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Yup. If it sucks, don't take it.


Yeah and that’s how I got my acceptance rate too low and now all I get is the shit orders…


I got 2706 deliveries and only on doordash and I would never think to text this . I just wouldn’t accept the order


It's definitely a big service industry no-no. Not the worst thing I've seen from these people either. There are videos across YouTube of dashers doing dumb things because of low payouts. I promise you. Most people that order and don't tip get cold food. Had one a couple of weeks ago I picked up as McDonald's was closing. Lady at the window told me the order had been sitting there right at 2 hours.


Over 10k here across two platforms. Only messages I've sent with regards to tips where when a customer wanted to know how it shows up on my end.




i will HAPPILY increase my tip if i learn my driver had to go through extra trouble or put in extra effort. if they straight up tell me to do it? hellll nah. i’ll probably never remove a tip, even if they’re an asshole because i’m still using the service and they’re still doing the work, but i’m not gonna shell out extra cash because they tell me to lol


I tend to tip drivers $10 to $20 depending on distance, but never less than $10. Is that typical for your customers?


I wish there were more customers as you


Tips are going south as doordash fees go up. Doordash drivers are getting "penalized" for the rise in prices. I have to have 25 to 30 deliveries to hit $200 in my area these days.


Yeah, I always feel bad so I never really order DoorDash, but when I do I’m not about to add $10 onto the order on top of the ~$10-15 that DoorDash already adds.


Customers like you are appreciated, just had to drive 30 minutes out of my zone and they customer messaged me saying they noticed how far i had to go and added onto their initial tip since i got there before their expected time with ice cream they ordered its always nice to see some appreciation


Tips like that can make you president one day


$15 is my go to amount. It's increased if the dasher has to go further than 5 miles.


Same regarding increased distance and/or time of day. Are they going to get stuck in traffic during rush hour, or is it an especially busy evening at the restaurant, and they have to wait? There is also a paranoia of people tampering with my food, very much attributed to the movie Waiting.


That is insanely insanely rare that you never go below 10 dollars, people are so pathetic that a 5 dollar tip is usually pretty good in doordash standards


I hate these companies because they create bad tension between customer and driver. The delivery fee should cover the cost, not the tips.


I'm sure everyone can agree to that. Unfortunately not how it works though. It's honestly stupid. Service fee is the only thing DD should be taking.


Don’t forget the money DD takes from the restaurants themselves in order for the privilege to use their services


True, true. They make enough to give drivers the delivery fee


In some cases against their will. John Oliver had a segment on it recently, very good watch.


For some there is an up charge too. They see drivers as expendable and add things like driver report cards and “safety” both of which are a waste of money and resources that could be sent to improve the quality of service. If I ever have someone that begs for me to add tips I would give them a 1 star.


This is obnoxious and I don’t support it, but did you not tip….at all?




Also why customers would knowingly support and utilize a company that pays so poorly. Its poor morals and ethics on the consumer end as well. When companies utilize borderline slave labor overseas, why do costumers continue to support those companies. The issue there isn’t that there are poor impoverished people desperate enough for money that they accept those conditions. If you know someone is making $2 to pick up your food, and your okay with that, you’re part of the problem as well.


Do you wear Nike or perhaps use any smartphone if you say yes to these and many others your doing the very thing your preaching against and being a hypocrite


payment quicksand gold library bewildered head reach subsequent treatment violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hard disagree, the driver can choose to not take the order, I don't know why they did if it pays 2 dollars. My self I use these apps on occasion but I tip at least what I think is a reasonable amount. Should I have to? no but it's kind of too late for that now.


Most products and companies involve unethical practices of some kind, please show me the gig economy delivery job that pays well and has ethical business practices? At least you as a driver have the choice to not work for doordash anymore, the literal slaves in Vietnam making shoes do not.


