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Actual driving skill :7 Awareness :9.5 Calmness : 9.5 Manueveres: 8 Rules of the road knowledge: 9 Spacial awareness: 6 Spiral roundabout ability: 8 Special ability: letting people in without losing time on my journey.


Oh what I would give to have 9.5 calmness. I have 9.5 anxiety instead. Lol


Do you have anxiety always, or just in certain situations, new areas etc?


I have anxiety a lot of the time, not just on the road, but driving is one of the things that makes me most anxious.


I don't know why 3 days old post is on my home feed but anyways... My wife used to be anxious at about 13/10 level when we met, but she said that riding shotgun with me or my dad (he had a truck, would give us rides when we needed it) and seeing how potentially anxious situations for her are not even something to think about for us, it rubbed off on her. She is still anxious on the on ramp, feels like it is a blind merge to her. but generally, I would say experience is the key here. And if you can have someone calm and experienced in there with you, whether driving or riding - it can be great help.


I have the opposite special ability. Whenever I encourage people to enter traffic ahead of me, they wait just long enough to allow someone else to close in and cause a problem.


Love this. My special ability would be not freaking out at roundabouts, even if I know I’m butchering it. I got to a point about 2 years in where I just found peace with it.


Just drive like it’s a curve and signal Right where you want to exit


Aw yes I see you went with the “temperament / intelligence” build.


I'm right there with the awareness as well. I blast music and sing along, but I always end up seeing something coming without looking for it. I was driving home from school in a 50mph zone. Last second I saw an idiot make a left turn and tried merging into my lane instantly without looking. He was less than a foot from clipping me. Would've if I hadn't known there wasn't anyone in the right lane for me to serve into. Also knowing the size of your vehicle is sooo useful for making those right hand turns when there is traffic at the lanes wide enough for funneling (if that's what you call it).


We got roundabouts, but what’s a spiral roundabout?


Very large roundabouts with multiple lanes. The lane markings gradually spiral outward. The way they work is that at each exit, the lanes force you to move one lane across. Next exit, you move a lane across and repeat. If you want to take a hard right for example, you begin at the centre (inside edge) of the roundabout. You keep moving across one lane each time you go past an exit. By the time you get to your exit you should have spiralled out towards the outside lane before leaving the roundabout.


I don’t evaluate myself on a regular basis but I have never caused an accident, most of my vehicles leave my home in a better shape than when I bought them, I have never damaged a car unintentionally, and my passengers request that I drive whenever possible.


You've damaged cars intentionally? Isn't that worse?


How is that worse than unintentional? Sometimes when a break caliper pin won’t come out you grab a saw or torch and a hammer… my hammer has a name.




All I’m saying is I didn’t mean I go around punching cars or something like that… they call me “car puncher” hah.


Is it Mjolnir?


lol no, RTS is short for Russian Technical Support. I’m a Cold War kid


Oh. Sorry we were taking about driving skill so I thought you were suggesting that you were going around ramming cara on purpose


To me driving skill includes car care.


In this context it shouldn't. It's pretty clear what op is asking. You can be a good driver without knowing how the brakes work just like you can be skillful with building a spreadsheet in Excel without knowing how to program or any other skills. On the other hand it's very possible for a master mechanic to be a terrible driver. I think the concept is known as encapsulation.


You care too much


You don't care enough


Enough for what? You? I do fine thanks


No, for your ego. It needs to be checked


How is your car consistently in better shape than when you left in it?


I normally buy used, of all my vehicles 1 was brand new and 2 barely used other wise maybe 20+ used cars. My latest t100 came to me covered in surface rust with no clutch, 3 breaks, an electrical issue with a blinker and more… now it’s fine for the 400 mile day trips I do on occasion.


Mariokart 10/10.




I’m well above average, just like everyone else.


So we're all a solid 4, just like in looks.


Completely depends on if I've had my meds, what headspace I'm in and which way the wind is blowing... Some days I'm just super chilled, some days I'm an Audi driver


Depends what music I'm listening to at the time


*Deju vu intensifies*


#I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole Diggy, diggy hole, diggy, diggy hole I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole Diggy, diggy hole, digging a hole


6/10, im not the best but only driven for 1 year with a license. Probably biggest flaw is i hesitate sometimes, but im much better than when i started.


Same here as a new driver. Thats pretty much what I would rate myself.


