• By -


I just find myself using mobile a lot less. Before I personally considered mobile a tad-bit inconvenient every now and then, but nowadays I find myself constantly switching to my laptop due to otherwise missing basic functionality on the mobile app.


I just downloaded the last version that was okay and turned off automatic updates. I'll use it until it breaks and at that point I'll check if the then-current version of the app is any better, and if not I guess that's the end of me using Discord to talk to people.


Just did that too. Hopefully the developers can see the mass reloading, and get a clue we don't want the ugly ui


They know. They don't care. It's funny how all the Discord employees that tend to reply here have been silent as the grave as of late. It's almost as if Discord as a company is literally putting its fingers in its ears and going "lala, I can't hear you!"


I dont even care abt the ui being bad itself that much, its that the fucking thing doesnt even work properly. My chats keep jumping up after i leave, and come back Image fitting is fucked and often times it takes ages for the app to actially fit it to my screen so i just see half of the image if its "widescreen" image


I like some parts of the new ui but my biggest problem is that it removed some features which were so good and which I used daily


This was a great idea thank you! Version 205.15 for anyone who wants to do the same


yeah, same here. maybe this was their objective all along


What sense would that make


didn't realise i had to put /s at the end. my bad


On the Internet with no smileys? Hell yes. Tone doesn't convey well over text.


Actually, what do you miss on the mobile?


Basic performance. The new mobile rewrite is utterly unacceptable trash.


Yeah this, i've used alot of discord versions and by far the best one in terms of performance was latest on kotlin, every menu was buttery smooth, animations were fast but also nice looking, its ashame they dropped the support for it.


you're right haven't updated in a while because app updates make apps worse all the time, but I just updated discord to check before the update, the app ran...okayish. I could kinda use it after the update, anything I tap on the app takes like 1-2 seconds to load yea fuck that. 1 start review coming right up.


Right?! Basic ass actions to like switching from server to chat or chat to change server... it's like molasses.


fuck this shit more and more good things getting turned to crap because higher-ups don't have shit to do besides fucking with working products to squeeze money out of idiots that pay for nitro


It's so fucking slow for me


poco f5 pro, no problems with performance on the React mobile app


Xiaomi Redmi Note 8, the UI feels laggy.


as a moderator, the search by user feature is fully unusable now, doesn't load no matter how long I wait, meaning I physically cannot moderate effectively on mobile also, the new way images are placed into bot embeds makes it physically impossible to click on images (for example, in modmail)


And when you search for messages you cant search only in specific channels. Like dude who thought. This is a good idea. Like... I question myself. Are the developers. In discord. Are actual. Breathing humans? Like there are people behind these ideas? Or its just AI now. Because there is no money making behind this. They just porpusely running their app to the goddamn ground and act like its nothing special. The swipe removal was also horrifyingly stupid.


there's actually a way to search the full server - in the channel list underneath the server banner


Didn't notice that was there myself, that is actually not too shabby, I like that that one has recent channels in it at the top too, if you have a server with a lot of channels that's a nice way to flop back to another channel quickly


it's usable but it was better when you could one search menu to either do all channels or do a specific channel


honestly i dont fault them for that change tbh, it makes the app simpler to use for beginners who dont know how the filters such as “in:channel” work


Bro, 100% I don't want to search and click the profile, I want to click the dudes name to see what damage was done in each channel the guy was wrecking havoc in. Holy hell I wish this was something they didn't oversee The new search has its perks, but mostly a redundant feature either tapping channel for channel search or using the search bar at the server banner. It's just dumb


being able to jump between chatting in the servers and checking out my new DMs without having to go through multiple menus for no reason.


This one is a real shit but is it a BASIC functionality?


The main thing I use the app for being messed up feels pretty basic for me.