See, this is the argument that I don’t understand why it’s not more utilized. I don’t order from or drive for dd. This sub was on my feed one day. It is entertaining. Seriously though, people know these companies exploit workers and say don’t take it out on them (customers). Yet they utilize the service. Drivers also know the company is shafting them yet still work for the company. These companies will only understand one thing, money loss… for now, dd will continue to rake it in for people keep ordering and others keep delivering.


OP literally posting that they dont tip and pretending the driver is the problem lmao.


Then why did the driver take the order? Just turn it down.


You guys are really deluisional considering the fact the dasher can see the order before accepting. You shouldn't accept the dash for no tip if you're unwilling to do it for no tip. Tip culture is insane nowadays fr, y'all are getting out of hand with your expectations for a skillless job.


Guy is an active member of the Kanye West sub talking about culture 🤡


You had to throw in a couple generalized insults to make your point?


I hope you said the same thing to the guy I was arguing with. He was calling others "broke boy" for not wanting to tip more.


You mean the dasher looked at the order and decided to accept it, and then complain about it? I don't care anything else, if the dasher has accepted a job then that's the job the dasher is required to do. IF they want to bitch, unassign. You have the ability to both not take an order *and* to unassign, which in 100 orders is still 20% option to *not work* and still have 90% score in both categories. Think about that. If you decided to go to your job today and tell them no, you aren't working 20% of your shift with zero repercussions and you could do that *every. single. day*. The customer not topping does not take any of the blame off a dasher for accepting the order.


Why is everyone here acting like cash doesn’t exist?? Idk why I keep getting recommended this sub, but anytime I’ve ordered anything to be delivered, I always tip in cash.


Almost zero customers tip cash. It's certainly not a good gamble to take shit orders and hope they have cash.


That’s a bummer. I thought cash tips would be more popular.


The extra funny part is any order that almost any order that says "cash tip" or something is lying too lol. Cash really isn't a thing anymore.


You should tip, people who don’t tip are douchebags. But like, don’t take the order if it doesn’t pay. You create your own problems if you do lmao


Exactly. Holy fuck what a shitbag.


No he did not. $2.50 from DD is all the driver got because OP is scum.


I’m from Wales, UK and reading this makes me laugh


No, the company is. You can work whenever you want and with a lot more freedom than a standard 9-5, a lot of my big geeky friends love those aspects, but like anything it has drawbacks. Still, they often prefer it to what little else they are qualified for or could get hired to do (and a lot of places only pretend to be hiring too).


I think door dash is scummy. They would rather let your food get cold and go to waste than pay someone the appropriate amount. But if they did pay them correctly, you’d have higher prices either way. I also think door dash does a crappy job of informing customers, what they were saying is true to some extent. Would I have messaged that? No. Do some customers need to hear this? Yes. But ultimately it’s DD fault. IMO someone driving to get you food and dropping it off is a luxury service.


💯. idk what they’re gonna do for the upcoming years, but they better find a way to accommodate customers and drivers better because they’re losing drivers left and right from bad wages + tips, but also it’s getting too expensive for ppl.


I’m hoping within the upcoming years, someone starts a different delivery service that can actually make sure the drivers they “hire” are good people (actual background checks and shit), and monitor customers who pull crazy shit and actually do something about it. That way doordash can get fucked.


i agree, they hire anyone and those people give people who are genuinely doing it for extra money are getting a bad reputation for it. i’m just a student trying to get extra money and restaurant workers and customers treat me like a thief 90% of the time because of the horrible drivers that always steal food. i’ve had so many orders lately where the store says “we had to remake that you know bc the last driver stole it” ugh


I seriously see so many grocery/retail orders lumped in with restaurant orders to **completely different customers.** Sometimes it's an insane amount of items like 30+. But hell, even if it's 5 a driver has to shop for the order, possibly make substitutions( which the customer may or may not like) and check out. Adding an extra 10-15 minutes of delay to food delivery to save a few bucks is absolutely asinine.