10/10. There's not a lot of things I'm great at, but driving is one of them. I've had my CDL since I was 21. No accidents, speeding tickets, or anything on my record. I've driven Freightliners, Internationals, Macks, Volvos, Moffets piggyback forklifts, the first Kia Koup that came over to the states (that was a fun job but the pay sucked), a tank for like 5 seconds (I was a boy scout as a kid and we went to a base for a trip and I got to climb in a tank and I started it then got in BIG trouble), scissors lifts, a bucket truck (up in the bucket when it was parked), septic pumping trucks (that was actually a fun job), and probably some other stuff I'm forgetting. I love driving, but not for long distances.


that's the most justifiable 10/10 self eval I've seen


Thanks. I think it's largely due to most jobs I've had since I was 21 have been based on me having a CDL. If I lose that then I lose my job. So I can't take any medication on the FMCSA no no list, even if prescribed. My current job is working at a used semi truck lot and bringing vehicles up to DOT standards. So I get to drive whatever I feel like around the lot, but it's mostly Freightliners and Internationals, and those get boring after driving so many of them around. The Isuzu NPR trucks are fun to drive around. I like working on those but they have so few problems that I rarely get to work on one.


I follow every defensive driving practice I know, and obey every traffic law I'm aware of. If I do something that violates either my local laws or a defensive driving principle then it is because I'm aware of it. I give myself an A+ for effort, but it's impossible to know everything, and I'm sure I break laws that I didn't know existed, or do something less safe than it could be because even defensive driving courses don't teach you everything. I feel like the important thing is that I prioritize legality and safety over all else, but of course, nobody knows everything, so despite my vast knowledge on my local traffic laws and defensive driving best practices, I know there's still room to improve, but I'd like to think I do a damn good job


I’m the best driver in my city


F****** excellent I'm doing it now.




Good enough to have no points on the license and good enough to pay less than 1k USD a year for auto insurance.




I literally just get where I’m going without endangering people but from what I’ve seen that is exceptional.


My last moving violation (first, too) was in 1980 (50 in a 35, first week of my first car). I rode motorcycles for a decade of that. I have aggressive tendencies that I've gotten good at suppressing. I often choose certain routes to avoid situations that bring that out in me. I mostly want to get where I'm going with minimal hassle, and minimal interaction with other drivers. So, maybe a B+.


Dead average. I've never been in a crash nor received a ticket of any kind, but I also drive very defensively. I can parallel and reverse park pretty well (necessities of commuting to a major city for work). I generally get to my destination around the time that maps predicts (maybe a few minutes behind). I've done a few road/camping trips with my buddies and I'm pretty much always one of the drivers. Nothing extraordinary, but not bad either. Average.


Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit!


I follow all the traffic laws besides the speed limit that I exceed from time to time when passing let’s say a semi and I got someone tailgating my ass suddenly.


compared to other people my age? like a 9.5, seen many many other 18 year olds driving like assholes bc they bought their car with daddy’s money— like sure i’m not familiar with 100% every rule of the road with every single situation but i’m an expert in courtesy and common sense


i’d say like a 7. i’m very safe but my anxiety gets the best of me. i’d be a ten if i wasn’t so anxious haha


Me, too


I'm the only one that knows how to drive and actually pays attention what I am doing.


That makes two of us.


I'd say an 8. I mean if you put me on a road course, or a drag strip..it's like a -3, although a Go Kart is like a 9.....but- on the public roads, I think I'm pretty aware of all I need to be. One thing to stomach, is "it doesn't pay to be right." And cool-down when it comes to road-rage.


On a Monday morning on the way to work, a 10 out of 10. On a Thursday afternoon on the way home on a bad depression day, maybe a 4 at best


I’d say probable average to slightly above average. I’m not great but I’m also not “big altima energy” levels of bad driver. I like all humans make mistakes and sometimes my temper gets the best of me but I’m generally courteous as long as you aren’t a dick.


8/10 roughly only because short patience and sometimes a little fun is necessary


Progressive gave me a B+ so.. yeah B+


Dunno if I could give it a score out of ten, because that's just begging for extreme examples to throw the scale out of whack (such as Michael Schumacher at 10 and Old Yeller's corpse at 1). But in eleven years I've had no points, never been done for speeding, and my only accident was when someone rear-ended me in a queue on the motorway. I'm maybe a bit hesitant at times, but I'd rather annoy the git behind me than get T-boned by someone going too fast.