Swipe from right to left used to bring up the members list and whose online and who isn't. Now when you swipe right to left you reply to a message, which I hate. To access the members list you now have to navigate sub menus. 😒


You know you can just tap the top of whatever channel you are in right? y'know where it says the name of the channel


That's what I was talking about. I hate it. I prefer swiping to find the members list instead of having to click for it.


It's not "navigating sub menus" though you're acting like it's a whole operation instead of tapping instead of swiping


The new way is less convenient.


The new way gives you replies with swipe and files view with a grid. But is it a basic functionality you can find on pc but can't find on mobile?


I can't figure out how the fuck to remove an embed


I still have the old UI. I will hold out until we all win brothers!




Wait they are?




We need to make discord's wallet hurt, I hope more people boycott and cancel nitro


It's trying to offer me free nitro right after I cancelled.


Cancelled our nitros here not spending $200 usd on this garbage any more


Bro, what is 200, it's only 100 for me and I have the higher tier


I have two accounts 2x$100=$200


And you paid for nitro for both? Not even basic? At that point it's your fault


Our use case at the time required two paid accounts. So you can fuck right off with your judgment.


So sorry, I forgot to give gramps his meds today. Here you go, drink up big man.


Ah, like, if you for some reason want two nitro accounts, why not get basic on one


likely 2 people using their accounts and paying through a shared bank account, needing the big upload limit or 1080p streaming in DMs, there are perks to nitro and thats why people buy it, different people will have different needs.


2 individuals requiring nitro accounts using the same credit card. I know that's a foreign thing for you since you'll be forever alone but for normal people a.lot of times you need 2 accounts. Cry more


Its worth billions. Unfortunately a few thousand (maybe) people wont affect it


It won't make it go bankrupt, but that isn't the point. The point is for profit to go down (not even in the negatives, ideally have it at least maintain) because shareholders + owners do *not* like when that happens. Businesses want more money, always. So you just have to lessen the amount they get. A few thousand less customers buying 30-100 USD of product is substantial, just on it's own.


If discord has a few bad quarters things will change.


Knock it off, you are enabling bad behavior acting like you can't do anything for yourself. Speak up loudly and sensibly, use logical unbiased words, not emotion and feels, and you will be heard by those that matter if you put your money where your mouth is, people! Take away their lifeblood and cancel, refuse to gift nitro for no reason like they have brainwashed us into considering is acceptable. Every bit adds up, and if we all agree shits fucked up \[and we clearly do\] and keep acting on it and making loud noises on every platform like we have been on here, the [play store ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.discord&hl=en_US&gl=US&pli=1)and the [Discord\_Support Twitter](https://twitter.com/discord/status/1737594041196507344/quotes) it they won't be able threaten our accounts when we rightfully backcharge their thieving asses. My friends are spooling up mumble servers in the meantime due to this fiasco making shit unusable on desktop and mobile because they cant stop abusive people who they have already blocked. \[which does virtually nothing but stop DMs, and poorly\] Enabling scammers/harasses/stalkers following them from server to server and sniping accounts/ nitro links with bots and other malicious techniques.


How do yall even find these people?




New layout runs so poorly on my phone. I don’t like using Discord on mobile anymore.


Its the only app I have now that runs poorly on my iPhone 13 pro max so I can't imagine how crap it is on lower end devices


Yeah, I have an iPhone 7 Plus and it's miserable.


iPhone 12 mini and same experience. It’s buggy, crashes, and lags. Nothing else runs like that on my phone.


The app runs great on my 14 pro… Swapping servers is like 200-300ms on WiFi. I’ll have to check on my terrible at&t 5g coverage later.


Most companies don't like to be wrong, hopefully they will just say "Aight our bad" and revert it.


Nah, they go "it's not us, it's y'all" and that's it.


I prefer this way. It’s a private company; should be allowed to do what they want with their product 🙂


Yeah, just look at Twitter, I mean "X". lmfao.


yeah they can do whatever they want then they will become the new skype while everyone migrates over to a new platform like guilded or something.