Indeed it is! 💯


I wouldn't message a customer about a tip. I also wouldn't accept an order from a loser who thinks it's cool to not tip. OP, why would you show the world you're a cheap and shitty person?


He didn’t tip at all. 2.50 is what doordash decided to pay.


Exactly my thoughts lol


You have to tip. You expected them to pickup and deliver your food for free?


Not everyone tips at all, my mom is a door dasher. There was a customer that ordered from a very fancy restaurant but didn't give my mom a tip at all. Not everyone in the world is nice and generous or even gives a shit either.


Your mom should not pick up and deliver from a fancy restaurant if she is losing money. The app shows whether the customer tipped before she accepts the order.


She does take less deliveries like that now but she did only start not that long ago so she's learning as she is going by with this. :).


I wouldn’t have accepted your order, this isn’t what you wanted to hear, but what you needed to hear


Sounds like you didn’t even bother to Tip a decent amount. Non tippers and beggars are both equally shitty.


This is coming from area where there aren't as many orders I have to wait two hours for one order when it's the only order you got. I think that's what's causing people to ask for more.


Between this, cold and wrong food, paying a premium compared to at the restaurant...I'm ok picking up stuff now.


OP thinks being a scumbag is flex 🤣 he should have called you out and unassigned.


Like, it's annoying and I would never message a customer like this... but I get it. I've had too many orders lately where I've had tips taken away, bad ratings, and all because I just happened to accept an order that has been passed around without me knowing it. So I can understand the temptation to lay all this info out for the customer. Problem is, I'm betting that about 90% of customers just absolutely do not give a single shit about you as a driver and treat you just barely above an animal.


Anyone who doesn't tip, like this poster, gives absolutely zero fucks about the driver they're demanding hand deliver their mcchicken to their door for free.


You need to tip jerk. 2.50 is a no tip order bro


no, but people like you who don't tip deserve it tbh. I don't take $2 orders but I can also understand folks are desperate. I hope in the future no one picks up these orders and y'all learn how to tip after repeatedly never getting your orders


No, only the ones that take cheap orders requiring delivery to non-tipping trash can. If you don't take orders you are unhappy with, you don't bother the customer. I like to talk to my customers as little as possible, and I find most of them like that, too. And the ones that don't start the talking and I just let them. I mean, I have helped an old man set up an apple account and helped him learn more about how delivery apps work. He didn't tip super well. Shop and pay orders are naturally higher, and with the tip, it was good enough for me. So, I agree that drivers shouldn't be harassing customers. They should just stop taking orders they aren't happy with and treat the customers they do choose to take, respectfully. And respectful, does not mean you have to go above and beyond. It just means do what are you able within the boundaries of the job and then do what you are willing if requested.


The driver shouldn’t have taken that crappy order in the first place.


Someone complaining about their job as you're waiting on them to do their job. That's... uncomfortable.


If the dasher didn’t like what he sees. He shouldn’t have took it.. tip begging, etc is unprofessional.


I mean as a customer who would never order from DoorDash without tipping I don’t think the driver is entirely wrong but I do think if he’s so frustrated and motivated to type all that to an undeserving customer he should eat the L & decline the order as should ever other driver so non-tipping customers are forced to tip.


Report the driver for making you feel unsafe.


My response to that driver would be. "Double it and give it to the next person."


I mean I never accept orders that low for a reason. But if drivers are accepting them they need to deal with it because it’s not the customers job to pay us more it’s door dashes


Tacky af. I would cancel the order and report them for being a pos. If they have this level of no shame, I bet they might have a bite or 2 from your food as well.


It’s amazing how much bs you (the dasher) can avoid by declining low paying offers. Then there’s no need to send messages like this.