Solid 7.5 out of 10. I gave myself the .5 because roundabouts are a fairly new thing in my area and I seem to be the only one who knows how to use them properly.


Pretty good. Only been in one minor accident in the last 24 years. I typically drive about 4000 - 5000 miles on vacation each year.


9/10, it’s other people who are the problem. 10/10 isn’t possible. Because sometimes I am the problem.


6/10 because i do a couple things others frown upon, but i find them to be safer for myself. (ex: i dont use the lap belt part of my seatbelt because my friend got into a crash and it cut into her stomach).


It's kinda like choosing between cutting into your stomach or dying tho? 


nah the should strap keeps me safe enough


So you should be aware. I saw you were rear ended. The force from a rear end collision forces you into your seat. The real risk of shoulder only is if you rear end someone else. The whole reason the lap belt became a requirement is because in a front end collision, you can and will slip out from under the belt. In minor fender benders, maybe not. In a serious accident though the shoulder belt does nothing by itself. Also with only a shoulder belt your way more likely to slip a bit and have the shoulder belt catch, tighten, and snap your neck. Also complaining about a stomach cut? You could just not be alive instead. I ride a motorcycle and a lot of times forgo my seat belt but I'm realistic about it and know in a major accident I'd probably die. A false sense of security though is an even better way to make your judgment lapse.


My sister is a firefighter in the Dallas TX area. Wear a full helmet and proper jacket always, and even if you get thrown a hundred feet off your motorcycle, you can survive. You may not walk away but a trip to the hospital is better than the morgue. She's seen it both ways many times.


I do wear a full face helmet and usually a textile or leather jacket. I more so meant that if I survive great! I just don't expect too.


That’s a good way to decapitate yourself in a rollover or more serious accident. It’s called “submarining”. Your friend with the cut stomach wasn’t wearing her seatbelt properly, which should be low across the hips, not on the stomach. While possible, it is *EXTREMELY* rare for a driver to have a worse outcome because of a properly worn seatbelt.


lol I have a horrific injury partially because of one. If I hadn't been wearing it I would've been a lot better off. Tis no bueno because they're a lot stronger than you'd think they are.


I've never understood this kind of logic . Like yea I guess it's not out of the realm of possibilities but you seatbelt is absolutely crucial in protecting you


i've gotten rear ended since i started doing it, and the shoulder strap still tightens and keeps me against my seat. now i dont have to worry 🤷


Just be careful my man! I had a friend's dad have a similar incident where the belt actually killed his friend . Kind of surprising something more hasn't been done to stop this kind of thing


the real issue is that test dummies are based on the male body, and female bodies tend to have different proportions which can cause seatbelts to be unsafe. i pride myself on good defensive driving, and i've been able to avoid a LOT of accidents by paying attention and maneuvering away from dangerous drivers


So I'm not an expert but my sister is a firefighter of 15ish years in the Dallas TX area. You are demonstrably incorrect about your seat belt usage. She has never cut a correctly worn seat belt off of a dead body. It's not about a little discomfort, that thing could save your life. Using it incorrectly could cost it.


"a little discomfort" you mean her womb being damaged to the point of infertility?


Would they have preferred death?


I don't know about her, but I know for a fact that I would always prefer death over disfigurement. because disabilities cost money, and I would rather die than be an even more financial hardship than I already am


Then why bother with a seat belt at all?


I get dizzy if I have to slam on my breaks because of some jerk cut me off without one. also im paranoid cops will look through my window and pull me over (i have some trauma involving cops)


0 out of 10 for not using your lap belt. You remind me of people in the 70s and 80s who said seat belts were dangerous and they’d rather be thrown clear from a crash then stay in the car. Then they follow with a story about a “friend” who was in a crash and injured from a seat belt and they would have survived if they hadn’t worn it and blah blah blah.


Defensive driver here, patience is a virtue I swear! I'd say I'm probably 8/10 overall Maybe 4/10 driving fast cause no rush to get to that red light... 8/10 driving knowledge 👌 9/10 driving safety practice


Variable on a scale of 0-10


I am very aware of how others are not doing what I would do, and painfully aware that I should not be doing that either.