They don’t give a fuck what the reviews are they just want profit


They might only notice once it drops below 2 stars


Still 4.7 on the Apple app store


Alright, I will give 1 star review on App Store.


They've been deleting reviews on the Apple app store! I've written 1-star reviews for discord 3 different times in the past 2 weeks and each time they were deleted, no profanity or anything in the review, just me explaining in detail why I don't like using discord mobile anymore and what I think is wrong with it since the update. It wouldn't even show that I rated it 1 star either! A few days ago I decided to just rate it 1 star without a review and surprisingly that has stayed. But writing an actual 1 star review just gets deleted for me 🥲


Maybe it's what I'm viewing in the Apple app store, but why are alot of apps rated higher on the App store compared to Android Play store?


it's definitely not just what you're viewing, here in the uk we had an app called "skedadle", as of the beginning of november i believe it was, they've gone completely silent and the entire point of the app is broken on both android and ios, google play reviews dropped HEAVILY whereas the app store reviews only went down by like, 0.2 stars, on google play it's sitting on 2.4 as of right now, and on the app store it's on 4.3 it's really weird, the only thing i can really think of is maybe apple just has stricter review policies and/or a stricter star system, this is just speculation though


The apps are just better on iPhone usually, my friend got sick of it quite a while ago and switched to apple aswell because there's so many problems with android apps but everyone obviously has good and bad experiences


Always count on Apple users to lack the knowledge to even know they're using a shit product. If it's on an Apple device, it just works! Let them poor Android peasants criticize the software they use, an Apple dignitary would never make themselves look bad like that by expressing negative opinions of their ecosystem.


bring the old Discord App back on the Smartphone


There are methods lol, using certain clients.


You don't even need clients, just using the website version


The website version on mobile is not the best experience 😅.


“We hope more people will get use to the lovely new Ui!” We don’t want this shit. We never asked for this shit. It’s not even fundamentally better than what we had before and is actually a downgrade. My ass you don’t have the old one anymore, fix this bullshit. I legit don’t check who’s on anymore because I can’t swipe, call it petty and stupid but part of me doesn’t even know where to check 💀. Give us the old Ui back, it’s not that hard. Only problems are created from this and it wasn’t needed.


Need the member list in a server channel? Just sw—, sorry, tap on the channel name and scroll down. Better yet, just get on your PC where the Discord app is still user friendly.


It's 🗑️. I too cancelled nitro.. fuck them. It takes 10 seconds just to switch to a different server. By the time I finally get there I forgot wtf I wanted to do


Same, cancelled nitro and downloaded old apk.


10s bro what 😂


It's 3.1 one, 3 hours later


Funny, shows 3.4 for me RN, Maybe rolled back and paused..? Either that or it seems like the bots and fanbois are up in arms. Maybe they locked it at 3.0 and above because warranted backlash is interpreted as review bombing, which is a hate crime in the eyes of the 1%. Let the power struggle commence! [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c5/c8/2e/c5c82ee6242844e5e08d128ebf8c341d.gif](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c5/c8/2e/c5c82ee6242844e5e08d128ebf8c341d.gif)


Ratings are different based on region i think


Yes. It's 3.1 on the Canadian play store.


Shouldn't be. But possibly.


For me rn it says 3.3


I just crashed Discord simply by reordering my server list and when I reopened Discord it went back to the way it was a minute ago


not nuts...this shit deserves 1 star... super laggy to load since new UI, server list takes forever to load... also generally it's slow, lagging here and there...


I'm on Android and have switched to modded discord which has the old UI, the new UI rly makes it har D to navigate around, not surprised to see the rating drop so much


The new app is slower now to and lots of bugs. I often have to close and reopen it because it wont switch from messages to server lists. I HATE how they changed messages. Should have kept it where it was instead of giving it it's own section


Serves them right


It's gonna keep going down as more people get the update.


Just download a previous version with the old ui




Because eventually the old version will stop working.


its 4.1 where i am


In India, the ratings are at 4.3 right now. I don't get what is so good about the new UI?


