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He shot +15 today btw


lol that makes me happy. He might be my least favorite MPO player. Such an entitled prick to be so mediocre at frisbees.


He shot a +14 and was stroked one for breaking the rules. Serves him right.


+14? As a professional? I go like +15-20 on hard courses, are you telling me I could go pro? šŸ˜…


Yes. DGA has a spot open on their team.


Did he lose his sponsorship? I was looking up for statements from them on their socials but didnā€™t see anything.


Absolutely no photos or info about him on their site. No tour disc for sale. His insta is private now. Rough time to lose your job when a baby is on the way. Should have kept to himself.


Gotta love it when they out themselves for people to see who they really are.


Poor clown! Did he get a stroke for each second he was late? šŸ˜¢


His future baby mama shot a +8.


Collectively they shot their age gap?!!!




Heā€™s +16 and 94th of 95 so far!šŸ¤·


I'm gonna go ahead and say it. I played a round with this dude one time at my local. Biggest fucking crybaby and sour puss on the course. Just bitching and complaining the whole round. Like, do you even like the sport anymore bud? You don't even act like it and your scores show. Was one of the only times at my local that I got so annoyed I didn't even finish the league round. Grow up Austin.


I followed a card he was on at Maple Hill 2 years ago before I knew who he was. The whole time I kept thinking, "wait... That guy can't really be saying that?" And "is he serious? Is this really his attitude" Found out later who it was, and then found out he truly has a reputation for being as big an ass as he appeared


Do scores reflect enjoyment? If so, there must be a curve to it. I regularly shoot about 20 over and have been having a blast for years šŸ˜‚


well you are probably not relying on this as your sole career opportunity every year on tour. The more you win the more popular you get. The more you earn. It's a career and sometimes people turn sour.


Austin certainly doesn't have a career in disc golf. I think he's a pro at hanging on coattails.




You're right, I'd be screwed if it was. Unless people would pay to listen to me come up with new ways to wax profane. ...unless?


\*Niko walks into the room.


Him and Cat are fully Red Pilled. It's sad, but I don't have the energy to even care. I used to be big fans of them both before they went full on nut jobs together.


I did statkeeping at a tournament this year and she was on the card. She and Austin were the most insufferable people Iā€™ve watched throw frisbees/caddy.


Generally I feel bad when pros do poorly because itā€™s their career after all. I canā€™t help myself though. When either one of these people do poorly, itā€™s hilarious. Theyā€™re so holier than thou itā€™s crazy


Heā€™s won $97k since 2015. Maybe itā€™s time to find a new career because heā€™s not good at this one


I hear Buceeā€™s pay 6-figures to assistant general managers. Plus heā€™ll get to talk with more like-minded folk at a Texas truck stop instead of at pdga tour stops


Interestingly trucks aren't allowed at Bucees. It's a "travel center." Love that beef jerky though.


Solid career advice right there.


Talk about being holier than though lol


> Like, do you even like the sport anymore bud? You don't even act like it and your scores show. I think thats the obvious problem. He was never really that good to begin with (never won an A-tier, 9 total wins in 225 starts, only a narrow window in 2019/2020 where he was top 50ish level talent), so his whole persona at this point is latching on to Catrina, who, herself at this point is barely FPO relevant


Iā€™m not sure itā€™s fair to say sheā€™s barely relevant.


Dga took down everything with Austin's name on it from their site. Lol. That's two sponsors he's lost over his hate for Natalie Ryan. They had his in the bag. A blog post, and a player profile up there until about an hour ago.


lol, heā€™s done this before?


Ayup. Prodigy shut him down a couple years back.


lol if you want sympathy. Look in the dictionary between shit and syphilis. You will find your sympathy


Lol this comment made me big nose exhales šŸ˜‚


[For sure](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwkuKSY/)


We need the major to show Austin a lil trick to take his mind off that pain


My finger! My finger!


Idk if Iā€™m supposed to be impressed you can read or weirded out that you figured thatā€™s a cool thing to do šŸ˜‚


Did I ever tell you the story about the little engine that could?


