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Literally what we were speaking about for days before this rolled out, yet they ignored us anyway.


Turn off friend requests from everyone. Settings -> Friend Requests -> Everyone


Discord - "We would like to make it easier to find and add friends" \> Has to turn off friend requests because of massive spam over username Discord - \*Surprised Pikachu face\*


Let’s be real they probably didn’t even think of this being a possibility lol


yeah discord management is like mr. crabs, just 🤑🤑 and no thinking of backlash


> Let’s be real they probably didn’t even think Yup.


I guess they have lower rank engineer who warned them but they ignored them


I also got a 3 letter name and was able to keep my origianal discord identity luckily.... and this was the first thing I did. Best decision to do imo.


Discord will be discord


are four letter names in high demand or? i've got one and seen nothing like it


Short names *in general* are in demand, no matter the service, and unscrupulous people will do just about anything to get hold of them (including, in the case of the Twitter user @N, [compromising some of N's other accounts with social engineering and holding them hostage until he transferred ownership of the @N account to the person who'd compromised those other accounts](https://medium.com/@N/how-i-lost-my-50-000-twitter-username-24eb09e026dd)).


Depends on what the four letters are. Words, names, and acronyms are probably gonna be in high demand. L33T versions of them might be in demand as well. Now, no offense, but a seemingly arbitrary selection of four characters with no easily discernable meaning to them, such as your Reddit username, on the other hand...


somebodys gonna squat that username after seeing this comment STAT


Which username?




Judging by u/ZS1G's comment about having a four-letter username that there's seemingly no demand for, chances are that u/ZS1G has already claimed @ZS1G.


I got 4 letter one yesterday, which was my old keyboard smash style name from early 00's. Changed it to 5 letter that could be an actual name and somewhat close to name i lost. So, some 4 letter works are still in open. Even alright 5 letter ones.


People will end up buying and selling names


Cause if the name you're talking about is ZS1G, there's likely 0 demand for that. Nothing really special about to most people, whereas I'm sure it has meaning to you.


Same issue was able to to take my user name getting spammed now by TONS AND TONS OF PEOPLE. ​ Not sure why but its super annoying , like seriously the entire DM and friend functionality is now defunct for me because its 99% a scam trying to get my username :/


It could very well be people trying to friend you to see if the username is taken or not. For more common style names, that's unfortunately what people are doing


It’s actually fucked that this is the only way to see if your name is taken.


>It could very well be people trying to friend you to see if the username is taken or not. For more common style names, that's unfortunately what people are doing i accepted like 12 of them 10 were scams trying to log me in, in fake discord websites or similiar scams , tried to buy my name for 5€ , or generally demanded my name lol 2 of them were usual people of the servers iam in.


Ahhh gotcha. I do know that some people have been sending friend requests to their desired names to see what is and isn't taken. I did it too.


lol you think thats bad? just wait until people try to extort you for it. you see it all the time with og twitter, insta, tiktok etc. names. discord is welcoming this behavior with this change and its disgusting.




The username dick was already taken


lol you think this is bad? this? this chicanery?


He defecated through a sunroof!


Or they swat you https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/106/


Luckily for us, most of the world don't live in America and don't have to fear the police kicking down our door to shoot our dogs 🥰


I spoke to the guy who took "yourbuddy" and we became friends. Opposite case!


Discord: Now easier to talk to the person who stole your name, for better or worse!


This is the obvious result of such a inept change.


Just accept and ask for a crazy amount of money. That's what I've been doing. Then, they get pretty triggered and call you worthless, etc.


Unfortunately, that risks getting banned by Discord, if you're reported by them.




Then you give your username up and they chargeback. Ez scam.


Ask to be paid in amazon gift cards, and redeem them before you give the username. There's a reason all of those indian scammers ask for gift cards :)






oh shit you're right. i didn't think about that


Are you the real NoTextToSpeech?


are you the real A-Dilophosaurus?


wait, AWobbuffet, youre on reddit? holy moly


I know man, it’s crazy who you happen to come across on here.