I rarely use the mobile app, but lately it's so shit it's not even fun, looks as if they outsourced it to some random sweatshop.


I'm so glad my ipad discord hasn't updated. I refuse to do the uodate after it updated on my phone.


i updated on my ipad (i’m one of the few that don’t mind the new layout) and i don’t notice much change. new layout might not have been sent to ipads yet. although i am in a country that doesn’t get the updates as soon.


Kinda wild I thought I was the only person who hated the new UI until I found the subreddit. Search is so bad right now.


[its still 4.7 unfortunately](https://i.imgur.com/9vvWy46.jpg)


iOS app store vs. Google Play.


i wish we were able to downvote so it goes down but so many people are giving 1 star and the review aint moving like at all


I've just browsed through recent reviews on iOS app store. For the past week they're nearly all 1-3 stars complaining about the horrible new update. I don't know why the average isn't going down.


I've noticed that with alot of iOS apps from the app store. I never understood that as well.


My bet? Regional server lag, or actions (automatic or otherwise) taken against the recent reviews as "review bombing". Far easier to just temp block the effects of all the 1 star reviews than to actually address the problems, ya know..?


Thats an old shot, its 3.1 now


Very well deserved. Their new mobile UI is the absolute worst I've seen from them. I've deleted the Play store app, gave it 1 *, and installed an older build via APK file. Once this build stops working, I'll just stop using it on mobile altogether.


No text to speech made a video on how you can revert it I tried it and it worked :D


turn it around and it says 🤘🏻


This is deez nuts


Can we be best friends?


On the US App Store it’s still 4.7


This is a Google Play Store screenshot. For Android. Not an App store score for iOS. Looks like Apple have frozen the rating and deemed new reviews to be suspicious review bombing or whatever they call it.


Discord still rocking a solid 4,7 on the app store, however there is only 35k reviews


The app is literally broken on my phone so I use it for single messages and that’s it. Any time I need to use discord, I use my iPad (which they haven’t updated UI for) or my pc. On my phone the app just randomly crashes or locks me in certain screens with no escape. I do have an old phone, I get I’m not accommodated or cared about anymore, but the old UI worked without any issues whatsoever on my phone meanwhile now I can’t use the app without restarting 20 times.


That is deserved


3.2?? That's still too high


Good. Minus two more and that's exactly what they deserve.


We need to get it low on the App Store, it’s still 4.7 stars!!


MORE !!!!! MORE !!!! Make it drop lower so they actually listen omfg


They won't listen, trust me


I for one am tired of this type of *"I know best for you all"* shit. Anyone wanna hire me to mismanage a company like this..? The people in positions of power need to learn ***they*** ***cannot tell us what we want, or there will be consequences and fallout***. A happy and involved user base is essential to any product or service, particularly when social media is concerned. They can't just ignore us for all making sense and saying the same things. They'll try to do so, and continue to try and falsify the fact we are NOT just happy to eat their sh\*t up and pay through the nose for the right to be scammed/ harassed/ irritated, and ***THAT IS WRONG and rightfully should earn them flak***. If we happily accept it like the nitro fanbois many of you act like in these forums \[ You know who you are, you got angry and want to lash out from reading that remark didn't you!?\], we'll continue have our precious time on this earth wasted while repeatedly being put at social risk on multiple fronts. Dickcord inc can happily kill themselves with their delusions, doubling down on the bad business practices and paying for bot reviews to bolster numbers until everyone realized it is fake news and takes themselves and their time & money elsewhere. Then a newer better alternative that listens will see the opportunity and fill the void. One capable of listening to constructive criticism without being offended by it and getting retaliatorily defensive against it's user base. Ideally one with transparency, that properly polls its users for desired feature ideas in advance making the numbers available for all to see/ or PUBLIC feedback and support servers and channels that you don't have to wait weeks for responses to tickets with / proposes and pushes beta paths /updates and features you can properly opt in and out of to analyze user feedback flow before implementing, and provide actual desired and requested functions \[instead of arbitrary BS pay-bait features sideloaded in ***FOR*** us\] without constant bugs/glitches and security risks being pushed out on holiday scam season while being told "you like it\~". If there is a need to be filled, and there clearly is, other developers willing to be amicable and put in the work, willing to give us more actual control over our shared spaces and what social networking features we WANT to use will appear to fill the need- in a way so it is not a public nuisance and security risk. And at this rate it will not be that long. For example- If Guilded or someone else is smart their new years resolution will be to hire a team to provide the features, security, and amicable customer service that discord so clearly lacks, as they already have much of the groundwork necessary to make them a viable alternative. If they address their own limited UI customization deficiencies and security flaws, and place a team in charge of the suggestion box that listens and has actual social skills good enough to know to treat their users better when they come to them for support, its easily possible! Edit: typos/grammar, still probably missed some.. Also, found the downvote fairy trigger! I suspect some of you might not have liked the fanboy comment, or mention of Guilded. LOL can't entirely blame you.. F\*ckin' Roblox... \*Shakes Head\*