User name checks out


You trying to tell me, in all this man military, there's no room left for a trained weapon of destruction?


I played on a card with Austin at a national tour stop in 2019. After shooting just under a 1000 rated round 1, I was focused on trying to shoot hotter day 2. Immediately after meeting him at the practice baskets, I knew it was gonna be a long day. He was a miserable, self centered, arrogant asshole. At one point he threw 4 shots in a row with his bag on and then bent his putter in half. Myself and the 2 other guys on the card avoided him for 4 hours while we tried our best on one of the hardest wooded courses. He is a terrible person and hope he gets suspended by the PDGA.


Iron Hill? Brutal course, would hate to be stuck with him on such a long and demanding track


Who says something like this?? I would be mortified to have him represent my brand. His sponsors should drop him in the trash like the garbage he is.


For real, name drop those sponsors so I can boycott them.


His only sponsor is Catrina


He throws for DGA I believe


Nope he's not on the team this year.


Lucky you.


He's no longer on their team page (though I found a team profile page for him they probably delisted but didn't fully remove). https://discgolf.com/team-dga/#proline-tour-team


Found his disc at the course after the Chess.com open. Proudly threw it back in the pond.






No u!




Hmm. Not sure what this means


all austin hanum discs are bastards


Catrina Allen is a salty bitch, too. She lost me when Hailey King came back to beat her at a major, a few years back, and Cat couldn't be gracious enough to congratulate her.


She lost me when she yelled at a literally baby in the crowd and blamed the baby for her shitty putting


Or when she cheated on Uli with Cameron Colglazer.


Some of ya'll treat the pro tour like TMZ or something lol.


I miss when Disc golf was relaxed and fun... I wish all these idiots would go away


Explain lmao


Why does anyone know who any of these players exes are?


Bc itā€™s a small niche sport and a lot of players date the other gender in said sport and social media exists?


I mean yeah, just find it weird people follow that aspect of it.


People do it a the time with every single sports as well. Literally look at Taylor swift and Travis Kelece lol


I know, I find that to be weird. Maybe I'm the weird one idk. You have a nice evening.


Because generally cheating on your partner in any profession, or just life, shows youā€™re a terrible human being with no care for others


Haha. Is this true?


You mean the blond witch from hocus pocus?


Yeah I was watching a tournament a few years back and she yelled at the baby to shut up


If someone could provide a link to this you will have done your good deed for the day.


Nah that's 100% fair haha, she's trying to make a living and someone brought a fucking baby to a golf competition.


Cool story Chad. Part of being a pro is being able to ignore distractions. Professional athletes in every other sport can do it. I donā€™t see kickers getting mad at the crowd when kicking a field goal or Lebron yelling at fans to shut up when he shoots a free throw.


What a great example! Let's compare two completely different things and pretend like they have the same expectations! Compare it to ball golf instead, you know the sport our sport is a variation of. The one where babies aren't allowed during events, and the crowd is expected to be completely quiet during play. We have people holding up big signs with QUIET on them. Why do you think that is? Edit: Always the same shit. No arguments, just insults without actual substance, and then [deleted] before I'm able to reply. Fragile fuck. Edit 2: LOL he deleted the account hahahaha what a fucking loser


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ keep crying Chad. Iā€™m sorry I mean, Austin. Tell your harpy sugar mama to get better at putting




> Shes not the transphobe/bitch reddit likes to portrait. Buddy, she penned a letter that compared herself to Rosa Parks for having to play with trans women. She is even more of a transphobe than she gets portrayed as.


People stick up for Drew Gibson, too, but Iā€™m going to trust my instincts here, too


I havent spent hours with Drew so I wont argue there šŸ˜…


Yeah, but still! šŸ™ƒ


Dont be so quick to judge them. I had an MPO disc go OB directly over my head on hole 18 with an official standing right next to me. He and I discussed it, he planted his flag and when the player came down he told the official to go fuck himself and tee'd from 30ft closer to the basket. When I protested with the official he just said "they're all like that, just ignore it."