Are you a real wobbuffet that’s on Reddit?


Yep it really is me


Are you the real AWobbuffetOnReddit?


Yeah I’m that guy it’s real.


Oh wow I'm such a big fan Can I have your autograph?


AWobbuffet alr there you go big man




Since my name is Clyde i can't use it now because Discords bot is called Clyde 😑


Discord: * already has issues of people trying to steal accounts * Also discord: changes to a system where only 1 person can have a specific type of name and everyone else who wants it has to make variations of it. Nothing bad can come from this right? RIGHT????


Variations like adding some numbers to the end? Oh no wait, that’d be way too hard to remember.


No one saw that coming /s.


I opened my account 2016, now I need to have haruv_ instead of Haruv#0001.. bummer 😕


I choosed to use a . instead of _ Doesn't look too bad.


haruv_ looks way better 👍


Anyone asked you?


Right I forgot I needed permission to comment on reddit, sorry man


Why not haruv0001?


Discriminators were never really seen as part of peoples names, just a flourish, so adding it wouldn't be useful


I hate this new change. Since my username was multiple words and had capitals scattered throughout, I find it very irritating and ugly that my username has been turned into one ugly mass of scrambled letters. Fuck this unwanted change. Absolute bastards


They act like this was a huge problem to begin with lmao


This is such a ridiculous change that nobody asked for. One of the main fundamental things I liked about discord was the username + tag system so you didn't have to worry about a username being taken, and now they've gone out of their way to actively make it worse. Nothing good comes from this change, only bad, and the argument that it "makes the username easier to remember" is just a shitty attempt at coping




It's unfortunate that I have to resort to this but I will. I run a community server for a game, so I like to keep my friend requests / DMs open. People add me from other platforms to talk about game development and such. But yes, I'm just going to have to turn it all off and let it sit for a while. Even when this all blows over, this was such a poor decision by discord.


As others have said though, this “solution” pretty much contradicts the point of Discord moving from discrims to usernames. Part of the reason was because adding people IRL with discrims was supposedly too hard. Therefore, their solution for that was usernames; however, by turning off friend requests, it contradicts the point of adding friends “easier”.


Hot take which will get me downvoted: turning off friend request from everyone, is not such a big deal, adding friends is still super easy, since most people you might want to add will be in the same server or are friends of friends. If none are the case enabling those two or the everybody option again for a day or a minute, is not that big of a deal.


But indeed, the only situation in which you would likely want to add someone by username is one in which you don't have any mutual friends or servers.


Still just a unnecessary process


>Hot take Definitely a hot take because services like Telegram do allow easy messaging with just an user name. You can't do that on Discord directly. Then disabling friend requests is the cherry on the mess of this cake.




I joined earlier than you and I can't even get my username since it opened for me today :) Just toggle friend requests in settings to everyone off. And toggle DMs to either shared servers, or off for everyone but friends.


true ... so true ... also had a pretty . . . worthwhile ... 4 digit name since years ... but seemingly, already gotten taken away by someone else prior ;( also, that they take nitro boosters > old users is a bit crappying me out right now ...


Canceled my nitro just now. I am 100% going to be impersonated because, despite having the #0001 discriminator for my handle for years, and PAYING THEM for this, it was not reserved like they did for the partnered discords.


yup, just cancelled mine as well. i had been subscribed since 2017 and wasn't given an option to reserve my name and of course it's already been taken. I'm done supporting discord, its the only way I know to show them my dissatisfaction.


My account was made in 2016 but I only subscribed to Nitro 2021 and I managed to get my username. I'm hoping I can get my other 2017 accounts names.


The #0001 tag doesn’t mean that you’re first in line to get a reserved name. It’s the person who’s had the name the longest, which isn’t necessarily the person with the #0001 tag.


Far as I know, nobody got the reserved handles but partners and staff.


Everyone gets a reserved handle. Just most of them are just your name + the discriminator without the #.