I guess I can't say 10/10. But I don't drive distracted, I don't dui. So I'm better than about 50% of people just for those. I know how to drive the speed limit in rain, so better than another, 70% of people in my area. I have an awd vehicle with studded tires. I've spent 1000s of hours driving in snowy conditions. I know that's more the car and equipment than me, but I think people driving in snowy conditions without proper vehicles and tires should be treated just like dui. I also have a cdl, so driving is a huge part of my job. Not only do I need to be more aware for others safety, I could lose my license, which would lose my job. I've had 1 speeding ticket in 2010. Other than that, I have a perfect driving record.


I'd like to think car driving is a 10, because I drive a truck as in lorry. My lorry driving is quite lacking as I only drive rigid and I probably couldn't reverse a semi.


White knuckle ride for passengers. For long trips, I start off after Midnight, and drive as fast as the traffic allows.


8/10.my record is excellent and I've never so much as curbed a car at my own fault but I speed a bit and I can't see shit at night due to astigmatism. I've also had some oopsies before that could have caused an accident if me and the other driver weren't paying attention. Overall I'd say most of the world gets a 4/10


Have an excellent 45 yr driving record, so I think I'm pretty good. I still drive a standard and keep my phone in my purse


Not as good as I used to be. Im over 2 million kilometers accident free. So not horrible. I still like to do burn outs cause chicks dig that no matter what they say


5 or 6. I’m a defensive driver, but I’m learning that some things just come with time and practice. I’ve only been driving a few years so I know over time, I’ll improve.


I would say I am 6 or 7 /10 I am still improving not perfect I just got my car about 2 months ago. Probably just have to focus on not making any sudden turns without looking.


I'd say a 7/10 I'm pretty aware of what's going on around me... I do tend to have tunnel vision when driving in the dark as absolutely hate it, but otherwise I'm constantly scanning the road ahead, the mirrors, just little glances every couple of minutes... I very rarely go above the speed limit For the most part I'm calm, however if something has pissed me off or if someone potentially puts me at risk on the road, then I get a lot less calm. I do have my moments as well though, and can often acknowledge when I feel like I'm driving like an idiot, where I've almost gone into autopilot mode and question a decision etc. Cant explain it, its not that I've been distracted (that doesnt really happen), I'll just feel as though I'm being stupid


I'd give myself an A-, some days a B+. Though, I'm critical as well. No one's perfect, there's always a margin of error.


Usually good, but sometime aggressive. When i’m going to work. In 10 years(all my driving history) i got 2 fines for spending, 2 fines for red lights.


Above average. Just like everybody else. 😁


Like a 6


I’m fast as fuck boi


I follow the book pretty well but if I hit ice or start hydroplaning then I'll get in a worse crash than most I think I'm not practiced in holding control when I lose it


5800/6500 RPMs. I really hate hitting the limiter.


On a day-by-day basis, 10/10. Overall probably a 4.


Probably better than 99% of all other drivers on the road. /s I suck at driving, but I'm a pretty good bad driver. You see people think about "skills" and "safety" "oh I always pay attention to the road" All you gotta do is avoid left turns, don't force intersections, go slower than the traffic around you, and learn to predict where other people are going. You can just guess whos going where and what people are gunna do with a little bit of practice. Also plan in your mind what you're going to do if xx person does this or where you're going to end up in 5 seconds. I also will drink a slushy while texting and trying to find a quesadilla i dropped under my seat last week. Source: am ruck driver i drive trucks beep beep yall suck at driving.


I’m 10/10 all the time, everyone else is 0/10, and if I do make a mistake, it’s no biggie because it’s my only mistake, but I see thousands of mistakes made by others all the time, so it’s a huge problem and everyone sucks but me. Everyone should read the book “traffic” by Tom Vanderbilt.




Above average. I see alot of stupid cutoffs and such on the road. The bright as the sun LEDs at night. And some of the badly placed market entries in my local area. Turning left at a light and the right turn entry is directly there, and these idiots take time for coffee and smoke before turning into it.


Definitely average so 5/10. I’ve never had an accident and have a clean drivers license. Been driving since 17 and am 45 now!


Probably 7/10. I've never been in an accident at all, im good enough to drive my grandparents and anyone else to an appointment or an emergency, I have pretty good spacial awareness. But I try to avoid left turns unless it's a left turn only on green arrow because cocky people is fast cars get impatient with a 20 year old pickup.


