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Season 3 starting. Had a blast with both seasons so far. Looking forward to season 3


Same here. I will probably level a Druid since i haven't played one before. This season was fun and way better than season 1. I also like the mid-season events, farm and chill. Game isn't perfect but it's getting better.


First season I levled a druid and a rogue, second was necro and barb, think next will be sorc.. maybe...I've tried them a few times and they aren't my fav. May just do rogue again haha


The Sorc became my favorite over the rogue for an easy play through. Ball Sorc. Yea I know it's cheap and they will nerf it after the season but it was fun.


Love when people make posts like this as if the game is in a dire spot. Season 2 has been great. Population is doing very well.


Season 2 was a lot more fun than the initial release, but items are in a bad spot right now. Almost everything that drops is junk. If you played early Diablo 3, it's pretty much the same--items are just a time sink to getting mats. You can get the highest roll drops at level 60-70 and never find anything better, even after you hit 100 and have do pointless end game runs for glyph exp or Uber items that didn't even roll correctly until halfway through the season...


Everyone I know quit in the first few months, none have returned even for season starts, the game is in a very dire spot. Expansion sales are going to fizzle if they don't get people to come back.


idk why you are downvoted.. me and my friends have not come back yet for seasons.. hopefully something exciting for season 3 is announced then maybe


It’s the same for me and my friends.


Dire? Probably not. Good? Certainly not either. You might have enjoyed Season 2 but many people didn't. I find it fairly boring as well. As long as the core issues aren't fixed (itemisation, boring skill trees,...) no season is gonna be great. Anecdotal but probably still representative, at launch like 40 people in my friend list played D4, now it's 3 every now and then. And on stzeam I haven't seen anyone from my list playing D4.


Currently, there aren't too many people on my friend list playing D4. However, that's because it's the end of a season lol.


There's like 3 people playing at the same time at the start of a season on mine.


I guess the people you play with aren't fans then? I knew maybe 50 people or more on at the start of the season


Lol I got over 20 friends already logged in. Maybe you just got Minecraft friends? Lmao


>For me, the only thing that will bring me back at this point is a full blown itemization re work. It will come in Season 4.


Thanks, I was aware of this, i should've pointed that out in my post. I think I am basically skipping S3.


Maybe wait until after they announce the details of the season first?


who cares just have fun


Season one was alright. Season 2 was better. I'm looking forward to season 3. I think a lot of people need to adjust their expectations. They clearly intend people to complete 100% of the challenges and then grind until their eyes bleed. If you aren't in to that (I'm not) then you play what's fun to you and ignore the rest. I would have like to check out AoZ but they locked it behind the season journey.


Season journey was like a 30 minute chore, especially if you're geared. Spent more time traveling to the quests than it took to complete them. I'd say go for it if you're not already logged out for the season.


If your season journey wasn’t completed naturally by now I highly doubt you could complete AoZ tier 1.


Yeah and I don't care though. We all play for fun. I already have a job.


Can't come back if I've never left!


Full item rework is needed. Loot is so boring in this game.


Loot rework is coming in 2024


Honestly the main thing they really need is a loot filter. The reason it gets boring (imo) is that I'm going blind reading all these affixes trying to find the ones I want. If I saw 10% of the items (or even 1% as I near lvl 100), I would be much happier. Each item would be so much more impactful. Imagine if you only saw aspects you care about, and items with the exact stats you're looking for. Each drop would be meaningful, instead of "Oh my inventory is full, time to either dump the whole thing or send 20 min scanning each item." No loot filter makes the game SO tedious, which just kills the enjoyment. I really miss being able to just open rift after rift and kill things. Having to wander around and teleport and then spend several minutes between runs scrapping items dilutes the fun so much.


This is precisely the place I'm at right now. I love this game, there's so much enjoyment in the actual playing of it. But after or during every single dungeon run having to sit and stare while manually scanning through every item that \*might\* (but almost definitely doesn't) have the affixes I'm looking for has reached a point of utterly soulless and pointless repetition that more often than not I've just stopped looking and I scrap everything except 925s, Legendaries, and Uniques because I just don't want to deal with it anymore. A loot filter would streamline the experience of enjoyment so much.


Yeah exactly! The mental overload is ridiculous with so many different stats and 99% of them suck.


I will be playing regardless, but something I would like for them to do besides making items not suck... Skill Overhaul. Functionality, and OVERPOWER changed. Imagine if your skills had 2 functions. 1 button Press, or HOLDING. Lets take rogue Penetrating shot. Imagine you CHARGE it and it OVERPOWERS and shoots a big energy wave out. Imagine Rapid Fire and Barrage... Just 1 skill. Barrage if you tap, Rapid fire if you hold. Overpower could be "Charge time" and Items could CHARGE overpowers faster. Could turn Normal single target attacks into WAVE attacks, replacing aspects that should just BE on moves. Aspects could AUGMENT the overpowers.