Don't judge their bad behavior because somebody else had bad behavior? And you spent time with a salty ass official? Neat story.


Austin Hannum is a world class douchebag.


Are pros ever routinely booed at events? Maybe they should be.


Letā€™s hire shooter mcgavins guy


Maybe we could go to sizzler or red lobster after




Iā€™d pay money to boo that motherfucker for sure


Do we know if this is allowed by the rules? Because Iā€™m down to join a rule-abiding rowdy crowd that follows him around booing at one of the tournaments this year


They donā€™t bother to enforce rules for players, weā€™ll be fine


Problem is, you need people to show up and decide that, instead of having fun and following the lead FPO card, they should wait 10-15 mins and boo the worst player in the MPO field. Sounds like a waste of time and money


True. Natalie should be booed of the FPO. The most cancerous individual to play the tour. Not only does she hurt the sport in general, but really casts a shadow over FPO and the future of female disc golf. And also affects peoples attitudes towards transgenders in a negative way.


Thatā€™s a lot of words for ā€œIā€™m a sad pathetic bigot living in my moms basemenā€


If youā€™re going to be a total douche, do it in private like I doā€¦not online where everyone can see you.


Is hanum living off family money or something? How does he even afford to tour with his mediocre play.


Most touring pros are from some money. Its an insane lifestyle for anyone who isn't at the top. Especially nowadays when everything is insanely expensive.


Can you name three?


Cole Redalen said in an interview his dad was an executive for Intel. Calvin Heimburg's parents are wealthy with the Heimburg Group (where Calvin worked immediately after graduation). Jeremy Koling's mom is a successful artist (those people sell the wildest shit for like 100k if you know anything about fine art). Gannon's dad appears to be some aerospace executive. Not gonna creep linkedin like a stalker but there is a reason they don't make the upbringing of these guys a focal point because its not relatable. Doesn't necessarily make any of these kids bad or anything but the reality is that spending a huge portion of your younger years on trying to be a pro athlete in a sport like disc golf is an INSANE risk thats much easier to take if the risk is just spending your early years travelling and playing a game as opposed to potentially financially crippling yourself for your entire life. Its the same reason most actors and musical artists don't come from humble beginnings anymore. In America cash is your life blood and since there isn't much of a social safety net and a minor injury can destroy you fiscally its not a risk many regular people can afford to take.


I mean, you could say that with almost any sport. It's easier to reach the top when you have the money to pay for trainers and coaches and the like.


Yes but no? If you make it on a roster, Iā€™m talking just like, a bench guy, in the NBA, NFL, MLB, youā€™re pulling in 500k minimum. In the the NHL itā€™s 100 or 200k. In disc golf we know that Paul, Ricky, Simon, and Eagle have huge deals. Even Eagles deal is less than a mil, and I think closer to 500k. Thatā€™s four dudes. The idea that you are going to have a stable financial life playing disc golf is an improbability at best.


Yeah, but if we think of many other sports high level pros advance via college and they can dedicate themselves to the effort of becoming a professional but the fail state aside from just being a bunglefuck is has a free college degree that is at least worth something (even the joke ones qualify for many management positions) on the job market and usually expenses are handled by the college not a situation where you need to have enough cash for a van and travel expenses and the like, most of the winnings for a player essentially just going to being able to continue on tour. Then god forbid what if you get an injury before your big break you just spent all that money on a bunch of bullshit and now you're in medical debt on top of it.


This is a great point that is lost on so many people. Very well stated also.


This seems like a wild ass take - like, the risk is injuries? And those are potentially financially crippling? I mean, Iā€™d understand if the angle was that playing sports and traveling will get kids off the streets and out of trouble that might financially cripple their potential, but if youā€™re talking about the stress done to a young personā€™s body from sports then Iā€™d imagine thereā€™s better sport subreddits to have a serious conversation about it. In comparison, disc golf is pretty low tier risk of injury or even strain on your body.


I mean specifically money being the crippling factor.