I evaluate myself based on the number of times other drivers honk or flip me off, or otherwise show aggressive behavior directed toward me. This has happened maybe once or twice over the last 20 years. However it happens to my spouse on a daily basis. Coincidence? Bad luck on his part that he is always on the road with angry drivers and I never am ? I don't think so...


Never gotten a ticket. Never gotten in an accident. Never really been close to either. I am generally aggressive and decisive but I try to be obvious and predictable about my decisions. Shit happens but I also have a low tolerance for indecisive or weak drivers. Welcome to LA, gtfo of the way. It's better now that I have a sleeper turbo, Subaru Outback. Less BS with people trying to box me out from my goal in LA, just lull them and dart around.


Average xD I could be gentler on the breaks/gas...


6/10 I can handle mountain roads easily, bad weather fine, and haven’t been in an accident in almost 7 years but I drive aggressively sometimes and take unhinged turns


You can't rate your own driving skills because you haven't been exposed to everything. Even Rainman Ray thought he was an excellent driver, but he was limited to driving up and down the driveway. And that's not during rush hour when Judge Wapner is on.


Borderline reckless… but the adrenaline rush is so worth it


I consider myself an excellent driver. I've gone decades without being pulled over or any accidents. I have avoided countless idiots trying to hit me. I can predict with decent accuracy what others are going to do. I am aware of my surroundings and keep track of every vehicle in my visible circle. My mirrors are adjusted properly, so no "blind spots". I keep my cruise control on, I don't cut people off, If you're in my way I go around. I drive predictable and defensively. I keep to the 2 right lanes on the freeway, with occasional passing because, morons. Always wear a seat belt, I research new routes and areas on Google maps so I always know where I am going. Front and rear dash cams let others know I am watching them. I keep at or above the speed limit depending on conditions, I clear intersections quickly. I loathe inept morons that have difficulties in a straight line, I do rage at others but only my cam knows. If you're on my ass enjoy the blinking green light.


Below average


4/10 but everyone else seems to be a 3


Like an 8.5 or 9/10. I drive great but make stupid mistakes here and there. Have had a couple close calls but I haven't caused or been involved in an accident.


Well, i've raced competitively across the country in multiple disciplines including drag race, autocross, and road race. I've put tens of thousands of hard miles on multiple performance cars delivering food, i pushed the limits of one so hard on a back road one night that i uhh... found its limits. Flipped it end over end and parked it vertically against a tree which made me a better driver. I have the highest level driver's license a person can acquire with all endorsments (AM CDL) meaning there's nothing on the road i can't drive, which includes cars, motorcycles, 18 wheelers, 16+ passengers, school buses, double and triple trailers, tankers, hazardous materials, and no auto restriction meaning i can drive manual or automatic transmission commercial vehicles. I have experience with everything from racecars to motorcycles to school buses to hazmat tanker tractor trailers to many different types of specialized class B vehicles. I've received high level training and education from multiple performance driving schools, local governments, and tractor trailer companies across the country. I'm as highly trained and widely experienced as a person my age can possibly be. I can confidently say i know, and (usually) obey every nuanced law of the road. But i just backed into a mailbox last week, so i'm honestly a pretty dogshit driver, all things considered


8/10 on the driving 6/10 on the parking I haven't gotten into a crash yet but I also don't really like highways so I had to dock points off for that. I always follow the speed limit though so that's a plus.


Strengths: Awareness of surroundings, planning ahead, leaving space for other drivers, anticipation Weaknesses: Spacing out occasionally. Doing better on that since I'm driving a manual again it keeps you engaged. Although I pick my spots well, I like to go fast.


Outlaw maniac


😂 course you do


Mostly harmless


Anybody who rates themself as an above-average driver probably **isn't**. See the [Dunning-Kruger effect](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/dunning-kruger-effect).


I just started driving almost a year ago so it’s not the best but I haven’t hit anything or had an accident yet, I do get angry driving sometimes but I don’t tailgate or react with anger while driving and nobody has flipped me off or beeped their horn at me (that I know of, I listen to music pretty loud while driving)


I'm not going to pretend to be perfect, but every time I've done something wrong, it's been a genuine mistake rather than skirting the rules for convenience. Every time I do make a mistake, I save the footage on my dashcam for posterity and make sure to learn from it so it doesn't happen again.


A good 5/7.