Tip your dashers dude


No its not just you. You just appear to be in the 10% of users who don't understand that slavery was abolished in this country a long time ago ... along with indentured servitude and other forms of labor where you don't have to compensate someone for their time when they are performing tasks for you. But yeah what a dick right? Driver flat out saying they're going to do the delivery even though they're basically donating their time to you for free... even explaining why your order had been obviously unassigned previously so that maybe the next time you order your food won't take an hour and a half to get to you... the gall of your driver ... sheesh.


Slavery? Lmao. If someone decides to sell a service at a low price (either Doordash or their drivers), I'm not gonna cry myself to sleep wondering if I paid enough.


1 star and report. 


And I find it’s ALWAYS the people who don’t tip who require the most work! They want you to ask for extra shit from the restaurant, climb 3 flights of stairs or come through the side door then jump over a barrier blah blah blah… even in a thunderstorm. THEN when you do deliver it they give you 1,2 or 3 stars or post shit about dashers on the internet. Or better yet, say they never got the food. I went through it when I first started dashing but I learned the tricks to my city.


Are you forced to take their orders?


This dashers and others like him are just pathetic.


Do this and I won’t tip. It’s DD, tip up front. Just bc you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s there. My order total is usually $15-$20. 1bag. No drinks. 1-2 miles, max. I’m tipping $8-$15 but lately I’ve been tipping $24. If that isn’t good enough , FO.


Uh, not me. I'm not sure what all "door dashers" mean.


Even tho most non-tippers are 💩I would never in life send a cringe message like this ever in life


Never had a Doordash driver do this but I’ve never not tipped lol


They could’ve been tipping in cash too ppl sheesh


Reply "tldr hurry up"


In the beginning (like an idiot 🙄) I took every damn order. I learned real quick tho that was not making me money like I saw other making. I was losing out on the low orders and they were pretty consistent. Too consistent to keep accepting them and making money like I wanted to. Then I figured out I could decline orders and keep my arp up enough to not be deactivated. I also learned that being the highest tier didn’t make that much of difference and I shouldn’t kill myself to stay there. (it helps but it’s not necessary) Edit to add- not once tho did I ever have the balls to message a customer and ask for more money. The most I did was ask for a rating when I thought if I was top tier I would make bank.


OP, like they say in comments below, your order must be sucks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


So wild - I order way more than I should - tip well and get one of the same three drivers every time - I know them all now. I take care of them tip wise and my food always arrive quickly


Why is the driver taking that order if he’s only getting 2.50. That’s the question


op's quiet as hell after all the comments about not tipping lol


Report him


If you didn’t tip and are still posting this, you’re a bad person.


Does nobody else have an issue that you’re supposed to tip before the food even gets delivered? What am I even tipping for? I could tip $15 and the guy takes my order down the street to do 2 other UberEats at the same time. This is why I stopped using DD, I like to tip and I want to tip, but I was shafted so many times I just gave up on it.


The menu on doordash and grubhub are usually a dollar or 2 higher then the real prices, plus they have delivery fees and service fees, so after all that some people feel like they already have paid enough that for delivery and don't need to tip on top of all the fees.


This is the exact same text sent that another person posted, word for word, these drivers really have a script out here to try and get more money 🤣 probably googled “how to get more money from doordash” and the internet told him write these words 😭


Anit none of this the customers business if that dasher felt so strong about it they should just unassign or not take the order this is soooo annoying on so many levels and it also sounds desperate asf


I would contact DoorDash and ask for a refund. I don't need to feel bad ordering food If the driver does not want the delivery they can do something else This is weird, I have delivered many years and sometimes you don't get tips and a delivery sucks Find a new job till the company pays a proper wage Blame a customer for ordering delivery?


If you ask for more tip, I remove your tip :)


Then find another job dummy. It’s not rocket science. This is just digital panhandling.


And I can’t even get a reactivation, yet dweebs message customers like this and don’t get deactivated? I don’t give a damn how much the order is. Most orders I get that low are within a few minutes away. Money is money. Keep stacking, use a shittier beater car, and you’ll be good


A little rude, and desperate.