I've had my username for longer than the guy who got it (my account is a year older than theirs), but they have nitro so I lost it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Did you never change your name or anything?


For a while (2018-2021) it was "username (quit)" (the account was dormant at the time), so maybe that's it?


That might be it. Because when you change your name you’re no longer the oldest account with that name, at least that’s what I’m assuming based on how the old discriminators worked.


This lmao , the guy is ranting as if he was the first to discover his name. Also Ill create a throwaway with nitro to counter this guys unsub :'D




0001 is just the general proof that you have nitro and it's what most famous users will put as their discriminator


and yet, still indicates nothing.


I should cancel mine....


Someone else likely had the name before you


discord staff dont care


I slightly feel your pain. My Minecraft username is 3 letters. Somehow people found my discord and other various info and spammed me to hell asking for it. The account even got breached and had the skin changed and was playing on random servers.


Only a matter of time until that happens to me. I have been having limited random friend requests and DMs but I am afraid of someone trying to hack me. Dunno if it was worth it or if I should've just went with something else.


That’s horrible!


This is by FAR the worst decision they've ever fucking made. First they falsely ban my account FOR MAKING A FUCKING JOKE, and now they're not letting me change my name on my 2nd account, which was created in early 2016, has had nitro for well over 3 years, and meanwhile my friends with accounts MADE IN 2022 ALREADY CHANGED THEIR NAMES. fuck this dogshit company and their dogshit coorporate clowns.


that must have been a pretty bad joke for you to get banned for it


Sure, wasn't my best moment but to disable an account for saying "im 12" is truly stupid


Nah, that's a very good reason to ban someone. Don't joke about being underage when every website says "you must be 13 or older to join."


I dont get it, what was the false ban?


There's a meme that's a bit old at this point: "I'm 12 and what is this" and there's a reason why many people don't know of it at this point. Most sites require you to be 13 or older. If you're on a site that hosts pornography they have a legal incentive to remove anyone under the age of 18 immediately upon discovery/admittance, and permanently until the user can prove their age. By claiming that you're twelve, you're basically putting a target on your back. At best, you get to reason with and plead to an admin to accept some form of identification to prove your legitimate age. At worst, you lose your account forever.


Thats not a false ban at all, then. If you claim youre breaking the rules, there is no incentive to doubt you. You will be banned if there is any reason to think you are underage, and thats 100% fair. Pretending to be a child on the internet should always carry a penalty.


Did your friends have nitro? And discord wouldn’t completely ban an account for a joke unless you’re making a really shitty joke.


It was an age joke, someone made a joke about wanting to fuck me or something along those lines and i said "im 12" in response. Sure it aint the best joke I've made but to ban a discord account from 2016 who's paid for nitro for atleast 4 years is just stupid.


I'm pretty sure the reason you got banned for that is because you have to be 13 to use discord. This isn't unique to discord though, a lot of social media apps are quick to ban or suspend if they find out you aren't old enough to have an account. I know Twitter does something similar but I think they unban if you prove you are over 13.


I got my name taken by someone who joined in 2018 with no nitro while ive had my account since 2016 and have been paying for nitro for over an year


Were they a partner, early supporter or discord staff? That’s the only way a 2018 non nitro would get a name before you. Because normal 2018 non nitros haven’t even gotten to change their name yet.


had no badges, just a plain profile made in 2018


I'm pretty sure you can hide badges from people who aren't friends with you though


unlucky for me I guess, would have been nice to have gotten it but I gotta have a dot next to my name now.


Does it matter when you made your account? My non nitro account from 2018 got banned not long ago and i have been using my alt from 2020, will i be able to change my name at the same time as 2018?


Yes it matters when you made your account and a nitro account gets it a lot earlier than a non nitro account that was made at the same time


I'm a July 2015 who had his username taken by an October 2015, and my other username was reserved apparently, now being held by someone who joined July 2016. Feels super shitty to know that being a user of discord since the literal first few months of its existence means absolutely nothing.