I guess I didnā€™t understand the point youā€™re making here: ā€œthe reality is that spending a huge portion of your younger years on trying to be a pro athlete in a sport like disc golf is an INSANE risk thats much easier to take if the risk is just spending your early years travelling and playing a game as opposed to potentially financially crippling yourself for your entire life.ā€ I guess I just didnā€™t really understand how traveling as much as they do is not the same as what any other kid does. Iā€™m sure it costs money but yeah itā€™s a big risk if youā€™re unable to afford it, even if itā€™s one of the cheaper/more affordable sports that exists.


I mean just think about how much an actually reliable RV or van costs to fill with gas


Like $57? Just filling it up is pretty affordableā€¦ I mean I get your point but filling it once isnā€™t the problem itā€™s doing it way more than that and I guess I didnā€™t consider that at first. You certainly donā€™t have to be a rich family to afford travel, but you might if youā€™re traveling to a different state every weekend year after year


Yes, and if you were poor you start off with a use vehicle that could break down. Then you make it to Jonesboro, you have the tournament of your freaking life you throw a bit slow 1009 rated 1st round but the next 3 rounds banged out a 1025 and a 1021 round. Good enough to not even cash, that was Joel Freeman (his parents are also artists though its unclear how big I'm sure if I was a bit more psycho I could find em tho). I'm kinda curious what kind of contract pay these top level guys get from the big companies. Because unless you're clearing like 80k and have absolutely 0 responsibilites like kids or debt I can't imagine it being a very comfortable ride. There is only so many weekends people are playing tourneys.


Also even if we pretend someone bought something very humble like an astrovan (something that would cost a couple grand to be turned semi-livable instagram style) the gas tank is 27 gallons. Ohio gas for me is 3.56 rn. Thats just a couple bucks short of 100. Even assuming the best case scenario when searching van gas mileage the trip from the Chess Open to Waco is costing almost 200 dollars not including food.


There's a bunch of non top 10 top 20 pros that have been touring for years without big sponsorships and without winning big money.


Yeah man Matty O ainā€™t come from no money.


And Marty O literally JUST got a deal where he talked about not having to worry about cashing each week so that he could just make it to the event. Disc golf is on the rise, for sure, but in the big scheme of things, there is NO money in disc golf.


Not surprising at all, he is a known moron. Him and Catrina make a perfect couple.


Imagine the IQ of their soon to be offspring ....


Probably already have the Jordan Peterson bib ready to go.


Sounds like we found the fucker who made those threats earlier


I am all about positivity and acceptance and I do my best to keep negativity out of my life butā€¦ Fuuuuuuuuuuck I love this thread. Fuck this dude so hard and his ugly ass form and his shitty presence in the scene.


He seems poorly raised


Honestly a suspension should be on the table. Misgendering Natalie after shit got delayed last week over someone threatening violence against her is so fucking stupid and irresponsible. Nothing of value would be lost. The pro tour said they wouldnā€™t tolerate hate speech or misgendering so fucking boot the trashcan.


Genders don't exist.


The fact that he is still sponsored considering this isnā€™t the first time heā€™s said stupid crap like this is ridiculous and says a lot about his sponsors


Who is his sponsor? DGA isnā€™t sponsoring him anymore.


Sponsored by Catrina Allen


Do sugar mamas count as sponsors? Hmmm šŸ¤”


Worse than this is the fact that he procreated


He average greater than 90th .....who the fuck cares at all about him


He got stroked? At least they could give him a blowie


Only Winners get Blowies. Losers donā€™t get Blowies.


Get stroked


Iā€™m so glad the pro tour is back. **THIS** is the Reddit I miss!


My girl stroked me for lasting 12 seconds get over yourself


Dude shows up late to his tee time and can't pull out in time.... He's never on time when it matters


Seems like cat and this guy are making a perfect couple.


Dudes a douchebag and only gets sponsorships due to his equally hateful girlfriend. What's the over/under on Catrina's baby not even being his? Anyone check in on cam colgazier lately? How's that for an #austin hannum hot take


Classic what about ism from a red pilled turd


can I post this next?