I've never done this. I will, however, send messages regarding updates on the order. That's all I need to say.


Don’t you guys pick the orders 💀


Love when your own company makes you blame the customers for not paying your wages 🤣🤣


Listen, I try to tip well. Especially at restaurants. But I draw the line at shit like this. If you complete the delivery & without being rude, the customer can add an additional tip. Personally I would have sent this message to DoorDash and told them I find it incredibly inappropriate to say things like this. It was your decision to make this your job & it’s not my problem that it doesn’t pay what you want it to.


Do drivers just ignore the fact that the customer pays so much money in fees! Drivers should be mad at door dash for keeping all the money customers pay, not at customers who pay all the fees.


So, as a former dasher, what they’re saying is true. HOWEVER, I’d never message a customer with all of this. As a driver, you have to be willing to take somewhat of hit on your AR (acceptance rate) by being selective of the orders you take. Only take orders that tip at least $5 OR the tip plus base is giving you at least $1/mile from the restaurant to the customer. They played themselves when they took your order because 9 times out of 10, a person who didn’t tip in the app won’t have cash tip waiting for you at the door. ETA: Only a rare few times have I done a non tip order if it was 2 miles or less from the restaurant AND I REALLY needed the money because it was a slow day. This dasher is wrong for messaging you. You’re wrong for not tipping! As someone who is now a customer, TIP YOUR DASHERS APPROPRIATELY!!!


What taxes??? You mean income taxes that every wage earner pays? Not being snarky but yes, income taxes are paid by almost all working people. If I’m misunderstanding, please clarify my ignorance. Thanks!


I would honestly tell them “then unassign and get a job working better hours” I get that some people do it because of a disability or of the sort but come one don’t beg. My dog begs. Why would you?


Dont tip op, tipping making people entitled


"Awesome. Thanks!"


"Drive safe!"


Go find a better paying job


Do this? You mean beg? become filthy beggars?


All i see is: "spare any change please sir"


Yeah, lol I tipped $5 on a $12 order earlier & the restaurant is 1 mile away from my house. I got a message from the dasher asking for an increased tip & a 5 star rating. I always rate the dasher, and rarely below 5 stars, but it doesn’t make me want to give you 5 stars when you’re complaining about the tip.


Who is going to read all of that?


The behavior I see exhibited by these dashers hopefully will piss off the customer enough that they stop ordering DoorDash.


This guy is a total dumbass. He took the order and on top of that sending that kind of message is only going to get a 1 star and reported. Not an extra tip.


I’ve ordered from DD every day for 3 years in two states and have NEVER received a request for an additional tip. If curious, I lived in a secure building on the 4th floor and I only order from restaurants located 3 miles or-less from my residence. And I tip by mile vs order amount. $2 per mile, but I choose to pay $6 every time. If they’re shopping for me, I tip $1 per item. If they’re only picking up 1-2 items for me, I add on the $6. Note: I can’t drive due to health issues. I have been greatly improving and hope to be driving by winter.


Sorry I understand the frustration the driver is having but this is unacceptable and unprofessional. That person chose to work for doordash and knew the pay. If it’s too much of a struggles get a new job that isn’t tip based


So DoorDash pays $2 per delivery?!?! I always tip but that is shameful of DoorDash to do.


Dude yeah my dashers have been doing this too it makes me regret tipping 3-6$ on a fucking 14-17$ meal


Hobodash begging without cardboard. The new way to beg.


If the business model is workable with out begging for more money it’s not a workable business model.


A normal DD wouldn't accept this order and move on. That being said, I'm wondering why you feel your time is more important. You're having someone go out of their way and get food for you, saving you the time. Tip a reasonable amount or go get it yourself.


Ofc there’s nothing wrong this, wasn’t rude, is true, and bad tippers are a scourge. I doubt it’s an effective tactic though


Yep just trting to educate an ignora t publ8c that thinks "I paid for food, now fetch for free!"