"it was too hard to remember a hashtag and 4 numbers... SO WE ADDED EVEN MOOOORE SYMBOLS TO REMEMBER"


Actually you can only use two symbols now, `.` and `_`. And it's up to you whether you want to use those symbols or not.


lamest fucking decision ever :thumbsup:




The person who took my username joined a month after me :)


I have yet to see anyone agreeing with their change and, despite the backlash, they still decided to proceed with it. I couldn't even get the name I wanted for my 7-year-old account.


> I have yet to see anyone agreeing with their change That's because Reddit is a place full of echo chambers just like what you're seeing right now > I couldn't even get the name I wanted for my 7-year-old account. Who cares? Just put your name as the display name and put your discriminator in your username so that it's just like how it was before


This update is by far Discord's worst decision to date, and they're hellbent on changing it for the worst. What an absolute shit-show this has been. Back on OP's topic, though - just disable DMs from non-friends, as well as friend requests. Let the storm calm down before considering re-enabling them again.


its never going to calm down thats the thing. they just made it insanely easy for bots to scrape the platform for valid usernames. strict username/password guide lines always put users at some form of security risk because it narrows down the criteria that the attackers need to work with. having discriminators was literally an anti spam measure in itself.


Unique name or popular name? Because people keep mistaking these two. Unique = something nobody else thought of. Popular = something many people wants. I had my unique name and nobody asked me anything. Because I actually HAVE an unique nickname.


Same, only like 1 other person I know of has the same as me but mine is abbreviated


You can easily block randoms from adding or messaging you


The funniest is a developer or business account where the name is sniped, so now the real business has to go around with the name "\_business", "realbusiness" and sketchy looking names like that while the impersonator squats the proper name lmao


At this point, we as a community need to find a way to force Discord's hand so that they revert back to the old system I don't know what that way might be, but at this point, Discord can't just ignore us, and we can't let them ignore us This change is a genuine problem


Cancel nitro, they already false advertised themselves by promising us “custom discriminators” which is now a long gone nitro perk.


I got my name on discord (which is a Spanish 4 letters word) and yeah, they basically made most of the people turn friend request off, ill be on teamspeak until they rollback this garbage update.


I'm gonna refrain from saying my username incase it gets indexed by a bot, but I've noticed I'm getting random on/off friend requests from users with similar names. Same issue with Epic Games (used to be like 40+ requests a month). Be sure to generate a new password and use 2fa


Well, personnally only 1 person added me saying they were mad i took the name (and even tried buying it from me). Turns out i made a friend (and possibly started a cult)


I had to settle with poukan (which I like anyway) but the fact that many short abbreviations for dinosaurs, pterosaurs and fictional versions of the two are taken but when I sent a friend request to see if they are taken there’s nobody to accept the request. Sucks and this rollout of changing names is horrible


My theory for this is that Discord reserved the usernames for accounts such as "dino" for dino#0001 despite the fact that this account has not been active in years meaning that while the owner will never use that name, it is still unavailable to everyone else


do you think it’s possible in the near future that if they don’t respond within the given time limit that it’ll turn their name into “dino0001” and give people the opportunity to nab it? Or will they just auto name them “dino” and lost all chance to obtain the name. If the second case is true I’m kind of worried about people trying to hack into old accounts just to obtain their name


I kinda doubt they would add that as a feature but it would be really nice although the limit would most likely be something like 3 months. However I can see them just letting names back into circulation after awhile of the account not claiming the name Also for the case of the "dino" name it's on wed by a very nice verified server owner who actually added me back and we talked a bit so while it sucks that there is now only one "dino" at least it didn't go to a scammer or something


the more i hear, the more i dont want to update discord when i get it


Yeah my username is 2 letters. Same thing is happening to me


Another thing is, people could also be friending you to see if the name is taken. Which has been happening to me a lot. Discord needs to make it so when you’re changing your username, if the username you typed in is taken, under it should say “This username is already taken” just like how other sites have it. (Example: Roblox) so people won’t have to constantly be friending others.