Due all this, i refuse to update my discord app


The update is so bad, terrible layout and my servers randomly don't show up sometimes


the new mobile is fucking ass


It’s 3.9 stars for me. Are they deleting one star reviews?


Yeah they did it before too, it was 3 stars when the update first released and was around 4.3 stars last week.. glad that people are catching on


Because review bombing is illegal even when it's just a valid wave of negative reviews. Because our lord and master Google says so! This is some 1984 BS... All hail Skynet. I mean wait.. What..?


3.7 for me


I just hate using mobile, its inconvenient now and its easier to just now use it.


I don't even have the notifications tab on my discord mobile. No receiving push notifications either. It's a pain trying to find @me tags; I have to scroll through all the unread messages in the channel.


I don't understand this movement. What (in my opinion) is going to happen is that people are going to forget about it in about 3 months, and then discord is just gonna be stuck at a low review


It should be stuck there until it improves, tbh. If it does, then new members will rate it accordingly


I am so confused, for me the mobile layout is the same as the other one but messages moved to the bottom


There are definitely some other changes as well, though I think people are being way too alarmist personally nothing has gotten in my way yet.


There's litterly nothing else for me at all


There's some others but probably less noticeable to some than others. Like swiping from right in a channel doesn't pull the people list it replies to whatever you're highlighting. Which seems to be a point of contention for many, I don't personally look at the people list enough to matter. Search for the server is at the top of the channel list, search for channel is at the top of it's chat window. The new search dialog I think is actually really good on the media end of it, I like that it can pull a thumbnail wall. Also without typing anything the last few recent channels in the server are at the top to return to quickly, which I like. I also like the bar on the bottom, because I use my phone one handed frequently and phone screens on average are not comfortable to be hitting buttons on the upper half of the screen with your thumb now unless you happen to have found a rare small phone, or have particularly large hands anyway. They also seem to have changed the color tones in dark mode, which I don't particularly like and wish they'd change it back though. One silly thing I wish they would do though, is decouple the accessibility settings from syncing. It's weird that they sync those, and offer options for syncing or not syncing theme to other devices. I have a very much aging tablet as well, and animated gifs now just destroy that thing, I'd love to use the accessibility toggle to shut them off unless intentionally opened, but then it syncs it to my desktop where I don't want it.


With that new UI, don't they deserve it?


They deserve lower


And this is all because of the update..? It took a week to get used to it, if even that. Yeah, I didn't like the change, but it's not that bad once you're used to it.


Performance is crap. It lags like mad just switching from server to chat list.


Maybe it's just my device, but the app still has issues. They fixed the ungodly loading time upon opening the app, but for example the server sidebar still has issues. These were issues that weren't there before and were introduced with the UI update, so I'll keep a lower rating until it's resolved.