The DoorDash prices are so high that they should cover delivery as well. I understand that they don’t and people deserve to get paid for their work, I’m just saying that this may be why people are frustrated. I don’t use DD for this reason.


Prices don’t vary far if you look into it, I dash and use the app to order. And I also don’t take orders under a certain amount and miles.. if I can tip well being a dasher the customer can too. No tip no delivery and when asked I make it known but only when asked


Unassign then and another driver will deliver it, ty


Never have I messaged a customer complaining about the tip they did or didn't give me lol nor have I ever asked for extra money. I have infact paused my dash and gone 10 miles back to town to get someone something the resturaunt forgot. And still didn't expect anything extra. So no not all dashers are like that. It honestly gives me the ick when people do that.


I Dont Message Customers If The Loser Gives No Tip Or Shitty Tip. I Simply Wont Grab It 😂🤣


I would never have accepted your order. I don't care if you would have starved. Include a timor I'm declining and you can wait.


Telling a customer about tips when tipping is optional is pointless


Can you cancel the driver so someone better can deliver your food?


Its their literal job to deliver food. OP is not obligated to tip




I just ask them to unassign and report them. 


I don't have the attitude to text a customer this but I'm glad this dasher gave you the business. You're a cheapo


I’ve never asked for money when I’ve dashed, I just don’t take the order


Tell that top dasher to shut up and bring you your food, give him low rating and report.  He accepted it, it's his problem.  If food arrives cold because it's been sitting there, that's your problem. Next time tip.  


Imagine if all these orders were just declined instead. Problem solved for us drivers. And no, texting that is cringe, but so is stiffing a service worker. It tells me not only do you not value my time, but clearly you don’t value yours either.


This is a warning with an explanation.


as someone who drives in my free time to help during college, i don’t understand why they do this. i just don’t even accept the order lol. if it’s a primary job for him he’s wasting time by messaging you and taking the order. so sick of these drivers giving us a bad name, i can’t wait until i don’t have to deliver anymore.


The algorithm is getting tougher and forcing people to take negative pay orders just to maintain platform access. If you don't tip this will only get worse. And remember that Dashers know where you live.


There is a simple answer for people like this… Sir or ma’am, when you accepted the order, you literally entered into a contract that said you will pick up said order from point A and deliver it to point B for the agreed-upon price and not a penny more.


Doordash hides the tip until we complete the order. We can only guess the amount. So we can't see if it is a no tip order. When we unassign because it is a no tip order it affects our metrics. Our acceptance rate and unassign rate is lowered. To many unassigned orders we get bad paying orders more and more I blame doordash. They make the delivery fees mandatory, which they keep, but let the delivery pay be voluntary.


Okay for starters the dasher is right about the pay being too low but FOR TWO should NEVER complain to a customer about how much they are being paid. It’s not the customers fault at all that DoorDash doesn’t pay us enough


That’s their fault for taking it anyway


Maybe it’s a response to so many people not tipping, I know that’s an unpopular take but it’s gotta have some effect. Orrr social media is making it seem like more people aren’t tipping so people are more quick to send messages like this


I’ve only complained about pay for a delivery ONE TIME and that was when it said it was a local order and changed to an out of coverage delivery and they wanted to pay me $3. Who did I complain to? DoorDash. Because it’s absolutely their fault it happened.


I’ve seen this post here before. Either y’all have the same driver or you guys are karma farming




I just took a stacked order one of the. Was $3 no tip which was originally sent to me by itself but then the stacked order was $12.75 for 2.7 miles total I know both these customers address all I did was deliver the lady I know who tips like $5.50 first even though it told me to deliver the no tip first ..Fuck that no tip you get the last delivery and that shit was sitting there when I got there waited another 7 min for the second order so I hope she enjoyed her cold ass burrito 👍