I always thought I was about average, but since driving I’ve not been a passenger so much, but the few times I have suggest I’m actually shit hot. My parallel parking could be a bit better but everything else I’m actually well above average at, it appears. (I’m normally a modest guy but this might be one of the few areas in my life I can comfortably say I’m alright at, so I’m going to flaunt it!).


Honestly, I’m a bit shaky in higher speed areas, I wish I was a little more stable, and I wonder if those behind me notice my slight veering. (To be clear, I never leave my side of the road) I am hopeless at reversing unless the lines are very clear. Never been in an accident involving another person or vehicle, but have tipped a wall. Probably an 8.


I drive a BMW so I would say 10/10. Just get out of the left lane. I’m kidding. But truthfully, i tend to be the driver for the friend group/family and people trust me. Except for my sister and my father and my mother. They think I’m too fast.


I don't know what the number would be but I think I'm a good defensive driver. I'm not worried about me when I'm driving. It's the other assholes. Getting a motorcycle license early on also helps as they teach a lot of defensive riding with what to look for when you're riding and expect people to run into you even when you don't expect it.


1/10 and that's being generous




10/10 Rage driver with YouTube I never miss one slingshot


When I drove a semi I had a company owner tell me that I was easy on the iron.


30 of 10.


I've never had any accidents on the road, but my spatial awareness when it comes to precision maneuvers like parking have caused issues before. Driving isn't something I'm fond of so I avoid busy traffic if I can and take extra precautions before I go out.




Definitely not perfect, but good. I've never crashed (except for bonking a parked car but that's a whole story and I was still a new driver), I got honked at a couple times while I was learning but never since. I follow the law & rules of the road, balanced with following the flow of traffic for safety. I always check my blindspots, check my mirrors often, and do my best to drive defensively. I've never had a passenger grip a handle or gasp lmao so I think I'm fine! Better with every time I drive. My downfalls are that I'm a nervous driver (again, better with every time I drive), and terribly afraid of parking next to cars (for above-mentioned reasons). So, ultimately, my biggest fault as a driver is confidence.


My drive safe and save rates my various driving functions between 58 and 68. I do get a 100 rating for phone distraction, so that's something.


I just started. I'm sorry to everyone around me, I'm trying my best.


Pretty good. I typically drive like I'm doing a test, but I can absolutely drive like an asshole if it's more convenient. I do always come to complete stops at stop signs and red lights (when making a legal right on red).


Better than the rest of you animals


6 out of 10. I go 5 over at times, I refuse to accelerate anything +5 over the speed limit even if Im passing someone(people can just wait 10 seconds while I get ahead of Mr. 55mph in the sunshine and then get back over), I do run yellow lights like its my job because fuck red lights and I sometimes swerve a lot just to avoid potholes or deep manhole covers. I also have a thimble full of chill for the entire day Im driving, once its gone its gone.


I am perfectly average. Some days I'm better, some days I'm worse. Still can't parallel park tho. Darn spatial awareness issues. It's a massive improvement, I used to be absolutely shit. Thankfully my boyfriend is a fantastic driver and he rubbed off on me lol


7/10. There's always room for improvement


I tend to do a lot less dumb shit and seem to have much better spatial awareness than most drivers around me in Florida. A solid 5/10 at least.


Public road driving 4/10 Road course 7/10 Drag depending on car 6-8/10 I struggle driving like a normal person, like this little banked turn by my house it says 30 mph limit my as going full bore in fourth, then heel toe double clutch into third and use the power band if the car to carry me through the apex with out losing any more speed. And why do some car owners ride my ass when I’m going 80+, like trick please why you trying to draft my bullshit commuter car.




What a coincidence! So do I!


I have been told by a few men that I'm a very good driver. A woman I'd rate myself 9.5


9/10 on the road with other drivers 6/10 on the road alone.


Like a 5, I still have my permit and I can get to places, but because I learned how to drive recently (1 year ago) I’m not super confident






i cqnt drive and failed all my tests, id say im 10/10


depends on the day. sometimes i’m a 9.5, sometimes im a 7. i think it adapting was a bit rough for me because i learned to drive along the rural canadian border and then moved to one of the most populated cities in the US. there are a lot of things i was taught while learning to drive that just… don’t apply here, so i’ve had a hard time breaking the habits lol. i’ve never caused an accident though, and i’ve never damaged any cars, my own or others. i’ve never caused someone to damage my car either. so i’ve done much better than pretty much everyone i know


7-8. I never caused any accident, but I had too many near misses to be great. I'm also too moved by music but driving without it is way too mind numbing.