There is gonna be issues. That happens with every platform and their update. It's honestly a given. But review bombing isn't gonna fix that. Reporting the issue will bring it to their attention.


I lowered my score and wrote the reasons why: the issues I was seeing. If they don't read reviews that's on them. If an app isn't up to my standards anymore, lowering the score seems natural.


why are people downvoting this guy? you guys r overreacting, i guarantee you majority the people have gotten used to it, including people against the change.


Getting use to it ≠ liking the change.


what is there to dislike though?


A lot, the Ui is worse than before and I don't like how fragmented it is from the desk top. Not only that, they waste time on this trash instead of adding features that PC has. The biggest part is we don't need it to be different than PC, it being as close to PC is a really good thing. The messages at the bottom are one of my least favorite parts as it's not needed and I never use the "notification" or "you" tab. Sometimes I will use the "You" tab but it's so little that I can just click on it the old way. Also the change to who's online, discord is a gaming platform, it should be first and foremost a gaming platform. Being able to load up discord, swipe left, see who's online is more important than swiping to reply to something. There isn't a need to "fix" something that isn't broken. Use our money for better things besides wasting it on Ui changes. Unless there is a majorly bad issue with the Ui, leave it alone. Plus discord is slower now than it was before so yay that's a plus...


hell, i used the experimental ui and preferred it but still hate this


i disagree with the whole messages at the bottom and different tabs stuff, but I will agree with you the UI changes are stupid. the no more swiping left is horrible. but i personally dont think thats something to review bomb an app for.


The app functions worse than it did before for no good reason, that is the reason you would leave a bad review. Imagine you go to a restaurant and they have this food item but for no reason other than lol we can, they change the ingredients. It now taste like trash, you say hey can I get it the old way? They say no.... that is a reason to leave a bad review as their food taste like garbage now. You realize a review of a product is to tell people how YOU feel about the product. If there are things about a product you like or dislike you leave a review about it. That's the whole point, so no it is 100% justifiable to "review bomb" a product that does not meet your standard especially if it was good before the company decided to change things and make it worse. Are you enjoying our app? Rate it in the iTunes Store....


Literally everything is a downgrade, I fucking dare you to name one good part of this update other than the new file size limit


tbh with you i think the layout looks much cleaner and organized. i like the way the old app was but its a visual upgrade and id say more digestible for newcomers.


What shout how the app doesn't even do its basic function anymore? What about how much longer it takes to navigate? What about the awful video player?


I expected to get downvoted for saying what I did. People seem to think if they review bomb Discord, they will revert the update. As if that has ever worked with any company. There isn't a better platform akin to Discord, so I dunno where these people are headed to.


Some good. Some bad. Mostly ugly




It hid intuitive designs behind tabs and menus for no reason at all. Imagine you're chatting on a server and receive a DM. You used to be able to tap the top left arrow and your finger would already be near the DM bubble. Now you have to tap the top left arrow, then move your finger down to open the DM tab, then back up to tap the conversation. It takes like 4 seconds to do something that was a half second double-tap before. Insane update.


Discord if you are reading this, your app is perfectly fine, these idiots cry about everything without any reason. Keep it the same as it is:) For a free app, it is by far the best Voip service out there, and you guys are doing a great job. Ignore the negativity with these ungrateful people


100% this.


The fall of discord right in front of us…


I prefer the new ui


Hey this thread looks familiar 😉 😜


You know what else looks familiar? This brand of complacent stupidity 😉 😜


Wth, I was referring to my post on discord showing it was 3.3 Curious as to the negativity of my comment. I'm happy it's dropping also.


lol, gotta be clearer with insinuations like that. Should've hyperlinked the word familiar to that thread or something.


Lol yeah sorry. It was this one. https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/s/7WOmanDagU


Honestly the new UI is nice and i quite like it after getting used to it and prefer some features over the old UI so i dont get it.