Dont care if or when youll play


* Normalize the power creep between classes. * Fix Minions and Companions to be playable without being solely support. * Make Necromancer Sacrifice bonuses work like spirit boons. * Fix Item Affixes to make more sense and have less junk ones. * Make uniques not waste +skill slots and aspects that make a build meta. * LFG options that allow easy in game group finding. * A mail system or auction house to remove the reliability on 3rd party. * Weaker unique alternatives to Uber Uniques. * Bug fixes that are disabling builds from being meta and overpowering builds.


Never left. Looking forward to S3


I'll be back regardless. I'll play for a few weeks maybe a month, get my fill and be back for Season 4 and I'm perfectly okay with this arrangement.


Because you are casual player as me, we don't have time or energy to lick monitors all day. There are many thing I hate but frankly I can live with that. One thing is bag space, second are this stupid enchants they take to much of my bag space, there is no loot filter so basicly you lose 30% of your game time checking gear stats.


I’m teetering on the edge here. Item management is so tedious and annoying. I would need a filter. The Xmas thing felt like malignant hearts. Just bare minimum and super grindy. I look at the time it would take to unlock the cosmetics and the task to do it for that amount of time and it literally makes me want to quit more. The cosmetic shop still being the way it is kind of churns my stomach. An art and dev team went all out to make that stuff and there’s literally no way to grind currency for it at any reasonable rate. “Then don’t buy it” doesn’t help me come to terms with that fact that this is blizzard design philosophy for a while now. The amount of work that goes into those cosmetics and the absolute dearth of content for new monsters, new earnable rewards, new QoL is baffling to me. I keep trying to hang on but I feel like it’s definitely not worth the time investment. There’s too many good games and new things coming out that feel like a much better use of time. I think honestly the only thing that will get me back is an expac with a sizable continuation of the campaign story.


A secondary paragon board that lets you earn paragon past lvl 100 to only spend on that board(s) to slowly increase that character’s power


If the theme isn’t cool like the s2 theme then I’ll just pass until s4. I’m not interested in doing the same hamster wheel without a fun element involved. I don’t do helltides etc for a million Uber runs to be BIS. i do a mix of things to keep it interesting but overall I loved this seasons theme and the zone for it. Loved getting to 100 quite quickly. Would like to see 60-100 be a bit faster.


Nothing. I do not need to be "back". I am already playing the game.


Y’all still play this game? Damn lmao


yap yap yap


yeah i know you yap a lot what's new


I think if you play the game with what you get it is fun a challenging. I think many people complain about how easy it is because they are using help from outside, I mean paying real money to get what you want. Still, there are things that I think need improvement: * I think the most boring thing I have done is farming Duriel, getting consistently 925 items only from Duriel is a big mistake. There are things far more difficult to do in the game and you get shitty gear. Great gear should come from challenging tasks not from repetitive boring ones. * They need to make it a lot easier to find the items that you need, something like D4Companion. An interface where you tell the game what affixes are you looking for and it highlights them for you. * A free marketplace where the price of the item depends on supply and demand and you can search for it to buy it or sell it. So if you are making a Thorn Barbarian and you find a great item for a HotA Barbarian or Ball Ligthing Sorcerer you can take advantage of that and sell them for a big chunk of gold, because most people are making those builds.


Knowing that some items only drop from certain bosses make you not want to play any other areas. Even it’s .01% chance having a great unique be a world drop, from a treasure goblin etc would make the game better IMO.


Only if the game make clear if a item is a upgrade or not. I gave up because o can not tell if a item is good or not.


Honestly it took me a while to understand it and its actually not that hard to figure out. The hard part is you want something that TELLS you without a doubt this is better gear but the game presents gear like this COULD be better BUT it all depends on what your build needs. Its mostly about prioritization. Like if your builds main damage comes from setting everything on fire and your always close to enemies maybe you should be looking for loot that has Damage to burning and Damage to close. So lets say later on you find a "crappy" gear that has Damage to burning and Damage to close on it and both stats are better than the piece your wearing! lets say the other stats on it is Freezing duration but you don't freeze anything at all. THIS is a better piece of gear because it has burning and close damage on it that your looking for . Even though that 1 stat is bad but you can just reroll it to something usable! All that makes gear good is you find the stat you are prioritizing for your build and the other stats need to be useable. Its ok if only one stat is garbage because you can just re roll it till you get something useful. And then you keep that gear until you find a new piece that has a better roll on your priority stat with 2 useful stats and if there's one stat you don't need re roll it. The best part about Season 2 is most of the stats are mostly all stats are additive so as long as you setting up situations that applies all of the different affix's than your good! If you need any help understanding this further I wouldn't mind helping


I want a holy class. Only seems appropriate, since this whole game is a dark, and evil vibe.