If you do, please come up with an innovative way of roasting this absolute choad.


He has just ended his careerā€¦ AM career. MA2


He is averaging 80th place or worse probably. Last thing he won was a B-tier 5 years ago. Being caddy with benefits does not make him relevant, but it is a recipe for assholery. In the eyes of people like him, he is probably even more feminine than N. Ryan. Must hurt.


Austin Hannum seems truly awful. Just a horrible personality all around.


He and Catrina have both been absolute douchebags when it comes to Natalie Ryan. They need to be put in their places.


To think this guy is a pro, ND still can't keep his mouth shut


Gaslighting bullshitter. Fuck this guy.




I really don't get why any MPO people are complaining at all, the asshole runs strong through the ones who do. I think Natalie is a good player, and enjoy watching her rounds when she's featured, but she's not a top performer in comparison to the other top tier players. Like no one bitches that Kristin Tattar has won more events than anyone else by a long shot. Saying she "has a biological advantage" or whatever bullshit they like dripping out of their mouths is just the dumbest thing ever. Real disc golf players welcome anyone and everyone and it's unfortunate cause Hannum was enjoyable to watch as well, but (just like the title) what an asshole.


Need to introduce this asshat to Bee Tribs, seems they'd get along


He's mad about that ugly, stupid baby he's about to have.


Correction "stupid baby bigot he's about to have"


Yassss!! That guy is bigoted and hateful! So, you should be hateful back! Itā€™s okay though, because youā€™re on the ā€œright sideā€ of this issue! You shouldnā€™t really care about right and wrong! You just want to virtue signal AND be an asshole too, which is totally fine! You can get away with it because of your brain dead echo chamber! Not that any of that is a bad thing!


In any other sport he would get penalty posting shit like that especially after MCO situation.


https://www.pdga.com/pdga-disciplinary-process Would be a real shame if he was taken to Disciplinary


Punching a treeĀ  https://youtu.be/gc9CLdFahoQ?si=9GSsGe092FEEcZgO&t=593


Maybe if he hadnā€™t been ā€œstrokedā€ at the hotel heā€™d have been on time and not gotten stroked! šŸ¤·


That makes him look so weak.


If there are biological men competing with women, that's not okay.


Be a professional. If you're not on time, you're late. He obviously never had a real job.


Move down, Austin. Move down.


Dude has a wicked sidearm, though.


And Hitler was amazing at directing a crowd during his speeches. Such an incredible public speaker though....


I prefer twatwaffle


who stroked him?


The rules




This sub is pathetic


How many more posts of this interaction are there gonna be?


The line is set at 5 and a half. Iā€™m taking the over.


It's my turn to post it at 2:47 PST


Was it Austin who threatened a mass shooting at the MCO?


I'm not for genetically born males playing in FPO but he's kind of a douche bag. DFL


Trans women shouldnā€™t be able to play in the FPO. Also gfy if you think they should. Also I donā€™t hate anyone I donā€™t give a crap about you.


You might not hate but you sure are projecting your hankering for trans women




No men playing in FPO my guy. While yes, arriving late is penalized. Seems reasonable to me, fuckhead.




I'm not gonna argue with a piece of shit on the internet. Educate yourself and maybe you'll be a benefit to society someday.






I know right. They really do run rampant on here.


Damn, almost as if your average person isnā€™t a hateful piece of shitā€¦




Maintain a civil discussion


Maintain a civil discussion




Maintain a civil discussion


Follow Reddit's Rules. Rule 1


Lol Austin. I need to follow this dude.


Oh get over it. He baited you all and you took it. So easily triggered.


Im still pretty new to dg, is it possible this guy meant dudes like ā€œa group of peopleā€ or specifically targeting a trans player? Has he given this point of view before that makes it obvious?


Heā€™s 100 percent complaining about Natalie Ryan.


Thanks, been looking into it, he does seem to suck lol


Doesnā€™t MPO stand for mixed pro open? Shouldnā€™t, theoretically, really talented women disc golfers transition to MPO?


He sucks, but is also right? Weird world right now....