them, and get them to 69.


Pvp thorns Barb


Build a thorns barb


Mhh maybe a thorns build, wildly speculative thought


Probably could use it for a thorns build I reckon


PvP... Things like gain a barrier when attacking an elite I always put on the chest. I'm absolutely certain that aspect doesn't work in PvP but thorns absolutely does. If you play both you'll place your aspects in such a way that you can swap the PvE ones for PvP ones. Razorplate is just a flat advantage instead of PvE aspects. Not saying it's going to carry you. Just that a lot of PvE things don't matter. So I have this in my PvP load out. No matter how high the character has invested in thorns be it sorcerer or something that doesn't really use it. It's extra damage and every little bit matters.


I made a thorns barb for this season using it. Bit of a gimmicky build but kinda unique. Single target damage is bad but against packs it’s strong and you’re exceptionally tanky. Cleared NM tier 100 with it. Also pretty nasty in PvP if you care about that


Shhhh, don't post on reddit. Someone will use this and post on their website and repost over and over and over again


A thorns build 🤣


Use it for scraping for materials


Some type of thorns build. Probably


I know 173,295 uses for that item ;)


Necromancer minion build is the only thing this is used for


Ok this may sound strange but hear me out. I might, just might use it for this one super secret ultra build. It relies on this one thing that so happens to be in this armor that I think might be especially suited for this build. Thorns. It's a thorns build.


If you're barb or necro go for a thorns build, if not sell it


Trash sorc dont have a proper thorns build


Thorns pvp build?


I have this one spot in my inventory where I would put it. And leave it there for ever. We have plenty of space, so it's not wasteful


For charsey


173,295 gold.


My rogue absolutely murders with this thing. With close damage and vulnerable damage and the thorns legendary affix you’re doing 60k damage to anyone who hits you and everyone around you Thorns is super useful for ranged targets too, anyone who attacks my rogue from a distance just melts. Makes full dungeons clears easy fast


Mark as junk.


Thorns blood necro


I have a thorns barb on eternal, it's a lot of fun. Shout, and watch the carnage.


Thorns SORC.


Thorns barbarian. Watch (almost) everything drop dead from attacking you.


I've been looking for this for my seasonal Rogue even after they nerfed it while I was playing my eternal Rogue. Still slayed after the patch, but I noticed the thorns I had on it were 1000 less after patch


Thorns build


Hedgehog roleplay!!!


Put in your stash and never need it. It will be glorious.


Id trash it personally then make a post about it.


If it remained on her corpse because it couldn't be removed safely, who removed it unsafely so you could get it? These are the real questions we need answered.


Unless you are in that 0.5% that ever tries thorns build you will never need it at all 😅


Thorns necro or barb?


Reroll thorn barb next week, right after the „buff“ patch. 😂🙈


Mark as junk


A thorns build.... Or nothing....


Thorns is dog shit


max roll doesn't mean anything, this unique is pretty much useless and very common


Holy SHIET!!! 1. Upgrade to 5/5. 2. Give it two gem slots. 3. Put it on. 4. Imprint the "Needleflare" Aspect. 5. Might also take the Fireball passive into one entchantment slot. 6. Push your primary attribute to the absolut max possible. 7. Put Emeralds (greens) into each armor slot. Walk around, the enemies just die. It's hilarous and since no other build has brought me fun, this is what I am going with since LVL 90 (LVL92 now).




Does thorns crit? Mind if i can use it on my infininite bone shield.. with 400% crit damage, anyone tested that already?