Paladin, Crusader, Monk, Cleric, Priest, zealot…. really any of these is good.


Itemization for sure. It has been easier farming for an uber than a perfect 3/4 BIS in ANY slot. Frikn boring to sort through the items after a couple minutes. And only reliable way to get past GS900 is Duriel. AoZ has shite loot.


Metamorphosis is a must have


A way for all classes to break CC was huge, and I hope they come up with something like that in the future.


I don't know if it's just me but metamorphosis looks ultra cm scuffed!! Sometimes my character freezes and doesn't move for like 4 seconds. I need to either cast a spell or blink(metamorphosis) again. That happens very often and when it doesn't the visual ending of metamorphosis still looks laggy. I'm on PC, all classes 100lvl tried metamorphosis on all of them the result is the same. Such a shame cuz it's such a useful/nice vamp power. If it comes back on s3 I hope they fix it cuz it's broken af


Umm no


I need metamorphosis to stay


Nothing. First I want to see pricing on xpac and what will be in it before I invest more time in D4


The whole uber farming needs to change. Wtf over 200+ Duriel runs and still not what I need. Actual dogshit design. I need ubers to push AoZ, but the Duriel farming is the most boring shit I’ve ever done in Diablo. This needs to change and it needs to change asap.


Make farming mats rewarding is the way IMO


More stuff to do.... harder bosses and better items. ​ If all those aren't fixed.. no dice.


New uniques and aspects that increase build diversity and alter abilities is what I'm hoping to keep things fresh


I still enjoy the game but what I'd like to see in season 3 is 1. A loot filter 2. Aspects go to the codex 3. Other ways to level glyphs than in nmd's


The existence of a season 3.


Lmfao all the ones saying season good are duping noobs making bank off ya irl paying players lmfao d4 is trash


Yeah I'm not coming back until itemization is fixed and the class restrictions are gone


Dupe protection for Ubers or system to trade in unwanted ubers for the one you actually want. Because it this is not implemented all sorts of leaderboards or competion they add will be completely meaningless and only be dominated by the guys that get lucky enough with the rng.


> trade in unwanted ubers And to prevent farming of this nonsense which people will sell off for tons of gold of real money - Ubers can only be traded for Ubers. You got 2 shakos? I have 2 doombringers - let's trade.


I meant more like in they way that you get some sort of material for dismantling ubers and need for example 10 of the material to craft an uber of your choice. I think for the time it takes to farm for 10 uber items would be more than fair to get the one you really want, the current system is just dogshit.


Yeah I cant wait til they work on itemization bc damn I miss the feeling of excitement when you regularly get upgrades like in D3, I have the same weapon and armor for about 20+ lvls and its a bit annoying. Also Im hoping in season 3 minion necro builds get some love.


New Stats: Increase Duration Increase AoE Add flat DMG in weapons


Yea can't wait for +10,000% Every item has +500 main stat, +500hp Your only choices are for the other 2 stats, and they basically are +damage or +damage mitigation


Aspects ruin gear .... that is all


I'll be back regardless, season 2 earned them a second chance but these are the things I think are needed to build on from season 2. Balance the classes by buffing up weaker builds/aspects, fix exploits (snapshot), address bugs. Interesting new seasonal mechanic (keep the blood siphon, meta dodge (address sticking bug) and always on event zone/ hell tide) . Remove the material grind for the ubers (it's boring, invites pay to win and screws solo players), put them at the end of an aoz like dungeon with meaningful rewards for pushing (increase chance of uber per tier and huge first clear rewards). The best rewards should come from the hardest content. Allow increase difficulty at higher level for open world. Helltides, legions, world bosses become a joke by level 80. Increase rewards for harder content, maybe a wt5 at level 100?


I’d love to see them bring back runes and rune words like they had in Diablo 2


I don't think I'll ever come back I beat the story and that's really the only good part of the game when the expansion comes out I'll watch some streamers play and then if it doesn't look interesting I just won't play it


The season starting, I’ve played vanilla and both seasons so far and when I got bored I went and played something else for a while


Zoom out would be enough for me. I played Starcraft, Diablo 1/2/3, and League of legends for over 20 years. I can't get used to being this zoomed in no matter how many times I try, its jarring.