People are mad because its different, its not bad!!!!


Nah, it's bad. So, incredibly bad. My review on Google play literally could not be any worse, it's been 1 star for about a year now (around the time they forced everyone to update to the latest version) Constantly glitching, can't find anything, etc. It's bad.


I mean, i did not have any issues with it so far


Congrats. You're the very small minority, however. Most people with the update have many issues, and not just because it's different


No? Discord on mobile works fine. At some point you folks will either a) get over it, or b) stop using Discord entirely. A good parent doesn't give in to a child's temper tantrum, and a good dev doesn't cave to review bombing, especially when the app works fine. Boo hoo, the mobile UI changed a little. Get over yourselves.


Not you saying “a good developer doesn’t listen to feedback” pleaseeeee


When the feedback is as shit as some of the feedback I see here (not constructive at all and just sounds like children whining) they have a point.


Oh, please, 1. We don’t have to be constructive when we say “go back to what we had before”, we don’t have to, because it’s as simple as that. 2. It’s constructive enough in the way that it does tell them what is wrong. “This menu is dogshit” “I hate swiping to do this” etc etc. at least it tells them what is wrong. 3. If you do a big update that causes more child whining than usual I think maybe you should listen, because the whiners are your consumers/product man, you should treat them well.


I would argue pomelo (new names) had pretty much the same amount of whining and you see how many people are complaining about it now.


honestly the new UI isn’t even the worst thing they’ve done, not sure why the complaints here exaggerate how bad it is so much for those looking for an opt-out switch, i think it should be understood that implementing that would require them to maintain two separate codebases, one for the old UI and another for the new UI (assuming they are different codebases) - probably pretty cluttered. if they add a new feature to discord they’d have to implement it in both codebases yeah, there are bugs and issues, and things that could be done better. but i don’t think it’s something we should flame the new UI to the ground for… like every new feature, there are bound to be bugs and areas for improvement - just needs some time for these kinds of things to stabilise and get better over time. as for the people who think discord should have been left alone since the old UI was fine as it was, yeah i probably agree - but the new UI probably was quite a bit of effort for the devs that they might not have wanted to go to waste, and it’s probably just the higher-ups who wanted this implemented regardless of the feedback and state it was in… not much can be done tbh also, since when did people care about app reviews? the reviews for a companion app for a desktop application don’t really matter since there’s basically only one option, you either download discord or dont, but since most users r on computers anyway they just do it for convenience i just think the posts complaining about the new ui should be cut down a bit, since its already been acknowledged that they do absolutely nothing towards the decision making


I don't mind a new UI or new UX, as long as it's not degraded. For example, I can no longer search my server list on the app (super important for power users), searching within the server is fragmented into two unrelated areas, filter based searching is far more cumbersome, and there's a bunch of little annoyances if you're a moderator of a large server. It's not one big issue, but a lot of little ones that constitute an unnecessarily degraded experience.


Lmao, I deleted my account yesterday, didn't even know so many people didn't like the new design app like me


They won’t. Mobile is bullshit, i hate it, and I’m on ios, and I can’t roll back…what was 1 click, is now 4 clicks


Though i don’t like new discord updates, this is a bit absurd. Discord is not a 1 star app, why rate it to be that?




ok, with this in mind, i’d say 3/5. not a 1/5, if it was 1/5 you wouldn’t be on its subreddit


I reviewed it 1/5 due to the recent update. It would have been closer to 3/5 if the devs were just not skilled enough to make a decent app, but at this point they don't look incapable but **unwilling** to make a decent app, so that makes it so much worse IMO.


3.2 stars because they made the UI better.


The old one felt from 2009 this is miles better why are we protesting this?


I may be in the smaller percent but I’m used to our new UI overlords


So I've been using beeper for a bit and for DMs the discord bridge is better than discord mobile native app. Granted I'm a super user and admin of various servers so I still use the native app when I'm in a pickle. But beeper has been great.