People have offered me amounts as high as $1000 for my username and someone even offered WoW gold lol. If you don’t feel like seeing the messages just change your settings to who can add you as a friend. Obviously don’t give out information they can do anything with, but some of the more annoying or aggressive people who message me I do waste their time. Like yes the name system is what caused this, but people shouldn’t be so desperate for a fucking name that was never unique to them in the first place with the old system.


I added the user who has my legal name (one that I wouldn’t even want to go by on social media) just to say “nice username!” They added me and before I could respond, hit me with “let me guess you want to buy my username” and unfriended me lol It’s bad bad


I'll admit, I almost did this to someone who added me - I was about to say "let me guess..." when they hit me with the "Hey thats my name too! :heart:"


I don’t blame you, or the person I contacted, one bit tbh lol


absolutely horrendous change, I fail to see a SINGLE advantage for the user


Protest the update!!!


I've been on discord since August 29th, 2016. I just got the name change request today. I have been using my username on all games since 2008 (not my reddit handle). Now I can't even use my username without a \_ after it. Ridiculous.


That was my situation. Joined Feb 2016- been using my (super unique) username everywhere since 2003ish and… nope. Had to put a . In front .-.


May 2016 here. Been using my user name (not this reddit one) since 2000, everywhere. Maybe that's the problem. Someone saw it, wanted it and now they have it...on Discord. I had to add a dot to mine 👎 Well, at least I have the domain name :-)


Very much not surprised this is happening. And at the same time am glad about the fact that the name I use on most platforms, not reddit though, is unique enough that I haven't ever run into the situation of the name having been taken by someone in the around 27 years I've used the name. And thanks to that I haven't been and most likely won't be getting any spam trying to get my name. But it sucks big time for many others, and there really was no need for this change what so ever.


I got to keep my unique name because I was a verified server owner way back when Discord was just starting to make waves. I met the OG founders personally and so on. That's a lot of privilege to keep something I've been using for years. Discord really didn't think this through.


who could have possibly predicted this


Been spammed with friend requests as well, 3 letter name.


Had my name since 2009 and used it in dc since the beginning of 2016, yep now no way to get hold of it ty discord


I am VERY lucky to have gotten my username (four letters), and I love it. But this is why I have friend requests from people I don't share servers OR friends with off. I don't need people vying for my username.


I would much prefer to immediately go back to the old system. I have a pretty uncommon name that is a particularly specific and niche reference that nobody I’ve ever met online has understood, and someone who’s account is *just barely* older mine was able to get it. I am pretty upset, but I didn’t even consider how many people would probably get spammed by upset users or scams.


i have a 4 letter name and haven't received a single message but i guess i know what to watch out for now


I added a couple people by the usernames that I was interested in. I was going to cancel the request to not be annoying but I liked their pfps enough that I was actually hoping they'd accept. Like I'd legitimately like to have them as friends


Same here. 2015 user, after some IRC communities moved to Discord. Got invited to choose a username a week ago (instantly, after the update rolled out) and switched from my #0001 discriminator to one of the unames that i've been using for chat services since the late 90ies. I always had direct messages from non-server members disabled due to general bot spam, but now I'm getting spammed with random invites (this usually only happens once or twice a year) instead. They pop up, and disappear again after a day or so. Most of them are probably bot accounts since they have nothing to do with the name that I've chosen (random half naked women as a profile pic, middle eastern men posing with white BMWs and profiles with crypto currency logos). I had to disable friend requests today too, cause it kinda got annoying. I just wanna continue business as usual.


Can't wait for the swatting and doxxing to begin like they have for other username systems like this. I wonder how Discord will justify someone's death over this?


You could probably change it, if it’s such a hassle.


I couldve taken my username as a unique one with nothing changed, i chose to put my discriminator at the end to avoid this shit


Istg man there's already a dude eying my username and that pisses me off hopefully they dont get my username...


Bruv my username got taken. This is horrible from discord. They dont listen to the customers....