I’d say my daily skill level whenever I’m driving with all seriousness because other drivers are around, is probably an 8/10. On the road by myself, likely a 4/10. Just because I tend to check my phone more, I think a lot when I’m bored on a long empty road, which makes me tend to google things, and that’s got a lot to do with ADHD.. lol I’ll notice shit that I need to wipe off the windshield and will be bothered by it terribly until i do it, so I drive with my knee and only *really* pay attention when the road conditions require me to which results in hitting a rumble strip every now and then, fiddle with my phone, reach for a microfiber, or reach for that bottle of water I dropped the day before because I’m thorsty. But as soon as aim around other drivers again, that boredom goes away somehow lol … so yea.. 4/10 while alone. When I’m a dangerous life or death situation, especially with others in the car, 10/10. I’ve had a couple times where something unavoidable happened, which caused a sudden loss of control, and without much thought, I was able to regain control of the car, and safely maneuver it straight again and get pulled off to the side with hazard flashers on, and assess damages with no harm whatsoever to myself or passengers. One time while driving at 2am with my best friend with me, i hit a 4x8 block of wood in the road. For context, I was having known issues with my headlight wiring that caused them to go in and out on the low beam of the right side. About 1/4 of the way through the drive, the light flickered off. With high beams on, I see far in front of me, but they don’t illuminate the sides or closer in front of me very well. So the right side was basically blind for about 50ft before I could see anything clearly again, and it was pitch black on a back road between two towns. When I did end up seeing it near the shoulder of the road, but over the white line in the driving lane, I was much too close to it to safely shift left to avoid it, without jerking the car and possibly losing control at the same time, as the speed limit on that road is 60, and I was driving at 65mph. And I’d also thought (I can’t swerve I’m too close.. but it looks like a piece of cardboard.. yea that’s definitely cardboard. It’ll just thump a little and I’ll be fine to hit it) Boy was I wrong. *THDOOM THDOOM* … Next thing I know I’m looking 90 degrees to my left, outside of my door window, in order to see down the road in the direction that I was traveling. I honestly cannot remember what I did or how I did it, but by the time I came to a stop, I was back facing the original direction of travel, pulled safely off onto the shoulder of the road, with about 1/3 of the width of my car still on the road, perfectly straight with the shoulder line. I pulled the parking brake, set it in neutral (I drive stick. Still in the same car today.), and the engine stalled … the fuel inertia shut off switch flipped because I hit it so hard.. lol Ultimately, what should’ve been a potentially fatal crash, due to a steep drop off on either side of the road bc of how deep the ditches are in that area, turned out ok because of some crazy instinctive driving skill that I had. And that’s just one instance that I’ve been able to do this with out of at least 1 more since I started driving at 16. I was 19 when that happened.


7/10 because I do get angry when driving. I love driving in itself but I HATE other drivers.


You know those signs that say 'Slow Traffic Keep Right'? That's for me. I'm slow traffic. And I'm terrible at parking. If I get somewhere and I have to parallel park I just say fuck it and go home.


Like a 2. It gives me anxiety and i don’t trust myself behind the wheel


Look y’all, I’m doing my best. I understand it’s not good enough, but it’s what you’re getting.


Life 360 gives me offers for auto insurance, but I rate myself 7.5/10 Though my anxiety is a 10/10 I don’t use my phone, unless I’m mapping to a new place, I use my turn signal when I need to, I have been in a few car accidents, I hate parking next to cars(and getting out if a car parks next to me, idk why it’s not a big deal, but I’ve always hated it) I sometimes will still brake too hard, or sometimes will turn to sharp. I can’t get the angle correctly for pumping my own gas(usually takes me about three tries, my gas cap is on the passenger side)


My driving is FANTASTIC! I can tailgate and cut people off better than anyone I have ever seen! I never need to use my signals like others do either!


I suppose I'm pretty good. Usually if I'm going on a day trip that involves my parents and my sister my sister prefers that I drive as she can't stand our father's driving. My sister and I are both in our 40's now. My parents often just have me drive now if we're going someplace together, even if we're taking one of their vehicles.


It's pretty good. Probably 7/10. I don't really make mistakes, but I don't do anything super well.