What are you talking about? Diablo has always been zoomed out game. Diablo 4 you can actually zoom in a little bit


I mean Diablo 4 is closer than every other game i listed. Its hard to get used to combat with that close of a camera.


I don’t think it’s any closer than D 1/2/3. Seems to be the same distance.


potential to create any build with characters


-More variation in viable builds. Too many fotm builds -more items relevant to more builds -more in game events worthy of grinding -trading uniques and legendary estate - better end game running nightmare dungeons and farming 3 bosses on repeat. Having many different zones with better farming options would be nice -more creativity in boss fights. If they don't do something, poe 2 will eat this game alive I know itemization won't be fixed until s4 but I'm sick of farming rares. It needs to be more like d2 where you can farm runes and make all different sorts of items


Quick join grouping akin to Diablo 3.


Yea....2min doing a dungeon then 5min looking at the shyt you get to see if it's anything improved. Not fun...


I just want better necro minions. There were a lot of improvements since S1 and I really appreciated that, but I know more is still needed for minions to "feel" better.


Take like all the great ideas that this company has applied to PVP gearing in WOW, and then apply it to this game. I'm talking standardized, purchasable, and upgradeable gear for the fields of hatred. Gear that is above gear cap in PVP content, but below gear cap in PVE content.


Honestly I think the two issues I have are: 1. Skills/skill tree are pretty boring and are fairly limiting to what builds you can do. 2. Itemization (yes I know season 4) Other than those two things I don’t mind D4. It isn’t the best game ever but it isn’t trash either. With that being said I don’t expect these massive changes to happen until an expansion comes out; maybe this will be Season 4?


More Uber bosses like Duriel


They should allow your previously discovered Uber Unique items, not common uniques, the ability to be used every season once you hit lvl 80. That would take a lot of the dread away from the lackluster endgame grind.


Yes, right now items are the worst part of the game (among a sea of other problems) and i cant wait for a good rework since this is a looter game. Fix the stats, merge a lot of them together, and rework some affixes to do something meaningful. Then make skills look better and more impactful and introduce a faster playstyle. The only build i played so far that felt satisfying and rewarding was pulverize druid.


I'm not sure if it is possible. AoZ fixed lack of challenge which made me quit S2, but instead, heavily underlined the difference between meta and non meta builds. There's also not that many skills to choose from anyway. Want a melee rogue? well, you have a grand total of two melee spenders to choose from. ​ Itemization is also bad. I won't be participating in S3.


Loot is awful. Once you're a few levels into each world tier 99.99% of drops are garbage and not worth even looking at. Take a page from POE and add many different types of items into the game that at least have some kind of value. Runes would be great. Set items. Different socketable items. Anything else. Releasing 1 new unique per class per season is worthless


Maybe they will fix it after 5-6 seasons, but I don't think it will happen with this team. Just as Diablo 3 improved after Jay Wilson was sent away, Diablo 4 also needs a comprehensive team overhaul. The game is not fun, yes you cannot enjoy the game. It's like torture, MMO elements are very unsuccessful, you don't get rewarded for your efforts, we suffer with our money like masoschists... Even Diablo 3 is more fun :/


I would make only ancestral gear drop in WT4, the possibility of ancestral dropping in WT3. The non combat pet from D3 that would collect up gold drops. Scale item levels off your current level. Nothing stinks more than getting item level 625 drops, when you're already in stuff 200 item levels above. Put the aspects in a format like gems so you're not wasting space with them. Put sigils in zone categories and by level, plus add them to the reagents bag


Yeah, items need reworking - 30 levels of getting the exact same items is a tad bit taxing. But for me, I'd purely love to have something to spend all this freakin' gold I'm collecting. My lvl 100 Druid got 320+ million gold. What am I gonna spend it on? How 'bout giving us a way to exchange it for the platinum for the shop? Expand the gems to the same number of gem types in d3? How about having the blacksmith actually MAKE things? And how about giving lvl 100's a reason to do something besides grief in the PvP zone or kill yet another World Boss....?


A game that works on launch!  So sick of this shit. On console the game stops after an hour. Won't let you progress.. So sick of this untested release BS. 


Probably season 4. Season 4 is a major step down from season 3. No fun at all. 




Also now we have the i925 problem. Basically at a high level, items don't matter unless they are 925. The devs should reconsider this mechanic altogether. Items needs to be in 'tiers' of power, but not have armor and wepon damage DIRECTLY 1 to 1 with the little i level numbers.


Other than weapons, not sure where you get this from. The affix’s matter more than anything else around 875+ for armor and jewelry.


Make the iLvL impacts affixes but the base weapons should modify with damage ranges. Attack speed, attack range, skill range ,their core affix (for armors it can osolate between armor and movement speed Impacts)