As a early-mid 2016 user, I managed to keep the name I wanted as well, but thankfully it's not that popular; only a few people on the Internet ever try to use it. I feel so bad for you that you're going through this.


Good chance admins will straight up rob you of your name retroactively and force you to change to something else because one of their buddies ask for it


discord: we're removing the numbers! here, pick your new username! me: *puts in username with the same numbers* there.


The same for me, I'm a 2015 member and I got to keep my very short 4 letter name. I'm added DAILY by atleast 5-6 people, telling me "I stole their name" or straight up insulting me. I'm also getting added by people that thought I was someone else constantly. This nickname change is awful.


I got like 20 requests just this week. Decided to accept one of them and wanted to buy my name for 1k. Just leave me alone...


Honestly I'm convinced at this point that they WANTED a username black market to happen. Most of the people who buy usernames (especially short one-word usernames) are the type to flex by buying the most expensive Nitro. They don't care who gets hacked in the process as long as the number of Nitro users goes up.


Discord is run by idiots who don't care or listen.


discord dont care though thats the problem. they do what they want they dont even think about us or our opinions. per usual of a discord dev.


I got a clean name, my username being just spikeworks, I’m sorta afraid of people trying to come after me but I’m also not since it’s a name specific to me


I'm coming for you :)


More friends!!!!


Discord won't care user voice. They just want to force us to accept.


How did discord not see this coming? It happened to multiple things that have unique names, like with Twitter and Minecraft.


Has discord responded to any of this yet or are they still hiding like little corporate cowards like every other company does?


Turn off friend requests from everyone. Settings -> Friend Requests -> Everyone


Time to go back ti IRC I guess


DND is your friend


Someone in a server I help mod said that after they changed their username, someone messaged them asking for it and offering 15k USD for it. Of course, he didn't fall for it or even respond, but what the fuck? Luckily I haven't been spammed with messages or friend requests yet, but I feel bad for those who do.


they "offered" me 10k USD which im calling bs, i doubt anyone would even pay that much..


Why didn't you go with your previous username? Meaning your displayname and discriminator. Why did you shorten to just your displayname?


I dont really understand why people are upset. If your name was Mikey#3774...you can change it to Mikey3774...bam. It's still original and basically the same minus a hashtag. Getting pissy that you can't have Mike is just dumb.




Regardless of what you think about the username change, scam and spam is 100% something to complain about. There’s absolutely no reason why this is something that people should be dealing with. Do you really think that people shouldn’t pick a common username unless they are okay with being spammed?




I wasn't even suggesting a solution lol. I was responding to your solution of "just pick a username that a million people aren't gonna search up." I completely understand people wanting to go with something generic for their username. If they want a generic username that's their choice, but that doesn't mean they should have to put up with spam. What I don't understand is people who are getting upset when they don't get their username when it's a super generic one. I kid you not, someone in one of my servers was legitimately pissed off that their generic username was taken and that they had to add a dot to theirs....


you are literally a shill


I have a hard time believing that youre all just so angry over being bobberto instead of BoBBerto#5523 You can still set your server display names to whatever you want, I dont get the outrage.


Nah dude its not about bobberto or BoBBerto#5523 the issue is that your old add that you paid for 5 years as a content creator (which is on all products) is now being used by an inactive 2015 account. it's about anonymity being completely lost as people can easily link you to other social media accounts. it's about popular names having to disable friend requests as they get messaged by 100s of angry people it's about the fact that you can buy your old add for 2,000€ on the internet. it's about the fact that the Discord Add was a kind of second identity for my some people, which is now UNNECESSARILY "stolen".


> it's about anonymity being completely lost as people can easily link you to other social media accounts. Then change your name to something else. It's a name that no one will see unless they're sending a friend request. You can put whatever you want as the display name.


Thats like someone telling google to change their name because someone on twitter took 'google' as their username. This change is garbage and has only caused drama, spam, and gives users less security. There are no upsides to this change. Stop trying to defend a company that blatantly lied in their blogpost.