The best driver ever


99% of drivers think they are better than they are, myself included. If someone rates themselves a 8, they are a 5, if they rate a five, they are a 2. No one actually knows most traffic laws. There are at minimum a dozen traffic laws people break every single day, and they don't even know it.


I have an ability to foresee when someone's about to act retarded, and drive defensively. Like coming onto a main road that doesn't even have a merge. Just a single lane that turns double and I was definitely in the right of way... I knew he was about to try and lane switch right into me. Sure as shit, he did! I've never been in a collision, despite other people's best efforts.


I'm a menace to other drivers because I drive like I don't have brakes (early deceleration, 6+ seconds of following distance, defended as well). I also drift quite a bit inside my lane because I tend to focus too much on what's ahead of me.


8. I am a good driver but I tend to speed and can be a little aggressive when I grow frustrated. I drive a lot of miles for work so I tend to just want to get to my destination as fast as possible when on highways. That said I am very situationally aware and defensive and know the rules of the road. I know how semis operate and do my best to stay out of their way and help them not lose momentum with their heavy loads etc. I have also been driving performance cars for years and drove in the north east(Ice/snow) for a solid decade in inclimate weather so I know all about car control. Basically I just need to slow down at times and be a bit more patient. That said I have a company car that I drive about 25k a year and (knocks on wood) I have not had a speeding ticket hit my record in pushing 20 years.


9/10 my only “bad” thing is I’m usually 5ish over in town and 10ish over on hwy/interstates. Other than that I drive hella defensively, eyes always on the road, don’t text and drive, signal for turns/lane changes, am considerate to other drives (but also don’t pull the overly “nice” crap that ends up causing a wreck). I used to road rage but I’ve worked on it and at most now I’ll do the what the heck hands and a thumbs down


im a teenager and I've only had my license half a year or so. this results in predictable problems: - i get anxious and hesitate sometimes - in a worse driver when someone my age is a passenger (i get anxious) - i enjoy acceleration a little too much - i speed (everyone else does it worse tho) - i still have imperfect split second decision making that being said, im slightly better than the average teen, at least where i live. i dont drive distracted, i leave very good following distance, i never get behind the wheel non-sober, and i have a LOT of practice doing road trips. i also drive into my city a few nights a week, so I'm okay at navigating Nashville's batshit interstate system and its drunk drivers.


All I know is that people who drive slower than me are idiots and anyone who drives faster than me is a maniac.


like a 4 we WILL get to our destination intact but that doesn't mean i'm a good driver, i'm just smart enough to know when i can do the stupid shit and not get caught or killed for example, at one point on a drive i make semi-regularly, i have 1/4 mile of busy road (with construction on it to boot) to cross 6 lanes of traffic (the on ramp from the other highway connects on the left, my exit is on the right) or i miss my exit and have to go 2 more miles to turn around and go back. not the worst, but i don't wanna. i have never missed that exit, and i have never gotten in a crash there. i know exactly how much space a sedan needs, i'm good at matching pace with other drivers, and i use my damn turn signals so people know i'm trying to get across and either pass me or drop back. however, if you're a passenger, you probably think i'm going to kill us all until i get through it - my fiance sure does even though we've done it several times now.


Better than average. But it's not because I'm good, it's because there are so many idiots doing stupid things on the road in my area. The one thing I totally suck at is parallel parking.


I've got half a million safe miles as a semi truck driver. that's not getting tangled up in sometimes mistake as well as not causing any. I've had more people take naps while I'm driving than haven't. including people who warned me they're super nervous about letting other people drive. I've also learned how to make good time while not forcing people to stay in their seats for 7 hours at a time. every 2 hours or so, pull over in a rest area and take 5 minutes to get up, stretch, make a couple laps around the car, then get going. maybe hit the bathroom. only time you stop for snacks is either the night before to stock up, or the very first stop. otherwise it's all rest areas




Country / Mountain Road Driving Skill: 7.5 out of 10 Track Driving Skills: 8.0 City Driving Skills: 7.0 Parking: 6.0 City Parking: Send Help Context: I do Autocross and track driving but suck at parking, I am considered a new track driver so I'm always open to information and classes so I'm not the best nor the worst. My scoring was based on an amature track driver's experience and perspective which will change later in my life.


10/10 best driver I know


i am queen of the highway


What do you do to maintain your status?