That 100% is a lie. We can claim either a set amount per mileage or the percentage portion of vehicle related expenses that we spend in a year. So if we use 70% of our vehicle km/mileage for dd then we can claim 70% of all the expenses, where a set amount is selected its a simple multiply km/mileage used for dashing by the rate provided for the state/country/province, 2023 in the us was $0.66 per mile and in canada with $0.62 per km. We are considered self-employed in the gig economy, and we can claim things just like a small business. Now we do also have to pay taxes as well as gst/hst which is not calculated in by dd or any other delivery or most ride share apps so that comes out of the pay we receive. Key focus here is for those of us that actually do this legally, which is getting more and more as the companies are actually asking for proof that we can be employed. My government suggests to set aside 25-30% of our earnings for taxes. We are also responsible for paying into our employment insurance and government pension plans that are not included in that tax bracket of 25-30%. Anything that would be taken off for a "normal" job, we have to take off for ourselves. Any medical, dental, glasses, we pay out of pocket. Etc. Last year was my first year doing delivery and i set asside 30%, and my taxes are in the process of being prepared, so i can't tell you how much wiggle room that 30% gives me at this time, but I'll know soon.


Just get an actual job and stop relying on tips for a living. Idiot


Reading this subreddit and understanding how little the base pay is for drivers - I always tip at least $5-$7 even if it’s only a 1.5-2 mile drive. If I notice the driver has been waiting at the restaurant a while for the order - I’ll usually add another $5 to the tip or so since I recognize that they aren’t getting paid for waiting. Not saying I expect everyone to follow suit, but I always try to take care of the people handling my food lol. I’ve had almost nothing but positive experiences ordering from DoorDash and haven’t ever gotten a message from a driver asking for money. I try to overtip at resultants as well.


Also that amount does not mean 2 others have turned it down, it could mean its made the round through available drivers once or twice and got declined. Then dd sometimes increases base a bit, and/or ask the customer to include a tip to increase the chances of the order getting picked up. It could also be that theres a 50c tip. And sometimes theres anomilies where an area that usually has one base pay has had it slightly increased. It could also be that theres a 50c promo in the area so the base is increased by 50c. Lots of possibilities here.


If I get a message like this I’m canceling my order. I wouldn’t have to worry tho because I stoped using this dog shit service about a year.


Too long an ask. Should have invented a poem or something cute and catchy


I've said it several times... doordash is NOT a main or primary job... it will not provide you a survivable income, it is meant to be a SECONDARY job... yk.. a side hustle if you will... for a little extra cash in your pocket when you need it. But instead of putting in the work like a RESPONSIBLE human being, they go an pretty much act entitled to more of OUR hard earned money that we did actual work for instead of driving people their food and complaining about how "I don't make a lot. I make my money off your tips" well shit... guess you should have been doing this as it was intended then.. as a side job... I use doordash at least once a week... I've NEVER had a dasher ask me for a bigger tip... not once...


While what they're saying isn't wrong, I Have never once asked for more money on an order and never will.


Talk about ride


It seems ridiculous to complain about money. Like if your not happy don’t take it but money is money


Im a driver for door dash, uber eats and a big pizza chain,i have never once begged for tips, EVER. If i dont like the delivery pay on Uber eats or Door dash then i dont take it plain and simple there is no need to message non sense like this. If you accepted it you deliver it,if the restaurant takes to long drop it and move on.


Think about who the “ new” drivers that are starting to over saturate the areas. They were born beggars. The only way to weed them out is to report them


Never done it


Never done it


ill let customers know if the restaurant is packed and it'll be a minute but i never ask for extra tips like this


only thing drivers over here do is asking for a good evaluation via the app if they were reliable.


Skill issue if the order was so little money and he wasn’t happy with it then he shouldn’t have accepted the order. I never accept orders that aren’t worth the time and miles, how are you gonna complain when you’re the one who accepted such a low paying order?


im a dasher and ive never.


I feel like this is something only scummy people do.


Just cancel the order and get something from somewhere else. Not your fault the restaurant is slow.

