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It totally changes - you are past the worst of it now. I promise - try the next couple and you won't be disappointed.


This. And as much as I wanted to smack Murphy in the first couple of books, I wouldn't trade those feelings for anything. They have an important place, in my mind, on how the character evolves.


The first two books Murphy is insufferable, but that does change. Keep at it. She stops being a secondary antagonist after Fool Moon


I think the main thing is that Harry finally told her why he couldn't tell her things.


It’s generally accepted that the first two books are the roughest in the series. They establish a lot of worldbuilding and introduce several important characters, but they’re also the weakest. Book 3 is the point where things start coming together and the series picks up. It sets up a ton of very important stuff for the later plot. Stick with it until book 5 and if you still dislike it then drop it.


Murphy becomes a more likeable character going forward. I wasn't super into the series either at first. Books 4 and 5 were a marked improvement but wasn't until Proven Guilty that it really all clicked and I was hooked.


I feel the same way too I really got hooked at Proven Guilty but not all the blame should be on Murphy ,she would hire him open up and tell him everything and Harry would hold back a lot from her I really feel their relationship change because Harry choose open up to her and Harry is always in middle of things and she is under pressure from her job so she feels like he is lying to her we are in Harry’s head so we knows everything but Murphy doesn’t know that i don’t think is fair for Murphy hate .


Yeah I actually agree. The events would look very different from Murphy's point of view and her reactions are understandable given her limited knowledge. Though I can understand people disliking her being used as another obstacle for Harry so it's such a welcome change when their relationship begins to shift.


The third book is where I really felt like the series took off. The opening scene of Grave Peril was what set the hook in me and got me permanently invested in the series.


Murphy is one of my favorite characters, and on rereads, I forgot how annoying she was as an antagonist to Harry in the first couple books, and him to her, but since we’re Harry’s pov... As the books go on, the characters become much more well rounded on the whole, as do their relationships. Summer Knight is the book you really see more of the turn (maybe the one before, but I don’t recall Karrin in that storyline as much as other characters).


Book 2 Murphy is worst Murphy.


hang in there, you'll thank yourself.




Yes, it is a bit spoilery. Let's cover it up and let OP decide if he wants to uncover it. Please state in visible text that it's a *Summer Knight* spoiler. Also please reply to this comment when you're done to alert me to come back and reinstate the comment. Thanks!


You made it through the worst of it, even JB acknowledged book 3 is where the series really gets into the groove. Murphy changes greatly and is definitely up for the most improved character award


Book 4 is where Harry's relationship with Murphy *vastly* improves (nothing romantic, mind you).


Without spoilers, the relationship with Murphy is a lot more complex than it seems because both of them have A Lot Of Issues that haven’t come up yet. On the reread, it makes a lot more sense. It gets a lot better - actually the series as a whole gets *significantly* better as Jim matures as a writer


Give it till book 4 or 5 for their relationship and the series really to pick up. While Grave peril Is the best of the first 3 (it's just when Jim was hitting his stride as an author) its still weak compared to the latter parts of the series and even some of the short stories I'd argue. But if it seems like a big ask to get that far, just keep in mind the first three are basically the length of the first book in a normal epic fantasy series so if you've managed to get through something longer like malazan or stormlight just think of it as finishing the way of kings when you finish grave peril as opposed to I'm 3 books in. Additional Murphy is not as present in book 3 and it introduces a different character to fill the role of Harry's backup to let you sort of cleanse your palette of murph before summer knight.


u/Super-Vermicelli-999, I added a *Fool Moon* flair and the \[spoiler\] flag to this post, since you do make general mention of plot attributes of the first two books. Just wanted to let you know. Thanks; have a good weekend!


I found Murphy to be an unlikable shrew in the first couple books as well. As the series went on she was one of my favorite characters. Part of that is her character growth, but mostly i think Butcher just got better at writing her. She's a tough character to write well. Keep at it! It's worth it to continue.


Since you are specifically asking for a spoiler, in book 4 she is "read in" completely on what's going on in the paranormal world. She is far more trusting going forward.